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J. Phys. Educ. (Maringá) ; 33: e3329, 2022. tab, graf
مقالة ي البرتغالية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1385990


RESUMO Nas últimas décadas o uso da Teoria de Resposta ao Item (TRI) tem sido implementada devido à complexidade dos cálculos estatísticos que permite analisar com profundidade testes educacionais, questionários e listas de itens aplicados em diferentes áreas como a psicometria, ranking esportivo e pedagogia. A partir dessa premissa este estudo teve como objetivo verificar a adequabilidade das tarefas motoras do KTK analisando o grau de dificuldade e parâmetro de discriminação de cada tarefa motora. Participaram do estudo 385 crianças de 5 a 14 anos. O instrumento avaliado foi o KTK (Körperkoordinationstest für Kinder), composto por quatro tarefas motoras: trave de equilíbrio, saltos monopedais, saltos laterais e transposição de plataformas. As análises foram conduzidas a partir dos dados brutos adquiridos em cada tarefa motora. A fim de verificar a estrutura fatorial da matriz teórica subjacente ao teste, foi realizada uma análise fatorial exploratória seguida da análise fatorial confirmatória. Os parâmetros de dificuldade e discriminação de cada tarefa motora foram analisados a partir do modelo de resposta gradual, fundamentado na teoria de resposta ao item (TRI). Os resultados corroboram com a estrutura fatorial sugerida na versão original do KTK, apresentando apenas um fator, chamado de coordenação motora. Os indicadores da Análise Fatorial Confirmatória (AFC) foram aceitáveis, indicando boa qualidade do modelo ajustado para a amostra. Conclui-se que a análise de TRI evidenciou diferenças nos parâmetros de dificuldade e de discriminação entre as tarefas motoras do KTK, demonstrando a importância de considerar uma ponderação na criação de tabelas normativas de avaliações motoras.

ABSTRACT In the last decades, the use of Item Response Theory (IRT) has been implemented due to the complexity of statistical calculations that allows for in-depth analysis of educational tests, questionnaires and lists of items applied in different areas such as psychometry, sports ranking and pedagogy. Based on this premise, this study aimed to verify the suitability of the KTK motor tasks analyzing the degree of difficulty and discrimination parameters of each motor task. A total of 385 children aged 5 to 14 years participated in the study. The instrument evaluated was the KTK (Körperkoordinationstest für Kinder), consisting of four motor tasks: balance beam, single-pedal jumps, side jumps and platform transposition. Analyzes were conducted from the raw data acquired in each motor task. In order to verify the factor structure of the theoretical matrix underlying the test, an exploratory factor analysis was performed, followed by a confirmatory factor analysis. The difficulty and discrimination parameters of each motor task were analyzed using the gradual response model, based on the Item Response Theory (IRT). The results corroborate the factor structure suggested in the original version of the KTK, presenting only one factor, called motor coordination. The AFC indicators were acceptable, indicating good quality of the model adjusted for the sample. It is concluded that the IRT analysis evidenced differences in the parameters of difficulty and discrimination between the KTK motor tasks, demonstrating the importance of considering a weighting in the creation of normative tables of motor assessments.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Physical Education and Training/methods , Task Performance and Analysis , Motor Activity , Motor Skills , Cross-Sectional Studies/methods , Evaluation Study , Postural Balance , Speed Meters , Social Discrimination/psychology , Learning Disabilities/diagnosis
Audiol., Commun. res ; 27: e2584, 2022. tab, graf
مقالة ي البرتغالية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1355714


RESUMO Objetivo verificar a associação entre o desempenho em leitura de crianças e adolescentes e a presença de queixas escolares, habilidade auditiva de ordenação temporal e motivação escolar. Métodos estudo observacional analítico transversal, com amostra de conveniência composta por 36 participantes. Os instrumentos de coleta foram questionário de caracterização, Critério de Classificação Econômica do Brasil, avaliação auditiva, testes de Memória para Sons Verbais, Não Verbais em Sequência, Padrão de Frequência e de Duração, Desempenho Escolar, as Provas de Avaliação dos Processos de Leitura e a Escala para Avaliação da Motivação Escolar Infantojuvenil. A variável resposta deste estudo foi "processos de leitura". Os testes Qui-quadrado de Pearson e Exato de Fisher foram utilizados para as análises de associação. Resultados as análises de associação revelaram que a maioria dos participantes com alteração nas tarefas de leitura apresentou, também, adequação da ordenação temporal simples e inadequação da ordenação temporal complexa. Não houve associação com significância estatística entre o desempenho em leitura e a presença de queixas escolares, habilidade auditiva de ordenação temporal e motivação escolar. Contudo, observou-se que a maioria dos participantes com alteração na leitura apresentou queixa de dificuldades escolares, baixo desempenho acadêmico e motivação escolar média. Conclusão embora não tenha indicado significância estatística na maioria das associações realizadas, o presente estudo evidenciou que há relação entre o desempenho em leitura de crianças e adolescentes e a presença de queixas escolares, habilidade auditiva de ordenação temporal e motivação escolar.

ABSTRACT Purpose To verify the association between reading performance of children and adolescents and the presence of school complaints, hearing ordering ability and school motivation. Methods Cross-sectional observational study with a convenience sample composed of 36 participants. The instruments used were the Sociodemographic and School Characterization Questionnaire, the Economic Classification Criterion of Brazil, the auditory evaluation, the Memory Tests for Verbal and Non-verbal Sounds in Sequence, the Frequency and Duration Pattern Tests, the School Performance Test, the Assessment of Reading Processes and the Scale for Assessing Children's School Motivation. The response variable in this study was the reading process. Pearson's Chi-square and Fisher's Exact tests were used for association analyzes. Results The association analysis revealed that most participants who presented changes in reading tasks also presented adequacy of simple temporal ordering and inadequacy in complex temporal ordering. There was no statistically significant association between reading performance and the presence of school complaints, temporal ordering auditory ability and school motivation. However, it was observed that most participants with reading disorders complained of school difficulties, poor academic performance, average school motivation, adequacy of simple temporal ordering and inadequacy of complex temporal ordering. Conclusion Although it did not show statistical significance in most of the associations performed, the present study showed that there is an relationship between the reading performance of children and adolescents and the presence of school complaints, temporal ordering auditory ability and school motivation.

Humans , Child , Adolescent , Reading , Auditory Perception/physiology , Speech Perception/physiology , Underachievement , Hearing Tests/methods , Learning Disabilities/diagnosis , Motivation , Cross-Sectional Studies , Observational Study
Audiol., Commun. res ; 26: e2523, 2021. tab, graf
مقالة ي البرتغالية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1350164


RESUMO Objetivo Descrever e relacionar o desempenho do vocabulário receptivo em escolares com dificuldades de aprendizagem de diferentes gêneros, escolaridades e níveis socioeconômicos. Métodos Estudo documental, entre 2017 e 2019, considerando os dados demográficos gênero, escolaridade e nível socioeconômico da família. Os prontuários incluídos foram aqueles com avaliação fonoaudiológica completa. Para verificar o nível socioeconômico da família, foi utilizado o questionário da Associação Brasileira de Empresas de Pesquisa - ABEP e, para a habilidade do vocabulário receptivo, o Teste de Vocabulário por Figuras USP - TVfusp 139o. Nesse teste, o desempenho em vocabulário é classificado como "muito rebaixado", "rebaixado", "médio", "elevado" e "muito elevado". Para o critério de classificação apresentar-se na média, o escore de acertos por escolaridade é de 105,8 para o 2º ano, 112,8 para o 3º ano e 117,4 para o 4º ano. Resultados Dos 46 participantes da amostra, 31 (67,4%) eram do gênero masculino e 15 (32,6%) do feminino, com predomínio de estudantes no 4º ano (34,80%) e classe socioeconômica entre os níveis B2 e D-E. Na avaliação do vocabulário, 28 (60%) participantes obtiveram classificação média. Houve correlação entre a escolaridade e o desempenho em vocabulário receptivo (p=0,008) e entre a idade e o desempenho em vocabulário receptivo (p=0,007). Conclusão O desempenho em vocabulário receptivo avançou com a idade e a escolaridade, porém, não houve influência do nível socioeconômico.

ABSTRACT Purpose To describe and relate the performance of receptive vocabulary in students with learning difficulties of different genders, educational levels, and socioeconomic levels. Methods Documentary study, approved by the Research Ethics Committee under number 1,012,635, with 46 records between 2017 and 2019, considering demographic data: gender, education, and socioeconomic level of the family. The medical records included were those with complete speech-language assessments. To check the family's socioeconomic level, the questionnaire from the Brazilian Association of Research Companies - ABEP was used, and for the receptive vocabulary skill, the Picture Vocabulary Test - TVfusp139o. In this test, the classification very low, low, medium, high and very high is used. For the classification criterion to be presented as the average, the score of correct answers by education is 2nd grade (105.8), 3rd grade (112.8) and 4th grade (117.4). Results Of the 46 participants in the sample, 31 (67.4%) were male and 15 (32.6%) female, with a predominance of students in the 4th year (34.80%) and socioeconomic class between levels B2 and D-E. In the vocabulary assessment, 28 (60%) of the 46 participants obtained an "average" classification. There was a correlation between education and receptive vocabulary performance (p = 0.008) and; between age and receptive vocabulary performance (p = 0.007). Conclusion Performance in receptive vocabulary advanced with age and education, but there was no influence on a socioeconomic level.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Poverty , Socioeconomic Factors , Educational Status , Language Tests , Learning Disabilities/diagnosis , Vocabulary , Brazil , Linguistics
Rev. chil. ter. ocup ; 20(2): 43-57, dic. 2020. tab
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1362900


Las relaciones entre las dificultades de aprendizaje y las disfunciones de integración sensorial están reportadas en la literatura norteamericana, aunque en Latinoamérica la información disponible es limitada. Por lo anterior, se orientan los objetivos de este estudio a aportar a la literatura que describe los problemas sensoriales en niños con dificultades de aprendizaje y del impacto del tratamiento basado en la teoría de integración sensorial. El método de tipo retrospectivo utilizó el análisis anónimo de datos de diecisiete estudiantes derivados a terapia ocupacional por presentar dificultades en el entorno escolar. Se aplicaron evaluaciones estandarizadas: el test de Integracion Sensorial y Praxis; y el Perfil Sensorial, que al inicio reconocieron disfunciones entre 53% y el 88% y en reevaluación entre el 27% y el 88% reflejando cambio positivo después del programa. El análisis de varianza ANOVA permitió precisar el efecto del programa y contribuyó a explicar la relación de los déficits del procesamiento sensorial con las dificultades académicas y de comportamiento.

The relationships between learning difficulties and sensory integration dysfunctions are reported in American literature, in Latin America the information available is limited, guiding the objectives of this study to contribute to literature describing sensory problems in children with learning difficulties and the impact of treatment based on sensory integration theory. The retrospective method, I use anonymous analysis of data from seventeen students derived to occupational therapy because they present difficulties in the school environment. The Sensory Integration and Praxis test and sensory profile were applied as a standardized evaluation, which initially recognized dysfunctions between 53% and 88% and in re-evaluation between 27% and 88% reflecting positive change after the program. The ANOVA variance analysis allowed to specify the effect of the program and helped explain the relationship of sensory processing deficits with academic and behavioral difficulties.

Humans , Male , Female , Child, Preschool , Child , Students , Learning Disabilities/rehabilitation , Sensation , Retrospective Studies , Analysis of Variance , Colombia , Learning Disabilities/diagnosis
Trends psychiatry psychother. (Impr.) ; 41(1): 51-59, Jan.-Mar. 2019. graf
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1004835


Abstract Objective To evaluate the construct validity and model-based reliability of general and specific contributions of the subscales of the Movement Assessment Battery for Children-2 (MABC-2) and Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency-2 (BOT-2) when evaluating motor skills across a range of psychiatric disorders. Methods Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and bifactor analysis were conducted on BOT-2 data from 187 elementary school students (grades 1 to 6) (mean age: 113 ± 20 months; boys: n = 117, 62.56%) and on MABC-2 data from 127 elementary school students (grade 1) (mean age: 76 ± 2 months; boys: n = 58, 45.67%). Results The results of the CFA fit the data for multidimensionality for the BOT-2 and presented poor fit indices for the MABC-2. For both tests, the bifactor model showed that the reliability of the subscales was poor. Conclusions The BOT-2 exhibited factorial validity with a multidimensional structure among the current samples, but the MABC-2 showed poor fit indices, insufficient to confirm its multidimensional structure. For both tests, most of the reliable variance came from a general motor factor (M-factor), therefore the scoring and reporting of subscale scores were not justified for both tests.

Resumo Objetivo Avaliar a validade de construto e a confiabilidade das subescalas do Movement Assessment Battery for Children-2 (MABC-2) e do Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency-2 (BOT-2) com base em modelos das contribuições gerais e específicas ao avaliar habilidades motoras em transtornos psiquiátricos. Métodos Foram realizadas análise fatorial confirmatória (AFC) e análise bifatorial em dados de 187 escolares do primeiro ao sexto ano do ensino fundamental (idade média: 113 ± 20 meses; meninos: n = 117, 62,56%) que foram avaliados com o BOT-2, e em dados de 127 escolares do primeiro ano do ensino fundamental (idade média: 76 ± 2 meses; meninos: n = 58, 45,67%) avaliados com o MABC-2. Resultados Os resultados da AFC apresentaram índices de ajuste satisfatórios de multidimensionalidade para o BOT-2 e apresentaram índices de ajuste insatisfatórios para o MABC-2. Para ambos os testes, o modelo bifatorial mostrou que a confiabilidade das subescalas era ruim. Conclusão O BOT-2 apresentou validade fatorial com uma estrutura multidimensional entre as amostras utilizadas, mas o MABC-2 apresentou índices de ajuste insatisfatórios, insuficientes para confirmar sua estrutura multidimensional. Para ambos os testes, a maior parte da variância confiável veio de um fator motor geral (fator-M), portanto, a pontuação e o relato dos escores das subescalas não se justificaram para ambos os testes.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Child Development/physiology , Language Disorders/physiopathology , Learning Disabilities/physiopathology , Motor Skills/physiology , Neuropsychological Tests/standards , Reproducibility of Results , Language Disorders/diagnosis , Learning Disabilities/diagnosis , Neuropsychological Tests/statistics & numerical data
Physis (Rio J.) ; 28(4): e280407, 2018.
مقالة ي البرتغالية | LILACS | ID: biblio-984790


Resumo Este artigo é oriundo de uma pesquisa em psicanálise e educação, que aliou estudo de casos múltiplos e pesquisa-intervenção, realizada no Serviço de Psiquiatria da Infância e Adolescência do Instituto de Psiquiatria da UFRJ (SPIA/IPUB-UFRJ). Parte de uma constatação que as condições sociais que sustentam o laço educativo têm sofrido grandes transformações nas últimas décadas. Levando em conta a tese freudiana a respeito do mal-estar inerente à civilização, visa discutir o mal-estar na escolarização de crianças e adolescentes, mais especificamente a partir do discurso dos especialistas que foram convocados a atender os casos estudados. Tece uma reflexão sobre o mal-estar no contexto dos atendimentos clínicos e em seus encaminhamentos, bem como problematiza a hegemonia do discurso médico na compreensão e condução desse processo.

Abstract This article comes from a research in psychoanalysis and education, which allied multiple case study and intervention research, carried out in the Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Institute of Psychiatry, Rio de Janeiro Federal University (SPIA/IPUB-UFRJ). It starts with an observation that the social conditions that underpin the educational bond have undergone great transformations in the last decades. Taking Freud's thesis of the malaise inherent in civilization into account, it aims to discuss the malaise in the schooling of children and adolescents, more specifically from the discourse of the specialists who were called to attend the cases studied. It brings a reflection on the malaise in the context of the clinical appointments and in its referrals, and problematizes the hegemony of the medical discourse in the understanding and conduction of this process.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Psychoanalysis , Stress, Psychological/diagnosis , Brazil , Mental Health/trends , Child Health , Adolescent Health , Qualitative Research , Education/trends , Freudian Theory , Learning Disabilities/diagnosis
Einstein (Säo Paulo) ; 14(4): 494-500, Oct.-Dec. 2016. tab
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS | ID: biblio-840264


ABSTRACT Objective To describe clinical and epidemiological features of children and adolescents with interdisciplinary diagnosis of non-verbal learning disorder and to investigate the prevalence of inter-hemispheric asymmetry in this population group. Methods Cross-sectional study including children and adolescents referred for interdisciplinary assessment with learning difficulty complaints, who were given an interdisciplinary diagnosis of non-verbal learning disorder. The following variables were included in the analysis: sex-related prevalence, educational system, initial presumptive diagnoses and respective prevalence, overall non-verbal learning disorder prevalence, prevalence according to school year, age range at the time of assessment, major family complaints, presence of inter-hemispheric asymmetry, arithmetic deficits, visuoconstruction impairments and major signs and symptoms of non-verbal learning disorder. Results Out of 810 medical records analyzed, 14 were from individuals who met the diagnostic criteria for non-verbal learning disorder, including the presence of inter-hemispheric asymmetry. Of these 14 patients, 8 were male. Conclusion The high prevalence of inter-hemispheric asymmetry suggests this parameter can be used to predict or support the diagnosis of non-verbal learning disorder.

RESUMO Objetivo Descrever as características clínicas e epidemiológicas de crianças e adolescentes com transtorno de aprendizagem não verbal, e investigar a prevalência de assimetria inter-hemisférica neste grupo populacional. Métodos Estudo transversal que incluiu crianças e adolescentes encaminhados para uma avaliação interdisciplinar, com queixas de dificuldades de aprendizagem e que receberam diagnóstico interdisciplinar de transtorno de aprendizagem não verbal. As variáveis avaliadas foram prevalência por sexo, sistema de ensino, hipóteses diagnósticas iniciais e respectivas prevalências, prevalência de condições em relação à amostra total, prevalência geral do transtorno de aprendizagem não verbal, prevalência de acordo com ano escolar, faixa etária no momento da avaliação, principais queixas familiares, presença assimetria inter-hemisférica, dificuldade em aritmética, alterações em visuoconstrução, e principais sinais e sintomas do transtorno de aprendizagem não verbal. Resultados Dos 810 prontuários médicos analisados, 14 eram de indivíduos que preencheram os critérios diagnósticos para transtorno de aprendizagem não verbal, incluindo a assimetria inter-hemisférica. Destes 14 pacientes, 8 eram do sexo masculino. Conclusão A alta prevalência de assimetria inter-hemisférica sugere que este parâmetro possa ser usado como preditor ou reforçador para diagnóstico de transtorno de aprendizagem não verbal.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Learning Disabilities/diagnosis , Nonverbal Communication , Patient Care Team , Schools/statistics & numerical data , Speech Perception/physiology , Brazil/epidemiology , Sex Factors , Cross-Sectional Studies , Functional Laterality , Learning Disabilities/physiopathology , Learning Disabilities/epidemiology
Braz. J. Psychiatry (São Paulo, 1999, Impr.) ; 38(4): 275-280, Oct.-Dec. 2016. tab
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS | ID: lil-798081


Objective: To assess cognitive performance and psychosocial functioning in patients with bipolar disorder (BD), in unaffected siblings, and in healthy controls. Methods: Subjects were patients with BD (n=36), unaffected siblings (n=35), and healthy controls (n=44). Psychosocial functioning was accessed using the Functioning Assessment Short Test (FAST). A sub-group of patients with BD (n=21), unaffected siblings (n=14), and healthy controls (n=22) also underwent a battery of neuropsychological tests: California Verbal Learning Test (CVLT), Stroop Color and Word Test, and Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST). Clinical and sociodemographic characteristics were analyzed using one-way analysis of variance or the chi-square test; multivariate analysis of covariance was used to examine differences in neuropsychological variables. Results: Patients with BD showed higher FAST total scores (23.90±11.35) than healthy controls (5.86±5.47; p < 0.001) and siblings (12.60±11.83; p 0.001). Siblings and healthy controls also showed statistically significant differences in FAST total scores (p = 0.008). Patients performed worse than healthy controls on all CVLT sub-tests (p < 0.030) and in the number of correctly completed categories on WCST (p = 0.030). Siblings did not differ from healthy controls in cognitive tests. Conclusion: Unaffected siblings of patients with BD may show poorer functional performance compared to healthy controls. FAST scores may contribute to the development of markers of vulnerability and endophenotypic traits in at-risk populations.

Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Bipolar Disorder/psychology , Cognition/physiology , Cognition Disorders/psychology , Siblings/psychology , Verbal Learning , Case-Control Studies , Cross-Sectional Studies , Multivariate Analysis , Cognition Disorders/physiopathology , Endophenotypes , Learning Disabilities/diagnosis , Memory Disorders/diagnosis
Int. arch. otorhinolaryngol. (Impr.) ; 19(4): 325-330, Oct.-Dec. 2015. tab, graf
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS | ID: lil-768343


Introduction Behavioral tests of auditory processing have been applied in schools and highlight the association between phonological awareness abilities and auditory processing, confirming that low performance on phonological awareness tests may be due to low performance on auditory processing tests. Objective To characterize the auditory middle latency response and the phonological awareness tests and to investigate correlations between responses in a group of children with learning disorders. Methods The study included 25 students with learning disabilities. Phonological awareness and auditory middle latency response were tested with electrodes placed on the left and right hemispheres. The correlation between the measurements was performed using the Spearman rank correlation coefficient. Results There is some correlation between the tests, especially between the Pa component and syllabic awareness, where moderate negative correlation is observed. Conclusion In this study, when phonological awareness subtests were performed, specifically phonemic awareness, the students showed a low score for the age group, although for the objective examination, prolonged Pa latency in the contralateral via was observed. Negative weak tomoderate correlation for Pa wave latency was observed, as was positive weak correlation for Na-Pa amplitude.(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Cognition , Hearing , Learning Disabilities/diagnosis , Learning , Neuropsychological Tests , Students
Psicol. argum ; 33(80): 226-241, jan.-mar. 2015. tab
مقالة ي البرتغالية | LILACS | ID: lil-790943


Este estudo compara os achados da avaliação em situação de pré e pós testagem em escolares com e sem dificuldades de aprendizagem submetidos ao programa computadorizado de intervenção metafonológica e leitura e verifica a eficácia do programa de intervenção. Participaram 600 escolares 3o ao 5o ano, distribuídos da seguinte forma: GI, 300 escolares com dificuldades de aprendizagem e GII, 300 escolares sem dificuldades de aprendizagem, subdivididos em GIc e GIIc, com 150 escolares cada grupo, não submetidos à intervenção e GIe e GIIe, com 150 escolares cada grupo, submetidos à intervenção. Utilizou-se o programa computadorizado de avaliação e de intervenção metafonológica e leitura. Os resultados evidenciaram que houve diferença estatisticamente significante no desempenho dos escolares do GIe e GIIe em situação de pós testagem após serem submetidos à intervenção.

This study aimed to compare the findings of pre and post-test evaluation in students with learning difficulties and students without learning difficulties submitted to metalinguistic and reading computadorized intervention program and to verify the effectiveness of the intervention program. 600 students participated in this study, from 3rd to 5th grade level of primary school, distributed as follows: GI: 300 students with learning difficulties and GII 300 students without learning difficulties, subdivided into: GIc and GIIc of 150 students, each group, not submitted to intervention and GIe and GIIe of 150 students, each group, submitted to intervention. The metalinguistic and reading computadorized assessment and intervention were applied. The results showed statistically significant difference in the performance of GIe and GIIe in post-test after undergoing intervention.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Educational Measurement/methods , Dyslexia/psychology , Education, Primary and Secondary , Learning Disabilities/diagnosis , Education
Psicol. reflex. crit ; 27(4): 759-767, Oct-Dec/2014. tab, graf
مقالة ي البرتغالية | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: lil-728855


Estudos de prevalência de Transtornos de Aprendizagem (TA) em crianças e adolescentes com TDAH apresentam resultados não conclusivos, apesar da frequente comorbidade entre as síndromes. Esse artigo descreve e analisa a prevalência de TA em uma amostra referida de 270 crianças e adolescentes com TDAH atendidas no Programa de Transtornos de Déficit de Atenção/Hiperatividade/Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre - Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (ProDAH/HCPA-UFRGS), de acordo com os critérios diagnósticos do Manual Diagnóstico e Estatístico de Transtornos Mentais IV - versão revisada (DSM-IV-TR). Verificou-se que 46,7% dos estudantes apresentam, pelo menos, um TA, sendo o Transtorno da Expressão Escrita o mais frequente (32,6%). Discutiu-se o potencial impacto das mudanças nos critérios diagnósticos para os TA, propostas pelo DSM-5 na prevalência desses transtornos. Embora seja possível afirmar que ocorrerão alterações nas taxas de prevalência de TA, o impacto do DSM-5 sobre a prevalência, especificidade e comorbidade do TA permanece incerto, já que há mudanças que ampliarão a abrangência dos critérios de inclusão e outras que a reduzirão. (AU)

Prevalence studies on learning disabilities (LD) in children and adolescents with Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) show inconclusive results, despite the frequent comorbidity between these syndromes. This article describes and analyzes the prevalence of LD in a referred sample of 270 children and adolescents with ADHD treated at Disorders Program of Attention Deficit / Hyperactivity / Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre - Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (PRODAH/HCPA-UFRGS), according to the diagnostic criteria of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV-TR). The prevalence of LD among the sample was of 46.7%. In that group, the most common LD was the Written Expression Disorder (32.6%). The impact of the changes in the diagnostic criteria for LD proposed by the DSM-5 in the prevalence of these disorders is discussed. Although changes will occur in the rates of LD prevalence, the impact of the DSM-5 on the prevalence, specificity and comorbidity of LD remains uncertain, as there are some proposed changes that will broaden the scope of the criteria and others that will reduce it. (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity/epidemiology , Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders , Learning Disabilities/epidemiology , Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity/diagnosis , Learning Disabilities/diagnosis
Psicol. clín ; 26(2): 17-32, jul.-dez. 2014.
مقالة ي البرتغالية | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: lil-732673


A ideia de que problemas cotidianos são diagnosticáveis e tratáveis pela medicina é antiga e ao mesmo tempo comum na atualidade, na qual habituou-se entender e explicar a vida psíquica e as condutas éticas pelo conhecimento da materialidade corporal. Este artigo realiza uma análise sobre a relação entre o saber biomédico e pedagógico na construção da concepção de infância normal/anormal. Nas duas últimas décadas, o investimento em pesquisas que investigam o funcionamento cerebral tem ampliado significativamente o conhecimento científico das interações entre o físico e o psicológico e sustenta fortemente a cultura somática. Nesse processo, diagnósticos psiquiátricos se tornaram dispositivos importantes na explicação e intervenção dos processos de escolarização considerados problemáticos. No percurso teórico investigado, destaca-se como a combinação entre as ciências biomédicas e a educação marcou e tem marcado as práticas de intervenção sobre os problemas enfrentados pelas crianças ao ingressarem na escola.

The idea that everyday problems are diagnosable and treatable by medicine is ancient as well as common today, when we are used to understanding and explaining the psyche and ethical conduct by knowing the materiality of the body. In the last two decades, investment in research investigating brain functioning has significantly expanded scientific knowledge of physiological and psychological interactions, which strongly support somatic culture. Thus, psychiatric diagnoses have become important tools in the explanation and intervention of schooling procedures considered "problematic". The combination of biomedical sciences and education has had an impact on intervention practices regarding the problems faced by children when they enter school. We are going to take a diachronic look at the relationship between biomedical knowledge and pedagogy that created the concept of normal/abnormal childhood.

La idea de que problemas cotidianos son diagnosticables y tratables por la medicina é antigua y al mismo tiempo común en la actualidad, donde se habituó a entender y explicar la vida psíquica y de las conductas éticas por el conocimiento de la materialidad corporal. Este artículo realiza un análisis sobre la relación entre el saber biomédico y pedagógico en la construcción de la concepción de infancia normal/anormal. En las dos últimas décadas, el patrocinio de investigaciones que se interesan por el funcionamiento cerebral, ha ampliado significativamente el conocimiento científico de las interacciones entre lo físico y lo psicológico y sustenta fuertemente la cultura somática. En este proceso, diagnósticos psiquiátricos se convirtieron en dispositivos importantes para la explicación e intervención de los procesos de escolarización considerados problemáticos. En el recorrido teórico investigado, se destaca como la combinación entre las ciencias biomédicas y la educación ha marcado las prácticas de intervención sobre los problemas enfrentados por los niños al ingresar a las instituciones educativas.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Schools , Biological Psychiatry , Child Psychiatry , Medicalization , Learning Disabilities/diagnosis
Rev. psiquiatr. Urug ; 78(2): 131-148, oct. 2014. ilus
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS | ID: biblio-836515


En el marco de un programa de intervención para favorecer la escolarización de niños de poblaciones vulnerables desde un punto de vista psicosocial, donde el psiquiatra pediátrico participa activamente en un equipo conformado también por psicólogos, psicomotricistas, fonoaudiólogos y maestros especializados, se mide la asociación entre patología conductual y problemas del aprendizaje. Se destaca la construcción de una escala de funcionamiento escolar, administrada al maestro de clase, aplicada a 4.642 niños, que confirma estadisticamente su unidimensionalidad para medir este atributo, donde los ítems académicos y comportamentales contribuyen a la escolarización y la aplicación de un protocolo de historia clínica médico-psicológica, aplicada a 334 niños seleccionados a través de la escala, que muestran la frecuencia de agrupaciones sintomáticas que deben tomarse en cuenta para que los abordajes terapéuticos sean eficientes.

Humans , Male , Female , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Learning Disabilities/complications , Learning Disabilities/diagnosis , Underachievement , Attention Deficit and Disruptive Behavior Disorders , Bereavement , Depression , Emotions , Weights and Measures
Rev. chil. neuropsicol. (En línea) ; 9(2,n.esp): 49-53, jun.2014. ilus, tab
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS | ID: lil-783441


En el artículo se describe el contenido del programa para la corrección y el desarrollo de las funciones psicológicas superiores. Se trata de un niño con problemas en el aprendizaje escolar. Se presentan los resultados de las evaluaciones neuropsicológicas, así como el contenido del programa de corrección. El programa se elaboró de acuerdo a las propuestas del diagnóstico diferencial individualizado. Se muestran las etapas del trabajo correctivo con el niño, así como los resultados de la intervención terapéutica...

The paper describes an individual program for remediation of a learning disable child. The program is based upon an integrated system of Lurian neuropsychological assessment. A follow-up of the child at all steps of remediation proved the efficiency of the remediative program...

Humans , Male , Child , Executive Function , Learning Disabilities/diagnosis , Learning Disabilities/psychology , Learning Disabilities/therapy , Neuropsychological Tests
Assiut Medical Journal. 2014; 38 (2): 123-130
ي الانجليزية | IMEMR | ID: emr-160293


This study was designed to determine the prevalence of neurobehavioral symptoms among sixth grade primary school students with low scholastic achievement in Assiut city at Upper Egypt. This is a cross sectional study conducted among 4363 six grade students at 38 governmental primary schools in Assiut City screening of neurobehavioral symptoms that may be associated with low scholastic achievement [school marks;<70% in previous year] compared to students with school marks >/= 70% out of 1120 students 762 students proved to have low scholastic achievements and another 600 students with good scholastic achievement were randomly selected as control group. Both groups were screened for neurobehavioral symptoms by application of 1] validated standardized Arabic screening questions aire for screening most common neurological disorders [El-Tallway et al., 2010] followed by complete clinical and neurological assessment for those who screened positive for any of neurological disorders 2]. Child behavior checklist [youth form][Achenbach, 1991]. 3] Assessment of socioeconomic state by using socioeconomic scale [Abd-Eltawab, 2010].4] Assessment of reading skills by using Schonell's test. 5] Assessment of intelligence level by application of Stand ford Binet 4th edition. Out of 4363 students, 1120 students were identified with low scholastic achievement, with prevalence rate [25.7%]. It was higher among males than females [66.8% and 33.2% respectively]. About 25.1% of them had neurological disorders whereas headache was the most frequent symptom followed by nocturnal enuresis and epilepsy [14%; 7.2% and 3.1% respectively]. There is significant difference in all scales among poor and good academic achievers [P<0.001] with higher scores of externalized syndromes than that of internalized syndromes [12.1 +/- 4 vs. 8.6 +/- 3.6 respectively] among poor achievers. Most of these students [99%] had below average intelligence [IQ scores<90] and higher behavior problem scores. Moreover, more than two thirds of them [73.2%] were poor readers. High prevalence rate of neurobehavioral symptoms was recorded among students with low scholastic achievement compared to students with normal scholastic achievement. Early identification of those high risky students and early intervention by primary care physician in schools could improve their scholastic achievement and education system outcome

Humans , Male , Female , Learning Disabilities/diagnosis , Students/psychology , Psychology, Educational , Intellectual Disability/epidemiology , Child , Psychology, Child/instrumentation , Cross-Sectional Studies/statistics & numerical data
J. pediatr. (Rio J.) ; 89(1): 70-74, jan.-fev. 2013. ilus, tab
مقالة ي البرتغالية | LILACS | ID: lil-668828


OBJETIVO: Rastrear sinais de alerta para a disgrafia em escolares do 6º ano do ensino fundamental. MÉTODO: Trata-se de um estudo descritivo, exploratório, de coorte transversal realizado com 630 escolares avaliados através do Inventário Disgráfico Analítico (adaptado), que reconhece as dificuldades da escrita através do traçado dos grafismos. RESULTADOS : Em 22% (n = 138) da amostra apareceram todos os indicativos de disgrafia, sendo que o indicador mais prevalente foi o de linha ascendente/descendente/flutuante (53,6%). Se correlacionados os indicadores ao gênero,os meninos apresentaram diferença significativa (p < 0,05) na maioria deles. Dentre os sinais de alerta de co-ocorrências, a dislexia foi a que obteve maior indicador (22%). CONCLUSÃO: Considerando o grande número de sinais de alerta para disgrafia encontrados nos escolares, torna-se pertinente o rastreio para que uma intervenção precoce seja realizada.

OBJECTIVE: To screen for warning signs of dysgraphia in schoolchildren at the sixth grade of elementary school. METHOD: This was a descriptive, exploratory, cross-sectional cohort study performed with 630 schoolchildren assessed through the (adapted) Analytical Dysgraphia Inventory, which recognizes difficulties in writing through the tracing the graphics. RESULTS: A total of 22% (n = 138) of the sample presented all indications of dysgraphia; the most prevalent indicator was ascending/descending/fluctuating lines (53.6%). When the indicators were correlated to gender, males showed a significant difference (p < 0.05) in most of them. Among the warning signs of co-occurrences, dyslexia was the most prevalent indicator (22%). CONCLUSION: Given the large number of warning signs of dysgraphia observed in schoolchildren, it is advisable to screen for these signs, in order to implement early interventions.

Adolescent , Child , Female , Humans , Male , Agraphia/diagnosis , Handwriting , Learning Disabilities/diagnosis , Psychomotor Performance/physiology , Agraphia/psychology , Brazil/epidemiology , Dyslexia/diagnosis , Epidemiologic Methods , Learning Disabilities/psychology , Mass Screening/methods , Sex Distribution , Sex Factors
CoDAS ; 25(4): 330-336, 2013. tab
مقالة ي البرتغالية | LILACS | ID: lil-687289


OBJETIVO: Caracterizar o desempenho de escolares com e sem dificuldade de leitura em tarefas de decodificação leitora para investigar parâmetros que possam auxiliar a avaliação da leitura. MÉTODO: Participaram 48 estudantes com idade entre 07 e 10 anos, matriculados do segundo ao quarto ano do Ensino Fundamental. A partir da indicação dos professores, os escolares foram agrupados em: grupo sem dificuldade de leitura (GSD) e grupo com dificuldade de leitura (GCD). Trinta e seis itens linguísticos foram selecionados (palavras e pseudopalavras) e apresentados inteiros, ou segmentados em sílabas e letras, para avaliar a leitura dos escolares. Os acertos foram computados. Os grupos foram comparados pelos testes de Mann-Whitney e Friedman. Sensibilidade e Especificidade foram calculadas. RESULTADOS: O desempenho do GSD foi superior ao do GCD em todas as tarefas de reconhecimento dos itens, exceto no reconhecimento de pseudopalavras inteiras. O desempenho do GSD em todas as tarefas de reconhecimento foi uniforme. O GCD acertou menos no reconhecimento de pseudopalavras principalmente quando apresentadas de forma segmentada. Grande parte dos escolares que decodificaram e leram corretamente até 32 itens era do GSD, enquanto a maioria dos que não alcançaram esse resultado era do GCD. Esse valor (32,5) foi considerado o melhor ponto de corte para definir o desempenho dos escolares nas tarefas de decodificação. CONCLUSÃO: O desempenho do GSD foi uniforme e superior ao do GCD, em tarefas de decodificação leitora. O GCD apresentou pior desempenho na leitura dos itens segmentados, principalmente das pseudopalavras.

PURPOSE: To characterize the performance of students with and without reading difficulties in reading decoding tasks to investigate parameters that can facilitate reading assessment. METHODS: Forty-eight school children, from 7 to 10 years old, who attended 2nd to 4th of Elementary Schoolgrades were studied. Based on their teacher's information, the children were divided into two groups: without reading difficulty (WRDG) and with reading difficulty (RDG). Thirty-six linguistic items were selected (words and pseudowords) and presented whole or segmented (letters and syllables) to assess the children's reading. The data were compared and statistically analyzed by Mann-Whitney and Friedman Tests. The hits, as well as sensitivity and specificity, were calculated. RESULTS: WRDG had a better performance than RDG in all the tasks except whole pseudowords recognition. WRDG performed similarly in all the tasks. The RDG had more difficulty in reading pseudowords, particularly when presented syllable-by-syllable and letter-by-letter. Thirty-two point five proved to be a sensitive turning point: most of the children who decoded and read at least 32 items had been considered adequate by their teachers whereas most of those who did not had been classified by their teachers as having academic difficulty. CONCLUSION: The WRDG performance in decoding reading was homogeneous and better than that of the RDG. The RDG performed worse on reading segmented items, particulary on pseudowords.

Child , Female , Humans , Male , Comprehension/physiology , Learning Disabilities/diagnosis , Reading , Case-Control Studies , Language Tests , Learning Disabilities/physiopathology , ROC Curve , Sensitivity and Specificity , Students
Distúrb. comun ; 24(1): 77-84, abr. 2012. ilus, tab, graf
مقالة ي البرتغالية | LILACS | ID: lil-646706


Objetivo: Análise comparativa da história pregressa quanto à prevalência familial, antecedentes familiais, razão sexual, faixa etária, desenvolvimento neuropsicomotor, intercorrência gestacional e queixa de indivíduos com diagnóstico de Dislexia e Distúrbio de Aprendizagem. Métodos: Esta pesquisa foi desenvolvida na Clínica de Fonoaudiologia da FOB/USP por meio da análise de 100 prontuários de indivíduos diagnosticados com Distúrbio de Aprendizagem ou Dislexia, em um período de cinco anos (2005 a 2010). Resultados: Do total de 100 prontuários, 50 foram elegíveis para a pesquisa, sendo diagnosticados como Dislexia ou Distúrbio de Aprendizagem. Destes 50, 19 (38) tiveram diagnóstico de Dislexia e 31 (62) de Distúrbio de Aprendizagem. Sendo que em 19 (38) dos prontuários de indivíduos com diagnóstico de Dislexia foi verifi cada presença de antecedentes familiais em 13 (68,42), e dos 31 (62) prontuários com diagnóstico de Distúrbio de Aprendizagem foram encontrados 6 (19,35) indivíduos com antecedentes familiais. No que se referem às intercorrências gestacionais, em relação ao diagnóstico de Distúrbio de Aprendizagem, 7 indivíduos (22,58) apresentavam histórico de intercorrência gestacional e 24 (77,42) não apresentavam intercorrência gestacional. Em relação ao diagnóstico de Dislexia, 4 indivíduos (21,05) apresentavam histórico de intercorrência gestacional e 15(78,95) não apresentavam esse histórico. Conclusão: Foi evidenciada predominância de recorrência familial em indivíduos com diagnóstico de Dislexia quando comparados aos indivíduos com Distúrbios de Aprendizagem. Em relação a dados de intercorrência gestacional e parto, estes foram encontrado sem indivíduos diagnosticados com distúrbio de aprendizagem, porém ao realizarmos a análise estatística, não se verificou significância estatística.

Objective: Comparative analysis of previous history as familial prevalence, familial history, sex sense, age, neuropsychomotor development, pregnancy incident and complaints of individuals diagnosed with dyslexia and learning disorders. Methods: This research was developed at the Speech Clinic, FOB/ USP through the analysis of medical records of 100 individuals diagnosed with learning disabilities or dyslexia, in a period of five years (2005 to 2010). Results: Total of the 100 records, 50 were eligible for the research, being diagnosed with dyslexia or learning disabilities. Of these 50, 19 (38) had diagnoses of dyslexia and 31 (62) of learning disorders. In 19 (38) of individuals records diagnosed with dyslexia, it was verifi ed the familial history occurs in 13 (68.42) and in 31 (62) records with diagnosis of learning disorders were found 6 (19 35) individuals with familial history. In referring to gestational incident, in relation to the diagnosis of learning disorders, 7 individuals (22.58) showed a history of pregnancy incident and 24 (77.42) did not show the same record. In relation to the dyslexiadiagnosis, 4 individuals (21.05) showed a pregnancy incident history and 15 (78.95) did not showthis record. Conclusion: It was evidenced predominance of familial recurrence in individuals diagnosed with dyslexia when compared to individuals with learning disabilities. In relation of data gestational incident and child birth, these were found in individuals diagnosed with learning disabilities, however when it was done the statistical analysis, there was not statistical significance.

Objetivo: análisis comparativo de la historia pasada sobre la prevalencia familiar, antecedentes familiares, sexo, edad, desarrollo neuro-psicomotor, complicaciones del embarazo y quejas de individuos diagnosticados con Dislexia y Disturbio del Aprendizaje. Método: esta investigación se desarrolló en la Clínica de Terapia del Habla y del Lenguaje de la FOB/USP a través del análisis de 100 historias clínicas de individuos diagnosticados con Trastornos de Aprendizaje o Dislexia en un período de cincoaños (2005 a 2010). Resultados: Del total de 100 historias clínicas, 50 tenían diagnostico de Dislexia o Disturbio de Aprendizaje. De estos, 19 (38) tenían diagnostico de Dislexia y 31(62) de Trastornos de Aprendizaje. Entre los 19 (38) casos con diagnostico de Dislexia, se observó la presencia de antecedentes familiares en 13 (68,42) y entre los 31 (62) casos con diagnóstico de Trastorno de Aprendizaje seobservo la presencia de antecedentes familiares en 6 (19 35). Con respeto a las implicaciones delembarazo, para el diagnóstico de trastornos del aprendizaje, 7 casos (22,58) tenían antecedentes de complicaciones durante el embarazo y 24 (77,42) tuvieron un embarazo sin complicaciones. Encuanto al diagnóstico de la Dislexia, 4 casos (21,05) tenían antecedentes de complicaciones durante el embarazo y 15 (78,95) no tenían. Conclusión: quedó evidente el predominio de recurrencia familiar en casos con diagnostico de Dislexia, cuando comparados a los casos con Trastornos de Aprendizaje. Para los datos de complicaciones del embarazo y parto, aunque fueron encontrados en los casos con diagnostico de Discapacidades de Aprendizaje, no presentaron significación estadística.

Humans , Child , Dyslexia/diagnosis , Learning Disabilities/diagnosis
Pakistan Journal of Psychology. 2011; 42 (1): 3-19
ي الانجليزية | IMEMR | ID: emr-122714


The present research examined the specific Learning difficulties among children and its implication for Psychological Functioning in terms of gender differences in psychological reactions to disability. The sample consisted of 30 children, both boys and girls ranging in age from 6:5 to ll:5years, from main stream schools in Swansea, Wales. Dyslexia Screening Test, Beck Combination Inventory, Human Figure Drawing test and Self-image Profile were used for assessment of dyslexia, poor self concept, anxiety, anger and depression. Initially all children were assessed with the help of Dyslexia Screening test, those children who were not at risk were excluded from further assessment. Those children who were at risk were further assessed on Self-image profile, Beck combination inventory, and Human Figure drawing test. It was hypothesized that poor self concept, anxiety, depression and aggression will be more prevalent among girls suffering from specific learning difficulties than boys, t- test was applied to find out the significant differences. Results supported our hypotheses. It was found that girls suffering from specific leaning difficulties showed greater number of emotional indicators on Human Figure Drawing Test measuring poor self image, anxiety, aggression and depression as compared to learning disable boys who showed lesser number of emotional indicators. Girls scored lower on poor self concept scale as compared to boys and scored higher on Anxiety and Depression of Beck combination inventory, while boys also scored higher on two scales i.e. Anger and Disruptive behaviour. However boys also rated themselves high on self-image profile. The relationship between specific learning difficulties and gender differences in psychological co-morbidity was evident and supported some of the previous findings

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Learning Disabilities/diagnosis , Dyslexia/psychology , Self Concept , Sex Distribution
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