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Int. j. morphol ; 42(4): 970-976, ago. 2024. ilus, tab
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569272


SUMMARY: Since machine learning algorithms give more reliable results, they have been used in the field of health in recent years. The orbital variables give very successful results in classifying sex correctly. This research has focused on sex determination using certain variables obtained from the orbital images of the computerized tomography (CT) by using machine learning algorithms (ML). In this study 12 variables determined on 600 orbital images of 300 individuals (150 men and 150 women) were tested with different ML. Decision tree (DT), K-Nearest Neighbour (KNN), Logistic Regression (LR), Random Forest (RF), Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA), and Naive Bayes (NB) algorithms of ML were used for unsupervised learning. Statistical analyses of the variables were conducted with Minitab® 21.2 (64-bit) program. ACC rate of NB, DT, KNN, and LR algorithms was found as % 83 while the ACC rate of LDA and RFC algorithms was determined as % 85. According to Shap analysis, the variable with the highest degree of effect was found as BOW. The study has determined the sex with high accuracy at the ratios of 0.83 and 0.85 through using the variables of the orbital CT images, and the related morphometric data of the population under question was acquired, emphasizing the racial variation.

Dado que los algoritmos de aprendizaje automático dan resultados más fiables, en los últimos años han sido utilizados en el campo de la salud. Las variables orbitales dan resultados muy exitosos a la hora de clasificar correctamente el sexo. Esta investigación se ha centrado en la determinación del sexo utilizando determinadas variables obtenidas a partir de las imágenes orbitales de la tomografía computarizada (TC) mediante el uso de algoritmos de aprendizaje automático (AA). En este estudio se probaron 12 variables determinadas en 600 imágenes orbitales de 300 individuos (150 hombres y 150 mujeres) con diferentes AA. Se utilizaron algoritmos de AA de árbol de decisión (DT), K-Nearest Neighbour, regresión logística (RL), Random Forest (RF), análisis discriminante lineal (ADL) y Naive Bayes (NB) para el aprendizaje no supervisado. Los análisis estadísticos de las variables se realizaron con el programa Minitab® 21.2 (64 bits). La tasa de ACC de los algoritmos NB, DT, KNN y RL se encontró en % 83, mientras que la tasa de ACC de los algoritmos ADL y RFC se determinó en % 85. Según el análisis de Sharp, la variable con el mayor grado de efecto se encontró como BOW. El estudio determinó el sexo con alta precisión en las proporciones de 0,83 y 0,85 mediante el uso de las variables de las imágenes de TC orbitales, y se adquirieron los datos morfométricos relacionados de la población en cuestión, enfatizando la variación racial.

Humans , Male , Female , Orbit/diagnostic imaging , Tomography, X-Ray Computed , Sex Determination by Skeleton , Machine Learning , Orbit/anatomy & histology , Algorithms , Logistic Models , Forensic Anthropology , Imaging, Three-Dimensional
Int. j. morphol ; 41(2): 445-450, abr. 2023. ilus, tab
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1440316


SUMMARY: The foramen magnum (FM) is the key component of the craniovertebral junction, which connects the brain stem and medulla spinalis and is closely related to vital structures. FM dimensions are of great clinical importance. Considering the similarity in shape between FM and orbita, we thought that there might be a relationship between the lengths (sagittal diameter) and widths (transverse diameter) of these structures. Since it is not possible to reach FM directly, we set up our hypothesis as can we calculate the foramen magnum dimensions from orbital measurements before proceeding to costly tests. We also investigated this harmony in the skulls we used in the study. In the study, 21 dried skull bones from the Turkish population were used. FM and right Orbital length and width measurements were made. Precision digital caliper was used for measurements. Statistical validity and reliability analyzes were performed to prove the agreement between the measurements. We found that the length of the orbit and FM in the sagittal plane is close to each other, with 34.74±2.11 mm and 34.99±3.0 mm, and the width of the orbit in the coronal plane is approximately 1.40 times the width of the FM. We proved that the estimation of FM dimensions based on orbital measurements is also statistically valid and safe. Using orbital measurements, it is possible to estimate FM dimensions which are difficult to reach directly in living humans.

El foramen magno (FM) es el componente clave de la unión craneovertebral, que conecta el tronco encefálico y el bulbo raquídeo y está estrechamente relacionado con las estructuras vitales. Las dimensiones FM son de gran importancia clínica. Teniendo en cuenta la similitud de forma entre FM y órbitas, consideramos que podría haber una relación entre las longitudes (diámetro sagital) y las anchuras (diámetro transversal) de estas estructuras. Dado que no es posible llegar al FM directamente, establecimos nuestra hipótesis y calculamos las dimensiones del foramen magno a partir de mediciones orbitales antes de proceder a costosas pruebas. También investigamos esta armonía en los cráneos que usamos en el estudio. En el estudio, se utilizaron 21 huesos de cráneo secos de la población turca. Se realizaron mediciones FM y de longitud y anchura orbitales. Para las mediciones se utilizó un calibrador digital de precisión. Se realizaron análisis estadísticos de validez y confiabilidad para probar la concordancia entre las mediciones. Encontramos que la longitud de la órbita y FM en el plano sagital es cercana entre sí, con 34,74±2,11 mm y 34,99±3,0 mm, y el ancho de la órbita en el plano coronal es aproximadamente 1,40 veces el ancho de la FM. Demostramos que la estimación de las dimensiones FM basadas en mediciones orbitales también es estadísticamente válida y segura. Empleando mediciones orbitales, es posible estimar dimensiones FM que son difíciles de alcanzar directamente en humanos vivos.

Humans , Adult , Orbit/anatomy & histology , Foramen Magnum/anatomy & histology
Int. j. morphol ; 40(1): 181-187, feb. 2022. ilus, tab
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1385594


SUMMARY: The aim of this study was to study the anatomical landmarks and variations of supraorbital, infraorbital, and mental foramina. One hundred and sixty Thai dry skulls were randomly selected from the Forensic Osteology Research Center. The distances of the parameters were measured by using Vernier caliper. The supraorbital foramen could be found in a notch form 13.8 %, single supraorbital foramen accounted for 82.5 %, and supraorbital foramen with an accessory foramen represented 3.8 %. Single infraorbital foramen was found 90.0 %, and infraorbital foramen with an accessory foramen represented 10.0 %. Single mental foramen was observed 96.6 %, and the frequency of mental foramen with an accessory foramen was determined 3.4%. The majority of infraorbital foramina (48.0 %) was detected above the second premolar area. 19.0 % of the infraorbital foramina was seen in the region between the first premolar and the second premolar, and 22.8 % of the infraorbital foramina was located between the second premolar and the first molar. The infraorbital foramen is anatomically positioned above the first molar (10.2 %). The majority of mental foramina (53.5 %) can be identified below second premolar area. The region between the first premolar and the second premolar is the site for the mental foramen 26.0 % of the total variations. The region between the second premolar and the first molar is the site for the mental foramen 16.9 % of the total variations. The mental foramen is approximately situated below the first molar (3.6 %). The present study of anatomical variations of various foramina demonstrates a useful application in cosmetic and ophthalmic plastic surgery. The findings could improve the efficacy of the surgeons and accuracy for the indicated localization of these foramina during maxillofacial operations and local anesthetic procedures.

RESUMEN: El objetivo de este estudio fue estudiar los puntos de referencia anatómicos y las variaciones de los forámenes supraorbitario, infraorbitario y mental. Ciento sesenta cráneos secos tailandeses fueron seleccionados al azar del Centro de Investigación de Osteología Forense. Las distancias de los parámetros se midieron utilizando un calibre Vernier. El foramen supraorbitario se pudo encontrar en forma de muesca el 13,8 %, el foramen supraorbitario único representó el 82,5 % y el foramen supraorbitario con un foramen accesorio representó el 3,8 %. El foramen infraorbitario único se encontró en un 90,0 % y el foramen infraorbitario con un foramen accesorio representó el 10,0 %. Se observó foramen mental único 96,6 % y se determinó la frecuencia de foramen mental con foramen accesorio 3,4 %. La mayoría de los forámenes infraorbitarios (48,0 %) se detectaron por encima del área del segundo premolar. El 19,0 % de los forámenes infraorbitarios se observó en la región entre el primer premolar y el segundo premolar, y el 22,8 % de los forámenes infraorbitarios se ubicó entre el segundo premolar y el primer molar. El foramen infraorbitario se ubica anatómicamente por encima del primer molar (10,2 %). La mayoría de los forámenes mentales (53,5 %) se pudieron identificar inferior al área del segundo premolar. La región entre el primer premolar y el segundo premolar es el sitio del foramen mental 26,0 % de las variaciones totales. La región entre el segundo premolar y el primer molar es el sitio del foramen mental 16,9 % del total de variaciones. El foramen mental se sitúa aproximadamente por debajo del primer molar (3,6 %). El presente estudio de variaciones anatómicas de estos forámenes demuestra una aplicación útil en la cirugía plástica y oftálmica. Los hallazgos podrían mejorar la eficacia de los cirujanos y la precisión para la localización de estos forámenes durante las operaciones maxilofaciales y los procedimientos anestésicos locales.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Young Adult , Orbit/anatomy & histology , Anatomic Variation , Mental Foramen/anatomy & histology
Araçatuba; s.n; 2022. 63 p. ilus, tab, graf.
أطروحة جامعية ي البرتغالية | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1562761


O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar, por meio de tomografias computadorizadas, as alterações volumétricas pós-traumáticas, dos tecidos orbitários, no período préoperatório, pós-operatório imediato e após os primeiros 3 meses da cicatrização, correlacionando-as com a manutenção das complicações pós-traumáticas. Vinte e três pacientes com indicação cirúrgica para fraturas unilaterais de órbita foram avaliados clinicamente e por meio de tomografia computadorizada. A órbita oposta, não fraturada foi utilizada como controle. As complicações mais frequentes foram enoftalmo, diplopia e distopia. A alteração volumétrica tecidual nas órbitas fraturadas apresentou-se constante e com diferença estatística significante, com p< 0,0001. Não houve correlação estatística entre a diferença volumétrica do conteúdo orbitário nos 3 períodos e a manutenção das complicações pós-traumáticas, apresentando p= 0,1617. Semelhantemente, não houve correlação entre a área fraturada e a permanência das complicações. Conclui-se que o volume do conteúdo da cavidade orbitária não poderá ser utilizado como fator determinante para a permanência da complicação pós-traumática(AU)

The aim of this study was to evaluate through computed tomography, the posttraumatic volumetric alterations of the orbital tissues, in the preoperative period, immediate postoperative period, and after the first 3 months of healing, correlating them with the maintenance of the post-traumatic complications. Twenty-three patients with surgical indication for unilateral orbital fractures were evaluated clinically and by means of computed tomography. The opposite, unfractured orbit was used as a control. The most frequent complications were enophthalmos, diplopia and dystopia. The tissue volume change in the fractured orbits was constant and present statistically significant difference, with p< 0.0001. There was no statistical correlation between the volumetric difference of orbital content in the 3 periods and the maintenance of post-traumatic complications, with p= 0.1617. Similarly, there was no correlation between the fractured area and the permanence of complications. It is concluded that the volume of the orbital cavity content cannot be used as a determining factor for the permanence of the post-traumatic complication(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Orbit/surgery , Orbital Fractures/complications , Orbit/anatomy & histology , Tomography, X-Ray Computed
Rev. bras. oftalmol ; 81: e0042, 2022. graf
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1387970


ABSTRACT Introduction: The use of tridimensional (3D) printing in healthcare has contributed to the development of instruments and implants. The 3D printing has also been used for teaching future professionals. In order to have a good 3D printed piece, it is necessary to have high quality images, such as the ones from Computerized Tomography (CT scan) exam, which shows the anatomy from different cuts and allows for a good image reconstruction. Purpose: To propose a protocol for creating digital files from computerized tomography images to be printed in 3D and used as didactic material in the ophthalmology field, using open-source software, InVesalius®, Blender® and Repetier-Host©. Methods: Two orbit CT scan exam images in the DICOM format were used to create the virtual file to be printed in 3D. To edit the images, the software InVesalius® (Version 3.1.1) was used to delimit and clean the structure of interest, and also to convert to STL format. The software Blender® (Version 2.80) was used to refine the image. The STL image was then sent to the Repetier-Host© (Version 2.1.3) software, which splits the image in layers and generates the instructions to print the piece in the 3D printer using the polymer polylactic acid (PLA). Results: The printed anatomical pieces printed reproduced most structures, both bone and soft structures, satisfactorily. However, there were some problems during printing, such as the loss of small bone structures, that are naturally surrounded by muscles due to the lack of support. Conclusion: Despite the difficulties faced during the production of the pieces, it was also possible to reproduce the anatomical structures adequately, which indicates that this protocol of 3D printing from medical images is viable.

RESUMO Introdução: O uso de impressão em 3-D na área da saúde tem contribuído para o desenvolvimento de instrumentos e próteses. A impressão 3-D tem sido usada para o ensino de futuros profissionais. Para se alcançar uma boa peça em 3-D, é necessário ter imagens de alta qualidade, como aquelas geradas pelo exame de Tomografia Computadorizada (TC), que mostra a anatomia sob diferentes cortes e permite uma boa reconstrução de imagem. Objetivo: Propor um protocolo para a criação de arquivos digitais a partir de imagens de tomografia computadorizada a serem impressas em 3-D e usadas como modelo de material didático oftalmológico usando software de código aberto, InVesalius®, Bender® e Repetier-Host©. Métodos: Foram utilizadas imagens em formato DICOM provenientes de dois exames de tomografia computadorizada de órbitas para a impressão tridimensional. Para manuseio das imagens, foram utilizados o InVesalius®, versão 3.1.1, para delimitar e limpar a estrutura de interesse e também para converter em formato STL. O Blender®, versão 2.80 foi usado para refinamento. A imagem em STL foi então enviada para o programa Repetier-Host, versão 2.1.3, que divide a imagem em camadas e gera as instruções para impressão da peça em ácido polilático na impressora tridimensional. Resultados: As peças anatômicas impressas reproduziram de forma satisfatória a maioria das estruturas ósseas e musculares. No entanto, houve dificuldade durante a impressão das estruturas ósseas menores, como perda de estrutura óssea pequena, que não possuíam sustentação, por serem envoltas pelo músculo. Conclusão: Apesar das dificuldades encontradas na produção dessas peças de estudo, foi possível reproduzir estruturas com fidelidade, indicando que o protocolo proposto viabiliza a impressão de imagens oriundas da tomografia computadorizada para impressão tridimensional.

Humans , Ophthalmology/education , Orbit/anatomy & histology , Orbit/diagnostic imaging , Tomography, X-Ray Computed/methods , Imaging, Three-Dimensional/instrumentation , Printing, Three-Dimensional/instrumentation , Students, Medical , Teaching , Software , Education, Medical/methods , Anatomy/education , Models, Anatomic
Int. j. morphol ; 39(5): 1289-1295, oct. 2021. ilus, tab
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1385510


SUMMARY: The aim of this study was to examine the localization of the landmarks in the maxillofacial region and their relations with each other and to evaluate them morphologically and clinically. Our study included 41 dry adult human skulls of unknown age and sex of Anatolian population. Statistical analysis of the data obtained in our study was performed with SPSS v.20.0 software (IBM Corp., Armonk, NY, USA). Statistical significance was accepted as P ? 0.05. Whereas the mean right supraorbital depth (SOD) value was significantly greater than the mean left SOD value (p 0.05). Correlation values in our study varied between -0.156 and 0.612. The highest correlation value was obtained in the positive direction between the orbital height (OH) and supraorbital foramen-infraorbital foramen (SOF-IOF) measurements (r = 0.612, p < 0.001). We believe that measurements of the orbit, SOF, and IOF and our data on their localizations, along with the relationships that we observed in our study will allow surgeons to avoid damaging the neurovascular bundles during surgical interventions and local anesthesia procedures in the frontal, periorbital, and maxillofacial regions.

RESUMEN: El objetivo de este estudio fue examinar la localización de los hitos en la región maxilofacial y sus relaciones entre sí y evaluarlos morfológica y clínicamente. Nuestro estudio incluyó 41 cráneos humanos adultos secos de edad y sexo desconocidos de la población de Anatolia. El análisis estadístico de los datos obtenidos en nuestro estudio se realizó con el software SPSS v.20.0 (IBM Corp., Armonk, NY, EE. UU.). La significación estadística se aceptó como P ? 0,05. Mientras que el valor medio de la profundidad supraorbitaria derecha (SOD) fue significativamente mayor que el valor medio de la SOD izquierda (p 0,05). Los valores de correlación en nuestro estudio variaron entre -0,156 y 0,612. El mayor valor de correlación se obtuvo en la dirección positiva entre las medidas de altura orbitaria (OH) y foramen supraorbitario-foramen infraorbitario (SOF-IOF) (r = 0,612, p <0,001). Creemos que las mediciones de la órbita, SOF e IOF y nuestros datos sobre sus localizaciones, junto con las relaciones que observamos en nuestro estudio, permitirán a los cirujanos evitar dañar los haces neurovasculares durante las intervenciones quirúrgicas y los procedimientos de anestesia local en la zona frontal, periorbitaria. y regiones maxilofaciales.

Humans , Adult , Orbit/anatomy & histology , Face/anatomy & histology , Anatomic Landmarks , Jaw/anatomy & histology
Arq. bras. oftalmol ; 84(3): 209-213, May-June 2021. graf
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1248967


ABSTRACT Purpose: To identify the lymphatic vessels in orbital specimens from human cadavers using light microscopy and immunohistochemical analysis. Methods: A postmortem study included 10 orbital specimens from 10 human cadavers. The orbital specimens were obtained no later than 12 hours after death. The orbital specimens were dissected into lacrimal gland, optic nerve, fat tissue, and oculomotor muscles. The histologic criteria to qualify as a lymphatic vessel were thin-walled channels of endothelium without a well-developed basal membrane and with an erythrocyte-free, irregular lumen. The immunohistochemical criteria were irregularly shaped, thin-walled vessels with an erythrocyte-free, irregular lumen and immunopositivity for podoplanin D2-40. Results: The lacrimal gland, optic nerve, fat tissue, and extraocular muscle sections were positively stained with podoplanin D2-40. Conclusions: This study demonstrated lymphatic vessels in the human orbit, more precisely, in the lacrimal gland, dura mater of the optic nerve, adipose tissue, and extrinsic oculomotor muscles via light microscopy and immunohistochemistry.(AU)

RESUMO Objetivos: Identificar vasos linfáticos em espécimes orbitários de cadáveres humanos através de microscopia óptica e análise imunohistoquímica. Métodos: Um estudo postmortem incluiu dez espécimes orbitários provenientes de dez cadáveres humanos. Todos os espécimes orbitários foram obtidos até 12 horas após a morte com uma técnica cirúrgica de exenteração orbitária e dissecados em glândula lacrimal, nervo óptico, gordura órbitária e músculos extraoculares. Para classificar como um vaso linfático, os critérios histológicos incluíram vasos endoteliais de parede única sem membrana basal bem desenvolvida, irregulares e lúmen sem hemácias, e os critérios imunohistoquímicos incluíram vasos endoteliais de parede única, com formato irregular e lúmen sem hemácias e reagentes a podoplanina D2-40. Resultados: As lâminas histológicas de glândula lacrimal, nervo óptico, tecido adiposo e músculos extraoculares reagiram positivamente a podoplanina D2-40. Conclusão: Este estudo demonstrou vasos linfáticos na órbita humana, mais exatamente, na glândula lacrimal, no nervo óptico, na gordura orbitária e nos músculos extrínsecos extraoculares via microscopia óptica e imunohistoquímica.(AU)

Optic Nerve/anatomy & histology , Orbit/anatomy & histology , Lymphatic Vessels/diagnostic imaging , Immunohistochemistry , Lacrimal Apparatus/anatomy & histology , Microscopy/instrumentation , Oculomotor Muscles/anatomy & histology
Int. j. morphol ; 39(2): 489-496, abr. 2021. ilus, tab
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1385380


SUMMARY: Infraorbital foramen (IOF) located bilaterally within the maxillary bone about 1 cm inferior to the infraorbital margin is a vital landmark when delivering local anesthesia and during surgical interventions in the midface region. A total of 122 infraorbital foramina in 61 cone beam computed tomographic (CBCT) images of 32 females and 29 males in the age range of 17 to 32 were analyzed to determine the shape, direction, presence of accessory foramina, size and the precise position of IOF in relation to the inferior orbital margin (IOM), maxillary midline (MM), lateral nasal wall (LNW), alveolus (ALV) and maxillary teeth in a group of Sri Lankan people. The IOF was oval in shape (80.3 % and 88.5 % on the right and left side, respectively) in a majority of individuals. The infraorbital foramina were located at a mean distance of 5.56 ± 3.95 and 4.91 ± 2.08 mm, below the IOM on the right and left side, 27.13 ± 2.6 and 26.99 ± 2.73 on the right and left side from the mid maxillary line, 11.96 ± 3.45 mm and 12.18 ± 3.35 from the LNW on the right and left side and 29.59 ± 3.59 and 29.65 ± 3.28 above the alveolar crest on the right and left side. There were no statistically significant differences between the left and right sides or between sexes. Majority of IOF (37.5 % and 55.9 % on the right and left side, respectively) were located in the vertical plane passing though the maxillary second premolar tooth.

RESUMEN: El foramen infraorbitario (FIO) ubicado bilateralmente dentro de la maxila, aproximadamente 1 cm inferior al margen infraorbitario, es un punto de referencia vital cuando se administra anestesia local y durante intervenciones quirúrgicas en la región media de la cara. Se analizaron un total de 122 forámenes infraorbitarios en 61 imágenes de tomografía computarizada de haz cónico (CBCT) de 32 mujeres y 29 hombres en un rango etario de 17 a 32 años para determinar la forma, dirección, presencia de forámenes accesorios, tamaño y posición precisa de FIO en relación con el mar- gen orbitario inferior (MOI), la línea mediana maxilar (MM), la pared nasal lateral (PNL), el alvéolo (ALV) y los dientes maxilares en un grupo de personas de Sri Lanka. En la mayoría de los adultos se observó que el FIO tenía forma ovalada (80,3 % y 88,5 % en el lado derecho e izquierdo, respectivamente) Los forámenes infraorbitarios se ubicaron a una distancia media de 5,56 ± 3,95 y 4,91 ± 2,08 mm, por debajo del MOI en los lados derecho e izquierdo; 27,13 ± 2,6 y 26,99 ± 2,73 en el lado derecho e izquierdo desde la línea maxilar mediana, 11,96 ± 3,45 mm y 12,18 ± 3,35 de la PNL en el lado derecho e izquierdo y 29,59 ± 3,59 y 29,65 ± 3,28 por encima de la cresta alveolar en los lados derecho e izquierdo. No hubo diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre los lados izquierdo y derecho o entre sexos. La mayoría de IOF (37,5 % y 55,9 % en el lado derecho e izquierdo, respectivamente) se ubicaron en el plano vertical que pasa por el segundo premolar maxilar.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Young Adult , Orbit/diagnostic imaging , Cone-Beam Computed Tomography , Orbit/anatomy & histology , Sri Lanka , Anatomic Landmarks , Maxilla/diagnostic imaging
Int. j. morphol ; 38(6): 1810-1817, Dec. 2020. tab, graf
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1134515


SUMMARY: The pear-shaped bony orbit connects with intracranial cavity via foramina's and fissures. The Meningo-orbital Foramen (MOF) is usually present in greater wing of sphenoid close to lateral edge of Superior orbital fissure. It provides a route for an anastomosis between the orbital branch of the middle meningeal artery (MMA) and recurrent meningeal branch of Ophthalmic Artery (OA) and hence, risk of damage during surgeries can occur. To verify occurrence and location, with morphology of MOF in dry orbits and the impending clinical hazards in surgeries pertaining to the orbit, document and analysis it to determine a standardized guideline. The presence for MOF was studied in 446 dry orbits with its location from the supra orbital margin (SOM), front zygomatic suture (FZS), the lateral tubercle of Whitnall (WT)and the lateral end of superior orbital fissure (SOF) along with its patency, laterality and number of foramina's present. Nylon probes, long divider/pins, compass and Vernier callipers was used to check the patency and various parameters. The study noted the percentage prevalence of MOF as 69 % with communication with middle cranial fossa (MCF) being 76 % of 69 % and the average distance from SOM, FZS, WT and lateral end of SOF being 35.58 mm, 24.9 mm, 26.6 mm and 0.92 mm. On comparison with various population studies, certain similarities and differences with regards to different parameters were noted. Prevalence of MOF was mostly unilateral and showed multiple foramina, that can act as channels for arteries, a variant of MMA or OA, that supply orbital structures or tumour growths. Thus, awareness of this variation is of prime importance to ophthalmologists and neurosurgeons as well as interventional radiologists, in preventing haemorrhagic condition which could further raise the difficulties in operative procedures and surgical outcomes.

RESUMEN: La órbita ósea en forma de pera se conecta con la cavidad intracraneal a través de forámenes y fisuras. El foramen meningoorbitario (MOF) suele estar presente en el ala mayor del esfenoides cerca del margen lateral de la fisura orbitaria superior. Proporciona una ruta para una anastomosis entre la rama orbitaria de la arteria meníngea media (MMA) y la rama meníngea recurrente de la arteria oftálmica (OA) y, por lo tanto, puede ocurrir riesgo de daño durante las cirugías. Para verificar la ocurrencia y ubicación, con la morfología de MOF en órbitas secas y los peligros clínicos inminentes en cirugías de la órbita, documentarlo y analizarlo para determinar una pauta estandarizada. Se estudió la presencia de MOF en 446 órbitas secas desde el margen supraorbitario (MOS), sutura cigomática frontal (FZS), el tubér- culo lateral de Whitnall (WT) y el extremo lateral de la fisura orbitaria superior (SOF) junto con su permeabilidad, lateralidad y número de forámenes presentes. Se utilizaron sondas de nailon, divisores / pasadores largos, brújula y calibradores Vernier para comprobar la permeabilidad. En el estudio se pudo observar que la prevalencia porcentual de MOF era del 69 %, siendo la comunica- ción con la fosa craneal media (MCF) del 76 % del 69 % y la distancia promedio desde SOM, FZS, WT y el extremo lateral de SOF era de 35,58 mm, 24,9 mm, 26,6 mm y 0,92 mm. En comparación con varios estudios de población, se observaron ciertas similitudes y diferencias con respecto a diferentes parámetros. La prevalencia de MOF fue mayoritariamente unilateral y mostró múltiples forámenes, que pueden actuar como canales para las arterias, una variante de MMA u OA, que irrigan estructuras orbitarias o crecimientos tumorales. Por lo tanto, la conciencia de esta variación es de primordial importancia para los oftalmólogos y neurocirujanos, así como para los radiólogos intervencionistas, en la prevención de una enfermedad hemorrágica que podría aumentar aún más las dificultades en los procedimientos y los resultados quirúrgicos.

Humans , Orbit/anatomy & histology , Orbit/diagnostic imaging , Surgical Flaps , Meningeal Arteries/anatomy & histology , Meningeal Arteries/diagnostic imaging , Ophthalmic Artery/anatomy & histology , Ophthalmic Artery/diagnostic imaging , India
Arq. bras. neurocir ; 39(3): 239-242, 15/09/2020.
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1362440


Encephalocele is a protrusion of the central nervous system elements through a defect in the dura mater and in the cranium. The prevalence of encephalocele ranges from 0.08 to 0.5 per 1,000 births. The posterior encephaloceles are more common in North America and Europe, while frontal defect is frequently found in Asia. The present paper describes a 26-year-old male patient presenting with cerebrospinal fluid leak and meningitis symptoms. He was diagnosed with congenital nasoethmoidal encephalocele and treated surgically using a supraorbital approach without complications.

Humans , Male , Adult , Neurosurgical Procedures/methods , Encephalocele/surgery , Ethmoid Bone/surgery , Nasal Cavity/surgery , Orbit/anatomy & histology , Skull/anatomy & histology , Skull/abnormalities , Craniotomy/methods , Encephalocele/diagnostic imaging , Meningitis
Int. j. morphol ; 38(4): 914-918, Aug. 2020. tab, graf
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1124876


The anatomical localization of foramen infraorbitale (FOI) and its relationship with ambient structures are of great importance for clinicians and surgeons. This study was performed on seventy five skulls, and the distance between FOI to important anatomical formations, angular position of the zygomatic bone and the relationship between these parameters were investigated on both sides. The distance of FOI to margo infraorbitalis (MI), apertura piriformis (AP) and spina nasalis anterior (SNA), upper face height (UH) and upper face width (UW) were measured. Zygomatic bone triangle angles (SA, PA, IA) and porion-nasion-spina nasalis anterior angle (PNS) were measured from lateral view of the skull. While there was no significant difference between right and left measurement except for PA (p=0.03), the distance from FOI to MI is showed a very high degree positive correlation between the right and left sides, the distance from the FOI to AP was weak correlated only right side.

La localización anatómica del foramen infraorbitario (FIO) y su relación con las estructuras adyacentes son de gran importancia para los médicos y cirujanos. Este estudio se realizó en setenta y cinco cráneos, y se investigó la distancia entre FIO a formaciones anatómicas importantes, la posición angular del hueso cigomático y la relación entre estos parámetros en ambos lados. Se midió la distancia de FIO al margen infraorbitario (MI), apertura piriforme (AP) y espina nasal anterior (ENA), altura superior de la cara (AC) y ancho superior de la cara (AC). Los ángulos del triángulo óseo cigomático y el ángulo anterior porion-nasion-epina nasal se midieron desde la vista lateral del cráneo. Si bien no hubo una diferencia significativa entre la medición derecha e izquierda, a excepción AP (p = 0,03), la distancia de FIP a MI mostró una correlación positiva de alto grado entre los lados derecho e izquierdo, la distancia de FIO a AP fue débil correlacionado solo en el lado derecho.

Humans , Adult , Orbit/anatomy & histology , Cephalometry , Skull/anatomy & histology , Zygoma/anatomy & histology
Braz. j. otorhinolaryngol. (Impr.) ; 85(5): 551-559, Sept.-Oct. 2019. tab, graf
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1039282


Abstract Introduction: Radiologic evaluation is mandatory to assess the type of endoscopic approach concerning sinonasal pathology and reconstruction of fractured defects before any treatment modalities are instituted related to medial wall of the orbit. Objective: The goal was to provide improved understanding of the lamina papyracea variations and the relationship with the orbital morphometry. Methods: This retrospective study was performed using computed tomography scans of 200 orbits and results were compared with respect to age, sex, laterality and LP variations. Results: Lamina papyracea variations were categorized as type A, 80.5% (161/200); type B, 16% (32/200); type C, 3.5% (7/200). For medial wall the anterior and posterior lamina papyracea heights and angles were found as 17.14 mm, 147.88º and 9.6 mm, 152.72º, respectively. Also, the length of the lamina papyracea, the mean area of the orbital floor, medial wall, lamina papyracea and orbital entrance were 33.3 mm, 7.2 cm2, 6.89 cm2, 4.51 cm2 and 12.46 cm2 respectively. The orbital height and width were measured as 35.9 mm and 39.2 mm respectively. The mean orbital cavity depth was 46.3 mm from optic foramen to the orbital entrance and the orbital volume was 19.29 cm3. We analyzed the morphometric measurements tending to increase with aging and greater in men and the relationship of them with lamina papyracea types. Conclusion: Precise knowledge of the lamina papyracea anatomy using computed tomography is essential for safer and more effective surgery and preforming the dimensions of an implant. In this way, the postoperative complications can be decreased and the best outcome can be provided.

Resumo Introdução: A avaliação radiológica é mandatória para avaliar o tipo de abordagem endoscópica no tratamento cirúrgico de doença nasossinusal e na reconstrução de fraturas antes de quaisquer modalidades de tratamento relacionadas à parede medial orbital. Objetivo: O objetivo foi proporcionar uma melhor compreensão das variações da lâmina papirácea e a relação com a morfometria orbital. Método: Este estudo retrospectivo foi realizado por meio de tomografia computadorizada de 200 órbitas, e os resultados foram comparados em relação à idade, sexo, lateralidade e variações da lâmina pairácea. Resultados: As variações da lâmina papirácea foram categorizadas como tipo A, 80,5% (161/200); tipo B, 16% (32/200); tipo C, 3,5% (7/200). Para a parede medial, as medidas das alturas anteriores e posteriores da lâmina papirácea e ângulos foram de 17,14 mm, 147,88º e 9,6 mm, 152,72º, respectivamente. Além disso, as medidas do seu comprimento da, da área média do assoalho orbital, e da parede medial, lâmina papyracea e entrada orbital foram: 33,3 mm, 7,2 cm2, 6,89 cm2, 4,51 cm2 e 12,46 cm2, respectivamente. As medidas da altura e da largura orbitais foram 35,9 mm e 39,2 mm, respectivamente. A profundidade média da cavidade orbital foi de 46,3 mm, do forame óptico até a entrada orbital, e o volume orbital foi de 19,29 cm3. Analisamos as medidas morfométricas com tendência a aumentar com o envelhecimento e nos indivíduos do sexo masculino, e a relação das mesmas com os tipos de lâmina. Conclusões: O conhecimento preciso da anatomia da lâmina papirácea por meio de tomografia computadorizada é essencial para uma cirurgia mais segura e eficaz, além de permitir pré-moldar as dimensões do implante. Assim, as complicações pós-operatórias podem ser minimizadas, obtendo-se melhores resultados.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Young Adult , Orbit/anatomy & histology , Orbit/diagnostic imaging , Tomography, X-Ray Computed/methods , Endoscopy/methods , Orbit/injuries , Paranasal Sinuses/surgery , Paranasal Sinuses/injuries , Paranasal Sinuses/diagnostic imaging , Postoperative Complications/prevention & control , Retrospective Studies , Ethmoid Bone/injuries , Ethmoid Bone/diagnostic imaging
Braz. j. otorhinolaryngol. (Impr.) ; 84(6): 713-721, Nov.-Dec. 2018. tab, graf
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS | ID: biblio-974385


Abstract Introduction: The course of the infraorbital canal may leave the infraorbital nerve susceptible to injury during reconstructive and endoscopic surgery, particularly when surgically manipulating the roof of the maxillary sinus. Objective: We investigated both the morphometry and variations of the infraorbital canal with the aim to show the relationship between them relative to endoscopic approaches. Methods: This retrospective study was performed on paranasal multidetector computed tomography images of 200 patients. Results: The infraorbital canal corpus types were categorized as Type 1: within the maxillary bony roof (55.3%), Type 2: partially protruding into maxillary sinus (26.7%), Type 3: within the maxillary sinus (9.5%), Type 4: located anatomically at the outer limit of the zygomatic recess of the maxillary bone (8.5%). The internal angulation and the length of the infraorbital canal, the infraorbital foramen entry angles and the distances related to the infraorbital foramen localization were measured and their relationships with the infraorbital canal variations were analyzed. We reported that the internal angulations in both sagittal and axial sections were mostly found in infraorbital canal Type 1 and 4 (69.2%, 64.7%) but, there were commonly no angulation in Type 3 (68.4%) (p < 0.001). The length of the infraorbital canal and the distances from the infraorbital foramen to the infraorbital rim and piriform aperture was measured as the longest in Type 3 and the smallest in Type 1 (p < 0.001). The sagittal infraorbital foramen entry angles were detected significantly smaller in Type 3 and larger in Type 1 than that in other types (p = 0.003). The maxillary sinus septa and the Haller cell were observed in 28% and 16% of the images, respectively. Conclusion: Precise knowledge of the infraorbital canal corpus types and relationship with the morphometry allow surgeons to choose an appropriate surgical approach to avoid iatrogenic infraorbital nerve injury.

Resumo: Introdução: O trajeto do canal infraorbitário pode predispor o nervo infraorbitário a lesões durante cirurgias reconstrutoras e endoscópicas com manipulação do teto do seio maxilar. Objetivo: Investigamos a morfometria e as variações do canal infraorbitário e objetivamos demonstrar a relação entre elas, visando as abordagens endoscópicas. Método: Este estudo retrospectivo foi realizado em imagens de tomografia computadorizada multidetectora de seios paranasais de 200 pacientes. Resultados: Os tipos de corpos do canal infraorbitário foram categorizados como Tipo 1; inseridos no teto ósseo maxilar (55,3%), Tipo 2; projetando-se parcialmente dentro do seio maxilar (26,7%), Tipo 3; dentro do seio maxilar (9,5%), Tipo 4; localizado anatomicamente no limite externo do recesso zigomático do osso maxilar (8,5%). A angulação interna e o comprimento do canal infraorbitário, os ângulos de entrada do forame infraorbitário e as distâncias relacionadas à localização do forame foram medidos e suas relações com as variações do canal infraorbitário foram analisadas. Observamos que as angulações internas em ambos os cortes sagital e axial foram encontradas em sua maioria em canais infraorbitários Tipo 1 e 4 (69,2%, 64,7%) e, no geral, não houve angulação no canal Tipo 3 (68,4%) (p < 0,001). O comprimento do canal infraorbitário e as distâncias desde o forame infraorbitário até o rebordo infraorbitário e a abertura piriforme foram medidos e os mais longos foram identificadas no Tipo 3 e os mais curtos no Tipo 1 (p < 0,001). Os ângulos de entrada do forame infraorbitário em projeção sagital foram significativamente menores no Tipo 3 e maiores no Tipo 1, em relação aos outros tipos (p = 0,003). Septos nos seios maxilares e as células de Haller foram observados em 28% e 16% das imagens, respectivamente. Conclusão: O conhecimento preciso dos tipos de corpo do canal infraorbitário e a relação com a morfometria permitem que o cirurgião escolha uma abordagem cirúrgica apropriada para evitar lesões iatrogênicas do nervo infraorbitário.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Paranasal Sinuses/anatomy & histology , Anatomic Variation , Orbit/anatomy & histology , Orbit/diagnostic imaging , Paranasal Sinuses/diagnostic imaging , Retrospective Studies , Endoscopy/adverse effects , Multidetector Computed Tomography , Iatrogenic Disease/prevention & control , Maxillary Nerve/diagnostic imaging
Int. j. morphol ; 36(4): 1431-1438, Dec. 2018. tab, graf
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS | ID: biblio-975719


SUMMARY: We aimed to evaluate the morphology of normal lacrimal gland in three different axes in a Turkish population sample by using magnetic resonance (MR) images in relation to sex, age, and side. Cranial MR images obtained by 3 Tesla MR unit of 85 individuals (40 female, 45 male; mean age 42.20±23.30 years; age range 2-83 years) performed in Göztepe Medical Park Hospital between December 2015 and July 2017 for non-orbital diseases were evaluated retrospectively. Anteroposterior, craniocaudal, and transverse dimensions of the lacrimal gland were measured on axial, coronal, and sagittal planes of MR images, and were evaluated in relation to side, age, and sex. Axial transverse and sagittal craniocaudal dimensions of lacrimal gland were significantly greater in the right side, as the coronal craniocaudal and sagittal anteroposterior dimensions were greater in the left side. Female and male individuals showed differences in terms of right-left sides in most of the parameters. In Spearman's correlation analysis, age of individuals was negatively correlated with left axial anteroposterior (r=-0.347, p=0.020), left axial transverse (r=-0.439, p=0.003), left coronal transverse (r=-0.429, p=0.003), and right coronal transverse (r=-0.436, p=0.003) dimensions of lacrimal gland. This is the first study determining certain morphometric parameters of the lacrimal gland in Turkish population sample. The side of lacrimal gland, and sex and age of individuals affect its dimensions. On the basis of reference measurements in the present study, orbital MR imaging can be used for the evaluation of lacrimal gland and its pathologies.

RESUMEN: El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la morfología de la glándula lagrimal normal en tres ejes diferentes en una muestra de población turca, mediante el uso de imágenes de resonancia magnética (RM) en relación con el sexo, la edad y lados izquierdos- derechos. Las imágenes RM obtenidas por RM 3 Tesla, en 85 individuos (40 mujeres y 45 hombres, edad media 42.20 ± 23.30 años, rango de edad entre 2 y 83 años) se realizaron en Göztepe Medical Park Hospital, entre diciembre de 2015 y julio de 2017. Considerando las enfermedades no orbitales, estas fueron evaluadas retrospectivamente. Se midieron las dimensiones anteroposterior, craneocaudal y transversal de la glándula lagrimal en los planos axial, coronal y sagital de las imágenes, y se evaluaron en relación con el lado, la edad y el sexo. Las dimensiones craneocaudal axiales transversales y sagitales de la glándula lagrimal fueron significativamente mayores en el lado derecho, y las dimensiones craneocaudal y anteroposterior sagital coronal fueron mayores en el lado izquierdo. Individuos femeninos y masculinos mostraron diferencias en términos de lados derecho-izquierdo en la mayoría de los parámetros. En el análisis de correlación de Spearman, la edad de los individuos se correlacionó negativamente con el anteroposterior axial izquierdo (r = -0.347, p = 0.020), transversal axial izquierdo (r = -0.439, p = 0.003), transversal coronal izquierdo (r = -0.429, p = 0.003), y las dimensiones transversales coronales derechas (r = -0.436, p = 0.003) de la glándula lagrimal. Este es el primer estudio que determina ciertos parámetros morfométricos de la glándula lagrimal en la muestra de la población turca. El lado de la glándula lagrimal, y el sexo y la edad de los individuos afectan sus dimensiones. En el presente estudio basado en las mediciones de referencia, la RM orbital se puede utilizar para la evaluación de la glándula lagrimal y sus patologías.

Humans , Male , Female , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Orbit/diagnostic imaging , Magnetic Resonance Imaging , Lacrimal Apparatus/diagnostic imaging , Orbit/anatomy & histology , Turkey , Lacrimal Apparatus/anatomy & histology
Int. j. morphol ; 36(4): 1480-1484, Dec. 2018. tab, graf
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS | ID: biblio-975725


El foramen de Warwick o foramen venoso órbito cavernoso, es un foramen inconstante del ala mayor del esfenoides, situado entre la fisura orbitaria superior y el foramen rotundo. Comunica la órbita con la fosa craneal media y/o con la fosa pterigopalatina y permitiría el paso de la vena oftálmica inferior. La presencia del foramen venoso órbito cavernoso varía entre el 0,38 % y el 0,74 %. Se describe con forma redondeada o crescéntica (semilunar), unilateral o bilateral. El objetivo de este trabajo fue evidenciar la presencia y las características de foramen venoso órbito cavernoso en cráneos secos de individuos adultos chilenos de ambos sexos. Se analizaron 138 cráneos de individuos adultos y de ambos sexos, en búsqueda del foramen venoso órbito cavernoso para determinar la frecuencia, localización, forma, tamaño, orientación y distancias con respecto a la fisura orbitaria superior y el foramen rotundo. Los forámenes encontrados fueron fotografiados, explorados y medidos. La presencia del foramen venoso órbito cavernoso fue del 2,17 % de la muestra, encontrándose en forma unilateral (1,45 %) y bilateral (0,17 %). Con forma redondeada en 3 casos y semilunar en 1 caso. Con orientación hacia la órbita (2 casos) y hacia la fosa pterigopalatina (2 casos). También se evidenció que cuando está presente el foramen venoso órbito cavernoso, la separación entre la fisura orbitaria superior y el foramen rotundo es mayor que en su ausencia. Nuestro estudio demuestra la presencia del foramen venoso órbito cavernoso en la población chilena, con una frecuencia más alta que la observada en otras poblaciones. La localización, orientación y formas coinciden con la literatura, pero difiere en el tamaño (en forámenes redondeados). También pudimos determinar que la fisura orbitaria superior y el foramen rotundo tienden a encontrarse más cercanos en ausencia del foramen venoso órbito cavernoso y por lo tanto más distante cuando esta estructura está presente. Este hecho no está descrito en la literatura. Los resultados de este estudio son importantes para la anatomía, oftalmología, traumatología, imagenología, cirugía e identificación humana. Finalmente y en virtud de la TAI, proponemos llamar a este foramen, foramen venoso órbito cavernoso.

The Warwick's foramen or cavernous orbital venous foramen, is an inconstant foramen from the greater wing of the sphenoid bone, located between the superior orbital fissure and the rotundum foramen. It connects the orbit with the middle cranial fossa and/or with the pterygopalatine fossa and allows for the passage of the inferior ophthalmic vein. The presence of the cavernous orbital venous foramen varies between 0.38 % and 0.74 % in human skulls. It is described as having a rounded or crescentic (semilunar), unilateral or bilateral shape. The objective of the present work was to demonstrate the presence and characteristics of the cavernous orbital venous foramen in dry skulls of Chilean adult individuals of both sexes. One hundred and thirty-eight adult skulls of both sexes were analyzed in search of the cavernous orbital venous foramen to determine the frequency, location, shape, size, orientation and distances with respect to the superior orbital fissure and the rotund foramen. Found foramina were photographed, explored and measured. The cavernous orbital venous foramen was present in 2.17 % of the sample, and was both unilateral (1.45 %) and bilateral (0.17 %). It had a rounded and lunate shape in 3 and 1 cases, respectively. Moreover, it was orientated towards the orbit (2 cases) and towards the pterygopalatine fossa (2 cases). It was also evidenced that when the cavernous orbital venous foramen is present, the separation between the superior orbital fissure and the rotund foramen is greater than in its absence. Our study demonstrates the presence of the cavernous orbital venous foramen in the Chilean population, with a higher frequency than described previously. The location, orientation and observed forms agree with the literature, but differ in size (in rounded shape foramen). We could also determine that the superior orbital fissure and the rotundum foramen tend to be closer in the absence of the cavernous orbital venous foramen and, therefore, are more distant when this structure is present. This fact is not described in the literature. The results of this study are important for anatomy, ophthalmology, traumatology, imaging, surgery and human identification. Finally, and by virtue of the International Anatomical Terminology (IAT), we propose to call this structure the cavernous orbital venous foramen.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Orbit/anatomy & histology , Cavernous Sinus/anatomy & histology , Cranial Fossa, Middle/anatomy & histology , Chile
Int. j. morphol ; 35(2): 515-519, June 2017. ilus
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS | ID: biblio-893013


El foramen meningo orbitario (FMO), ubicado en el ala mayor del esfenoides y cercano al extremo lateral de la fisura orbitaria superior (FOS), comunica órbita con fosa craneal media, permitiendo el paso de una anastomosis entre las arterias oftálmica y meníngea media. Su prevalencia varía del 6 al 82,9 % y puede presentarse en forma unilateral o bilateral, único o múltiple y de forma circular, ovoidal o de ranura. Nuestro objetivo fue evidenciar la presencia del FMO, describiendo sus características morfológicas, en cráneos secos de individuos adultos chilenos de ambos sexos. Se utilizaron 54 cráneos con ambas órbitas. Se consideró; presencia, unilateralidad o bilateralidad, cantidad de forámenes por órbita, forma, ubicación en relación al plano horizontal determinado por el extremo lateral de la FOS, distancia al extremo lateral de la FOS, diámetro y diferencias sexuales. Las mediciones se realizaron con sonda de nylon, compás de puntas secas y cáliper digital. Un 46,29 % de la muestra presentó FMO, con mayor presencia en individuos femeninos. En un 28 % se presentó unilateral y en un 72 % bilateral. Predominó la forma circular (79,07 %) sobre la ovoidal (18 %) y sobre la forma de ranura (2,33 %). El FMO se observó en un 90,69 % sobre el plano horizontal que determina el extremo lateral de la FOS y en un 9,31 % en el mismo plano. La distancia del FMO al extremo lateral de la FOS fue de 6,58 mm y el diámetro del FMO correspondió a 1,22 mm. Nuestros resultados coinciden con la literatura, respecto a su presencia, a la comunicación que permite, a su ubicación, a su forma y tamaño. Se pudo constatar semejanzas y algunas diferencias menores con cráneos indios, asiáticos y pakistaníes. También pudimos evidenciar diferencias por sexo. El conocimiento acabado del FMO tiene importancia en anatomía, antropología, oftalmología, traumatología, imagenología, cirugía e identificación humana.

The meningo orbital foramen (MOF) is located in the major wing of the sphenoid and near the lateral end of the superior orbital fissure (SOF), communicating orbit with the middle cranial fossa and allowing the passage of an anastomosis between the ophthalmic and middle meningeal arteries. Its prevalence varies from 6 to 82.9 % and may occur unilaterally or bilaterally, single or multiple, and may have a circular, ovoid or groove form. The aim of this study is to evidence the existence of MOF, describing its morphological characteristics in dry skulls of Chilean adults of both sexes. The present study analyzed 54 skulls containing both orbits, considering the following criteria: Existence, unilaterality or bilaterality, number of foramens by orbit, shape, location in relation to the horizontalbaselinedetermined by the lateral end of the SOF, distance to the lateral end of the SOF and diameter and variations by sex. Measurements were made with nylonprobe,compass dry point and digital caliper. Of the sample, 46.29 % presented MOF with a greater prevalence in female samples. In 28 % of the cases it was unilateral and in the other 72 % bilateral. The circular shape was predominant in 79.07 %, followed by the ovoidal 18 % and thegrooveform 2.33 %. The MOF was observed in 90.69 % on the horizontalbaselinethat determines the lateral end of the SOF and in 9.31 % in the samebaseline. The average distance from the MOF to the lateral end of the SOF was 6.58 mm and the diameter of the MOF corresponded to 1.22 mm. Our results are consistentwith similar studies. There were some minor differences observed in Indian, Asian andPakistani skulls as well as some anatomical differences by sex. A better understanding of MOF plays an important role in anatomy, anthropology, ophthalmology, traumatology, medical imaging, surgery and human identification.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Meningeal Arteries/anatomy & histology , Ophthalmic Artery/anatomy & histology , Orbit/anatomy & histology
Rev. chil. neurocir ; 42(2): 151-155, nov. 2016. ilus
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS | ID: biblio-869768


Las lesiones intracraneales penetrantes trans-orbitarias representan pocos casos de todos los Traumas Craneo-encefálicos, sin embargo, representan del 25 al 50 por ciento de todos los traumas penetrantes craneales. Este tipo de traumas trans-orbitarios se han reportado por diferentes tipos de objetos, incluyendo objetos de metal y de madera. Muchos de estos traumas intracraneales pueden pasar desapercibidos en casos donde el material que ingresa no queda expuesto posterior al trauma y cuando no se presenta lesión neurológica que requiera examinación exhaustiva adicional con neuro-imágenes.

Trans-orbital penetrating intracranial injuries represent few cases of all Traumatic Brain Injuries, although they represent between 25 to 50 percent of all penetrating brain injuries. Trans-orbital intracranial penetrating injuries have been reported caused by different types of objects, including metal and wooden objects. Many of these intracranial traumas can be dismissed, especially in those cases where the material is not exposed after the injury and there is no need of further examination with neuroimaging in absence of neurological deficit.

Humans , Brain Injuries, Traumatic , Brain Injuries, Traumatic/physiopathology , Orbital Fractures , Orbit/anatomy & histology , Orbit/injuries , Head Injuries, Penetrating/diagnosis , Magnetic Resonance Angiography/methods , Foreign Bodies , Tomography, Spiral Computed/methods
Int. j. morphol ; 34(2): 671-678, June 2016. ilus
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS | ID: lil-787053


The aim of the present study is to determine the frequency of the occurrence of supraorbital foramen/notch (SOF/N) in the skulls of the people who lived in the modern era and the late Byzantine era, to determine the symmetry and the asymmetry between the two halves of the skulls by measuring the linear distance to various landmarks, to check the consistency between the location of the SOF/N and the golden ratio by calculating the ratio between linear distances and to evaluate the differences between the skulls from both historical periods. In the study, the frequency of the occurrence of the supraorbital notch in the skulls from the Byzantine era was found to be 26.60 % on the right and 13.30 % on the left while it was 14.30 % on the right and 9.52 % on the left in the skulls belonging to modern humans. In the skulls belonging to the Byzantine era, the average distance between SOF/N and the sagittal axis passing along the lateral orbital wall was found to be 34.81±2.51 mm and 32.99±2.81 mm respectively on the right and the left while it was 33.14±2.19 mm and 33.39±2.06 mm in the skulls belonging to modern era. The average distance between the SOF/N and the sagittal plane passing along the midline of the skull was found to be 24.55±2.79 mm and 21.57±2.44 mm on the right and the left respectively in the skulls belonging to the Byzantine era while it was 0.04±3.30 mm and 20.96±2.37 mm in the skulls belonging to the modern era. The average distance between the SOF/N and sagittal plane passing along the medial orbital wall was found to be 23.78±3.60 mm and 23.81±3.20 mm on the right and the left respectively in the skulls belonging to the Byzantine era while it was found to be 22.23±3.29 mm and 23.97±1.93 mm in the skulls belonging to the modern era. The average value of the distance between the sagittal planes passing along the lateral and medial sides of the orbit and the ratios between the distance from SOF/N to the sagittal plane passing along the lateral side of the orbit was found to be 1.47±0.21 mm and 1.60±0.08 mm respectively in the skulls belonging to the Byzantine era and the modern era. No significant difference was found between this ratio and the golden ratio; the average value of the ratios between the distance from the SOF/N to the sagittal plane passing along the midline of the skull and the distance from the SOF/N to the sagittal plane passing along the lateral side of the orbit was found to be 0.98±0.26 mm and 1.04±0.36 mm respectively in the skulls belonging to the Byzantine era and the modern era. A significant difference was found between this ratio and the golden ratio for both historical periods (modern society and late Byzantine period) (p <0.005). The comparison of the relevant anatomic characteristics of the SOF/N is very important for anthropologists while a broad knowledge on proportional calculations regarding morphometric values and the location are important for reconstructive surgeons and the experts in forensics and pain control.

El objetivo fue determinar la frecuencia del foramen y incisura supraorbitaria (FSO/E) en cráneos de individuos de la era moderna y aquellos de la era bizantina, para determinar la simetría y asimetría entre las dos mitades de cráneos, mediante la medición de la distancia lineal a varios puntos de referencia, para comprobar la coherencia entre la ubicación del FSO/ y la proporción áurea, a través del cálculo de la relación entre las distancias lineales. Además, se evaluaron las diferencias entre los cráneos de periodos históricos. En el estudio, se determinó que la frecuencia registrada de la incisura supraorbitaria en los cráneos de la época bizantina fue del 26,60% en el lado derecho y 13,30 % en el izquierdo; mientras que en cráneos humanos modernos fue de 14,30% en el lado derecho y 9,52 % en el izquierdo. En los cráneos pertenecientes a la época bizantina, la distancia media entre FSO/E y el eje sagital a lo largo de la pared lateral de la órbita fue de 34,81±2,51 mm y 32,99±2,81 mm, a la derecha e izquierda, respectivamente; mientras que en cráneos de la era moderna fue de 33,14±2,19 mm y 33,39±2,06 mm, a la derecha e izquierda, respectivamente. La distancia media entre la FSO/E y el plano sagital que pasa a lo largo de la línea mediana del cráneo, en los cráneos de la época bizantina, fue de 24,55±2,79 mm y 21,57±2,44 mm a la derecha e izquierda, respectivamente; mientras que fue de 0,04±3,30 mm y 20,96±2,37 mm en los cráneos de la era moderna. La distancia media entre la FSO/E y el plano sagital que pasa a lo largo de la pared medial de la órbita, en los cráneos pertenecientes a la época bizantina fue de 23,78±3,60 mm y 23,81±3,20 mm, a la derecha e izquierda, respectivamente; mientras que en los cráneos pertenecientes a la era moderna fue de 22,23±3,29 mm y 23,97±1,93 mm, a la derecha e izquierda, respectivamente. Se determinó que el valor medio de la distancia entre los planos sagitales a lo largo de los márgenes lateral y medial de la órbita y las proporciones entre la distancia desde FSO/E al plano sagital a lo largo del lado lateral de la órbita fueron de 1,47±0,21 mm y 1,60±0,08, respectivamente, en los cráneos pertenecientes a la época bizantina y la era moderna. No encontramos diferencias significativas entre esta relación y la proporción áurea. El valor medio de las relaciones entre la distancia de la FSO/E al plano a lo largo de la línea mediana del cráneo y la distancia de la FSO/E al plano sagital a lo largo de la pared lateral de la órbita fueron de 0,98±0,26 mm y 1,04±0,36 mm, respectivamente, en los cráneos pertenecientes a la era bizantina y la era moderna. No se encontró una diferencia significativa entre esta relación y la proporción áurea en ambos períodos históricos (la sociedad moderna y el periodo bizantino tardío) (p <0,005). La comparación de características anatómicas relevantes para el FSO/E son importantes para los antropólogos, donde un conocimiento integro de cálculos proporcionales con respecto a los valores morfométricos, mientras que para los cirujanos reconstructivos y los expertos en medicina forense es importante su ubicación.

Humans , History, Medieval , History, 15th Century , History, 19th Century , History, 20th Century , Cephalometry , Facial Asymmetry , Frontal Bone/anatomy & histology , Orbit/anatomy & histology , Byzantium
Int. j. morphol ; 34(2): 788-795, June 2016. ilus
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS | ID: lil-787070


The aim of this study was to examine the morphometric characteristics of the infraorbital foramen of skulls of people living in modern society and in the late Byzantine period, to ascertain the symmetry or asymmetry of the two halves of the skulls by measuring the linear distance between various landmarks, to evaluate at the conformity between the infraorbital foramen and the golden ratio by calculating the ratios between these linear distances, and to set out the differences or similarities between the skulls of these different periods. It was found in the study that the morphometric characteristics of the infraorbital foramen in skulls of the modern period were 47.05 % circular, 41.17 % oval and 11.76 % atypical (semilunar and triangular) on the right, and 70.58 % circular and 29.41 % oval on the left, while those of the Byzantine period were 46.06 % circular and 53.3% oval on the right, and 50% circular and 50 % oval on the left. It was found that the measurements across the infraorbital foramen of the Byzantine skulls averaged 2.93±1.05 mm and 3.15±1.03 mm on the right side and 2.62±0.97 mm and 3.16±0.68 mm on the left vertically and horizontally respectively, and those of the modern period measured 2.32±0.50 mm and 3.00±0.92 mm on the right and 2.48±0.45 mm and 2.76±0.65 mm on the left vertically and horizontally respectively. The ratio between the distances from the outer orbital wall of the IOF to the sagittal plane and the piriform aperture were 1.46±0.25 mm and 1.40±0.21 mm for left and right respectively for the Byzantine skulls, and 1.24±0.24 mm and 1.29±0.42 mm for the modern skulls. A significant difference was found between the ratio obtained and the golden ratio for each of the periods (modern and Byzantine) (p<0.005). A comparison of anatomical characteristics of the infraorbital foramen of people living at different historical periods is important for anthropologists and knowing morphological types and amassing knowledge on the proportional calculation of location is important for dentistry, maxillofacial surgery and algology.

El objetivo fue examinar las características morfométricas de los forámenes infraorbitarios en cráneos de personas que viven en la sociedad moderna y aquellas que vivieron en el periodo bizantino tardío, para determinar la simetría o asimetría de las dos mitades de los cráneos. Se realizó la medición de la distancia lineal entre varios puntos de referencia, para evaluar la conformidad entre el foramen infraorbitario (FO) y la proporción áurea, mediante el cálculo de la relación entre esas distancias lineales, así como las diferencias y similitudes entre los cráneos de estos períodos. En relación a las características morfométricas, se encontraron en cráneos de la época moderna FO circulares (47,05%), ovalados (41,17 %) y atípicos (semilunar y triangular) en un 11,76 %, del lado derecha, y en el lado izquierdo estos porcentajes correspondieron a circulares (70,58 %) y ovalados (29,41%). Por su parte, los cráneos del período bizantino presentaron FO circulares (46,06 %) y ovalados (53,3 %) del lado derecho, mientras que del lado izquierdo fueron circulares (50 %) y ovalados (50 %). Se encontró que las medidas del FO de los cráneos bizantino tuvo un promedio de 2,93±1,05 mm y 3,15±1,03 mm en el lado derecho, y 2,62±0,97 mm y 3,16±0,68 mm a la izquierda, vertical y horizontal, respectivamente; y en el período moderno midieron 2,32±0,50 mm y 3,00±0,92 mm a la derecha y 2,48±0,45 mm y 2,76±0,65 mm a la izquierda, en medidas verticales y horizontales respectivamente. La relación entre las distancias de la pared orbitaria exterior del FO al plano sagital y la apertura piriforme fue de 1,46±0,25 mm y 1,40±0,21 mm, a izquierda y derecha respectivamente, para los cráneos bizantinos; y 1,24±0,24 mm y 1,29±0,42 mm para los cráneos modernos. Se encontró una diferencia significativa entre la proporción obtenida y la proporción áurea para cada uno de los períodos (moderno y bizantino) (p <0,005). La comparación de las características anatómicas del FO de individuos que vivieron en diferentes períodos históricos es valioso para los antropólogos y los conocimientos sobre el cálculo proporcional de la ubicación del FO son importantes en la odontología, cirugía maxilofacial y el estudio del dolor.

History, Medieval , History, 15th Century , History, 20th Century , History, 21st Century , Maxilla/anatomy & histology , Orbit/anatomy & histology , Byzantium
Int. j. morphol ; 34(1): 320-329, Mar. 2016. ilus
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS | ID: lil-780512


It has been demonstrated that hypoxia retards the growth of fish, reduces the survival of their larvae, deforms their vertebral column, but despite this teleost fish have the ability to completely regenerate many of their tissues, particularly the retina. As we do not have enough information about the effects of hypoxia on the eyeball, orbit and retina of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar), we propose the following objectives: 1) Compare the morphological changes of the eyeball of fish subject to hypoxia and normoxia. 2) Determine changes in the orbit structure. 3) Describe the retina of salmon alevins. 4). Recognize hypoxic cells using the anti-Hif1a antibody in the retina of alevins as a sensor. 5) Determine the Shh morphogenic expression in alevins exposed to different times of hypoxia. Around 1,000 Salmo salar alevins were placed in a continuous water flow of 9 °C at 100 % SatO2 and alevins maintained at a hypoxia of 60 % SatO2. The latter were transferred to normoxia (at days two, four, and eight after hatching). A control group maintained at continuous normoxia and another at continuous hypoxia was also considered. All the alevins were euthanized at 950 UTAs (±2 months after hatching). Diaphonization (double-stain) according to the Hanken & Wassersug technique was undertaken to describe the morphology of the periocular cartilage and to measure the ocular diameter. The HIF-1a factor antibody 1:50, and the anti-Shh antibody dilution of 1:100 were used. The alevins after hatching had large eyeballs with the optic cup having an embryonic shape, even a choroidal fissure. The greatest thickness was observed in the nasal ventral zone which corresponds to a zone of pluripotent cells. The optic cup aspect with embryonic characteristics has only been reported in salmonids. The central retina of the alevins those were cultivated with a 60 % saturation of O2 for two, four or eight days had positive immunostaining when analyzed with the anti-HIF1a antibody hypoxia sensor. The inner ganglion and nuclear layers had immunopositive cells, with the highest in the alevins that were two days in hypoxia and the lowest when the hypoxia was chronic. Nevertheless, in the latter case the alevins had anatomical deformation of the eyeball and periocular cartilage. The anti-Shh antibody clearly shows a gradient that is expressed in the germinative zone and in the cells of the inner ganglion and nuclear layers. The eyeball and particularly the retina in salmon alevins are an example of neuronal plasticity and neurogenesis.

Se ha demostrado que la hipoxia retarda el crecimiento de los peces, reduce la supervivencia de sus larvas, deforma su columna vertebral, pero a pesar de esto, este pez teleósteo tiene la capacidad de regenerar completamente muchos de sus tejidos, en particular la retina. Como no existe suficiente información sobre los efectos de la hipoxia en el bulbo ocular, la órbita y retina del salmón del Atlántico (Salmo salar), los objetivos de este trabajo fueron: 1) Comparar los cambios morfológicos del bulbo ocular del pescado sujetos a hipoxia y normoxia; 2) Determinar los cambios en la estructura de la órbita; 3) Describir la retina de los alevines de salmón; 4) Reconocer las células hipóxicas utilizando el anticuerpo anti-Hif1a en la retina de alevines como un sensor; 5) Determinar la expresión morfogenética de Shh en alevines expuestos a diferentes momentos de hipoxia. Alrededor de 1.000 alevines Salmo salar se colocaron en un flujo continuo de agua a 9 °C, con 100 % de SatO2 y otros alevines se mantuvieron con una hipoxia de 60 % SatO2. Estos últimos fueron trasladados a normoxia (en los días dos, cuatro y ocho después de la eclosión). Un grupo control se mantuvo a normoxia continua y otro grupo a hipoxia continua. Todos los alevines se sacrificaron a 950 UTA (+ dos meses después de la eclosión). Se realizcón una diafonización (doble tinción), de acuerdo con la técnica de Hanken & Wassersug, para describir la morfología del cartílago periocular y para medir el diámetro ocular. Se utilizaron el anticuerpo anti-Hif1a a una dilución 1:50, y el anticuerpo anti-Shh a una dilución de 1:100. Los alevines después de la eclosión presentaron grandes bulbos oculares, con la copa óptica con forma embrionaria, incluso una fisura coroidea. El mayor espesor se observó en la zona ventral nasal que corresponde a una zona de células pluripotentes. El aspecto de la copa óptica con características embrionarias sólo se ha informado en los salmónidos. La retina central de los alevines fueron cultivadas con una saturación de 60 % de O2 para dos, cuatro y ocho días, y presentó inmunotinción positiva cuando se analizó con el sensor de hipoxia, el anticuerpo anti-HIF1a. El ganglio interior y las capas nucleares presentaron células immunopositivas, con los niveles más altos en los alevines con dos días de hipoxia y niveles más bajos en hipoxia crónica. Sin embargo, en éste último caso los alevines presentaron una deformación anatómica del bulbo ocular y el cartílago periocular. El anticuerpo anti-Shh mostró claramente un gradiente expresado en la zona germinativa y en las células del ganglio interior y las capas nucleares. El bulbo ocular y en particular la retina en alevines de salmón son un ejemplo de plasticidad neuronal y neurogénesis.

Animals , Eye/anatomy & histology , Hypoxia , Orbit/anatomy & histology , Retina/anatomy & histology , Salmo salar/anatomy & histology
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