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Edumecentro ; 13(4): 40-57, 2021. tab
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1345948


RESUMEN Fundamento: el diseño curricular debe partir de las exigencias sociales; este permite la determinación de las cualidades a alcanzar por el egresado y la estructura organizacional del proceso docente a nivel de carrera. Objetivo: valorar la importancia de las ciencias básicas en el plan del proceso docente del técnico superior en Análisis Clínico y Medicina Transfusional, por su influencia en la formación laboral del futuro egresado. Métodos: se realizó una investigación documental en el período comprendido entre septiembre y noviembre de 2019 en la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Camagüey. Se emplearon métodos teóricos: análisis-síntesis e inductivo-deductivo; y empíricos: el análisis documental a partir del cual se realizaron valoraciones cualitativa y cuantitativa del plan del proceso docente del técnico superior en Análisis Clínico y Medicina Transfusional. Resultados: en el plan del proceso docente de esta carrera no aparecen las asignaturas clasificadas por ciclos y se evidencia una disminución considerable del ciclo básico. Conclusiones: la valoración realizada evidencia que falta precisión del papel que juega cada ciclo de las asignaturas en el plan del proceso docente, lo que influye negativamente en su cientificidad y se demuestra que tiene una elevada carga laboral, ya que el estudiante desde sus primeros años se encuentra vinculado al trabajo diario en el servicio asistencial en el que adquiere habilidades propias de la profesión.

ABSTRACT Background: curricular design must start from social demands; this allows the determination of the qualities to be achieved by the graduate and the organizational structure of the teaching process at degree level. Objective: to assess the importance of basic sciences in the plan of the teaching process of the lab technician in Clinical Analysis and Transfusion Medicine, due to its influence on the job training of future graduates. Methods: a documentary research was carried out in the period from September to November 2019 at Camagüey University of Medical Sciences. Theoretical methods were used: analysis-synthesis and inductive-deductive; and empirical ones: the documentary analysis from which qualitative and quantitative evaluations were made of the plan of the teaching process of the lab technician in Clinical Analysis and Transfusion Medicine. Results: in the plan of the teaching process of this degree, the subjects classified by cycles do not appear and there is a considerable decrease in the basic cycle. Conclusions: the assessment carried out shows that there is a lack of precision in the role that each cycle of the subjects play in the plan of the teaching process, which negatively influences its scientific approach and shows that it has a high workload, since the student from its early years is linked to daily work in the healthcare service in which it acquires distinctive skills of the profession.

Students , Laboratory Personnel , Transfusion Medicine
Más Vita ; 3(3): 22-32, sept. 2021. tab
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1343296


Establecer el cumplimiento de las normas de bioseguridad por parte de los profesionales que laboran en los laboratorios de la Facultad de Ciencias Químicas y de la Salud de la Universidad Técnica de Machala. Materiales y Métodos: La presente investigación es de tipo descriptiva, con enfoque cuantitativo. La modalidad de la investigación es de campo. La población estuvo constituida por 100 estudiantes que usan los diferentes laboratorios de la Facultad de Ciencias Químicas y de la Salud de la Universidad Técnica de Machala. Resultados: El 59% de la población contestó que sí, ha recibido capacitación acerca de las normas de bioseguridad en la institución y el 41% respondieron que no. El 73% de los estudiantes cumplen con las medidas de bioseguridad en el laboratorio. Se realiza el lavado de manos, con un equivalente a un 39% para Después de tener contacto con cualquier tipo de materiales, muestras biológicas, productos sólidos, sustancias o reactivos. Sobre si se cuentan con recipientes de descarte para elementos contaminados, y están debidamente identificados el cual corresponde a un 46,9%. A la pregunta sobre qué materiales se deposita en los guardianes dando un equivalente de 43% para las Jeringuillas, bisturí, sin embargo, las Lancetas, agujas. Conclusiones: Se pudo determinar que la gran parte de la población estudiada si cumplen con las normas de bioseguridad(AU)

To establish compliance with Biosafety standards by professionals working in the laboratories of the Faculty of Chemistry and Health Sciences of the Technical University of Machala. Materials and Methods: This is a descriptive research with a quantitative approach. The modality of the research is field research. The population consisted of 100 students who use the different laboratories of the Faculty of Chemistry and Health Sciences of the Technical University of Machala. Results: 59% of the population answered that they had received training on Biosafety norms in the institution and 41% answered that they had not. Seventy-three percent of the students comply with Biosafety measures in the laboratory. Hand washing is performed, with an equivalent of 39% for after having contact with any type of materials, biological samples, solid products, substances or reagents. Regarding whether there are disposal containers for contaminated items, and whether they are properly identified, this corresponds to 46.9%. To the question about what materials are deposited in the guards giving an equivalent of 43% for syringes, scapel powever, Lancets, needles. Conclusions: It could be determined that the great part of the population studied if they comply with Biosafety standards

Humans , Male , Female , Biological Products , Occupational Risks , Containment of Biohazards , Laboratory Personnel , Universities , Hand Disinfection , Equipment and Supplies
Rev. urug. enferm ; 15(1): 1-10, ene. 2020.
مقالة ي البرتغالية | BDENF, LILACS | ID: biblio-1116678


Introducción: Los cursos que capacitan a profesionales de la salud requieren que los estudiantes puedan correlacionar la teoría con la práctica, con el objetivo de minimizar los riesgos inherentes a la práctica profesional. Por lo tanto, la enseñanza de la bioseguridad en estos cursos es esencial para la formación de estos profesionales. Objetivo: Informar la pasantía de una clase del curso de Técnico en Enfermería que aborda la importancia de enseñar y adoptar buenas prácticas de bioseguridad en el laboratorio de enfermería. Metodología: Este es un informe de experiencia de un maestro del curso de Técnico de Enfermería de un Centro Territorial para la Educación Profesional (CETEP), basado en clases prácticas de procedimientos de enfermería que se llevan a cabo en el propio laboratorio de CETEP, que comenzó el día. 17 de mayo de 2018 y finalizó el 18 de junio del mismo año, totalizando 60 horas. Resultados y Discusión: Durante la pasantía, las actividades fueron abordadas y realizadas por el equipo de enfermería, tales como: signos vitales y medición de glucosa en sangre capilar; vendaje, venopunción periférica; administración de drogas, etc., utilizando medidas de bioseguridad para la prevención de accidentes. Conclusión: El estudio permitió verificar la importancia de la enseñanza de la bioseguridad en los cursos de Técnico de Enfermería, demostrando que la capacitación del estudiante de bioseguridad minimiza los riesgos y promueve una práctica más segura durante el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje, así como en la práctica profesional.

Introduction: The courses aimed at the formation of professionals who will work in the health areas increasingly require the student to be able to correlate theory with practice, aiming at minimizing the risks inherent in professional practice. Thus, the teaching of biosafety for health courses is essential for training health professionals, especially those who are part of the nursing team, since it is this class that is in constant contact with the patient performing complex actions. Objective: To report the internship of a class of the Nursing Technician course addressing the importance of teaching and adopting good biosafety practices in the nursing laboratory. Methodology: This is an experience report by a teacher of the Nursing Technician course of a Territorial Center for Professional Education (CETEP), based on practical classes of nursing procedures held in CETEP's own laboratory, which began on the day May 17, 2018 and ended June 18 of the same year, totaling 60 hours. Results and Discussion: During the internship, activities were taught and performed by the nursing team, such as: vital signs and capillary blood glucose measurement; dressing, peripheral venipuncture; drug administration etc, using biosecurity measures for accident prevention. Conclusion: The study made it possible to verify the importance of biosafety teaching in Nursing Technician courses, showing that the biosafety student's training minimizes the risks and promotes a safer practice during the teaching-learning process, as well as in the professional practice.

Introdução: Os cursos que formam profissionais de saúde exigem que o discente consiga correlacionar a teoria com a prática, visando à minimização dos riscos inerentes ao exercício profissional. Deste modo, o ensino da biossegurança nesses cursos é imprescindível para formação desses profissionais. Objetivo: relatar o estágio de uma turma do curso Técnico em Enfermagem abordando a importância de ensinar e adotar boas práticas de biossegurança no laboratório de enfermagem. Metodologia: Trata-se de um relato de experiência vivenciado por uma docente do curso Técnico em Enfermagem de um Centro Territorial de Educação Profissional (CETEP), oportunizada a partir das aulas práticas dos procedimentos de enfermagem realizadas no laboratório do próprio CETEP, iniciadas no dia 17 de maio do ano de 2018 e finalizadas no dia 18 de junho do mesmo ano, totalizando 60 horas. Resultados e Discussão: Durante a realização do estágio foram abordadas e executadas atividades que são de responsabilidade da equipe de enfermagem, tais como: aferição de sinais de vitais e glicemia capilar; curativo, punção venosa periférica; administração de medicamentos etc., utilizando medidas de biossegurança para a prevenção de acidentes. Conclusão: O estudo possibilitou verificara importância do ensino da biossegurança nos cursos de Técnico em Enfermagem, evidenciando que a capacitação do discente em biossegurança minimiza os riscos e promove uma prática mais segura tanto durante o processo de ensino-aprendizagem, quanto no exercício profissional.

Humans , Students, Nursing , Brazil , Occupational Risks , Occupational Health , Containment of Biohazards , Education, Nursing , Laboratory Personnel , Hand Hygiene , Personal Protective Equipment , Medical Waste
South Sudan med. j ; 12(2): 74-75, 2019. ilus
مقالة ي الانجليزية | AIM | ID: biblio-1272114
Rev. bras. anal. clin ; 50(3): 250-254, dez.16, 2018.
مقالة ي البرتغالية | LILACS | ID: biblio-969506


Objetivo: Avaliar um procedimento de fácil execução e baixo custo para incrementar o diagnóstico da tuberculose entre pessoas privadas de liberdade sem riscos de contaminação para profissionais de laboratório. Métodos: Amostras de escarro foram analisadas por baciloscopia após tratamento com hipoclorito de sódio e sedimentação espontânea em comparação à baciloscopia direta convencional, cultura pelo método Ogawa-Kudoh e o teste molecular rápido pelo sistema Xpert®MTB/RIF. Para as análises estatísticas foram empregados os programas Open Epi e SPSS. Resultados: De 436 amostras de escarro submetidas ao cultivo 71 foram positivas (verdadeiros positivos) e dessas 50 foram positivas pela baciloscopia direta convencional e 67 pela baciloscopia do escarro processado, o que corresponde a um incremento de 29% na positividade. Conclusão: O procedimento proposto preserva as vantagens e aumenta a sensibilidade da baciloscopia direta convencional. A implementação dessa técnica para diagnóstico entre grupos vulneráveis em locais de acesso e recursos limitados poderá aumentar a identificação de casos de tuberculose pulmonar.

Prisoners , Sputum , Tuberculosis , Diagnosis , Mycobacterium tuberculosis , Laboratory Personnel
Rev. salud pública ; Rev. salud pública;20(1): 110-116, ene.-feb. 2018. tab
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS | ID: biblio-962100


ABSTRACT Objective To assess a LED-fluorescence microscopy (LED-FM) capacitation program for the training of laboratory technicians without previous experience in FM. Methods We evaluated a teaching program that consists of a three-day course followed by an "in situ" two-month phase in which technicians acquired skills without the help of a FM expert; in order to gain confidence to recognize auramine-stained bacillus, during this phase, technicians examined duplicate slides stained by Ziehl Neelsen (ZN) and FM in a unblinded way. Technicians with acceptable performance, continued with a blinded-training period. Testing panels and rechecking process were used to evaluate proficiency after different length of experience. Results Post-course panel results showed that 70% of trainees made Low False Positive errors (LFPs). Analysis of two other panels showed that LFPs significantly decreased (Chi-squared test, p<0.05) as the "in situ" training phase progressed. Processing at least three slides/day was associated with acceptable performance. During the blinded-training period, results of the rechecking process showed that sensitivity (96.8%) and specificity (99.8%) levels were satisfactory. Conclusion Moderate training (a three-day course) is not enough to make technicians proficient in LED-FM; however, great ability can be reached after a short "in situ" training phase even without the presence of experienced staff available in field to review doubtful results. Training was more effective in services with a minimum workload of 750 slides/year.(AU)

RESUMEN Objetivo Evaluar un programa de capacitación en microscopía de fluorescencia LED (MF-LED) para el entrenamiento de técnicos de laboratorio sin experiencia en MF. Métodos Se evaluó un programa de capacitación que consiste en un curso de tres días seguido de dos meses de entrenamiento «in situ¼, en donde los técnicos adquirieron habilidades sin presencia de un experto en la práctica diaria; para alcanzar confianza en el reconocimiento del bacilo, los técnicos, durante estos meses, examinaron en forma «no cegada¼ extendidos duplicados teñidos por Ziehl Neelsen (ZN) y MF. Aquellos laboratoristas que lograron rendimiento aceptable continuaron su entrenamiento «a ciegas¼. Su desempeño fue evaluado en distintos períodos del entrenamiento mediante paneles de láminas y relectura de extendidos. Resultados Los resultados de un panel posterior al curso mostraron que 70% de los participantes cometieron errores falsos positivos bajos (FPB). Dos paneles posteriores evidenciaron que los FPB disminuían significativamente (prueba de Chi cuadrado, p<0.05) a medida que el entrenamiento avanzaba. El procesamiento de al menos tres extendidos/ día se asoció con desempeño aceptable. Durante el período a ciegas, la relectura de láminas evidenció que la sensibilidad (96,8%) y especificidad (99,8%) fueron satisfactorias. Conclusiones Una capacitación moderada (curso de tres días) no es suficiente para adquirir competencia en MF-LED; sin embargo, se puede alcanzar habilidad después de una corta capacitación «in situ¼, incluso si no hay personal con experiencia disponible en el servicio para revisar los resultados dudosos diariamente. El entrenamiento fue más efectivo en servicios con carga de trabajo mínima de 750 extendidos/año.(AU)

Humans , Training Courses , Laboratory Personnel/education , Argentina , Multicenter Study , Analysis of Situation , Microscopy, Fluorescence
Rev. Soc. Bras. Med. Trop ; Rev. Soc. Bras. Med. Trop;50(1): 3-8, Jan.-Feb. 2017. tab, graf
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS | ID: biblio-842821


Abstract Emerging infectious diseases are a global threat. In countries like Brazil, where biodiversity is high and public health conditions in terms of infrastructure and medical care are often precarious, emerging diseases are particularly worrisome. The lack of monitoring strategies to identify pathogens with the potential to cause outbreaks or epidemics is another problem in Brazil and other developing countries. In this article, we present the history of the Sabiá virus (SABV), a pathogen that was described in the 1990s in Brazil. Several aspects of the biology and ecology of the SABV remain unknown. The SABV has the potential to cause hemorrhagic fever in humans. To date, four cases of human infections have been reported worldwide; two were naturally acquired (both in Brazil), whereas the other two were linked to occupational exposure in the laboratory environment (one in Brazil and one in the USA). In this review, we summarize the basic biological and ecological characteristics of the SABV. This is the first work to gather all available data on the historical aspects involving the cases of SABV infection along with an update on its characteristic features.

Humans , Male , Adult , Accidents, Occupational , Arenaviruses, New World , Hemorrhagic Fever, American/virology , Brazil , Laboratory Personnel
EMHJ-Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal. 2017; 23 (9): 637-641
ي الانجليزية | IMEMR | ID: emr-188190


Awareness and knowledge of biomedical waste practices is very important for any health care setting. This study aimed to determine the knowledge, attitudes and practices [KAP] about biomedical waste among health professionals in primary health care centres in Hail City, Saudi Arabia. The study included 135 of 155 professionals who dealt with biomedical waste from 16 out of 26 primary health care centres. Data were collected using a structured questionnaire. Overall 54.8%, 48.9% and 49.6% of the participants had good knowledge, attitudes and practices scores respectively. Profession, education and age were significantly associated with KAP level [P < 0.01]: doctors, those with a degree and older respondents had better KAP scores. There was a strong correlation between knowledge and attitudes, knowledge and practices, and attitudes and practices [P ? 0.05]. Training is recommended to enhance the knowledge of the professionals dealing with biomedical waste in the primary health care centres

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Waste Management , Primary Health Care , Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice , Health Personnel , Surveys and Questionnaires , Physicians , Nurses , Laboratory Personnel
مقالة ي الانجليزية | WPRIM | ID: wpr-226349


While many fertility preservation (FP) options now exist for reproductive-aged cancer patients, access to these services continues to be limited. A comprehensive FP program should be organized to serve oncofertility patients effectively. Also, much effort is needed from various individuals—patients, specialists from various fields, and consultants—to facilitate FP in a timely manner. Various challenges still exist in improving access to FP programs. To improve access to FP treatment, it is important to educate oncologists and patients via electronic tools and to actively navigate patients through the system. Reproductive endocrinology practices that receive oncofertility referrals must be equipped to provide a full range of options on short notice. A multidisciplinary team approach is required, involving physicians, nurses, mental health professionals, office staff, and laboratory personnel. The bottom line of FP patient care is to understand the true nature of each patient's specific situation and to develop a patient flow system that will help build a successful FP program. Expanding the patient flow system to all comprehensive cancer centers will ensure that all patients are provided with adequate information regarding their fertility, regardless of geography.

Humans , Endocrinology , Fertility Preservation , Fertility , Geography , Laboratory Personnel , Mental Health , Patient Care , Referral and Consultation , Specialization
مقالة ي الانجليزية | WPRIM | ID: wpr-126542


BACKGROUND: Hepatitis B is a viral infection of the liver and causes both acute and chronic disease. It is transmitted through contact with an infected person's bodily fluids. It is an occupational hazard for healthcare workers and can be prevented by the administration of a vaccine. It is recommended that healthcare workers be vaccinated against vaccine preventable diseases including hepatitis B. The study objective was to determine the prevalence and determinants of hepatitis B vaccination among healthcare workers in selected health facilities in Lusaka. METHODS: The study took place in seven health facilities across Lusaka district in Zambia. A total sample size of 331 healthcare workers was selected of which; 90 were nurses, 88 were doctors, 86 were laboratory personnel and 67 were general workers. A self-administered structured questionnaire was given to a total of 331 healthcare workers. Investigator led stepwise approach was used to select the best predictor variables in a multiple logistic regression model and all analyses were performed using STATA software, version 12.1 SE (Stata Corporation, College Station, TX, USA). RESULTS: Only 64(19.3%) of the healthcare workers were vaccinated against hepatitis B, with 35 (54.7%) of these being fully vaccinated and 29 (45.3%) partially vaccinated. Analysis showed that; age of the healthcare worker, sharp injuries per year and training in infection control were the variables that were statistically significant in predicting a healthcare worker's vaccination status. CONCLUSION: It is reassuring to learn that healthcare workers have knowledge regarding hepatitis B and the vaccine and are willing to be vaccinated against it. Health institutions should bear the cost for vaccinating staff and efforts should be made for appropriate health education regarding hepatitis B infection and its prevention. Establishment of policies on compulsory hepatitis B vaccination for healthcare workers in Zambia is recommended.

Humans , Chronic Disease , Delivery of Health Care , Health Education , Health Facilities , Hepatitis B , Hepatitis , Infection Control , Laboratory Personnel , Liver , Logistic Models , Prevalence , Research Personnel , Sample Size , Vaccination , Zambia
Afr. j. lab. med. (Online) ; 6(1): 1-20, 2017. ilus
مقالة ي الانجليزية | AIM | ID: biblio-1257316


Background: The 2008 Maputo Declaration calls for the development of dedicated national laboratory policies and strategic plans supporting the enhancement of laboratory services in response to the long-lasting relegation of medical laboratory systems in sub-Saharan Africa.Objectives: This study describes the extent to which laboratories are addressed in the national health policies and plans created directly following the 2008 momentum for laboratory strengthening.Method: National health policies and plans from 39 sub-Saharan African countries, valid throughout and beyond 31 December 2010 were collected in March 2012 and analysed during 2013.Results: Laboratories were addressed by all countries. Human resources were the most addressed topic (38/39) and finances and budget were the least addressed (< 5/39). Countries lagging behind in national laboratory strategic planning at the end of 2013 (17/39) were more likely to be francophone countries located in West-Central Africa (13/17) and have historically low HIV prevalence. The most common gaps anticipated to compromise the implementation of the policies and plans were the disconnect between policies and plans, under-developed finance sections and monitoring and evaluating frameworks, absence of points of reference to define gaps and shortages, and inappropriate governance structure.Conclusion: The availability of laboratory policy and plan implementation can be improved by strictly applying a more standardised methodology for policy development, using harmonised norms to set targets for improvement and intensifying the establishment of directorates of laboratory services directly under the authority of Ministries of Health. Horizontal programmes such as the Global Health Security Agenda could provide the necessary impulse to take the least advanced countries on board

Laboratories/organization & administration , Laboratory Personnel/organization & administration
Ocotal, Nueva Segovia; s.n; mayo 2016. 67 p. ilus, tab, graf.
أطروحة جامعية ي الأسبانية | LILACS | ID: biblio-972373


Objetivo. Evaluar la opinión de los usuarios externos sobre la calidad del servicio que brinda ellaboratorio clínico del Hospital Tela, Honduras, noviembre – diciembre, 2015.Problema. ¿Qué opinión tienen los usuarios externos sobre la calidad del servicio que brinda ellaboratorio clínico del Hospital Tela, Honduras, noviembre a diciembre, 2015? Método. El instrumento que se utilizó fue la encuesta SERVQUAL modificada, para uso en ellaboratorio clínico de los servicios de salud, este instrumento incluye 22 preguntas deexpectativa y 22 preguntas de percepción, distribuidos en 5 criterios de evaluación de laCalidad: bienes tangibles, confiabilidad, responsabilidad (capacidad de respuesta), seguridad yempatía, al tener los resultados se sacan las brechas y el índice de calidad del servicio.Resultados. Se realizaron 367 encuestas, de las cuales el 74% de los usuarios correspondíanal sexo femenino y 26% al sexo masculino; Todas las brechas fueron negativas lo que indicaque hay déficit en el servicio que presta el laboratorio clínico del Hospital Tela, la dimensiónbienes tangible y empatía con -17 fueron las brechas más cercana a cero y en base a ellas sepuede enfocar un plan de mejora continua de calidad, la brecha más alejada del valor de ceroes la de confiabilidad: con un -33, dimensión capacidad respuesta: -31, dimensión seguridad:-26, Índice de calidad del servicio: -24.8 Conclusión: Al clasificar la calidad del servicio, ladimensión con la brecha más alejada del cero fue la confiabilidad y las más cercanas al cerofueron los bienes tangibles y la empatía; el resultado del índice de calidad del servicio (ICS)PONDERADO se interpreta como que el servicio brindado en el laboratorio clínico del HospitalTela, según la percepción y la expectativa de los usuarios cumple el estándar de calidad moderadamente.

Humans , Quality of Health Care , Perception , Laboratory Personnel , Academic Dissertations as Topic , Electronic Thesis
Biomédica (Bogotá) ; Biomédica (Bogotá);36(1): 149-155, ene.-mar. 2016. tab
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS | ID: lil-779541


Introducción. La malaria, o paludismo, continúa siendo uno de los más importantes problemas de salud pública a nivel mundial. La gota gruesa sigue siendo la técnica de referencia para su diagnóstico. Objetivo. Evaluar los conocimientos para el diagnóstico de la malaria de técnicos del sector de la salud en Luanda, Angola, mediante una encuesta. Materiales y métodos. La preparación de la encuesta transcurrió en tres etapas: primero, se hicieron entrevistas abiertas a los técnicos en torno a los diferentes procedimientos para el diagnóstico microscópico de la malaria; en una segunda etapa, se preparó el cuestionario preliminar, y en la tercera, se elaboró el cuestionario definitivo. La encuesta se hizo en un grupo de 120 técnicos de la red nacional de salud entre los meses de abril y julio de 2013. Se comparó la proporción de respuestas correctas e incorrectas considerando como significativo un valor de p<0,05. Resultados. Las respuestas incorrectas predominaron sobre las correctas, de forma estadísticamente significativa (p<0,05), en las preguntas sobre: las manifestaciones clínicas (68 Vs . 52); las especies de Plasmodium según zonas geográficas (76 Vs . 44); el tipo de granulaciones según la especie parasitaria (96 Vs . 24); el tipo de lente para visualizar la gota gruesa (105 Vs . 15); la forma de hacer un informe del resultado de la microscopía (76 Vs . 44); el tiempo y la concentración de las diferentes soluciones que se utilizan (81 Vs . 39), y el número de parásitos por 200 leucocitos (96 Vs . 24). Conclusiones. Se demostró la insuficiencia de conocimientos para el diagnóstico microscópico de la malaria. Estos resultados servirán de base para el desarrollo de las herramientas de una intervención educativa orientada a mejorar la calidad del diagnóstico de la malaria en la red de laboratorios de Luanda.

Introduction: Malaria is still one of the most important public health problems worldwide. The diagnosis of this disease is still mainly based on thick blood films. Objective: To evaluate the knowledge about malaria diagnosis of the technicians of the public health network in Luanda, Angola, by means of a survey. Methods: This survey was carried out in three phases. In the first one, open interviews were done to technicians related with the different procedures for malaria diagnosis. In the second one, a preliminary questionnaire was prepared and evaluated. In the third phase, a definitive questionnaire was applied to 120 technicians from Luanda between April and July, 2013. The proportions of correct and incorrect answers were compared for every question of the survey. Results: Significantly higher proportions of incorrect answers (p<0.05) were found in the questions related to clinical manifestations, 68/52 (p<0.05), species of Plasmodium according to geographical areas, 76/44 (p<0.05), the type of granulations according to species, 96/24 (p<0.01), the class of microscope magnifying glasses used to observe the thick smear, 105/15 (p<0.01), the thick smear report, 76/44 (p<0.01), the time and preparation of different stain solutions, 81/39 (p<0.01), and the number of parasites counted per 200 leukocytes, 96/24 (p<0.01). Conclusions: Various failures for the microscopic diagnosis of malaria were observed amongst the evaluated technicians. These results will be useful as a baseline study before applying an educational intervention aimed to improve the quality of malaria diagnosis in Luanda´s laboratory network.

Malaria/diagnosis , Data Collection , Laboratory Personnel , Angola
EMHJ-Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal. 2016; 22 (11): 832-839
ي الانجليزية | IMEMR | ID: emr-184225


Laboratories need leaders who can effectively utilize the laboratories' resources, maximize the laboratories'capacity to detect disease, and advocate for laboratories in a fluctuating health care environment. To address this need, the University of Washington, USA, created the Certificate Program in Laboratory Leadership and Management in partnership with WHO Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean, and implemented it with 17 participants and 11 mentors from clinical and public health laboratories in 10 countries [Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Oman, Pakistan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and Yemen] in 2014. Designed to teach leadership and management skills to laboratory supervisors, the programme enabled participants to improve laboratory testing quality and operations. The programme was successful overall, with 80% of participants completing it and making impactful changes in their laboratories. This success is encouraging and could serve as a model to further strengthen laboratory capacity in the Region

Delivery of Health Care/standards , Laboratory Personnel , Medical Laboratory Science/methods , Disease Management
Braz. j. microbiol ; Braz. j. microbiol;46(4): 945-955, Oct.-Dec. 2015. tab, graf
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS | ID: lil-769647


Abstract A rich, collaborative program funded by the US NIH Fogarty program in 2004 has provided for a decade of remarkable opportunities for scientific advancement through the training of Brazilian undergraduate, graduate and postdoctoral students from the Federal University and Oswaldo Cruz Foundation systems at Albert Einstein College of Medicine. The focus of the program has been on the development of trainees in the broad field of Infectious Diseases, with a particular focus on diseases of importance to the Brazilian population. Talented trainees from various regions in Brazil came to Einstein to learn techniques and study fungal, parasitic and bacterial pathogens. In total, 43 trainees enthusiastically participated in the program. In addition to laboratory work, these students took a variety of courses at Einstein, presented their results at local, national and international meetings, and productively published their findings. This program has led to a remarkable synergy of scientific discovery for the participants during a time of rapid acceleration of the scientific growth in Brazil. This collaboration between Brazilian and US scientists has benefitted both countries and serves as a model for future training programs between these countries.

Brazil/economics , Brazil/education , Brazil/history , Brazil , Brazil/organization & administration , Education/economics , Education/education , Education/history , Education , Education/organization & administration , /economics , /education , /history , /organization & administration , Humans/economics , Humans/education , Humans/history , Humans , Humans/organization & administration , International Cooperation/economics , International Cooperation/education , International Cooperation/history , International Cooperation , International Cooperation/organization & administration , Laboratory Personnel/economics , Laboratory Personnel/education , Laboratory Personnel/history , Laboratory Personnel , Laboratory Personnel/organization & administration , National Institutes of Health (U.S.)/economics , National Institutes of Health (U.S.)/education , National Institutes of Health (U.S.)/history , National Institutes of Health (U.S.) , National Institutes of Health (U.S.)/organization & administration , United States/economics , United States/education , United States/history , United States , United States/organization & administration
Educ. med. super ; 29(2): 0-0, abr.-jun. 2015.
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS | ID: lil-759128


El objetivo de la investigación fue realizar el análisis histórico tendencial de la superación profesional de técnicos y tecnólogos de la salud en Laboratorio Clínico, en Camagüey. El método histórico y lógico permitió estudiar las tendencias históricas acerca de la superación profesional con enfoque interdisciplinario, en su devenir histórico, y comprender la esencia de su desarrollo, en correspondencia con el marco histórico concreto en que se ha desarrollado, así como sus condicionamientos e implicaciones sociales. Se concluye que en las etapas identificadas a partir de los indicadores establecidos, se producen transformaciones importantes en la superación profesional de técnicos y tecnólogos de la salud en Laboratorio Clínico, aunque todavía resultan insuficientes las acciones en el proceso de superación profesional, lo que influye en la cultura general y en el desempeño profesional del laboratorista clínico.

The objective of this research was to make a historical analysis of the trends of the professional upgrading of clinical laboratory technicians and technologists in Camaguey province. The historical and logical method made it possible to study the historical trends of the professional upgrading with an inter-disciplinary approach in their historical transformation and to understand the essence of their development in line with the specific historical context in which they appear as well as their conditioning and social implications. It is concluded that, according to set indicators, important changes occur during the identified stages in the professional upgrading of clinical laboratory technicians and technologists, although the actions to encourage professional upgrading of this staff are lacking, which has an impact on the general culture and the professional performance of the clinical laboratory worker.

Universities , Laboratory Personnel/education
RECIIS (Online) ; 9(2): 1-10, abr. -jun. 2015.
مقالة ي البرتغالية | LILACS | ID: lil-789260


No âmbito da formação profissionalizante, as características da aprendizagem baseada em problemas (ABP)propiciam uma maior aproximação dos alunos da prática profissional. Este artigo apresenta uma propostacurricular inovadora para a formação de técnicos em laboratórios de saúde pública, fundamentada na ABP. Alógica da estrutura curricular apoia-se em dois eixos estruturantes: 1) as principais tecnologias utilizadas noslaboratórios de saúde pública, tais como a microscopia, a volumetria, a espectrofotometria, a cromatografiae a eletroforese; e 2) as principais matrizes utilizadas nos laboratórios, tais como a água, os alimentos,a urina, as fezes e o sangue. Com esta proposta, busca-se fomentar discussões acerca da implantação decurrículos e de estratégias de ensino que possam contribuir para melhorar o ensino profissionalizante noBrasil, assim como promover a formação de técnicos capazes de atuarem nos laboratórios que compõem oSistema Nacional de Laboratórios de Saúde Pública (SISLAB)...

In the context of vocational training, the characteristics of the problem-based learning (PBL) provide agreater proximity of the students to professional practice. This article presents an innovative curriculumproposal for the training of technicians in public health laboratories, based on PBL. The logic of thecurriculum structure is based on two axes: 1) The main technologies applied at public health laboratories,such as microscopy, volumetry, spectrophotometry, chromatography and electrophoresis; and 2) The mainmatrices used in laboratories, such as water, food, urine, faeces and blood. With this proposal, we seek tofoster discussions about the curriculum implementation and the teaching strategies that can contribute tothe improvement in vocational education in Brazil, as well as promote the training of technicians capable ofworking in laboratories comprising the Brazilian National Public Health Laboratory (SISLAB)...

En el ambito de la formación profesional, el aprendizaje basado en problemas (ABP) permite una mayoraproximación de los estudiantes a la práctica para habilitarse en una profesión. Este artículo presenta unapropuesta curricular inovadora para la formación de técnicos en laboratórios de salud pública, basada enABP. La lógica de la estructura curricular se sustenta en dos ejes: 1) Las principales tecnologías utilizadas emlos laboratorios de salud pública tales como, microscopia, volumetría, espectrofotometría, cromatografíay electroforesis; y 2) Las principales matrices utilizadas en los laboratorios, como agua, alimentosy fluidos biológicos en general. Con esta propuesta se busca el fomento de discusiones com respecto ala implementación de currículos y de estratégias de enseñanza que puedan contribuir a la enseñanzaprofesional en Brasil al igual que promover la formación de técnicos capaces de actuaren en los laboratóriosque componen el Sistema Nacional de Laboratorios de Salud Pública (SISLAB)...

Humans , Health Human Resource Training , Problem-Based Learning , Laboratory Personnel/education , Education, Professional , Problem Solving , Public Health
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