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Rev. Flum. Odontol. (Online) ; 3(62): 88-99, set-dez. 2023. ilus
مقالة ي البرتغالية | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1566175


As complicações oftalmológicas decorrentes do uso de anestésicos locais em odontologia apresentam um baixo índice de ocorrência. Entretanto, torna-se fundamental o reconhecimento e conduta do cirurgião-dentista frente a essas possíveis complicações. O trabalho em questão tem como objetivo a identificação das alterações oftalmológicas decorrentes da injeção de anestésicos locais. Foi realizada uma revisão de literatura descrevendo as possíveis fisiopatologias, as estruturas mais acometidas, as técnicas anestésicas mais suscetíveis, bem como, a correta conduta caso ocorra e a importância do diagnóstico diferencial, visto que as alterações oftalmológicas estão presentes em outras alterações, como lesões centrais. Dessa forma pode-se concluir que as complicações, embora temporárias e geralmente benignas, podem ser angustiantes tanto para o paciente quanto para o profissional, sendo de extrema importância o reconhecimento das estruturas alteradas, possibilitando a devida explicação ao paciente e conduta a ser executada.

Ophthalmologic complications resulting from the use of local anesthetics in dentistry have a low rate of occurrence. However, it is essential to recognize and conduct the dentist in the face of these possible complications. This study aims to identify ophthalmologic alterations resulting from the injection of local anesthetics. A literature review was conducted describing the possible pathologies, the most affected structures, the most susceptible anesthetic techniques, as well as the correct conduct if it occurs and the importance of the differential diagnosis, since ophthalmologic alterations are present in other alterations, such as central lesions. Complications, although temporary and generally benign, can be distressing for both the patient and the professional, being extremely important the recognition of altered structures, allowing proper explanation to the patient and conduct to be performed.

Practice Patterns, Dentists' , Dentistry , Eye Manifestations , Anesthetics, Local , Mandibular Nerve , Maxillary Nerve
Rev. Odontol. Araçatuba (Impr.) ; 44(1): 57-61, jan.-abr. 2023. tab
مقالة ي البرتغالية | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1427956


Nas cirurgias odontológicas é possível que ocorra alguns acidentes ou complicações que podem interferir no dia a dia do paciente. A lesão do nervo alveolar inferior é uma complicação decorrente de cirurgias orais que podem causar um distúrbio de sensibilidade transitória ou persistente, na região do lábio inferior e na região delimitada do forame mentoniano e hemi-arco da mucosa. O diagnóstico da parestesia pode ser feito através de testes mecanoceptivos e nocioceptivos em que o profissional escolherá para qual melhor se adapte no paciente. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi abordar por meio de uma revisão de literatura as formas de diagnóstico e tratamento da parestesia do nervo alveolar inferior decorrentes de cirurgias orais. As bases de dados utilizadas para confecção desta revisão são encontradas nas bibliotecas virtuais eletrônicas: BVS (Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde), LILACS (Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde) e Pubmed. Como critério de inclusão foram selecionados artigos publicados de 2012 a 2022 em língua inglesa, portuguesa e espanhola. Após a leitura do título e resumo dos resultados da pesquisa e aplicação dos critérios de inclusão e exclusão dentre eles foram excluídos 883, pois não se enquadravam no nosso critério de inclusão. No final, foram selecionados 13 estudos por meio de base de dados, que serviram de base para esta revisão. Concluímos que as formas de tratamento para a parestesia na literatura, são um pouco escassas e conflitantes, mas relata que o uso da laserterapia e acupuntura tem sido uma forma de tratamento com um bom índice de sucesso, e para os casos que não sejam suficientes tais tratamentos, pode-se optar por uma cirurgia(AU)

In dental surgeries it is possible to have some accidents or complications that can interfere with the patient's day. Injury to the inferior alveolar nerve is a complication resulting from oral surgeries that can cause a disturbance of sensitivity that can be transient or persistent in the region of the lower lip and in the delimited region of the mental foramen and hemiarch of the mucosa. The diagnosis of paresthesia can be made through mechanoceptive and nocioceptive tests that the professional will choose, which best suits the patient. The objective of the present work is to approach, through a literature review, the forms of diagnosis and treatment aimed at inferior alveolar nerve paresthesia resulting from oral surgeries. The databases used for this review are found in the virtual electronic libraries: VHL (Virtual Health Library), LILACS (Latin American and Caribbean Literature on Health Sciences) and Pubmed. As inclusion criteria, articles published from 2012 to 2022 in English, Portuguese and Spanish were selected. After reading the title and summary of the research results and applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria, 883 were excluded, as they did not meet our inclusion criteria. In the end, 13 studies were selected from the database, which served as the basis for this review. We conclude that the forms of treatment for paresthesia in the literature are a little scarce and conflicting, but it reports that the use of laser therapy and acupuncture has been a form of treatment with a good success rate, and for cases that are not enough, such treatments, one can opt for surgery(AU)

Paresthesia , Oral Surgical Procedures/adverse effects , Mandibular Nerve Injuries/diagnosis , Mandibular Nerve Injuries/therapy , Acupuncture , Laser Therapy , Trigeminal Nerve Injuries , Trigeminal Nerve Injuries/diagnosis , Trigeminal Nerve Injuries/therapy , Mandibular Nerve Injuries , Mandibular Nerve
Int. j interdiscip. dent. (Print) ; 16(1): 82-84, abr. 2023. ilus
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1440282


El objetivo de este estudio es presentar un reporte de caso de un paciente que presenta un tercer molar inferior asociado a un quiste dentígero, cuya lesión desplazó el diente hasta quedar inmerso dentro del canal alveolar inferior. Caso: Paciente acude por tratamiento de un quiste dentígero asociado a un tercer molar desplazado hacia nervio alveolar inferior y borde basilar. Se realiza una descompresión del quiste, además de una tracción de la pieza con ortodoncia para posteriormente ser extraída de forma segura. Conclusión: La tracción ortodóntica de tercer molar ofrece una buena alternativa frente a estos casos. Si bien la evolución del paciente frente a este tratamiento es favorable, falta evidencia que demuestre significativamente su eficacia.

The aim of this study is to present a case report of a patient with a lower third molar associated with a dentigerous cyst, whose lesion displaced the tooth into the inferior alveolar canal. Case: Patient asks for treatment of a dentigerous cyst associated with a displaced third molar towards the inferior alveolar nerve and basilar border. A cyst decompression was performed, in addition to a traction of the tooth with orthodontics to be later extracted in a safe way. Conclusion: Traction of the third molar offers a good choice in cases such as the one presented in this article. Although the evolution of the patient is favorable, there is a lack of evidence demonstrating its efficacy.

Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Orthodontics , Dentigerous Cyst , Mandibular Nerve , Molar, Third
J. oral res. (Impresa) ; 12(1): 248-256, abr. 4, 2023. tab, ilus
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1560676


Aim: To assess the distance between the inferior alveolar canal and the roots of the mandibular second molar and the mandibula and cortex in a Saudi Arabian subpopulation through existing CBCT images. Materials and Methods: This retrospective study was performed based on 120 patients CBCT images in five age groups.The distances (D1 and D2) between the buccal cortex (BC), lingual cortex (LC), and mandibular molars and the distances (D3) between the root apices and inferior alveolar nerve canal (IANC) were measured for each dental root on the right and left of the mandible with the help of Vision iCAT software. A radiology specialist with a gap of 15 days twice carried out the measurements. Statistical analysis was carried out with the help of SPSS 24. to analyse variability Chi-square analysis was done, and the p value was fixed at > 0.05. To check inter-person variability, Cohen's variability was fixed at 0.8. Results: The distance between the outer surface of the buccal cortical plate and the buccal root surface ranged between 3.8 and 5.7 mm, whereas the distance between the root apices of the mandibular molars and the IANC ranged between 4.8 and 3.5 mm. The distance from the outer surface of the lingual cortical plate to the lingual root surface varied between 1.2 and 2.8 mm. The mean distance between the root apices and IANC increased with age, more so in males than females. Conclusions: Even though this study was conducted on a small sample size, it will help the dental practitioners in planning endodontic procedures, surgical extractions, and implant placements, and it should be repeated with a higher number of images.

Objetivo: Evaluar la distancia entre el canal alveolar inferior y las raíces del segundo molar mandibular, y la mandíbula y la corteza en una subpoblación de Arabia Saudita a través de imágenes CBCT existentes.Materiales y Métodos: Este estudio retrospectivo se realizó con base en imágenes CBCT de 120 pacientes en cinco grupos de edad. Las distancias (D1 y D2) entre la corteza bucal (BC), la corteza lingual (LC) y los molares mandibulares y las distancias (D3) entre los Se midieron los ápices radiculares y el canal del nervio alveolar inferior (IANC) para cada raíz dental a la derecha e izquierda de la mandíbula con la ayuda del software Vision iCAT. Un especialista en radiología, con un intervalo de 15 días, realizó dos veces las mediciones. El análisis estadístico se realizó con la ayuda del SPSS 24. Para analizar la variabilidad se realizó un análisis de Chi-cuadrado y el valor p se fijó en > 0,05. Para comprobar la variabilidad entre personas, la variabilidad de Cohen se fijó en 0,8. Resultados: La distancia entre la superficie exterior de la placa cortical bucal y la superficie de la raíz bucal osciló entre 3,8 y 5,7 mm, mientras que la distancia entre los ápices radiculares de los molares mandibulares y el IANC osciló entre 4,8 y 3,5 mm. La distancia desde la superficie exterior de la placa cortical lingual hasta la superficie de la raíz lingual varió entre 1,2 y 2,8 mm. La distancia media entre los ápices de las raíces y la IANC aumentó con la edad, más en hombres que en mujeres. Conclusión: Aunque este estudio se realizó con un tamaño de muestra pequeño, ayudará a los odontólogos a planificar procedimientos de endodoncia, extracciones quirúrgicas y colocación de implantes, y debe realizarse con más números.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Tooth Root/anatomy & histology , Alveolar Process/anatomy & histology , Mandible/anatomy & histology , Molar/anatomy & histology , Saudi Arabia , Tooth Root/diagnostic imaging , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Cone-Beam Computed Tomography , Alveolar Process/diagnostic imaging , Mandible/diagnostic imaging , Mandibular Nerve , Molar/diagnostic imaging
Rev. estomatol. Hered ; 33(1): 34-41, ene. 2023. tab, ilus
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS, LIPECS | ID: biblio-1441864


Objetivo: Determinar la incidencia de complicaciones de la técnica anestésica Spix en procedimientos odontológicos a pacientes atendidos en la clínica de la Universidad Andrés Bello (UNAB). Material y Métodos: Se analizó a 37 pacientes que fueron atendidos por alumnos de cuarto y quinto año de la clínica odontológica, a los cuales se le realizó la técnica anestésica Spix para realizar el procedimiento odontológico. Se consignó mediante la observación la presencia de formación de hematomas intraorales en el sitio de punción, rotura de la aguja, cantidad de tubos de solución anestésica inyectados, presencia de dolor a la inyección de solución anestésico y la presencia o no de parálisis facial. Mediante la recolección de datos y posterior encuesta a los participantes se consignó la presencia de trismus al día siguiente de la atención y parestesia persistente al día siguiente de la atención. Resultados: De 37 pacientes estudiados que recibieron la técnica anestésica Spix, 6 presentaron hematoma intraoral (16,2%), ninguno reportó rotura de la aguja, 1 presentó parálisis facial (2,7%), 1 presentó parestesia persistente al día siguiente (2,7%), 12 presentaron trismus posterior a la inyección (32,4%). El rango de dolor reportado fue entre 1 y 4 según la escala EVA. Conclusión: Hay una baja incidencia de las complicaciones asociadas a la técnica anestésica Spix en la clínica odontológica de la UNAB, siendo el trismus la complicación más frecuente. Se necesita un mayor número de muestra para entender mejor esta realidad.

Objective: To determine the incidence of complications of the Spix anesthetic technique in the dental procedures of patients attended at the Andrés Bello University dental clinic. Material and Methods: 37 patients who were cared for by fourth- and fifth-year students from the dental clinic of the Andrés Bello University were analyzed, who underwent the Spix anesthetic technique to perform the dental procedure. The presence of intraoral hematoma formation at the puncture site, needle breakage, number of injected anesthesia tubes, presence of pain upon injection of anesthetic and the presence or not of facial paralysis were recorded. Through data collection and subsequent survey of the participants, the presence of trismus was recorded the day after care. Results. Of the 37 cases of patients studied who received the Spix anesthetic technique, 6 had intraoral hematoma (16.2%), no needle break was reported, 1 had facial paralysis (2.7%), 1 had persistent paresthesia at the next day (2.7%), 12 presented trismus after the injection (32.4%), the pain range was between 1 and 4 according to the VAS scale. Conclusion. There is a low incidence of complications associated with the Spix anesthetic technique in the Andrés Bello University dental clinic, trismus being the most frequent (32.4%). A larger sample number should be needed to better understand this reality.

Humans , Pain , Postoperative Complications , Trismus , Anesthesia, Local , Mandibular Nerve , Nerve Block , Patients , Dental Care
مقالة ي الانجليزية | WPRIM | ID: wpr-982480


Resection of oral and maxillofacial tumors is often accompanied by the inferior alveolar nerve neurectomy, resulting in abnormal sensation in lower lip. It is generally believed that spontaneous sensory recovery in this nerve injury is difficult. However, during our follow-up, patients with inferior alveolar nerve sacrifice showed different degrees of lower lip sensory recovery. In this study, a prospective cohort study was conducted to demonstrate this phenomenon and analyze the factors influencing sensory recovery. A mental nerve transection model of Thy1-YFP mice and tissue clearing technique were used to explore possible mechanisms in this process. Gene silencing and overexpression experiments were then conducted to detect the changes in cell morphology and molecular markers. In our follow-up, 75% of patients with unilateral inferior alveolar nerve neurectomy had complete sensory recovery of the lower lip 12 months postoperatively. Patients with younger age, malignant tumors, and preservation of ipsilateral buccal and lingual nerves had a shorter recovery time. The buccal nerve collateral sprouting compensation was observed in the lower lip tissue of Thy1-YFP mice. ApoD was demonstrated to be involved in axon growth and peripheral nerve sensory recovery in the animal model. TGF-β inhibited the expression of STAT3 and the transcription of ApoD in Schwann cells through Zfp423. Overall, after sacrificing the inferior alveolar nerve, the collateral compensation of the ipsilateral buccal nerve could innervate the sensation. And this process was regulated by TGF-β-Zfp423-ApoD pathway.

Mice , Animals , Lip/innervation , Prospective Studies , Mandibular Nerve/pathology , Sensation/physiology , Trigeminal Nerve Injuries/pathology
Arq. odontol ; 59: 54-61, 2023. ilus, tab
مقالة ي البرتغالية | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1438035


Objetivo: Avaliar a prevalência da radiolucência justa-apical (RJA) e sua relação com os terceiros molares inferiores, em 1054 radiografias panorâmicas. Métodos: A amostra foi constituída por radiografias panorâmicas digitais de indivíduos maiores de 18 anos, com pelo menos um terceiro molar inferior. As imagens foram analisadas para a presença de RJA em relação à corticalização, localização, relação com o canal mandibular, angulação e profundidade de impactação do terceiro molar. Os dados foram analisados através de estatística descritiva e pelo teste Qui-quadrado, sendo que valores de p < 0,05 foram considerados como significativos. Resultados:Foi encontrada uma prevalência de 2,75% de RJA, sendo predominante no sexo feminino (p = 0,01). A RJA foi visualizada em maior número corticalizada (58,63%), lateroapical (48,27%), em dentes parcialmente intraósseo (68,97%) e mesioangulados (55,17%). Em relação ao canal mandibular, houve maior prevalência na posição sobreposta ao canal mandibular (65,52%). Conclusão: A prevalência de RJA foi de 2,75% do total de 1054 radiografias panorâmicas avaliadas. Em relação ao canal mandibular, apresentou maior prevalência sobreposto. Além disso, a maior parte das RJA se apresentaram corticalizadas, em posição lateroapical, associada a dentes em posição mesioangular. Descritores: Radiografia panorâmica. Dente serotino. Nervo mandibular.Prevalência de radiolucência justa-apical e sua relação com terceiros molares inferiores em radiografias panorâmicas

Aim: To evaluate the prevalence of juxta-apical radiolucency (JAR) and its relationship with the lower third molars and adjacent structures, in 1,054 panoramic radiographs. Methods: The sample consisted of digital panoramic radiographs of individuals over 18 years of age, with at least one lower third molar. The images were analyzed for the presence of JAR in relation to corticalization, location, impaction depth, relationship with the mandibular canal, angulation, and impaction of the third molar. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and the chi-square test, and values of p < 0.05 were considered significant.Results: A prevalence of 2.75% of JAR was found, with a statistical difference between JAR and gender (p = 0.01), which proved to be predominant in females. The JAR was seen in greater numbers as corticalized (58.63%), lateroapical (48.27%), and mesioangulated (55.17%), as well as in erupted teeth (31.03%). In relation to the mandibular canal, it presented a higher prevalence when superimposed upon the mandibular canal (65.52%). Conclusions:The prevalence of RJA was 2.75% of the 1,054 evaluated panoramic radiographs. In relation to the mandibular canal, it presented a higher prevalence of superimposition. In addition, most of the RJA were corticalized, in a lateroapical position, associated with teeth in a mesioangular position. Uniterms: Panoramic radiography. Third molar. Mandibular nerve.

Radiography, Panoramic , Mandibular Nerve , Molar , Molar, Third
Rev. Fac. Odontol. (B.Aires) ; 38(90): 21-28, 2023. ilus
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1553695


Se presenta el caso clínico de una paciente con alte-ración de la sensibilidad, consecuente a la extracción de un tercer molar inferior retenido bajo el contexto de urgencia, resultando en la injuria del nervio denta-rio inferior. La cirugía fue realizada en el Servicio de Urgencias Odontológicas y Orientación de Pacientes de la Facultad de Odontología de la Universidad de Buenos Aires (FOUBA), en respuesta a la sintomatolo-gía dolorosa que venía presentando la paciente desde hacía tiempo, motivo por el cual concurre a la consul-ta. En este trabajo se exponen los parámetros utiliza-dos, las etapas evolutivas y los resultados obtenidos luego de un tratamiento con láser de diodo de baja intensidad, efectuado con equipamiento Woodpecker LX 16 Plus, realizado en el área de Unidad Láser de la Cátedra de Endodoncia de la FOUBA. El tratamiento fue aceptado por la paciente quien firmó el consen-timiento informado correspondiente. Se observó una pronta y favorable recuperación ante las aplicacio-nes de fotobiomodulación láser. En la sexta sesión, se pudo determinar que la recuperación sensitiva había sido completa. Asimismo, en este trabajo se hace mención a ciertos factores preventivos prequirúr-gicos a tener en cuenta para minimizar los riesgos de lesión nerviosa ante situaciones similares, tales como forma y posición de la pieza dentaria en la man-díbula, la importancia de los estudios imagenológicos como la tomografía computarizada de haz cónico (CBCT) y la técnica quirúrgica (AU)

A clinic case of a patient with alteration of sensitivity is presented, following an emergency extraction of a retained lower third molar, which resulted in the injury of the lower dental nerve. The surgery was performed at the Dental Emergency and Patient Orientation Service of the Faculty of Dentistry, University of Buenos Aires (FOUBA), in response to the painful symptomatology that the patient had been presenting for some time, reason for which the patient arrived to the clinic. This report presents the parameters used, the evolutionary stages and the results obtained after a treatment with low intensity diode laser, performed with Woodpecker LX 16 Plus equipment, carried out in the Laser Unit area of the Chair of Endodontics, FOUBA. The treatment was performed with the permission of the patient, who signed the corresponding informed consent. A prompt and favorable recovery was observed after photobiomodulatory applications. Completion of sensory recovery was determined during the six sessions. Furthermore, this work describes certain pre-surgical preventive factors to take into account to minimize the risks of nerve injury in similar situations, such as the shape and position of the tooth in the jaw, the importance of imaging studies such as cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) and the surgical technique (AU)

Humans , Female , Adult , Mandibular Nerve/physiopathology , Argentina , Postoperative Complications/etiology , Schools, Dental , Molar, Third/surgery
Rev. Odontol. Araçatuba (Impr.) ; 43(3): 17-23, set.-dez. 2022. ilus
مقالة ي البرتغالية | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1381053


O nervo mandibular V3 é a terceira divisão do nervo trigêmeo, apresenta fibras motoras e sensitivas, sendo a ramificação mista deste nervo. Seus ramos eferentes são responsáveis pela motricidade dos músculos mastigatórios, inerva os músculos milo-hióideo, ventre anterior do digástrico, tensor do véu palatino e tensor do tímpano. Suas fibras aferentes são responsáveis pela sensibilidade da região inferior da face e cavidade oral, dentes inferiores, parte da língua e propriocepção da cápsula da articulação temporomandibular ATM. O objetivo deste estudo é explanar as possíveis lesões no nervo mandibular, suas ramificações e estruturas adjacentes no caso de fraturas na mandíbula, colaborando com informações detalhadas para posterior estudo de acadêmicos e cirurgiões dentistas. Foi realizada uma pesquisa de campo, exploratória e descritiva, com abordagem quanti-qualitativa, para descrição e análise do trajeto do V3 até a sua chegada no osso mandibular, assim como de estruturas que compõem a topografia adjacente a mesma utilizando uma hemiface intacta de um cadáver do sexo masculino no Laboratório de Anatomia Humana das Faculdades Nova Esperança, na cidade de João Pessoa. Devido à proximidade do nervo mandibular com o processo coronoide, fraturas nesta parte do osso mandíbula, podem ocasionar lesões no V3, além de traumas no osso temporal, e consequentemente de todo o gânglio trigeminal. Além destas, estruturas adjacentes como a glândula parótida, artérias maxilar e facial, ATM, e os nervos alveolar inferior, mentual e lingual, podem ser lesionadas em uma fratura mandibular. As lesões nestes nervos, podem resultar em redução grave da qualidade de vida e dor crônica, gerando desconfortos para o paciente. Diante do exposto fica evidente a importância de conhecer a anatomia topográfica da mandíbula e suas estruturas vasculonervosas, seu trajeto e a localização. Houve dificuldade na discussão devido à escassez da literatura em relação à temática proposta. Dessa forma, é necessário motivar novos estudos sobre a temática a fim de ampliar o conhecimento dos profissionais de saúde e estimular novas técnicas para diagnóstico precoce e melhorar os resultados terapêuticos, impactando positivamente na sobrevida de pacientes com fraturas de mandibulares(AU)

The mandibular nerve V3 is the third division of the trigeminal nerve, has motor and sensory fibers, being the mixed branch of this nerve. Its efferent branches are responsible for the motricity of the masticatory muscles, innervating the mylohyoid muscles, anterior belly of the digastric, soft palate tensor and tympanic tensor. Its afferent fibers are responsible for the sensitivity of the lower face and oral cavity, lower teeth, part of the tongue and proprioception of the capsule of the temporomandibular joint TMJ. The aim of this study is to explain the possible injuries to the mandibular nerve, its ramifications and adjacent structures in the case of mandible fractures, collaborating with detailed information for further study by academics and dentists. A field research, exploratory and descriptive, with a quantitative-qualitative approach, was carried out to describe and analyze the path of the V3 until its arrival in the mandibular bone, as well as structures that make up the topography adjacent to it using na intact hemiface of a male cadaver at the Human Anatomy Laboratory of Faculdades Nova Esperança, in João Pessoa city. Due to the proximity of the mandibular nerve with the coronoid process, fractures in this part of the mandible bone can cause injuries to the V3, in addition to trauma to the temporal bone, and consequently to the entire trigeminal ganglion. In addition to these, adjacent structures such as the parotid gland, maxillary and facial arteries, TMJ, and the inferior alveolar, mental and lingual nerves can be injured in a mandibular fracture. Damage to these nerves can result in severely reduced quality of life and chronic pain, causing discomfort for the patient. Given the above, the importance of knowing the topographic anatomy of the mandible and its vascular-nervous structures, its path and location is evident. There was difficulty in the discussion due to the scarcity of literature regarding the proposed theme. Thus, it is necessary to motivate further studies on the subject in order to expand the knowledge of health professionals and encourage new techniques for early diagnosis and improve therapeutic results, positively impacting the survival of patients with mandibular fractures(AU)

Humans , Male , Trigeminal Nerve Injuries , Mandibular Nerve Injuries , Mandibular Fractures , Mandible/anatomy & histology , Mandibular Nerve , Mandibular Nerve/anatomy & histology
Odontol. vital ; (37)dic. 2022.
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1422181


Introducción: Se comparó la técnica anestésica con el nervio alveolar inferior (NAI) realizada por estudiantes de cuarto y quinto año de la carrera de Odontología de la Universidad Andrés Bello, Santiago. El objetivo: Fue evaluar la ejecución y éxito de la técnica previo a una extracción dental simple. Metodología: Los estudiantes fueron invitados a participar y firmaron un consentimiento. Se realizó una encuesta que contenía un protocolo informativo para el alumno con los pasos por seguir, luego, al finalizar su atención clínica debía responder una serie de preguntas de selección múltiple. Mediante esta encuesta se evaluó cuántos estudiantes pudieron lograr un correcto bloqueo del nervio alveolar inferior con solo 1 tubo de anestesia lidocaína al 2% y cuántos de estos requirieron de anestesia adicional después de haber inyectado el primer tubo de anestesia, antes de iniciar el procedimiento quirúrgico. También se cuantificó la cantidad de tubos de anestesia que usaron los alumnos para realizar la exodoncia de forma indolora y cuántos requirieron de un refuerzo anestésico adicional durante el intraoperatorio. Así se pudo realizar un análisis comparativo entre ambas generaciones de alumnos en relación con el empleo de la técnica anestésica. Resultados: De los 104 encuestados se obtuvo que un 57% de los estudiantes de 4º y un 65% de los de 5º año, lograron una correcta técnica anestésica al NAI con 1 solo tubo de anestesia. Conclusión: No existieron diferencias significativas con respecto al año académico y las variables estudiadas, exceptuando la necesidad de un refuerzo anestésico posterior a la comprobación de una técnica anestésica exitosa, donde los alumnos de 4to año necesitaron efectuar un mayor control del dolor intraoperatorio.

Introduction: The anesthetic technique to the inferior alveolar nerve (NAI) was compared between the performance by fourthand fifth-year students of the Dentistry career at the Andrés Bello University, Santiago. Objective: Was to evaluate the performance and success of the technique before a simple dental extraction. Methods: The students invited to participate signed an informed consent. A survey was conducted that contained an informative protocol for the student with the steps to follow, then, at the end of their clinical care, had to answer a series of multiple-choice questions. Through this survey, it was evaluated how many students could achieve a correct inferior alveolar nerve block with only 1 tube of anesthesia lidocaine 2% and how many required additional anesthesia after having injected the first tube of anesthesia, before starting the surgical procedure. Also, the amount of anesthesia tubes that the students used to perform the extraction in a painless way was quantified and how many required an additional anesthetic reinforcement intraoperatively. Thereby, a comparative analysis between both generations of students was carried out in relation to the use of the anesthetic technique. Results: Of the 104 participants, it was found that 57% of the 4th year students and 65% of the 5th year students achieved a correct anesthetic technique at the NAI with a single tube of anesthesia. Conclusion: There were no significant differences in relation to the academic year completed and the variables studied except for the need for anesthetic reinforcement after a successful anesthetic technique, where 4th year students needed to perform more intraoperative pain control.

Humans , Students, Dental , Anesthesia, Local , Mandibular Nerve/drug effects , Chile
Rev. Fac. Odontol. Porto Alegre (Online) ; 63(1): 121-128, jun. 2022.
مقالة ي البرتغالية | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1517681


Objetivo: Realizar uma revisão integrativa da literatura acerca da eficácia da terapia de fotobiomodulação na amenização dos distúrbios neurossensoriais e da dor em pacientes com lesões no nervo alveolar inferior. Materiais e métodos: Para a pesquisa dos artigos foram utilizadas as bases de dados MEDLINE, LILACS, BBO, IBECS e SciELO com descritores em inglês combinados com os operadores booleanos. A busca limitou-se a artigos nos idiomas inglês, português ou espanhol, publicados nos últimos 10 anos, do tipo ensaios clínicos. Revisão de literatura: Nove artigos preencheram os critérios de inclusão, sendo oito ensaios clínicos randomizados e um ensaio clínico não randomiza-do. Os melhores resultados foram observados em testes de sensibilidade geral utilizando a Escala Visual Analógica. Os estudos atestaram melhora da condição independentemen-te do tempo pós-operatório, contudo, o início antecipado da terapia trouxe maiores benefícios. Ademais, embora a maioria dos artigos tenha apontado eficácia do tratamento, notou-se grande variabilidade nos protocolos de terapia a laser. Conclusão: O emprego da terapia de fotobiomodulação é eficaz no tratamento de injúrias iatrogênicas no nervo alveolar inferior. Entretanto, mais estudos são necessários a fim de estabelecer um protocolo para o uso do laser.

Objective: Conduct an integrative review of literature on the efficacy of photobiomodulation therapy in the aestheization of sensorineural disorders and pain in patients with lesions in the inferior alveolar nerve. Materials and methods: Medline, LILACS, BBO, IBECS and SciELO databases were used to search the articles with English descriptors combined with the boolean operators. The search was limited to articles in English, Portuguese or Spanish, published in the last 10 years, of the type clinical trials. Literature review: Nine articles met the inclusion criteria, eight randomized clinical trials and one non-randomized clinical trial. The best results were observed in general sensitivity tests using the Visual Analog Scale. Studies attested to an impro-vement in the condition regardless of postoperative time, however, early initiation of therapy brought greater benefits. Furthermore, although most articles have pointed out treatment efficacy, there was great variability in laser therapy protocols. Conclusion: The use of photobiomodulation therapy is effective in the treatment of iatrogenic injuries to the inferior alveolar nerve. However, more studies are needed in order to establish a protocol for the use of laser.

Wounds and Injuries , Low-Level Light Therapy , Mandibular Nerve
J. oral res. (Impresa) ; 11(1): 1-14, may. 11, 2022. ilus, tab
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1399980


Purpose: This study aimed to determine the prevalence and length of the anterior loop (AL) of the inferior alveolar nerve, and evaluate the emergence direction of the mental nerve and the location of mental foramen in a group of Iranian patients. Material and Methods: This study was carried out on CBCT scans of 150 patients (57 males and 93 females; mean age 40.8 ±14.33 years). The presence and extent of the AL was determined in reconstructed images. The emergence path of the mental nerve was classified into three groups: anteriorly directed emergence, right-angled pattern of emergence, and posteriorly directed emergence. The location of mental foramen relative to adjacent premolars was determined. Results: AL was identified in 14.7% of the cases with a mean length of 1.39± 0.91 mm (range 0.25 to 3.50 mm). No significant differences were observed in the prevalence and extent of the AL between genders (p>0.05). The right-angled pattern of emergence was more dominant (43.7%). The most prevalent location of mental foramen was between the first and second premolars (68.3%). There was no significant association between the presence of AL with the path of emergence of the mental nerve (p=0.627) or the location of the mental foramen (p= 0.10 0). Conclusion: The prevalence of anterior loop was relatively low in the present sample (14.7%) with a length range of 0.25 to 3.5 mm. Due to the importance of this anatomic variation in implant surgery, it is suggested to carefully assess CBCT images before the surgical procedure to avoid neurosensory complications.

Propósito: Este estudio tuvo como objetivo determinar la prevalencia y la longitud del loop anterior (LA) del nervio alveolar inferior, y evaluar la dirección de emergencia del nervio mentoniano y la ubicación del foramen mentoniano en un grupo de pacientes iraníes. Material y Métodos: Este estudio se llevó a cabo en exploraciones de tomografía computarizada de haz cónico de 150 pacientes (57 hombres y 93 mujeres; edad media 40,8 ± 14,33 años). La presencia y extensión de la LA se determinó en imágenes reconstruidas. La vía de emergencia del nervio mentoniano se clasificó en tres grupos: emergencia dirigida anteriormente, patrón de emergencia en ángulo recto y emergencia dirigida posteriormente. Se determinó la ubicación del foramen mentoniano en relación con los premolares adyacentes. Resultados: Se identificó LA en el 14,7% de los casos con una longitud media de 1,39± 0,91 mm (rango 0,25 mm a 3,50 mm). No se observaron diferencias significativas en la prevalencia y extensión de la AL entre sexos (p>0,05). El patrón de emergencia en ángulo recto fue más dominante (43,7%). La localización más prevalente del foramen men-toniano fue entre el primer y segundo premolar (68,3%). No hubo asociación significativa entre la presencia de AL con la vía de emergencia del nervio mentoniano (p=0,627) o la ubicación del foramen mentoniano p=0,100).Conclusión: La prevalencia de asa anterior fue rela-tivamente baja en la presente muestra (14,7%) con un rango de longitud de 0,25 mm a 3,5 mm. Debido a la importancia de esta variación anatómica en la cirugía de implantes, se sugiere evaluar cuidadosamente las imágenes de tomografía computarizada de haz cónico antes del procedimiento quirúrgico para evitar complicaciones neurosensoriales.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Dental Implants , Cone-Beam Computed Tomography , Mandible/surgery , Mandible/diagnostic imaging , Prevalence , Cross-Sectional Studies , Anatomic Variation , Mental Foramen/surgery , Iran , Mandibular Nerve/surgery
Chinese Journal of Stomatology ; (12): 258-265, 2022.
مقالة ي صينى | WPRIM | ID: wpr-935859


Objective: To evaluate the risk factors of inferior alveolar nerve injury (IANI) after surgical removal of the mandibular third molars (M3) and present a new risk scoring system to predict the probability of IANI. Methods: Patients who underwent extraction of M3 in the Stomatology Hospital, Zhejiang University School of Medicine from April 2017 to December 2019 were involved. The investigators enrolled a sample composed of 949 mandibular third molars. Prediction model was used for univariate and multivariate analysis of gender, age, M3, inferior alveolar canal (IAC), and the contact between M3 and IAC, to assess the risk factors of IANI. Combined with the risk factors determined by the outcomes of prediction model, the risk scoring system was constructed. The diagnostic performance of each cut-off score was examined to conduct a risk stratification of IANI risk scores. The predictive ability and reliability of the model were evaluated. Results: In prediction model, twenty nine cases (4.4%, 29/664) experienced postoperative IANI. Number of root (P<0.01), depth of impaction (P<0.05), contact between M3 and IAC (P<0.01) and their contact position (P<0.05) were statistically significant as contributing risk factors of IANI. Specifically, the incidence of temporary IANI was higher in those who aged under 25 years (P<0.001), while female suffer more permanent injury (P<0.05). Based on the IANI risk scoring system, patients were stratified into low-risk, middle-risk and high-risk groups at cutoff scores of 3 and 4. The area under the receiver operator characteristic curve of the risk scoring system were 0.81 [95%CI (0.70-0.90), P=0.002] and 0.80 [95%CI (0.68-0.92), P=0.007] towards good discrimination. Conclusions: Age, gender, number of root, depth of impaction, and contact between M3 and IAC were risk factors of IANI. IANI risk scoring system might help in preoperative assessment, recognition of high-risk cases and decision-making to reduce IANI.

Aged , Female , Humans , Mandible/surgery , Mandibular Nerve , Molar, Third/surgery , Reproducibility of Results , Risk Factors , Tooth Extraction/adverse effects , Trigeminal Nerve Injuries/etiology
Int. j. morphol ; 40(4): 1018-1024, 2022. ilus, tab
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1405232


SUMMARY: The aim of this study is to reveal the morphometry of the mental nerve to describe a safe zone for minimizing mental nerve damage during transoral endoscopic thyroidectomy-vestibular approach (TOETVA). This study was performed on 12 cadavers. Localization of mental foramen according to teeth, distances of buccogingival sulcus-lip (BG-L), mental foramen-midline (MF-Midline), mental foramen - buccogingival sulcus (MF - BG), commissure - branching point (Cm - Br), branching point - vertical projection of branching point on lower lip (Br - LVP), vertical projection of branching point on lower lip - commissure (LVP - Cm), commissure - midline (Cm - midline), angles of mental (AM), angular (AA) and labial branches (AL) and branching patterns were recorded. Type 1 was mostly found as branching pattern in this study (45.8 %). A new branching pattern (type 9) was found on one cadaver. Mental foramen was mostly located at level of second premolar teeth. According to morphometric results of this study; supero- lateral to course of angular branch and infero-medial to course of mental branch of mental nerve on lower lip after exiting the mental foramen were described as safe zones during surgery for preserving mental nerve and its branches.

RESUMEN: El objetivo de este estudio fue revelar la morfometría del nervio mental o mentoniano para describir una zona segura y de esta manera, minimizar el daño de este nervio durante la tiroidectomía endoscópica transoral-abordaje vestibular (TOETVA). Este estudio se realizó en 12 cadáveres. Se realizó la localización del foramen mentoniano según los dientes, distancias surco gingival-labio (BG-L), foramen mentoniano-línea mediana (MF-Midline), foramen mentoniano-surco gingival (MF-BG), comisura-punto de ramificación (Cm-Br), punto de bifurcación - pro- yección vertical del punto de bifurcación en el labio inferior (Br - LVP), proyección vertical del punto de bifurcación en el labio inferior - comisura (LVP - Cm), comisura - línea mediana (Cm - línea mediana), ángulos del mentón (AM). Se registraron ramos angulares (AA) y labiales (AL) y patrones de ramificación. El tipo 1 se encontró principalmente como patrón de ramificación en el 45,8 %. Se describe un nuevo patrón de ramificación (tipo 9) encontrado en un cadáver. El foramen mentoniano se localizaba mayoritariamente a nivel de los segundos premolares. Según los resultados morfométricos, supero-lateral al curso de la rama angular e infero-medial al curso de la rama mentoniana del nervio mentoniano en el labio inferior, después de salir del foramen mentoniano, se describieron las zonas seguras, para la cirugía y preservación del nervio mentoniano y de sus ramos.

Humans , Thyroidectomy/methods , Mandibular Nerve Injuries/prevention & control , Mandibular Nerve/anatomy & histology , Cadaver , Endoscopy , Anatomic Landmarks
Int. j. morphol ; 40(4): 973-980, 2022. ilus, tab
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1405254


RESUMEN: En condiciones normales, la mandíbula y sus estructuras anatómicas (dientes, musculatura, piel), son inervadas por los ramos de la tercera división del nervio trigémino (nervio mandibular), sin embargo, existen reportes que evidencian inervación suplementaria de los dientes inferiores y la zona del ángulo mandibular. Lo último podría ser responsable del fracaso del bloqueo nervioso con anestesia local. El objetivo principal de esta investigación fue revisar artículos que describen la participación de otros nervios como el milohioideo y los ramos superficiales del plexo cervical, los cuales pueden ingresar a la mandíbula a través de forámenes ubicados a lo largo de su arquitectura. Para esto, se realizó una revisión narrativa de la literatura científica, en inglés y español, desde el año 1971 hasta el año 2019, utilizando las plataformas digitales PubMed, EBSCO, Cochrane library, Scielo y Google Scholar, literatura gris y además de una búsqueda manual. Acorde a los resultados de la revisión, se confirma la existencia de fracasos de técnicas anestésicas mandibulares debido a la inervación accesoria de la mandíbula y de los dientes inferiores, donde los tres principales nervios revisados tienen incidencia en este postulado. Finalmente se plantea un orden de ejecución para realizar la infiltración de anestésico local en la mandíbula para lograr un bloqueo exitoso durante los procedimientos odontológicos que la requieran.

SUMMARY: Under normal conditions, the mandible and its anatomical structures (teeth, muscles, skin) are innervated by the branches of the third division of the trigeminal nerve (mandibular nerve), however, there are reports that show supplementary innervation of the lower teeth and the mandibular angle area. The latter could be responsible for the failure of the nerve block under local anesthesia. The main objective of this research; is to review articles that describe the participation of other nerves such as the mylohyoid nerve, and the superficial branches of the cervical plexus, which can enter the mandible through foramina located along its architecture. For this, a narrative review of the scientific literature was carried out, in English and Spanish, from 1971 to 2019, using the digital platforms PubMed, EBSCO, Cochrane library, Scielo and Google Scholar, gray literature and in addition to a search Handbook. According to the results of the review, the existence of the failures of the mandibular anesthetic techniques due to the accessory innervation of the mandible and the lower teeth is confirmed, where the three main nerves reviewed have an impact on this postulate. In conclusion, an order of execution is proposed to perform local anesthetic infiltration into the jaw to achieve a successful block during dental procedures that require it.

Humans , Mandible/innervation , Mandibular Nerve/anatomy & histology , Treatment Failure , Anesthesia, Dental
Arq. odontol ; 58: 125-130, 2022.
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1411866


Aim: This case report aims to demonstrate a rare mandibular canal (MC) variation, presenting right trifurcation and left bifurcation through Cone-Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT). Case report: A 26-year-old female patient with no systemic disorders was referred for surgical removal of the lower third molars due to the presence of painful symptoms. CBCT was requested to evaluate the relationship between third molars and the mandibular canal and to guide the surgical planning. Tomographic volume was analyzed through the Sidexis software (Sirona Dental Systems, Bernsheim, Germany). During the analysis of tomographic sections, it was possible to observe the presence of bilateral MC variations. Bifurcation of the right MC and trifurcation of the left MC were observed. Conclusion: The present report highlighted the importance of CBCT for the diagnosis of anatomical changes, such as MC trifurcation.

Objetivo: Este relato tem por objetivo descrever uma rara variação do canal mandibular (CM) apresentando trifurcação direita e bifurcação esquerda, por meio da Tomografia Computadorizada de Feixe Cônico (TCFC). Relato do caso: Paciente do sexo feminino, 26 anos de idade, sem comprometimento sistêmico, foi encaminhada para remoção cirúrgica dos terceiros molares inferiores devido a presença de sintomatologia dolorosa. Foi solicitada uma TCFC para avaliar a relação entre terceiros molares e o canal mandibular, para orientar o planejamento cirúrgico. O volume tomográfico foi analisado por meio do software Sidexis (Sirona Dental Systems, Bernsheim, Alemanha). Durante a análise dos cortes tomográficos, foi possível observar a presença de variações do CM bilateralmente. Observou-se bifurcação do CM direito e trifurcação do CM esquerdo. Conclusão: O presente relato destacou a importância da TCFC para o diagnóstico das alterações anatômicas, como a trifurcação do canal mandibular.

Cone-Beam Computed Tomography , Anatomy , Mandibular Nerve
Braz. dent. sci ; 25(2): 1-8, 2022. tab, ilus
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1367400


Objective: The aim of this prospective study, with preliminary results, was to evaluate factors related with root migration after lower third molar coronectomy, especially radiographic bone density. Material and Methods:Twenty-two patients were submitted to 31 lower third molar coronectomies. Clinical and radiographic evaluation of all patients were performed preoperatively and at 7, 90 and 365 days postoperatively. Sociodemographic, clinical and radiographic data were collected. The root migration was analyzed by the distance from the tooth apex to the mandibular canal, and radiographic bone density above the remaining roots was obtained, both using the software Image J©.Results: After 1-year follow-up no patients showed paresthesia, symptoms or required reintervention, however all roots showed migration. The mean root migration was 2.66 mm at 90 days, and 3.37 mm at 365 days (p = 0.0007). The rate of migration was higher at the early postoperative period. The simple linear regression test between root migration and radiographic bone density was not significant (R=-0.173 and p=0.453; R=-0.045 and p=0.902; at 90 days and 365 days, respectively) as well as the analysis between root migration and other clinical and radiographic variables. Conclusion: It was possible to conclude, based on these preliminary results, that all roots showed migration during the follow-up period. The radiographic bone density increases and, consequently, the root migration rate diminishes within time, however none of the evaluated factors showed significant association with root migration. (AU)

Objetivo: O objetivo deste estudo prospectivo, com resultados preliminaraes, foi avaliar os fatores relacionados com a migração das raízes após corocetomia de terceiros molares inferiores, especialmente a densidade óssea radiográfica. Material e Métodos: Vinte e dois pacientes foram submetidos à 31 coronectomias de terceiros molares inferiores. Avaliação clínica e radiográfica de todos os pacientes foi executada no momento pré-operatório e aos 7, 90 e 365 dias pós-operatórios. Dados sociodemográficos, clínicos and radiográficos foram coletados. A migração das raízes foi analisada pela distância do ápice radicular ao canal mandibular, e a densidade óssea radiográfica foi mensurada acima dos remanescentes radiculares, usando o software Image J©.Resultados: Após 1 ano de acompanhamento, nenhum paciente apresentou parestesia, sintomatologia ou necessitou reintervenção, porém todas as raízes migraram. A média da migração radicular foi de 2,66mm aos 90 dias e de 3,37mm aos 365 dias (p=0,0007). A taxa de migração foi maior no pós-operatório inicial. O teste de regressão linear simples entre migração das raízes e densidade óssea radiográfica não foi significante (R=-0,173 e p=0,453; R=-0,045 e p=0,902; aos 90 e 365 dias, respectivamanete), assim como a análise entre migration radicular e outras variáveis clínicas e radiográficas. Conclusão: Foi possível concluir, com base nesses resultados prelimiares, que todas as raízes apresetaram migração durante o período de acomapanhamento. A densidade óssea radiográfica aumentou e, consequentemente, a taxa de migration radicular dimininiui com o tempo, porém nenhum dos fatores avaliados mostrou associação significante com a migração das raízes(AU)

Humans , Surgery, Oral , Bone Density , Mandibular Nerve , Molar, Third
Arq. bras. neurocir ; 40(4): 380-386, 26/11/2021.
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1362116


Intoduction The pathways of the facial nerve are variable, and knowledge of that is essential. The worst impact caused by facial paralysis is related to quality of life, especially regarding the self-esteem and social acceptance on the part of the patients, leading to social isolation and disruption on their mental health. Case Report A 33-year-old female patient, with a stage-T3 acoustic neurinoma, presented with a moderate dysfunction (grades II to III) according to the House- Brackmann (HB) Facial Nerve Grading System. A 43-year-old male patient, with a stage- T4B trigeminal schwannoma, underwent a resective surgery and presented grade-VI dysfunction according to the HB scale. And a female patient with a stage-T4A acoustic neurinoma presented grade-IV dysfunction according to the HB scale. Discussion We performed a literature review of papers related to surgeries for masseteric-facial nerve anastomosis and compiled the results in table; then, we compared these data with those obtained from our cases. Conclusion The masseteric nerve is the one that shows the best prognosis among all the cranial nerves that could be used, but it is also necessary to perform well the surgical technique to access the facial branch and consequently achieve a better masseteric-facial nerve anastomosis.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Anastomosis, Surgical/methods , Facial Nerve/surgery , Hypoglossal Nerve/surgery , Mandibular Nerve/surgery , Prognosis , Nerve Transfer/rehabilitation , Facial Paralysis/complications , Facial Paralysis/rehabilitation
Int. j. morphol ; 39(5): 1447-1452, oct. 2021. ilus, tab
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1385492


RESUMEN: El canal incisivo mandibular (MIC) es un canal neural que contiene una de las ramas inferiores del nervio alveolar inferior, llamado nervio incisivo mandibular, que puede resultar dañado durante intervenciones quirúrgicas y causar complicaciones postoperatorias. Estudio descriptivo de corte transversal. Se identificó el MIC en la imagen transversal del canino en 83 hemiarcadas. Se registró edad, sexo, hemiarcada, longitudes desde reborde alveolar vestibular de canino a MIC, cortical lingual y vestibular de canino a MIC, base mandibular de canino a MIC y ubicación del MIC (tercio lingual, medio, vestibular). Medidas se registraron en milímetros. Se aplicó test T-student para muestras independientes para variables de longitud y Chi-cuadrado para ubicación espacial del MIC, en relación con grupo etario y sexo. Se evaluó el MIC en todas las muestras (100 %). El MIC fue encontrado mayormente en el tercio medio mandibular (p <0,05). La media desde el MIC a la cortical lingual es de 5,25 mm ? 1,42 mm (derecho) y 5,24 mm ? 1,18 mm (izquierdo). La media desde el MIC a la cortical vestibular fue de 4,42 mm ? 1,29 mm (derecho) y 4,53 mm ? 1,24mm (izquierdo). La media entre centro del canal y reborde alveolar vestibular fue 18,89 mm ? 2,68mm (derecho) y 18,20 mm ? 3,06 mm (izquierdo), media desde centro del MIC al margen basal fue de 9,77 mm ? 1,93 (derecho) y 10,12 mm ? 1,92 mm (izquierdo). Se encontró mayor distribución del MIC en el tercio medio mandibular. Se identificó el MIC en el 100 % de las muestras a través de CBCT por lo que su uso como examen complementario debe ser considerado al planificar cirugías en el sector anterior mandibular.

SUMMARY: The objective of the study was to determine the morphology of the mandibular incisive canal (MIC) and its location using cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) in the population of Valdivia, Chile. Descriptive cross-sectional study. MIC was identified in the canine cross image in 83 quadrants. Age, gender, quadrants, length from buccal alveolar ridge of canine to MIC, lingual and buccal cortical of canine to MIC, mandibular base of canine to MIC, and location of MIC (lingual, middle and buccal third) were recorded. Measurements were recorded in millimeters. Independent sample Student-T test was performed to determine length variables and Chi-square test was performed to determine spatial location of MIC, in relation to age group and gender. MIC was evaluated in all samples (100 %). MIC was found mainly in the mandibular third quadrant (p < 0.05). The mean from the MIC to the lingual cortex is 5.25 mm ? 1.42 mm (right) and 5.24 mm ? 1.18 mm (left). The mean from the MIC to the buccal cortex was 4.42 ? 1.29 mm (right) and 4.53 mm ? 1.24 mm (left). The mean between the center of the canal and the buccal alveolar ridge was 18.89 mm ? 2.68mm (right) and 18.20 mm ? 3.06 mm (left), the mean from the center of the MIC to the basal edge was 9.77 mm ? 1.93 (right) and 10.12 mm ? 1.92 mm (left). A greater distribution of MIC was found in the mandibular third quadrant. MIC was identified in 100 % of the samples through CBCT, therefore, its use as a complementary examination should be considered when planning surgeries in the anterior mandibular area.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Young Adult , Cone-Beam Computed Tomography , Mandibular Canal/diagnostic imaging , Mandibular Nerve/diagnostic imaging , Chile , Cross-Sectional Studies , Mandibular Canal/innervation , Mandibular Nerve/anatomy & histology
Rev. cir. traumatol. buco-maxilo-fac ; 21(3): 19-22, jul.-set.2021. ilus
مقالة ي البرتغالية | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1391101


Introdução: A extração de terceiros molares é um dos procedimentos mais realizados em cirurgias orais. As indicações para esse procedimento estão ligadas à doença cárie, doença periodontal, pericoronite, entre outras. Objetivo: O objetivo deste artigo é apresentar um relato de caso e discussão com a técnica aplicada a um terceiro molar superior com risco de comunicação oroantral, demonstrando os benefícios deste procedimento. Relato de Caso: Paciente sexo masculino, 49 anos, ausência de comorbidades, encaminhado para remoção de terceiro molar superior por dificuldade de higienização e acúmulo de placa bacteriana, ao exame tomográfico, apresentou proximidades das raízes com o seio maxilar, onde foi optado pela contra indicação de extração devido a grande chance de comunicação oroantral e sugerido coronectomia para resolução do caso. Conclusão: A coronectomia é uma técnica bastante difundida nos casos em que o terceiro molar está intimamente relacionado ao nervo alveolar inferior, com chances de parestesia. Não há relatos na literatura dessa técnica aplicada ao terceiro molar superior... (AU)

Introduction: Extraction of third molars is one of the most commonly performed procedures in oral surgeries. The indications for this procedure are linked to caries disease, periodontal disease, pericoronitis, among others. Case Report: Male patient, 49 years old, absent from comorbidities, referred for removal of the upper third molar due to difficulty in cleaning and bacterial plaque accumulation, on tomographic examination, proximity of the roots to the maxillary sinus, where it was opted for the contraindication of extraction due to great chance of oroantral communication and suggested coronectomy to resolve the case. Objective: The purpose of this article is to present a case report and discussion with the technique applied to a maxillary third molar at risk of oroantral communication, demonstrating the benefits of this procedure. Conclusion: Coronectomy is a widespread technique in cases where the third molar is closely related to the lower alveolar nerve, with chances of paresthesia. There are no reports in the literature of this technique applied to the upper third molar... (AU)

Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Pericoronitis , Periodontal Diseases , Tooth, Impacted/surgery , Dental Plaque , Molar , Molar, Third/surgery , Mandibular Nerve , Maxillary Sinus
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