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J. appl. oral sci ; 27: e20180596, 2019. graf
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1019968


Abstract Bone development and healing processes involve a complex cascade of biological events requiring well-orchestrated synergism with bone cells, growth factors, and other trophic signaling molecules and cellular structures. Beyond health processes, MMPs play several key roles in the installation of heart and blood vessel related diseases and cancer, ranging from accelerating metastatic cells to ectopic vascular mineralization by smooth muscle cells in complementary manner. The tissue inhibitors of MMPs (TIMPs) have an important role in controlling proteolysis. Paired with the post-transcriptional efficiency of specific miRNAs, they modulate MMP performance. If druggable, these molecules are suggested to be a platform for development of "smart" medications and further clinical trials. Thus, considering the pleiotropic effect of MMPs on mammals, the purpose of this review is to update the role of those multifaceted proteases in mineralized tissues in health, such as bone, and pathophysiological disorders, such as ectopic vascular calcification and cancer.

Humans , Bone Remodeling/physiology , Matrix Metalloproteinases/physiology , Extracellular Matrix/physiology , Osteoblasts/physiology , Bone Diseases/physiopathology , Bone Diseases/metabolism , Disease Progression , Tissue Inhibitor of Metalloproteinases/physiology , Vascular Calcification/physiopathology , Vascular Calcification/metabolism , Matrix Metalloproteinase Inhibitors/therapeutic use , Neoplasms/physiopathology , Neoplasms/metabolism
Braz. oral res. (Online) ; 32(supl.1): e69, 2018. tab, graf
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS | ID: biblio-974470


Abstract: Evidence shows the polymicrobial etiology of endodontic infections, in which bacteria and their products are the main agents for the development, progression, and dissemination of apical periodontitis. Microbial factors in necrotic root canals (e.g., endotoxin) may spread into apical tissue, evoking and supporting a chronic inflammatory load. Thus, apical periodontitis is the result of the complex interplay between microbial factors and host defense against invasion of periradicular tissues. This review of the literature aims to discuss the complex network between endodontic infectious content and host immune response in apical periodontitis. A better understanding of the relationship of microbial factors with clinical symptomatology is important to establish appropriate therapeutic procedures for a more predictable outcome of endodontic treatment.

Humans , Periapical Periodontitis/microbiology , Dental Pulp Cavity/microbiology , Dental Pulp Diseases/complications , Dental Pulp Diseases/microbiology , Periapical Periodontitis/pathology , Bacterial Infections/complications , Bacterial Infections/microbiology , Lipopolysaccharides/physiology , Cytokines/analysis , Cytokines/physiology , Matrix Metalloproteinases/analysis , Matrix Metalloproteinases/physiology , Dental Pulp Cavity/pathology , Dental Pulp Diseases/pathology , Endotoxins/physiology
Bauru; s.n; 2017. 83 p. ilus, graf, tab.
أطروحة جامعية ي البرتغالية | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-880040


Na dentina, a matriz orgânica desmineralizada tem um papel protetor contra desafios erosivos subsequentes. Porém, essa camada pode ser degradada por proteases, como as metaloproteinases da matriz (MMPs) e cisteína catepsinas (CCs). Recentemente, o uso de inibidores de proteases da matriz surgiu como uma importante ferramenta preventiva contra a erosão dentinária. Entretanto, o(s) mecanismo(s) exato(s) pelo(s) qual(is) os inibidores de proteases podem prevenir a erosão dentinária, bem como os tipos de proteases mais envolvidas neste processo ainda não são completamente conhecidos. O projeto foi desenvolvido em 2 subprojetos, com os seguintes objetivos: A)Subprojeto 1:Avaliar o papel das proteases na progressão da erosão dentária; B)subprojeto 2: Testar o potencial inibitório do NaF em CCs dentinárias. Para cumprir esses objetivos, foram utilizadas dentina de terceiros molares humanos para a preparação dos espécimes. A)Subprojeto1:Blocos de dentina (4 X 4 x 2 mm) (n=119) foram obtidos de raízes. Os espécimes foram divididos em 7 grupos de acordo com o seu tratamento (E-64, inibidor especifico II de catepsinas B, clorexidina, galardina NaF, placebo) ou sem tratamento, géis foram aplicados uma única vez sobre a superfície e feito o desafio erosivo (90s, 4x por dia por 5 dias) e feita analise perfilométrica. Os espécimes foram incubadas em solução contendo colagenase de Clostridium histolyticum tipo VII por 96hrs e então feita uma segunda analise perfilometrica para se determinar a espessura da MOD. Dois espécimes foram separados para análise de microscopia eletrônica de varredura. B)Subprojeto 2: Palitos de dentina (6 mm X 2 mm X 1 mm) (n=60) foram cortados da porção médio coronária dos dentes e completamente desmineralizados por imersão em EDTA 0,5 M (pH7,4) por 30 dias e lavados em água deionizada sob constante agitação a 4ºC por 72 h. Os espécimes foram divididos em 6 grupos (E-64, NaF e controle negativo, pH 5,5 ou 7,2) e incubados em saliva artificial contendo seus respectivos inibidores por 24 h 7 dias e 21 dias; ao termino de cada período, os espécimes eram pesados para avaliar a perda de massa e analisada a presença de CTX. A)Subprojeto 1: a perda de tecido desmineralizado (m, média± SD) foi: CHX 8,4±1,7b, Gala 8,6±1,9b, IECB 9,6±1,4a, E64 9,9±1,3a, NaF 9,9±1,7a, P 10,9±2,2a, ST 11,0±1,5a. A perda de tecido mineralizado foi: CHX 15,4±2,2b, Gala 16,0±1,8b, IECB 17,6±2,4a, E64 17,6±2,0a, NaF 17,3±2,8a, P 19,1±2,1a, ST 18,9±2,4a. Os inibidores de MMP reduziu significativamente a perda de matriz orgânica e tecido mineralizado em comparação com os outros grupos (p<0,05). Não foi achada diferença significante entre a espessura da matriz orgânica desmineralizada remanescente (p=0,845). B)Subprojeto 2: Na perda de massa houve diferença significante em relação ao inibidor (F=20,047, p<0,0001) e tempo de incubação (F=222,462, p<0,0001) com significante interação entre esses critérios, nos período de menor tempo de incubação, a perda foi similar para todos os grupos testados, no período de maior tempo de incubação, o grupo contendo NaF demostrou os melhores resultados. Na analise de CTX, houve diferença significante em relação aos inibidores (F46,543, p<0,0001), pH (F=14,836, p<0,0004) e tempo de incubação (F=161,438, p<0,0001) com significante interação entre esses critérios, como ocorrido na perda de massa, não houve diferença estatística nos períodos de menor incubação. No período de maior tempo de incubação, mais uma vez o grupo NaF mostrou os melhores resultados. No valor acumulado de CTX, os grupos E64 e controle negativo tiveram os maiores valores de CTX acumulado, o grupo NaF, independente do pH mostrou redução significante em relação aos demais grupos. Após analise dos resultados dos dois subprojetos, podemos indicar que as MMPs são as proteases de maior importância na progressão da erosão dentinária, assim, sua inibição é de maior importância para a redução desta patologia. Mesmo as CCs não exercendo papel direto para a progressão da erosão, elas são efetivas na cascata da ativação de outras proteases, como as próprias MMPs. Com isso, sua inibição também pode ser importante para a redução indireta da progressão da erosão. Neste presente estudo, pudemos comprovar que o NaF tem potencial inibitório sobre as CCs dentinárias, assim, sugerindo um novo inbidor de CCs. Com os resultados deste estudo, podemos afirmar que as MMPs são as principais proteases na progressão da erosão dentinária e que o NaF tem potencial inibitório nas CCs dentinárias.(AU)

In the dentine, the demineralized organic matrix has a protector part against the following erosive challenges. Nevertheless, this layer can be degraded by proteases, like the matrix metalloproteinases (MMPS) and cystein cathepsins (CCs). Recently, the use of proteases of the matrix´s inhibitors, emerged as an important preventive tool against the dentinária erosion. However, the exact mechanisms from which the inhibitors of the proteases may prevent the dentin erosion, as much as the kinds of proteases more involved in this process are not completely known yet. Therefore, the general objective of this project was to investigate the part of the two main proteases of the matrix (MMPs and CCs) in the dental erosion. The project was developed in 2 subprojects, with the following objectives: A)Subproject 1: Evaluate the part of the proteases in the progression of the dental erosion; B)subproject 2: To test the NaF inhibitory potencial in the dentin CCs. To accomplish these objectives, human third molar dentin were used for the preparation of the specimens, obtained in the surgery and urgency clinics of FOB-USP (subproject 1) or granted by the University of Oulu (subproject 2). A) Subproject 1: Dentine blocks 4 X 4 X 2 mm) (n=119) were obtained from the roots of the obtained teeth. The specimens were divided in 7 groups according with their treatment. Gels containing inhibitors (E-64, specific cathepsin B inhibitor II, chlorhexidine, galardin NaF, placebo), or without treatment, were produced, applied only one time over the surface and made the erosive challenge (90s, 4x a day for 5 days) and made profilometric analysis. The specimens were incubated in a solution containing collagenase of Clostridium histolyticum type VII for 96 hours and then a second profilometric analysis was made to determine the thickness of the MOD. Two specimens were separated for the electronic microscopy scan analysis. B) Subproject 2: Dentine sticks (6 mm X 2 mm X 1 mm) (n=60) were cut from the medium coronary portion of the teeth and completely demineralized by immersion in EDTA 0,5 M (pH7,4) ifor 30 days and washed in deionized water under constant agitation in 4º C for 72 hours. The specimens were divided in 6 groups (divided by inhibitors: E-64, NaF and negative control, pH 5,5 or 7,2) and incubated in artificial saliva containing their respective inhibitors for 24 hours, 7 days and 21 days; by the end of each period, the specimens were weighted to evaluate the loss of mass and analised the presence of CTX. A)Subproject 1: the loss of demineralized tissue (m, média± SD) was : CHX 8,4±1,7b, Gala 8,6±1,9b, IECB 9,6±1,4a, E64 9,9±1,3a, NaF 9,9±1,7a, P 10,9±2,2a, ST 11,0±1,5a. The loss of demineralized tissue was: CHX 15,4±2,2b, Gala 16,0±1,8b, IECB 17,6±2,4a, E64 17,6±2,0a, NaF 17,3±2,8a, P 19,1±2,1a, ST 18,9±2,4a. The MMP inhibitors reduced significantly the loss of organic matrix and demineralized tissue in comparison with other groups (p<0,05). There was no significant difference found between the thickness of the remaining demineralized organic matrix.(p=0,845). B)Subproject: In the loss of mass, there was a significant difference in relation to the inhibitor (F=20,047, p<0,0001) and incubation time (F=222,462, p<0,0001) with significant interaction between these criteria, in the periods of lesser time of incubation, the loss was similar for all the tested groups, in the period of higher time of incubation, the group containing NaF demonstrated the best results. In the analysis of CTX, there was significant difference in relation the inhibitors (F46,543, p<0,0001), pH (F=14,836, p<0,0004) and time of incubation (F=161,438, p<0,0001)with significant interaction between these criteria, as occurred in the mass loss, there was no statistic difference in the period of lesser incubation. In the period of higher time of incubation, once again, the NaF group demonstrated the best results. The CTX accumulated value, the E64 groups and negative control had the greater accumulated values of CTX, the NaF group, regardlessof the pH, demonstrated significant reduction in relation to the other groups. After the analysisof the results of both subprojects, we can indicate that the MMPs are the proteases of greater importance in the progression of the dentin erosion, thus, its inhibition is of graeter importance for the reduction of this pathology. Even the CCs don´t playing the part directly for the progression of erosion, they are effective in the cascade of the activation of other proteases, like the MMPs themselves. In this manner, its inhibition can also be important for the indirect reduction of the progression of the erosion. In this present study, we can prove that the NaF has inhibiting potential over the dentin CCs, thus, suggesting a new inhibitor of CCs. With the results of this study, we can affirm that the MMPs are the main proteases in the progression of the dentin erosion and that the NaF has inhibiting potential in the dentin CCs.(AU)

Humans , Cathepsins/physiology , Cysteine Proteases/physiology , Dentin/chemistry , Matrix Metalloproteinases/physiology , Protease Inhibitors/chemistry , Sodium Fluoride/chemistry , Tooth Erosion/etiology , Cathepsins/drug effects , Cysteine Proteases/drug effects , Dentin/drug effects , Hydrogen-Ion Concentration , Matrix Metalloproteinases/drug effects , Microscopy, Electron, Scanning , Reference Values , Statistics, Nonparametric , Time Factors
Rev. cuba. estomatol ; 51(1): 80-92, ene.-mar. 2014.
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS, CUMED | ID: lil-721273


Las metaloproteinasas de la matriz son una familia de proteasas zinc-dependientes encargadas de la remodelación de los componentes proteicos de la matriz extracelular de todos los tejidos, su actividad catalítica es controlada por inhibidores tisulares de metaloproteinasas de la matriz. En condiciones patológicas se pierde el equilibrio existente entre MMPs con respecto a la de estos inhibidores endógenos, este desequilibrio es evidente en enfermedades orales como la caries dental, gingivitis, periodontitis, entre otras, por lo tanto la posibilidad de lograr una inhibición selectiva de la actividad de estas enzimas con inhibidores sintéticos constituye un enfoque prometedor en el tratamiento de distintas enfermedades de la cavidad oral. Se presenta a continuación una revisión bibliográfica cuyo objetivo es analizar el papel que juegan las metaloproteinasas de la matriz en el desarrollo de patologías orales e identificar el aporte que ha hecho el análisis computacional de estas enzimas en el campo de la odontología. Para tal fin se llevó a cabo una búsqueda de la literatura disponible en bases de datos como Pubmed, Sience Direct, Ovid y Ebsco Host empleando palabras claves como: patologías orales, cáncer oral, adhesión dentinaria, metaloproteinasas de la matriz, inhibidor sintético de metaloproteinasas y modelado molecular. Se seleccionaron 35 artículos para orientar la presente revisión. Al terminar se pudo concluir que existe correlación positiva entre la desregulación de determinadas MMPs y la progresión de ciertas enfermedades orales, esto ha impulsado la identificación y el diseño insílico de inhibidores efectivos para estas proteínas, partiendo de análisis relación estructura-actividad y acoplamiento molecular computacional. Hasta la fecha se ha logrado demostrar que los inhibidores de MMPs más potentes presentan grupos hidroxamatos. Teniendo en cuenta lo anterior, el diseño de compuestos que bloqueen la actividad representa una estrategia quimiopreventiva racional encaminada a la inhibición de las MMPs(AU)

Matrix metalloproteinases are a family of zinc-dependent proteases responsible for the remodeling the protein components of extracellular matrix of all tissues; its catalytic activity is controlled by tissue inhibitors of matrix metalloproteinases. At pathological conditions the balance between MMPs regarding these endogenous inhibitors is lost, this imbalance is evident in oral diseases including dental caries, gingivitis, periodontitis, among others, hence the possibility of achieving selective inhibition of activity of these enzymes with synthetic inhibitors is a promising approach in the treatment of various diseases of the oral cavity. A literature review aimed at analyzing the role of matrix metalloproteinases in the development of oral diseases and identify the contribution made by the computational analysis of these enzymes in the field of dentistry is presented below. To this end a search of the literature available was conducted in databases such as Pubmed, Sience Direct, Ovid, and Ebsco Host using keywords like: oral pathology, oral cancer, dentin bonding, matrix metalloproteinases, synthetic inhibitor of metalloproteinases, and molecular modeling. 35 items were selected to guide this review. At the end it was concluded that there is positive correlation between deregulation of certain MMPs and progression of certain oral diseases, this has boosted in silico identifying and designing effective inhibitors for these proteins, based on structure-activity relationship analysis and molecular docking computational. To date it has successfully demonstrated that the most potent inhibitors of MMPs have hydroxamate groups. So far it has successfully demonstrated that the most potent inhibitors of MMPs have hydroxamate groups. Considering the above, the design of compounds that block the chemopreventive activity represents a rational strategy for the inhibition of MMPs(AU)

Humans , Computational Biology/methods , Tissue Inhibitor of Metalloproteinases/metabolism , Matrix Metalloproteinases/physiology , Review Literature as Topic , Databases, Bibliographic
Bauru; s.n; 2009. 133 p. ilus, tab, graf.
أطروحة جامعية ي البرتغالية | LILACS, BBO | ID: lil-557721


O flúor (F), na forma de fluoreto de sódio (NaF), é um elemento presente no cotidiano de quase a totalidade da população brasileira, sendo usado na água de abastecimento (Brasil) e também como terapêutico para osteoporose (comumente na Europa). Assim sendo, é importante o entendimento do efeito do flúor no reparo ósseo. Neste estudo foram utilizados 4 grupos com ratos Wistar de 80 dias (n=200), os quais receberam água de beber contendo 5, 15 e 50 ppm de flúor e água deionizada (grupo controle) durante todo experimento. Esses animais tiveram o incisivo superior direito extraído. Os animais foram eutanasiados O hora, 7, 14, 21 e 30 dias após a extração, sendo coletado sangue (análise da concentração de flúor), a região do alvéolo dental para análise microscópica (análise histológica e morfometria) e extração de proteínas referentes ao reparo ósseo (metaloproteinases de matriz - MMPs 2 e 9). A análise de concentração de flúor no plasma sangüíneo mostrou maior presença desse elemento no grupo tratado com 50 ppm de F nos períodos de 21 e 30 dias. A análise histológica detectou osso neoformado em todos os animais após 30 dias, porém o grupo de 50 ppm de F apresentou menor formação óssea que os outros grupos. A análise morfométrica mostrou um aumento na densidade de volume de osso neoformado, entre 7 e 30 dias, nos grupos controle, 5, 15 e 50 ppm de F, com concomitante diminuição na densidade de volume de tecido conjuntivo e coágulo sangüíneo. A atividade da MMP-2 foi mais acentuada no período inicial, enquanto a MMP-9 teve maior atividade no período final. Concluiu-se que o F, em altas concentrações, pode retardar o reparo alveolar diminuindo a formação de novo tecido ósseo, associado a um atraso na remissão do coágulo.

The fluorine (F), in the sodium fluoride (NaF) form, is an element daily present for most people, being used in water supply (Brazil) and also as therapy for osteoporosis (common in Europe). In such case it is important the understanding of the effect of fluoride in physiologic repair in bone tissue. This study used 4 groups of rats for 80 days (n = 200), which received drinking water containing 5, 15 and 50 ppm of fluoride, and deionized water (control group) throughout experimento These animais had the right upper incisor extracted. The animais were euthanized O hours, 7, 14, 21 and 30 days after extraction, and blood collected (analysis of the concentration of fluorine), the region of the dental alveolus for microscopic exa'mination (histological analysis and morphometry) and extraction of proteins for the bone repair (the matrix metalloproteinases - MMP 2 and 9). The analysis of concentration of fluoride in blood plasma showed greater presence of that element in the group treated with 50 ppm of F in periods of 21 and 30 days. Histological analysis detected neoformed bone in ali animais after 30 days, but the group of 50 ppm F showed lower bone formation than the other groups. Morphometric analysis showed an increase in the volume density of neoformed bone, between 7 and 30 days in control groups, 5, 15 and 50 ppm F, with a concomitant decrease in the volume density of connective tissue and blood dot. The activity of MMP-2 was more pronounced in the initial period, while MMP-9 had higher activity in the 30 days. It was concluded that the F, in high concentrations, may delay the tooth socket repair reducing the formation of new bone tissue, associated with a delay in remission of blood clot.

Animals , Male , Sodium Fluoride/administration & dosage , Sodium Fluoride/blood , Matrix Metalloproteinases/physiology , Bone Regeneration , Tooth Socket , Analysis of Variance , Alkaline Phosphatase/physiology , Alkaline Phosphatase/blood , Halogenation , Osteoclasts , Rats, Wistar
Braz. j. med. biol. res ; 38(10): 1521-1530, Oct. 2005. ilus, tab
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS | ID: lil-409273


Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) are a major group of proteases known to regulate extracellular matrix (ECM) turnover and so they have been suggested to be important in the process of lung disease associated with tissue remodeling. This has led to the concept that modulation of airway remodeling including excessive proteolysis damage to the tissue may be of interest for future treatment. Within the MMP family, macrophage elastase (MMP-12) is able to degrade ECM components such as elastin and is involved in tissue remodeling processes in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease including emphysema. Pulmonary fibrosis has an aggressive course and is usually fatal within an average of 3 to 6 years after the onset of symptoms. Pulmonary fibrosis is associated with deposition of ECM components in the lung interstitium. The excessive airway remodeling as a result of an imbalance in the equilibrium of the normal processes of synthesis and degradation of ECM components could justify anti-protease treatments. Indeed, the correlation of the differences in hydroxyproline levels in the lungs of bleomycin-treated mice strongly suggests that a reduced molar pro-MMP-9/TIMP-1 ratio in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid is associated with collagen deposition, beginning as early as the inflammatory events at day 1 after bleomycin administration. Finally, these observations emphasize that effective treatment of these disorders must be started early during the natural history of the disease, prior to the development of extensive lung destruction and fibrosis.

Animals , Humans , Matrix Metalloproteinases/physiology , Pulmonary Disease, Chronic Obstructive/enzymology , Pulmonary Fibrosis/enzymology , Inflammation/enzymology , Inflammation/etiology , Pulmonary Disease, Chronic Obstructive/etiology , Pulmonary Fibrosis/etiology
مقالة ي الانجليزية | WPRIM | ID: wpr-144620


Cell motility is essential for a wide range of cellular activities including anigogenesis as well as metastasis of tumor cells. Ras has been implicated in cell migration and invasion, and functions at upstream of mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) families, which include extracellular-signal regulated kinase (ERK), c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) and p38 MAPK. In the present study, we examined the role of JNK in endothelial cell motility using stable transfectant (DAR-ECV) of ECV304 endothelial cells expressing previously established oncogenic H-Ras (leu 61). DAR-ECV cells showed an enhanced angiogenic potential and motility (approximately 2-fold) compared to ECV304 cells. Western blot analysis revealed constitutive activation of JNK in DAR-ECV cells. Pretreatment of JNK specific inhibitors, curcumin and all trans-retinoic acid, decreased the basal motility of DAR-ECV cells in a dose-dependent manner. These inhibitors also suppressed the motility stimulated by known JNK agonists such as TNFalpha and anisomycin. To further confirm the role of JNK, ECV304 cells expressing dominant active SEK1 (DAS-ECV) were generated. Basal non-stimulated levels of the cellular migration were greater in DAS-ECV clones than those in control ECV304 cells. These results suggest that Ras-SEK1-JNK pathway regulates motility of endothelial cells during angiogenesis.

Humans , Anisomycin/pharmacology , Cell Line , Cell Movement , Curcumin/pharmacology , Endothelium, Vascular/cytology , Enzyme Activation , Enzyme Inhibitors/pharmacology , Extracellular Matrix/metabolism , Genes, ras/genetics , Matrix Metalloproteinases/physiology , Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinases/metabolism , Neovascularization, Physiologic , Tretinoin/pharmacology , Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha/pharmacology , Umbilical Veins/cytology , Urokinase-Type Plasminogen Activator/physiology
مقالة ي الانجليزية | WPRIM | ID: wpr-144632


Cell motility is essential for a wide range of cellular activities including anigogenesis as well as metastasis of tumor cells. Ras has been implicated in cell migration and invasion, and functions at upstream of mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) families, which include extracellular-signal regulated kinase (ERK), c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) and p38 MAPK. In the present study, we examined the role of JNK in endothelial cell motility using stable transfectant (DAR-ECV) of ECV304 endothelial cells expressing previously established oncogenic H-Ras (leu 61). DAR-ECV cells showed an enhanced angiogenic potential and motility (approximately 2-fold) compared to ECV304 cells. Western blot analysis revealed constitutive activation of JNK in DAR-ECV cells. Pretreatment of JNK specific inhibitors, curcumin and all trans-retinoic acid, decreased the basal motility of DAR-ECV cells in a dose-dependent manner. These inhibitors also suppressed the motility stimulated by known JNK agonists such as TNFalpha and anisomycin. To further confirm the role of JNK, ECV304 cells expressing dominant active SEK1 (DAS-ECV) were generated. Basal non-stimulated levels of the cellular migration were greater in DAS-ECV clones than those in control ECV304 cells. These results suggest that Ras-SEK1-JNK pathway regulates motility of endothelial cells during angiogenesis.

Humans , Anisomycin/pharmacology , Cell Line , Cell Movement , Curcumin/pharmacology , Endothelium, Vascular/cytology , Enzyme Activation , Enzyme Inhibitors/pharmacology , Extracellular Matrix/metabolism , Genes, ras/genetics , Matrix Metalloproteinases/physiology , Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinases/metabolism , Neovascularization, Physiologic , Tretinoin/pharmacology , Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha/pharmacology , Umbilical Veins/cytology , Urokinase-Type Plasminogen Activator/physiology
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