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Int. j. morphol ; 42(2): 402-408, abr. 2024. ilus
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558116


SUMMARY: The quest for aesthetic procedures is experiencing a steady increase in popularity, concomitant with the expanding array of available treatment options. Of notable interest is the burgeoning trend in the use of minimally invasive techniques. Among the various aspects of facial anatomy, the platysma stands as a pivotal element that significantly influences the aesthetic appearance of the neck region. It has garnered particular attention as a strategic focal point in various treatments geared towards enhancing the neck's visual appeal. Additionally, the versatility of the platysma extends beyond the realm of cosmetic improvements. Its functional significance is recognized in reconstructive surgical procedures, where it may be harnessed for specific maneuvers. Furthermore, the muscle serves as a critical access point for minimally invasive endoscopic surgeries in the neck region. While these developments hold great promise, it is crucial to underscore that safety should always take precedence in any medical or surgical approach. This applies equally to the neck region, which presents a complex and intricate anatomical landscape. An in-depth understanding and meticulous investigation of the platysma in all its diverse aspects are paramount to ensuring the success and safety of any procedure conducted in this region. This comprehensive review aspires to provide a contemporary understanding of the platysma, offering an in-depth analysis that encompasses its intricate anatomy, histological characteristics, and multifaceted clinical implications. By delving into these diverse dimensions, it aims to equip healthcare professionals and researchers with a robust foundation for informed decision-making and practice.

La búsqueda de procedimientos estéticos ha experimentado un aumento constante en popularidad, junto con la creciente gama de opciones de tratamientos disponibles. De notable interés es la creciente tendencia en el uso de técnicas mínimamente invasivas. Entre los diversos aspectos de la anatomía facial, el platisma destaca como un elemento fundamental que influye significativamente en la apariencia estética de la región del cuello. Ha ocasionado especial atención como punto focal estratégico en varios tratamientos orientados a mejorar el atractivo visual del cuello. Además, la versatilidad del platisma se extiende más allá del ámbito de las mejoras cosméticas. Su importancia funcional se reconoce en procedimientos quirúrgicos reconstructivos, donde se puede aprovechar para maniobras específicas. Además, el músculo sirve como punto de acceso crítico para cirugías endoscópicas mínimamente invasivas en la región del cuello. Si bien estos avances son muy prometedores, es fundamental subrayar que la seguridad siempre debe tener prioridad ante cualquier abordaje médico o quirúrgico. Esto se aplica igualmente a la región del cuello, que presenta un aspecto anatómico complejo e intrincado. Una comprensión profunda y una investigación meticulosa del platisma en todos sus diversos aspectos son fundamentales para garantizar el éxito y la seguridad de cualquier procedimiento realizado en esta región. Esta revisión integral aspira a proporcionar una comprensión contemporánea del platisma, ofreciendo un análisis en profundidad que abarca su intrincada anatomía, características histológicas e implicaciones clínicas multifacéticas. Al profundizar en estas diversas dimensiones, su objetivo es dotar a los profesionales e investigadores de la salud de una base sólida para la toma de decisiones y la práctica informadas.

Humans , Neck Muscles/anatomy & histology
Int. j. morphol ; 41(6): 1620-1624, dic. 2023. ilus
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1528778


SUMMARY: Correct detailed description of the anatomy of the digastric muscle (DM) in different populations should be carried out to improve the teaching of anatomy, avoid misinterpretations and help to avoid intercurrences during surgical procedures in the region. The aim of this study was to carry out a study of the DM in adult Brazilian individuals. The sample consisted of 50 DM from adult individuals (22 right side and 28 left side) fixed in 10 % formaldehyde. The morphology of the DM was observed, identifying possible anatomical variations; these were characterized and classified according to the number of the muscle bellies, direction of the fibre, and points of origin and insertion. The morphometric measurements were performed using a digital calliper. Student's t-test for dependent samples was used to measure differences between sides; one-way ANOVA was used to analyse the different classifications, and the chi-squared test to analyse qualitative variables, with significance threshold of 5 %. The anterior belly of the DM was classified as Type I in 28 samples (56 %), Type II in 20 (40 %) and Type III in 2 (4 %). The mean length was 37.8 mm, width 12.1 mm and thickness 5.39 mm, with no statistically significant differences found for these variables. The intermediate tendon of the DM was classified as Type I in 31 samples (62 %), Type II in 10 (20 %) and Type III in 9 (18 %); its mean total length was 45.1 mm. The posterior belly of the DM was Type I in 50 samples (100 %), with mean length 70.8 mm and width 8.15 mm. Anatomical variations of the DM, particularly its anterior belly, in Brazilian adults are very frequent. They must therefore be carefully identified to help avoid intercurrences during surgical procedures in the region, and to help correct evaluation of swollen lymph nodes in the submental triangle.

Con el propósito de ayudar en la enseñanza de la Anatomía se debe realizar una descripción correcta y detallada del músculo digástrico (MD), evitando malas interpretaciones y contribuyendo a evitar intercurrencias durante procedimientos quirúrgicos en la región. El objetivo de este estudio fue realizar un estudio del MD en individuos brasileños. Fueron utilizadas 50 muestras de MD de individuos adultos (22 del lado derecho y 28 del lado izquierdo) fijadas en formaldehido al 10 %. Se analizó la morfología del MD, identificando las posibles variaciones anatómicas, que fueron clasificadas según el número de vientres musculares, dirección de las fibras y lugar de origen e inserción. Para el análisis estadístico las medidas fueron realizadas con un paquímetro digital. Para el análisis estadístico fueron utilizadas las pruebas de t de Student, ANOVA de una vía para variables continuas y la prueba de chi-cuadrado con ajuste de Bonferroni para las variables categóricas. Se utilizó el software SPSS v. 28.0, considerándo umbral de significación de 5 %. El vientre anterior del MD se clasificó como Tipo I en 28 muestras (56 %), como Tipo II en 20 (40 %) y como Tipo III en 2 (4 %). El promedio de longitud fue de 37,8 mm, la anchura de 12,1 mm y el espesor de 5,39 mm, no siendo encontradas diferencias estadísticas significativas para estas variables. El tendón intermedio del MD fue Tipo I en 31 muestras (62 %), Tipo II en 10 (20 %) y Tipo III en 9 (18 %). El promedio de su longitud total fue de 45,1 mm. El vientre posterior del MD fue de Tipo I en 50 muestras (100 %), con promedio de longitud de 70,8 mm y de ancho de 8,15 mm. Las variaciones anatómicas del MD, particularmente de su vientre anterior, son muy frecuentes en brasileños adultos, por lo que deben ser identificadas detalladamente contribuyendo a evitar intercurrencias durante los procedimientos quirúrgicos en la región y también para propiciar la correcta evaluación de las adenopatías del espacio submentoniano.

Humans , Adult , Anatomic Variation , Neck Muscles/anatomy & histology , Brazil , Analysis of Variance
Int. j. morphol ; 41(5): 1501-1507, oct. 2023. ilus
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1521012


SUMMARY: As one of the suprahyoid muscles, the digastric muscle is characterized by two separate bellies of different embryologic origins. The origin of the anterior belly is the digastric fossa, while the origin of the posterior belly is the mastoid notch. They share a common insertion: the intermediate tendon. When the digastric muscle contracts, the hyoid bone is raised. Opening of the jaw and swallowing of food boli are associated with digastric muscle activity. This review discusses the general anatomic features of the digastric muscle and its variation, primary functions, and clinical implications focused on surgical reconstruction and rejuvenation.

Como uno de los músculos suprahioideos, el músculo digástrico se caracteriza por dos vientres separados, de diferentes orígenes embriológicos. El origen del vientre anterior es la fosa digástrica, mientras que el origen del vientre posterior es la incisura mastoidea. Comparten una inserción común, El tendón intermedio. Cuando el músculo digástrico se contrae, el hueso hioides se eleva. La apertura de la mandíbula y la deglución del bolo alimenticio se asocian con la actividad del músculo digástrico. Esta revisión analiza las características anatómicas generales del músculo digástrico y su variación, funciones primarias e implicaciones clínicas centradas en la reconstrucción y el rejuvenecimiento quirúrgico.

Humans , Neck Muscles/anatomy & histology , Neck Muscles/physiology
Int. j. morphol ; 41(3): 851-857, jun. 2023. ilus
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1514301


SUMMARY: The geniohyoid muscle is one of the suprahyoid muslces, and arises from the inferior mental spine and inserts into the hyoid bone. The muscle is a narrow paired one and its main action is pulling the hyoid upward and forward. Its function is very important in deglutition as well as respiration. Therefore, this muscle has been extensively researched, especially in the context of dysphagia and sleep apnea. This review deals with the general anatomic features, main functions, and abnormal states of the geniohyoid muscle, and the clinical implications of these.

El músculo geniohioideo es uno de los músculos suprahioideos que surge de la espina mental inferior y se inserta en el hueso hioides. Son un par de músculo delgados y su acción principal es elevar y estirar el hueso hioides hacia arriba y hacia adelante. Su función es importante tanto en la deglución como en la respiración. Por lo tanto, este músculo ha sido ampliamente investigado, especialmente en el contexto de la disfagia y la apnea del sueño. Esta revisión trata de las características anatómicas generales, funciones principales y estados anormales del músculo geniohioideo, y las implicaciones clínicas de estos.

Humans , Neck Muscles/anatomy & histology
Int. j. morphol ; 41(1): 175-180, feb. 2023. ilus, tab
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1430534


SUMMARY: This study aimed to classify and investigate anatomical variations of the sternocleidomastoid (SCM) muscle, which is commonly used as an anatomical landmark to indicate the correct position for central venous catheterization, in a Thai population. Thirty- five embalmed cadavers from the Northeast Thailand (19 females and 16 males) were systemically dissected to reveal the SCM muscles in both sides for gross human anatomy teaching. Variations in the SCM origin and insertion were observed and recorded. The prevalence of anatomical variations was approximately 11.4 % (4 of 35 cadavers) and was not different by sex. Such variations were classified into 5 types based on origin, insertion, and presence of additional heads, as follows: type I (n=31; 88.6 %), type II (n=1; 2.85 %), type III (n=1; 2.85 %), type IV (n=1; 2.85 %), and type V (n=1; 2.85 %). Clinical considerations and prevalence of variant SCM muscle have also been discussed. Since the incidence of this anatomical variations was more than 10 %, the cervical surgeons should seriously consider this issue before insertion of a central venous catheter to avoid complications.

El estudio tuvo como objetivo clasificar e investigar las variaciones anatómicas del músculo esternocleidomastoideo (MEM), que se usa comúnmente como un punto de referencia anatómico para indicar la posición correcta para el cateterismo venoso central, en una población tailandesa. Se diseccionaron sistemáticamente 35 cadáveres embalsamados del noreste de Tailandia (19 mujeres y 16 hombres) para observar los músculos MEM en ambos lados para la enseñanza de la anatomía humana macroscópica. Se observaron y registraron variaciones en el origen y la inserción de MEM. La prevalencia de la variación fue de aproximadamente 11,4 % (4 de 35 cadáveres) y no fue diferente por sexo. Dichas variaciones se clasificaron en 5 tipos según el origen, la inserción y la presencia de cabezas adicionales, de la siguiente manera: tipo I (n=31; 88,6 %), tipo II (n=1; 2,85 %), tipo III (n=1; 2,85 %), tipo IV (n=1; 2,85 %) y tipo V (n=1; 2,85 %). También se discutieron las consideraciones clínicas y la prevalencia de la variante del músculo MEM. Dado que la incidencia de esta variación fue superior al 10 %, los cirujanos de cabeza y cuello deben considerar este tema antes de la inserción de un catéter venoso central para evitar complicaciones.

Humans , Male , Female , Anatomic Variation , Neck Muscles/anatomy & histology , Thailand , Cadaver , Classification
مقالة ي صينى | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1011031


Objective:To investigate the clinical efficacy and safety of transcervical non-inflatable endoscopic thyroidectomy through the posterior inferior sternocleidomastoid approach. Methods:From December 2022 to May 2023, the clinical data of 35 patients with papillary thyroid carcinoma treated by transcervical non-inflatable endoscopic surgery via posterior inferior sternocleidomastoid approach were retrospectively analyzed. There were 14 males and 21 females, with an average age of 44.7 years. The operation time, bleeding volume, postoperative recovery, complications and follow-up were recorded. Results:All 35 patients successfully completed the surgery, with an average operation time of 4 hours and 7 minutes, an average bleeding volume of 14 ml, and an average postoperative hospital stay of 3.5 days. There were no serious complications and no obvious neck discomfort during postoperative follow-up. Conclusion:Transcervical non-inflatable endoscopic thyroidectomy via posterior inferior sternocleidomastoid approach is safe and effective, with fast postoperative recovery,high appearance satisfaction and good neck comfort.

Female , Male , Humans , Adult , Retrospective Studies , Neck , Neck Muscles/surgery , Thyroid Neoplasms/surgery
مقالة ي صينى | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1008887


This paper studies the active force characteristics of the neck muscles under the condition of rapid braking, which can provide theoretical support for reducing the neck injury of pilots when carrier-based aircraft blocks the landing. We carried out static loading and real vehicle braking experiments under rapid braking conditions, collected the active contraction force and electromyography (EMG) signals of neck muscles, and analyzed the response characteristics of neck muscle active force response. The results showed that the head and neck forward tilt time was delayed and the amplitude decreased during neck muscle pre-tightening. The duration of the neck in the extreme position decreased, and the recovery towards the seat direction was faster. The EMG signals of trapezius muscle was higher than sternocleidomastoid muscle. This suggests that pilots can reduce neck injury by pre-tightening the neck muscles during actual braking flight. In addition, we can consider the design of relevant fittings for pre-tightening the neck muscles.

Neck Muscles , Neck , Electromyography , Head
مقالة ي صينى | WPRIM | ID: wpr-935773


Objective: To expore the correlation between neck disability, neck pain and muscle strength in cervical pondylosis of office worker, and to provide scientific basis for the prevention and treatment of cervical spondylosis. Methods: In April 2021 ,234 patients with cervical spondylotic myelopathy treated in the Subsidiary Rehabilitation Hospital of Fujian University of Traditional Chinese Medicine from April 2015 to April 2017 were selected, the correlation between Neck Disability Index (NDI) score, neck pain and muscle strength was analyzed using the Spearman rank correlation method. Mann-Whitney U test was used to compare the difference of maximum muscle strength of isometric contraction. Results: NDI score was negatively correlated with neck flexion, extension, and muscle strength in the left and right flexion directions (r(s)=-0.164, -0.169, -0.222, -0.176, P=0.012, 0.010, 0.001 , 0.007). In mild and moderate functional disorder patients, the muscle strength in flexion, extension and left and right flexion direction was greater, the difference was statistically significant (P <0.01). Conclusion: There is a negative correlation between cervical functional disorder and cervical muscle strength in office workers, suggesting that strengthening cervical muscle strength may be a way to improve cervical spine function.

Humans , Cervical Vertebrae , Muscle Strength/physiology , Neck Muscles/physiology , Neck Pain/physiopathology , Occupational Diseases/physiopathology , Range of Motion, Articular/physiology , Spondylosis/physiopathology
Braz. dent. sci ; 25(3): 1-6, 2022. ilus
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1391034


Hereby, we objectively assessed the outcomes of a facial-lifting procedure with Botulinum toxin type A (BoNT-A) using a 3D stereophotogrammetry quantification (3D-SQ). A 46-year-old female patient received a full face BoNT-A treatment in a total dose of 180 Speywood Units (sU). Frontal, lateral and oblique photographs were taken before and 20 days after treatment, at rest and during mimic movements. Also, a facial scanning was performed before and 20 days after BoNT-A injections. The results were analyzed using a 3D-SQ software. The photographs showed a decrease in expression lines and dynamic wrinkles. In addition, a better-defined jawline and volume gain in the midface area with improvement of the profile appearance, due to the reduction of the sagging skin under the chin, was observed. The 3D-SQ showed volume gains of 1.17 ml on the right and of 1.59 ml on the left cheekbone areas, due to the cranially soft-tissue repositioning. In addition, a decrease in the volume of melomental folds areas (0.27ml on the right and 0.41 ml on the left side) was reported, compatible to the above-mentioned volume gain. Measurements considering cephalometric points showed a decrease in the total facial height (distance from Trichion to Mental points), suggesting a soft tissue dislocation in an upward direction. Finally, this case report showed quantitative results that can evidence the role of BoNT-A in facial- lifting procedures. These results reinforce the importance of using a 3D-SQ to assess the outcomes of BoNT-A and, probably, other aesthetic procedures.(AU)

No presente estudo avaliamos objetivamente os resultados de um procedimento de lifting facial com toxina botulínica tipo A (BoNT-A) usando uma quantificação de estereofotogrametria 3D (3D-SQ). Uma paciente do sexo feminino de 46 anos recebeu um tratamento facial completo com BoNT-A em uma dose total de 180 unidades Speywood (sU). Fotografias frontais, laterais e oblíquas foram tomadas antes e 20 dias após o tratamento, em repouso e durante os movimentos mímicos. Além disso, um escaneamento facial foi realizado antes e 20 dias após as injeções de BoNT-A. Os resultados foram analisados por meio de um software 3D-SQ. As fotografias mostraram uma diminuição das linhas de expressão e rugas dinâmicas. Além disso, observou-se um maxilar mais bem definido e ganho de volume na região média da face com melhora da aparência do perfil, devido à redução da flacidez da pele sob o queixo. O 3D-SQ apresentou ganho de volume de 1,17 ml à direita e 1,59 ml à esquerda, devido ao reposicionamento do tecido mole. Além disso, foi relatada diminuição do volume das áreas do sulco mentual (0,27 ml à direita e 0,41ml à esquerda), compatível com o ganho de volume acima citado. As medidas considerando os pontos cefalométricos mostraram uma diminuição da altura facial total (distância dos pontos Triquion ao Mentual), sugerindo um deslocamento superior dos tecidos moles. Em conclusão, este relato de caso mostrou resultados quantitativos que podem evidenciar o papel da BoNT-A em procedimentos de lifting facial. Esses resultados reforçam a importância da 3D-SQ para avaliar objetivamente os resultados de harmonização orofacial com BoNT-A e outros materiais. (AU)

Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Photogrammetry , Lifting , Botulinum Toxins, Type A , Photography, Dental , Neck Muscles
Rev. cir. (Impr.) ; 73(3): 329-337, jun. 2021. ilus
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1388820


Resumen Introducción: La perforación esofágica es una complicación poco frecuente en la cirugía de columna cervical por vía anterior, sin embargo, puede tener graves consecuencias cuando hay demoras en diagnóstico y tratamiento. Casos Clínicos: Presentamos dos casos clínicos de pacientes con perforación esofágica secundaria a cirugía de columna cervical por vía anterior. Se usaron para su reparación colgajo muscular de esternocleidomastoideo (ECM). Conclusión: La perforación esofágica secundaria a cirugía de columna cervical es poco frecuente, variable desde el punto de vista clínico, el TC y estudio radiológico contrastado son fundamentales en el diagnóstico de esta patología. El colgajo muscular ECM en estos casos es una herramienta fiable y extremadamente útil debido a sus características anatómicas, fácil disección quirúrgica y baja morbilidad asociada.

Introduction: Esophageal perforation is a rare complication in cervical spine surgery by anterior way, however it can have serious consequences when there are delays in diagnosis and treatment. Cases Report: We present two clinical cases of patients with esophageal perforation secondary to cervical spine surgery by anterior way. Sternocleido-mastoid muscle flaps were used for repair. Conclusion: Esophageal perforation secondary to cervical spine surgery is rare, clinically variable, CT and radiologic study are fundamental in the diagnosis of this pathology. The Sternocleidomastoid muscle flap in these cases is a reliable and extremely useful tool due to its anatomical characteristics, easy surgical dissection and low associated morbidity.

Humans , Aged , Spinal Injuries/surgery , Spinal Injuries/complications , Surgical Flaps , Esophageal Perforation/surgery , Postoperative Complications/prevention & control , Cervical Vertebrae/injuries , Esophageal Perforation/diagnostic imaging , Neck Muscles/transplantation
Int. j. morphol ; 39(2): 607-611, abr. 2021. ilus, tab
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1385338


SUMMARY: The cutaneous branches of the superficial cervical plexus (SCP) emerge at variable points, from beneath the posterior margin of the sternocleidomastoid muscle and from this point radiate like "spokes of a wheel" antero-inferiorly and postero-superiorly. This study aimed to classify the emerging points of the branches of the superficial cervical plexus in relation to their location on the sternocleidomastoid muscle. In order to classify the emerging points of the superficial cervical plexus, the sternocleidomastoid muscle was first measured from mastoid process to clavicle; subsequently each branch of the superficial cervical plexus was measured from the mastoid process to their exit points. The emerging points of the superficial cervical plexus branches were classified according to Kim et al. (2002) seven categories: Type I (32 %); Type II (13 %); Type III (35 %); Type IV (13 %); Type V, VI, VII (2 %). The order in which the superficial cervical plexus branches emerged from the posterior margin of the sternocleidomastoid muscle remained constant, i.e. lesser occipital, great auricular, transverse cervical and supraclavicular nerves. Knowledge of emerging points may assist in the effective anaesthesia to all branches of the superficial cervical plexus during surgical procedures of the neck, viz. carotid endarterectomy and thyroid surgery.

RESUMEN: Las ramas cutáneas del plexo cervical superficial (SCP) emergen en puntos variables, desde el margen pos- terior del músculo esternocleidomastoideo y desde este punto inferior irradian como "radios de rueda" anteroinferior y postero-superior. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo clasificar los puntos emergentes de las ramas del plexo cervical superficial en relación a su ubicación en el músculo esternocleidomastoideo. Para clasificar los puntos emergentes del plexo cervical superficial, primero se midió el músculo esternocleidomastoideo desde el proceso mastoides hasta la clavícula; posteriormente se midió cada rama del plexo cervical superficial desde el proceso mastoideo hasta sus puntos de salida. Los puntos emergentes de las ramas del plexo cervical superficial se clasificaron según Kim et al. (2002) en siete categorías: Tipo I (32 %); Tipo II (13 %); Tipo III (35 %); Tipo IV (13 %); Tipo V, VI, VII (2 %). El orden en el que las ramas del plexo cervical superficial emergían del margen posterior del músculo esternocleidomastoideo se mantuvo constante, es decir, los nervios occipital menor, auricular magno, cervical transverso y supraclavicular. El conocimiento de los puntos emergentes puede ayudar a la anestesia eficaz de todas las ramas del plexo cervical superficial durante los procedimientos quirúrgicos del cuello, a saber, endarterectomía carotídea y cirugía de tiroides.

Humans , Adult , Cervical Plexus/anatomy & histology , Classification , Neck Muscles/innervation , Cadaver , Anatomic Landmarks , Fetus
J. health med. sci. (Print) ; 7(1): 7-14, ene.-mar. 2021. tab
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1380258


Las metástasis del carcinoma papilar de tiroides (CPT) generalmente son a nivel locorregional, la diseminación a distancia es poco habitual, sin embargo la invasión de tejidos blandos aunque inusual puede ocurrir, y afecta negativamente la supervivencia. El presente estudio describe una serie de casos de Metástasis Musculares de CPT. Se realizó un estudio transversal de un solo centro que evaluó diez pacientes con CPT con metástasis en músculo. La edad de los pacientes fue entre 46 a 77 años, siendo la edad promedio de 60 años, 7 de los cuales fueron de sexo masculino que corresponde al 70%, todos con antecedente de CPT con respuesta estructural incompleta, además de las metástasis en músculo presentaron afectación de tres o más órganos, con necesidad de varios tratamientos, cada paciente registró entre 1 a 8 cirugías, recibieron entre 100 a 780mCi de I131 (yodo radiactivo), ocho ameritaron radioterapia, todos tuvieron indicación de tratamiento con ITK, sin embargo solo cuatro pacientes tuvieron acceso a dicho medicamento. La mayoría de las metástasis del CPT en músculo fueron diagnosticadas en los estudios de imagen PET/ CT, después de la tiroidectomía el tiempo de su presentación fue muy variable entre 1 a 18 años, el número de músculos comprometidos se reporta entre uno a cuatro, siendo el glúteo (4 casos) el músculo metastásico más frecuente. La presencia de metástasis musculares empeora el pronóstico en nuestra serie de pacientes.

Metastases of thyroid papillary carcinoma (CPT) are generally at the locoregional level, the dissemination from a distance is unusual, however the invasion of soft tissues, although rare can occur, and it negatively affects survival. The present study describes several Muscular Metastases of CPT cases. A transversal study in one only center was performed and assessed ten patients CPT metastases in muscles.The patients age ranged from 46 to 77, being the average age of 60, and 7 of them were male, corresponding to the 70%, everyone with CPT records with an incomplete structural response. Besides muscular metastases they also presented issues with three or more organs, needing many treatments. Each patient registered between 1 to 8 surgeries, they received between 100 to 780mCi of I131. Eight required radiotherapies, everyone required treatment with ITK, however, just four patients had access to that medication. Most of the CPT metastases in muscles were diagnosed in PET/CT image studies, after the thyroidectomy, the time for its presentation was very variable between 1 to 18 years, the number of compromised muscles is reported between one to four, being the buttock (4 cases) the most frequently muscle with metastases. The presence of muscular metastases aggravates the prognosis in our series of patients.

Humans , Thyroid Neoplasms/pathology , Carcinoma, Papillary/secondary , Lymph Nodes/pathology , Neck Muscles , Thyroid Neoplasms/surgery , Thyroid Neoplasms/blood , Carcinoma, Papillary/surgery , Carcinoma, Papillary/blood , Iodine , Lymph Nodes/surgery , Neoplasm Metastasis
Audiol., Commun. res ; 26: e2552, 2021. tab
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1355709


ABSTRACT Purpose To carry out an integrative review of the literature on the use of photobiomodulation (PBM) for the head and neck muscles. Research strategy The research took place between June/2019 and March/2021, in the following databases: PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, LILACS, and SciELO. The MeSH used were Low-Level Light Therapy, Phototherapy, Masseter Muscle, Masticatory Muscles, Tongue, Palate, Mouth, Neck Muscles, and Facial Muscles in English and Portuguese. No limitation was imposed on the year and language of publication. Selection criteria studies that answered the guiding question: what is the use of photobiomodulation to the head and neck muscles?. Results 2857 articles were found, of which 102 were selected for full reading, 52 of those were excluded, giving a total of 50 articles included. The included publications date from 2003 to 2020. Brazil was the country that most published on the topic. With regard to the objectives, 82% of the studies aimed to investigate the analgesic effect of PBM, of these, 50% were related to articular or muscular temporomandibular disorders (TMD). The heterogeneity of the studies makes it impossible to define the dose protocols. Conclusion PBM has been applied to the head and neck muscles mainly for the treatment of pain caused by TMD. There is no treatment protocol to define the doses to be used, due the heterogeneity of the methodologies applied and results found.

RESUMO Objetivos realizar uma revisão integrativa da literatura sobre o uso da fotobiomodulação nos músculos de cabeça e pescoço. Estratégia de pesquisa As buscar foram realizadas nas bases de dados: PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, LILACS e SciELO. A pesquisa ocorreu entre junho de 2019 e março de 2021. Os descritores utilizados foram Terapia com Luz de Baixa Intensidade, Fototerapia, Músculo Masseter, Músculos Mastigatórios, Língua, Palato, Boca, Pescoço, Músculos do Pescoço, Músculos Faciais e seus respectivos termos em inglês. Não houve limitação de ano de publicação e idioma. Critérios de seleção estudos que respondessem a pergunta norteadora: qual o uso da fotobiomodulação na musculatura de cabeça e pescoço?. Resultados Foram encontrados 2857 artigos, sendo selecionados 102 para leitura completa, dos quais 52 foram excluídos, totalizando 50 artigos incluídos. As publicações incluídas datam de 2003 a 2020. O Brasil foi o país que mais publicou sobre o tema. Quanto aos objetivos, 82% dos estudos pesquisaram o efeito analgésico da fotobiomodulação, e desses, 50% eram relacionados à disfunção temporomandibular (DTM) articular ou muscular. A heterogeneidade dos estudos impossibilita a definição de protocolos dosimétricos. Conclusão A fotobiomodulação tem sido utilizada na musculatura de cabeça e pescoço principalmente para o tratamento da dor proveniente de DTM. Não existe um protocolo de aplicação que defina os parâmetros dosimétricos a serem utilizados, devido a heterogeneidade das metodologias e dos resultados encontrados.

Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction Syndrome/radiotherapy , Low-Level Light Therapy/methods , Facial Muscles , Neck Muscles , Masseter Muscle , Masticatory Muscles
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS, UY-BNMED, BNUY | ID: biblio-1142107


La tendinitis calcificante del músculo largo del cuello es una patología subdiagnsoticada, de baja frecuencia, autolimitada. Se presenta clínicamente como una de las causas de odinofagia en la consulta médica. Se produce debido al depósito de cristales de hidroxiapatita en espacio retrofaríngeo, desencadenándose una respuesta inflamatoria local. En la TMLC el principal diagnóstico diferencial es el absceso retrofaríngeo, ya que puede presentarse clínicamente con odinofagia, disfagia , disminución de la movilidad del cuello y cervicalgia. En nuestro trabajo se analiza un caso clínico sobre dicha patología, en un hombre de 45 años; realizando un análisis de la sintomatología, diagnóstico y tratamiento de esta entidad.

Calcific tendinitis of the long neck muscle is an underdiagnosed, low frequency, self-limited pathology. It is clinically presented as one of the causes of odynophagia in the medical consultation. It occurs due to the deposit of hydroxyapatite crystals in the retropharyngeal space, triggering a local inflammatory response. On This patholgy, the main differential diagnosis is retropharyngeal abscess, since it can present clinically with odynophagia, dysphagia, decreased mobility of the neck, and neck pain. In our work, a clinical case of this pathology is analyzed, in a 45-year-old man; performing an analysis of the symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of this entity.

A tendinite calcificante do músculo longo do pescoço é uma patologia subdiagnsoticada, de baixa frequência, autolimitada. Apresenta-se clinicamente como uma das causas de odinofagia na consulta médica. Ocorre devido ao depósito de cristais de hidroxiapatita em espaço retrofaríngeo, desencadeando-se uma resposta inflamatória local. Na TMLC o principal diagnóstico diferencial é o abscesso retrofaríngeo, já que pode apresentar-se clinicamente com odinofagia, disfagia , diminuição da mobilidade do pescoço e cervicalgia. Em nosso trabalho analisa-se um caso clínico sobre essa patologia, em um homem de 45 anos; realizando uma análise da sintomatologia, diagnóstico e tratamento desta entidade.

Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Cervical Atlas/pathology , Axis, Cervical Vertebra/pathology , Calcinosis/diagnostic imaging , Tendinopathy/drug therapy , Tendinopathy/diagnostic imaging , Neck Muscles/pathology , Deglutition Disorders/etiology , Neck Pain/etiology , Diagnosis, Differential , Analgesics/therapeutic use
RFO UPF ; 25(3): 420-428, 20201231.
مقالة ي البرتغالية | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1357825


Na atualidade, com as frequentes inovações tecnológicas agregadas aos telefones celulares favorecendoseu uso excessivo, altos níveis de estresse e o ritmo acelerado da vida, inconscientemente, as pessoas têmadotado novas e diferentes posturas corporais, que direta ou indiretamente interferem na posição da colunavertebral. Um importante músculo postural do pescoço é o esternocleidomastoideo, cuja relevante função éa de estabilizar. Objetivo: analisar a possível relação entre os músculos masseter e esternocleidomastoideo,em diferentes posições da cabeça e da coluna cervical, nas situações de mastigação, repouso e máximaintercuspidação habitual. Metodologia: os dados foram coletados inicialmente com cabeça e coluna eretas,em repouso e em máxima intercuspidação habitual. Em seguida, coletou-se, sempre em mastigação, com acabeça e a coluna eretas, inclinadas para frente, para trás, para direita, para esquerda, giradas para direita epara esquerda. Todos os momentos de coleta de dados ocorreram por 5 segundos em cada posição. Resultados:nota-se um aumento na atividade elétrica do músculo esternocleidomastoideo quando a mastigaçãoacontece com a cabeça e a coluna fora da posição ereta. Em algumas posições da cabeça, esse aumento, emvalores absolutos, não é observado de forma relevante no sexo feminino, sendo notado no masculino. Conclusões:existe uma relação de trabalho entre os músculos masseter e esternocleidomastoideo. Essa relaçãosugere que o segundo músculo trabalha na tentativa de estabilizar a cabeça para otimizar o ato mastigatório,ação essa notadamente encontrada no sexo masculino e de forma menos ativa no sexo feminino.(AU)

Nowadays, with the frequent technological innovations added to cell phones favoring their excessive use, high levels of stress and the fast pace of life, people have unconsciously adopted new and different body postures that directly or indirectly interfere in the position of the spine. An important postural muscle of the neck is the sternocleidomastoid, whose important function is to stabilize it. Objective: to analyze the possible relationship between the masseter and sternocleidomastoid muscles, in different positions of the head and cervical spine, in situations of chewing, resting and maximum habitual intercuspation. Methodology: data were collected initially with head and spine erect, at rest and at maximum habitual intercuspation. Then, it was collected, always chewing, with the head and column erect, tilted forward, backward, right, left, turned to the right and turned to the left. All moments of data collection occurred for 5 seconds in each position. Results: An increase in the electrical activity of the sternocleidomastoid muscle is observed when chewing occurs with the head and spine out of the upright position. In some positions of the head this increase, in absolute values, is not observed in a relevant way in the female sex, being noticed in the male. Conclusions: there is a working relationship between the masseter and sternocleidomastoid muscles. This relationship suggests that the second muscle works in an attempt to stabilize the head to optimize the masticatory act, an action that is notably found in men and less actively in women.(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Posture/physiology , Spine/physiology , Masseter Muscle/physiology , Mastication/physiology , Neck Muscles/physiology , Reference Values , Sex Factors , Electromyography/methods
Int. j. morphol ; 38(5): 1235-1243, oct. 2020. tab, graf
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1134431


RESUMEN: El nervio occipital mayor (NOM) se forma del ramo dorsal del nervio espinal C2 y asciende entre la musculatura cervical posterior para inervar la piel del cuero cabelludo. Diversos autores han descrito su recorrido, sin embargo, es escasa la información referente a la relación que presenta este nervio con el músculo oblicuo inferior de la cabeza (OIC) y su trayecto intramuscular. El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar el recorrido y relaciones que el NOM estableció en el intervalo existente entre los músculos OIC y músculo trapecio (T). Para ello, se midieron las distancias verticales y horizontales a la altura de la protuberancia occipital externa y línea mediana, y se dividió al músculo OIC en tercios para observar variaciones del recorrido de este nervio. Junto con medir el diámetro del NOM, se midieron las distancias vertical y horizontal de este nervio a través de cinco puntos de referencia muscular y un punto de referencia vascular. Estos puntos musculares fueron: a) sobre el vientre del músculo OIC (punto 1); b) en la cara profunda del músculo semiespinoso de la cabeza (SEC) (punto 2); c) en la cara superficial del músculo SEC (punto 3); d) en la cara profunda del músculo T (punto 4); y e) en la cara superficial del músculo T (punto 5). A este se sumó el punto 6, en el cual se establecieron las distancias vertical y horizontal con la arteria occipital a la altura de la cara superficial del músculo T. Para ello se disecaron 18 cabezas (36 triángulos suboccipitales) de cadáveres adultos brasileños pertenecientes al laboratorio de Anatomía de la Universidade Federal de Alagoas (UFAL), Maceió, Brasil. Las distancias verticales y horizontales obtenidas respecto de los seis puntos fueron: 63,67 y 27,15 mm (punto 1); 53,89 y 21,44 mm (punto 2); 30,61 y 14,49 mm (punto 3); 20,39 y 22,8 mm (punto 4); 5,86 y 33,46 mm (punto 5); 5,99 y 35,56 mm (punto 6), respectivamente. En relación al músculo OIC, el NOM se ubicó en un 72,22 % de las muestras en el tercio medio de este músculo, 19,44% en su tercio lateral y un 8,33 % en su tercio medial. Todos estos hallazgos deben ser considerados al momento de diagnosticar correctamente posibles atrapamientos del NOM en la región cervical profunda, siendo además, una contribución para el éxito de procedimientos quirúrgicos de esta región.

SUMMARY: The great occipital nerve (GON) is formed from the dorsal branch of the C2 spinal nerve and ascends between the posterior cervical musculature to innervate the skin of the scalp. Various authors have described its course, however, there is little information regarding the relationship that this nerve presents with the obliquus capitis inferior (OCI) and its intramuscular path. The objective of this study was to determine the route and relationships that the GON established in the interval between the OCI muscles and the trapezius muscle (T). For this, the vertical and horizontal distances were measured at the height of the external occipital protuberance and median line, and the OCI muscle was divided into thirds to observe variations in the path of this nerve. Along with measuring the diameter of the GON, the vertical and horizontal distances of this nerve were measured through five muscle reference points and one vascular reference point. These muscle points were: a) on the belly of the OCI muscle (point 1); b) in the deep face of the semispinalis capitis muscle (SCM) (point 2); c) on the surface of the SCM (point 3); d) on the deep face of the T (point 4); and e) on the surface face of the T (point 5). To this was added point 6, in which the vertical and horizontal distances were established with the occipital artery at the height of the superficial face of the T. For this, 18 heads (36 suboccipital triangles) of Brazilian adult corpses belonging to the Anatomy laboratory of the Universidade Federal de Alagoas (UFAL), Maceió, Brazil, were dissected. The vertical and horizontal distances obtained with respect to the six points were: 63.67 and 27.15 mm (point 1); 53.89 and 21.44 mm (point 2); 30.61 and 14.49 mm (point 3); 20.39 and 22.8 mm (point 4); 5.86 and 33.46 mm (point 5); 5.99 and 35.56 mm (point 6), respectively. In relation to the OCI, the GON was located in 72.22 % of the samples in the middle third of this muscle, 19.44 % in its lateral third and 8.33 % in its medial third. All these findings should be considered when correctly diagnosing possible entrapments of GON in the deep cervical region, being a contribution to the success of surgical procedures in this region.

Humans , Male , Female , Spinal Nerves/anatomy & histology , Neck Muscles/innervation , Cadaver , Cervical Plexus , Anatomic Variation
Int. j. morphol ; 38(4): 845-852, Aug. 2020. graf
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1124864


Anatomical variations of the scalene muscles are frequent, as are those of the brachial plexus and its terminal nerves. Nonetheless, these variations are reported separately in the literature. The aim of this work is to present a variation of scalene muscles, concomitant with an abnormal path of the musculocutaneous nerve. During a routine dissection of the cervical region, axilla and right anterior brachial region in an adult male cadaver, a supernumerary muscle fascicle was located in the anterior scalene muscle, altering the anatomical relations of C5 and C6 ventral branches of the brachial plexus. This variation was related to an anomalous path of the musculocutaneous nerve that did not cross the coracobrachialis muscle. It passed through the brachial canal along with the median nerve. It then sent off muscular branches to the anterior brachial region and likewise, communicating branches to the median nerve. The concomitant variations of the brachial plexus and scalene muscles they are not described frequently. Knowledge of these variations improves diagnosis, enhancing therapeutic and surgical approaches by reducing the possibility of iatrogenesis during cervical, axillary and brachial region interventions.

Las variaciones anatómicas de los músculos escalenos son frecuentes, así como también las del plexo braquial y sus nervios terminales. Sin embargo la literatura científica las presenta por separado. El propósito de este trabajo es presentar una variación de los músculos escalenos concomitante con un trayecto anómalo del nervio musculocutáneo. Disección de rutina de región cervical, axila y región braquial anterior derechas realizada en un cadáver adulto de sexo masculino. Se encontró un fascículo muscular supernumerario para el músculo escaleno anterior que alteraba las relaciones anatómicas de los ramos ventrales C5 y C6 del plexo braquial. Esta variación estaba acompañada por un trayecto anómalo del nervio musculocutáneo, el cual no atravesaba al músculo coracobraquial y transitaba por el conducto braquial acompañando al nervio mediano. Desde allí enviaba a la región braquial anterior ramos musculares y al nervio mediano ramos comunicantes. Las variaciones conjuntas del plexo braquial y los músculos escalenos no se presentan con frecuencia. Conocerlas enriquece la capacidad diagnóstica, terapéutica y quirúrgica. Reduciendo la posibilidad de iatrogenia al intervenir en las regiones cervical, axilar y braquial.

Humans , Female , Aged, 80 and over , Brachial Plexus/anatomy & histology , Musculocutaneous Nerve/anatomy & histology , Neck Muscles/anatomy & histology , Brachial Plexus/abnormalities , Cadaver , Dissection , Anatomic Variation , Musculocutaneous Nerve/abnormalities , Neck Muscles/abnormalities
CoDAS ; 32(4): e20180285, 2020. tab, graf
مقالة ي البرتغالية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1133507


RESUMO Objetivo: Comparar o impacto do exercício isocinético "sucção da língua contra o palato" na região cervical em participantes Classe I e Classe II/2.ª Divisão, considerando a média e a simetria do Root Means Square (RMS) dos músculos supra-hióideos e suboccipitais, e relatos sensoriais cervicais. Método: Onze participantes Classe I e 19 Classe II/2.ª Divisão, ambos os gêneros, média de idade 33,4 ±14,1 anos. Para análise da média do RMS e da simetria, realizou-se eletromiografia dos músculos suboccipitais e supra-hióideos, bilateralmente, no repouso e na sucção de água nas fases inicial, intermediária e final. A sensação cervical foi avaliada qualitativamente durante os exercícios. Resultados: A média do RMS não apresentou diferença entre Classes (p=0,7), mas revelou, na fase intermediária, elevação na musculatura suboccipital (p=0,0001) e diminuição na musculatura supra-hióidea. Na simetria, a musculatura supra-hióidea mostrou diferença significativa entre classes (p=0,0001) durante a fase intermediária. No participante Classe I, foi restabelecida a simetria na fase final, fato que não ocorreu na Classe II/2.ª Divisão. Em relação à sensação cervical, somente os Classe II/2.ª Divisão apresentaram queixas expressivas. Conclusão: O exercício isocinético de sucção da língua contra o palato repercutiu de forma expressiva com relatos de desconforto e dor cervical nos participantes Classe II/2.ª Divisão. Na média do RMS, não houve diferença entre as classes, mas, na fase intermediária, a musculatura suboccipital apresentou elevação de atividade significativa. A simetria na musculatura supra-hióidea teve diferença significativa entre as classes e assimetria na fase intermediária.

ABSTRACT Purpose: To compare the impact of isokinetic exercise (tongue suction on the palate) in the cervical region of Class I and Class II / 2nd Division participants, considering the average and the symmetry of Root Means Square (RMS) of suprahyoid and suboccipital muscles and cervical sensory reports. Method: 11 participants Class I and 19 Class II / 2nd Division, both genders, mean age 33.4 ± 14.1 years. For the analysis of RMS average and symmetry, electromyography was performed in the suboccipital and suprahyoid muscles, bilaterally, at rest and suction of water in the initial, intermediate and final phases. The cervical sensation was evaluated qualitatively during the exercises. Results: the mean RMS did not differ between Classes (p=0.7), but showed an increase in the intermediate phase in the suboccipital musculature (p=0.0001) and decrease in the suprahyoid musculature. In symmetry, the suprahyoid musculature showed a significant difference between classes (p=0.0001) during the intermediate phase. In the Class I participant the symmetry was reestablished in the final phase, a fact that did not occur in Class II / 2nd Division. Regarding the cervical sensation, only the Class II / 2nd Division had expressive complaints. Conclusion: The Isokinetic suctioning exercise of the tongue against the palate, had an expressive repercussion with reports of discomfort and neck pain in the Class II / 2nd Division participants. On average RMS, there was no difference between the classes, but in the intermediate phase, the suboccipital muscles showed a significant increase in the activity. Symmetry in the suprahyoid musculature had a significant difference between the classes and asymmetry in the intermediate phase.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Young Adult , Tongue/physiology , Tongue/physiopathology , Exercise , Neck Muscles/physiology , Electromyography , Exercise Therapy , Resistance Training/methods , Middle Aged
Int. j. morphol ; 37(4): 1504-1508, Dec. 2019. graf
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1040161


A routine dissection of the digastric muscle reflected that it originated by two muscle bellies namely. the anterior and posterior belly which are connected by an intermediate tendon (IT). These bellies originated from the mastoid process of the temporal bone and the digastric fossa of the mandible respectively. The digastric muscle serves as an important surgical landmark in surgical interventions involving the submental area however, accessory bellies may interfere with surgical intervention in this area. Therefore, this study aimed to document the occurrence of the anatomical variations in the anterior belly of the digastric muscle (ABDM) in a selected number of cadaveric samples. Ten bilateral adult cadaveric head and neck specimens (n = 20) were macro-dissected in order to document the morphology of the digastric muscle. The accessory bellies in the ABDM was observed in 60 % of the specimens. Unilateral and bilateral variations were observed in 20 % and 30 % of the specimens, respectively. These accessory bellies originated in the digastric fossa, ABDM, IT and hyoid bone, and inserted into the mylohyoid raphe, mylohyoid muscle and hyoid bone. In addition, an anomalous main ABDM was observed in 10 % of the specimens inserting through a transverse tendon into the hyoid bone. Variations in the digastric muscle are common especially the accessory bellies, therefore, a comprehensive understanding of these anatomical variations could be of clinical importance to the surgeons during head and neck radiological diagnosis and surgical interventions.

Una disección de rutina del músculo digástrico refleja que se éste originaba por dos vientres musculares, anterior y posterior conectados por un tendón intermedio (IT). Estos vientres se originaban a partir del proceso mastoide del hueso temporal y de la fosa digástrica de la mandíbula, respectivamente. El músculo digástrico sirve como un hito quirúrgico importante en las intervenciones que involucran el área submental. Sin embargo, los vientres accesorios pueden obstaculizar la intervención quirúrgica en esta área. Por lo anterior, este estudio tuvo como objetivo documentar observaciones de las variaciones anatómicas en el vientre anterior del músculo digástrico (VAMD) en un número seleccionado de cadáveres. Las muestras consistieron en 10 cabezas y cuellos cadavéricos de individuos adultos, estudiadas bilateralmente (n = 20). Estas muestras fueron disecadas para documentar la morfología del músculo digástrico. Los vientres accesorios en el VAMD se observaron en el 60 % de los casos. Se observaron variaciones unilaterales y bilaterales en el 20 % y el 30 % de las muestras, respectivamente. Estos vientres accesorios se originaban en la fosa digástrica, VAMD, IT y hueso hioides, y se insertaban en el rafe milohioideo, el músculo milohioideo y el hueso hioides. Además, se observó un VAMD principal anómalo en el 10 % de las muestras que se insertaban a través de un tendón transversal en el hueso hioides. Las variaciones en el músculo digástrico son comunes, especialmente los vientres accesorios, por lo tanto, un conocimiento completo de estas variaciones anatómicas podría ser de importancia clínica durante el diagnóstico radiológico de cabeza y cuello y en las intervenciones quirúrgicas de la región.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Young Adult , Anatomic Variation , Neck Muscles/abnormalities , Cadaver , Neck Muscles/anatomy & histology
Rev. otorrinolaringol. cir. cabeza cuello ; 79(4): 433-436, dic. 2019. tab, graf
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1058719


RESUMEN La tendinitis calcificante prevertebral es una patología benigna y poco frecuente, con una incidencia anual de 0,5 casos por cada 100.000 habitantes. Se presenta un caso de una paciente de 52 años que consultó por cervicalgia, odinofagia y disfonía de 5 días de evolución. Tras una exploración otorrinolaringológica completa se sospechó ocupación del espacio retrofaríngeo, confirmada con pruebas de imagen. Ante estos hallazgos y con la sospecha de absceso retrofaríngeo, se decidió ingreso hospitalario para tratamiento intravenoso. Por discordancia entre la clínica, la TC y los hallazgos analíticos, se solicitó RM cervical, cuya imagen hizo sospechar una tendinitis aguda calcificante del longísimo del cuello. En este trabajo se ha realizado una revisión de la sintomatología, el diagnóstico y el tratamiento de esta entidad. Consideramos importante sospecharla dentro del diagnóstico diferencial de la ocupación del espacio retrofaríngeo para evitar realizar procedimientos innecesarios.

ABSTRACT Prevertebral calcific tendinitis is a benign and infrequent pathology, with an annual incidence of 0.5 cases per 100,000 habitants. We report the case of a 52-year-old woman that presented with a 5-day history of cervicalgia, odynophagia and dysphonia. Otolaryngological examination and radiological images showed occupation of the retropharyngeal space. The patient was admitted to the hospital for intravenous treatment. A cervical MRI was requested, suggesting an acute calcific tendinitis of the longus colli muscles. The authors provide a discussion of the clinical findings, diagnosis and treatment of this condition. We consider it to be an important differential diagnosis of a retropharyngeal space occupation, in order to avoid unnecessary procedures.

Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Retropharyngeal Abscess , Tendinopathy/diagnostic imaging , Neck Muscles/pathology , Tendinopathy/etiology
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