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Medisan ; 26(4)jul.-ago. 2022. tab, graf
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1405824


Introducción: La hiperplasia prostática benigna es una enfermedad frecuente que aumenta su incidencia con la edad. Su patogenia no está clara aún y su cuadro clínico típico es la obstrucción urinaria progresiva con pérdida de calidad de vida. Objetivos: Evaluar el valor predictivo de la flujometría manual en la definición de la conducta terapéutica en pacientes con hiperplasia prostática benigna y determinar la evolución de dichos pacientes en el tiempo. Método: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, prospectivo y longitudinal de 50 pacientes, diagnosticados como portadores de hiperplasia prostática benigna, desde los puntos de vista clínico e imagenológico, atendidos en el Hospital Provincial Docente Clinicoquirúrgico Saturnino Lora Torres de Santiago de Cuba, desde enero del 2017 hasta igual periodo del 2019. Resultados: La flujometría manual realizada al inicio demostró que 62,0 % de la muestra tenía una tasa de flujo urinario promedio por debajo del rango fisiológico y 22,0 % se encontraba en rango limítrofe o dudoso. Recibieron tratamiento quirúrgico 37 pacientes (74,0 %); 13 (26,0 %) fueron medicados y con seguimiento clínico. Se realizó la resección transuretral de la próstata con una rápida recuperación de los pacientes y en solo 2,0 % hubo complicaciones. Conclusiones: La flujometría manual resultó útil para determinar la conducta a seguir en la mayoría de los pacientes estudiados y en el seguimiento a corto plazo de quienes fueron operados.

Introduction: The benign prostatic hyperplasia is a frequent disease that increases its incidence with the age. Its pathogenesis is not still clear and its typical clinical pattern is the progressive urinary obstruction with loss of life quality. Objectives: To evaluate the predictive value of manual flowmetry in the definition of the therapeutic behavior in patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia and to determine the evolution of these patients as time goes by. Method: A descriptive, prospective and longitudinal study of 50 patients diagnosed with benign prostatic hyperplasia was carried out, from the clinical and imaging points of view, who were assisted in Saturnino Lora Torres Teaching Provincial Clinical Surgical Hospital in Santiago de Cuba, from January, 2017 to the same period in 2019. Results: The manual flowmetry carried out demonstrated at the beginning that 62.0 % of the sample had a rate of average urinary flow below the physiologic range and 22.0 % was in bordering or doubtful range. Thirty seven patients received surgical treatment (74.0 %); thirteen patients (26.0 %) received medication and with clinical follow up. The transurethral resection of prostate was carried out with a quick recovery of the patients and there were complications just in a 2.0 %. Conclusions: The manual flowmetry was useful to determine what to do in most of the studied patients and in the short term follow up of those who were operated.

Prostatic Hyperplasia , Rheology , Transurethral Resection of Prostate
Bol. latinoam. Caribe plantas med. aromát ; 21(3): 323-342, mayo 2022. tab, ilus
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1396881


Copaifera spp. essential oil (EOC) was extracted by hydrodistillation of Copaifera oleoresin (COR). The EOC was characterized by GC/MS and a novel EOC-loaded nanoemulsion was developed to enhance the EOC solubility and to evaluate its utility as antinflammatory. EOC contain 14 volatile compounds (including ß-caryophyllene: 51.52%) having a required HLB of 11. The Surfactant: EOC: Water ratio of 13:15:75 (%, w:w:w) produced the optimal formulation (particle size: 94.47 nm). The EOC-loaded nanoemulsion presented a pseudoplastic/thixotropic behavior with excellent shelf stability for 6 months. The anti-inflammatory effect of the nanoemulsion was more potent than that of the EOC, and statistically equal to diclofenac (50 mg/kg). The EOC-loaded nanoemulsion showed no oral acute toxicity (in mice) at 2000 mg/kg; hence, it is considered a nontoxic product. The development of the EOC-loaded nanoemulsion added value to both the COR and the EOC by providinga suitable formulation that could be used as an anti-inflammatory product.

El aceite esencial (EOC) fue extraído por hidrodestilación de oleoresina de Copaifera spp. El EOC fue caracterizado químicamente por GC/MS. Se formuló una nanoemulsión con EOC para mejorar la solubilidad del EOC y evaluar su utilidad como antiinflamatorio. El EOC contiene 14 compuestos volátiles (incluido el ß-cariofileno: 51,52%) con un HLB requerido de 11. La relación Tensioactivo: EOC: Agua de 13:15:75 (%, p:p:p) produjo la formulación óptima (tamaño de partícula: 94,47 nm).. La nanoemulsión cargada con EOC presentó un comportamiento pseudoplástico/tixotrópico con una excelente estabilidad en almacenamiento durante 6 meses. El efecto antiinflamatorio de la nanoemulsión fue más potente que el del EOC y estadísticamente igual al diclofenaco (50 mg/kg). La nanoemulsión cargada con COE no mostró toxicidad aguda oral (en ratones) a 2000 mg/kg; por lo tanto, se considera un producto no tóxico. El desarrollo de la nanoemulsión cargada con EOC agregó valor tanto al COR como al EOC al proporcionar una formulación adecuada que podría usarse como un producto antiinflamatorio.

Animals , Mice , Oils, Volatile/pharmacology , Fabaceae/chemistry , Anti-Inflammatory Agents/pharmacology , Rheology , Surface-Active Agents , Temperature , Oils, Volatile/chemistry , Toxicity Tests, Acute , Emulsions/pharmacology , Nanoparticles , Polycyclic Sesquiterpenes/analysis , Hydrogen-Ion Concentration , Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry
São Paulo; s.n; s.n; 2022. 91 p. tab, graf, ilus.
أطروحة جامعية ي البرتغالية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1415347


O soro de leite é considerado um subproduto das indústrias de laticínios, uma parte de sua produção é destinada como matéria-prima de produtos alimentícios, mas parte é direcionada para alimentação animal. Objetivou-se com o presente estudo elaborar formulas de emulsões do tipo maionese utilizando ingrediente proteico o soro de leite em pó, leite desnatado em pó e a mistura entre soro e leite, ambos em pó, bem como investigar a influência destes ingredientes na textura, reologia, análise térmica, índice de estabilidade, análise colorimétrica e a vida útil das formulações. Justifica-se a utilização de soro de leite devido a seu menor preço de mercado do que ovos em pó ou líquido pasteurizado normalmente utilizados, evidenciando a necessidade de dar espaço a matérias-primas consideradas como subprodutos dentro da indústria. Os produtos emulsionados foram formulados com mistura de óleo, água, soro de leite em pó, leite desnatado em pó, alho e mostarda em pó, contendo aproximadamente 70% de gordura, com variação no teor proteico. Foram estabelecidas três formulações cada uma com um tipo ou mistura de emulsificantes. As análises efetuadas no desenvolvimento do trabalho foram textura, reologia, atividade de água, pH, colorimetria, análise térmica, índice de estabilidade da emulsão e cálculo de proteínas e lipídeos das formulações. Foi possível verificar que tanto o soro de leite em pó como o leite desnatado em pó apresentaram características de agente emulsificante.A formulação F1 (soro de leite em pó) não atingiram os padrões estruturais de maioneses comerciais, todavia os resultados obtidos pela formulação F2 (leite desnatado em pó) atingiram padrões equivalentes a produtos comercializados, bem como a formulação F3 (soro de leite em pó + leite desnatado em pó) com padrão das maioneses light em textura e reologia. Os resultados das análises de atividade de água apresentaram pequenas variações (0,934-0,941) ao longo dos 30 dias de avaliação. Os conservantes em pó (alho e mostarda) favoreceram a coloração das formulações, pH na faixa da neutralidade, assegurando aos produtos vida útil de 30 dias em temperatura de refrigeração. É possível utilizar osoro de leite e leite em pó como agente emulsificante para emulsões do tipo maionese, bem como alho e mostarda em pó como ingredientes que aumentem a maior vida útil desses produtos

Whey is considered a by-product of the dairy industry, part of its production is used as raw material for food products, but part is used for animal feed. The objective of this study was to prepare mayonnaise emulsion formulas using protein whey powder, skimmed milk powder and the mixture between whey and milk, both in powder, as well as investigating the influence of these ingredients on texture, rheology, thermal analysis, stability index, colorimetric analysis and the useful life of the formulations. The use of whey is justified due to its lower market price than powdered eggs or pasteurized liquid normally used, highlighting the need to make room for raw materials considered as by-products within the industry. The emulsified products were formulated with a mixture of oil, water, whey powder, skimmed milk powder, garlic and mustard powder, containing approximately 70% fat, with variation in protein content. Three formulations were established each with a type or mixture of emulsifiers. The analyzes carried out in the development of the work were texture, rheology, water activity, pH, colorimetry, thermal analysis, emulsion stability index and calculation of proteins and lipids in the formulations. It was possible to verify that both whey powder and skimmed milk powder showed characteristics of emulsifying agent. Formulation F1 (whey powder) did not reach the structural standards of commercial mayonnaise, however the results obtained by formulation F2 (skimmed milk powder) reached standards equivalent to commercialized products, as well as the formulation F3 (whey powder + skimmed milk powder) with light mayonnaise pattern in texture and rheology. The results of the water activity analysis showed slight variations (0.934-0.941) over the 30 days of evaluation. The preservatives in powder (garlic and mustard) favored the color of the formulations, pH in the neutrality range, ensuring the products' useful life of 30 days in refrigeration temperature. It is possible to use whey and powdered milk as an emulsifying agent for emulsions of the mayonnaise type, as well as garlic and mustard powder as ingredients that increase the longer useful life of these products

Rheology/classification , Chemistry, Pharmaceutical , Milk/adverse effects , Emulsions/pharmacology , Whey/metabolism , Colorimetry/methods , Dairying/classification , Emulsifying Agents/agonists , Food/adverse effects , Food Preservatives , Animal Feed/classification
São Paulo; s.n; s.n; 2022. 116 p. tab, tab.
أطروحة جامعية ي البرتغالية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1396694


A fim de atender à demanda do público que atualmente busca por alimentos mais saudáveis, as indústrias têm procurado alternativas que possibilitem a aplicação de ingredientes que agreguem valor nutricional aos produtos. A redução de gorduras saturadas e trans em produtos alimentícios, bem como a inserção de cereais ou farinhas nutricionais, vem sendo aplicadas em produtos de panificação. Biscoitos recheados possuem como bases geralmente biscoitos à base de farinha de trigo. O objetivo foi desenvolver formulação de biscoitos recheados com substituição de gordura vegetal por organogel no recheio e de farinha de trigo por farinha de sorgo no biscoito, a fim de agregar valor nutricional ao produto. Foram desenvolvidos biscoitos recheados: 1) recheio controle e com substituição da gordura vegetal dos recheios por organogel elaborado com sistema emulsionado (colágeno + óleo vegetal + água), a fim de diminuir concentrações de gorduras saturadas e trans. 2) para a base elaborouse biscoitos controle (farinha de trigo) e com substituição parcial e total de farinha de trigo por farinha de sorgo em 50% (50FS) e 100% (100FS). Foram conduzidas nos recheios e das bases dos biscoitos análises físicas e físico-químicas (textura, atividade de água, cor, composição centesimal e reologia) para avaliação e para análise de estabilidade de 6 semanas. Os resultados apresentaram que o biscoito 50FS obteve melhor valor de textura (Controle: 16,09 ± 1,28 N; 50FS: 19,63 ± 5,68 N e 100FS: 10,09 ± 0,65 N) e menor teor de atividade de água (Semana 01: 0,327±0,01 e Semana 06: 0,389 ± 0,00) do que o biscoito controle, durante análise de estabilidade. O biscoito 100FS apresentou coloração mais avermelhada. Os biscoitos 50FS e 100FS apresentaram maior teor proteico do que o controle (Controle: 5,37 ± 0,23 %; 50FS: 5,64 ± 0,49 % e 100FS: 5,75 ± 0,49 %). O recheio com organogel apresentou maior dureza (N) durante análise de estabilidade do que o recheio controle (Semana 6 Organogel: 6,81±1,48; Controle: 4,29±0,38). Os parâmetros de adesividade, coesividade e gomosidade do recheio com organogel não apresentaram diferenças significativas (p > 0,05). Os valores de atividade de água da formulação com organogel foram mais altos do que o recheio controle (Semana 6 Organogel: 0,730±0,00; Controle: 0,555±0,01). O valor de L* foi maior para o recheio controle, apresentando coloração mais amarelada do que a formulação com organogel. O recheio com organogel apresentou redução de 65 % do teor lipídico e aumento do teor proteico. Os recheios controle, com organogel e de mercado apresentaram comportamento tixotrópico durante a avaliação reológica, sendo que o produto de mercado teve comportamento próximo à formulação controle, com recuperação quase total da estrutura. Foram desenvolvidos cinco produtos, sendo três inovadores com valor nutricional agregado, atendendo às legislações vigentes, vida útil mínima de 6 semanas e ao apelo do mercado atual, podendo ser comercializados como biscoito recheado

In order to satisfy the demand of the public that is currently looking for healthier foods industries have been looking for alternatives that allow the application of ingredients that add nutritional value to the products. The reduction of saturated and trans fats in food products, as well as the insertion of cereals or nutritional flours, has been applied in bakery products. Filled cookies are usually based on wheat flour. The objective was to develop a formulation of filled cookies with replacement of vegetable fat for organogel in the filling and wheat flour for sorghum flour in the biscuit, in order to add nutritional value to the product. In this study, cookies filled with vegetable fat and wheat flour were used as a control where: 1) filling was replaced by organogel elaborated with an emulsified system (collagen + vegetable oil + water); and 2) base was prepared with partial and total replacer of wheat flour for sorghum flour in 50% (50FS) and 100% (100FS). Physical and physicochemical analyzes (texture, water activity, color, proximate composition and rheology) were carried out on the fillings and bases of the biscuits for evaluation and for the stability analysis of 6 weeks. The results showed that the 50FS cookies had a better texture value (Control: 16,09±1,28 N; 50FS: 19,63±5,68N and 10,09±0,65 N) and lower content of water activity (Week 1: 0,327±0,01 and Week 6: 0,389±0,00) than the control cookie during stability analysis. The 100FS had a more reddish color. The 50FS and 100FS cookies had a higher protein content than the control (Control: 5,37±0,23 %; 50FS 5,64±0,49 %). The fillings with organogel showed a higher hardness (N) than the control during stability analysis (Week 6 Organogel: 6,81±1,48; Control: 4,29±0,38). The parameters of adhesiveness, cohesiveness and guminess of the filling with organogel showed no significant differences (p> 0.05). The water activity values of the organogel formulation were higher than the control filling (Week 6 Organogel: 0,730±0,00; Control: 0,555±0,01). The value of L * was higher for the control filling, showing a more yellowish color than the formulation with organogel. The filling with organogel showed a 65% reduction in lipid content and an increase in protein content. The control, organogel and market fillings showed a thixotropic behavior in the rheological evaluation, and the market product had a behavior close to the control formulation, with almost total recovery of the structure. Five products were developed, three of which were innovative with added nutritional value, in compliance with current legislation, a minimum shelf life of 6 weeks, which can be sold as a stuffed cookies.

Plant Oils , Food Production , Cookies , Fats/administration & dosage , Rheology/instrumentation , Staining and Labeling/instrumentation , Edible Grain/adverse effects , Collagen/adverse effects , Sorghum/classification , Date of Validity of Products , Flour/analysis , Hardness , Industry/classification , Nutritive Value
Vitae (Medellín) ; 28(2): 1-14, 2021-05-18. Ilustraciones
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1363249


Background: One of the most used and effective preservation strategies in foods is drying. However, there are problems with the rheological properties, color, and viability of lactic acid bacteria in the yogurt once reconstituted when applying such conservation strategies. Objectives: Determine the concentration of the type of texture improver and drying that minimizes the negative effect on the rheological, color, and microbiological properties of a reconstituted yogurt powder. Methods: Intended to determine the texture improver which increases rheological properties of reconstituted yogurt powder, a mixture type experimental design was applied where three texture improvers were assessed; carboxymethylcellulose (CMC) (mass fraction 0 - 1), pectin (mass fraction 0 - 1), and xanthan gum (mass fraction 0 - 1). The rheological parameters; consistency index (K), flow behavior (n), viscosity at 100s-1 (η), the storage (G') and loss (G'') modules, and the phase shift angle (δ) of each of the reconstitutions were considered as design-dependent variables. Secondly, a central composite design (face-centered) was used for assessing the effectiveness of the drying (convection, spray-drying, and freeze-drying), the concentration of the texture improver (0.0 - 1.0 %), and the yogurt powder concentration (8.0 - 15.0 %). The above-mentioned rheological parameters, color, and viability of the lactic acid bacteria from each reconstituted yogurt powder were considered as the dependent variables. Optimization sought to match the parameters of reconstituted yogurt powder that approximated the conditions of fresh yogurt. Results: The independent variables in their lineal expression and some interactions between them had statistically significant differences (p < 0.05). At a concentration of 10.59 % with 0.03 % xanthan gum, the reconstitution of freeze-dried yogurt powder was the optimized condition (p < 0.05) and obtained the rheological, color, and microbiological parameters closest to fresh yogurt. Conclusions: The drying of the yogurt by freeze-drying mixed with xanthan gum as a texture improver allowed to obtain a reconstituted yogurt with properties close to the fresh product for direct consumption

Antecedentes: Una de las estrategias de conservación más utilizadas y efectivas en los alimentos es el secado. Sin embargo, existen problemas en las propiedades reológicas, el color y la viabilidad de bacterias ácido lácticas en el yogur una vez reconstituido al aplicar tales estrategias de conservación. Objetivos: Determinar la concentración del tipo de mejorador de textura y secado que minimiza el efecto negativo sobre las propiedades reológicas, de color y microbiológicas de un yogur en polvo reconstituido. Métodos: Para determinar el mejorador de textura que aumente las propiedades reológicas del yogur en polvo reconstituido, se aplicó un diseño experimental de tipo de mezcla donde se evaluaron tres mejoradores de textura; carboximetilcelulosa (CMC) (fracción de masa 0 -1), pectina (fracción de masa 0 -1) y goma xantan (fracción de masa 0 -1); los parámetros reológicos: índice de consistencia (K), comportamiento de flujo (n), viscosidad a 100s-1 (η), módulos de almacenamiento (G') y pérdida (G''), y ángulo de desfase (δ) de cada una de las reconstituciones fueron considerados como variables dependientes. En segundo lugar, se utilizó un diseño central compuesto (centrado a las caras) para evaluar el efecto del tipo de secado (convección, secado por aspersión y liofilización), la concentración del mejorador de textura (0.0 - 1.0 %) y concentración del yogur en polvo (8.0 - 15.0 %). Como variables dependientes se consideraron los parámetros reológicos mencionados anteriormente, el color y la viabilidad de las bacterias ácido lácticas de cada yogur en polvo reconstituido. La optimización buscó igualar los parámetros del yogur en polvo reconstituido que se aproximaran a las condiciones del yogur fresco. Resultados: Las variables independientes en su expresión lineal y algunas interacciones entre ellas tuvieron diferencias estadísticamente significativas (p < 0.05). La reconstitución de yogur liofilizado en polvo a una concentración de 10.59 % con 0.03 % de goma xantan, fueron las condiciones optimizadas (p < 0.05) que obtuvieron los parámetros reológicos, de color y microbiológicos más cercanos al yogur fresco. Conclusión: El secado del yogur por liofilización mezclado con goma xantan como mejorador de la textura, permitió obtener un yogur reconstituido con propiedades cercanas al producto fresco para consumo directo

Humans , Freeze Drying , Rheology , Yogurt , Nebulizers and Vaporizers , Food Preservation
Rev. Ateneo Argent. Odontol ; 64(1): 18-21, 2021. ilus
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1248258


Biomaterial de tercera generación con una tasa de degradabilidad en la zona perirradicular y del foramen apical, con una velocidad similar a la que emplea el organismo para formar tejido calcificado y sellar biológicamente el extremo apical del diente. Mediante el recurso tecnológico de la microencapsulación se produce la liberación lenta y controlada de Ca2+ retenido en la superficie y en el interior de las microesferas de alginato de calcio, sin que se modifique de manera significativa las propiedades reológicas básicas del biomaterial de obturación de conductos, tales como la compresibilidad, plasticidad, extensibilidad, fluidez, viscosidad cinemática, viscosidad de compresión y endurecimiento por trabajo (AU)

Third-generation biomaterial with a degradability rate in the periradicular area and the apical foramen, with a speed similar to that used by the body to form calcified tissue and biologically seal the apical end of the tooth. Through the technological resource of microencapsulation, the slow and controlled release of Ca2+ retained on the surface and inside the calcium alginate microspheres is produced, without significantly modifying the basic rheological properties of the duct sealing biomaterial, such as compressibility, plasticity, extensibility, flowability, kinematic viscosity, compression viscosity, and work hardening (AU)

Humans , Periapical Diseases/therapy , Root Canal Filling Materials/therapeutic use , Biocompatible Materials , Rheology , Calcium Compounds , Tooth Apex , Drug Compounding , Alginates/chemistry , Microspheres
Rev. argent. cir. plást ; 26(2): 61-67, apr-jun 2020. tab, fig
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1120090


Background. Cranioplasty is a procedure that provides coverage for cranial defects after bone resection because of different etiologies such as intracranial hemorrhage, trauma, tumor or infection. One of the most important postoperative complications is the exposure of the plate, that may happen after a skin wound dehiscence. These are challenging situations for the plastic surgeon. Free tissue transfer provides a solution for these patients. The forearm radial flap provides all the conditions to solve these problem Methods. A retrospective study was performed with fourteen patients at the Santojanni Hospital between January 2018 and March 2020. All of them presented exposure of the cranioplasty plate. The defect area was analyzed. The average area to be covered was 5.07 cm2 (1.5 cm2-12.8 cm2). A radial forearm free flap was performed for all patients. Homolateral facial vessels (57%) were used as the first choice; the contralateral facial vessels were used in case of previous radiation therapy (29%) and in these cases a bypass was used in one case with venous interposition in three cases and arterial in the rest; superficial temporal vessels (14%). Results. Flap vitality was 100%. Average follow-up of 12 months (23 m-4 m). One patient presented seroma in the donor area. No new exposures or dehiscences were presented. Conclusions. Free tissue transfer provides an effective coverage to exposed material. The forearm flap provides reliable, thin, well-vascularized soft tissue that can be used to seal the dura, remove dead space, cover the exposed defect, not only but also it provides a long pedicle that allows distant anastomosis in cases of radiation therapy.

Introducción. La craneoplastia es un procedimiento necesario para cubrir defectos craneales luego de resección ósea por distintas etiologías, tales como hemorragia intracraneal, traumatismos craneoencefálicos, tumores o infecciones. Una de las complicaciones frecuentes es la exposición de placas de craneoplastia por dehiscencia de herida cutánea. Estas son complicaciones frecuentes y frustrantes para el paciente y el cirujano plástico. La transferencia de tejidos a distancia brinda una solución para estos pacientes. El colgajo radial antebraquial reúne las condiciones necesarias para la cobertura. Material y métodos. Se realiza un estudio retrospectivo con un total de 14 pacientes en el Hospital Santojanni en el período comprendido entre enero de 2018 y marzo de 2020. Todos presentaron exposición de la placa de craneoplastia. Se analizó el área de defecto, siendo el área promedio a cubrir de 5,07 cm2 (1,5-12,8 cm2). Se realiza cobertura con colgajo radial antebraquial. Se utilizan vasos faciales homolaterales (57%) como primera elección; vasos faciales contralaterales, por radioterapia (29%) y en ellos se utilizó bypass en un tiempo con interposición venosa en tres casos y arterial en el restante; vasos temporales superficiales (14%). Resultados. Se logró cobertura completa en todos los pacientes. La vitalidad de los colgajos fue del 100%. Seguimiento promedio de 12 meses (4-23 meses). Un paciente presentó seroma en la zona dadora. No se presentaron nuevas exposiciones ni dehiscencias. Conclusiones. La transferencia con tejido a distancia permite una eficaz cobertura de material expuesto. El colgajo antebraquial proporciona tejido blando confiable, delgado y bien vascularizado, que se puede utilizar para sellar la duramadre, eliminar el espacio muerto, cubrir el defecto expuesto y también posee un pedículo largo que permite anastomosis a distancia en casos de defectos tratados con radioterapia. Palabras claves: complicaciones de craneoplastias, reconstruccion de cuero cabelludo,

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Prostheses and Implants , Rheology , Skull , Surgery, Plastic , Free Tissue Flaps , Composite Tissue Allografts
مقالة ي صينى | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1008536


To evaluate the traits and rheological properties of thermosensitive in situ gel of Yihuang Decoction and its common gel for vaginal use, and predict the release behavior of Yihuang Decoction in situ gel in vitro. Poloxamer was used as thermosensitive material to prepare Yihuang Decoction vaginal in situ gel, and Yihuang Decoction common gel was prepared with carbopol. Then the differences of the two gels before and after diluting with vaginal fluid were compared. The rheological parameters of Yihuang Decoction in situ gel and its common gel were determined with Anton Paar MCR102 rheometer. In addition, berberine hydrochloride was selected as an index component to evaluate the in vitro release properties of Yihuang Decoction vaginal thermosensitive in situ gel. Yihuang Decoction vaginal thermosensitive in situ gel was Newtonian fluid under low-temperature conditions, which was yellow and transparent. After reaching the gelling temperature of 24.5 ℃, it became semi-solid, pseudoplastic fluid. The gelling temperature was predicted to be 37 ℃, and the phase transition time was 30 s after diluting with simulated vaginal fluid. However, the rheological properties of Yihuang Decoction common gel had no significant changes with temperature. Compared with in situ gel, the color of common gel was darker and more translucent. Besides, its mobility was stronger after diluting with simulated vaginal fluid. The in vitro release study showed that the kinetic behavior of berberine hydrochloride in Yihuang Decoction vaginal thermosensitive in situ gel was matched with the Higuchi equation. Through simulation of vaginal administration, physical properties and dynamic rheological parameters were used to intuitively and scientifically evaluate the two gels. Compared with the common gel, the thermosensitive in situ gel could quickly attached to the vaginal mucosa and release drug, and thus was more suitable for developing vaginal administration of Yihuang Decoction, which also provides references for studying new vaginal preparation of Yihuang Decoction.

Female , Humans , Administration, Intravaginal , Drugs, Chinese Herbal/chemistry , Gels/chemistry , Poloxamer , Rheology , Temperature , Viscosity
Braz. arch. biol. technol ; 63: e20190743, 2020. tab, graf
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1132233


Abstract Monofloral honeys are high-added-value food, a reason for constant cases of fraud. This study investigated Brazilian monofloral honeys from Hovenia dulcis flowering produced by Apis mellifera and Tetragonisca angustula bees. Chemical, physicochemical, rheological, and melissopalynological analysis were assessed. Properties such as moisture, pH, ashes, total acidity, total available carbohydrate, and soluble sugars of all analyzed honey samples agreed with the established by the legislation. All the honey samples were satisfactorily fitted by both Ostwald-de Waele and Casson rheological models revealing homogenous products, mostly presenting pseudoplastic character. The melissopalynology confirmed the presence of H. dulcis pollen in the MH samples; however, some honeys did not show >45% pollen of H. dulcis, thus revealing mislabeling cases. Continuous evaluation of honey is necessary, once this is a valuable food frequently involved in frauds, hence causing problems to consumers.

Honey/analysis , Rheology , Bees , Chemical Phenomena
Hig. Aliment. (Online) ; 33(288/289): 3122-3126, abr.-maio 2019. tab, graf
مقالة ي البرتغالية | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1482526


A utilização de subprodutos em um novo processo resulta em maior lucro para o produtor. Entretanto, deve-se verificar a qualidade do produto final, pois a maior concentração do soro do leite pode provocar redução em parâmetros como viscosidade e sinérese. O objetivo do presente estudo é de analisar o comportamento reológico de achocolatado industrializado de duas diferentes marcas. Para leitura da viscosidade foi utilizado um viscosímetro de Brookfield, modelo DVII+Pro utilizando o splidlen nº 2 com as seguintes rotações: 50, 60, 70, 80, 100, 120, 140 rpm. A partir de uma análise estatística dos dados obtidos, utilizando o software STATISTICA 7.0 obtivemos os dados referentes à tensão de cisalhamento (Pa) e taxa de deformação (s-1). Valores inferiores de viscosidade aparente e taxa de deformação foram observadas na amostra 1, Ambas as amostras, demonstraram o comportamento de um fluido não newtoniano com características semelhantes ao plástico de Bingham.

Chocolate/analysis , Rheology/methods , Whey/chemistry , Viscosity , Dairying
Chinese Journal of Biotechnology ; (12): 749-758, 2019.
مقالة ي صينى | WPRIM | ID: wpr-771335


Filamentous fungi are one of the platforms for producing fermented products. The specific characteristic of their submerged fermentation is the aggregation of mycelia that is affected by environmental conditions, leading to significantly different rheology for fermentation broth. Such a rheological change not only affects the transfer of mass, heat and momentum, but also the biosynthesis of target products and the efficiency of their production. In this article, strategies for morphological regulation of filamentous fungi are reviewed, and the impact of calcium signal transduction and chitin biosynthesis on apical growth of hyphae and branching of mycelia for their aggregation are further commented.

Fermentation , Fungi , Physiology , Hot Temperature , Mycelium , Metabolism , Rheology
São Paulo; s.n; s.n; 2019. 105 p. tab, graf.
أطروحة جامعية ي البرتغالية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1015323


O chocolate é conhecido mundialmente, proveniente do fruto do cacaueiro (Theobroma cacao) normalmente consumido em forma de barra, mas também podendo ser usado de inúmeras formas como coberturas, recheios dentre outras. Um importante componente na produção do chocolate é a gordura utilizada, uma vez que esta é responsável pela textura, brilho e características organolépticas do produto. O objetivo deste trabalho foi utilizar a manteiga de cupuaçu (proveniente do fruto da Theobroma grandiflorum) na elaboração de chocolate amargo. Para tanto a manteiga de cacau foi substituída de forma parcial e total. Foram desenvolvidas duas formulações de chocolate padrão com liquor de cacau (P1) e com cacau em pó (P2), e quatro formulações com substituição parcial da manteiga de cacau por manteiga de cupuaçu a partir de P2(F1 e F2) e de P1 (F3 e F4). As amostras elaboradas e os ingredientes (líquor de cacau, cacau em pó, manteiga de cacau e manteiga de cupuaçu) foram avaliadas por análise térmica (DSC-Differential Scanning Calorimetry), reologia, tamanho de partícula, composição em ácidos graxos e em triacilgliceróis, índice de temperagem e índice de resfriamento, bem como testes de acompanhamento de 112 dias como cor, atividade de água e textura. A manteiga de cupuaçu apresentou maior quantidade de ácido oleico quando comparada com a manteiga de cacau, aproximadamente 11,5%, e também características reológicas diferentes dos padrões: tensões iniciais variaram de 3,4 ± 0,3 a 7,9 ± 2,0 Pa para as amostras e 2,9 ± 1,4 a 6,2 ± 0,7 Pa para os padrões; viscosidade de 1,6 ± 0,1 a 2,9 ± 0,4 Pa*s para as amostras e 1,9 ± 0,8 a 2,9 ± 0,9 Pa*s para os padrões; tamanho de partícula das amostras de 21 ± 2 a 22 ± 2 µm, padrões de 20 ± 2 a 34 ± 4 µm. Durante os 112 dias de estudo de prateleira: Aw variou de 0,405 ± 0,03 a 0,424 ± 0,02 nas amostras e 0,399 ± 0,03 no padrão; textura variou de 16,3 ± 1,2 a 31,6 ± 2,0 N para as amostras e 25,9 ± 3,0 a 28,6 ± 7,2 N para os padrões; WI variou de 24,1 ± 0,6 a 25,4 ± 0,3 para as amostras e 23,0 ± 0,4 a 23,9 ± 0,8 para os padrões; ΔE variou de 0,4 a 2,2 para as amostras e de 0,5 a 1,2 para os padrões. Concluiu-se que: A variação do líquor de cacau para cacau em pó acarretou aumentando do tempo total de processo em aproximadamente 15 min. Os chocolates com maior teor de manteiga de cupuaçu apresentaram aumento em triacilglicerol C54, com redução de POP e POS. A faixa de fusão dos chocolates com maiores porcentagens de manteiga de cupuaçu (F3 e F4) foi maior do que para chocolates formulados apenas com manteiga de cacau (P1 e P2). A manteiga de cupuaçu tem relação direta com a queda da tensão inicial e da viscosidade (sem diferença significativa, p<0,05) nos chocolates produzidos. O baixo ponto de fusão do ácido oleico contido na manteiga de cupuaçu alterou a temperatura final e o valor do índice de temperagem nas amostras com maior teor de manteiga de cupuaçu (F3 e F4)

The chocolate is known worldwide, coming from the fruit of the cacao (Theobroma cacao) normally consumed in the form of a bar, but also can be used in countless ways like coverings, fillings among others. An important component in the production of chocolate is the fat used, since it is responsible for the texture, brightness and organoleptic characteristics of the product. The objective of this work was to use cupuassu butter (from the fruit of Theobroma grandiflorum) in elaboration of bitter chocolate. For this purpose, the cocoa butter was partially and totally replaced. Two formulations of standard chocolate with cocoa liquor (P1) and with cocoa powder (P2) were developed, and four formulations with partial replacement of cocoa butter by cupuassu butter from P2 (F1 and F2) and P1 (F3 and F4). The elaborated samples and the ingredients (cocoa liquor, cocoa powder, cocoa butter and cupuassu butter) were evaluated by DSC, rheology, particle size, fatty acid composition and triacylglycerol, temperature index and cooling index, as well as follow-up tests of 112 days such as color, water activity and texture. The cupuassu butter presented a higher amount of oleic acid when compared to cocoa butter, approximately 11.5%, and also different rheological characteristics of the standards: initial tensions ranged from 3.4 ± 0.3 to 7.9 ± 2, 0 Pa for the samples and 2.9 ± 1.4 to 6.2 ± 0.7 Pa for the standards; viscosity of 1.6 ± 0.1 to 2.9 ± 0.4 Pa*s for the samples and 1.9 ± 0.8 to 2.9 ± 0.9 Pa*s for the standards; sample particle size from 21 ± 2 to 22 ± 2 µm, patterns from 20 ± 2 to 34 ± 4 µm. During the 112 days of shelf study: Aw ranged from 0.405 ± 0.03 to 0.424 ± 0.02 in the samples and 0.399 ± 0.03 in the standard; texture ranged from 16.3 ± 1.2 to 31.6 ± 2.0 N for the samples and 25.9 ± 3.0 to 28.6 ± 7.2 N for the standards; WI ranged from 24.1 ± 0.6 to 25.4 ± 0.3 for the samples and 23.0 ± 0.4 to 23.9 ± 0.8 for the standards; ΔE ranged from 0.4 to 2.2 for the samples and from 0.5 to 1.2 for the standards. It was concluded that: The variation of cocoa liquor to cocoa powder increased the total process time by approximately 15 min. The chocolates with higher content of cupuassu butter presented increase in triacylglycerol C54, with reduction of POP and POS. The melting range of chocolates with higher percentages of cupuassu butter (F3 and F4) was higher than for chocolates formulated with cocoa butter alone (P1 and P2). Cupuassu butter is directly related to the drop in initial tension and viscosity (without significant difference, p <0.05) in the chocolates produced. The low melting point of the oleic acid contained in the cupuassu butter altered the final temperature and the temperature index value in the samples with the highest cupuassu butter content (F3 and F4)

Rheology/instrumentation , Malvaceae/classification , Cacao Butter , Chocolate/analysis , Crystallization , Fats/analysis
Braz. oral res. (Online) ; 33: e040, 2019. tab, graf
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1001596


Abstract: The study characterizes dental implant surfaces treated with phosphoric acid to assess the effects of acid treatment on blood cells and correlate them with cytokine levels. The implant surfaces examined were divided into untreated metal surface (US; n = 50), metal surface treated with phosphoric acid (ATS; n = 50) and cement surface (CS; n = 50) groups. The samples were characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and rheometry. The implants were incubated with human blood mononuclear cells for 24 h, with surface rinsing in the ATS treatment. Cell viability was determined by colorimetric methods and cytokines in the culture supernatant were quantified using flow cytometry. In the ATS group, the surface porosity and contact surface were increased and plaques were observed on the surface. The blood flow and viscosity curves were similar among the treatments, and the high cell viability rates indicate the biocompatibility of the materials used. An increase in the levels of IL-2, IL-4, IL-6, IL-10 and TNF-α was observed in the ATS and CS groups. There were positive correlations between IL-10 and IL-2 levels and between IL-10 and IL-4 levels in the culture supernatant of the ATS group. The results suggest that implant surface treatment with phosphoric acid activates the production of inflammatory cytokines. The increased cytokine levels can modulate the immune response, thereby improving biofunctional processes and promoting the success of dental implants.

Humans , Phosphoric Acids/pharmacology , Leukocytes, Mononuclear/drug effects , Dental Implants , Cytokines/analysis , Dental Materials/pharmacology , Rheology , Surface Properties , Microscopy, Electron, Scanning , Cell Survival , Cytokines/metabolism , Interleukin-10/analysis , Interleukin-10/metabolism , Dental Cements , Anti-Inflammatory Agents
Nigerian Hospital Practice ; 23(4-5): 49-55, 2019.
مقالة ي الانجليزية | AIM | ID: biblio-1267717


Occupational exposure to wood dust may bring about some changes in blood indices of humans, especially in developing countries where use of protective gadgets like face masks are not in use. This study is aimed at evaluating changes in blood cell indices, haemostasis and CD 4 count on occupationally exposed workers to wood dust. This randomized study consisted of one hundred (100) male sawmill workers who have been exposed to wood dust by working in these environments without any form of protective masks, for over two years as test subjects and fifty male individuals randomly selected who were not exposed to wood dust as controls. Blood samples were obtained from these workers and analysed for complete blood count using PCE ­ 210N haematology analyser, prothnumbin time test (PTT) and activated partial thromboplastin (APTT) were manually done using commercially purchased kit and CD4 count was performed using the flow cytometry method. Haemoglobin, haemcitrocrit and granutocyte levels increased significantly in test subjects when compared with control subjects (P= 0.037, P=0.026, p=0.0005. Mean lymphocyte levels decreased significantly in test when compared to control subjects (P=0.028). while there were no changes in the other CBC parameters, PT, APTT and CD4 counts in test when compared with control subjects. This suggest that inhalation of wood dust increases haemotocrit, haemoglobin and granulocyte levels, decreased lymphocyte count and a longer exposure time to wood dust significantly affects these parameters. This may imply there is an increased rate of blood flow in the circulation of these individuals

Blood , Inhalation , Lakes , Nigeria , Prothrombin Time , Rheology
Rev. bras. ginecol. obstet ; 40(10): 580-586, Oct. 2018. tab, graf
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS | ID: biblio-977775


Abstract Objective To assess 11 formulae commonly used to estimate fetal weight in a population of premature fetuses who had abnormal Doppler velocimetry due to early-onset placental insufficiency. The performance of each formula was evaluated in subgroups of fetuses with expected growth and intrauterine growth restriction. Methods Data were collected fromfetuses andmothers who delivered at three Brazilian hospitals between November 2002 and December 2013.We used the following formulae: Campbell; Hadlock I, II, III, IV and V; Shepard; Warsof; Weiner I and II; and Woo III. Results We analyzed 194 fetuses. Of these, 116 (59.8%) were considered appropriate for gestational age (AGA), and 103 (53.1%) were male. The amniotic fluid volume was reduced in 87 (44.8%) fetuses, and the umbilical artery Doppler revealed absence or inversion of diastolic flow in 122 (62.9%) cases, and the analysis of the ductus venosus revealed abnormal flow in 60 (34.8%) fetuses. The Hadlock formulae using three or four fetal biometric parameters had low absolute percentage error in the estimated fetal weight among preterm fetuses with abnormal Doppler studies who were born within 5 days of the ultrasound evaluation. The results were not influenced by the clinical and ultrasound parameters often found in early-onset placental insufficiency. Conclusion In this study, the formulae with the best performance for fetal weight estimation in the analyzed population were Hadlock I and IV, which use four and three fetal biometric parameters respectively to estimate the weight of preterm fetuses with abnormal Doppler studies.

Resumo Objetivo Avaliar o desempenho de 11 fórmulas comumente utilizadas para estimativa de peso fetal em uma população de fetos prematuros com dopplervelocimetria alterada devido a insuficiência placentária de início precoce. O desempenho de cada fórmula foi avaliado em subgrupos de fetos com crescimento adequado e com crescimento intrauterino restrito. Métodos Foram coletados os dados de mães e fetos cujos partos foram acompanhados em 3 instituições brasileiras entre novembro de 2002 e dezembro de 2013. As fórmulas selecionadas para análise foram: Campbell; Hadlock I, II, III, IV e V; Shepard; Warsof; Weiner I e II; e Woo III. Resultados Foram analisados os pesos de 194 fetos, dos quais 116 (59,8%) foram considerados adequados para a idade gestacional, 103 (53,1%) eram do sexo masculino, em 87 (44,8%) havia redução do volume de líquido amniótico, em 122 (62,9%) o Doppler de artéria umbilical demonstrou ausência ou inversão do fluxo na diástole, e em 60 (34,8%) a análise do duto venoso indicou fluxo anormal. A média do erro percentual absoluto (EPA) demonstrou que as fórmulas de Hadlock que utilizam 3 ou 4 parâmetros biométricos fetais apresentaram o melhor desempenho. Os resultados obtidos para essas fórmulas não sofreram influência dos parâmetros clínicos e ultrassonográficos frequentemente encontrados na insuficiência placentária de início precoce. Conclusão O presente estudo demonstrou o melhor desempenho das fórmulas de Hadlock que contêm 3 ou 4 parâmetros da biometria para estimativa de peso de fetos prematuros com anormalidades ao mapeamento Doppler.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Body Weights and Measures/methods , Ultrasonography, Prenatal , Ultrasonography, Doppler , Fetal Weight , Rheology , Retrospective Studies , Gestational Age , Premature Birth
Rev. méd. Hosp. José Carrasco Arteaga ; 10(2): 93-97, Jul 2018. Cuadros, Gráficos
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS | ID: biblio-999986


INTRODUCCIÓN: El nacimiento prematuro representa un problema de salud pública importante a nivel mundial y en especial en países en vías de desarrollo. En el Ecuador, en el año 2014, la tasa de mortalidad infantil fue de 8.35 defunciones infantiles por cada 1 000 nacimientos y las principales causas de mortalidad infantil fueron la dificultad respiratoria del recién nacido y los trastornos con duración corta de la gestación. MÉTODOS: El presente es un estudio observacional, descriptivo y longitudinal, realizado con una muestra censal o por conveniencia de 36 mujeres que cursaron entre 24 y 34 semanas de gestación con feto único vivo, riesgo de parto pretérmino e indicación de maduración pulmonar con corticoides. Se recogió información de flujometría fetal para determinar el efecto del uso de corticoides para maduración pulmonar. Se realizaron pruebas de normalidad Shapiro-Wilk en los resultados obtenidos antes y después de la maduración pulmonar. Para el procesamiento de los datos se utilizaron los programas Microsoft Excel® y SPSS® v.20. RESULTADOS: La edad media de este grupo fue de 25.64 años, las media de semanas de gestación fue de 31.2. La patología más frecuente fue amenaza de parto pretérmino con un 72 %, seguida de ruptura prematura pretérmino de membranas con un 13.9 %. Existió una diferencia estadísticamente significativa entre los valores de los índices Tiempo de Acelereción / Tiempo de Eyección antes y después de la maduración pulmonar (0.272 ms y 0.310 ms, respectivamente; P < 0.0001). CONCLUSIONES: La comparación de las medias de los índices Tiempo de Acelereción / Tiempo de Eyección del tronco de la arteria pulmonar pre y post maduración pulmonar con corticoides evidenció una diferencia significativa importante. Los hallazgos sugieren que la maduración pulmonar con corticoides es eficaz para mejorar el flujo de arteria pulmonar en fetos prematuros.

BACKGROUND: Premature birth represents an important public health problem worldwide and especially in developing countries. In Ecuador (2014), the infant mortality rate reached 8.35 deaths per 1 000 births and their main causes were newborns respiratory distress and gestation period short-term disorders. METHODS: This is an observational longitudinal descriptive research; it was performed in a convenience sample that included 26 singlet on pregnant women between 24 and 34 weeks of gestation. They also were on risk of preterm delivery and had indication of lung maturation with corticosteroids. Information of the fetal pulmonary arteries flow was collected to determine the effect of corticosteroids in pulmonary maturation. RESULTS: Mean age was 25.64 years and had an average gestation of 31.2 weeks. Most common diseases were preterm labor threat (72 %) and premature rupture of membranes (13.9 %). There was a statistically significant difference between the values of Acceleration Time / Ejection Time indexes before and after lung maturation (0.272 ms vs. 0.310 ms respectively; P < 0.0001). CONCLUSIONS: Comparison of Acceleration Time / Ejection Time indexes from the trunk of the pulmonary arteries before and after lung maturation evidenced an important significant difference. The findings suggest that pulmonary maturation with corticosteroids is effective to improve the pulmonary arteries flow of preterm fetus.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Infant, Premature , Adrenal Cortex Hormones/therapeutic use , Fetal Organ Maturity/drug effects , Rheology/methods
An. acad. bras. ciênc ; 90(1): 283-293, Mar. 2018. tab, graf
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS | ID: biblio-886918


ABSTRACT Yellow sweet potato is mostly produced by small farmers, and may be a source of energy and carotenoids in the human diet, but it is a highly perishable crop. To increase its industrial application, yellow sweet potato flour has been produced for use in bakery products. This study aimed to evaluate the technological quality and the carotenoids content in sweet breads produced with the replacement of wheat flour by 0, 3, 6, and 9% yellow sweet potato flour. Breads were characterized by technological parameters and β-carotene levels during nine days of storage. Tukey's test (p<0.05) was used for comparison between means. The increase in yellow sweet potato flour concentrations in bread led to a decrease of specific volume and firmness, and an increase in water activity, moisture, orange coloring, and carotenoids. During storage, the most significant changes were observed after the fifth day, with a decrease in intensity of the orange color. The β-carotene content was 0.1656 to 0.4715 µg/g in breads with yellow sweet potato flour. This work showed a novel use of yellow sweet potato in breads, which brings benefits to consumers' health and for the agricultural business.

Bread/analysis , beta Carotene/analysis , beta Carotene/chemistry , Ipomoea batatas/chemistry , Flour/analysis , Food Handling/methods , Reference Values , Rheology , Time Factors , Food Quality , Reproducibility of Results , Color , Food Ingredients/analysis , Nutritive Value
مقالة ي الانجليزية | WPRIM | ID: wpr-716370


OBJECTIVE: Bipolar disorder (BD) is associated with increased rates of cardiovascular diseases. There is growing evidence that blood viscosity may have a common role, correlated with well-known major risk factors that promote cardiovascular disease. In this study we aimed to investigate the whole blood viscosity (WBV) in different stages of BD. METHODS: A total of 121 bipolar patients and 41 age-gender matched healthy controls were included. Forty-four of bipolar patients were in manic, 35 were depressed and 42 were in euthymic state. WBV was calculated from hematocrit and total plasma protein according to Simone’s formula at low and high shear rates (LSR and HSR). RESULTS: WBV at HSR of manic group was 16.91±1.01, depressive group was 17.23±0.80, euthymic group was 17.63±0.95, and control group was 17.52±0.71 (p=0.001). WBV at LSR of manic depressive, euthymic and control group were 53.10±20.58, 60.30±17.02, 68.91±20.33, and 62.01±19.28, respectively (p=0.001). Both WBV at HSR and LSR of manic group was significantly lower than that of the euthymic and control groups (p=0.001 and 0.010 respectively for HSR, p=0.001 and 0.011 respectively for LSR). WBV was significantly positively correlated with lipid profile except high density lipoprotein (HDL). CONCLUSION: Our results demonstrate a decrement in blood viscosity in manic episode compared with euthymics and controls. Positive correlation of blood viscosity with lipid parameters (except HDL), and negative correlation with number of previous manic episodes suggest that manic episode has favorable effect on cardiovascular risk regarding to blood viscosity.

Humans , Bipolar Disorder , Blood Viscosity , Cardiovascular Diseases , Hematocrit , Lipoproteins , Plasma , Rheology , Risk Factors
Electron. j. biotechnol ; 30: 18-23, nov. 2017. ilus, tab, graf
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1021065


Background: The aim of the present study was to evaluate gum productivity of a local strain, Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. vesicatoria, isolated from pepper plant, and its rheological behavior for the first time compared to the standard strain, Xanthomonas campestris DSM 19000 (NRRL B-1459). The influence of operational conditions (agitation rate and inoculum volume) on gum production and rheological properties of gums from the Xanthomonas strains were investigated. Results: The isolated strain of Xanthomonas showed similar xanthan yield compared to the standard strain. Furthermore, this study clearly confirmed that gum yield depended on bacterial strain, agitation rate, and inoculum size. The most suitable conditions for the gum production in an orbital shaker in terms of agitation rate and inoculum size were 180 rpm and 5%, respectively, resulting in an average production of 10.96 and 11.19 g/L for X. axonopodis pv.vesicatoria and X. campestris DSM 19000, respectively. Regarding the rheological properties, Ostwald-de-Waele and power law models were used to describe flow and oscillatory behavior of the gum solutions, respectively. Consistency of the novel gum solution remarkably was much higher than the commercial xanthan gum solution. Flow and oscillatory behavior and their temperature ramps showed that weak gel-like structure could be obtained with less gum concentrations when the novel gum was used. Conclusion: Therefore, yield and technological properties of the aqueous solutions of the exopolysaccharide synthesized by X. axonopodis pv. vesicatoria were observed to be more suitable for industrial production.

Polysaccharides, Bacterial/biosynthesis , Xanthomonas vesicatoria/metabolism , Xanthomonas axonopodis/metabolism , Rheology , Temperature , Viscosity , Biodegradation, Environmental , Capsicum , Xanthomonas campestris/metabolism
مقالة ي الكورية | WPRIM | ID: wpr-35065


The purpose of this study was to determine the optimal recipe of rice cookies with two different amounts of Stevia rebaudiana leaf and grape seed oil, using a central composite design (CCD). In addition, mixing conditions of rice cookies were optimized by sensory evaluation and mechanical and physicochemical analysis using response surface methodology (RSM). RSM was used to obtain 10 experimental points (including two replicates of Stevia rebaudiana leaf and Grape seed oil), and the formulation of Stevia rebaudiana leaf added rice cookies was optimized using rheology. The results of mechanical and physicochemical analysis showed significant values for lightness, redness, yellowness, hardness, spread factor, loss rate, leavening rate, sweetness, moisture, pH, and density (P<0.001), results of the sensory evaluation showed significant values for color, flavor, taste, texture, appearance, and overall quality (P<0.05). As a results, optimal sensory ratio was found to be 1.98 g of Stevia rebaudiana leaf and 37.94 g of Grape seed oil.

Hardness , Hydrogen-Ion Concentration , Rheology , Stevia , Vitis
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