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Braz. j. biol ; 82: 1-10, 2022. map, graf, tab
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1468534


Pakistan is the country with mega freshwater fish diversity of native and alien species. In the presence of enormous native fishes varies species of exotic fishes have been introduced into the freshwater bodies of Pakistan which are competing with native freshwater fish fauna and making them deprive of food and habitat as well. Intentional or accidental introductions of animals, plants and pathogens away from their native niche is considered as major leading problem for biodiversity of invaded habitat. Three years study (from January 2017 to December 2019) was conducted in freshwater bodies of Province Punjab, Pakistan. Study was designed to know exotic species impacts on the distribution of native species of fishes. During current survey a total of 68 (indigenous and exotic) fish species belonging to 14 families were recorded from head Qadirabad, head Baloki, Islam headworks and Rasul barrage. Statistical analysis showed that Shannon-Wiener diversity index was the highest (1.41) at both Rasul barrage and Islam headworks but, invasive species were present in very less number in these study sites i.e. Oreochromis mozambicus, O. niloticus, Hypophthalmichthys nobilis, Carassius auratus, Ctenophryngdon idella, Cyprinus carpio and H. molitrix. The diversity index showed that comparatively low diversity was present in both area head Qadirabad (1.30) and head Baloki (1.4) due to high pressure of invasive species. Direct observation of species and statistical analysis showed that aliens’ species produced negative impact on the local fish fauna diversity, evenness, and numbers. It is concluded that many factors are impacts on the diversity of native fishes, but alien (invasive) species also play a major role to reduction of native species, because aliens’ species produce competition for native species. So it is urgent need to analysis the aliens and native food web and roosting sites in Pakistan, in future.

O Paquistão é um país com ampla diversidade de espécies nativas e exóticas de peixes de água doce. Contudo, diversas espécies de peixes exóticos estão sendo introduzidas nos corpos de água doce paquistanês, as quais estão competindo com a fauna nativa de peixes, tornando-os privados de alimento e habitat. A introdução intencional ou acidental de animais, plantas e patógenos fora de seu nicho nativo é considerada o principal problema da biodiversidade do habitat recém-invadido. Assim, foi realizado um estudo de três anos, de janeiro de 2017 a dezembro de 2019, em corpos de água doce na província de Punjab, Paquistão. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida para conhecer os impactos de espécies exóticas na distribuição de espécies nativas de peixes. Durante a pesquisa, foi registrado um total de 68 espécies de peixes (nativas e exóticas), pertencentes a 14 famílias, nas nascentes dos rios Qadirabad, Baloki e Islam e na barragem de Rasul. A análise estatística mostrou que o índice de diversidade de Shannon-Wiener foi mais alto (1,41) na barragem Rasul (RB) e na nascente do rio Islam (IH); e que a maioria das espécies introduzidas estava presente em um número muito menor, isto é, Oreochromis mossambicus, Oreochromis niloticus, Hypophthalmichthys nobilis, Carassius auratus, Ctenopharyngodon idella, Cyprinus carpio e Hypophthalmichthy smolitrix nessa área de estudo. Por outro lado, o índice Shannon-Wiener mostrou que a diversidade estava baixa nas nascentes dos rios Qadirabad (1,30) e Baloki (1,4) em razão da alta pressão de espécies invasoras. A observação direta das espécies e a análise estatística indicaram que as espécies invasoras produziram impacto negativo na diversidade, uniformidade e números de peixes da fauna local. Conclui-se que muitos fatores impactam na diversidade de peixes nativos, mas as espécies exóticas (invasoras) também desempenham um papel importante na redução das espécies nativas, em razão da competição existente entre elas. Portanto, é [...].

Animals , Competitive Behavior , Introduced Species/statistics & numerical data , Fishes
Rev. biol. trop ; Rev. biol. trop;69(1)2021.
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1507821


Introducción: El proceso de invasión biológica es una de las mayores amenazas a la biodiversidad y ecosistemas, con actuales y potenciales impactos en la salud pública y conservación. Procambarus clarkii es un crustáceo decápodo, originario del sur de Estados Unidos y noreste de México, que puede adaptarse a diferentes condiciones ambientales debido a su plasticidad ecológica. Objetivo: Se caracterizó el nicho ecológico fundamental existente de Procambarus clarkii con el fin de predecir las áreas con idoneidad ambiental para el potencial establecimiento de la especie en Suramérica y Colombia. Métodos: Usamos modelos de nichos ecológicos calibrados en el área nativa, elaborados con el algoritmo Maxent, basados en datos de presencia extraídos de GBIF y variables hidroclimáticas de ecosistemas acuáticos a una resolución de 1 km2. Resultados: En Suramérica el modelo indicó un potencial geográfico amplio de invasión mostrando áreas ambientalmente idóneas para la presencia y expansión hacia Colombia, Venezuela, Perú, Ecuador, Brasil, Guyana, Surinam, Bolivia, Uruguay, Argentina, Paraguay y Chile. En Colombia, el modelo predijo que las áreas idóneas se ubican principalmente en el norte y oriente, incluidos diversos ecosistemas, como: bosques tropicales, bosques basales, bosques riparios y sabanas. La especie tiene una alta posibilidad de expandirse hacia áreas de distribución de latitudes bajas, ocupando zonas hacia la parte norte de la región Caribe colombiana, en departamentos de Magdalena, Cesar, Córdoba y Atlántico. También se predijo áreas con idoneidad ambiental en el oriente de Colombia, hacia la extensión de la planicie oriental de la Orinoquia, una región de baja altitud en: Arauca, Casanare, Meta y Vichada. Conclusión: En este estudio se aplican modelos de nichos ecológicos, que puede ser de interés en la planeación de estrategias o la creación de planes de manejo, como sistemas de alerta temprana para evitar el establecimiento de esta especie.

Introduction: Biological invasions are a major threat to biodiversity and ecosystems, with current and potential impacts on public health and conservation. Procambarus clarkii is a decapod crustacean, native to the Southern United States and Northeastern Mexico, which may adapt to different environmental conditions due to its ecological plasticity. Objective: The existing fundamental ecological niche of Procambarus clarkii was characterized in order to predict areas with environmental suitability for the potential establishment of the species in South America and Colombia. Methods: We used models of calibrated ecological niches in the native area, elaborated with the Maxent algorithm, based on occurrence data extracted from GBIF and hydroclimatic variables of aquatic ecosystems at a resolution of 1 km2. Results: The model indicated a wide geographic area for invasion potential in South America, predicting environmentally suitable areas for the presence and expansion towards Colombia, Venezuela, Peru, Ecuador, Brazil, Guyana, Surinam, Bolivia, Uruguay, Argentina, Paraguay and Chile. In Colombia, suitable areas predicted by the model are located mainly in the North and East of the country, spanning a diversity of ecosystems, such as tropical forests, basal forests, riparian forests and savannas. The species has a high possibility of expanding into low latitude distribution areas, occupying areas towards the Northern part of the Colombian Caribbean region, in the departments of Magdalena, Cesar, Cordoba and Atlántico. Suitability areas environmental were also predicted in Eastern Colombia, towards the extension of the Eastern plain of the Orinoquia, a low altitude region in Arauca, Casanare, Meta and Vichada. Conclusion: This study applies ecological niche models, which may be of interest in the planning of strategies or the creation of management plans, such as early warning systems that prevent the establishment of this species.

Animals , Decapoda/growth & development , Colombia , Astacoidea/growth & development , Introduced Species/statistics & numerical data
Rev. biol. trop ; Rev. biol. trop;68(4)2020.
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1507711


Introducción: La alteración en la composición y estructura de la vegetación da paso a la introducción de especies consideradas invasoras, caso de Pteridium arachnoideum, que, por sus características de crecimiento por reproducción asexual y efecto alelopático, puede colonizar rápidamente; tal capacidad de invasión, inhibe los procesos de sucesión natural, permite el dominio de especies herbáceas y disminuye la diversidad de especies arbóreas. Objetivo: Evaluar la vegetación asociada a los helechales (P. esculentum subsp. arachnoideum x P. esculentum subsp. campestre) distribuidos en la zona denominada Golconda, ubicada en el Parque Nacional Natural Serranía de Los Yariguíes. Métodos: Se realizaron 15 parcelas de 25 m2 cada una; en ellas, se tomaron datos de composición y fisonomía de la vegetación [formas de crecimiento, altura (m), cobertura (m2), diámetro a la altura del pecho (DAP) para todos los árboles y abundancia de especies]; se estimaron índices de probabilidad de diversidad (Shannon y Simpson), el porcentaje de especies y abundancia por formas de crecimiento, IVI para especies arbóreas y arbustivas, IVR para herbáceas y el esfuerzo de muestreo. Resultados: Se registraron 924 individuos pertenecientes a 65 especies, distribuidas en 24 familias; las taxa más ricas son: Melastomataceae, Asteraceae y Poaceae, consideradas frecuentes en áreas perturbadas. Las áreas dominadas por helechales son diversas, a pesar de la dominancia de especies como: Ageratina cf. fastigiata, Tibouchina lindeniana, Clethra fagifolia, Coccocypselum lanceolatum y Clidemiaciliata; se identificaron 30 especies leñosas y 21 herbáceas. Conclusiones: Con especies leñosas pioneras que favorecen la sucesión, así como, taxones provenientes de áreas conservadas de interior de bosque, este estudio contribuye en la reevaluación del atributo de P. esculentum subsp. arachnoideum x P. esculentum subsp. campestre como inhibidora y causante de la disminución de la diversidad por su dominancia.

Introduction: Alteration of the composition and structure of natural vegetation allows the invasion of species. This occurs with Pteridium esculentum subsp. arachnoideum x Pteridium esculentum subsp. campestre, which due to its growth by asexual reproduction and allelopathic effect, can quickly colonize disturbed habitat inhibiting natural succession, allowing herbaceous species to dominate and reducing tree species diversity. Objective: Evaluate the vegetation associated with the bracken P. esculentum subsp. arachnoideum x P. esculentum subsp. campestre distributed in the area called Golconda, in the Yariguíes National Park, Colombia. Methods: 15 plots of 25 m2 each were established; in each plot the vegetation composition and physiognomy were registered [growth forms, height (m) as well as vegetation cover (m2), diameter at breast height (DBH) for all trees and species abundance]; diversity probability indexes (Shannon and Simpson), percentage of species and abundance of growth forms, IVI for tree and shrub species, IVR for herbs, and the sampling effort were estimated. Results: 924 individuals belonging to 65 species were registered; they were distributed in 24 families; the richest taxa are: Melastomataceae, Asteraceae and Poaceae, which are considered frequent in disturbed areas. The areas dominated by ferns are botanically diverse, despite the dominance of species such as Ageratina cf. fastigiata, Tibouchina lindeniana, Clethra fagifolia, Coccocypselum lanceolatum and Clidemia ciliata; 30 woody and 21 herbaceous species were identified. Conclusions: Given that pioneer woody species and taxa from preserved areas of forest interiors subserve succession, this study contributes to a reevaluation of P. esculentum subsp. arachnoideum x P. esculentum subsp. campestre as an inhibitor and cause of a decrease in diversity due to its dominance.

Trees/growth & development , Ferns/growth & development , Colombia , Introduced Species/statistics & numerical data
Rev. biol. trop ; Rev. biol. trop;68(4)2020.
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1507721


Introduction: There is a large information gap on the occurrence of non-native species and their impacts on native biodiversity in the Amazon region in Brazil. Objective: The objective of this study was to characterize the floristic composition of a protected area in Manaus, Amazonas, and assess the potential impact of non-native invasive species. Methods: A floristic survey was carried out in 30 plots measuring 20 x 20 m with 1 x 1 m subplots. The estimated parameters were density, frequency, dominance, Importance Value Index (IVI), and Environmental Impact of Non-Native Species (IIAE). Results: In total, 8 out of 264 species registered in the tree-shrub layer were not native. A total of 61 species were identified in the herbaceous layer, five of which were non-native. The impact is estimated based on the highest abundance of species of non-native species. Conclusions: The presence of non-native species in the study area is an indication of a potential impact on biodiversity and ecosystem functions.

Introducción: Existe un gran vacío de información sobre especies exóticas y sus impactos sobre la biodiversidad nativa en la región amazónica de Brasil. Objetivo: Este estudio tuvo como objetivo caracterizar la composición florística de un área protegida en Manaos, Amazonas, y evaluar el impacto potencial de las especies no nativas. Métodos: Se realizó un inventario florístico en 30 parcelas de 20 x 20 m, con subparcelas de 1 x 1 m. Los parámetros estimados fueron: densidad, frecuencia, predominancia, Índice de Valor de Importancia (IVI) e Impacto Ambiental de Especies no Nativas (IIAE). Resultados: En total, 8 de las 264 especies registradas en el estrato arbustivo no son nativas. Un total de 61 especies fueron identificadas en el estrato herbáceo, cinco de las cuales no son nativas. El impacto se estimó con base en la más alta abundancia de las especies de hierbas no nativas. Conclusiones: La presencia de especies no nativas en el área es un indicador de impactos potenciales sobre la biodiversidad y las funciones del ecosistema.

Amazonian Ecosystem , Introduced Species/statistics & numerical data , Plant Dispersal
Rev. biol. trop ; Rev. biol. trop;65(1): 117-125, Jan.-Mar. 2017. tab, ilus
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS | ID: biblio-897530


ResumenEl primer avistamiento del pez león en el Parque Nacional "Cayos de San Felipe" en el 2009 podría amenazar la diversidad de sus ecosistemas marinos y la capacidad de brindar servicios. Para analizar la incidencia de la invasión del pez león en el área, se realizó un muestreo anual entre 2013 y 2015. La abundancia y la talla del pez león se estudió en manglares a través de censos visuales en diez transectos de 30x2 m/estación y en arrecifes (15 y 25 m de profundidad) con estéreo video en seis transectos de 50x2 m/estación. En arrecifes también se estimó incidencia de posibles competidores y depredadores nativos. En los tres años de estudio, la densidad promedio del pez león varió entre 0.0-1.3 indiv./100 m2 por estación de muestreo y no fue significativamente diferente entre hábitats (mangle - 0.6 indiv./100 m2, arrecifes a 15 m - 0.4 indiv./100 m2 y arrecifes a 25 m - 0.3 indiv./100 m2). La densidad de pez león fue igual o menor que la de competidores e igual o mayor que la de depredadores en ambas profundidades. La densidad del pez león en manglares y arrecifes a 25 m se mantuvo temporalmente estable, mientras que en arrecifes a 15 m disminuyó. Se observó que el incremento temporal de la abundancia de competidores y la densidad de depredadores no cambió durante el monitoreo. La talla del pez león varió entre 5 y 39 cm, siendo su promedio en manglares (12.6 cm) menor que en arrecifes (25.2 cm) y no mostró variaciones entre años. La talla de pez león en arrecifes fue más alta que la de competidores y menor que la de depredadores. Los resultados mostraron que en el parque: 1) los manglares son zonas de cría del pez león, 2) la incidencia del pez león en arrecifes no es tan alta como en otras áreas de Cuba y el Caribe y 3) la abundancia del pez león en arrecifes tendió a disminuir en el tiempo sin intervención de acciones extractivas o presencia de abundancia alta de meros nativos de tallas grandes. Considerando los resultados, se hacen recomendaciones para continuar el monitoreo e investigar los efectos del pez león y los factores que estan regulando su incidencia en el parque.

Abstract:The first lionfish sighting at the National Park "Cayos de San Felipe" was in 2009 and could be a threat to its marine ecosystem diversity and their capacity to generate services. To analyze the incidence of the lionfish invasion in the area, an annual sampling was conducted between 2013 and 2015. Lionfish abundance and size was investigated on mangroves through visual census on ten transects of 30x2 m/station, and on coral reefs (15 and 25 m deep) with stereo video on six transects of 50x2 m/station. Additionally, incidence of potential native competitors and predators on coral reefs were also estimated. Over the three years, the average density of lionfish varied between 0.0-1.3 indiv./100 m2 per sample stations and it was not significantly different among habitats (mangroves with 0.6 indiv./100 m2, reefs at 15 m - 0.4 indiv./100 m2 and reef at 25 m with 0.3 indiv./100 m2). Lionfish's density was equal to or lower than competitors' density, and was equal to or higher than predator's density in both depths. While lionfish density on mangroves and on reefs at 25 m remained temporally stable, it decreased on reefs at 15 m. Temporary increase in the competitor's density was observed and the predator´s density did not change during the monitored time. Lionfish size varied between 5 and 39 cm; the average fish size from mangroves (12.6 cm) was consistently lower than from reefs (25.2 cm) and showed no variations among years. Lionfish size in reefs was higher than competitor's size and lower than that of predator. Results showed that in the park: 1) mangroves represent lionfish nursery areas; 2) incidence of reef lionfish was not as high as in other areas of Cuba and the Caribbean; and 3) lionfish abundance in reefs tended to decrease over the years, without the intervention of extractive activities or high abundance of large size native groupers. In this sense, recommendations are made to continue monitoring and to investigate lionfish effects and factors that are regulating its incidence in the park. Rev. Biol. Trop. 65 (1): 117-125. Epub 2017 March 01.

Animals , Perciformes/physiology , Introduced Species/statistics & numerical data , Animal Distribution/physiology , Predatory Behavior/physiology , Time Factors , Population Dynamics , Analysis of Variance , Population Density , Statistics, Nonparametric , Cuba , Wetlands , Coral Reefs , Spatio-Temporal Analysis
Braz. j. biol ; Braz. j. biol;76(3): 718-725, graf
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS | ID: lil-785043


Abstract This study aimed to model the habitat suitability for an invasive clam Corbicula fluminea in a coastal shallow lagoon in the southern Neotropical region (–30.22, –50.55). The lagoon (19km2, maximum deep 2.5m) was sampled with an Ekman dredge in an orthogonal matrix comprising 84 points. At each sampling point, were obtained environmental descriptors as depth, organic matter content (OMC), average granulometry (Avgran), and the percentage of sand (Pcsand). Prediction performance of Generalized Linear Models (GLM), Generalized Additive Models (GAM) and Boosted Regression Tree (BRT) were compared. Also, niche overlapping with other native clam species (Castalia martensi, Neocorbicula limosa and Anodontites trapesialis) was examined. A BRT model with 1400 trees was selected as the best model, with cross-validated correlation of 0.82. The relative contributions of predictors were Pcsand-42.6%, OMC-35.8%, Avgran-10.9% and Depth-10.8%. Were identified that C. fluminea occur mainly in sandy sediments with few organic matter, in shallow areas nor by the shore. The PCA showed a wide niche overlap with the native clam species C. martensi, N. limosa and A. trapesialis.

Resumo O objetivo de deste estudo foi modelar a adequabilidade de habitat do bivalve invasor Corbicula fluminea em uma lagoa costeira na região Neotropical (–30.22, –50.55). A lagoa (19km2, 2,5 m de profundidade máxima) foi amostrada com uma draga Ekman em uma matriz ortogonal compreendendo 84 pontos. Em cada ponto de amostragem foram obtidos descritores ambientais como a profundidade, teor de matéria orgânica (OMC), granulometria média (Avgran), e a percentagem de areia (Pcsand). O poder preditivo dos métodos Modelos Lineares Generalizados (GLM), Modelos Aditivos Generalizados (GAM) e Boosted Regression Trees (BRT) foram comparados. Além disso, a sobreposição de nicho com espécies de moluscos nativos (Castalia martensi, Neocorbicula limosa e Anodontites trapesialis) foi examinada. Um modelo BRT com 1.400 árvores foi selecionado como o melhor modelo, com correlação da validação cruzada de 0,82. As contribuições relativas dos preditores foram Pcsand-42,6%, OMC-35,8%, Avgran-10,9% e profundidade-10,8%. Foi demonstrado que C. fluminea está associada a sedimentos arenosos com pouca matéria orgânica, em áreas rasas próximo às margens. A PCA mostrou uma ampla sobreposição de nicho com as espécies de moluscos nativos C. martensi, N. limosa e A. trapesialis.

Animals , Ecosystem , Corbicula , Introduced Species/statistics & numerical data , Brazil , Population Dynamics , Environmental Monitoring , Population Density , Models, Theoretical
Neotrop. ichthyol ; 13(1): 137-150, Jan-Mar/2015. tab, graf
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS | ID: lil-744495


The original distribution area of the Patagonian 'pejerrey' Odontesthes hatcheri has been subjected to the introduction of a related species; the Bonaerensean 'pejerrey' Odontesthes bonariensis. This species currently coexists with O. hatcheri in lakes and reservoirs, and can interbreed and produce fertile hybrid offspring. The purposes of this study were; a) the extensive sampling of Patagonian and Andean-Cuyan populations of pejerrey, b) the species identification according to taxonomic key, c) validation of taxonomic results on the basis of mitochondrial DNA composition, and d) applying morphometric analysis to explore the effects of hybridization and environmental conditions on body shape. Cytochrome b sequence analysis showed a high degree of genetic divergence between species and low intraspecific variation in O. hatcheri. Geometric Morphometric Analyses detected shape differences in agreement with diagnostic characteristics of each species. Putative hybrids exhibiting intermediate diagnostic characteristics were identified by Geometric Morphometric Analysis. Significant regressions between body shape and total phosphorus and altitude were found, suggesting a dependence on trophic web structure. This multi-level approach suggests the introgression of O. bonariensis into several O. hatcheri populations throughout Patagonia. Managers should take this into account when considering further exotic introductions into regions where non-native fishes have not yet become established.

La distribución original del 'pejerrey' patagónico Odontesthes hatcheri ha sido sometida en las últimas décadas a la introducción de una especie relacionada; el 'pejerrey' Bonaerense Odontesthes bonariensis. Ambas especies coexisten actualmente en algunos lagos y embalses debido a prácticas de siembra y pueden cruzarse y producir progenie híbrida y fértil. Los propósitos de este estudio fueron a) un amplio muestreo de las poblaciones patagónicas y andino-cuyanas del pejerrey, b) la identificación de las especies de acuerdo con la clave taxonómica, c) la validación de los resultados taxonómicos sobre la base de la composición del ADN mitocondrial y d) aplicar el análisis morfométrico para explorar los efectos de la hibridización y las condiciones ambientales sobre la forma corporal. El análisis de la secuencia del Citocromo b mostró un alto grado de divergencia genética entre ambas especies y una muy baja variación intraespecífica en O. hatcheri. El análisis de la Morfometría Geométrica detectó diferencias de forma coincidentes con las características diagnósticas de cada especie. Presuntos híbridos exhibiendo características diagnósticas intermedias fueron identificados por el análisis de la Morfometría Geométrica. Regresiones significativas entre la forma corporal y la concentración total de fósforo y la altitud fueron halladas, sugiriendo una dependencia con la estructura de la trama trófica. Este enfoque múltiple sugiere la introgresión de genes de O. bonariensis dentro de varias poblaciones de O. hatcheri a lo largo de la Patagonia. Las autoridades de aplicación deberían tomar en cuenta estos riesgos al momento de considerar nuevas introducciones de especies exóticas en regiones donde estas especies no se encuentren previamente establecidas.

Animals , Classification/methods , DNA, Mitochondrial/genetics , Introduced Species/statistics & numerical data , Fishes/classification , Demography/classification
Neotrop. ichthyol ; 11(2): 433-441, jun. 2013. tab, graf
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS | ID: lil-679359


A model was developed to assess the risk of invasion of ornamental non-native fishes to six rivers in the state of Minas Gerais, southeastern Brazil, with focus on species popularity. Thirty-nine aquarium shops, in six cities, were visited monthly from January to December 2007. In each city, fish species were identified, and their biology and invasion history information was obtained from the literature. We calculated the annual frequency of occurrence and average number of specimens monthly available in stores. Quarterly water temperature and dissolved oxygen data from 1997 to 2007 were obtained for the Velhas, Muriaé, Uberabinha, Sapucaí-Mirim, Doce and Todos os Santos Rivers from public databases. The invasion risk of each species was assessed through a model comprising nine parameters grouped in four variables: (i) Invasiveness (thermal and dissolved oxygen ranges, diet, parental care or fecundity), (ii) History of invasions (establishment), (iii) Propagule pressure (commercial success, comprising annual frequency of occurrence and number of specimens available monthly at stores), and (iv) Invasibility (water temperature and dissolved oxygen in the target river compatible with the species ranges). Of the 345 ornamental fish species for sale, 332 are non-native to either Minas Gerais (n = 151) or Brazil (n = 194). Based on the proposed cutting values, in particular the compatibility between species and recipient thermal ranges, five ornamental non-native species (Cyprinus rubrofuscus, Carassius auratus, Xiphophorus hellerii, Poecilia reticulata, and P. latipinna) can potentially invade the Velhas and Muriaé Rivers, four species (Cyprinus rubrofuscus, Carassius auratus, X. helleri, and P. reticulata) the Uberabinha River, four species (Cyprinus rubrofuscus, Carassius auratus, X. maculatus, and P. reticulata) the Sapucaí-Mirim River, three species (Carassius auratus, X. hellerii, and P. reticulata) the Doce River, and three species (Cyprinus rubrofuscus, P. reticulata, and Amatitlania nigrofasciata) can potentially invade the Todos os Santos River. Six recommendations are suggested to reduce the invasion risk of non-native fish on the rivers surveyed posed by aquarium trade.

Um modelo foi desenvolvido para avaliar o risco de invasão de peixes ornamentais não-nativos em seis rios do estado de Minas Gerais, sudeste do Brasil, com foco na popularidade das espécies. Trinta e nove lojas de aquário em seis cidades foram visitadas mensalmente de janeiro a dezembro de 2007. Em cada cidade, as espécies foram identificadas e suas biologias e histórias de invasão foram obtidas da literatura. Calculou-se a frequência de ocorrência anual e quantidade média mensal de exemplares disponíveis nas lojas. Foram obtidas temperaturas trimestrais da água e dados de oxigênio dissolvido de 1997 a 2007 dos rios Velhas, Muriaé, Uberabinha, Sapucaí-Mirim, Doce e Todos os Santos a partir de bases de dados públicas. O risco de invasão de cada espécie foi avaliado através de um modelo composto por nove parâmetros agrupados em quatro variáveis: (i) Invasividade (limite de alcance térmico/oxigênio dissolvido, dieta, cuidado parental ou fecundidade), (ii) Histórico de invasões (estabelecimento), (iii) Pressão de propágulos (sucesso comercial, composto pela frequência de ocorrência anual e número de exemplares disponíveis mensalmente nas lojas), e (iv) Invasibilidade (temperatura da água/oxigênio dissolvido dos rios compatível com o limite de alcance térmico/ oxigênio dissolvido das espécies). Das 345 espécies de peixes ornamentais para venda, 332 são não-nativos para Minas Gerais (n = 151) ou Brasil (n = 194). Com base nos valores de corte propostos, cinco espécies de peixes ornamentais não-nativos (Cyprinus rubrofuscus, Carassius auratus, Xiphophorus hellerii, Poecilia reticulata e P. latipinna) podem potencialmente invadir os rios Velhas e Muriaé, quatro espécies (C. rubrofuscus, C. auratus, X. helleri, P. reticulata) podem ...

Animals , Fresh Water/analysis , Introduced Species/statistics & numerical data , Risk Assessment/trends , Fishes/growth & development , Risk Assessment
Braz. j. biol ; Braz. j. biol;72(4): 821-829, Nov. 2012. ilus, tab
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS | ID: lil-660377


We conducted a scientometric analysis to determine the main trends and gaps of studies on the use of ecological niche models (ENMs) to predict the distribution of invasive species. We used the database of the Thomson Institute for Scientific Information (ISI). We found 190 papers published between 1991 and 2010 in 82 journals. The number of papers was low in the 1990s, but began to increase after 2003. One-third of the papers were published by researchers from the United States of America, and consequently, the USA was also the most studied region. The majority of studies were carried out in terrestrial environments, while only a few investigated aquatic systems, probably because important aquatic predictor variables are scarce or unavailable for most regions in the world. Species-occurrence records were mainly composed of presence-only records, and almost 70% of the studies were carried out with plants and insects. Twenty-three different distribution modelling methods were used. The Genetic Algorithm for Rule-set Production (GARP) was used most often. Our scientometric analysis showed a growing interest in the use of ENMs to predict the distribution of invasive species, especially in the last decade, which is probably related to the increase in species introductions worldwide. Among some important gaps that need to be filled, the relatively small number of studies conducted in developing countries and in aquatic environments deserves careful attention.

Conduziu-se uma análise cienciométrica para determinar as principais tendências e lacunas de estudos sobre o uso de modelos de nicho ecológico (MNEs) para predizer a distribuição de espécies invasoras. Usou-se a base de dados Thomson Institute for Scientific Information (ISI). Foram encontrados 190 artigos publicados entre 1991 e 2010, em 82 periódicos. O número de trabalhos foi baixo na década de 1990, mas começou a aumentar após 2000. Um terço dos trabalhos foi publicado por pesquisadores dos Estados Unidos da América e, consequentemente, os Estados Unidos também foram a região mais estudada. A maioria dos estudos foi realizada em ambientes terrestres. Apenas alguns sistemas aquáticos foram investigados, provavelmente porque importantes variáveis preditoras aquáticas são escassas ou inexistentes na maioria das regiões do mundo. Registros de ocorrência de espécies foram compostos principalmente por registros de presença (ou seja, sem registros de ausência) e quase 70% dos estudos foram realizados com plantas e insetos. Vinte e três diferentes métodos de modelagem foram utilizados. O Algoritmo Genético para Produção de Conjunto de Regras (GARP) foi o mais utilizado. Esta análise cienciométrica mostrou um interesse crescente no uso de MNEs para prever a distribuição de espécies invasoras, especialmente na última década, estando esse aumento provavelmente relacionado ao crescimento na introdução de espécies em todo o mundo. Entre algumas lacunas importantes que precisam ser preenchidas, destaca-se o número relativamente pequeno de estudos realizados em países em desenvolvimento e em ambientes aquáticos.

Animals , Animal Distribution , Bibliometrics , Introduced Species/statistics & numerical data , Periodicals as Topic , Plants , Algorithms , Journal Impact Factor , Models, Biological
Rev. biol. trop ; Rev. biol. trop;60(2): 669-681, June 2012. ilus, graf, tab
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS | ID: lil-657810


Historical presence of invasive fish in the Biosphere Reserve Sierra de Huautla, Mexico. The effects of invasive species on native ecosystems are varied, and these have been linked to the disappearance or decline of native fauna, changes in community structure, modification of ecosystems and as vectors of new diseases and parasites. Besides, the development of trade in species for ornamental use has contributed significantly to the import and introduction of invasive fish in some important areas for biodiversity conservation in Mexico, but the presence of these species is poorly documented. In this study we analyzed the fish community in the Biosphere Reserve Sierra de Huautla by looking at diversity changes in the last 100 years. For this, we used databases of historical records and recent collections for five sites in the Amacuzac river, along the Biosphere Reserve area. We compared the values of similarity (Jaccard index) between five times series (1898-1901, 1945-1953, 1971-1980, 1994-1995 and 2008-2009), and we obtained values of similarity (Bray-Curtis) between the five sites analyzed. In our results we recognized a total of 19 species for the area, nine non-native and ten native, three of which were eliminated for the area. Similarity values between the early days and current records were very low (.27); the major changes in the composition of the fauna occurred in the past 20 years. The values of abundance, diversity and similarity among the sampling sites, indicate the dominance of non-native species. We discuss the role of the ornamental fish trade in the region as the leading cause of invasive introduction in the ecosystem and the possible negative effects that at least four non-native species have had on native fauna and the ecosystem (Oreochromis mossambicus, Amatitlania nigrofasciata, Pterygoplichthys disjunctivus and P. pardalis). There is an urgent need of programs for registration, control and eradication of invasive species in the Sierra de Huautla Biosphere Reserve and biodiversity protection areas in Mexico. Rev. Biol. Trop. 60 (2): 669-681. Epub 2012 June 01.

Los efectos de las especies invasoras en los ecosistemas nativos son variados, y estos se han vinculado con la desaparición o disminución de la fauna nativa, cambios en la estructura de la comunidad, modificación de los ecosistemas y como vectores de nuevas enfermedades y parásitos. El desarrollo del comercio de especies para uso ornamental ha contribuido significativamente a la importación e introducción de peces invasores en algunas áreas importantes para la conservación de la biodiversidad en México, pero la presencia de estas especies está escasamente documentada. En este estudio se analiza la comunidad de peces en la reserva de Biosfera Sierra de Huautla, registrando los cambios en la diversidad en los últimos 100 años. Con bases de datos de registros históricos y recientes colecciones para cinco sitios en el río Amacuzac, que cruza la zona de reserva de la Biosfera, se comparan los valores de similitud (índice de Jaccard) entre cinco series de tiempo (1898-1901, 1945-1953, 1971-1980, 1994-1995 y 2008-2009), así mismo, obtuvimos los valores de similitud (Bray-Curtis) entre los cinco sitios analizados. En total hemos reconocido 19 especies para el área, diez nativas y nueve no nativas, de las cuales tres están extirpadas para el área, los valores de similitud entre los primeros registros y los actuales son muy bajos (0.27), los principales cambios en la composición de la fauna se han producido en los últimos 20 años. Los valores de abundancia, diversidad y similitud entre los sitios de muestreo, indican el predominio de especies no nativas. Discutimos el papel del comercio de peces ornamentales de la región como la principal causa de introducción de invasoras en el ecosistema, y los posibles efectos negativos que han tenido al menos cuatro especies en la fauna nativa y el ecosistema (Oreochromis mossambicus, Amatitlania nigrofasciata, Pterygoplichthys disjunctivus y P. pardalis), se hace notar la ausencia de programas de registro, ...

Animals , Fishes/classification , Introduced Species/statistics & numerical data , Biodiversity , Ecosystem , Mexico , Population Density , Population Dynamics , Principal Component Analysis , Seasons
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