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Rev. bras. oftalmol ; 78(2): 112-116, mar.-abr. 2019. tab, graf
مقالة ي البرتغالية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1003565


Resumo Objetivo: Identificar a prevalência de alterações visuais em crianças de cinco anos em escolas públicas de Curitiba-PR. Métodos: As escolas foram selecionadas aleatoriamente dentro do município de Curitiba. As crianças com cinco anos completos em 2017 foram avaliadas com a tabela de Snellen, através de distância mínima correta para nitidez de imagem e teste de Hirschberg. Os pais responderam um questionário sobre uso de telas, sintomas oculares e histórico familiar da criança. Os resultados das avaliações foram analisados estatisticamente considerando nível de significância p≤0,05. Resultados: Em uma população de 459 crianças triadas, 219 (47,7%) pertenciam ao sexo feminino e 240 (52,3%) masculino, sendo que do total, 100 foram encaminhadas para avaliação oftalmológica especializada. A partir da triagem observou-se a prevalência de miopia de 10,7%, hipermetropia de 17,6% e estrabismo de 0,9%. Houve relação entre genitores com miopia e filhos míopes (p<0,05). Dentre as queixas oftalmológicas predominaram cefaleia (30,4%) e franzir de testa (10%). Conclusão: A prevalência de alterações visuais encontrada foi de 21,8%. A relação entre distúrbios visuais e o histórico familiar se mostrou estatisticamente significativa. Entretanto, apenas o tempo médio em frente à televisão apresentou influência, dentre os hábitos de vida, sobre as alterações da AV (p=0,028). Queixas oftalmológicas apesar de frequentes, não apresentaram correlação expressiva com a diminuição da acuidade visual.

Abstract Objective: To identify the incidence of visual impairment in 5-year-old children in public schools from Curitiba-PR. Methods: A selection of schools has been choosen randomly from Curitiba. The children, with completed 5 years at end of 2017 have been evaluated using Snellen table, trough minimum distance for image sharpness and Hirschberg test. Parents answered a questionnaire about the use of screens, ocular symptoms and family history of the child. Significance levels were defines as begin p≤0,05. Results: The results have shown that four hundred fifty-nine children were screened. Two hundred nineteen are female (47,7%) and two hundred fourty (52,3%), male. From all screened patients, one hundred were refered to specialized oftalmic evaluation. After trial completing, has been attained a prevalence value of 10,7% for myopia, 17,6% of hyperopia and 0,9% of strabismus. Strong correlation between parents and children has been undiscovered (p<0,05). From listed oftalmic complaints, headache (30,4%) and frown (10%) where most prevalent. Conclusion: It has been attained that the prevalence of visual acuity is 21,8%. The relation between visual acuity alteration and familiar history has been shown to be significant related. On the other side, the average time in front of television has been shown the only habit that has correlation with visual acuity reduction (p=0,028). Vision complaints, although very frequent, doesn't translate into increased probability of visual acuity alteration.

Humans , Male , Female , Child, Preschool , Visual Acuity , Vision Screening/methods , Strabismus/epidemiology , Eye Diseases/epidemiology , Hyperopia/epidemiology , Myopia/epidemiology , Parents , School Health Services , Schools , Students , Vision Tests , Strabismus/diagnosis , Prevalence , Surveys and Questionnaires , Eye Diseases/diagnosis , Hyperopia/diagnosis , Myopia/diagnosis
Rev. medica electron ; 40(6): 2120-2139, nov.-dic. 2018.
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-978722


RESUMEN El síndrome de Moebius es un trastorno polimalformativo no progresivo que se caracteriza por parálisis facial congénita. Se define como una "parálisis congénita de los núcleos de los pares craneales VI y VII, cuyo espectro clínico es variable y se asocia a múltiples malformaciones óseas y musculares. Es poco frecuente y de etiología vascular, genética o multifactorial. El trabajo, basándose en los fundamentos teóricos más actualizados, pretendió describir las manifestaciones clínicas del síndrome de Moebius y su posible etiología, a propósito de un caso. Se trató de un paciente de 11 años de edad, que al nacimiento presentó asimetría facial, desviación de la comisura labial hacia la izquierda, boca semiabierta, lagrimeo constante y pabellón auricular derecho malformado. Por ser una entidad clínica poco conocida, se expuso el presente caso, portador de un síndrome de Moebius incompleto de causa vascular y multifactorial (AU).

ABSTRACT Moebius syndrome is a non-progressive poli-formative disorder characterized by facial congenital paralysis. It is defined as a congenital paralysis of the VI and VII cranial nerves nuclei, the clinical spectrum of which is variable and associated to several bone and muscular malformations. It is few frequent and has vascular, genetic or multifactorial etiology. This work, based on more updated theoretical fundaments, pretended to describe the clinical manifestations of the Moebius syndrome and its possible etiology on the purpose of a case. It is the case of a patient, aged 11 years, who presented facial asymmetry, lips commissure deviation to the left, semi-opened mouth, constant lagrimeo and deformed right auricular pavilion (pabellon auricular). Because it is a little known clinical entity, this case of a patient having an incomplete Moebius syndrome of vascular and multifactorial cause was presented (AU).

Humans , Male , Child , Ophthalmology , Astigmatism/diagnosis , Congenital Abnormalities , Mobius Syndrome/diagnosis , Facial Paralysis/diagnosis , Hyperopia/diagnosis , Astigmatism/genetics , Physical Therapy Modalities , Mobius Syndrome/complications , Mobius Syndrome/etiology , Mobius Syndrome/genetics , Mobius Syndrome/epidemiology
Univ. med ; 59(1)20180000. tab, graf
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-994813


Introducción: Los defectos refractivos pueden repercutir de manera importante en el rendimiento de un individuo, sobre todo en la población pediátrica. Objetivo: Determinar la prevalencia de defectos refractivos en una muestra de 112 niños entre los 2 y los 14 años del Colegio La Candelaria, en la ciudad de Bogotá. Métodos: Estudio de corte transversal que valoró, por medio de la agudeza visual, motilidad ocular, oftalmoscopia, retinoscopia y examen subjetivo, la capacidad visual de los niños en cuestión. Resultados: Se encontró una prevalencia de defectos refractivos del 18,8 %, dentro de la cual el 13,4 % representaba astigmatismo; el 3,6%, hipermetropía, y el 1,8%, miopia. Discusión: Se compararon los resultados con aquellos de una tesis realizada en 1973, donde se estudiaron pacientes en condiciones similares. En esta, la prevalencia de defectos refractivos fue del 30,48 %, diferencia que se podría explicar por la variación de características poblacionales. Por último, se plantea la necesidad de tamizaje en otras comunidades.

Introduction: The refractive defects can have a great amount of repercussions in the performance of the individual, especially in the pediatric community. Objective: To determine the prevalence of refractive defects within a sample of 112 children between the ages of 2 and 14 from Colegio La Candelaria in the city of Bogotá. Methods: Cross-sectional study that valued through visual acuity, ocular motility, ophthalmoscopy, retinoscopy, and subjective exam, the visual capacity of the children in question. Results: We have found a prevalence of refractive defects of 18.8% were 13.4% represented astigmatism, 3.6% farsightedness and 1.8% shortsightedness. Discussion: These results were compared with those from a thesis performed in 1973 were patients with similar conditions were tested. In this one, the refractive defects were of 30.48%, a difference that can be explained by variations in population characteristics. Lastly, it arises the need of screening in other communities.

Child , Astigmatism/diagnosis , Child , Hyperopia/diagnosis , Prevalence
Rev. bras. oftalmol ; 76(4): 194-197, July-Aug. 2017. graf
مقالة ي البرتغالية | LILACS | ID: biblio-899077


Resumo Objetivo: Comparar as alterações da refração e da biometria ocular na população infantil hipermetrópica com e sem correção óptica total. Métodos: Realizou-se estudo prospectivo longitudinal não randomizado em 41 pacientes com hipermetropia, entre 3 e 6 dioptrias ou/e com esotropia acomodativa pura nos ambulatórios do Hospital Geral Universitário e Oftalmocenter Santa Rosa, com idade inicial entre 4 e 6 anos. Os pacientes foram divididos em dois grupos, em que o Grupo 1 compôs-se pelos pacientes hipermétropes que não necessitavam usar sua correção óptica ou poderiam usá-la parcialmente, e o Grupo 2 por pacientes com esotropia acomodativa pura e pelos hipermétropes que necessitavam usar toda sua correção óptica. Os pacientes submeteram-se a exame oftalmológico completo, incluindo refração objetiva em autorrefrator com cicloplegia, biometria óptica e topografia corneana em uma medida inicial e outra 3 anos mais tarde. Comparou-se a refração e parâmetros biométricos com teste T student. Resultados: A média da idade inicial foi de 5,23 ± 0,81 e 5,36 ± 0,74 anos, a refração inicial foi +3,99 ± 0,92 e +4,27 ± 0,85 D, o diâmetro anteroposterior do globo ocular foi de 21,42 ± 0,84 e 21,22 ± 0,86 mm, e a ceratometria foi de 42,55 ± 1,24 e 42,39 ± 1,22 D, para os Grupos 1 e 2, respectivamente. Em relação à refração, houve redução significativa do poder esférico no Grupo 1, em 3 anos; e não houve no Grupo 2 (p<0,05). Com relação ao diâmetro anteroposterior do globo ocular, ocorreu aumento significativo no Grupo 1 e não houve no Grupo 2 (p<0,05 ). Não se verificou diferença significativa na comparação das ceratometrias em 3 anos nos Grupos 1 e 2. Conclusão: Estes dados permitiram concluir que a correção total da hipermetropia pode prejudicar a emetropização natural em crianças.

Abstract Objective: To compare changes in refraction and ocular biometric parameters in hyperopic children with and without full optical correction. Methods: Non-randomized prospecting study with 41 subjects (21 males and 20 females) aged 4 to 6 years with accommodative esotropia and or hyperopia between 3 to 6 diopters, select in Hospital Geral Universitário and Oftalmocenter Santa Rosa. The patients were divided in two groups: group 1 for hyperopic patients that did not need to use optical correction or could use partial correction, and group 2 for patients with accommodative esotropia or hyperopia who needed to use full optical correction all the time. The patients were examined to a complete ophthalmological examination, including objective cycloplegic refraction with auto refractometer, optical biometry and corneal topography, in baseline measurements and 3 years after that. Refraction and ocular biometric parameters were compared using T student test. Results: The mean initial age was 5.23 ± 0.81 and 5.36 ± 0.74 years; the initial refractive error in average was +3.99 ± 0.92 e +4.27 ± 0.85 D, the initial axial length was 21.42 ± 0.84 and 21.22 ± 0.86 mm, and initial keratometry was 42.55 ± 1.24 e 42.39 ± 1.22 D for group 1 and 2, respectively. In relation to refractive error, there was a significant decrease in group 1 and there was not in group 2 (p < 0.05). In relation to axial length, there was significant increase in group1 and there was not in group 2 (p<0.05). The 3-year comparison showed no statistically significant differences in keratometry for both groups. Conclusion: This study suggests that full optical correction of hyperopia may inhibit natural emmetropization during early and late childhood.

Humans , Male , Female , Child, Preschool , Child , Refraction, Ocular/physiology , Eye/growth & development , Eyeglasses , Hyperopia/therapy , Visual Acuity , Prospective Studies , Follow-Up Studies , Longitudinal Studies , Treatment Outcome , Treatment Failure , Diagnostic Techniques, Ophthalmological , Watchful Waiting , Accommodation, Ocular/physiology , Hyperopia/diagnosis
Rev. cuba. oftalmol ; 30(2): 1-8, abr.-jun. 2017. ilus
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS | ID: biblio-901370


Desde el primer reporte de pliegues coroideos, en el año 1884, el conocimiento sobre su etiología, el mecanismo de producción y su manejo se ha incrementado notablemente. Las causas de los pliegues coroideos abarcan un extenso número de condiciones muy variadas; entre ellas se encuentran los idiopáticos, la hipertensión intracraneana, algunas drogas como el topiramato, las infiltraciones difusas de la coroides por linfomas e hiperplasia linfoide, la hipotonía por contracción de tejido fibrovascular, los tumores coroideos y orbitarios (intraconales y extraconales), entre otras. Se presenta una paciente femenina de 57 años de edad quien acudió por vez primera a la Consulta de Oftalmología en el año 2008 por disminución lenta y progresiva de la agudeza visual de ambos ojos. El examen de fondo de ojo mostró discos ópticos con bordes definidos, buena coloración y presencia de pliegues coroideos radiales al disco en polo posterior de ambos ojos. La refracción arrojó una hipermetropía que fue en aumento en las consultas de seguimiento hasta el presente sin variar el aspecto del fondo de ojo. Se concluye que el caso presenta síndrome de hipermetropía adquirida con pliegues coroideos(AU)

Since the first reported case of choroidal folds in 1884, the understanding of their mechanisms, aetiologies, and management has expanded signally. With ophthalmoscopy, choroidal folds can be appreciated by the light and dark bands observed deep to the retina. While choroidal folds are visible on ophthalmoscopic examination, they are more easily identified using fluorescein angiography. A-scan ultrasound may reveal a shortened axial length. Common B-scan ultrasonographic findings include thickening of the choroid or flattening of the posterior aspect of the globe. Causes of choroidal folds are many, among them are idiophatic, increased intracranial pressure, diffusely infiltrative conditions (lymphomas and benign lymphoid hiperplasia), hypotony, drug induced (an unusual complication of certain medications such as Topiramate), contraction of fibrovascular tissue, choroidal neoplasms and orbital mass lesions (intraconal and extraconal tumours). We report a 57 years old woman who came to ophthalmogy consultation first in 2008 complaning of slowly progressive loss of vision. Fundoscopy showed well defined optic disc with radial choroidal folds of the posterior pole in both eyes. Manifest refraction showed hyperopia that increased in the following visits until the present. Fundoscopy showed not changes. Definitive diagnosis was syndrome of acquired hyperopia with choroidal folds(AU)

Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Choroid Plexus/injuries , Hyperopia/diagnosis , Ophthalmoscopy/methods
Rev. bras. oftalmol ; 75(4): 333-335, July-Aug. 2016. graf
مقالة ي البرتغالية | LILACS | ID: lil-794865


RESUMO O DSAEK (Descemet stripping automated endotelial Keratoplasty) é um dos procedimentos de escolha para tratamento das doenças que acometem o endotélio corneano. Apesar do sucesso terapêutico, o procedimento pode induzir uma hipermetropia residual. Em média a refração se estabiliza em um perído que varia de 6 a 12 meses após o transplante. O objetivo desse relato é descrever a evolução dessa opção terapêutica utilizada em um paciente de 54 anos portador de Distrofia de Fuchs. O paciente foi submetido ao transplante de córnea (DSAEK) e a remoção do cristalino no mesmo tempo cirúrgico o que resultou em hipermetropia residual. Após 3 anos de acompanhamento apresentava-se com a melhor visão corrigida de 20/20 (Snellen) no olho operado com uma refração de +3,25 -1,00 (5º). Optou-se por realização de LASIK (Laser assisted in situ Keratomileusis) hipermetrópico, obtendo um resultado visual satisfatório.

ABSTRACT DSAEK (Descemet stripping automated endothelial keratoplasty) is one of the options for corneal endothelium disease, which in some patients can result in a residual hyperopia after the procedure. Usually 6 to 12 months after corneal transplantation refraction is already stable. This report describes a therapeutic option used in a 54 years old patient with Fuchs' endothelial dystrophy submitted to cataract and corneal transplant that resulted in residual hyperopia, three years after the procedure the best corrected vision was 20/20 with a refraction of +3.25 -1.00 (5 º) treated with Hyperopic - LASIK (Laser-assisted In Situ Keratomileusis) with satisfactory visual result.

Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Keratomileusis, Laser In Situ/methods , Descemet Stripping Endothelial Keratoplasty/adverse effects , Hyperopia/surgery , Hyperopia/etiology , Fuchs' Endothelial Dystrophy/surgery , Phacoemulsification/methods , Lens Implantation, Intraocular/methods , Tomography, Optical Coherence , Descemet Stripping Endothelial Keratoplasty/methods , Hyperopia/diagnosis
Rev. bras. oftalmol ; 74(4): 225-230, Jul-Aug/2015. tab, graf
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS | ID: lil-752079


Purpose: The objective of this paper was to compare the symptoms of asthenopia in patients at different levels of hyperopia and corrected for different accommodative efforts. Methods: This study is an experimental design and quantitative approach. Sixty-nine hyperopic patients aged between 15 and 40 were selected. Individuals with a diagnosis of accommodative insufficiency and paralysis, accommodative spasm or any type of ocular deviation were excluded. Subjects were randomly divided into four groups. Each one performed a nearvision task with different corrective lenses, varying the value of the accommodative effort. Results: There is significant reduction in the asthenopia score during the near-vision task when leaving 35% or more of the amplitude of accommodation in reserve. The linear regression showed that the variables total hyperopia (r = 0.109) and the difference between static and dynamic refraction (r = 0.135) did not obtain significant linear relationship to the asthenopia score. Conclusions: There is significant reduction in the asthenopia score when leaving 35% or more of the amplitude of accommodation in reserve. The symptoms of asthenopia are not associated to the severity of the hyperopic refractive error. The search for symptoms before the near vision task, using a questionnaire, related to the symptoms during the accommodative effort task, revealing the importance of searching for complaints about asthenopia during anamnesis, which can help ophthalmologists with prescriptions of glasses for hyperopic patients with asthenopia.

Objetivos: O presente estudo objetivou avaliar os efeitos do esforço acomodativo e do poder do erro refrativo nos sintomas de astenopia. Métodos: Trata-se de um modelo de estudo experimental e abordagem quantitativa, cuja amostra consistiu de 69 pacientes hipermetropes entre 15 e 40 anos de idade. Foram excluídos os indivíduos com diagnóstico de insuficiência ou paralisia da acomodação, espasmo de acomodação ou qualquer tipo de desvio ocular. Os pacientes foram alocados aleatoriamente em quatro grupos. Cada grupo realizou o trabalho de visão para perto com correções diferentes, variando o valor do esforço acomodativo. Resultado: Houve melhora significativa dos sintomas de astenopia com correções que proporcionaram mais de 35% da amplitude de acomodação em reserva. Não houve relação estatisticamente significativa entre os sintomas e o valor do erro refrativo. Conclusão: Há uma redução significativa dos sintomas quando os pacientes mantêm 35 % ou mais de sua acomodação em reserva. Os sintomas de astenopia não estão associados à gravidade do defeito hipermetrópico. A pesquisa de sintomas antes do teste, através de um questionário, foi o fator que melhor se relacionou com os sintomas durante o teste de visão para perto, revelando a importância da pesquisa das queixas de astenopia durante anamnese na prescrição de lentes para visão de perto.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Young Adult , Accommodation, Ocular , Asthenopia , Eyeglasses , Hyperopia/diagnosis , Refractive Errors , Clinical Trial , Evaluation Studies as Topic
مقالة ي الانجليزية | WPRIM | ID: wpr-147476


PURPOSE: Single umbilical artery (SUA) is the most common malformation of the umbilical cord. However, there have been no studies on the ocular findings in SUA, except for one case report. This study aimed to investigate the ocular findings in children with SUA. METHODS: Fourteen children (eight boys and six girls) with SUA were evaluated retrospectively. All children underwent a complete ophthalmologic examination. RESULTS: The prevalence of abnormal ocular findings in children was up to 42.9%. Refractive errors are detected in four eyes (14.3%): myopia > or =-1.50 diopters (D) in one eye (3.6%) and hyperopia > or =+2.00 D in three eyes (10.7%). Epiblepharon was found in three children (21.4%), and strabismus was detected in one child (7.1%). CONCLUSIONS: Approximately half of the children with SUA showed abnormal ocular findings, therefore, our case series highlight the need for a comprehensive ocular examination and larger prospective research studies in young patients with SUA.

Child, Preschool , Female , Humans , Infant , Male , Eyelid Diseases/congenital , Eyelids/abnormalities , Hyperopia/diagnosis , Myopia/diagnosis , Prevalence , Republic of Korea/epidemiology , Retrospective Studies , Single Umbilical Artery/epidemiology , Strabismus/epidemiology , Umbilical Arteries/abnormalities
Rev. cuba. oftalmol ; 26(2): 273-284, mayo.-ago. 2013.
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS | ID: lil-695037


Objetivo: caracterizar epidemiológicamente el estado refractivo examinado de los niños preescolares de un año de edad que acudieron a consulta de Oftalmología del Policlínico Pedro Esperón, Bauta, en el período 2010-2011. Métodos: se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo y transversal del estado refractivo explorado a los niños de un año de edad que acudieron a consulta de Oftalmología del Policlínico Pedro Esperón, Bauta, en el período 2010-2011. El universo estuvo constituido por 113 niños, total que acudieron al chequeo de círculo infantil en el periodo en estudio. La muestra fue de 98 chicos para un total de 196 ojos a los que se les realizó examen oftalmológico completo incluyendo la retinoscopía, se distribuyeron por género, color de la piel y antecedentes familiares, los ojos se clasificaron según ametropías y grado de severidad. Resultados: el género femenino (54,08 por ciento) y el color blanco de la piel (51,01 porciento) resultaron predominantes en la población estudiada. El 60,2 por ciento tenía el antecedente familiar de ametropía. Se obtuvo que el 91,8 por ciento de ojos amétropes. La hipermetropía fue la más frecuente en el 64,45 por ciento. De las ametropías estudiadas prevaleció su forma leve (66,08 por ciento). Conclusiones: el comportamiento del estado refractivo observado, estuvo dentro de las cifras esperadas en relación a los reportes internacionales referidos al tema

Objectives: to epidemically characterize the screened refractive condition of one-year old preschool children, who had been seen at the Ophthalmology service of Pedro Esperon policlinic located in Bauta, from 2010 to 2011. Methods: a descriptive, cross-sectional and observational study of the screened refractive condition of one-year old children, who went to the ophthalmological service of the above-mentioned hospital in the said period. The universe of study was 113 children, that is, the total number of children who went to the check-up program for the day care centers in the study period. The selected sample was made up of 98 kids representing 196 eyes. They were applied a complete ophthalmological test including retinoscopy; they were distributed by gender, race and family history whereas the eyes were classified according to the ametropies and level of severity of the lesion. Results: females (54.8 percent) and Caucasians (51.01 percent) were predominant. Family history of ametropia was present in 60.2 percent. It was found that there were 91.8 percent of ametropic eyes. Hypermetropia was the most frequent in 64.45 percent. Of the studied ametropies, the mild form prevailed (66.8 percent). Conclusions: the behaviour of the observed refractive conditions was within the expected limits according to the international reports on this topic

Humans , Male , Female , Child, Preschool , Diagnostic Techniques, Ophthalmological , Refractive Errors/diagnosis , Hyperopia/diagnosis , Refraction, Ocular , Cross-Sectional Studies , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Observational Studies as Topic
Journal of Ophthalmic and Vision Research. 2012; 7 (1): 3-9
ي الانجليزية | IMEMR | ID: emr-163673


Purpose: To compare the accuracy of noncycloplegic photorefraction [NCP] with that of cycloplegic refraction [CR] for detecting refractive amblyopia risk factors [RARFs] and to determine cutoff points

Methods: In this diagnostic test study, right eyes of 185 children [aged 1 to 14 years] first underwent NCP using the Plusopti Chi SO4 photoscreener followed by CR. Based on CR results, hyperopia [>/=+3.5 D], myopia [>/=-3 D], astigmatism [>/=1.5 D], and anisometropia [>/=1.5 D] were set as diagnostic criteria based on AAPOS guidelines. The difference in the detection of RARFs by the two methods was the main outcome measure

Results: RARFs were present in 57 [30.8%] and 52 [28.1%] of cases by CR and NCP, respectively, with an 89.7% agreement. In contrast to myopia and astigmatism, mean spherical power in hyperopic eyes was significantly different based on the two methods [P<0.001], being higher with CR [+5.96 +/- 2.13 D] as compared to NCP [+2.37 +/- 1.36 D]. Considering CR as the gold standard, specificities for NCP exceeded 93% and sensitivities were also acceptable [>/=83%] for myopia and astigmatism. Nevertheless, sensitivity of NCP for detecting hyperopia was only 45.4%. Using a cutoff point of+1.87 D, instead of+3.5 D, for hyperopia, sensitivity of NCP was increased to 81.8% with specificity of 84%

Conclusion: NCP is a relatively accurate method for detecting RARFs in myopia and astigmatism. Using an alternative cutoff point in this study, NCP may be considered an acceptable device for detecting hyperopia as well

Humans , Male , Female , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Vision Screening , Risk Factors , Myopia/diagnosis , Astigmatism/diagnosis , Hyperopia/diagnosis , Anisometropia
Indian J Ophthalmol ; 2011 Nov; 59(6): 514-516
مقالة ي الانجليزية | IMSEAR | ID: sea-136242


To find the optimal dosage of cyclopentolate 1% for cycloplegic refraction in hypermetropes with brown irides, we investigated the difference in cycloplegic auto-refractions obtained after one, two, and three instillations in the same patient. The mean hypermetropia found after three instillations was statistically significantly more compared to that found after one instillation. There was no statistically significant difference in the mean hypermetropia between two and three instillations. There was no significant effect of gender, age, and the presence and type of horizontal deviation. These observations suggest that two drops of cyclopentolate 1% 10 min apart are sufficient for cycloplegic refraction in hypermetropes.

Adolescent , Child , Cyclopentolate/administration & dosage , Cyclopentolate/diagnosis , Dose-Response Relationship, Drug , Eye Color , Female , Humans , Hyperopia/diagnosis , Iris , Mydriatics/administration & dosage , Mydriatics/diagnosis , Young Adult
Indian J Ophthalmol ; 2011 Nov; 59(6): 487-490
مقالة ي الانجليزية | IMSEAR | ID: sea-136233


This cohort study included children with esotropia and hypermetropia of ≥ +2.0 diopters (D). The deviation was measured at presentation, under atropine cycloplegia and 3 months after full refractive correction. Of 44 children with a mean age of 5.2 ± 2.4 years, 25 were males. Eighteen (41%) had fully refractive accommodative esotropia (RAE), 10 (23%) had partial accommodative esotropia (PAE), and 5 (11%) had nonaccommodative esotropia (NAE). Eleven (25%) had convergence excess (CE). Under cycloplegia, all with RAE and RAE with CE had orthotropia. There was no significant change in the deviation in the patients with NAE. The deviation under cycloplegia and that with full refractive correction in PAE and PAE with CE (with +3.0 D addition) were not different. The intraclass correlation coefficient for deviation under cycloplegia and after full refractive correction (+3.0 D addition for CE) was 0.89. It was concluded that ocular deviation under cycloplegia can help to predict the accommodative component in esotropia with hypermetropia.

Accommodation, Ocular , Adolescent , Atropine/diagnosis , Child , Child, Preschool , Cohort Studies , Diagnostic Techniques, Ophthalmological , Esotropia/diagnosis , Female , Humans , Hyperopia/diagnosis , Infant , Male , Mydriatics/diagnosis , Predictive Value of Tests
Cir. & cir ; 76(1): 5-12, ene.-feb. 2008. graf
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS | ID: lil-568186


BACKGROUND: We undertook this study to determine the refractive state in patients who underwent non-complicated phacoemulsification under unusual situations. METHODS: This was a clinical, open, transversal, prospective and comparative study. Patients had the following conditions: congenital cataracts, hyperopia, myopia, and emetropia with previous corneal transplantation or vitreous cavity filled with silicone oil. RESULTS: Thirty-six eyes were included in our study vs. control group (52 emetropic eyes). There was no statistical significance in spherical equivalent 6 weeks postoperatively, with 59% of patients within +1.00 D, 73% +2.00 D and 28% > +2.00 D. CONCLUSIONS: Refractive state was favorable with an average of 0.96 D +/- 6.27.

Humans , Male , Female , Child, Preschool , Middle Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Infant , Corneal Transplantation , Cataract/complications , Refractive Errors/etiology , Phacoemulsification , Refraction, Ocular , Vitrectomy , Comorbidity , Cross-Sectional Studies , Cataract/congenital , Postoperative Complications/diagnosis , Postoperative Complications/epidemiology , Refractive Errors/diagnosis , Refractive Errors/epidemiology , Hyperopia/diagnosis , Hyperopia/epidemiology , Hyperopia/etiology , Myopia/diagnosis , Myopia/epidemiology , Myopia/etiology , Prospective Studies , Silicone Oils
Arq. bras. oftalmol ; 70(6): 1037-1039, nov.-dez. 2007. ilus
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS | ID: lil-474118


A 13-year-old male patient with a recent history of hyperglycemia developed an acute bilateral posterior subcapsular cataract, consisting of fine feathery streak-like opacities. On examination, his uncorrected visual acuity was 20/50 and J4 at near in both eyes. Under cycloplegia, a moderate hypermetropic refraction was noted in both eyes. He was diagnosed with acute posterior subcapsular cataract secondary to diabetes mellitus. Two weeks after resolution of the hyperglycemic state, the bilateral feathery streak-like posterior subcapsular opacities regressed completely, hypermetropic refraction decreased and uncorrected visual acuity improved to 20/20 and J1 in both eyes.

Paciente de 13 anos, com história recente de hiperglicemia, desenvolveu subitamente, catarata subcapsular posterior em ambos os olhos, consistindo de finas opacidades dispostas em forma de pena. A acuidade visual não corrigida era de 20/50 e de J4 para perto, em ambos os olhos. Sob cicloplegia, verificou-se em ambos os olhos uma moderada refração hipermetrópica. Foi, então, diagnosticado caso agudo de catarata subcapsular posterior secundária ao diabetes mellitus. Observou-se resolução total da opacidade subcapsular posterior em ambos os olhos duas semanas após regressão do quadro hiperglicêmico, assim como redução da refração hipermetrópica com melhoria da acuidade visual.

Adolescent , Humans , Male , Cataract/etiology , Diabetes Complications , Hyperopia/etiology , Blood Glucose/analysis , Cataract/diagnosis , Hyperopia/diagnosis , Remission Induction
مقالة ي الانجليزية | IMSEAR | ID: sea-43246


As the eye grows, the axial length increases while the cornea and lens flatten. High refractive errors which are common in the neonatal period, reduce rapidly during the first year of life through the process called emmetropization. The possibility that long-term full- time glasses wear may impede emmetropization must be considered. Hyperopia greater than 5.00 diopters (D) in young children is associated with an increased risk of amblyopia and strabismus, therefore optical correction should be prescribed. When hyperopia is associated with esotropia, full correction of the cycloplegic refractive error should be prescribed. Myopia greater than 8.00 D and astigmatism greater than 2.50 D are common causes of isometropic amblyopia. Patients with hyperopic anisometropia with as little as l D difference between the eyes may develop amblyopia while the difference should reach 3-4 D for myopic anisometropia to develop amblyopia. Full cycloplegic refractive difference between two eyes should be given to the anisometropic child in spite of age, strabismus and degree of anisometropia. Myopia control is the attempt to slow the rate of progression of myopia such as cycloplegic agents, plus lenses at near, and rigid contact lenses.

Adolescent , Age Factors , Anisometropia/diagnosis , Astigmatism/diagnosis , Child , Child, Preschool , Female , Humans , Hyperopia/diagnosis , Infant , Infant, Newborn , Infant, Premature , Male , Myopia/diagnosis , Optometry/methods , Practice Guidelines as Topic , Prevalence , Prognosis , Refractive Errors/diagnosis , Risk Factors , Thailand , Treatment Outcome , Visual Acuity
Arq. bras. oftalmol ; 68(3): 321-325, maio-jun. 2005. graf
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS | ID: lil-410442


OBJETIVO: Determinar a prevalência das ametropias em estudantes das redes pública e privada de Natal-RN. MÉTODOS: Foi realizada refratometria de 2.048 olhos de estudantes matriculados no ano letivo de 2001 e os dados avaliados com planilha do SPSS Data Editor 11. As ametropias foram divididas em: 1- de 0,1 até 0,99D (dioptria); 2- 1,0 até 2,99D; 3- 3,00 até 5,99D e 4- 6D ou maior. O astigmatismo foi reagrupado em I- a favor da regra (eixo entre 0 a 30 e 150 a 180 graus), II- contra a regra (eixo entre 60 e 120 graus) e III- oblíquo (eixo entre >30 e <60 e >120 e <150 graus). A faixa etária foi categorizada em 1- 5 a 10 anos, 2- 11 a 15 anos, 3- 16 a 20 anos, 4- 21anos ou mais. RESULTADOS: Dos erros refrativos, a hipermetropia foi o mais comum com 71%, em seguida astigmatismo, 34% e miopia, 13,3%. 48,5% dos míopes e 34,1% dos hipermétropes tinham astigmatismo. De acordo com as dioptrias, 58,1% dos míopes estão no grupo 1, 39% distribuídos entre os grupos 2 e 3. Os hipermétropes enquadram-se em sua maioria no grupo 1 (61,7%) e o astigmatismo no mesmo grupo com 70,6%. A associação dos eixos do astigmatismo dos dois olhos mostrou 95,2% com eixo a favor da regra nos dois olhos, diminuindo a porcentagem para os do eixo contra a regra (82,1%) e menor ainda para os do eixo oblíquo, apenas 50%. CONCLUSAO: Os resultados encontrados mostraram discordância com a maioria dos trabalhos internacionais, principalmente os orientais, que apontam a miopia como o erro refrativo mais comum e corrobora os nacionais, com a grande parte sendo hipermétropes.

Humans , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Astigmatism/epidemiology , Hyperopia/epidemiology , Myopia/epidemiology , Age Distribution , Astigmatism/diagnosis , Brazil/epidemiology , Cross-Sectional Studies , Hyperopia/diagnosis , Myopia/diagnosis , Prevalence , Refraction, Ocular
Rev. mex. oftalmol ; 73(6): 271-5, nov.-dic. 1999. tab
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS | ID: lil-276498


Se revisaron en forma retrospectiva 164 pacientes con diagnóstico de Síndrome de Duane. De estos 109 (66.46 por ciento) fueron mujeres y 55 (33.54 por ciento) fueron hombres; 138 (84.15 por ciento) fueron del tipo I, 5 (3.05 por ciento) del tipo II, 17 (10.36 por ciento) del tipo III y 4 (2.44 por ciento) presentaron combinaciones; 102 (62.20 por ciento) presentaban afección únicamente del ojo izquierdo, 30 (18.29 por ciento) del derecho y 32 (19.51 por ciento) de ambos; 94 (57.32 por ciento) se encontraban en orto posición, 43 (26.22 por ciento) en endotropia y 27 (16.46 por ciento) en exotropia; 20 (17.70 por ciento) de 113 pacientes presentaban desviaciones horizontales en la supra y/o infraversiones; 35 (24.14 por ciento) de 145 pacientes presentaban posición compensadora de la cabeza; 40 (37.38 por ciento) de 107 pacientes presentaban disparon; 11 (10.38 por ciento) de 106 pacientes presentaban ambliopía; 12 pacientes (7.40 por ciento) presentaban anisometropía; 110 ojos (34.06 por ciento) presentaban emetropía, 140 (43.34 por ciento) hipermetropía y 73 (22.60 por ciento) miopía

Humans , Male , Female , Child, Preschool , Adolescent , Strabismus/diagnosis , Strabismus/etiology , Hyperopia/diagnosis , Hyperopia/etiology , Eye Abnormalities/diagnosis , Refraction, Ocular
In. Goic Goic, Alejandro; Chamorro Z, Gastón; Reyes Budelovsky, Humberto. Semiología médica. Santiago de Chile, Mediterráneo, 2 ed; 1999. p.133-8, ilus, tab.
كتاب ي الأسبانية | LILACS | ID: lil-284878
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