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Rev. chil. neuro-psiquiatr ; 59(4): 343-360, dic. 2021. tab, ilus
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1388404


INTRODUCCIÓN: La necesidad de intervenir precozmente en la psicosis ha llevado a la búsqueda de biomarcadores útiles en su predicción, donde el análisis del lenguaje hablado destaca por su fácil obtención y bajo coste económico. En esta revisión sistemática se analizan las principales alteraciones del lenguaje en pacientes con riesgo ultra alto de psicosis (UHR), evaluando su prevalencia y su relación con la transición a la psicosis. MÉTODOS: Se realizó una búsqueda en las bases de datos PubMed y Embase de estudios en inglés o español, así como en las listas de referencias de los artículos encontrados. RESULTADOS: De 140 artículos identificados, se incluyeron 15. Las variables del lenguaje analizadas fueron Cohesión Lingüística, Coherencia Semántica, Complejidad Sintáctica, Producción Metafórica, Prosodia Emocional y Trastorno del Pensamiento Formal (TFP). La prevalencia encontrada osciló entre el 21% y el 85% para las alteraciones incluidas en el TFP, sin que se hayan encontrado medidas de prevalencia para el resto de las variables. La precisión global para la transición de RH a psicosis osciló entre el 70% y el 100% en todos los estudios. CONCLUSIONES: Existe un amplio abanico de alteraciones del habla en los pacientes con RHU, donde la PTF es la más estudiada. La prevalencia de estas alteraciones parece ser alta, especialmente en lo que respecta a la PTF. El análisis de esas alteraciones del habla en pacientes con RHU aparece como una excelente herramienta para predecir la transición a la psicosis, particularmente a través de la transcripción de entrevistas y el uso de la Inteligencia Artificial.

INTRODUCTION: The need for early intervention in psychosis has led to the search for useful biomarkers in its prediction, where the analysis of spoken language stands out for its easy obtaining and low economic cost. In this systematic review, we analyze the main speech disturbances in patients at ultra-high risk for psychosis (UHR), evaluating their prevalence and their relationship with transition to psychosis. METHODS: A search was carried out in PubMed and Embase databases for studies in English or Spanish, as well as the reference lists of the articles found. RESULTS: Of 140 articles identified, 15 were included. The variables of the language analyzed were Linguistic Cohesion, Semantic Coherence, Syntactic Complexity, Metaphorical Production, Emotional Prosody and Formal Thought Disorder (TFP). The prevalence found ranged between 21% and 85% for disturbances included within the TFP, with no prevalence measures for the rest of the variables. The global accuracy for UHR transition to psychosis ranged from 70% to 100% across studies. CONCLUSION: There is a wide range of speech disorders in UHR patients, where the TFP is the most studied one. The prevalence of these alterations seems to be high, especially with regard to TFP. The analysis of those speech alterations in UHR patients appears as an excellent tool to predict transition to psychosis, particularly through interview transcription and the use of Artificial Intelligence.

Humans , Psychotic Disorders/diagnosis , Language Disorders/diagnosis , Prognosis , Psychotic Disorders/epidemiology , Risk , Prevalence , Language Disorders/epidemiology
Distúrb. comun ; 33(4): 583-595, dez.2021. ilus
مقالة ي البرتغالية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1413138


Objetivo: Identificar as evidências científicas do uso da Classificação Internacional de Funcionalidade, Incapacidade e Saúde (CIF) na caracterização da funcionalidade de pacientes com transtornos da linguagem, considerando o modo como tem sido aplicada e visando explorar estratégias de aplicação. Estratégia de pesquisa: Levantamento de literatura nacional e internacional com buscas realizadas nas bases BVS, PubMed e Portal de Periódicos da CAPES. A pergunta norteadora da revisão questiona a utilização da CIF na caracterização da funcionalidade de pacientes com transtornos da linguagem. Critério de seleção: Artigos publicados até setembro de 2019 em português, inglês ou espanhol que abordassem a relação entre CIF e Fonoaudiologia. Resultados: 257 artigos encontrados que se restringiram a 35 após os filtros. Os temas mais recorrentes foram o uso da CIF na avaliação do impacto dos transtornos da linguagem, na análise e criação de instrumentos avaliativos, e no acompanhamento do processo terapêutico, principalmente na infância. Conclusão: A CIF tem sido empregada para distintos fins no âmbito da linguagem e pode revelar aspectos da funcionalidade em relação ao meio e às condições em que o sujeito está inserido. Seu uso é recomendado por pesquisadores e profissionais de saúde para estabelecer o modelo biopsicossocial.

Purpose: Identify scientific evidence for the use of International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health in the characterization of functioning of patients with language disorders, considering the way it has been applied and aiming to explore application strategies. Research strategies: Search in national and international literature in the bases BVS, PubMed and CAPES. This review guiding question is the use of the ICF to characterize the functioning of patients with language disorders. Selection criteria: Articles published until September 2019 in Portuguese, English or Spanish that addressed the relation between the ICF and Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences. Results: 257 articles found that were narrowed down to 35 after the filters. The most recurrent topics were the use of the ICF in the evaluation of the impact of communication disorders, in the analyses and creation of assessment instruments and in the follow-up of the intervention process, especially in childhood. Conclusion: The ICF has been used for different purposes in language scope and it can reveal functionality aspects relating to the environment and conditions in which the person is in. Its use is recommended by researchers and health professionals in order to establish the biopsychosocial model.

Objetivo: Identificar la evidencia científica del uso de la Clasificación Internacional de Funcionalidad, Discapacidad y Salud en la caracterización de la funcionalidad de pacientes con trastornos del lenguaje, considerando la forma en que se ha aplicado y buscando explorar estrategias de aplicación. Estrategia de investigación: Relevamiento de la literatura nacional e internacional con búsquedas realizadas en el Portal de Revistas BVS, PubMed y CAPES. La pregunta orientadora de la revisión cuestiona el uso de la CIF para caracterizar la funcionalidad de los pacientes con trastornos del lenguaje. Criterios de selección: Artículos publicados hasta septiembre de 2019 en portugués, inglés o español que abordaran la relación entre CIF y Logopedia. Resultados: Se encontraron 257 artículos que se restringieron a 35 después de los filtros. Los temas más recurrentes fueron el uso de la CIF en la evaluación del impacto de los trastornos del lenguaje, en el análisis y creación de herramientas de evaluación y en el seguimiento del proceso terapéutico, especialmente en la infancia. Conclusión: La CIF se ha utilizado para diferentes propósitos en el ámbito del lenguaje y puede revelar aspectos de funcionalidad en relación con el entorno y las condiciones en las que se inserta el sujeto. Su uso es recomendado por investigadores y profesionales de la salud para establecer el modelo biopsicosocial.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health , Language Disorders/diagnosis , Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences
Distúrb. comun ; 33(1): 141-152, mar. 2021. tab, ilus
مقالة ي البرتغالية | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1400129


Introdução: Crianças com graves comprometimentos na comunicação podem se beneficiar da Comunicação Suplementar e Aumentativa para possibilitar a interação social e consequentemente o desenvolvimento cognitivo e linguístico. Objetivo: Comparar o desempenho linguístico e cognitivo de crianças com transtornos de linguagem pré e pós terapia utilizando como modelo de intervenção a comunicação por troca de figuras PECS. Método: Estudo retrospectivo, transversal híbrido por análise de prontuário de seis crianças com diagnóstico de grave transtorno de linguagem e idades entre quatro e nove anos. Todos os participantes foram atendidos semanalmente, por um período de quatro meses para implementação do protocolo PECS. Para avaliação foram utilizados o Protocolo de Observação Comportamental e o subitem avaliação da linguagem receptiva do Teste de Avaliação do Desenvolvimento da Linguagem. Resultados: Em relação às habilidades dialógicas quatro crianças apresentaram melhor desempenho após o uso do PECS, sendo que uma já se encontrava no nível máximo avaliado neste item, antes da intervenção. Houve melhora nas funções comunicativas e nos meios de comunicação em quatro crianças. Observou-se desenvolvimento do simbolismo e na imitação gestual em duas crianças e na imitação sonora em quatro crianças. Conclusão: Observa-se que uso da Comunicação Suplementar e Aumentativa por troca de figuras PECS, mesmo por um curto período, auxiliou no desenvolvimento de habilidades comunicativas, na capacidade de imitação gestual/sonora e na compreensão verbal. Intercorrências podem influenciar diretamente a evolução comunicativa dos pacientes, por exemplo, aderência familiar ao tratamento ou prejuízo cognitivo severo.

Introduction: Children with severe communication impairments can benefit from the use of Supplementary and Augmentative Communication to enable social interaction and, consequently, cognitive and linguistic development. Objective: Compare the linguistic and cognitive performance of children with severe language disorders before and after therapy using the Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) as an intervention model. Method: Retrospective, hybrid cross-sectional study by analysis of medical records. Six children with a diagnosis of language disorder and aged between four and nine years were included. All participants were treated weekly for a period of four months to implement the PECS. For assessment, the Behavioral Observation Protocol and the subitem evaluation of the receptive language of the Language Development Assessment Test. Results: Regarding dialogic skills, four children performed better after using PECS, and one was already at the maximum level assessed in this item before the intervention. There was an improvement in communicative functions and means of communication in four children. The development of symbolism and gestural imitation was observed in two children and sound imitation in four children. Conclusion: It is observed that the use of Augmentative And Alternative Communication for the exchange of PECS figures, even for a short period, helped in the development of communicative skills, in the ability to imitate gestures/sounds, and in verbal comprehension. Intercurrences can influence the communicative evolution of patients, for example, family adherence to treatment or severe cognitive impairment.

Introducción: Niños con graves deficiencias comunicativas puede beneficiarse del uso de la Comunicación Complementaria y Aumentada para permitir la interacción social, en consecuencia, el desarrollo cognitivo y lingüístico. Objetivo: Comparar el rendimiento lingüístico y cognitivo de los niños con trastornos del lenguaje antes y después de la terapia utilizando la comunicación de intercambio de imágenes PECS como modelo de intervención. Método: Estudio retrospectivo, híbrido de sección transversal l por análisis de registros médicos de seis niños con diagnóstico de trastorno del lenguaje y edades entre cuatro y nueve años. Todos fueron tratados semanalmente, durante un período de cuatro meses, para implementar el protocolo PECS. Para la evaluación se utilizó el Protocolo de Observación del Comportamiento y el sub-ítem evaluación de lenguaje receptivo del Test de Evaluación del Desarrollo del Lenguaje. Resultados: En cuanto a las habilidades dialógicas, cuatro niños obtuvieron mejores resultados después de utilizar el PECS y uno ya se encontraba en el nivel máximo evaluado en este ítem, antes de la intervención. Hubo una mejora en las funciones comunicativas y los medios de comunicación en cuatro niños. Se observó el desarrollo del simbolismo y la imitación gestual en dos niños y en la imitación sonora en cuatro niños. Conclusión: Se observa que el uso de la Comunicación Suplementaria y Aumentativa mediante el intercambio de figuras PECS, incluso por un período corto, ayudó en el desarrollo de las habilidades comunicativas, en la capacidad de imitar gestos / sonidos y en la comprensión verbal. Las intercurrencias pueden influir directamente en la evolución comunicativa de los pacientes, por ejemplo, la adherencia familiar al tratamiento o el deterioro cognitivo severo.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Social Communication Disorder/diagnosis , Language Disorders/diagnosis , Language Therapy/methods , Child Language , Evaluation of Results of Therapeutic Interventions , Retrospective Studies , Longitudinal Studies , Communication Aids for Disabled , Cognition
Rev. Méd. Clín. Condes ; 32(1): 112-127, ene.-feb. 2021. ilus, tab
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1412963


INTRODUCCIÓN: Existen diferentes posturas en cuanto a la delimitación entre los trastornos del lenguaje y de la comunicación; sobre todo al acuñar las definiciones, sus limitantes y particularmente poder medir los pronósticos y diferentes procesos a lo largo del neurodesarrollo. El presente consenso busca unir las diferentes visiones de la región latinoamericana sobre los Trastornos del Desarrollo del Lenguaje (TDL) y Trastornos del Espectro Autista (TEA), homologar taxonomías y evolución a lo largo de los primeros años de vida. MÉTODO: Se realizó un estudio Delphi Modificado para llegar a un consenso sobre la definición más adecuada y diagnóstico temprano de los TDL y TEA. RESULTADOS: Un total de 34 profesionales de 11 países de la región aceptaron la invitación para participar en el consenso e incluyó a distintos especialistas a cargo del cuidado de estos pacientes. Se realizaron dos rondas de evaluación llegando a un acuerdo y consenso en todos los ítems. CONCLUSIONES: El término "Riesgo para Trastornos de la Comunicación y del Lenguaje" es creado para referirse a los niños que no caen en ninguna categoría diagnóstica en etapas tempranas del desarrollo. Consideramos que tanto el uso de este término como el del resto de los mismos, alcanzados por consenso, permitirá coincidir en distintos puntos para la caracterización del TDL y TEA, todo ello contribuirá a evaluar de forma más específica cuáles son las intervenciones adecuadas que mejoren el pronóstico y modifiquen las trayectorias del desarrollo de esta población en nuestra región.

INTRODUCTION: There are different points of view regarding the delimitation between language and communication disorders; especially when establishing the definitions, their limitations and above all being able to measure prognoses and different processes throughout neurodevelopment. The present consensus seeks to unify the different points of view of the Latin American region on Language Development Disorders (LDD) and Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD), standardize the taxonomies and evolution throughout the first years of life. METHOD: A Modified Delphi study was carried out to reach a consensus on the most adequate definition and early diagnosis of TDL and ASD. RESULTS: A total of 34 professionals from 11 countries in the region accepted the invitation to participate in the consensus and included different specialists in charge of the care of these patients. Two rounds of evaluation were carried out, reaching an agreement and consensus on all items. CONCLUSIONS: The term "Risk for Communication and Language Disorders" is created to refer to children who do not fall into any diagnostic category in early stages of development. We consider that using this term as well as the rest of the terms reached by consensus in the present work will allow to match in different points for the characterization of TDL and ASD, this will contribute to a more specific evaluation regarding the appropriate interventions to improve prognosis and modify development trajectories of this population in our region.

Humans , Adult , Middle Aged , Autism Spectrum Disorder/diagnosis , Language Disorders/diagnosis , Risk , Delphi Technique , Communication Disorders/diagnosis , Consensus , Early Diagnosis
Rev. CEFAC ; 23(4): e13520, 2021. tab, graf
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1287879


ABSTRACT Purpose: to verify the possibility of administering a simple questionnaire to family members who communicate with their children to identify communication functional characteristics of children with different manifestations of language development. Methods: 95 parents/guardians were individually interviewed. Their children were afterwards diagnosed with language disorder (LD), speech production disorder (SPD), autism spectrum disorder (ASD), and typical development (TD). The interviews were conducted with the Communicative Skills Questionnaire to characterize the pragmatic performance. The Student's t-test and the principal component analysis were used in statistical analysis, considering significant p-values < 0.05. Results: the statistical analyses reveal that the questionnaire distinguished the groups of children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder and language disorder from the groups of children with speech production disorders and typical development. Conclusion: the questionnaire proved to be capable of distinguishing and characterizing, from the pragmatic standpoint, the children with different manifestations of communication development, revealing the impaired pragmatic skills of children with autism spectrum disorders and language disorders.

RESUMO Objetivo: verificar a possibilidade de uso de um questionário simples, aplicado a interlocutores familiares da criança, para identificar as características funcionais de comunicação de crianças com diferentes manifestações do desenvolvimento da linguagem. Métodos: foram realizadas 95 entrevistas individualmente com os responsáveis de crianças posteriormente diagnosticadas com Distúrbio de Linguagem (DL), com Distúrbio de Produção da Fala (DPF), com Transtorno do Espectro do Autismo (TEA) e com Desenvolvimento Típico (DT). Nas entrevistas foi aplicado o Questionário de Habilidades Comunicativas para caracterização do desempenho pragmático. Foram utilizados o teste t de Student e a Análise de Componentes Principais para análise estatística, considerando-se como significante p-valor<0,05. Resultados: as análises estatísticas evidenciam que o uso do questionário desenvolvido permitiu a diferenciação entre os grupos de crianças com diagnósticos de Transtorno do Espectro do Autismo e Distúrbio de Linguagem e o grupo de crianças com diagnóstico de Distúrbios de Produção da Fala e com desenvolvimento típico. Conclusão: o questionário proposto mostrou-se capaz de diferenciar e caracterizar, do ponto de vista pragmático, as crianças com diferentes manifestações do desenvolvimento de comunicação, evidenciando o comprometimento das habilidades pragmáticas de crianças com Transtornos do Espectro do Autismo e com Distúrbios de Linguagem.

Humans , Male , Female , Child, Preschool , Child , Surveys and Questionnaires , Communication , Autism Spectrum Disorder , Speech Sound Disorder/diagnosis , Language Development , Language Disorders/diagnosis , Parents , Principal Component Analysis
Rev. CEFAC ; 23(1): e8220, 2021. tab, graf
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1155318


ABSTRACT Purpose: to identify the knowledge produced in national and international researches on speech and language disorders in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, regarding the type of research and approach in different areas. Methods: an integrative review performed on databases, using the following descriptors: Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, Dysarthria, Language Disorders, Speech Production Measurement and Speech Disorders. The inclusion criteria covered articles that addressed motor speech and language disorders from 2013 to 2018, excluding duplications, and categorizing valid articles for analysis. Results: 83 articles were selected, after screening the titles and abstracts. A large scientific production from different countries and areas, mainly Speech Therapy and Neurology, was found. Most of them was clinical research (65.06%), with a main focus on speech motor disorders (42.16%), speech and language motor disorders, cognition and behavior (27.71%), and language disorders (12.06%). Conclusion: researches found were mostly clinical and aimed at determining the diagnosis of disorders in different areas of knowledge. With regard to communication, few studies have been found in Brazil, and international studies addressed high technology. The results confirmed the heterogeneous nature of the disease, which shows, in addition to motor impairment of speech, cognitive, behavioral and language impairments.

RESUMO Objetivo: identificar o conhecimento produzido em pesquisas nacionais e internacionais das alterações de fala e de linguagem na Esclerose Lateral Amiotrófica, quanto tipo de pesquisa e abordagens em diferentes áreas. Métodos: revisão integrativa realizada em bases de dados, utilizando-se os descritores Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, Dysarthria, Language Disorders, Speech Production Measurement e Speech Disorders. Os critérios de inclusão abrangeram artigos que abordassem alterações motoras de fala e de linguagem de 2013 a 2018, excluindo-se duplicações, categorizando-se os válidos para análise. Resultados: selecionou-se 83 artigos, após triagem dos títulos e resumos. Foi encontrada grande produção científica de diferentes países e áreas, principalmente Fonoaudiologia e Neurologia, na maioria pesquisas clínicas (65,06%), com foco principal em alterações motoras da fala (42,16%), alterações motoras de fala e linguagem, cognição e comportamento (27,71%) e alterações de linguagem (12,06%). Conclusão: as pesquisas encontradas foram, na maioria, clínicas e com objetivo determinar diagnóstico das alterações em diferentes áreas do conhecimento. No que se refere à comunicação, foram encontrados poucos estudos no Brasil e os internacionais voltavam-se à alta tecnologia. Os resultados confirmaram o caráter heterogêneo doença, que evidencia, além de comprometimento motor da fala, prejuízo cognitivo, comportamental e de linguagem.

Humans , Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice , Dysarthria/etiology , Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis/complications , Language Disorders/diagnosis , Language Disorders/etiology
Fisioter. Pesqui. (Online) ; 27(1): 41-47, jan.-mar. 2020. tab
مقالة ي البرتغالية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1090407


RESUMO As cardiopatias congênitas (CC) estão entre as principais causas de morbimortalidade na primeira infância e os lactentes com essa condição podem apresentar atrasos no desenvolvimento neuropsicomotor (DNPM). O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a influência da CC no DNPM de lactentes. Trata-se de um estudo observacional com avaliação do desenvolvimento neuropsicomotor realizada pela Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development (BSID-III). As condições maternas e clínicas dos lactentes foram verificadas no relatório de alta médica e na caderneta de saúde da criança, e a condição socioeconômica das famílias pelo Critério da Classificação Econômica Brasil. Para associar as variáveis clínicas e o DNPM foram utilizados o coeficiente de correlação de Spearman e o teste de razão de verossimilhança. Foram avaliados 18 lactentes, com predomínio do sexo feminino (72,2%). A maioria das mães (47,1%) possuía ensino médio completo ou superior incompleto, com média da idade de 27,2±5,5 anos. Houve correlação das escalas do BSID-III com as variáveis quantitativas analisadas: escala motora com o peso (p=0,02 e r=0,54) e com uso de oxigenoterapia (p=0,009 e r=−0,591); já para as variáveis qualitativas as associações foram entre: escala motora e condição socioeconômica (p=0,015), escala motora e comunicação interatrial - (CIA) (p=0,023) e escala da linguagem e CIA (p=0,038). A CC influenciou o DNPM, principalmente no aspecto motor. Além disso peso, diagnóstico de CIA, uso de oxigenoterapia e condição socioeconômica foram considerados como principais fatores de risco para o atraso no DNPM.

RESUMEN Las cardiopatías congénitas (CC) se encuentran entre las principales causas de morbimortalidad en la primera infancia, y los lactantes con esta afección pueden tener retrasos en el desarrollo neuropsicomotor (DNPM). El presente estudio tuvo el objetivo de evaluar la influencia de las CC en el DNPM de los lactantes. Este es un estudio observacional en el cual se evaluó el desarrollo neuropsicomotor utilizando la Bayley scales of infant and toddler development (BSID-III). Las condiciones maternas y clínicas de los lactantes se obtuvieron en el informe de alta médica y en la libreta de salud del niño, y el estado socioeconómico de las familias en el Criterio de Clasificación Económica de Brasil. Para asociar las variables clínicas y el DNPM, se utilizaron el coeficiente de correlación de Spearman y la prueba de razón de probabilidad. Se evaluaron a 18 lactantes, con un predominio del sexo femenino (72,2%). La mayoría de las madres (47,1%) tenían la secundaria completa o la educación superior incompleta, con una edad promedio de 27,2±5,5 años. Hubo una correlación entre las escalas BSID-III y las variables cuantitativas analizadas: escala motora con el peso (p=0,02 y r=0,54) y con el uso de oxigenoterapia (p=0,009 y r=−0,591); para las variables cualitativas, las asociaciones fueron entre: escala motora y estado socioeconómico (p=0,015), escala motora y comunicación interauricular (CIA) (p=0,023) y escala de lenguaje y CIA (p=0,038). Las CC influyeron en el DNPM, principalmente en el aspecto motor. Además, el peso, el diagnóstico de CIA, el uso de oxigenoterapia y el estado socioeconómico fueron considerados los principales factores de riesgo para el retraso en el DNPM.

ABSTRACT Congenital heart defects (CHD) are among the main causes of morbidity and mortality in infants who has this impairment may present delays in neuropsychomotor development (NPMD). This study assesses the influence of CHD on NPMD of infants. This is an observational study assessing neuropsychomotor development performed by Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development - BSID-III. The Brazilian Economic Classification Criteria was used to verify the socioeconomic status of the families and also the maternal and infants' clinical conditions were verified in the medical discharge report and in the child's health handbook. For the association between the quantitative and qualitative variables with the NPMD, the Spearman's correlation coefficient and the likelihood ratio test were used. A total of 18 infants were assessed, with a predominance of females (72.2%). Most mothers (47.1%) had complete high school or incomplete higher education, with a mean age of 27.2±5.5 years. There was a correlation between the BSID-III scales and the quantitative variables analyzed: motor scale with weight (p=0.02 and r=0.54) and oxygen therapy (p=0.009 and r=−0.591); besides that, the qualitative variables correlation were: motor scale and socioeconomic condition (p=0.015), motor scale and Interatrial Communication - IAC (p=0.023) and language with IAC scales (p=0.038). CHD influences the delay of NPMD, mainly for motor aspect. Furthermore, weight, diagnosis of IAC, use of oxygen therapy and socioeconomic status were considered the main risk factors for the delay in NPMD.

Humans , Infant , Psychomotor Disorders/etiology , Motor Skills Disorders/etiology , Neurodevelopmental Disorders/etiology , Heart Defects, Congenital/complications , Oxygen Inhalation Therapy/adverse effects , Psychomotor Disorders/diagnosis , Socioeconomic Factors , Child Development/physiology , Cross-Sectional Studies , Cognition Disorders/diagnosis , Cognition Disorders/etiology , Motor Skills Disorders/diagnosis , Neurodevelopmental Disorders/diagnosis , Hospitalization , Language Disorders/diagnosis , Language Disorders/etiology , Length of Stay , Neuropsychological Tests
Clinics ; 75: e1426, 2020. tab, graf
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1101096


OBJECTIVES: To compare the diagnostic accuracy of a low-cost screening test for identifying children at risk for language disorders with that of a specific language assessment. METHODS: The study was conducted during a polio vaccination campaign in basic health units in western São Paulo, Brazil. The parents/guardians of 1000 children aged between 0 and 5 years were asked to answer questions of a specific screening test. The instrument consisted of a uniform set of questions about the main milestones in language development (from 0 to 5 years of age) with scaled scores to assess responses. There were no exclusion criteria. After the screening test, the children were referred to a specific language assessment by ABFW, following a determined flow of referrals. The results obtained in the screening were compared to those obtained in the specific language assessment; then, the sensitivity, specificity, accuracy, and positive and negative predictive values were determined for the screening test. Children who failed the screening test also underwent an audiological evaluation. The statistical significance was set at 5%. RESULTS: The majority of the participants were aged between 4 and 5 years (21.82%) and were male (51.6%). The sensitivity and specificity values were 82.5% and 98.93%, respectively. The area under the curve was 0.907 (0.887-0.925), and the screening test showed 96% accuracy. CONCLUSIONS: The screening test showed high diagnostic efficiency in determining the risk of language disorders in children aged between 0 and 5 years.

Humans , Male , Female , Infant, Newborn , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Mass Screening/methods , Language Disorders/diagnosis , Primary Health Care , Referral and Consultation , Brazil , Mass Screening/standards , Risk Factors , Sensitivity and Specificity
Rev. Investig. Innov. Cienc. Salud ; 2(2): 4-13, 2020. tab
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1393312


Aim: the purpose of this study was to translate and adapt the English version of the Vocal Fatigue Index (VFI) into the Spanish language. Methods: the English version of the Vocal Fatigue Index (VFI) was translated into Spanish by two bilingual speech-language pathologists, and then was back-translated into English. The Spanish VFI (o "Índice de Fatiga Vocal", IFV) was administrated to a pilot group of 10 individuals, which revealed some small typographical and grammati-cal adjustments to the index. The final updated version was then administrated to 34 subjects (21 with voice disorders, and 13 without voice disorders). Internal consistency and scale reliability were analyzed using Cronbach alpha coefficient. Results: a high Cronbach alpha coefficient for the three factors (0.87) was obtained. The results of the item role in reliability of the Spanish VFI demonstrated that all of them showed a positive role according to this criterion. The results of the ANOVA indicate a statistically significant difference between groups on the three scores of the Spanish translation of the VFI. In comparison to the healthy participants, those with voice disorders obtained statistically significant higher scores for the Spanish VFI subscales. Conclusion: the present study suggests that the Spanish translation of the Vocal Fatigue Index has a good internal consistency and high reliability on each of the three factors. The results suggest that the Spanish VFI can be used reliably to identify persons with vocal fatigue and has good clinical validity.

Objetivo: el propósito de este estudio fue traducir y adaptar la versión en inglés del Índice de Fatiga Vocal (VFI) al español. Métodos: la versión en Inglés del Índice de Fatiga Vocal (VFI) fue traducida al espa-ñol por dos fonoaudiólogos bilingües, y después traducida de vuelta al inglés. El VFI en español (o IFV) fue administrado a un grupo piloto de 10 sujetos, lo que reveló pequeños errores tipográficos y gramaticales, los cuales fueron corregidos. La versión final fue administrada a 34 sujetos (21 con desordenes de voz y 13 sin desordenes de voz). El análisis de datos incluyó evaluación de consistencia interna y fiabilidad usan-do el coeficiente Alpha de Cronbach. Resultados: se encontró un coeficiente Alpha de Cronbach alto para los tres fac-tores (0.87). Los resultados del rol de los elementos en la fiabilidad del IFV en espa-ñol sugieren que todos tienen roles positivos dentro de este criterio. Los resultados del análisis de ANOVA indican diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre los grupos en los tres componentes de la versión en español del VFI. En comparación con los participantes sanos, los participantes con problemas de voz tuvieron puntajes significativamente más altos en las subescalas del VFI en español. Conclusión: este estudio sugiere que la traducción al español del Índice de Fatiga Vocal tiene buena consistencia interna y alta fiabilidad en los tres factores. Los resul-tados sugieren que el IFV en español puede ser usado con fiabilidad para identificar personas con fatiga vocal con una buena validez clínica.

Voice Disorders/diagnosis , Speech-Language Pathology , Language Disorders/diagnosis , Speech , Voice , Phonetics , Fatigue/diagnosis , Specific Language Disorder/prevention & control , Language , Language Disorders/rehabilitation
Codas ; 32(3): e20190058, 2020. tab
مقالة ي البرتغالية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1133495


RESUMO Objetivo: Identificar fatores relacionados à Classificação Internacional de Funcionalidade, Incapacidade e Saúde para Crianças e Jovens (CIF-CJ) representativos de mais de uma categoria e verificar sua associação com aspectos sociodemográficos e clínico-assistenciais em um ambulatório de avaliação fonoaudiológica. Método: Trata-se de estudo observacional, analítico e transversal, com base em análise retrospectiva de dados secundários. Foram incluídos 180 prontuários de pacientes entre 5 e 16 anos, avaliados de 2010 a 2014. Após a leitura desses prontuários, foram identificados os aspectos sociodemográficos e clínico-assistenciais, bem como a presença de categorias dos componentes Funções do Corpo e Atividades e Participação da CIF-CJ. Foram realizadas análises de distribuição de frequência e medidas de tendência central e dispersão das variáveis, além da análise fatorial, visando criar indicadores representativos das categorias da CIF-CJ identificadas. Para análise de associações, foram utilizados os testes Mann-Whitney e Kruskal-Wallis e a correlação de Spearman, adotando o nível de significância de 5%. Resultados: Foram identificados dois fatores para as Funções do Corpo que apresentaram associações de relevância estatística com as variáveis sociodemográficas e clínico-assistenciais. Para as Atividades e Participação, três fatores foram identificados, cujas associações se deram predominantemente com variáveis clínico-assistenciais. Conclusão: Foi possível a identificação de itens representativos e suas respectivas cargas fatoriais das categorias das Funções do Corpo e Atividades e Participação, sendo verificadas associações estatisticamente significativas entre eles e as variáveis sociodemográficas e clínico-assistenciais analisadas.

ABSTRACT Purpose: Identify factors related to the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health for Children and Youth (ICF-CY) representing more than one category and verify their association with sociodemographic and health care aspects in a speech-language pathology (SLP) outpatient clinic. Method: This is an observational, analytical, cross-sectional study based on a retrospective analysis of secondary data. One hundred eighty medical records of patients aged 5-16 years evaluated between 2010 and 2014 were included in the study. Sociodemographic and health care aspects were identified in these records, as well as presence of the ICF-CY Body Functions and Activities and Participation component categories. Analyses of the frequency distribution and measures of central tendency and dispersion of the variables, as well as Factor Analysis were carried out to create representative indicators of the ICF-CY categories identified. The Mann-Whitney and Kruskal-Wallis tests and the Spearman's correlation were used to analyze the associations, adopting a statistical significance level of 5%. Results: Two factors that presented statistically relevant associations with the sociodemographic and health care variables were identified for the Body Functions component. As for the Activities and Participation component, three factors predominantly associated with the health care variables were identified. Conclusion: Items representative of the ICF-CY Body Functions and Activities and Participation categories and their respective factorial loads were identified. Statistically significant associations were verified between them and the sociodemographic and health care variables analyzed.

Humans , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Speech Disorders/diagnosis , Activities of Daily Living , International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health , Language Disorders/diagnosis , Speech , Cross-Sectional Studies , Retrospective Studies , Disability Evaluation
CoDAS ; 32(1): e20180156, 2020. tab, graf
مقالة ي البرتغالية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1055892


RESUMO Objetivo Elaborar um programa terapêutico fonoaudiológico e verificar seus efeitos na compreensão de leitura de escolares disléxicos. Método Participaram do estudo onze escolares de 4º e 5° anos do ensino fundamental, diagnosticados com Dislexia do Desenvolvimento, com idades entre nove e onze anos, sendo oito meninos. Todos foram submetidos ao programa terapêutico fonoaudiológico com 16 sessões, divididas em quatro níveis de complexidade. Em cada sessão, foram utilizados um texto adaptado com a Técnica de Cloze e tarefas de Compreensão Textual e Ortografia. Os sujeitos realizaram avaliação da compreensão leitora no pré e no pós-teste com um texto do Teste de Compreensão Leitora de Textos Expositivos, adaptado com a Técnica de Cloze estrutural sem apoio, seguido da Avaliação dos Níveis de Compreensão de Leitura. Resultados Os sujeitos apresentaram melhor desempenho na compreensão leitora no pós-teste, tanto no preenchimento do texto adaptado com a Técnica de Cloze e nas respostas às Perguntas de Compreensão Textual quanto no nível de compreensão de leitura atingido. Conclusão O programa elaborado gerou melhor desempenho na compreensão leitora dos escolares disléxicos e na motivação para a leitura. A Técnica de Cloze e as Perguntas de Compreensão Textual foram instrumentos úteis para desenvolver e apontar mudanças na compreensão de leitura dos sujeitos desta pesquisa. Trata-se de estudo relevante, por elaborar e verificar os efeitos de um programa específico de remediação para disléxicos, com uma proposta de aplicação de textos usando a Técnica de Cloze e aliando-a a outras tarefas diversificadas de compreensão de leitura textual e ortografia.

ABSTRACT Purpose To develop a Speech-language Pathology (SLP) program and verify its effects on the reading comprehension of dyslexic students. Methods Participants were eleven 4th and 5th-grade Elementary School students, eight boys and three girls, aged 9-11 years, diagnosed with developmental dyslexia. All individuals underwent the therapeutic program, which was composed of 16 sessions divided into four levels of complexity. A text adapted according to the Cloze technique and reading comprehension and orthography tasks were used in each session. The schoolchildren had their reading comprehension assessed pre- and post-program using a text available at the Test of Reading Comprehension of Expository Texts, adapted for application of the structural Cloze technique without support, according to the Evaluation of Reading Comprehension Levels. Results The participants showed better performance in reading comprehension at the post-program assessment not only in the filling of blanks in the text adapted according to the Cloze technique and in the Responses to Reading Comprehension Questions, but also in the level of reading comprehension achieved. Conclusion The SLP program improved the reading comprehension performance and increased motivation to reading of dyslexic schoolchildren. Both the Cloze technique and the Reading Comprehension Questions were useful tools to develop and identify changes in the reading comprehension of the students assessed. This study is relevant because it prepared and verified the effects of a specific remediation program for schoolchildren with dyslexia by proposing the use of texts adapted according to the Cloze technique combined with other various tasks of reading comprehension and orthography.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Reading , Speech Disorders/rehabilitation , Comprehension , Dyslexia/rehabilitation , Language Disorders/rehabilitation , Speech Disorders/diagnosis , Students , Language Disorders/diagnosis , Language Tests
Rev. chil. fonoaudiol. (En línea) ; 18: 1-7, nov. 2019. tab
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1095118


En el modelo de la Práctica Basada en la Evidencia el fonoaudiólogo debe conocer los criterios diagnósticos y el nivel de evidencia de los procedimientos de intervención para ofrecer un tratamiento adecuado. En la literatura se describe un bajo grado de formación académica y un escaso uso de la Práctica Basada en la Evidencia como fuente de acceso a diagnósticos y tratamientos. Este estudio investigó las dificultades de los fonoaudiólogos para acceder a los criterios para el diagnóstico fonoaudiológico. Se realizó una encuesta masiva online a 384 fonoaudiólogos, usando un método cuantitativo, descriptivo y transeccional. Los resultados indican que, independiente de los años de ejercicio laboral, un 79,7% de los encuestados utiliza fuentes secundarias para el acceso a criterios para el diagnóstico fonoaudiológico, un 46% no conoce fuentes de información fiables para acceder a diagnósticos y un 73,4% afirma haber tenido dificultades para acceder a criterios diagnósticos. Los sujetos encuestados no utilizan fuentes primarias que les permitan acceder a criterios que apoyen los diagnósticos fonoaudiológicos. Por lo anterior, se considera relevante educar sobre Práctica Basada en la Evidencia en el contexto universitario.

In the Evidence-Based Practice model, the speech and language therapist must know the diagnostic criteria and be aware of the evidence supporting the intervention procedures, to provide an effective treatment. However, the literature describes both low levels of academic training and scarce use of evidence-based practices as a base of speech and language diagnosis and treatments. This study probes into the difficulties speech and language therapists face to access the diagnostic criteria and their bibliographic references. A massive online survey was conducted with 384 speech therapists, using a quantitative, descriptive and transectional method. Results show that 79.7% of respondents use secondary sources to access criteria on which subsequently base their speech and language diagnoses, 46% do not know reliable sources of information to access criteria for diagnoses and 73.4% maintain that they had difficulties in accessing diagnostic criteria. These difficulties do not recede with years of practice. Based on these results it is possible to conclude that surveyed therapists presented difficulty to find information on which to establish their diagnostic criteria and they do not use primary sources for access information. All of this supports training students on Evidence Based Practice when in their University programs.

Humans , Speech Therapy , Evidence-Based Practice , Language Disorders/diagnosis , Language Therapy , Chile , Surveys and Questionnaires , Access to Information
Trends psychiatry psychother. (Impr.) ; 41(1): 51-59, Jan.-Mar. 2019. graf
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1004835


Abstract Objective To evaluate the construct validity and model-based reliability of general and specific contributions of the subscales of the Movement Assessment Battery for Children-2 (MABC-2) and Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency-2 (BOT-2) when evaluating motor skills across a range of psychiatric disorders. Methods Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and bifactor analysis were conducted on BOT-2 data from 187 elementary school students (grades 1 to 6) (mean age: 113 ± 20 months; boys: n = 117, 62.56%) and on MABC-2 data from 127 elementary school students (grade 1) (mean age: 76 ± 2 months; boys: n = 58, 45.67%). Results The results of the CFA fit the data for multidimensionality for the BOT-2 and presented poor fit indices for the MABC-2. For both tests, the bifactor model showed that the reliability of the subscales was poor. Conclusions The BOT-2 exhibited factorial validity with a multidimensional structure among the current samples, but the MABC-2 showed poor fit indices, insufficient to confirm its multidimensional structure. For both tests, most of the reliable variance came from a general motor factor (M-factor), therefore the scoring and reporting of subscale scores were not justified for both tests.

Resumo Objetivo Avaliar a validade de construto e a confiabilidade das subescalas do Movement Assessment Battery for Children-2 (MABC-2) e do Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency-2 (BOT-2) com base em modelos das contribuições gerais e específicas ao avaliar habilidades motoras em transtornos psiquiátricos. Métodos Foram realizadas análise fatorial confirmatória (AFC) e análise bifatorial em dados de 187 escolares do primeiro ao sexto ano do ensino fundamental (idade média: 113 ± 20 meses; meninos: n = 117, 62,56%) que foram avaliados com o BOT-2, e em dados de 127 escolares do primeiro ano do ensino fundamental (idade média: 76 ± 2 meses; meninos: n = 58, 45,67%) avaliados com o MABC-2. Resultados Os resultados da AFC apresentaram índices de ajuste satisfatórios de multidimensionalidade para o BOT-2 e apresentaram índices de ajuste insatisfatórios para o MABC-2. Para ambos os testes, o modelo bifatorial mostrou que a confiabilidade das subescalas era ruim. Conclusão O BOT-2 apresentou validade fatorial com uma estrutura multidimensional entre as amostras utilizadas, mas o MABC-2 apresentou índices de ajuste insatisfatórios, insuficientes para confirmar sua estrutura multidimensional. Para ambos os testes, a maior parte da variância confiável veio de um fator motor geral (fator-M), portanto, a pontuação e o relato dos escores das subescalas não se justificaram para ambos os testes.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Child Development/physiology , Language Disorders/physiopathology , Learning Disabilities/physiopathology , Motor Skills/physiology , Neuropsychological Tests/standards , Reproducibility of Results , Language Disorders/diagnosis , Learning Disabilities/diagnosis , Neuropsychological Tests/statistics & numerical data
CoDAS ; 31(2): e20180015, 2019. tab, graf
مقالة ي البرتغالية | LILACS | ID: biblio-989656


RESUMO Objetivo O Acidente Vascular Cerebral (AVC) é um agravo comum para a população e um problema para a saúde pública global em termos de mortalidade, deficiência e demanda de custos. O objetivo deste estudo é verificar quais grupos de comorbidades ligados aos distúrbios fonoaudiológicos são identificados por médicos e enfermeiros das equipes de Estratégia de Saúde da Família (ESF) para encaminhamento à reabilitação fonoaudiológica e continuidade do cuidado de pacientes pós-AVC nas Atenções Primária e Secundária à Saúde (APS). Método Participaram 22 médicos e enfermeiros das equipes de ESF apoiadas pelo Núcleo de Apoio à Saúde da Família, no sul do Brasil. Um questionário desenvolvido para este estudo foi respondido, explorando variáveis sociodemográficas, histórico de formação, atuação profissional e condutas ao paciente com AVC. Análise descritiva dos dados (frequências absoluta e relativa) foi realizada no Software SPSS 22. Resultados Dos entrevistados, 77,3% encaminham pacientes pós-AVC para fisioterapia e 54,5%, para reabilitação fonoaudiológica. Nenhum profissional realiza encaminhamento por sequelas cognitivas de compreensão; 90,0% encaminham por distúrbios de linguagem expressiva na fala. Para alterações do sistema estomatognático, 80,0% dos médicos não encaminham para fonoaudiólogo e 83,3% dos enfermeiros o fazem. Conclusão Os profissionais demonstraram dificuldade em identificar distúrbios fonoaudiológicos ligados à cognição e ao sistema estomatognático, não encaminhando para reabilitação fonoaudiológica nas Atenções Primária e Secundária à Saúde. Os resultados apontam para a necessidade de ações que auxiliem no processo de educação permanente e melhorem o conhecimento das equipes de APS, para que as sequelas fonoaudiológicas sejam devidamente identificadas e encaminhadas para reabilitação.

ABSTRACT Purpose Stroke is a common disease for people and a global public health concern in terms of mortality, disability, and cost demand. This study aims to assess which groups of comorbidities related to speech-language disorders are identified by physicians and nurses of the Family Health Strategy (FHS) as to be referred to post-stroke speech-language rehabilitation at Primary and Secondary Health Care. Methods Twenty-two physicians and nurses, from the FHS supported by the Family Health Support Center in southern Brazil, answered a questionnaire developed for this study, exploring socio-demographic variables, education background, professional performance and conduct to post-stroke patients. A descriptive data analysis (absolute and relative frequencies) was performed in SPSS Software 22. Results Among the participants, 77.3% refer post-stroke patients to physiotherapy and 54.5% to speech-language rehabilitation. None refer to patients to treatment due to cognitive comprehension sequelae; 90.0% refer for significant speech-language disorders. In case of changes in the stomatognathic system, 80.0% of physicians do not refer to speech-language pathologists, and 83.3% of nurses usually do. Conclusion The professionals showed difficulty in identifying speech-language pathological signs and symptoms related to cognition and the stomatognathic system, not referring to speech-language rehabilitation at primary or secondary health care. The results highlight the importance of continuing education and improvement of the knowledge of the primary health care teams, so that speech-language sequelae are properly identified and sent for rehabilitation.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Aphasia , Primary Health Care , Referral and Consultation , Attitude of Health Personnel , Stroke Rehabilitation , Language Disorders/diagnosis , Aphasia/etiology , Aphasia/rehabilitation , Cross-Sectional Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires , Language Disorders , Language Disorders/rehabilitation
CoDAS ; 30(2): e20170077, 2018. tab, graf
مقالة ي البرتغالية | LILACS | ID: biblio-890834


RESUMO Objetivo Elaborar um Programa Fonoaudiológico em Compreensão Leitora e Ortografia e verificar seus efeitos na compreensão leitora e ortografia de escolares com Dislexia do Desenvolvimento. Método Participaram desta pesquisa onze indivíduos com diagnóstico de Dislexia do Desenvolvimento, com idades entre 9 e 11 anos, sendo oito meninos. Todos foram submetidos ao Programa Fonoaudiológico em Compreensão Leitora e Ortografia, composto por 16 sessões semanais individuais. Em cada sessão, foram desenvolvidas tarefas de compreensão leitora de textos e de ortografia. Antes do início e ao término do Programa, os participantes realizaram uma avaliação específica (pré e pós-teste). Resultados Os indivíduos apresentaram dificuldade na compreensão de textos, porém a técnica de Cloze foi um instrumento útil para a remediação da compreensão leitora, havendo melhora significativa no desempenho destes no pós-teste. Os disléxicos demonstraram um desempenho inferior à escolaridade em ortografia. Após o Programa, o desempenho deles evoluiu, porém permaneceu abaixo do esperado, ocorrendo o mesmo perfil de erros no pré e no pós-teste, com erros de ortografia natural e ortografia arbitrária. Conclusão O Programa Fonoaudiológico em Compreensão Leitora e Ortografia produz efeitos positivos na compreensão leitora, na ortografia e na motivação para a leitura e escrita dos participantes. Este estudo apresenta uma contribuição inédita, ao propor a estimulação conjunta da leitura e da escrita, por meio de um programa de fácil aplicabilidade e análise, em indivíduos com Dislexia do Desenvolvimento.

ABSTRACT Purpose Prepare a Speech-language Pathology Program for Reading Comprehension and Orthography and verify its effects on the reading comprehension and spelling of students with Developmental Dyslexia. Methods The study sample was composed of eleven individuals (eight males), diagnosed with Developmental Dyslexia, aged 09-11 years. All participants underwent a Speech-language Pathology Program in Reading Comprehension and Orthography comprising 16 individual weekly sessions. In each session, tasks of reading comprehension of texts and orthography were developed. At the beginning and end of the Program, the participants were submitted to a specific assessment (pre- and post-test). Results The individuals presented difficulty in reading comprehension, but the Cloze technique proved to be a useful remediation tool, and significant improvement in their performance was observed in the post-test evaluation. The dyslexic individuals showed poor performance for their educational level in the spelling assessment. At the end of the program, their performance evolved, but it remained below the expected, showing the same error pattern at the pre- and post-tests, with errors in both natural and arbitrary spelling. Conclusion The proposed Speech-language Pathology Program for Reading Comprehension and Orthography produced positive effects on the reading comprehension, spelling, and motivation to reading and writing of the participants. This study presents an unprecedented contribution by proposing joint stimulation of reading and writing by means of a program easy to apply and analyze in individuals with Developmental Dyslexia.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Reading , Speech Disorders/rehabilitation , Comprehension , Dyslexia/rehabilitation , Language Disorders/rehabilitation , Speech Disorders/diagnosis , Language Disorders/diagnosis
CoDAS ; 30(4): e20170148, 2018. tab
مقالة ي البرتغالية | LILACS | ID: biblio-952861


RESUMO Objetivo Investigar o desempenho de falantes do português brasileiro no Test of Narrative Language e correlacionar o desempenho nas tarefas de produção e compreensão da narrativa. Método Participaram 140 indivíduos, entre 5 e 11 anos e 11 meses de idade com desenvolvimento típico de linguagem, divididos de acordo com a faixa etária. Resultados Diferença significativa foi encontrada entre o grupo de 5 anos e todos os demais grupos etários, bem como para o grupo de 6 anos quando comparado ao grupo de 8, 9, 10 e 11 anos. O grupo de 7 anos não diferiu estatisticamente dos grupos de 6 e 8 anos. Metade do grupo de 7 anos cursava o primeiro ano e a outra metade, o segundo ano, o que pode ter contribuído para a não diferenciação do grupo com as faixas etárias fronteiriças. Não foi encontrada diferença estatisticamente significante entre os grupos a partir dos 8 anos. Observou-se correlação positiva entre o desempenho de compreensão e produção nos grupos etários de 5, 6 e 7 anos, o que não ocorreu para os demais grupos. Conclusão O teste diferenciou as faixas etárias de 5, 6 e 7 anos, o que não ocorreu nas faixas etárias a partir dos 8 anos. Também, a partir dos 8 anos, não foi encontrada correlação entre a produção e a compreensão narrativa, sinalizando o domínio de ambas as habilidades a partir desta faixa etária.

ABSTRACT Purpose Investigate the performance of native speakers of Brazilian Portuguese in the Test of Narrative Language (TNL) and correlate their performance in its oral narration and narrative comprehension subtests. Methods Participants were 140 individuals with typical language development aged 5-0 to 11-11 (years-months) divided according to age group. Results Statistically significant difference was observed between the 5-year-old group and all the other age groups and between the 6-year-old group and the 8-, 9-, 10- and 11-year-old groups. The 7-year-old group did not differ from the 6- and 8-year-old groups. Half of the 7-year-old group was in 1st grade of Elementary School and the other half was in 2nd grade, which may have contributed to the non-differentiation between this group and its border-age groups. No statistically significant difference was found between groups as of the age of eight years. Positive correlation was observed between performance in the narrative comprehension and oral narration subtests of the TNL in the 5-, 6- and 7-year-old groups, which did not occur for the other age groups. Conclusion The Test of Narrative Language differentiated the 5-, 6- and 7-year-old groups, but did not differentiate groups as of the age of eight years. No correlation was found between performance in the oral narration and narrative comprehension subtests of the TNL as of the age of eight years, which suggests mastery of both skills from this age.

Humans , Male , Female , Child, Preschool , Child , Speech Production Measurement/methods , Narration , Language Development , Language Disorders/diagnosis , Language Tests , Brazil , Age Distribution , Comprehension , Language
Clinics ; 72(6): 351-357, June 2017. tab
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS | ID: biblio-840092


OBJECTIVE: The aim of this research was to compare language development (expressive and receptive skills) in children awaiting liver transplantation with that of children who have already undergone the surgical procedure. METHODS: An observational, descriptive, cross-sectional study was conducted with 76 children divided into groups, as follows: 31 children who were candidates for liver transplantation (Group 1; G1), 45 children who had already undergone liver transplantation (Group 2; G2), and a control group (CG) of 60 healthy, normally developing children. Health status information was gathered, and the Test of Early Language Development (TELD)-3 was used to assess language skills. Family household monthly income data were also gathered using a specific questionnaire. RESULTS: G1 had poorer language performance compared with G2 and the CG. G2 had lower language performance when compared with the CG. However, when considering the TELD-3 standard scores, G2 had scores within normal limits. The regression analysis indicated age as a risk factor for language deficits in Group 1 and family income as a risk factor for language deficits in G2. CONCLUSIONS: The results suggested that children with chronic liver disease have delays in language development. Transplanted children have linguistic performance within normal limits, but their scores tended to be lower than the CG.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Language Disorders/complications , Liver Diseases/complications , Brazil , Case-Control Studies , Cross-Sectional Studies , Language Disorders/diagnosis , Language Tests , Liver Diseases/surgery , Liver Transplantation , Risk Factors , Severity of Illness Index , Socioeconomic Factors
Clinics ; 72(4): 213-217, Apr. 2017. tab
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS | ID: biblio-840066


OBJECTIVE: To identify children at risk for hearing and/or language disorders and to investigate the association between these risks by conducting pre-validated hearing and language screenings. METHODS: The study was conducted during a polio vaccination campaign in August of 2013 in basic health units in western São Paulo. Parents of children between 2 and 5 years of age were asked to complete two screening tools: a hearing questionnaire (regarding hearing development) and a language production and comprehension scale (including the major language development milestones). The screening tools were administered by different researchers. We compared the risk of having language disorders among children at risk for hearing loss versus children not at risk, as well as the attributable risk and odds ratios. Chi-squared tests and logistic regression analyses were used. RESULTS: The study included 479 children with a mean age of three and one-half years, of whom 26.9% were identified as at risk for deficits in language production, 8.6% were at risk for deficits in language comprehension and 14% were at risk for hearing disorders. The children at risk for hearing disorders were twice as likely as those not at risk to exhibit language production and comprehension deficits. CONCLUSION: The results of this study highlight the importance of establishing and adopting low-cost procedures such as screenings to identify children at risk of developing language and/or hearing disorders in early childhood.

Humans , Male , Female , Child, Preschool , Child Development , Hearing Disorders/complications , Language Disorders/complications , Risk Assessment/methods , Age Factors , Cross-Sectional Studies , Hearing Disorders/diagnosis , Hearing Tests/statistics & numerical data , Language Disorders/diagnosis , Language Tests/statistics & numerical data , Sex Factors , Socioeconomic Factors , Surveys and Questionnaires
CoDAS ; 29(6): e20160036, 2017. tab
مقالة ي البرتغالية | LILACS | ID: biblio-890808


RESUMO Objetivo Identificar as alterações fonoaudiológicas em crianças residentes na região oeste de São Paulo; verificar as associações entre a hipótese diagnóstica (HD) e a faixa etária, o gênero e a origem do encaminhamento; e investigar o grau de concordância entre a queixa e a HD no momento da triagem fonoaudiológica. Método Estudo epidemiológico observacional, desenvolvido em um laboratório de Atenção Primária à Saúde. Realizou-se o levantamento de 525 prontuários de crianças atendidas entre 2002 e 2011. As variáveis analisadas foram: gênero e idade da criança; origem do encaminhamento, queixa relatada pelos pais, HD fonoaudiológica e conduta estabelecida. Resultados Houve predomínio de crianças do gênero masculino (68,3%), da faixa etária entre 3 anos e 5 anos e 11 meses (48,7%), encaminhadas por um profissional da Área da saúde (51,9%) e com mais de uma queixa referida pelos pais (26,1%). As HDs fonoaudiológicas mais frequentes foram Transtorno Fonológico (22,9%) e Mais de uma Hipótese (19,4%). A maioria das crianças foi encaminhada à própria clínica-escola em que foi realizada a triagem (77,9%). Houve associação entre HD fonoaudiológica e as variáveis faixa etária (p<0,001*), gênero (p=0,008*) e origem dos encaminhamentos (p<0,001). O grau de concordância entre as queixas e as HDs foi moderado. Conclusão Comprovou-se que há diferentes HDs fonoaudiológicas de acordo com a faixa etária, o gênero e a origem dos encaminhamentos. Recomenda-se a utilização de screening fonoaudiológico em conjunto com as informações fornecidas pelos pais para rastreamento das alterações fonoaudiológicas.

ABSTRACT Purpose To establish the speech-language disorders in children living in the western region of São Paulo; to assess associations between diagnosis hypotheses (DH) and the age, gender and origin of referral; and to investigate the degree of agreement between the complaint and the DH at the moment of speech-language screening. Methods Observational epidemiological study conducted at a laboratory of Primary Health Care. A survey of 525 medical records of children between 2002 and 2011 was conducted. The following variables were analyzed: gender and age of the child; origin of referral, complaint reported by parents, diagnosis hypothesis and referrals. Results There was a predominance of male children (68.3%) and of the age group between 3 and 5 years and 11 months (48.7%), referred by a health professional (51.9%) and with more than one complaint reported by parents (26.1%). The most frequent DH were Phonological Disorder (22.9%) and more than one Diagnosis Hypothesis (19.4%). Most children were referred to a clinic-school where screening was performed (77.9%). There was an association between DH and the variables age (p <0.001*), gender (p = 0.008*) and origin of referrals (p <0.001). The degree of agreement between complaints and DHs was moderate. Conclusion It has been proven that there are different DHs according to age, gender and origin of referrals. The use of speech-language screening with the information provided by parents for tracking of speech pathology is recommended.

Humans , Male , Female , Child, Preschool , Child , Speech Sound Disorder/epidemiology , Language Disorders/epidemiology , Parents , Brazil/epidemiology , Sex Factors , Prevalence , Retrospective Studies , Age Factors , Speech Sound Disorder , Speech Sound Disorder/diagnosis , Language Disorders/classification , Language Disorders/diagnosis
CoDAS ; 29(2): e20160017, 2017. tab, graf
مقالة ي البرتغالية | LILACS | ID: biblio-840117


RESUMO Objetivo investigar e comparar o desempenho de escolares com distúrbio específico de linguagem (DEL) e em desenvolvimento típico de linguagem em atividades de identificação de aliteração e rima e verificar, em ambas as tarefas, a influência dos distratores semânticos e fonológicos. Método participaram do estudo 12 escolares previamente diagnosticados com DEL (GP) e 48 escolares em desenvolvimento típico (GC) com idade entre 7 anos e 9 anos e 11 meses. Todos cursavam o 2º ou 3º ano do ensino fundamental I e apresentavam audição e inteligência não verbal preservadas. Como medidas experimentais, foram utilizados testes padronizados de identificação de aliteração e rima, com presença de distratores semânticos e/ou fonológicos. Resultados a análise intragrupo demonstrou que ambos os grupos apresentaram desempenho inferior em rima do que em aliteração (GC p<0,001; GP p=0,011). A análise intergrupos indicou que o desempenho do GP foi inferior ao do GC em ambas as tarefas (aliteração p=0,001; rima p=0,009). A análise dos erros indicou que na aliteração, em comparação ao GC, os escolares do GP utilizaram mais distratores semânticos (p=0,004) e outros (p<0,001), enquanto na rima utilizaram mais distratores fonológicos (p=0,048) e outros (p=0,031). Conclusão o GP apresentou dificuldade em tarefas de aliteração e rima, demonstrando estar aquém dos seus pares sem alteração de linguagem. Estes escolares demonstraram analisar os estímulos apresentados nas tarefas de consciência fonológica de forma mais global, o que os fez desprezar aspectos segmentais importantes. Estes dados reforçam a necessidade da inclusão precoce destas habilidades no processo terapêutico da população com DEL.

ABSTRACT Purpose this study investigated and compared the performance of school-aged children with specific language impairment (SLI) and their peers typically developing language in alliteration and rhyme tests. The study also aimed to evaluate the influence of semantic and phonological distractors on both tests. Methods twelve school-aged children with SLI (study group - SG) and 48 peers typically developing language (control group - CG) aged 7 to 9 years. All of them were on 2nd or 3rd grade and presented hearing thresholds within normal limits and appropriate nonverbal intellectual performance. The experimental assessment consisted in alliteration and rhyme tests with semantic and/or phonological distractors. Results intragroup analysis showed that both groups presented lower performance in rhyme than alliteration activities (CG p<.001; SG p=.011). Intergroup analyses revealed that the SG had a poorer performance in both tasks in comparison to the CG (alliteration p=.001; rhyme p=.009). The error analysis pointed out that in alliteration, the SG opted more frequently for semantic (p=.004) and other distractors (p<.001) than the CG, whereas in rhyme tests, they opted more frequently for phonological (p=.048) and other distractors (p=.031). Conclusion the SG presented difficulty in alliteration and rhyme tasks, indicating poorer performance than their peers without language impairment. School-aged children with SLI attested that they analyze phonological awareness stimuli in a more general way, leading them to overlook relevant segmental aspects. These data reinforce the need for early intervention of these abilities in this population.

Humans , Child , Semantics , Phonetics , Language Disorders/physiopathology , Language Tests , Poetry as Topic , Case-Control Studies , Language Disorders/diagnosis
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