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Psicol. ciênc. prof ; 43: e249674, 2023. tab
مقالة ي البرتغالية | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1422407


Este artigo teve como objetivo compreender, a partir de uma análise fenomenológica, o impacto do racismo sobre vivências de mulheres negras. Foram analisados relatos escritos por mulheres que se autodeclaravam negras encontrados em sites e blogs da internet. Esta pesquisa qualitativa fenomenológica foi inspirada na proposta filosófica de Edmund Husserl, consistindo na elaboração de uma narrativa síntese que resumiu os elementos essenciais das vivências dessas mulheres. Os resultados possibilitaram compreender que as experiências de racismo vivenciadas por mulheres negras têm início na infância e as acompanham ao longo de toda a vida, causando impactos sobre sua saúde mental. A insatisfação em relação ao cabelo natural e a cor da pele surgem como sinais concretos de recusa da identidade negra; enquanto o processo de tomada de consciência, reconhecimento e aceitação da negritude impulsionam a autoaceitação e a construção de uma nova identidade como mulher negra. A troca de experiências com outras pessoas negras sobre racismo favoreceu o reconhecimento da negritude. Conclui-se que o suporte emocional de pessoas que vivenciam o mesmo tipo de sofrimento social pode ser de grande relevância no processo de superação, assim como os processos de intervenção psicológica quando pautados por atitudes de empatia e aceitação. Nesse sentido, a formação de psicólogos deve incluir conteúdos e práticas que abordem o tema do racismo como parte da realidade social.(AU)

This article aimed to understand, based on qualitative research, the impact of racism on Black women's experiences. To this end, accounts authored by women who self-identify as Black, found on websites and internet blogs were used as data sources. The phenomenological analysis of data was based on Edmund Husserl's philosophical proposal, and consisted of a narrative synthesis that summed the essential elements of these women's experiences. Results of this research enabled the understanding that experiences of racism, lived by Black women, start during childhood and accompany them throughout their lifetime, impacting their mental health. Dissatisfaction with their natural hair and skin color appear as concrete signs of turning down their Black identity; sharing their experiences with other Black people about racism helps them recognize their Blackness. The process of awareness, recognition and acceptance of Blackness drive them to self-acceptance and the construction of an identity that integrates their condition as Black women. We conclude that the emotional support given by people who live similar social suffering can be essential to the process of overcoming it, as should be the process of psychological intervention, when founded on attitudes of comprehensive empathy and acceptance. In this regard, we suggest that psychologists' education include both courses and practice that encompass the theme of racism as part of our social reality.(AU)

Este artículo tuvo como objetivo comprender, a partir de una investigación cualitativa, el impacto del racismo en las experiencias de las mujeres negras. Fueron utilizados relatos escritos por mujeres que decían ser negras como fuentes de datos, en sitios de Internet y blogs. El análisis fenomenológico de los datos se realizó a partir de la propuesta filosófica de Edmund Husserl y consistió en la construcción de una narrativa síntesis que presentaba los elementos esenciales de las vivencias de estas mujeres. Los resultados permitieron comprender que las experiencias de racismo, vividas por las mujeres negras, comienzan en la infancia y las acompañan a lo largo de la vida, con un impacto en la salud mental. La insatisfacción con el color natural del cabello y la piel aparece como signos concretos de rechazo a la identidad negra; el intercambio de experiencias con otros negros sobre el racismo favorece el reconocimiento de la negritud. El proceso de toma de conciencia, reconocimiento y aceptación de la negritud impulsa la autoaceptación y la construcción de una identidad que integra la condición de la mujer negra. Se concluye que el apoyo emocional que brindan las personas que experimentan el mismo tipo de sufrimiento social puede ser de gran relevancia en el proceso de superación, así como los procesos de intervención psicológica, cuando se guían por actitudes de comprensión y aceptación empáticas. En este sentido, se sugiere que los cursos de formación para psicólogos incluyan contenidos y prácticas que aborden el tema del racismo como parte de la realidad social.(AU)

Humans , Female , Black or African American , Mental Health , Violence Against Women , Racism , Ethnic Violence , Learning , Prejudice , Psychological Phenomena , Public Policy , Rabies , Self Concept , Socioeconomic Factors , Women's Health , Adolescent , Feminism , Cultural Deprivation , Human Characteristics , Emotions , Social Stigma , Social Marginalization , Physical Appearance, Body , Blog , Political Activism , Social Oppression , Social Privilege , Androcentrism , Freedom , Sadness , Respect , Empowerment , Social Comparison , Social Status , Socioeconomic Disparities in Health , Life Change Events , Loneliness , Mass Media
Psicol. ciênc. prof ; 43: e256598, 2023.
مقالة ي البرتغالية | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1529209


Este trabalho teve como objetivo analisar a relação entre arte e vida segundo Vigotski. Para isso, foi realizada uma análise conceitual dos capítulos 1, 7, 9, 10 e 11 da Psicologia da Arte, do capítulo 13 da Psicologia Pedagógica e do texto O significado histórico da crise da Psicologia: Uma investigação metodológica. A pesquisa conceitual consiste na análise semântica dos principais conceitos de uma teoria com o intuito de elucidar seus sentidos ocultos ou confusos e desvendar possíveis contradições e ambiguidades no quadro teórico. Podemos observar que a arte é um fenômeno dialético tanto em sua criação como em seus efeitos. A influência da vida, isto é, da realidade sócio-histórica, na criação artística é indireta, pois ela é sempre mediada pelo psiquismo particular do artista. Já o efeito da arte sobre a vida possibilita que o ser humano se conscientize de sua realidade social e se engaje para mudá-la. A arte é, portanto, transformadora, pois reorganiza o psiquismo e possibilita uma mudança nas condições materiais dos seres humanos.(AU)

This study aims to analyze the relationship between art and life according to Vygotsky. Therefore, a conceptual analysis of chapters 1, 7, 9, 10, and 11 of Psychology of Art, chapter 13 of Educational Psychology and the text The Historical meaning of the Crisis of Psychology: A Methodological Investigation was carried out. Conceptual research consists of the semantic analysis of the main concepts of a theory to elucidate its hidden or confused meanings and to reveal possible contradictions and ambiguities in the theoretical framework. Results show that art is a dialectical phenomenon both in its creation and its effects. The influence of life, that is, of socio-historical reality, on artistic creation is indirect since it is always mediated by the artist's particular psyche. The effect of art on life, on the other hand, allows human beings to become aware of their social reality and engage to change it. Art is, therefore, transformative, as it reorganizes the psyche and enables a change in the material conditions of human beings.(AU)

Este proyecto tuve como objetivo analizar la relación entre el arte y la vida, según Vigotski. Para esto, fue realizado un análisis de los capítulos 1, 7, 9, 10 y 11 de Psicología del arte, del capítulo 13 de Psicología Pedagógica y del texto Él significado histórico de la crisis de la Psicología: una investigación metodológica. La pesquisa conceptual consiste en la analice semántica de los conceptos de una teoría, para aclarar sus significados ocultos o confusos y desvendar contradicciones y ambigüedades em el cuadro teórico. Pudimos observar que, el arte es un fenómeno dialéctico en su creación tanto como en sus efectos. La influencia de la vida, esto es, de la realidad socio-histórica, en la creación artística es indirecta, pues es mediada por el psiquismo particular de lo artista. Así, el efecto del arte sobre la vida habilita que lo ser humano adquiera conciencia de su realidad social y que se comprometa a cambiarla. El arte, consiguientemente, transformadora, pues reorganiza lo psiquismo y habilita un cambio en las condiciones materiales de los seres humanos.(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Art , Psychology , Life , Social Representation , Paint , Perception , Personality , Personality Development , Philosophy , Architecture , Pleasure-Pain Principle , Politics , Psychology, Social , Psychomotor Agitation , Rejection, Psychology , Religion , Association , Research , Role , Sensation , Social Environment , Spiritualism , Thinking , Transference, Psychology , Unconscious, Psychology , Behavior , Humans , Symbolism , Adaptation, Psychological , Attitude , Catharsis , Comment , Mental Competency , Cognition , Communism , Conflict, Psychological , Congresses as Topic , Expressed Emotion , Self Psychology , Psychotherapeutic Processes , Drawing , Creativity , Cues , Culture , Dancing , Capitalism , Human Characteristics , Abreaction , Drama , Drive , Education , Emotions , Esthetics , Existentialism , Cultural Competency , Resilience, Psychological , Poetry , Pleasure , Social Norms , Science in the Arts , Freedom , Dialectical Behavior Therapy , Egocentrism , Group Processes , History , Individuality , Intelligence , Interpersonal Relations , Literature , Methods , Anthropology , Models, Theoretical , Morale , Motion Pictures , Motivation , Music
Psicol. ciênc. prof ; 43: e263291, 2023.
مقالة ي البرتغالية | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1529215


Este artigo tem como objetivo produzir uma análise histórica sobre as intersecções entre Psicologia e sexualidade desviantes da norma no Brasil, de fins do século XIX a meados da década de 1980. Esta temporalidade foi escolhida por abarcar o surgimento das pesquisas científicas sobre sexualidade e desvios sexuais, a consolidação dos estudos psicológicos sobre a temática e o processo mais recente de despatologização da homossexualidade. Em termos teóricos e metodológicos, foram adotados os pressupostos da História Social da Psicologia e da historiografia das homossexualidades no Brasil. Desse modo, buscou-se compreender como as ideias, concepções e práticas psicológicas foram mudando ao longo do tempo, em conexão com as transformações socioculturais e políticas que ocorreram durante o século XX. Para isto, foram utilizadas fontes primárias e secundárias de pesquisa com vistas à produção de interpretações sobre as conexões entre as ideias, os atores e os eventos narrados. Argumenta-se, ao longo do artigo, que as ideias e práticas psicológicas estão intrinsecamente conectadas aos contextos socioculturais e políticos de seu tempo, sendo os movimentos dinâmicos e os conflitos presentes nesses contextos fatores determinantes para a sua constituição.(AU)

This article aims to produce a historical analysis of the intersections between Psychology and sexualities that deviate from the norm in Brazil, from the late 19th century to the mid-1980s. This period was chosen because it encompasses the emergence of scientific research on sexuality and sexual deviations, the consolidation of psychological studies on the subject and the most recent process of de-pathologization of homosexuality. Theoretically and methodologically, the assumptions of the Social History of Psychology and the historiography of homosexualities in Brazil were adopted. Therefore, we sought to understand how psychological ideas, conceptions and practices have changed over time, in connection with the sociocultural and political transformations that occurred throughout the 20th century. For this, primary and secondary sources of research were used to produce interpretations about the connections between the ideas, the actors and the narrated events. It is argued, throughout the article, that the psychological ideas and practices are intrinsically connected to the sociocultural and political contexts of their time, being the dynamic movements and conflicts present in these contexts determining factors for their constitution.(AU)

Este artículo tiene como objetivo realizar un análisis histórico de las intersecciones entre la Psicología y las sexualidades desviadas de la norma en Brasil desde finales del siglo XIX hasta mediados de la década de 1980. Esta temporalidad fue elegida por abarcar el surgimiento de las investigaciones científicas sobre sexualidad y desvíos sexuales, la consolidación de los estudios psicológicos sobre el tema y el más reciente proceso de despatologización de la homosexualidad. En el marco teórico y metodológico, se adoptaron los presupuestos de la Historia Social de la Psicología y de la historiografía de las homosexualidades en Brasil. De esta manera, se pretende comprender cómo las ideas, concepciones y prácticas psicológicas han cambiado a lo largo del tiempo, en conexión con las transformaciones socioculturales y políticas ocurridas durante el siglo XX. Para ello, se utilizaron las fuentes de investigación primarias y secundarias con miras a generar interpretaciones sobre las conexiones entre las ideas, los actores y los eventos narrados. Se argumenta, a lo largo de este artículo, que las ideas y las prácticas psicológicas están intrínsecamente conectadas a los contextos socioculturales y políticos de su tiempo, y los movimientos dinámicos y los conflictos presentes en estos contextos fueron los factores determinantes para su constitución.(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Brazil , Homosexuality , Sexuality , History , Orgasm , Paraphilic Disorders , Pathology , Pedophilia , Personality Development , Personality Disorders , Pleasure-Pain Principle , Psychology , Psychosexual Development , Public Policy , Rationalization , Religion and Sex , Repression, Psychology , Sadism , Sex , Sexual Behavior , Disorders of Sex Development , Sex Offenses , Social Control, Formal , Social Environment , Societies , Avoidance Learning , Sublimation, Psychological , Taboo , Therapeutics , Transvestism , Unconscious, Psychology , Voyeurism , Behavior Therapy , Child Abuse, Sexual , Attitude , Homeopathic Cure , Character , Christianity , Mental Competency , Sexual Harassment , Coitus , Human Body , Homosexuality, Female , Conflict, Psychological , Community Participation , Cultural Diversity , Feminism , Heterosexuality , Neurobehavioral Manifestations , Sexual Dysfunctions, Psychological , Crime , Cultural Characteristics , Culture , Safe Sex , Mind-Body Therapies , Defense Mechanisms , Dehumanization , Human Characteristics , Intention , Moral Development , Emotions , Health Research Agenda , Discussion Forums , Population Studies in Public Health , Eugenics , Exhibitionism , Pleasure , Fetishism, Psychiatric , Sexual Health , Homophobia , Racism , Social Marginalization , Medicalization , Transgender Persons , Moral Status , Sexual and Gender Minorities , Political Activism , Gender Diversity , Asexuality , Undisclosed Sexuality , Sexuality Disclosure , Gender Norms , Gender Blind , Androcentrism , Freedom , Freudian Theory , Respect , Gender Identity , Sexual Trauma , Workhouses , Psychosocial Functioning , Gender Role , Intersectional Framework , Family Structure , Health Promotion , Human Development , Human Rights , Identification, Psychological , Anatomy , Disruptive, Impulse Control, and Conduct Disorders , Incest , Instinct , Introversion, Psychological , Libido , Masochism , Masturbation , Mental Disorders , Methods , Morale , Morals , Neurotic Disorders
Psicol. ciênc. prof ; 43: e253624, 2023.
مقالة ي البرتغالية | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1448954


O campo dos estudos transpessoais tem avançado em diversas áreas no Brasil. Comemorou seus 40 anos com uma inserção ativa nas Instituições de Ensino Superior (IES) e uma ampliação de núcleos formativos e apoiadores de ensino, pesquisa e ações sociais, além de diálogos com o Sistema de Conselhos de Psicologia. Desafios são apresentados a partir do levantamento de uma série de questões importantes e ignoradas dentro da Psicologia Transpessoal no Brasil. Apresentamos o pluriperspectivismo participativo como possibilidade de decolonizar as matrizes eurocêntricas e estadunidenses, que dão suporte ao pensamento transpessoal brasileiro, buscando honrar nossas raízes históricas e incluir outras epistemologias e ontologias, que dão continuidade à crítica à lógica cartesiana moderna. Indicamos uma breve agenda de notas temáticas que carecem de um processo decolonizador no campo transpessoal: a) crítica às perspectivas de um pensamento hegemônico, em termos globais por meio da dominação Norte-Sul ou no campo das relações sociais; b) revisão das formas de "centrocentrismo"; c) questionamento da noção de universalismo das ciências e da ética; d) aprofundamento da análise crítica da supremacia restritiva da racionalidade formal técnico-científica em relação às formas de subjetividade, de vivências holísticas e integradoras e de valorização do corpo; e) revisão da noção de sujeito moderno desprovida da cocriação do humano com a comunidade, a história, a natureza e o cosmos.(AU)

The field of transpersonal studies has advanced in several areas in Brazil. It celebrated its 40th anniversary with an active insertion in Higher Education Institutions (HEI) and an expansion of training centers and supporters of teaching, research, and social actions, in addition to dialogues with the System of Councils of Psychology. Challenges are presented based on a survey of a series of important and ignored issues within Transpersonal Psychology in Brazil. We present participatory pluriperspectivism as a possibility to decolonize the Eurocentric and North American matrices that support Brazilian transpersonal thought, seeking to honor our historical roots and include other epistemologies and ontologies, which continue the critique of modern Cartesian logic. We indicate a brief agenda of thematic notes that lack a decolonizing process in the transpersonal field: a) criticism of the perspectives of a hegemonic thought, whether in global terms via North-South domination or in the field of social relations; b) review of the forms of "centrocentrism"; c) questioning of the notion of universalism of science and ethics; d) deepening of the critical analysis of the restrictive supremacy of the technical-scientific formal rationality in relation to the forms of subjectivity, of holistic and integrative experiences, and of valuing the body; e) review of the notion of the modern subject devoid of the co-creation of the human with the community, the history, the nature, and the cosmos.(AU)

El campo de los estudios transpersonales ha avanzado en varias áreas de Brasil. Se celebró su 40.º aniversario con una inserción activa en Instituciones de Educación Superior (IES) y una ampliación de los centros de formación y promotores de la docencia, la investigación y la acción social, además de diálogos con el Sistema de Consejos de Psicología. Los desafíos se presentan a partir de una encuesta de una serie de temas importantes e ignorados dentro de la Psicología Transpersonal en Brasil. Presentamos el pluriperspectivismo participativo como una posibilidad para decolonizar las matrices eurocéntrica y americana, que sustentan el pensamiento transpersonal brasileño, buscando honrar nuestras raíces históricas e incluir otras epistemologías y ontologías que continúan la crítica de la lógica cartesiana moderna. Indicamos una breve agenda de apuntes temáticos que carecen de un proceso decolonizador en el campo transpersonal: a) crítica de las perspectivas de un pensamiento hegemónico, ya sea en términos globales a través del dominio Norte-Sur o en el campo de las relaciones sociales; b) revisión de las formas de "centrocentrismo"; c) cuestionamiento de la noción de universalismo de la ciencia y la ética; d) profundización del análisis crítico de la supremacía restrictiva de la racionalidad formal técnico-científica en relación a las formas de subjetividad, de experiencias holísticas e integradoras y de valoración del cuerpo; e) revisión de la noción de sujeto moderno desprovisto de la cocreación de lo humano con la comunidad, la historia, la naturaleza y el cosmos.(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Colonialism , Spirituality , Social Participation , Life Course Perspective , Philosophy , Politics , Art , Practice, Psychological , Prejudice , Psychology , Psychology, Social , Psychophysiology , Psychotherapy , Rationalization , Aspirations, Psychological , Religion and Psychology , Self-Assessment , Self Concept , Achievement , Social Justice , Social Problems , Social Sciences , Societies , Specialization , Superego , Time , Transsexualism , Unconscious, Psychology , Universities , Vitalism , Work , Behavior , Behavior and Behavior Mechanisms , Behaviorism , Black or African American , Humans , Self Disclosure , Adaptation, Psychological , Career Choice , Poverty Areas , Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice , Organizations , Health , Mental Health , Conflict of Interest , Comment , Mental Competency , Personal Construct Theory , Problem-Based Learning , Congresses as Topic , Conscience , Cultural Diversity , Knowledge , Western World , Qi , Feminism , Life , Cooperative Behavior , Cultural Characteristics , Cultural Evolution , Culture , Professional Misconduct , Personal Autonomy , Personhood , Death , Human Characteristics , Parturition , Drive , Education , Ego , Ethics, Professional , Ethnology , Existentialism , Resilience, Psychological , Theory of Mind , Apathy , Racism , Academic Performance , Worldview , Ethnocentrism , Egocentrism , Health Belief Model , Psychosocial Functioning , Social Comparison , Freedom of Religion , Diversity, Equity, Inclusion , Family Structure , Psychological Well-Being , Goals , Hallucinogens , Holistic Health , Human Rights , Humanism , Id , Individuality , Individuation , Life Change Events , Literature , Malpractice , Anthropology , Morals , Motivation , Mysticism , Mythology
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1381983


Este artículo se ocupa del mal en Rousseau, recurriendo a cuatro imágenes, a saber: la vida social (socie-dad) y el hombre social (homme de l ́homme), en contraste con el estado de naturaleza (état de nature) y el hombre natural (homme naturel). Imágenes de orden lógico, esto es, filosófico argumentativas, que exponen la tensión y el alejamiento del hombre con respecto a su naturaleza. El supuesto indica que este alejamiento se eleva como la imposibilidad del conocimiento pleno de sí; convierte al ser humano en alguien extraño para sí que hipostasia su concepto en las determinaciones de la vida social. El método utilizado se desprende de la filosofía misma de Rousseau. El procedimiento se organiza con la identificación y presen-tación de un supuesto y su desarrollo lógico mediante argumentos que requieren la selección, organización y sistematización de fuentes encaminadas a exponer el supuesto en toda su complejidad

This article deals with evil in Rousseau, resorting to four images, namely. Social life (society) and social man (Homme de l'homme) are in contrast to (contrast with)) the state of nature (état de nature) and the natural man (Homme naturel). Images of logical order, that is, argumentative philosophical, which expose the tension and distance of man from his nature. The assumption indicates that this estrangement rises as the impossibility of full self-knowledge; it turns the human being into someone foreign to himself who hypostasia his concept in the determinations of social life. The method used follows from Rousseau's philosophy. The procedure is organized with the identification and presentation of an assumption and its logical development through arguments that require the selection, organization, and systematization of sources aimed at exposing the assumption in all its complexity.

Humans , Social Environment , Philosophy , Knowledge , Human Characteristics , Education/ethics
Psico (Porto Alegre) ; 53(1): 38863, 2022.
مقالة ي البرتغالية | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1412229


No Brasil, inexistem investigações dos correlatos psicológicos e sociodemográficos da ganância. Este estudo investigou a relação entre a ganância e os valores humanos. Ainda, testou-se o efeito mediador da ganância na diferença entre sexos no endosso dos valores humanos. Os participantes responderam a Dispositional Greed Scale, o Questionário dos Valores Básicos e perguntas demográficas. Os correlatos valorativos indicaram que pessoas gananciosas, embora materialmente motivadas (valores de existência), possuem necessidades estéticas (valores suprapessoais). Entretanto, a ganância predisse em maior magnitude os valores pessoais. Houve diferenças entre os sexos apenas frente à ganância e aos valores pessoais, sendo que os homens apresentaram maiores pontuações. Por fim, observou-se que a ganância mediou parcialmente a diferença entre sexos no endosso de valores pessoais, sugerindo que homens são mais egocêntricos porque são mais gananciosos. Tais achados são discutidos à luz da Teoria Funcionalista dos Valores Humanos, da personalidade das diferenças individuais e da psicologia evolutiva.

In Brazil, there are no investigations into the psychological and sociodemographic correlates of greed. This study aimed to investigate the relationship between greed and human values. In addition, we tested the mediating effect of greed on gender differences in the endorsement of values. Participants answered the Dispositional Greed Scale, Basic Values Survey and demographic questions. The value correlates indicated that greed people, although materially motivated (existence values), express higher-order needs of aesthetics (suprapersonal values). However, greed personality was a more important predictor of the personal values. There were differences between the sexes only regarding greed and personal values, in which men had higher scores. Finally, the greed partially mediated the gender difference in the endorsement of personal values which suggests that men have an egocentric orientation because are greedier. The results are discussed taking into account the Functional Theory of Human Values, personality of individual differences and evolutionary psychology.

En Brasil, no hay investigaciones sobre los correlatos psicológicos y sociodemográficos de la codicia. Este estudio investigó la relación entre la codicia y los valores humanos. Además, probamos el efecto mediador de la codicia sobre las diferencias de género en lo respaldo de los valores. Los participantes respondieron la Escala de Codicia Disposicional, el Cuestionario de ValoresBásicos y preguntas demográficas. Los correlatos valorativos indicaron que los codiciosos, aunque motivados materialmente (valores de existencia), tienen necesidades estéticas (valores suprapersonales). Sin embargo, la codicia mostró un poder predictivo más fuerte frente a los valores personales. Las diferencias entre los sexos se observaron solo en lo que respecta a la codicia y los valores personales: los hombres tenían puntuaciones más altas. Además, la codicia medió parcialmente la diferencia entre sexos en el respaldo de valores personales, lo que sugiere que los hombres tienen una orientación más egocéntrica porque son más codiciosos. Los resultados se discuten a través de la Teoría Funcionalista de los Valores, la personalidad de las diferencias individuales y la psicología evolutiva.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Personality , Psychology , Social Desirability , Human Characteristics
Bull. méd. Owendo (En ligne) ; 20(51): 58-63, 2022. tables
مقالة ي الفرنسية | AIM | ID: biblio-1378389


Objectif : Décrire les caractéristiques cliniques de la dégénérescence maculaire (DM) chez les personnes vivant avec le VIH (PVVIH).Patients et méthodes : Il s'agissait d'une étude observationnelle menée dans le service d'infectiologie du CHU de Libreville. Il était inclus les adultes âgés de plus de 17 ans, vivant avec le VIH (PVVIH) type 1 et ayant le même protocole thérapeutique antirétroviral. Les paramètres recueillis étaient l'âge, le sexe, le taux de CD4, l'ancienneté de l'infection au VIH, le délai de mise sous traitement antirétroviral et les lésions rétiniennes en rapport avec la DM. Les paramètres des PVVIH sans DM (DM-) étaient comparés à ceux avec DM (DM+) (p < 0,05). Résultats : L'enquête avait concerné 772 personnes vivant avec le VIH (PVVIH) dont 30 avaient présenté une DM+, soit une fréquence de 4%. La moyenne d'âge des DM+ était de 50,3 ± 12,8 ans et celle des DM- de 44,9 ± 10,8 ans (0,0083).Le sex-ratio était de 0,3 chez les DM+ et de 0,24 chez les DM- (p = 0,5950). Parmi les DM+, 28 avaient une forme intermédiaire et 2 une forme tardive. Il n'existait pas de différence significative entre l'ancienneté de l'infection à VIH (p = 0,1599), le taux de CD4 (p = 0,8666) et le délai de mise sous traitement antirétroviral (p = 0,9040) entre les deux groupes (DM+, DM- ).Conclusion : Ce travail permet de constater que la dégénérescence maculaire chez les PVVIH est fréquente et précoce,avec une prédominance de la forme intermédiaire

Objective: To describe the clinicals characteristics of macular degeneration (MD) in people living with HIV.Patients and methods: This was an observational study carried out in the infectious disease department of the University Hospital of Libreville. It was included adults over the age of 17, living with type 1 HIV (PLHIV) and having the same antiretroviral therapy protocol. The parameters collected were age, gender, CD4 count, age of HIV infection, time to antiretroviral treatment, and retinal lesions related to MD. The PLHIV were divided into two groups, those without MD (MD-) and those with MD (MD+ ) (p <0.05).Results: The survey concerned 772 people living with HIV (PLHIV), of whom 30 presented with MD+, either a frequency of 4%. The mean age of DM+ was 50.3 ± 12.8 years and that of MD- 44.9 ± 10.8 years (0.0083). The sex ratio was 0.3 in DM+ and 0.24 in DM- (p = 0.5950). Of the MD+, 28 had an intermediate form and 2 had a late form. There was no significant difference between the age of HIV infection (p = 0.1599), CD4 count (p = 0.8666) and time to antiretroviral treatment (p = 0.9040) between the two groups (MD+, MD-).Conclusion: This work has shown that macular degeneration in PLHIV is frequent and early, with a predominance of theintermediate form

HIV Infections , CD4 Immunoadhesins , Gestational Age , Human Characteristics , Macular Degeneration
مقالة ي البرتغالية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1371604


Este trabalho investiga a relação dialética entre desejo e razão, pensando-a no contexto das práticas corporais. Inicialmente, examinou-se a questão na filosofia grega, que circunscreve essa dialética em um projeto teleológico da "boa vida". Em seguida, analisou-se como essa dialética se comporta a partir do advento da teoria psicanalítica, discutindo continuidades e rupturas com a tradição aristotélica a partir do destaque ao papel do inconsciente. Conclui-se que a dialética entre desejo e razão pode conferir aportes importantes às reflexões sobre as práticas corporais por meio de conceitos que antes pareciam incompatíveis, promovendo uma via ainda pouco explorada nos estudos do corpo e do movimento (AU).

This work investigates the dialectical relationship between desire and reason, thinking it in the context of bodily practices. Initially, the question was examined in Greek philosophy, in a teleological project of the "good life". Then, it was analyzed how this dialectic behaves from the advent of psychoanalytic theory, discussing continuities and ruptures with the Aristotelian tradition based on the emphasis on the role of the unconscious. It is concluded that the dialectic between desire and reason can give important contributions to the reflections on corporal practices through concepts that previously seemed incompatible, promoting a path that is still little explored in the studies of the body and movemen (AU).

Este trabajo investiga la relación dialéctica entre el deseo y la razón, pensando en el contexto de las prácticas corporales. La cuestión fue examinada en la filosofía griega, que circunscribe esta dialéctica en un proyecto teleológico de la "buena vida". Luego, se analizó cómo se comporta esta dialéctica desde el advenimiento de la teoría psicoanalítica, discutiendo continuidades y rupturas basadas en el papel del inconsciente. Se concluye que la dialéctica entre el deseo y la razón puede proporcionar contribuciones importantes a las reflexiones sobre las prácticas corporales a través de conceptos que antes parecían incompatibles, promoviendo un camino que aún se explora poco en los estudios del cuerpo y el movimiento (AU).

Humans , Philosophy , Psychoanalysis , Psychoanalytic Theory , Human Body , Human Characteristics , Thinking , Life
Rev. enferm. Inst. Mex. Seguro Soc ; 29(4): 181-184, 04/10/2021.
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1357973


El manifiesto de una postura entre el acuerdo o el desacuerdo, acerca de las ideas, pensamientos y formas como las otras personas ven el mundo que les rodea, que las hace vivir y experimentar la vida que viven, así como la han creado y quizá recreado a medida que pasa el tiempo, es una cuestión que debe respetarse. Establecer relaciones humanas en perspectiva, con la posibilidad de conocer algo, porque aún no se sabe lo que pueda acontecer, empezar con la apertura para observar, escuchar, quizá oler, tocar o degustar algo. Intentar abstraerse del mundo y recordar o regresar al imaginario del origen, de donde vengo, mis principios de vida y las razones de mi existencia en este mundo. Lo fundamental es confiar en mí y en lo que creo; de otra forma, no podría otorgar a las personas su derecho a expresarse de forma consciente o inconsciente.

Manifesting a stance between agreement or disagreement, concerning the ideas, thoughts and the ways people see the world they are surrounded by, that makes them live and experience the life they live, the way they have created it and probably recreated it as time goes by, is a question that must be respected. Establishing human relationships in perspective, with the possibility of knowing something, given that it is still unknown what may occur, starting with the opportunity to observe, listen to, probably smell, touch or taste something. Trying to get away from the world and remembering or going back to the primal imaginary, the place where I come from, the principles of my life and the reasons for my existence in the world. The fundamental is trusting in myself and in what I believe; otherwise, I would not give people their right to express consciously or unconsciously.

Humans , Human Characteristics , Worldview , Interpersonal Relations , Humanities
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1397627


La neurodiversidad surge desde la comunidad autista, con una propuesta en que la diversidad en las características humanas aparecen como resultado de variaciones normales en el campo neurológico. Metafóricamente existirían personas con "cableados diferenciados" a partir de los cuales se redefinirían las especificidades humanas. Históricamente estas personas han sido tradicionalmente reducidas a condiciones, discapacidades o patologías, es decir, el énfasis de la mirada habría estado puesto en el déficit o carencia. Ejemplos de la neurodiversidad serían la discalculia, dislexia, dispraxia, Síndrome de Tourette, TDAH y en especial las personas portadoras de trastorno espectro autista (TEA). En un momento histórico en que los movimientos sociales promueven cambios en los paradigmas, distintas personas con condiciones neurológicas diversas están trabajando como activistas sociales para generar cambios en la conceptualización de la normalidad y la enfermedad mental. Se pone en jaque así las metodologías de intervención de los sistemas educativos tradicionales y los enfoques clínico en el ámbito de la salud. El presente ensayo busca revisar el estado del arte en la mirada moderna y postmoderna de los conceptos de las patologías neuropsiquiátricas y de la neurodiversidad.

Abstract. Neurodiversity arises from the autistic community, with a proposal in which diversity in human characteristics are a result of normal variations in the neurological field. Metaphorically, there would be people with " differentiated wiring" from which human specificities would be redefined. Historically, these people have been traditionally reduced to pathologies, disabilities, or conditions, i.e., the emphasis of the perspective has been in deficit or lack of something. Examples of neurodiversity would be dyscalculia, dyslexia, dyspraxia, Tourette Syndrome, ADHD, and especially, people living with autism spectrum disorders (ASD). In a historical moment in which social movements promote changes in paradigms, different people with various neurological conditions are working as social activists to generate changes in the conceptualization of normality and mental illness. This questions the intervention methods in traditional educational systems and the clinical approaches in the field of health. This essay seeks to review the state of the art in modern and postmodern concepts of neuropsychiatric diseases and the neurodiversity perspective.

Humans , Cultural Diversity , Human Characteristics , Neuropsychiatry , Autism Spectrum Disorder , Neurodevelopmental Disorders
مقالة ي الكورية | WPRIM | ID: wpr-759905


The nineteenth century neuroscience studied the instinct of animal to understand the human mind. In particular, it has been found that the inheritance of unconscious behavior like instinct is mediated through ganglion chains, such as the spinal cord or sympathetic nervous system, which control unconscious reflexes. At the same time, the theory of Inheritance of Acquired Characteristics (hereafter ‘IAC’) widely known as Lamarck's evolutionary theory provided the theoretical frame on the origin of instinct and the heredity of action that the parental generation's habits were converted into the nature of the offspring generation. Contrary to conventional knowledge, this theory was not originally invented by Lamarck, and Darwin also did not discard this theory even after discovering the theory of natural selection in 1838 and maintained it throughout his intellectual life. Above all, in the field of epigenetics, the theory of ‘IAC’ has gained attention as a reliable scientific theory today. Darwin discovered crucial errors in the late 1830s that the Lamarck version's theory of ‘IAC’ did not adequately account for the principle of the inheritance of unconscious behavior like instinct. Lamarck's theory regarded habits as conscious and willful acts and saw that those habits are transmitted through the brain to control conscious actions. Lamarck's theory could not account for the complex and elaborate instincts of invertebrate animals, such as brainless ants. Contrary to Lamarck's view, Darwin established the new theory of ‘IAC’ that could be combined with contemporary neurological theory, which explains the heredity of unconscious behavior. Based on the knowledge of neurology, Darwin was able to translate the ‘principle of habit’ into a neurological term called ‘principle of reflex’. This article focuses on how Darwin join the theory of ‘IAC’ with nineteenth century neuroscience and how the neurological knowledge from the nineteenth century contributed to Darwin's overcoming of Lamarck's ‘IAC’. The significance of this study is to elucidate Darwin's notion of ‘IAC’ theory rather than natural selection theory as a principle of heredity of behavior. The theory of ‘IAC’ was able to account for the rapid variation of instincts in a relatively short period of time, unlike natural selection, which operates slowly in geological time spans of tens of millions of years. The nineteenth century neurological theory also provided neurological principles for ‘plasticity of instinct,’ empirically supporting the fact that all nervous systems responsible for reflexes respond sensitively to very fine stimuli. However, researchers of neo-Darwinian tendencies, such as Richard Dawkins and evolutionary psychologists advocating the ‘selfish gene’ hypothesis, which today claim to be Darwin's descendants, are characterized by human nature embedded in biological information, such as the brain and genes, so that it cannot change at all. This study aims to contribute to reconstructing the evolutionary discourse by illuminating Darwin's insights into the “plasticity of nature” that instincts can change relatively easily even at the level of invertebrates such as earthworms.

Animals , Humans , Ants , Brain , Epigenomics , Ganglion Cysts , Heredity , Human Characteristics , Instinct , Invertebrates , Nervous System , Neurology , Neurosciences , Oligochaeta , Parents , Psychology , Reflex , Selection, Genetic , Spinal Cord , Sympathetic Nervous System , Transcutaneous Electric Nerve Stimulation , Wills
Psico (Porto Alegre) ; 50(2): e29567, 2019.
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1008306


This study aimed to find validity evidence of different versions of the Revised Adult Attachment Scale (RAAS) that measures adult attachment style and have been translated into Portuguese, in order to obtain a final version of the instrument for application in a Brazilian sample. We used the original version of the RAAS and its recent variations. Four independent studies were held, with a total of 1436 participants, mostly young adults from the states of São Paulo and Bahia. Exploratory and confirmatory analyses corroborated the validity of the three-factor structure (secure, anxious and avoidant) from the scale, with satisfactory indexes for Brazilian data. We found differences in frequency of attachment styles between sexes, confirming evolutionary hypotheses of intersexual variation. The scales showed satisfactory evidence of validity, and it is advised to use its latest version to measure adult attachmen.

Este estudo teve o objetivo de encontrar evidências de validade de diferentes versões da Revised Adult Attachment Scale (RAAS) que aferem o estilo de apego adulto e que foram traduzidas para a língua portuguesa, a fim de buscar uma versão final do instrumento para aplicação em uma amostra brasileira. Usou-se a versão original da RAAS e suas variações recentes. Realizamos quatro estudos independentes, com um total de 1436 participantes, sendo majoritariamente adultos jovens dos estados de São Paulo e da Bahia. Análises exploratórias e confirmatórias corroboraram a validade da estrutura de três fatores (seguro, ansioso e evitativo) da escala, apresentando índices satisfatórios para os dados brasileiros. Diferenças na frequência entre os sexos em relação aos estilos de apego foram encontradas, confirmando hipóteses evolucionistas de variação intersexual. As escalas apresentaram evidências satisfatórias de validade, e aconselhamos o uso da versão mais recente.

Este estudio tuvo como objetivo encontrar evidencia de validez de las diferentes versiones de la Escala Revisada de Apego Adulto (RAAS), que son una medida del estilo de apego de adultos y han sido traducidas al portugués, a fin de buscar una versión final del instrumento para su aplicación en una muestra brasileña. Se llevaron a cabo cuatro estudios independientes, con un total de 1436 participantes, en su mayoría jóvenes de los estados de São Paulo y Bahía. Se corroboró la validez de la estructura de tres factores de la escala (seguro, ansioso y evitador), con índices satisfactorios para los datos brasileños. Se encontraron diferencias en la frecuencia de estilos de apego entre los sexos, lo que confirma las hipótesis evolutivas de variación intersexual. Las escalas mostraron evidencia satisfactoria de validez, y se recomienda utilizar la última versión.

Human Characteristics , Interpersonal Relations , Affect
Poiésis (En línea) ; 36(Ene.-Jul.): 74-78, 2019.
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-994710


Este artículo pretende dar cuenta de una clara distinción que es necesario realizar para dar claridad en la teoría psicoanalítica de los conceptos de necesidad, demanda, deseo y pulsión. Dichos conceptos suelen dar cabida a confusiones que pueden terminar afectando, no solo a la comprensión teórica, sino a la práctica clínica de los terapeutas y psicoanalistas.

This review article aims to account for a clear distinction that needs to be made to clarify the psychoanalytic theory of the concepts of need, demand, desire and drive. These concepts tend to give rise to confusions that may end up affecting, not only the theoretical understanding, but the clinical practice of therapists and psychoanalysts.

Humans , Needs Assessment , Psychoanalysis , Human Characteristics , Drive
Pers. bioet ; 22(2): 212-222, jul.-dic. 2018.
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS, BDENF, COLNAL | ID: biblio-990218


Abstract Bioethics is going through a rough patch in the midst of a society that seems to run away very fast from true ethical and humanistic values. Post-humanism presents a new model of the human being, one that dispenses with the principles and concepts that have been employed so far by humanity. The discourse in bioethics presents this model without any relationship to the anthropology that has been used for centuries and does so in a way that is totally lacking in ethical references. These dissimilarities reflect a misrepresented academic perspective that belongs to a post-truth era. Concepts such as dignity, human nature, quality of life, respect for life and vulnerability are not well understood. When it comes to decision-making on the so-called bioethical dilemmas, it lays out a new biotechnologically improved version of man that prevails over real health and biological concerns that need to be solved.

Resumen La bioética atraviesa un momento difícil en medio de una sociedad que parece huir muy rápidamente de los verdaderos valores éticos y humanísticos. El posthumanismo presenta un nuevo modelo del ser humano, uno que prescinde de los principios y conceptos que han sido empleados hasta ahora por la humanidad. El discurso en bioética presenta este modelo sin ninguna relación con la antropología que se ha utilizado durante siglos y lo hace de una manera que carece totalmente de referencias éticas. Estas disimilitudes reflejan una perspectiva académica mal representada que pertenece a una era posterior a la verdad. Los conceptos como la dignidad, la naturaleza humana, la calidad de vida, el respeto por la vida y la vulnerabilidad no se comprenden bien. Cuando se trata de la toma de decisiones sobre los llamados dilemas bioéticos, presenta una nueva versión biotecnológica del hombre que prevalece sobre la salud real y las preocupaciones biológicas que deben resolverse.

Resumo A bioética está passando por um momento difícil em meio a uma sociedade que parece fugir rapidamente dos verdadeiros valores éticos e humanistas. O pós-humanismo apresenta um novo modelo de ser humano, que dispensa os princípios e conceitos que foram usados ​​até agora pela humanidade. O discurso da bioética apresenta esse modelo sem qualquer relação com a antropologia, que tem sido usada há séculos e o faz de maneira que carece totalmente de referências éticas. Essas diferenças refletem uma perspectiva acadêmica mal representada que pertence a uma era posterior à verdade. Conceitos como dignidade, natureza humana, qualidade de vida, respeito à vida e vulnerabilidade não são bem compreendidos. Quando se trata de tomar decisões sobre os chamados "dilemas bioéticos", ele apresenta uma nova versão biotecnológica do homem que prevalece sobre a saúde real e as preocupações biológicas que devem ser resolvidas.

Humans , Bioethics , Biotechnology , Humans , Personhood , Human Characteristics
مقالة ي الكورية | WPRIM | ID: wpr-716468


PURPOSE: This study was performed to identify factors associated with human papillomavirus vaccination intention among unvaccinated nursing students. METHODS: Two hundred-and-five female nursing students from three universities completed self-administered questionnaires including participants' characteristics, human papillomavirus-related knowledge, attitude toward human papillomavirus vaccination, and human papillomavirus-related health beliefs. Multivariate logistic regression analysis was used to determine significant independent predictors of human papillomavirus vaccination intention. RESULTS: Of 205 participants, 134 (65.4%) reported an intention to obtain a vaccination against human papillomavirus. As a result of the analysis of the bivariate relationships, family history of cervix cancer, perceived needs, importance of prevention, perceived susceptibility, perceived benefit, and perceived barrier were significantly related to vaccination intention. A multivariate logistic regression model identified factors of human papillomavirus vaccination intention: higher importance of prevention (Adjusted Odds Ratio [AOR]: 4.20, 95% Confidence Interval [CI]: 1.73~10.19), higher perceived benefit (AOR: 6.94, 95% CI: 2.01~23.98), lower perceived barrier (AOR: 0.39, 95% CI: 0.20~0.73). CONCLUSION: The results of this study indicated significant factors influencing the intention to obtain human papillomavirus vaccination in unvaccinated nursing students. Also, the importance of prevention, perceived susceptibility, perceived benefit, and perceived barrier in obtaining human papillomavirus vaccination should be taken into account when developing educational programs.

Female , Humans , Family Relations , Human Characteristics , Intention , Korea , Logistic Models , Nursing , Odds Ratio , Students, Nursing , Uterine Cervical Neoplasms , Vaccination
Temas psicol. (Online) ; 25(2): 447-457, jun. 2017. tab
مقالة ي البرتغالية | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-991721


Este estudo teve como objetivo analisar as possíveis relações entre bem-estar subjetivo e traços de personalidade em 148 crianças brasileiras com idades entre cinco e 11 anos. As crianças eram estudantes do ensino básico e fundamental de duas escolas particulares e duas escolas da rede estadual do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Os instrumentos utilizados foram a Escala Multidimensional de Satisfação de Vida para Crianças, a Escala de Afetos Positivos e Negativos para Crianças e a Escala de Traços de Personalidade para Crianças. Verificou-se que os afetos positivos correlacionaram positivamente com algumas dimensões da satisfação de vida como família e amizade, e com os traços extroversão e sociabilidade. Os afetos negativos apresentaram correlação positiva com os traços neuroticismo e psicoticismo. Esses achados são similares às correlações encontradas em adultos, bem como ampliam o entendimento da associação entre bem-estar subjetivo e traços de personalidade na infância.

The aim of this study was to verify the relation of the subjective well-being and personality traits in 148 Brazilian children aged between five and 11 years. The children were primary and elementary schools students of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The instruments used were the Multidimensional Scale of Life Satisfaction for Children, the Scale of Positive and Negative Affects for Children and the Scale of Personality Traits for Children. Results showed that positive emotions correlated positively with some dimensions of life satisfaction, as family and friends and with the traits of extroversion and sociability. Negative emotions were positively correlated with neuroticism traits and psychoticism. These findings are similar to correlations found in adults, as well as broaden the understanding between subjective wellbeing and personality traits in childhood.

Este estudio investigó las relaciones entre bienestar subjetivo y rasgos de personalidad en 148 niños brasileños de entre cinco y 11 años. Los instrumentos utilizados fueron la Escala Multidimensional de Satisfacción con la Vida Infantil, Escala de Afectos Positivo y Negativo para la Infancia y Escala de Rasgos de la Personalidad para la Infancia. Se encontró que las emociones positivas se correlacionaron positivamente con las dimensiones de satisfacción con la vida como la familia y amigos y con los rasgos de la extraversión y la sociabilidad. Las emociones negativas se correlacionaron positivamente con los rasgos de neuroticismo y psicoticismo. Estos resultados son similares aquellos encontrados en los adultos. Expanden el entendimiento de la asociación de bienestar subjetivo y rasgos de personalidad en la infancia.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Personality , Child Welfare , Human Characteristics
Rev. med. Rosario ; 83(1,pt.1): 39-40, ene.-abr. 2017.
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS | ID: biblio-973286
Annals Abbassi Shaheed Hospital and Karachi Medical and Dental College. 2017; 22 (2): 133-137
ي الانجليزية | IMEMR | ID: emr-187485


Ever since the idea of [Transhumanism] came into being, it has divided our society into two opposing factions i.e. the bioconservatives and transhumanists. The transhumanist movement is based on the idea that enhancements should be made in humans through technology while bioconservatives oppose this idea. Transhumanism is already feared to be world's most dangerous idea by bioconservatives such as Francis Fukuyama, as it is not justified or proven yet that transhumanism is safe for our future. The notion is believed to be not only de-humanising but also poses many threats to the rest of humanity. As explicitly suggested by bioconservatives human enhancing technologies are more of a bane than a boon. Furthermore, many of the transhumanist technologies have many demerits to them. Bioconservatives believe that the technological enhancements will lead to obscenity and be a blemish on the human race. It is highly possible that humans will suffer from autocracy by the hands of the posthumans, since the posthuman age will certainly give rise to several moral dilemmas, such as racism, which will plague the human world. There are four fundamental aspects of transhumanism; nanotechnology, biotechnology, information technology [IT] and cognitive sciences, which come with many promising advantages, but can also turn our future into a dystopia. Even with constant opposition from the bioconservatives, the dark scenarios related with the ascend of the transhuman era are inevitable and the amalgamation of machines with man is equivalent to forfeiting true humanity

Humans , Biomedical Engineering , Biomedical Enhancement , Ethics , Human Characteristics , Cognitive Science , Biotechnology , Nanotechnology
Rev. latinoam. cienc. soc. niñez juv ; 14(2): 1469-1477, July-Dec. 2016. tab
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS | ID: biblio-836152


El presente reporte de investigación preliminar tiene por objetivo evaluar la percepción de la dificultad de los ítems de un cuestionario de personalidad, en dos grupos de evaluadores: estudiantes universitarios y profesores (jueces expertos). La muestra fueron dos grupos: estudiantes y profesores identificados como jueces expertos. Independientemente, para ambos grupos se administró un formulario de opinión sobre la dificultad de lectura o claridad de los ítems del EPQR (Eysenk Personality Questionnaire-Revised). Se hallaron diferencias en los porcentajes de ítems identificados como poco claros, y el acuerdo entre ambos grupos fue mayormente bajo. Estos resultados ponen en relevancia la inclusión del examinado en la evaluación de la dificultad de los ítems usando formularios estandarizados.

The aim of this preliminary study is to assess the perceived difficulty of the items of a personality questionnaire in two groups of participants: university students and teachers (expert-judges). As part of content validity, it examines the degree of readability of the items, usually evaluated by expert judges; however, contributions from the potential examinees have not been previously examined. The sample consisted of two groups: students and teachers identified as expert judges. Independently, both groups were asked their opinions on the readability or clarity of the items in an EPQR test (Eysenck Personality Questionnaire-Revised). The results demonstrated a significant difference in the percentage of items identified as unreadable and agreement between the two groups was mostly low. These results point to the inclusion of examinees in assessing the readability of items contained in standardized forms, and the potential increase in the construction of irrelevant variance if the process does not include the active participation of those filling out the form or taking the test.

Esta pesquisa preliminar consiste em avaliar a percepção da dificuldade dos itens de um questionário de personalidade, em dois grupos de avaliadores: estudantes universitários e professores (juízes especialistas tematicamente). A amostragem é composta de dois grupos: estudantes e professores identificados como juízes especialistas. Independentemente disso, para ambos os grupos foi aplicado um formulário de avaliação sobre a dificuldade de leitura e clareza dos itens de EPQR (Eysenk Personality Questionnaire-Revised). Foram encontradas diferenças nos percentuais de itens identificados como incertos, e o acordo entre os dois grupos foi baixo, em sua maioria. Estes resultados colocam em relevância a inclusão da pessoa examinada na avaliação da dificuldade de compreensão dos itens utilizados em formulários padronizados.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Young Adult , Comprehension/physiology , Students/psychology , Faculty , Perception/physiology , Human Characteristics , Peru , Personality/physiology , Surveys and Questionnaires
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