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Arch. argent. pediatr ; 120(3): 174-179, junio 2022. tab
مقالة ي الانجليزية, الأسبانية | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1368143


Introducción. La exposición ambiental a plomo (Pb) aún constituye un problema de salud pública, particularmente para los niños. El estrés oxidativo podría representar un mecanismo primario asociado a su toxicidad. El objetivo del presente estudio fue determinar los niveles de Pb en sangre (Pb-S) en niños de 1 a 6 años de La Plata y alrededores con exposición ambiental, y su relación con biomarcadores de estrés oxidativo. Población y métodos. Estudio analítico de corte transversal. Se evaluaron niños clínicamente sanos de 1 a 6 años. Se determinaron los niveles de Pb-S, las actividades de enzimas antioxidantes y el grado de peroxidación lipídica. Se utilizó el paquete estadístico R versión 3.5.1. Resultados. Participaron 131 niños, mediana de edad 2,33 años. La media geométrica de los niveles de Pb-S fue 1,90 µg/dL; el 32 % presentó plombemias cuantificables y el 3 %, niveles ≥5 µg/dL (referencia internacional). Al comparar los biomarcadores de estrés oxidativo según los niveles de Pb-S, solo se observó diferencia significativa entre las medianas de las sustancias reactivas al ácido tiobarbitúrico (TBARS): 12,0 versus 10,0 nmol MDA/mL plasma; p = 0,02. Asimismo, la correlación entre las plombemias y las TBARS fue positiva (r = 0,24; p = 0,012). Conclusiones. La mayoría de los niños mostraron niveles de Pb-S menores a los límites recomendados por agencias internacionales, que si bien, no producen alteraciones en la actividad de enzimas antioxidantes, sí inducen peroxidación lipídica. Estos resultados reflejan la utilidad de este biomarcador como una herramienta diagnóstica temprana para evaluar los efectos subtóxicos del Pb.

Introduction. Environmental exposure to lead is still a major public health problem, especially in children. Oxidative stress may be a primary mechanism associated with toxicity. Theobjective of this study was to measure blood lead levels (BLLs) in children aged 1 to 6 years expos to lead in La Plata and suburban areas and their relation to oxidative stress biomarkers. Population and methods. Cross-sectional,analytical study. Clinically healthy children aged1 to 6 years were analyzed. BLLs, antioxidant enzyme activity, and extent of lipid peroxidation were measured. The statistical softwarepackage R, version 3.5.1, was used. Results. A total of 131 children participated; their median age was 2.33 years. The geometric mean of BLLs was 1.90 µg/dL; 32% showed a measurable BLL and 3%, BLLs ≥ 5 µg/dL (international reference). The comparison ofoxidative stress biomarkers based on BLshowed a significant difference in median thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS):12.0 versus 10.0 nmol MDA/mL of plasma;p = 0.02. In addition, the correlation between BLLs and TBARS was positive (r = 0.24; p = 0.012 Conclusions. Most children had a BLL below the limit recommended by international agencies; although such BLLs do not affantioxidant enzyme activity, they can induce lipid peroxidation. These results demonstrate theusefulness of this biomarker as an early diagnosistool to assess subtoxic lead effects.

Humans , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Lead/analysis , Lead Poisoning/diagnosis , Argentina , Biomarkers , Cross-Sectional Studies , Thiobarbituric Acid Reactive Substances , Oxidative Stress , Environmental Exposure/adverse effects , Antioxidants
Med. leg. Costa Rica ; 37(2)dic. 2020.
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1386263


Resumen El plomo es un metal que encontramos depositado en el ambiente a causa de la contaminación o la explotación mineral. Debido a que este componente ha tenido una gran diversidad de usos en su historia, los medios y formas de intoxicación ha generado un cambio en la perspectiva de los componentes que pueden generar una intoxicación por plomo. Durante la investigación de la intoxicación por plomo mediante proyectiles de arma de fuego se analizó la posibilidad de que se produzca intoxicación por plomo en un caso de una femenina con retención del proyectil por arma de fuego en hueso occipital con más de 50 años, abordando desde una revisión bibliográfica, la historia de formas o productos en que este metal producía intoxicación, los mecanismos de absorción, distribución y metabolismo en el cuerpo, el mecanismo de acción, el daño a los órganos, los hallazgos clínicos, la composición de la bala y su relación médico legal para confirmar la presencia de un proyectil por arma de fuego retenido en el cuerpo con la finalidad de descartar si es posible una intoxicación por plomo por un proyectil de arma de fuego retenido en hueso occipital.

Abstract Lead is a metal that we find deposited in the environment because of pollution or mineral exploration. In reason that this component had a great diversity of uses in its history, the means and forms of intoxication have generated a change in the perspective of which components could generate a lead poisoning. During the investigation of lead poisoning through firearm projectile it was analyzed the possibility that a lead poison gets produced in a feminine that holds a firearm projectile for more than 50 years in the occipital bone, addressing from a bibliographic review, the history of forms or products in which this metal produced intoxication, the mechanisms of absorption, distribution and metabolism in the body, the mechanism of action, damage to the organs, the clinical findings, the composition of the bullet and its legal medical relationship to confirm the presence of a projectile by firearm retained in the body in order to rule out if lead poisoning is possible by a firearm projectile retained in occipital bone.

Humans , Female , Aged , Wounds, Gunshot/complications , Lead Poisoning/diagnosis
Arch. argent. pediatr ; 115(2): e96-e98, abr. 2017. ilus
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-838346


La intoxicación aguda por plomo no es una patología que con frecuencia vemos en el consultorio de pediatría. Los síntomas por intoxicación por plomo pueden ser digestivos o neurológicos, y, muchas veces, se puede confundir con otras patologías. De ahí, la importancia de tener presente y pensar en esta patología y, ante la alta sospecha, pedir estudios complementarios que confirmen la intoxicación por plomo. Este es el caso de un niño de 9 años, que consulta por dolor abdominal agudo acompañado de vómitos. Luego de realizar un minucioso examen físico y una detallada anamnesis, se tiene una alta sospecha diagnóstica de intoxicación "aguda" por plomo, motivo por el cual se interna. Después de tomar una muestra venosa para confirmar el nivel de plomo, se realiza un tratamiento con quelante, bajo la supervisión de un especialista en toxicología.

Acute lead poisoning is not a common pathology seen in the pediatrician's office. Lead poisoning symptoms can be digestive or neurological, and they can be confused with other pathologies. That is the reason why it should be considered and, in case of doubt, complementary studies to confirm lead poisoning should be requested. This is the case of a nine-year-old child that comes to the office with a strong abdominal pain and vomiting, and after a close physical examination and a detailed anamnesis, a suspicious diagnosis of "acute" lead poisoning is obtained. Therefore, the infant is hospitalized, and after taking a venous sampling to confirm the lead level, a chelation therapy is performed under the toxicology expert's supervision.

Humans , Male , Child , Lead Poisoning/diagnosis , Abdominal Pain/etiology , Lead Poisoning/complications
Rev. Soc. Bras. Clín. Méd ; 12(1)jan.-mar. 2014. tab, ilus
مقالة ي البرتغالية | LILACS | ID: lil-707353


A intoxicação por chumbo, também conhecida como saturnismo, que ocorre em razão do projétil retido em ferimento por arma de fogo, é uma complicação já conhecida e descrita na literatura. O risco dessa intoxicação endógena por chumbo está associado ao contato do projétil com o líquido sinovial ou líquido cefalorraquidiano. O tratamento é feito com terapia de quelação, sendo definitivo com a retirada cirúrgica do projétil. Relatamos aqui um caso clínico de um paciente que desenvolveu intoxicação por chumbo em razão de projétil retido em contato com líquido sinovial. Paciente do gênero masculino, 24 anos, internado para investigação de quadro de dor abdominal associada a náuseas, vômitos e febre há 7 dias. Diagnosticado saturnismo, que foi confirmado por meio de exames laboratoriais e de imagem. Procedeu-se, então, à retirada dos fragmentos, além do segmento clínico de suporte. Apresentou evolução favorável após tratamento

Lead poisoning, also known as saturnism, caused by a retained bullet, is a well-known complication, and has also been described in literature. This endogenous intoxication is associated with the contact of the projectile with synovial liquid or cerebrospinalfluid. Chelation therapy is advised as a course of treatment in addition to the surgical removal of the projectile, both all- together sums up to a definitive optimum outcome. We discuss here a clinical case of a patient who developed lead poisoning due to a retained projectile within synovial liquid. Male patient,24 years old, admitted with the symptoms of abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting and fever for 7 days for investigation. He was diagnosed with saturnism, that was confirmed by laboratorial and imaging exams. The following procedure was the removal of fragments in addition to the continuous clinical follow-up. The patient presented with positive response to treatment.

Humans , Male , Adult , Chelation Therapy , Lead Poisoning/diagnosis , Wounds, Gunshot
Rev. salud pública (Córdoba) ; 17(1): 49-59, 2013. tab
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS | ID: lil-683928


La intoxicación por plomo es un problema de saludpública. La evidencia de poblaciones afectadas por nivelestóxicos de plomo en sangre, confirma que hay que seguirtrabajando desde una visión pluridisciplinar. Es necesariodefinir políticas para la prevención, detección, diagnosticoy tratamiento de los efectos nocivos del plomo sobre lasalud. Los niños constituyen el segmento de la poblaciónmás vulnerable, con consecuencias de alto impactosocial, como una disminución del coeficiente intelectual ydeficiente desarrollo neurológico. En la práctica clínica, haycuatro medicamentos que se usan para el tratamiento de laintoxicación crónica, son el edetato cálcico disódico IV e IM,el dimercaprol IM, la penicilamina VO y el succímero VO.Si se tiene en cuenta que sólo penicilamina está autorizadaen nuestro país, el problema se torna mayor. Esta breverevisión pretende brindar información sobre la intoxicaciónpor exposición al plomo, los tratamientos recomendados ylos disponibles en nuestro país.

Lead exposure and poisoning is a public health concern.Evidence of people with toxic level of lead in blood confirmsINTOXICACIÓN PORPLOMO Y SU TRATAMIENTOFARMACOLOGICORecibido: 25 de Setiembrede 2012. Aprobado: 4 denoviembre de 2012Lead poisoning and pharmacological treatmentFontana Daniela,Lascano Valeria María,Solá Nancy,Martinez Samanta,Virgolini Miriam,Mazzieri Maria Rosa.Departamento de Farmacia,Facultad de Ciencias Químicas,Universidad Nacional deCórdoba.Medina Allende y Haya de laTorre, Ciudad Universitaria,(5000) Córdoba, ArgentinaTEL/FAX +54 351 535 3850(int 53351). E-mail: that it is necessary to keep on working from a multidisciplinary approach. There shouldbe a well-defined policy for the prevention, detection, diagnosis and treatment of theharmful effects of lead. Children are the population at major risk, with high social impactconsequences such as lower IQ and inadequate neurological development. There arefour drugs used to treat chronic toxicity: sodium calcium edetate IV and IM, succimer(oral), dimercaprol IM, and penicillamine (oral). If we consider that the last one is theonly authorized drug in our country, the problem grows bigger. This brief review offersinformation about lead exposure and poisoning, the recommended drug treatments andtheir market availability.

Humans , Male , Female , Argentina , Lead Poisoning/diagnosis , Lead Poisoning/epidemiology , Chelating Agents , Public Health
Medicina (Ribeiräo Preto) ; 42(3): 319-329, jul.-set. 2009.
مقالة ي البرتغالية | LILACS | ID: lil-559356


O diagnóstico clínico da intoxicação por chumbo deve levar em conta os órgãos-alvo que determinam os sinais e sintomas mais característicos da intoxicação: cérebro, sistema hematopoiético, rins, e sistema nervoso periférico. O órgão alvo crítico é o cérebro, promovendo sinais e sintomas de encefalopatia mais ou menos acentuada, tais como, cefaléia, perda de memória, perda da concentração e atenção em tarefas corriqueiras, alterações de humor, com irritabilidade, depressão, insônia, ou sonolência, estupor, convulsões e coma, dependendo da dose e duração da exposição. O diagnóstico é confirmado pela dosagem de chumbo no sangue (plumbemia) ou na urina (plumbúria), ou de algum dos parâmetrosde efeito do chumbo na cadeia de formação da hemoglobina, tais como o ácido delta minolevulínico no sangue ou na urina e protoporfirina eritrocitária no sangue. O tratamento da intoxicação é feito com quelantes. Por questão de custos e disponibilidade comercial, a experiência acumulada no Brasil restringe-se ao uso do dimercaprol (BAL), do versenato de cálcio (EDTACaNa2) e da D-penicilamina.

Diagnosis of lead intoxication must be based basically on signs and symptoms produced by the main affected target organs: brain, hemopoietic system, kidneys, and periphery nervous system. The critical organ is the brain, promoting signs and symptoms of encephalopathy more or less pronounced according to the dose and duration of exposure. Such a symptoms are: headache, memory loss, concentration and attention problems, humor changes, irritability, depression, insomnia, somnolence, stupor, convulsions and coma. Diagnosis can be confirmed by blood and urine lead measurement, or by dosage of any parameter of lead effect on hemoglobin formation, like delta aminulevulinic acid in blood or urine and blood erythrocyte protoporphirin. Treatment is performed using chelating agents. Considering costs and commercial availability Brazilian experience regarding chelating agents for lead intoxications is limited to the use of dimecaprol (BAL), calcium versenate (EDTACaNa2) and D-penicilamine.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Lead Poisoning/diagnosis , Lead Poisoning/therapy
Journal of Medical Council of Islamic Republic of Iran. 2009; 27 (1): 117-120
ي اللغة الفارسية | IMEMR | ID: emr-102506


A 25 year old man who referred with abdominal pain, nausea and progressive vomiting since 2 months ago and 7kg weight loss from this time. Also he was complaining from generalized bone pain especially back pain and jaundice. The patient has a long time history of addiction with oral and inhalation form of narcotics. In physical exam pallorness and icter of mucosa was observed. In mouth examination bluish pigmentation seen at the gum-tooth line. Hepatosplenomegaly and lymphadenopathy was not detected. Upper GI endoscopy was normal. And in lab tests hepatic aminotransferases were increased but alkalin phosphatase was in normal range also indirect billirubin was increased too. CBC test non auto immune hemolytic anemia was deteded, and direct and indirect combs test was negative. BMB and BMA evaluation hyperplasia of erythroid was shown. The patient had a history of smoking and oral narcotics use from 6 years ago. According to all symptoms with clinical doubt of lead poisoning the very high level of lead in narcotic sample was reported and in blood analysis very high level of lead [350mg/dl] was detected. The patient was treated with Ca.EDTA and BAL with decreasing lead level and the symptoms were recovered. There are some reports Similar this case [due to oral narcotics contain Lead] in Iran

Humans , Male , Lead Poisoning/etiology , Lead Poisoning/diagnosis , Substance-Related Disorders , Jaundice/etiology , Drug-Related Side Effects and Adverse Reactions , Lead Poisoning/complications , Anemia, Hemolytic/etiology , Phthalazines , Edetic Acid
Arch. méd. Camaguey ; 13(1)2009. ilus
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS | ID: lil-577819


Se presenta el caso de un paciente de 62 años con intoxicación por plomo y antecedentes laborales de haber estado en contacto con este metal. Esta enfermedad puede afectar tanto a los niños como a los adultos, en los cuales las manifestaciones clínicas constantes son los síntomas digestivos como el dolor abdominal crónico y la anemia, aunque pueden presentarse alteraciones neurológicas y cardiovasculares, entre otras. Se resalta el grave problema de salud pública que supone y la importancia de pensar en esta dolencia para poder realizar un diagnóstico precoz.

A case of a 62 year-old patient with lead poisoning and labor antecedents of having been in contact with this metal is presented. This disease may affect children and also adults, in which constant clinical manifestations are digestive symptoms like abdominal chronic pain and anemia, although, may show up neurological and cardiovascular alterations, among other. The serious health public problem that it supposes and the importance of thinking on this ailment to be able to carry out a precocious diagnosis is stood out.

Humans , Aged , Lead Poisoning/diagnosis , Lead/toxicity
Rev. peru. epidemiol. (Online) ; 13(2)2009. tab, ilus
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS, LIPECS | ID: lil-619913


La intoxicación plúmbica crónica por exposición ambiental constituye un problema de salud pública en Perú, Latinoamérica y a nivel mundial, por sus efectos en la calidad de vida de las personas, particularmente de los niños expuestos. En el presente artículo se realiza una revisión de la intoxicación plúmbica crónica y la problemática asociada en Perú. Se revisa las principales fuentes de exposición al plomo, su dinámica en el organismo, sus efectos por aparatos y sistemas, las manifestaciones clínicas, de laboratorio, tratamiento, así como estudios realizados por instituciones nacionales y extranjeras.

Chronic lead poisoning by environmental exposure has become a public health problem in Peru, Latin America and worldwide because of its effects on quality of life of people, particularly children. In this article we review chronic lead poisoning and related problems in Peru. We review the major sources of lead exposure, pharmacodynamics, and effects on organ systems, clinic and laboratory manifestations, treatment, and studies developed by national and international organizations.

Humans , Environmental Pollution , Lead Poisoning, Nervous System, Childhood , Lead Poisoning , Lead Poisoning/diagnosis , Lead Poisoning/therapy , Peru
Cad. saúde pública ; 24(9): 2151-2159, set. 2008. graf, tab
مقالة ي البرتغالية | LILACS | ID: lil-492655


O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar se há correlação estatisticamente significativa entre as concentrações de chumbo no sangue (Pb-S) e urina (Pb-U). A espectrometria de absorção atômica eletrotérmica foi utilizada na determinação da concentração de chumbo no material biológico. As amostras de sangue e de urina foram coletadas entre trabalhadores expostos ocupacionalmente (95) e entre adultos (130) e crianças até 15 anos (22) expostos ambientalmente. Após um teste que mostrou diferenças significativas entre Pb-U e as três categorias previamente determinadas, pontos de corte em Pb-U puderam ser fixados para a predição dos valores de Pb-S pela curva ROC. Assim, para Pb-U até 0,55 µg.dL-1, pode-se esperar que Pb-S seja menor do que 10 µg.dL-1, ao passo que níveis de chumbo no sangue até 27,6 µg.dL-1 são esperados quando o teor do metal na urina é menor do que 2,05 µg.dL-1. Logo, a urina pode ser utilizada em substituição ao sangue para avaliação da exposição ocupacional ao chumbo. Contudo, recomenda-se cautela no caso da exposição ambiental, devendo-se utilizar o chumbo urinário como uma estimativa do conteúdo do metal no sangue.

The aim of this work was to verify whether there are statistically significant correlation between the concentrations of lead in blood (Pb-B) and urine (Pb-U). Electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry was used in the determination of lead concentration in biological material. Venous blood and spot urine were collected from workers occupationally exposed (95), adults (130) and children up to 15 years old (22) environmentally exposed. After a test showing significant differences between Pb-U and the three categories previously determined, cutting points for Pb-U were established to predict Pb-B values by the ROC curve. Thus, it is expected that Pb-B is lower than 10 µg.dL-¹ with Pb-U up to 0.55 µg. dL-¹, whereas lead levels in blood below 27.6 µg. dL-¹ are expected when the amount of the metal in urine is lower than 2.05 µg.dL-¹. So, urine can be used to replace blood for the assessment of the occupational exposure to lead. However, caution is advised in the case of environmental exposure, since urinary lead should be used just as an estimation of the metal content in blood.

Adult , Humans , Young Adult , Lead Poisoning/diagnosis , Lead/blood , Lead/urine , Occupational Diseases/diagnosis , Occupational Exposure/analysis , Biomarkers/analysis , Health Status Indicators , Lead Poisoning/blood , Lead Poisoning/urine , Occupational Diseases/blood , Occupational Diseases/urine , ROC Curve , Sensitivity and Specificity , Statistics, Nonparametric , Young Adult
J. bras. patol. med. lab ; 44(4): 241-247, ago. 2008. graf, tab
مقالة ي البرتغالية | LILACS | ID: lil-504205


OBJETIVO: Este estudo teve como objetivo averiguar a atividade enzimática da N-acetil-β-D-glicosaminidase (NAG) como possível biomarcador precoce de disfunção renal para a exposição ocupacional ao chumbo inorgânico. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Foi selecionado um grupo de 30 pessoas do sexo masculino expostas ao chumbo inorgânico em uma fábrica de baterias localizada no estado do Paraná. Fizeram parte do grupo os funcionários que mostraram valores de chumbo sanguíneo inferiores a 40 mg/dl. O grupo controle foi representado por 15 adultos saudáveis com similaridade em relação à idade e ao gênero do grupo exposto. Foram determinados os níveis de plumbemia, do ácido d-aminolevulínico urinário e a atividade da NAG urinária. RESULTADOS E DISCUSSÃO: Foi evidenciado que a atividade urinária da NAG foi significativamente maior (p < 0,05; teste U de Mann-Whitney) no grupo exposto ao chumbo inorgânico quando comparado ao grupo controle, e houve uma correlação negativa com significância (p < 0,05; correlação de Spearman Rank Order) entre o indicador biológico de exposição plúmbica e a atividade urinária da NAG. CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados demonstraram que o aumento da atividade urinária da NAG pode ser utilizado como um biomarcador precoce da exposição ao chumbo inorgânico.

OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to verify the enzymatic activity of N-acetyl-β-D-glucosaminidase (NAG) as a possible early biomarker of renal dysfunction due to occupational exposure to inorganic lead. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We selected a group of 30 males that had been exposed to inorganic lead in a battery factory in the state of Paraná. This group comprised those employees whose blood lead levels were below 40 mg/dl. The control group consisted of 15 healthy adults of similar age and gender compared with the exposed group. Blood lead concentrations, d-aminolevulinic acid levels and urinary NAG activity were measured. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: It was shown that urinary NAG activity was significantly higher (p < 0.05, U test of Mann-Whitney) in the exposed group in comparison to the control group, and there was a significant negative correlation (p < 0.05, Spearman Rank Order correlation) between the biological indicator of lead exposure and urinary NAG activity. CONCLUSION: The results showed that the increase of urinary NAG activity may be used as an early biomarker of the exposure to inorganic lead.

Humans , Male , Adult , Middle Aged , Acetylglucosaminidase/analysis , Acetylglucosaminidase/urine , Acetylglucosaminidase , Occupational Diseases/diagnosis , Early Diagnosis , Biomarkers/analysis , Biomarkers/urine , Kidney Diseases/diagnosis , Kidney Diseases/enzymology , Aminolevulinic Acid/analysis , Aminolevulinic Acid , Creatinine/analysis , Lead Poisoning/diagnosis , Lead Poisoning/blood , Lead Poisoning/urine
CES med ; 22(1): 43-58, ene.-jun. 2008.
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS | ID: lil-563867


La Intoxicación por Plomo (“Saturnismo”) es una patología relativamente común originada por una exposición crónica al metal, ya sea por fuente ambiental, laboral o accidental. El cuadro clínico es variado, pudiendo incluir disminución en el nivel cognitivo, insomnio, irritabilidad, alucinaciones, anemia, debilidad, cólicos abdominales, náuseas y vómito. Diversos estudios han¿ relacionado la exposición crónica al Plomo en niños, incluso a niveles bajos, con una disminución de su coeficiente intelectual, lo cual genera una preocupación acerca de los actuales protocolos de vigilancia y promoción de la salud. El diagnóstico se basa principalmente en la medición del metal en distintos elementos del paciente, tales como cabello y uñas; otros exámenes de utilidad son las radiografías convencionales. El tratamiento se basa en la descontaminación del tracto gastrointestinal, medidas generales de soporte y el uso de terapia de quelación.

Lead Poisoning (“Saturnism”) is a relatively common entity caused by a chronic exposure to the said metal, be it by environmental, occupational or accidental source. The clinical picture may include a diminished cognitive status, insomnia, irritability, hallucinations, anaemia, peripheral weakness, abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting. A number of studies have found a relationship between early exposition to Lead, even in a low concentration fashion, and a latter decline in the Intellectual Quotient of pediatric patients; these findings have risen concern about current epidemiologic protocols. Diagnosis is based mainly on the measurement of the metal on different parts of the patient, including hair and fingernails. Treatment is based on gastrointestinal tract decontamination, basic support measures and chelation theraphy.

Child , Diagnosis , Lead Poisoning/complications , Lead Poisoning/diagnosis , Lead Poisoning/epidemiology , Pediatrics , Environmental Pollution/adverse effects , Nervous System , Therapeutics
EMJ-Emirates Medical Journal. 2008; 26 (3): 179-183
ي الانجليزية | IMEMR | ID: emr-86432


Lead poisoning might be presented in different ways, and might cause a diagnostic dilemma for a treating surgeon, it is important to keep in mind adult lead poisoning as a rare cause, for a common complaint as acute abdomen. Three patients whom presented with acute abdominal pain, all were working in different facility that deals with lead and had a history of lead exposure; but they failed to reveal the true nature of their work [the first two were college student], and they had no idea of the possible relation of it with their illness. Clinical examination was helpful, and all were confirmed to have lead poisoning by blood lead level measuring. The 1st one underwent surgery [explorative laparotomy for provisional diagnosis of intestinal obstruction] as the diagnosis of lead poisoning was not made till two weeks after surgery; his illness was helpful in diagnosing the pathology for his brother illness [the second patient]. The 3[rd] one had true surgical acute abdomen [acute appendicitis] in addition to lead exposure. Eventually the three patients were notified and were referred to the poison consultation center [PCC]. They were advised to quit their job and were treated accordingly. Difficult economic circumstances may push people to work in unsafe facilities, with exposure to toxic materials; adult lead poisoning is a subtle chronic condition and might be presented as acute abdominal pain; it is important for the treating clinician to differentiate between surgical and non surgical causes of acute abdomen. These cases reveal the importance of careful evaluation of basic laboratory tests and of obtaining a detailed occupational history

Humans , Male , Lead Poisoning/diagnosis , Lead Poisoning/complications , Occupational Exposure/adverse effects , Laparotomy , Occupational Diseases , Abdomen, Acute/diagnosis
SST-Sante et Securite au Travail. 2007; 40: 11
ي الفرنسية | IMEMR | ID: emr-85312
Rev. méd. Urug ; 22(4): 287-292, dic. 2006. tab
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS | ID: lil-458658


La exposición y los efectos de la contaminación por plomo en los trabajadores son una situación bien conocida desde la antigüedad. En Uruguay puede ser catalogada, desde el punto de vista epidemiológico, como una situación reemergente. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo durante el año 2003 en una población trabajadora de una fábrica de acumuladores eléctricos (baterías) donde, por los procesos que allí se realizan, los operarios se encuentran expuestos a plomo. El valor obtenido de plomo en sangre durante la actividad laboral muestra que todos los valores superaban el nivel máximo admitido para trabajadores expuestos -30 µg/dl-, según la Ordenanza 337 del Ministerio de Salud Pública. El valor de plomo luego de suspendida la exposición muestra una media que se mantiene en este límite (29,4 µg/dl). El porcentaje de descenso de la plombemia en el período de un año sin exposición podría ser interpretado como un indicador indirecto de la carga corporal. Los valores de plomo en sangre no muestran correlación con la presencia de síntomas o signos clínicos, o ambos, estudiados, ni alteraciones hematológicas o bioquímicas características de la intoxicación por plomo. Estos resultados confirman el valor de la cuantificación de plomo en sangre como indicador de exposición durante el período que el trabajador está expuesto, y su relativo valor como criterio diagnóstico de intoxicación.

Uruguay , Electric Batteries , Occupational Exposure , Lead Poisoning/diagnosis , Lead Poisoning/epidemiology
Archives of Iranian Medicine. 2006; 9 (1): 72-75
ي الانجليزية | IMEMR | ID: emr-76098


Although the incidence of occupational and adult lead poisoning has declined, the problem still exists. We encountered three patients with lead poisoning in Iran, all of whom associated with presented with diffuse abdominal pain, which was at times colicky in nature, anemia, constipation, nausea, vomiting, and slightly abnormal liver biochemistries. A history of opium ingestion was present in each of these patients. None of the patients reported known occupational exposure to toxins. Diagnoses of lead poisoning were confirmed through the detection of elevated blood lead levels. The cause of lead poisoning was attributed to the ingestion of contaminated opium. Opium adulterated with lead had not been previously recognized as a source of lead poisoning in Iran. It is, therefore, pointed out that lead poisoning should be considered as a differential diagnosis for acute abdominal colic of unclear cause in patients with opium addiction

Humans , Male , Lead Poisoning/diagnosis , Lead , Opium , Liver Function Tests , Anemia
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