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Int. j. morphol ; 35(1): 193-198, Mar. 2017. ilus
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS | ID: biblio-840954


The aim of this investigation was to determine the histological differences of anatomical regions of the ureter in Japanese quail compared with some other domestic avian species such as pigeon, European starling and fowl. Tissue samples from proximal, middle and distal regions of each ureter were obtained and stained with H & E, Alcian blue (pH 2.5), Periodic acid-Schiff, Masson's trichrome, Verhoeff's, and Gomori's method for reticulum. The histology and histochemistry of the ureter showed considerable differences among various anatomical regions of the ureter. No significant sex-based differences were found. The primary branches of ureter were composed of tunica mucosa, submucosa, muscularis and serosa, whereas the wall of smaller branches of ureter only consisted of epithelium and connective tissue fibers. The intraepithelial glands were not found in some region of ureter. The mucosal folds and microvilli were more identified in the proximal region than those of the other regions of the organ. The simple columnar epithelium of proximal region was changed to pseudostratified columnar in other regions of the ureter. In all different regions of ureter, lymphatic tissues were not observed in the lamina propria. The thickness of the tunica muscularis increased from the proximal to the distal region of the ureter. Unusual findings of the ureter in Japanese quail were the presence of reticular, elastic and collagenous fibers in all the connective tissues of organ, isometric longitudinal folds and muscularis mucosa.

El objetivo de este trabajo fue determinar las diferencias histológicas de las regiones anatómicas del uréter en codornices japonesas en comparación con otras especies avícolas domésticas como la paloma, el estornino y la gallina europeos. Se obtuvieron muestras de tejido de las regiones proximal, media y distal de cada uréter y se tiñeron con H & E, azul de Alcian (pH 2,5), ácido periódico Schiff, tricrómico de Masson, método de Verhoeff y Gomori para retículo. La histología y la histoquímica del uréter mostraron diferencias considerables entre varias regiones anatómicas. No se encontraron diferencias significativas basadas en el sexo. Las ramas primarias del uréter estaban compuestas de túnica mucosa, submucosa, muscular y serosa, mientras que la pared de las ramas más pequeñas del uréter estaba constituida únicamente por epitelio y fibras de tejido conectivo. Las glándulas intraepiteliales no se encontraron en ninguna región del uréter. Los pliegues de la mucosa y las microvellosidades fueron más identificadas en la región proximal del uréter. El epitelio columnar simple de la región proximal se presentó como columnar pseudostratificado en otras regiones del uréter. En todas las diferentes regiones del uréter, los tejidos linfáticos no se observaron en la lámina propia. El espesor de la túnica muscular se incrementó desde la región proximal a la distal del uréter. Hallazgos inusuales del uréter en codornices japonesas lo constituyeron la presencia de fibras reticulares, elásticas y colágenas en todos los tejidos conectivos del órgano, pliegues longitudinales isométricos y mucosa muscular.

Animals , Male , Female , Quail/anatomy & histology , Ureter/anatomy & histology , Sex Factors
Alexandria Journal of Veterinary Sciences [AJVS]. 1994; 10 (3): 29-34
ي الانجليزية | IMEMR | ID: emr-31534


The study under investigation revealed that air sacs of quail are represented by five pairs of very thin-walled transparent chambers symmetrically occupying either side of the body cavity. The cervical, clavicular, cranial thoracic, and caudal thoracic sacs emerged from the corresponding secondary bronchi, while the abdominal ones were directly communicated with the corresponding primary bronchi. On the other h and, the clavicular air sacs were communicated with the cervical, cranial thoracic and caudal thoracic air sacs. It is worthy to mention that the cervical sacs aerated the last three cervical vertebrae, the clavicular sacs gave cul-de-sac axillary diverticula aerating the humeri, scapulae, coracoids and clavicles and the abdominal sacs sent diverticula to the pelvic and sacral bones, while the cranial and caudal thoracic air sacs showed no bony connections

Quail/anatomy & histology
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