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Braz. j. biol ; 84: e251197, 2024. tab, graf
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1350305


Abstract Birds are among the best bio-indicators, which can guide us to recognize some of the main conservation concerns in ecosystems. Anthropogenic impacts such as deforestation, habitat degradation, modification of landscapes, and decreased quality of habitats are major threats to bird diversity. The present study was designed to detect anthropogenic causative agents that act on waterbird diversity in Tarbella Dam, Indus River, Pakistan. Waterbird censuses were carried out from March 2019 to February 2020 in multiple areas around the dam. A total of 2990 waterbirds representing 63 species were recorded. We detected the highest waterbird richness and diversity at Pehure whereas the highest density was recorded at Kabbal. Human activity impacts seemed to be the main factor determining the waterbird communities as waterbirds were negatively correlated with the greatest anthropogenic impacts. Waterbirds seem to respond rapidly to human disturbance.

Resumo As aves estão entre os melhores bioindicadores, o que pode nos orientar a reconhecer algumas das principais preocupações de conservação dos ecossistemas. Impactos antrópicos como desmatamento, degradação de habitat, modificação de paisagens e diminuição da qualidade dos habitats são as principais ameaças à diversidade de aves. O presente estudo foi desenhado para detectar agentes causadores antropogênicos que atuam na diversidade de aves aquáticas na Represa de Tarbella, rio Indus, Paquistão. Censos de aves aquáticas foram realizados de março de 2019 a fevereiro de 2020 em várias áreas ao redor da barragem. Um total de 2.990 aves aquáticas representando 63 espécies foi registrado. Detectamos a maior riqueza e diversidade de aves aquáticas em Pehure, enquanto a maior densidade foi registrada em Kabbal. Os impactos da atividade humana parecem ser o principal fator determinante das comunidades de aves aquáticas, uma vez que as aves aquáticas foram negativamente correlacionadas com os maiores impactos antrópicos. As aves aquáticas parecem responder rapidamente às perturbações humanas.

Humans , Ecosystem , Rivers , Pakistan , Conservation of Natural Resources
مقالة ي الفرنسية | AIM | ID: biblio-1552191


Contexte & objectif : Les adultes fortement exposés par leurs activités professionnelles dans l'eau douce dans les régions d'endémicité de la schistosomiase, entretiennent la transmission de la maladie. Il est donc nécessaire d'investiguer sur leurs fréquences afin de lutter contre la pérennité de la schistosomiase. Méthodes : Il s'agissait d'une étude transversale, réalisée entre septembre et octobre 2019, chez creuseurs le long de la rivière N'djili. Les Schistoma étaient systématiquement recherchés à la fois dans les échantillons de selles et des urines. Résultats : Au total 224 creuseurs de sables ont été examinés. La fréquence de la Schistosomiase était de 28,6 % (IC : 22,8-35). Les S. mansoni (22,8 %), S. intercalatum (3,1 %) et S. haematobium (2,7 %) ont été détectés. Le revenu financier supérieur ou égal au SMIG (ORa= 1,8 ; IC 95% : 1,0 ­ 3,4), était associé à la schistosomiase. Conclusion : Les creuseurs s'exposent et entretiennent la schistosomiase. Parmi les espèces qui les affectent, nous comptons également le S. intercalatum à Kinshasa. Il faut donc une étude complémentaire de comparaison avec les autres catégories professionnelles

Context and objective. Adults who are highly exposed to schistosomiasis through their professional activities in freshwater in regions where the disease is endemic, maintain the transmission of the disease. It is therefore necessary to investigate their frequency in order to combat the perpetuation of schistosomiasis. Methods. This was a cross-sectional study, carried out from September to October 2019, among diggers along the N'djili River. Schistosoma were systematically tested both in the stools and urine. Results. A total of 224 sand diggers were included. The prevalence of Schistosomiasis was 28.6 % (95 % CI: 22.8-35). S. mansoni (22.8 %), S. intercalatum (3.1 %) and S. haematobium (2.7 %) were detected. Financial income greater than or equal to SMIG (ORa= 1.8; 95 % CI: 1.0 - 3.4), was associated with schistosomiasis. Conclusion: Diggers are exposed to and maintain schistosomiasis. S. intercalatum is found among the species that affect the diggers in Kinshasa. Therefore, there is need to carry out a further comparative study with other occupational categories.

Humans , Male , Female , Rivers
Braz. j. biol ; 84: e254252, 2024. tab, graf
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1355876


Abstract Indian major carps are the widely consumed fish species of Pakistan, being a cheap source of proteins and unsaturated fatty acids, they are good for cardiovascular health. Water pollution due to discharge of untreated industrial waste water into water bodies contaminates this precious source of nutrients. The present study therefore, was aimed to assess deterioration of fatty acid profile of three Indian major carp species due to different concentrations of industrial wastes. The water samples were collected from the river Chenab at the site where it receives industrial wastewater via Chakbandi drain. After exposure to 1.5%, 3.0%, and 4.5% dilutions of collected water in different aquaria it was observed that proportion of unsaturated fatty acids in selected fish species were decreased significantly as the intensity of the dose increased (P < 0.05). Conversely the level of saturated fatty acids increased with the increasing dose of treatment (P < 0.05). These findings suggest that untreated wastewater not only deteriorate the fatty acid profile of aquatic animals but also these toxic substances can reach human body through fish meat and pose further health hazards. Therefore, it is highly recommended that industrial effluents should be treated before they are dumped into water bodies.

Resumo As carpas indianas são as espécies de peixes mais consumidas no Paquistão, sendo uma fonte barata de proteínas e de ácidos graxos insaturados e boa para a saúde cardiovascular. A poluição da água por causa do descarte de resíduos industriais não tratados em corpos d'água contamina essa preciosa fonte de nutrientes. Portanto, o presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a deterioração do perfil de ácidos graxos de três principais espécies de carpas indianas em diferentes concentrações de resíduos industriais. As amostras de água foram coletadas do rio Chenab no local onde recebe esgoto industrial via dreno de Chakbandi. Após a exposição a diluições de 1,5%, 3% e 4,5% da água coletada em diferentes aquários, foi observado que a proporção de ácidos graxos insaturados em espécies de peixes selecionadas diminuiu significativamente com o aumento da intensidade da dose (P < 0,05). Por outro lado, o nível de ácidos graxos saturados aumentou com a elevação da dose de tratamento (P < 0,05). Essas descobertas sugerem que águas residuais não tratadas não apenas deterioram o perfil de ácidos graxos dos animais aquáticos, mas também essas substâncias tóxicas podem atingir o corpo humano por meio da carne de peixe e representar mais riscos à saúde. Portanto, é recomendável que os efluentes industriais sejam tratados antes de serem despejados em corpos d'água.

Humans , Animals , Water Pollutants, Chemical/analysis , Carps , Textile Industry , Rivers , Fatty Acids
Braz. j. biol ; 84: e251566, 2024. tab, graf
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1355890


Abstract The Seybouse is the second largest river basin in Algeria, hosting an important biodiversity and providing various ecosystem services. This watershed is highly influenced by agricultural and industrial activities, which threaten its biodiversity and ecosystem integrity. The use of benthic macroinvertebrates as biological indicators has a long tradition in developed countries and integrated into all assessments of the ecological quality of river systems. However, the macroinvertebrates of many North African regions are still not well studied, including those of the Seybouse river. The aim of this study is to assess the inventory and ecological role of benthic macroinvertebrates in inland waters of the Seybouse River and determine the impact of pollution on their spatial distributions. We sampled the benthic macrofauna of Wadi Seybouse and its affluents using regular surveys in three sites, of which one was in the upper Seybouse Bouhamdane in Medjez Amar and two in the middle Seybouse. Between December 2019 and May 2020, 10 physico-chemical parameters (pH, EC, OD, water speed, NO3, Salinity, NO2, MES, turbidity, depth) were measured in order to establish a health state diagnosis of these aquatic ecosystems. The complementary biological approach by the analysis of populations of macroinvertebrates identified 7482 individuals and 40 taxa divided into five classes: Crustaceans which were the most dominant, insects with the main orders (Ephemeroptera, Diptera, Trichoptera, Heteroptera and Odonata), Molluscs, Nematodes and Annelids. The physico-chemical analyzes and the application of the organic pollution indices indicated a strong to excessive pollution for all sites, especially in Seybouse upstream

Resumo O Seybouse é um rio no nordeste da Argélia, é o segundo maior rio, tem uma área de captação de cerca de 6.500 km2 que acolhe cerca de 1,5 milhões de habitantes. Importantes atividades agrícolas e industriais são desenvolvidas nesta bacia hidrográfica. O uso de macroinvertebrados bentônicos como indicadores biológicos tem uma longa tradição em países desenvolvidos e está integrado em todas as avaliações da qualidade ecológica dos sistemas fluviais. O objetivo deste estudo foi revisar o inventário e o papel ecológico dos macroinvertebrados bentônicos nas águas interiores do rio Seybouse e determinar o impacto da poluição em suas distribuições. Resultados semelhantes foram relatados para outros países e rios argelinos. Este estudo enfoca a macrofauna bentônica de Wadi Seybouse e seus afluentes. Foram prospectados 03 locais, um no alto Seybousse Bouhamdane em Medjez Amar e dois no meio Seybousse Salah Salah Salah e Oued Zimba. Entre dezembro de 2019 e maio de 2020, dez parâmetros físico-químicos (pH, CE, DO, velocidade da água, NO3, Salinidade, NO2, MES, turbidez, deth) foram medidos para estabelecer um diagnóstico do estado de saúde desses ecossistemas aquáticos. A abordagem biológica complementar pela análise de populações de macroinvertebrados identificou 7.482 indivíduos e 40 táxons divididos em cinco classes: Crustáceos que são os mais dominantes, Insetos com as ordens principais (Ephemeroptera, Diptera, Trichoptera, Heteroptera e Odonata), Moluscos, Nematóides e Anelídeos. As análises físico-químicas e a aplicação dos índices de poluição orgânica, indicaram uma poluição forte a excessiva para todos os locais especialmente Salah Salah Salah.

Humans , Animals , Ecosystem , Invertebrates , Environmental Monitoring , Biodiversity , Rivers
Braz. j. biol ; 84: e253497, 2024. tab, graf
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1355892


Abstract This research aimed to estimate the length-weight ratio (LWR) of the stingray Potamotrygon wallacei, known locally as the cururu, which was caught in streams and lakes in the middle Negro River region, Amazonas, Brazil. The stingrays were captured during the night (from 11 pm to 1 am) near the shores of streams and lakes, through active search using wooden canoes, head lanterns and scoop nets. The samplings were carried out in November 2017 (5 days), February (8 days), March (3 days) and April (2 days) of 2018, totaling 18 days of sampling. The total fresh weight was measured to 0.1 g of accuracy and the disc width to 0.1 cm accuracy. The parameters a and b of the equation W=a.DWb were estimated. This study provides new maximum length data for the cururu stingray.

Resumo Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo estimar a relação peso-comprimento (LWR) da arraia Potamotrygon wallacei, conhecida localmente como cururu, que foi capturada em igarapés e lagos na região do médio Rio Negro, Amazonas, Brasil. As arraias foram capturadas durante a noite (das 23h-1h) nas margens dos igarapés e lagos, por meio de busca ativa utilizando canoas de madeira, lanternas de cabeça e puçás. As coletas foram realizadas nos meses de novembro de 2017 (5 dias), fevereiro (8 dias), março (3 dias) e abril (2 dias) de 2018, totalizando 18 dias de amostragem. Foram medidos o peso fresco total com precisão de 0,01 g e a largura do disco com precisão de 0,1 cm. Os parâmetros a e b da equação W= a.DWb foram estimados. Este estudo prover novos dados de comprimento máximo para a arraia cururu.

Humans , Animals , Skates, Fish , Rosa , Black or African American , Brazil , Rivers
Braz. j. biol ; 84: e253852, 2024. tab, graf
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1355905


Abstract The aim objective of this study was to determine the trophic ecology of juvenile and adult Acestrorhynchus falcirostris during the rising and flood (high-water) period in six island lakes adjacent to the Solimões River. As such, we investigated: i) the trophic position, through the fractional trophic niche; ii) the niche breadth; iii) niche overlap and iv) the food strategy of the species. The specimens were collected during the years 2014 to 2017, using gillnets with mesh sizes ranging from 30 to 120mm between opposite knots. Through the analysis of stomach contents, the preference in the consumption of items of animal origin was observed. Juveniles consumed insects in greater proportions (IAi% = 50%), while adults consumed fish (IAi%=99,98%). Despite the large supply of food items available in the high-water period, juveniles were the only ones to consume items of allochthonous origin, such as insects. Juveniles presented a different dietary strategy and dietary composition to adults. Juveniles were omnivores with a generalist strategy, while adults were piscivores with a specialist strategy. Thus, the food composition, niche breadth, trophic position and feeding strategy of Acestrorhynchus falcirostris change due to the stage of development.

Resumo O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar a ecologia trófica de juvenis e adultos de Acestrorhynchus falcirostris durante o período de enchente e cheia em seis lagos de ilha adjacentes ao rio Solimões. Assim, investigamos: i) a posição trófica, através do nicho trófico fracional; ii) a largura de nicho; iii) sobreposição de nicho; iv) a estratégia alimentar. Os espécimes foram coletados durante os anos de 2014 a 2017, utilizando redes de emalhar com malha variando de 30 a 120mm entre nós opostos. Por meio da análise do conteúdo estomacal, observamos a preferência no consumo de itens de origem animal. Os juvenis consumiram insetos em maiores proporções (IAi% = 50%), enquanto os adultos consumiram preferencialmente peixes (IAi% = 99,98%). Apesar da grande oferta de alimentos disponíveis no período da cheia, os juvenis eram os únicos a consumir itens de origem alóctone, como por exemplo, os insetos. Os juvenis apresentaram uma estratégia alimentar e composição alimentar diferente para os adultos. Os juvenis foram considerados onívoros com uma estratégia generalista, enquanto os adultos foram considerados piscívoros com uma estratégia alimentar mais especialista. Assim, a composição alimentar, amplitude do nicho, posição trófica e a estratégia alimentar de Acestrorhynchus falcirostris muda em função do estágio de desenvolvimento.

Animals , Rivers , Characiformes , Seasons , Lakes , Ecosystem , Food Chain , Fishes , Gastrointestinal Contents
Braz. j. biol ; 84: e256817, 2024. tab, mapas, ilus
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1364511


The basic aim of this study was aimed to determine the ichthyofaunal diversity of River Panjkora in both upper and lower Dir districts in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province of Pakistan.Fish samples were collected by using fishnets from March to September 2020. A total of 724 specimens were collected and classified into 5 families, 14 genera, and 18 species. The overall results revealed that most fish fauna of river Panjkora contains 8 species of family Cyprinidae (56.49%) followed by 4 species of Nemacheilidae (24.44%), 2 species of Channidae (10.63%), and Sisoridae (7.04%), and 1 species of Mastacembelidae (1.38%), respectively. Among all kinds of fish species, Schizothorax plagiostomus (16.57%) was highly dominated and followed by Carassius auratus (11.87%) and Racoma labiata (9.66%) and were reported as highly abundant, especially during April, May, and June. The least abundant species were Glyptothorax punjabensis, Glyptothorax sufii, and Mastacembelus armatus, that constituting 2.48%, 2.20%, and 1.38% of the total fish samples. The Overall Simpson's diversity (1-D= 0.919) and Simpson's Reciprocal index values (1/D= 12.3876), and Shannon's index (H= 2.68) were indicating that river Panjkora contains a quite rich and diverse group of fish species. The highest microplastics observed in site 7 compared to other study area. Conservation steps should be taken as a top priority to protect and conserve the marine environment and natural heritage from further loss, extinction and stop or minimize losses incurred through irresponsible fishery practices

O objetivo básico deste estudo foi determinar a diversidade ictiofaunística do rio Panjkora nos distritos de Lower e Upper de Dir, na província de Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, no Paquistão. Amostras de peixes foram coletadas com redes de arrasto de março a setembro de 2020. Foram coletados 724 espécimes, classificados em 5 famílias, 14 gêneros e 18 espécies. Os resultados gerais revelaram que a maioria da ictiofauna do rio Panjkora contém 8 espécies da família Cyprinidae (56,49%), seguidas por 4 espécies de Nemacheilidae (24,44%), 2 espécies de Channidae (10,63%) e Sisoridae (7,04%) e 1 espécie de Mastacembelidae (1,38%). Entre todas as espécies de peixes, Schizothorax plagiostomus (16,57%) foi altamente predominante, seguida por Carassius auratus (11,87%) e Racoma labiata (9,66%), e elas foram relatadas como altamente abundantes, especialmente nos meses de abril, maio e junho. As espécies menos abundantes foram Glyptothorax punjabensis, Glyptothorax sufii e Mastacembelus armatus, que constituíram 2,48%, 2,20% e 1,38%, respectivamente, do total de peixes amostrados. O índice de diversidade de Simpson (1-D = 0,919), o índice recíproco de Simpson (1/D = 12,3876) e o índice de Shannon (H = 2,68) indicaram que o rio Panjkora contém um grupo bastante rico e diversificado de espécies de peixes. Os microplásticos mais altos foram observados no local 7 em comparação com outra área de estudo. Medidas de conservação devem ser tomadas como prioridade máxima para proteger e conservar o ambiente marinho e o patrimônio natural de novas perdas e extinção e para parar ou minimizar as perdas ocorridas por práticas de pesca irresponsáveis.

Animals , Biodiversity , Rivers , Environmental Pollution , Fishes , Microplastics , Pakistan
Rev. biol. trop ; 71(1)dic. 2023.
مقالة ي الانجليزية | SaludCR, LILACS | ID: biblio-1514956


Introduction: The variability in the structure of aquatic communities is frequently attributed to environmental changes; however, in stable environments such as regulated rivers, trophic interactions could be another key environmental factor determining the structure of these communities. These alterations could cause a greater growth of algae, and in turn, changes in the functional groups and in the composition of the macroinvertebrate community favoring the dominance of certain groups of organisms. Objective: To identify the effects of environmental variations and changes in the structure of the phycoperiphyton on the macroinvertebrate community of regulated Andean rivers. Methods: We analyzed environmental and biological data collected in quarterly samples carried out between 2010 and 2018 in two rivers of the Central Andes (Antioquia - Colombia), for a total of 27 samples. Sample collections used standardized methods. Different statistical models were used to establish spatial and temporal patterns of the environmental variables, of the abundance and/or density and diversity of phycoperiphyton and macroinvertebrates, as well as the trophic relationships that exists between them. Results: We found that regulated rivers present relatively little environmental variability. The environmental parameters with the greatest variation were temperature, turbidity, and orthophosphates; these last two were the abiotic variables with the greatest contribution to benthic instability. Conclusion: The presence of scraping and foraging macroinvertebrates was more affected by the stability of the phycoperiphyton density than by environmental variables, showing the importance of trophic interactions in regulated rivers and the bottom up control in these ecosystems.

Introducción: La variabilidad en la estructura de las comunidades acuáticas se atribuye frecuentemente a cambios ambientales, no obstante, en ambientes estables como ríos regulados, las interacciones tróficas podrían ser otro factor ambiental clave determinante de la estructura de estas comunidades. Estas alteraciones podrían provocar un mayor crecimiento de algas y, a su vez, cambios en los grupos funcionales y en la composición de la comunidad de macroinvertebrados favoreciendo la dominancia de determinados grupos de organismos. Objetivo: Identificar el efecto de los cambios ambientales y de la estructura del ficoperifiton sobre la comunidad de macroinvertebrados de ríos Andinos regulados. Métodos: Se analizaron datos ambientales y biológicos recolectados en muestreos trimestrales realizados entre 2010 y 2018 en dos ríos de los Andes Centrales (Antioquia - Colombia), para un total de 27 muestras. La recolección de muestras empleó métodos estandarizados. Se utilizaron diferentes modelos estadísticos para establecer patrones espaciales y temporales de las variables ambientales, de la abundancia y/o densidad y diversidad de ficoperifiton y de los macroinvertebrados, así como las relaciones tróficas que existen entre ellos. Resultados: Se encontró que los ríos regulados presentan relativamente poca variabilidad ambiental. Los parámetros ambientales con mayor variación fueron: temperatura, turbidez y ortofosfatos; las dos últimas variables abióticas fueron las que más aportaron a la inestabilidad bentónica. Conclusión: La presencia de macroinvertebrados raspadores y recolectores fue más afectada por la estabilidad de la densidad del ficoperifiton que por las variables ambientales, evidenciando la importancia de las interacciones tróficas en ríos regulados y el control bottoom up en estos ecosistemas.

Aquatic Fauna , Aquatic Flora , River Water Collection , Rivers , Colombia , Hydroelectric Energy
Rev. biol. trop ; 71(1)dic. 2023.
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1514954


Introducción: Las comunidades de macroinvertebrados son afectadas simultáneamente por la calidad del agua y las características físicas del hábitat acuático, complicando su uso en la bioindicación. Objetivo: Determinar cuáles variables del hábitat condicionan la comunidad de macroinvertebrados acuáticos en algunas corrientes (quebradas) de montaña del Oriente antioqueño (Colombia). Métodos: El muestreo se realizó en febrero 2021 (periodo de transición seco-lluvia), para evaluar variables físicas y químicas en tres tipos de mesohábitats: rápidos, rizos y pozas en corrientes con coberturas vegetales contrastantes. Los macroinvertebrados fueron recolectados en diez sitios de muestreo con red tipo net, pantalla y manual, y preservados en etanol al 70 %. Resultados: Se recolectaron 4 484 macroinvertebrados (16 órdenes, 46 familias y 75 géneros). El mesohábitat rizo presentó mayores valores de diversidad y abundancia, mientras las pozas presentaron los menores. Hubo diferencias en la concentración de oxígeno, profundidad, velocidad y abundancia de macroinvertebrados entre mesohábitats. Las pozas defirieron de los otros mesohábitats en profundidad, velocidad, así como en la composición, abundancia y riqueza de macroinvertebrados, y fue el hábitat de menor preferencia. Conclusión: La velocidad, profundidad y concentración de oxígeno disuelto, desempeñan un papel muy importante en el establecimiento de las comunidades de macroinvertebrados en los diferentes mesohábitats. En el mismo tipo de mesohábitat, la calidad de la cobertura vegetal determinó la diversidad y abundancia de esta comunidad.

Introduction: Macroinvertebrate communities are affected by water quality and physical characteristics of the aquatic habitat, simultaneously, complicating their use as bioindicators. Objective: To determine which habitat variables regulate the macroinvertebrate community in mountain streams in Eastern of Antioquia (Colombia). Methods: Sampling was carried out in February 2021 (dry-rain transition period), to evaluate physical and chemical variables in three types of mesohabitat: ripples, pools, and rapids in streams with contrasting vegetation covers. The macroinvertebrates were collected from ten sampling sites with a net, screen and manual type net preserved with 70 % ethanol. Results: 4 484 macroinvertebrates were collected (16 orders, 46 families and 75 genera). The ripples mesohabitat presented higher values of diversity and abundance, while the pools presented the lowest. There were differences for oxygen concentration, depth, speed, and macroinvertebrate abundance between mesohabitats. Pools differed from the other mesohabitats in depth, speed, as well as in composition, abundance, and richness in macroinvertebrates, and was the least preferred mesohabitat. Conclusion: Speed, depth, dissolved oxygen concentration played a very important role in the establishment of macroinvertebrates community in different mesohabitats. For the same type of mesohabitat, the quality of the plant cover determined both diversity and abundance of this community.

Animals , Rivers , Invertebrates/anatomy & histology , River Pollution , Colombia
Arch. argent. pediatr ; 121(5): e202202794, oct. 2023. tab, graf
مقالة ي الانجليزية, الأسبانية | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1509540


Introducción. La tasa de mortalidad neonatal (TMN) es un indicador de condiciones socioeconómicas, ambientales y sanitarias. La cuenca Matanza Riachuelo (CMR) es la más contaminada de Argentina. Objetivo. Analizar la evolución de la mortalidad neonatal (MN) en la CMR entre los años 2010 y 2019, sus características, y compararla con datos globales de Argentina, de la provincia de Buenos Aires (PBA) y de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires (CABA) en 2019. Población y métodos. Estudio descriptivo de estadísticas vitales del Ministerio de Salud de la Nación. Resultados. En 2019, la TMN en la CMR fue del 6,4 ‰; en Argentina, del 6,2 ‰; en PBA, del 6 ‰, y en CABA, del 5,1 ‰. El riesgo de MN en la CMR fue mayor que en CABA (RR: 1,32; IC95% 1,08-1,61). Entre 2010 y 2019, disminuyó la TMN en la CMR, en PBA y en Argentina; pero no en CABA. El riesgo de MN por afecciones perinatales en la CMR fue mayor que en CABA (RR: 1,30; IC95% 1,011,67). El riesgo de muerte para nacidos vivos (NV) con muy bajo peso al nacer (MBPN) en la CMR fue mayor que en CABA (RR: 1,70; IC95% 1,33-2,18) y menor que en Argentina (RR: 0,78; IC95% 0,70-0,87). Conclusión. La evolución 2010-2019 de la TMN fue similar en la CMR, en Argentina y en PBA. En 2019 la estructura de causas y el riesgo de MN fueron similares en la CMR, en PBA y en Argentina, con mayor riesgo por afecciones perinatales y de los NV con MBPN. La TMN de NV de MBPN fue menor en la CMR que en Argentina.

Introduction. The neonatal mortality rate (NMR) is an indicator of socioeconomic, environmental, andhealth care conditions. The Matanza-Riachuelo River Basin (MRRB) is the most polluted in Argentina.Objective. To analyze neonatal mortality (NM) in the MRRB between 2010 and 2019 and compare itwith overall data for Argentina, the province of Buenos Aires (PBA), and the City of Buenos Aires (CABA)in 2019.Population and methods. Descriptive study based on vital statistics provided by the Ministry of Health. Results. In 2019, the NMR was 6.4‰ in the MRRB, 6.2‰ in Argentina; 6‰ in PBA; and 5.1‰ in CABA.The risk of NM in the MRRB was higher than in CABA (RR: 1.32, 95% CI: 1.08­1.61). Between 2010and 2019, the NMR decreased in the MRRB, PBA, and Argentina; but not in CABA.The risk of NM due to perinatal conditions in the MRRB was higher than in CABA (RR: 1.30, 95%CI: 1.01­1.67).The risk of death among very low birth weight (VLBW) live births (LBs) in the MRRB was higher than in CABA(RR: 1.70, 95% CI: 1.33­2.18) and lower than in Argentina (RR: 0.78, 95% CI: 0.70­0.87).Conclusion. The evolution of NMR between 2010 and 2019 was similar in the MRRB, Argentina, andPBA. In 2019, the structure of causes and the risk of NM were similar in the MRRB, PBA, and Argentina,with a higher risk due to perinatal conditions and among VLBW LBs. The NMR among VLBW LBs waslower in the MRRB than in Argentina

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Infant, Newborn , Infant Mortality , Rivers , Argentina/epidemiology , Cities , Infant, Very Low Birth Weight
Chinese Journal of Epidemiology ; (12): 974-981, 2023.
مقالة ي صينى | WPRIM | ID: wpr-985622


Objective: To explore the changes in bacterial community structure, antibiotic resistance genome, and pathogen virulence genome in river water before and after the river flowing through Haikou City and their transmission and dispersal patterns and to reveal anthropogenic disturbance's effects on microorganisms and resistance genes in the aquatic environment. Methods: The Nandu River was divided into three study areas: the front, middle and rear sections from the upstream before it flowed through Haikou City to the estuary. Three sampling sites were selected in each area, and six copies of the sample were collected in parallel at each site and mixed for 3 L per sample. Microbial community structure, antibiotic resistance, virulence factors, and mobile genetic elements were analyzed through bioinformatic data obtained by metagenomic sequencing and full-length sequencing of 16S rRNA genes. Variations in the distribution of bacterial communities between samples and correlation of transmission patterns were analyzed by principal co-ordinates analysis, procrustes analysis, and Mantel test. Results: As the river flowed through Haikou City, microbes' alpha diversity gradually decreased. Among them, Proteobacteria dominates in the bacterial community in the front, middle, and rear sections, and the relative abundance of Proteobacteria in the middle and rear sections was higher than that in the front segment. The diversity and abundance of antibiotic resistance genes, virulence factors, and mobile genetic elements were all at low levels in the front section and all increased significantly after flow through Haikou City. At the same time, horizontal transmission mediated by mobile genetic elements played a more significant role in the spread of antibiotic-resistance genes and virulence factors. Conclusions: Urbanization significantly impacts river bacteria and the resistance genes, virulence factors, and mobile genetic elements they carry. The Nandu River in Haikou flows through the city, receiving antibiotic-resistant and pathogen-associated bacteria excreted by the population. In contrast, antibiotic-resistant genes and virulence factors are enriched in bacteria, which indicates a threat to environmental health and public health. Comparison of river microbiomes and antibiotic resistance genomes before and after flow through cities is a valuable early warning indicator for monitoring the spread of antibiotic resistance.

Humans , Rivers , Virulence Factors/genetics , RNA, Ribosomal, 16S/genetics , Microbiota/genetics , Anti-Bacterial Agents , Drug Resistance, Microbial/genetics
مقالة ي صينى | WPRIM | ID: wpr-997246


OBJECTIVE@#To identify the spatial distribution pattern of Oncomelania hupensis spread in Hubei Province, so as to provide insights into precision O. hupensis snail control in the province.@*METHODS@#Data pertaining to emerging and reemerging snails were collected from Hubei Province from 2020 to 2022 to build a spatial database of O. hupensis snail spread. The spatial clustering of O. hupensis snail spread was identified using global and local spatial autocorrelation analyses, and the hot spots of snail spread were identified using kernel density estimation. In addition, the correlation between environments with snail spread and the distance from the Yangtze River was evaluated using nearest-neighbor analysis and Spearman correlation analysis.@*RESULTS@#O. hupensis snail spread mainly occurred along the Yangtze River and Jianghan Plain in Hubei Province from 2020 to 2022, with a total spread area of 4 320.63 hm2, including 1 230.77 hm2 emerging snail habitats and 3 089.87 hm2 reemerging snail habitats. Global spatial autocorrelation analysis showed spatial autocorrelation in the O. hupensis snail spread in Hubei Province in 2020 and 2021, appearing a spatial clustering pattern (Moran's I = 0.003 593 and 0.060 973, both P values < 0.05), and the mean density of spread snails showed spatial aggregation in Hubei Province in 2020 (Moran's I = 0.512 856, P < 0.05). Local spatial autocorrelation analysis showed that the high-high clustering areas of spread snails were mainly distributed in 50 settings of 10 counties (districts) in Hubei Province from 2020 to 2022, and the high-high clustering areas of the mean density of spread snails were predominantly found in 219 snail habitats in four counties of Jiangling, Honghu, Yangxin and Gong'an. Kernel density estimation showed that there were high-, secondary high- and medium-density hot spots in snail spread areas in Hubei Province from 2020 to 2022, which were distributed in Jingzhou District, Wuxue District, Honghu County and Huangzhou District, respectively. There were high- and medium-density hot spots in the mean density of spread snails, which were located in Jiangling County, Honghu County and Yangxin County, respectively. In addition, the snail spread areas negatively correlated with the distance from the Yangtze River (r = -0.108 9, P < 0.05).@*CONCLUSIONS@#There was spatial clustering of O. hupensis snail spread in Hubei Province from 2020 to 2022. The monitoring and control of O. hupensis snails require to be reinforced in the clustering areas, notably in inner embankments to prevent reemerging schistosomiasis.

Animals , Schistosomiasis/prevention & control , Spatial Analysis , Ecosystem , Gastropoda , Rivers , China/epidemiology
مقالة ي صينى | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1003605


OBJECTIVE@#To establish a surveillance and early warning index system for schistosomiasis transmission risk along the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River basin, so as to provide insights into creation of a sensitive and highly efficient surveillance and early warning system for schistosomiasis.@*METHODS@#National and international publications, documents, laws and regulations pertaining to schistosomiasis control were retrieved with keywords including schistosomiasis, surveillance, early warning and control interventions from 2008 to 2022, and a thematic panel discussion was held to preliminarily construct surveillance and early warning index system for schistosomiasis transmission risk along the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River basin. The index system was then comprehensively scored and screened using the Delphi method, and the weight of each index was determined using analytic hierarchy process and the modified proportional allocation method. In addition, the credibility of the Delphi method was evaluated using positive coefficient, authority coefficient, degree of concentration and degree of coordination of experts.@*RESULTS@#Following two rounds of expert consultation, a surveillance and early warning index system for schistosomiasis transmission risk in endemic areas along the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River basin was preliminarily constructed, including 3 primary indicators, 9 secondary indicators and 41 tertiary indicators. The normalized weights of primary indicators epidemics, natural and social factors and comprehensive control were 0.639 8, 0.145 6 and 0.214 6, respectively, and among all secondary indicators, snail status (0.321 3) and schistosomiasis prevalence (0.318 5) had the highest combined weights, while social factors had the lowest combined weight (0.030 4). Of all tertiary indicators, human egg-positive rate (0.041 9), number of acute schistosomiasis cases (0.041 5), number of stool-positive bovine and sheep (0.041 1), and prevalence of Schistosoma japonicum in free-ranging livestock (0.041 1) had the highest combined weights. During two rounds of consultation, the positive coefficient of experts was both 100%, and the authority coefficient was both 0.9 and greater, while the coordination coefficients were 0.338 to 0.441 and 0.426 to 0.565 (χ2 = 22.875 to 216.524, both P values < 0.05).@*CONCLUSIONS@#The established surveillance and early warning index system for schistosomiasis transmission risk along the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River basin is of great scientific values and authority, which may provide insights into construction of the sensitive and highly efficient surveillance and early warning system for schistosomiasis in the context of low prevalence and low intensity of infection in China.

Animals , Cattle , Humans , Sheep , Rivers , Schistosomiasis/prevention & control , Schistosoma japonicum , China/epidemiology , Snails
Braz. j. biol ; 83: e247384, 2023. tab, graf
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1278539


Abstract The colonization pattern of fish assemblages in streams is often studied in the context of environmental filters. On the other hand, when fish assemblages are subjected to anthropogenic effects, variables associated with environmental quality assume more importance. Therefore, this work evaluated the richness and composition of fish from streams sampled at different urbanization levels, aiming to determine any direct effects on the structure of fish assemblages. To accomplish this, samples were collected from 2003 to 2011 at 31 sites distributed among 3 microbasins in the Rio Ivinhema Basin, Alto Rio Paraná. Based on environmental variables, physicochemical of the water and analysis of the use and occupation of the soil, the microbasins were classified into different urbanization levels (low, medium and high). A total of 4,320 individuals were sampled, out of which 57 fish species were recorded. Sampled sites with medium urbanization level presented higher richness compared to sampled sites with high urbanization level which presented lower richness. Species richness in these sites was explained mainly by water temperature and water velocity. Results confirmed that urbanization does directly affect environmental integrity, which, in turn, can lead to the homogenization of stream assemblages.

Resumo Estudos sobre assembleias de peixes em riachos enfatizam o papel dos filtros ambientais associados ao padrão de colonização das assembleias, por outro lado, quando a assembleia está sujeita aos efeitos antropogênicos, as variáveis ambientais associadas à qualidade ambiental assumem maior importância. Dessa forma, o objetivo deste estudo foi analisar a riqueza e a composição de peixes de riachos amostrados em diferentes níveis de urbanização, buscando evidenciar se o efeito reflete diretamente na estrutura das assembleias. As amostragens foram realizadas em 31 locais distribuídos em três microbacias na bacia Rio Ivinhema, Alto Rio Paraná, no período de 2003 a 2011. Com base nas variáveis ambientais, físico-químicos da água e análise do uso e ocupação do solo as microbacias foram classificadas em diferentes níveis de urbanização (baixo, médio e alto). Foram amostrados um total 4.320 indivíduos, dos quais foram registradas 57 espécies de peixes. Os locais amostrados com influência média da urbanização apresentaram maior riqueza de espécies, entretanto, os locais amostrados com alta influência da urbanização apresentaram menor riqueza de espécies. Dessa forma, constatamos que a urbanização influencia diretamente na integridade ambiental, que pode levar a homogeneização das assembleias de riachos.

Humans , Animals , Urbanization , Rivers , Soil , Brazil , Ecosystem , Fishes
Braz. j. biol ; 83: e247913, 2023. graf
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1278555


Abstract The aim of this paper was recording the occurrence of the species Lumbriculus variegatus (Müller, 1774) (Oligochaeta, Lumbriculidae) in lotic systems of the State of São Paulo. Specimens were collected in Sapucaí River, located in Campos do Jordão State Park. The mapping of geographical distribution of this species is of interest to public health since L. variegatus may be an intermediate host of Dioctophyme renale (Goeze, 1782) (Nematoda, Dioctophymatidae), a parasite of recognized zoonotic potential. Distribution data serves as a basis for environmental monitoring and evaluation, being essential to map possible cases of the disease (Dioctophimosis) and provide information to health professionals.

Resumo O objetivo deste trabalho foi registrar a ocorrência de Lumbriculus variegatus (Müller, 1774) (Oligochaeta, Lumbriculidae) em um sistema lótico do Estado de São Paulo. Os espécimes foram coletados no rio Sapucaí, localizado no Parque Estadual de Campos do Jordão. O mapeamento da distribuição geográfica desta espécie é de interesse para saúde pública uma vez que L. variegatus pode ser um hospedeiro intermediário de Dioctophyme renale (Goeze, 1782) (Nematoda, Dioctophymatidae), parasito de reconhecido potencial zoonótico. Dados de distribuição servem de base para monitoramento e avaliação ambiental, sendo essenciais para mapear possíveis casos da doença (Dioctofimose) e fornecer informações para profissionais de saúde.

Animals , Oligochaeta , Nematoda , Brazil , Environmental Monitoring , Rivers
Braz. j. biol ; 83: e242922, 2023. tab
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1350302


Abstract Seven hundred and twenty four fish specimens were captured from March to September 2016. The materials used in the current study were cast nets, hand nets. Eight cyprinid fish species were studied for their length-weight relationships. Parameter b in the LWR was 3.03, 3.06, 3.02, 2.29, 2.82, 3.43, 2.73 and 2.47 for Schizothorax plagiostomus, Schizothorax esocinus, Racoma labiata, Tor putitora, Barilius vagra, Garra gotyla, Puntius ticto and Arassius auratus respectively. Current study is the first attempt on the LWRs of cyprinid species, provide a baseline approach for conservation and /management of local fish fauna of economic importance.

Resumo Um total de 724 espécimes de peixes foi capturado de março a setembro de 2016. Os materiais usados ​​no presente estudo foram redes de lançamento, redes de mão. Oito espécies de peixes ciprinídeos foram estudadas quanto às suas relações peso/comprimento. O parâmetro b no LWR foi 3,03, 3,06, 3,02, 2,29, 2,82, 3,43, 2,73 e 2,47 para Schizothorax plagiostomus, Schizothorax esocinus, Racoma labiata, Tor putitora, Barilius vagra, Garra gotyla, Puntius ticto e Arassius auratus respectivamente. O estudo atual é a primeira tentativa sobre os LWRs de espécies de ciprinídeos, fornecendo uma abordagem de base para a conservação e o manejo da ictiofauna local de importância econômica.

Animals , Cyprinidae , Rivers , Pakistan
Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos ; 30: e2023035, 2023.
مقالة ي البرتغالية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1448365


Resumo O artigo analisa concepções veiculadas pelos clubes de remo e imprensa esportiva sobre o rio Tietê nas primeiras quatro décadas do século XX, em São Paulo. As fontes históricas utilizadas foram jornais paulistanos e revistas produzidas pelos clubes. Entre 1900 e 1920, tais instituições deram início a práticas esportivas aquáticas, e as fontes apontam um discurso positivo veiculado à promoção da saúde pelos esportes. Entretanto, essa relação se alterou nas décadas de 1930 e 1940. De espaço indissociável das práticas esportivas, da saúde e dos divertimentos, o Tietê passou a ser considerado inadequado, dada a poluição do rio e a impossibilidade de realização de provas esportivas.

Abstract This article analyzes changing conceptions of the Tietê river, in São Paulo, Brazil, in the first four decades of the twentieth century as perceived by rowing clubs and the sports press. The historical sources consulted were local newspapers and magazines produced by the clubs. Between 1900 and 1920, as these institutions started to offer water sports, the discourse in the sources vis-a-vis the promotion of health through such sports is positive. However, this relationship changes in the 1930s and 1940s. The Tietê, once synonymous with sport, health, and entertainment, becomes so polluted that it is considered inadequate, making sporting events on its waters unfeasible.

Rivers , Environmental Pollution , Water Sports , Health Promotion , Brazil , History, 20th Century
Braz. j. biol ; 83: e250003, 2023. tab, graf
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1339392


Abstract This study estimated the length-weight relationships of 16 fish species occurring close to the shores of sandy beaches along the lower Negro River basin, Brazilian Amazon. The specimens were captured for one day each month, in October to November 2016, early in the morning and early evening, using trawl net (20 m taken for standard length (SL - 0.1 cm precision) and total weight (TW - 0.01 g precision). The parameters a and b of the equation WT = a.LTb were estimated. The a values ranged from 0.0018 to 0.0226 and b values ranged from 2.5271 to 3.3244. This study also provides new data on of maximum lengths for six species, Amazonsprattus scintilla, Brycon pesu, Moenkhausia megalops, Pachyurus paucirastrus, Reganella depressa and Trachydoras microstomus, and new reports of the LWRs parameters of 15 fish species.

Resumo Este estudo estimou as relações comprimento-peso de 16 espécies de peixes que ocorrem às margens de praias arenosas ao longo da bacia do baixo Rio Negro, Amazônia brasileira. As espécies foram capturadas durante um dia de cada mês, de outubro a novembro de 2016, no início da manhã e no início da noite, usando rede de cerco (20 m de comprimento e 3,5 m de altura, 5 malha mm entre nós opostos). As medidas foram feitas para comprimento padrão (SL - precisão de 0,1 cm) e peso total (TW - precisão de 0,01 g). Os parâmetros a e b da equação WT = a.LTb foram estimados. Os valores de a variaram de 0,0018 a 0,0226 e os valores de b variaram de 2,5271 a 3,3244. Este estudo também fornece novos dados sobre comprimentos máximos para seis espécies, Amazonsprattus scintilla, Brycon pesu, Moenkhausia megalops, Pachyurus paucirastrus, Reganella depressa e Trachydoras microstomus, e novos reportes dos parâmetros da LWRs de 15 espécies de peixes.

Animals , Perciformes , Characiformes , Characidae , Brazil , Rivers
Braz. j. biol ; 83: e250000, 2023. graf
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1339398

Environmental Monitoring , Rivers
Rev. biol. trop ; 70(1)dic. 2022.
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1423023


Introducción: La materia orgánica particulada gruesa originada en la vegetación ribereña es la fuente principal de energía en muchas cuencas de cabecera. Sin embargo, la transferencia de dicha materia es alterada por la destrucción de los bosques. Objetivo: Evaluar diferencias en la materia orgánica en quebradas con bosques y con pastizales. Métodos: Comparar las entradas, el almacenamiento y la exportación de esta materia orgánica en el cauce de quebradas con bosques y con pastizales, en la región central de los Andes de Colombia. En cada quebrada, se midieron los aportes verticales y laterales de hojarasca con canastas; hojarasca del lecho de las quebradas con cuadrantes, y la exportación de material con redes de deriva, con un alcance de 100 m. Resultados: Las quebradas con bosques ribereños recibieron un promedio anual de 915 g m-2 de materia orgánica particulada gruesa, exportando un total de 334 g m-3 y almacenando 732 g m-2, valores que fueron significativamente más altos que en quebradas con pastizales, donde los valores correspondientes fueron: 125.4 g m-2; 128 g m-3 y 205.5 g m-2. Conclusiones: La remoción de cobertura boscosa de la zona ribereña reduce la materia orgánica en estas cuencas de cabecera en Colombia.

Introduction: Coarse particulate organic matter originated in riparian vegetation is the main source of energy in many headwater streams. However, the transfer of such material is altered by the destruction of forests. Objective: To assess flow differences of this organic matter in streams with forests and grasslands. Methods: We compared input, storage and export of this organic matter in the riparian belts of streams with forests, and streams with grasslands, in the central Andean region of Colombia. For each stream, we measured vertical and lateral litter with baskets; stream bed litter with a quadrant, and matter export with drift nets, in a 100 m reach. Results: The streams with riparian forest received an average of 915 g m-2 of coarse particulate organic matter annually, exported a total of 334 g m-3 and stored 732 g m-2, values that were significantly higher than in grassland streams, where the corresponding values were: 125.4 g m-2; 128 g m-3 and 205.5 g m-2. Conclusions: The removal of tree cover from the riparian zone reduced the organic matter in these headwater streams of Colombia.

Conservation of Natural Resources , Rivers , Animal Husbandry , Colombia , Organic Matter
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