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Odovtos (En linea) ; 25(1)abr. 2023.
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1422201


The objective of this research was to determine some of the sociodemographic and academic characteristics of the students who entered the Dentistry career in the period 2007 to 2014. Data was collected from 673 student files. The variables considered were sex, admission age, marital status, children, nationality, place of origin, high school of origin, and admission exam score. The data was obtained from the database of the Student Applications System, the physical files, and the Supreme Electoral Tribunal of Costa Rica. Descriptive statistics were performed, establishing the absolute and relative frequency of the variables. The Mann-Whitney test was used to determine if there were statistically significant differences between the admission exam and the established sociodemographic variables (p<0,05, IC 95%). 68,4% of the students are female. The average age was 18.4 years (SD=2,41). 99,0% of the students are from Costa Rica. 99,3% were single and only 0,9% had children. The largest number of students entered through an admission exam (78.9%) and 50.7% studied at a public high school. Regarding the address, 77.9% of the subjects resided in the Greater Metropolitan Area. The average grade of the admission exam was 613,8 (SD=49,95). There was a statistically significant difference between the entrance exam grade and the different types of high schools of origin. The group of students who entered to train as Dentists at the University of Costa Rica from 2007 to 2014 was a population with an average age of entry of 18,4 years, Costa Rican, predominantly female, single, without children, from geographic areas within the Greater Metropolitan Area (GMA), graduated from public schools with an average admission exam grade of 612,2.

El objetivo de esta investigación fue determinar algunas de las características sociodemográficas y académicas de los estudiantes que ingresaron a la carrera de Odontología en el período 2007 al 2014. Se recopilaron los datos de 673 expedientes de los estudiantes. Las variables consideradas fueron: sexo, edad de ingreso, estado civil, hijos, nacionalidad, lugar de procedencia, colegio de procedencia y nota de examen de admisión. Los datos se obtuvieron de la base de datos del Sistema de Aplicaciones Estudiantiles (SAE), los expedientes físicos y del Tribunal Supremo de Elecciones de Costa Rica. Se realizó estadística descriptiva estableciendo la frecuencia absoluta y relativa de las variables. Se empleó el test de Mann Whitney para determinar si existían diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre el examen de admisión y las variables sociodemográficas establecidas (p<0,05, IC 95%). El 68,4% de los estudiantes pertenecen al sexo femenino. La edad promedio fue de 18,4 años (DS=2,41). El 99,0% de los discentes son de nacionalidad costarricense. El 99,3% eran solteros y sólo el 0,9% tenían hijos. La mayor cantidad de estudiantes ingresaron por examen de admisión (78,9%) y el 50,7% cursó sus estudios en un colegio público. Respecto al domicilio, el 77,9% de los sujetos residían en el Gran Área Metropolitana. El promedio de nota del examen de admisión fue de 613,8 (DS=49,95). Hubo una diferencia estadísticamente significativa entre la nota del examen de admisión y los diferentes tipos de colegios de procedencia. El grupo de estudiantes que ingresaron a formarse como Odontólogos en la Universidad de Costa Rica en el periodo de 2007 al 2014 fue una población con un promedio una edad de ingreso de 18,4 años predominantemente femenina, costarricense, soltera, sin hijos, proveniente de áreas geográficas dentro del Gran Área Metropolitana (GAM), egresadas de colegios públicos con un promedio de nota de examen de admisión de 612,2.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , School Admission Criteria/statistics & numerical data , Education, Dental , Sociodemographic Factors , Costa Rica
Psicol. ciênc. prof ; 43: e255410, 2023. tab
مقالة ي البرتغالية | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1529230


Com a instauração da política de cotas, ocorreram profundas transformações no perfil dos estudantes das universidades públicas brasileiras. Essa nova composição do corpo discente, com maior representatividade de minorias e/ou estudantes de baixa renda, traz consigo novas demandas relacionadas à saúde mental do estudante. Apesar disso, ainda são escassas as pesquisas que investiguem esse contexto específico. Este estudo visa comparar a saúde mental de estudantes cotistas e não cotistas, avaliando diferenças nas prevalências de sintomas de depressão, ansiedade e estresse entre os dois grupos. Participaram da pesquisa 6.103 estudantes de graduação de uma universidade pública federal, dos quais 2.983 (48,88%) cotistas e 3.120 (51,12%) não cotistas. O levantamento de dados foi feito por meio de questionário on-line contendo questionário sociodemográfico e de hábitos de vida, e pelo Depression Anxiety and Stress Scale, na sua versão reduzida de 21 itens (DASS-21), utilizada para avaliar sintomas de depressão, ansiedade e estresse. Os resultados indicaram que os estudantes cotistas apresentaram maiores prevalências de sintomas de depressão e ansiedade quando comparados aos não cotistas. As áreas de Ciências Exatas e da Terra, e os Bacharelados Interdisciplinares apresentaram maiores diferenças entre os dois grupos em relação a esses problemas em saúde mental. Os resultados apontam para a necessidade de que as universidades estejam atentas às novas demandas em saúde mental dos estudantes e que estas sejam contempladas nas políticas de atenção à saúde estudantil.(AU)

With the introduction of the quota policy, profound changes took place in the profile of students in Brazilian public universities. This new composition of the student body, with greater representation of minorities and/or low-income students, brings new demands related to student mental health. Despite this, there are still few studies investigating this specific context. This study aims to compare the mental health of quota and non-quota students, evaluating differences in the prevalence of symptoms of depression, anxiety, and stress between the two groups. A total of 6,103 undergraduate students from a federal public university participated in the research, of which 2,983 (48.88%) were quota students and 3,120 (51.12%) were nonquota students. Data collection was carried out via an online questionnaire containing a sociodemographic and lifestyle questionnaire, and the Depression Anxiety and Stress Scale, in its reduced version of 21 items (DASS-21) was used to assess symptoms of depression, anxiety, and stress. The results indicated that quota students had higher prevalence of symptoms of depression and anxiety when compared to non-quota students. The areas of Exact and Earth Sciences and Interdisciplinary Bachelors were the ones that showed the greatest differences between the two groups in relation to these mental health problems. The results point to the need for universities to be attentive to the new demands in mental health of students and for these to be included in student health care policies.(AU)

Con la introducción de la política de cuotas, se produjeron cambios profundos en el perfil de los estudiantes de las universidades públicas brasileñas. Esta nueva composición del alumnado, con mayor representación de minorías y/o estudiantes de escasos recursos, trae consigo nuevas demandas relacionadas con la salud mental del alumno. Pero todavía existen pocas investigaciones sobre el contexto específico. Este estudio tiene como objetivo comparar la salud mental de los estudiantes beneficiarios de las políticas de cuotas y los no beneficiarios, y evaluar las diferencias en la prevalencia de síntomas de depresión, ansiedad y estrés entre los dos grupos. En la investigación participaron un total de 6.103 estudiantes de grado de una universidad pública federal, de los cuales 2.983 (48,88%) son estudiantes beneficiarios y 3.120 (51,12%) son estudiantes no beneficiarios. Los datos se recolectaron de un formulario en línea, que estaba compuesto por un cuestionario sociodemográfico y de hábitos de vida, y por la Escala de Depresión, Ansiedad y Estrés, en su versión reducida de 21 ítems (DASS-21), utilizada para evaluar síntomas de depresión, ansiedad y estrés. Los resultados destacaron que los estudiantes beneficiarios de las políticas de cuotas tenían una mayor prevalencia de síntomas de depresión y ansiedad en comparación con los estudiantes no beneficiarios. Las áreas de Ciencias Exactas y de la Tierra y Licenciaturas Interdisciplinarias presentaron las mayores diferencias entre los dos grupos con relación a estos problemas en salud mental. Los resultados apuntan a la necesidad de que las universidades sean conscientes de las nuevas demandas sobre la salud mental de los estudiantes y de que estas se incluyan en las políticas de atención de la salud estudiantil.(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Students , Universities , Mental Health , Personal Satisfaction , Prejudice , Professional Competence , Psychology , Psychometrics , Public Policy , School Admission Criteria , Schools , Social Behavior , Social Change , Social Class , Social Conditions , Social Justice , Social Mobility , Social Sciences , Socioeconomic Factors , Sociology , Stereotyping , Stress, Psychological , Student Dropouts , Teaching , Violence , Population Characteristics , Black or African American , Career Choice , Family , Illicit Drugs , Poverty Areas , Schools, Public Health , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Disabled Persons , College Admission Test , Domestic Violence , Cultural Diversity , Statistics , Culture , Democracy , Friends , Racial Groups , Depression , Alcoholic Beverages , Education , Educational Measurement , Equity , Fear , Fellowships and Scholarships , Test Taking Skills , Racism , Social Discrimination , Social Marginalization , Medicalization , Tobacco Products , Social Skills , Sociological Factors , Healthy Lifestyle , Academic Performance , Academic Success , Ethnic Inequality , Social Privilege , Adverse Childhood Experiences , Indigenous Peoples , Psychological Distress , Empowerment , Social Inclusion , Gender Equity , Economic Factors , Health Disparate Minority and Vulnerable Populations , Sociodemographic Factors , Intersectional Framework , Ethnic and Racial Minorities , Social Vulnerability , Quilombola Communities , Diversity, Equity, Inclusion , Low Socioeconomic Status , Residential Segregation , Hierarchy, Social , Human Rights , Intelligence , Interpersonal Relations , Mental Disorders , Methods , Antidepressive Agents
Edumecentro ; 14: e1682, 2022. tab, graf
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1356190


RESUMEN Fundamento: la identificación de factores que influyen en el rendimiento académico de los estudiantes constituye un pilar importante para el perfeccionamiento del proceso enseñanza aprendizaje. Objetivo: analizar el desempeño académico de los estudiantes previo a su ingreso en la educación superior y en su primer año de estudios. Métodos: se realizó un estudio transversal descriptivo con estudiantes que matricularon como nuevo ingreso en el primer año de Medicina, durante los cursos escolares 2017-2018 y 2018-2019. Las variables principales empleadas fueron el género, los resultados de exámenes de ingreso, índice académico y de escalafón. A partir de las calificaciones en las asignaturas de las ciencias básicas biomédicas se realizó la clasificación en rendimiento académico alto, medio, bajo y deficiente. Se realizó un análisis descriptivo y de asociación entre las variables del estudio. Resultados: se constató que tanto en hembras como en varones el número de estudiantes con rendimiento académico en ciencias básicas es bajo, con índice académico menor de 90; los que desaprobaron duplican o triplican el número de los aprobados. Se observó correlación positiva entre el índice de escalafón y la nota promedio de ciencias básicas al final del primer año de la carrera. Conclusiones: en los estudiantes de primer año de Medicina se reconoció un bajo nivel académico en las ciencias básicas, en el que influyeron los resultados de la enseñanza precedente.

ABSTRACT Background: the identification of factors that influence the academic performance of students constitutes an important pillar for the improvement of the teaching-learning process. Objective: to analyze the academic performance of students prior to entering higher education and in their first year of studies. Methods: a descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out with students who enrolled as a new student in the first year of Medicine, during the 2017-2018 and 2018-2019 school years. The main variables used were gender, entrance exam results, academic index and ranking. Based on the grades in the subjects of basic biomedical sciences, the classification was made into high, average, low and poor academic performance. A descriptive and association analysis was performed among the study variables. Results: it was found that in both males and females the number of students with academic performance in basic sciences is low, with an academic index of less than 90; those who flunked double or triple the number of those who passed. A positive correlation was observed between the ranking index and the average grade in basic sciences at the end of the first year of the degree. Conclusions: in the first-year medical students, a low academic level was recognized in the basic sciences, which was influenced by the results of the previous teaching.

School Admission Criteria , Students, Health Occupations , Underachievement
مقالة ي الانجليزية | WPRIM | ID: wpr-764479


PURPOSE: The field of physical therapy education is seeking an evidence-based approach for admitting qualified applicants, as previous research has assessed various outcomes, impeding practical application. This study was conducted to identify preadmission criteria predictive of graduation success. METHODS: Data from the 2013–2016 graduating cohorts (n=149) were collected. Predictors included verbal Graduate Record Examination rank percentile (VGRE%), quantitative GRE rank percentile, analytical GRE rank percentile, the admissions interview, precumulative science grade point average (SGPA), precumulative grade point average (UGPA), and a reflective essay. The National Physical Therapy Examination (NPTE) and grade point average at the time of graduation (GGPA) were used as measures of graduation success. Two separate mixed-effects models determined the associations of preadmission predictors with NPTE performance and GGPA. RESULTS: The NPTE model fit comparison showed significant results (degrees of freedom [df]=10, P=0.001), decreasing within-cohort variance by 59.5%. NPTE performance was associated with GGPA (β=125.21, P=0.001), and VGRE%, the interview, the essay, and GGPA (P≤0.001) impacted the model fit. The GGPA model fit comparison did not show significant results (df=8, P=0.56), decreasing within-cohort variance by 16.4%. The GGPA was associated with the interview (β=0.02, P=0.04) and UGPA (β=0.25, P=0.04), and VGRE%, the interview, UGPA, and the essay (P≤0.02) impacted model fit. CONCLUSION: In our findings, GGPA predicted NPTE performance, and the interview and UGPA predicted GGPA. Unlike past evidence, SGPA showed no predictive power. The essay and VGRE% warrant attention because of their influence on model fit. We recommend that admissions ranking matrices place a greater weight on the interview, UGPA, VGRE%, and the essay.

Cohort Studies , Education , Freedom , School Admission Criteria , United States
Rev. enferm. Inst. Mex. Seguro Soc ; 26(1): 34-40, Ene-Mar. 2018. graf, tab
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1031361



Introducción: en la medida en que el sistema de educación superior logre tener mayor información sobre el perfil de los estudiantes, autoridades y profesores estarán en mejores condiciones de cumplir con los objetivos esenciales de la educación.

Objetivo: describir y analizar las características de los estudiantes que ingresan a la Licenciatura en Enfermería en una institución de educación superior.

Metodología: estudio transversal analítico, con 469 alumnos de dos generaciones, previo consentimiento informado se aplicó un cuestionario sobre las características personales, familiares, socioeconómicas y escolares. El análisis fue con el programa estadístico SPSS versión 21, Chi cuadrada y t de student.

Resultados: se encontró asociación entre el sentirse a gusto con la Licenciatura en Enfermería y la elección de la carrera p = 0.000; así como con el deseo de cambiarse de carrera p = 0.000 y con el deseo de estudiar un posgrado en Enfermería p = 0.014. No existe relación entre el promedio del bachillerato y el sexo de los alumnos p = 0.108, con el deseo del alumno para realizar estudios de posgrado p = 0.032, con el espacio para el estudio en casa p = 0.064, ni con el acceso a Internet p = 0.822.

Conclusiones: los factores que facilitan u obstaculizan al estudiante en su tránsito por la licenciatura son: el promedio de bachillerato, las horas de estudio y el gusto por la carrera; así como: el nivel socioeconómico bajo y el grado académico y ocupación de los padres.


Introduction: To the extent that the higher education system achieves greater information on the profile of students, authorities and teachers will be better able to meet the essential objectives of education.

Objective: Describe and analyze the characteristics of the students that enter the Nursing Degree in a Higher Education Institution.

Methods: Cross-sectional analytical study, with 469 students from two generations, with prior informed consent, a questionnaire was applied on personal, family, socioeconomic and school characteristics. The analysis was with the SPSS version 21, Chi squared test and Student t test.

Results: An association was found between feeling comfortable with the nursing degree and the choice of career p = 0.000; as well as, with the desire to change career p = 0.000 and with the desire to study a postgraduate nursing degree p = 0.014. There is no relationship between the average of the baccalaureate and the sex of the students p = 0.108; with the desire of the student to carry out postgraduate studies p = 0.032; with the space for home study p = 0.064; and with the Internet access p = 0.822.

Conclusions: The factors that facilitate or hinder the student in their transition through the bachelor's degree are: the high school average, the hours of study and the taste for the career; as well as, the low socioeconomic level and the academic degree and occupation of the parents.

Humans , Data Collection , School Admission Criteria , Education, Professional , Education, Nursing , Students, Nursing , Cross-Sectional Studies , Data Interpretation, Statistical , Mexico , Humans
مقالة ي الانجليزية | WPRIM | ID: wpr-764458


PURPOSE: The primary aim of this study was to develop a survey addressing an individual's non-cognitive traits, such as emotional intelligence, interpersonal skills, social intelligence, psychological flexibility, and grit. Such a tool would provide beneficial information for the continued development of admissions standards and would help better capture the full breadth of experience and capabilities of applicants applying to doctor of physical therapy (DPT) programs. METHODS: This was a cross-sectional survey study involving learners in DPT programs at 3 academic institutions in the United States. A survey was developed based on established non-proprietary, non-cognitive measures affiliated with success and resilience. The survey was assessed for face validity, and exploratory factor analysis (EFA) was used to identify subgroups of factors based on responses to the items. RESULTS: A total of 298 participants (90.3%) completed all elements of the survey. EFA yielded 39 items for dimensional assessment with regression coefficients <0.4. Within the 39 items, 3 latent constructs were identified: adaptability (16 items), intuitiveness (12 items), and engagement (11 items). CONCLUSION: This preliminary non-cognitive assessment survey will be able to play a valuable role in DPT admissions decisions following further examination and refinement.

Humans , Cross-Sectional Studies , Emotional Intelligence , Factor Analysis, Statistical , Physical Therapists , Pliability , Reproducibility of Results , School Admission Criteria , Social Skills , United States
مقالة ي الانجليزية | WPRIM | ID: wpr-716646


PURPOSE: This study aims to analyze the competency of medical students and its relevance for admission policy in medical schools. METHODS: This study examined the competency of 63 medical students from the 6-year program (group A) and 41 medical students from the 4-year program (group B) at Yonsei University using the Korea Collegiate Essential Skills Assessment (KCESA). The competency of groups A and B were compared to the corresponding competency levels of non-medical students (groups C and D). Group C is freshmen and D is senior students in universities. The KCESA is computer-based ability test composed of 228 items. The competency of participants were calculated on a T-scores (mean=50, standard deviation=10) based on KCESA norm-references. We conducted independent t-test for group comparisons of competency levels. RESULTS: There are no differences in competency levels between groups A and B. Compared with the non-medical students (group B), the medical students showed a significantly stronger ability to use resources, information-technology and higher-order thinking. In the comparison between groups B and D, medical students showed lower levels of self-management, interpersonal, and cooperative skills. CONCLUSION: The cognitive ability serves as an important indicator for the decision on admission to a basic medical education program. The efforts should be made to foster the competency that medical students have been found to lack, such as self-management, interpersonal, and cooperative skills. The admission committee should assess the cognitive and non-cognitive competency of applicants in a balanced manner.

Humans , Competency-Based Education , Education, Medical , Korea , Republic of Korea , School Admission Criteria , Schools, Medical , Self Care , Students, Medical , Thinking
Rev. Costarric. psicol ; 36(2): 105-121, jul.-dic. 2017. tab, graf
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1091935


Resumen Las concepciones y los conocimientos docentes afectan la práctica docente y esta, a su vez, influye en los logros de desarrollo en lectoescritura emergente de los niños preescolares. Esta investigación explora las valoraciones docentes de prácticas efectivas en el aula para la promoción de la lectoescritura emergente y sus conocimientos sobre conciencia fonológica y fonemas. Una muestra conformada por 284 docentes a cargo de salones de educación preescolar contestó un cuestionario en línea. Los resultados indicaron diferencias según tipo de universidad en la cual se tituló la docente. Las docentes graduadas de universidades públicas otorgaron mayor importancia a prácticas efectivas en el aula para la promoción de la lectoescritura emergente que las docentes graduadas de universidades privadas. Si bien la mayoría de participantes consideró la conciencia fonológica como un factor importante para el desarrollo de la lectoescritura, los conocimientos sobre esta fueron deficientes en toda la muestra. Igualmente, los conocimientos docentes sobre los fonemas y su habilidad para identificarlos en palabras concretas también fueron deficientes. Estos y otros hallazgos se discuten a la luz de sus implicaciones para la promoción de la calidad en la educación preescolar costarricense.

Abstract Teachers' conceptions and knowledge affect their practices, and teachers' practices influence preschoolers' early literacy development. This study explores how much teachers value classroom practices previously proven to be effective in promoting early literacy development, and how much teachers know about phonological awareness and phonemes. A sample of 284 preschool teachers filled out an online questionnaire. Results showed differences as a function of the kind of university where teachers obtained their university degree. Teachers who graduated from public universities considered practices proven to be effective to promote early literacy more important than teachers who graduated from private universities. Although most participants considered phonological awareness an important factor for early literacy development, knowledge about it was deficient across the whole sample. Teachers' knowledge about phonemes and their abilities to identify phonemes in specific words were deficient. Findings are discussed in light of their implications for promoting quality preschool education in Costa Rica.

Humans , Female , Adult , Reading , School Admission Criteria , Writing , Schools, Nursery , School Teachers/psychology , Language Disorders , Costa Rica , Education , Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS | ID: biblio-980183


Este artículo constituye una contribución al debate actual acerca del problema del diseño, la implementación y la evaluación de estrategias para la promoción de alfabetización académica y del desarrollo de las habilidades argumentativas escritas académicas. Se presentan las cuatro fases de la investigación que corresponden al trabajo realizado, en primer término, para conocer la concepción que tenían los docentes de la cátedra de psicología de CBC de UBA respecto de la lectura y escritura académica; en segundo término, para concientizar a los docentes respecto de su función, como agentes mediadores, para la promoción de habilidades de lectura y escritura académicas, en tercer término, y vinculado con el trabajo de concientización, para diseñar un dispositivo pedagógico didáctico que utilizara la lectura y escritura argumentativa académica colaborativa para el desarrollo de una actitud epistémica del conocimiento disciplinar, y finalmente, para realizar una prueba piloto del dispositivo pedagógico didáctico que evaluara la efectividad del mismo. Se presentan los resultados obtenidos.

This article is a contribution to the current debate about the problem of the design, implementation and evaluation of strategies for the promotion of academic literacy and the development of argumentative academic writting skills. The four phases of the research that correspond to the work done in the first place were presented, to know the conception that teachers of the chair of Psychology at CBC UBA had in respect of academic reading and writing; secondly, to raise awareness among teachers with regard to its role as mediator agents, for the promotion of academic reading and writing skills, thirdly, and linked with the work of awareness, to design a didactic pedagogical device that will use argumentative academic collaborative reading and writing for the development of an epistemic attitude of disciplinary knowledge, and finally, to conduct a pilot test of the didactic pedagogical device that will evaluate the effectiveness of the it. The results are presented.

Humans , Universities , Faculty , School Admission Criteria
مقالة ي الانجليزية | WPRIM | ID: wpr-86660


PURPOSE: This paper aims to introduce the design of multiple mini-interviews (MMIs) as a tool to assess medical school applicants' attributes in alignment with the school's educational goals and to evaluate its utility. METHODS: In this MMI, candidates rotated through six stations (10 minutes per station), in which specific interview topics were drawn by mapping the school's educational goals with the core competencies for entering medical students. We conducted post-MMI surveys of all of the interviewers and candidates to investigate their experiences of MMIs. The G-coefficient and interclass correlation were analyzed to investigate the reliability of this test. Additionally, the candidates' MMI scores were compared across different backgrounds and a univariate analysis was used to estimate correlations between their MMI scores and prior academic achievements. RESULTS: A total of 164 candidates (a 98.8% response rate) and 19 interviewers (a 100% response rate) completed the surveys in the years 2014 and 2015. Both candidates and assessors showed positive responses to MMIs. The G-coefficient of MMI scores was 0.88 and the interclass correlation coefficients ranged from 0.58 to 0.75. The participants' total MMI scores did not differ across genders or undergraduate backgrounds and were not associated with age, undergraduate graduate point averages, nor the Korean medical school admission test (Medical Education Eligibility Test) scores. CONCLUSION: Our study illustrates the utility of MMIs that utilize the institution's educational goals to identify attributes to be pursued in the admission interviews in alignment with the institution's core values. Future research is warranted of the predictive validity of this MMI.

Humans , Education , Education, Medical , Interviews as Topic , School Admission Criteria , Schools, Medical , Students, Medical
مقالة ي الكورية | WPRIM | ID: wpr-787048


BACKGROUND: This study was conducted to examine the academic achievements of first year medical students in one medical school based on their characteristics and student selection factors of admission.METHODS: The admission scores of student selection factors (Medical Education Eligibility Test [MEET], grade point average [GPA], English test score and interview) and demographic information were obtained from 61 students who had interviewed (multiple mini interview [MMI]) for admission (38 graduate medical school students in 2014, 23 medical college-transfer students in 2015). T-tests and ANOVA were used to examine the differences in academic achievement according to the student characteristics. Correlations between admission criteria scores and academic achievements were examined.RESULTS: MEET score was higher among graduate medical students than medical college transfer students among student selection factors for admission. There were no significant differences in academic achievement of first grade medical school between age, gender, region of high school, years after graduation and school system. The lowest interview score group showed significantly lower achievement in problem-based learning (PBL) (p=0.034). Undergraduate GPA score was positively correlated with first grade total score (r=0.446, p=0.001) among admission scores of student selection factors.CONCLUSION: Students with higher GPA scores tend to do better academically in their first year of medical school. In case of interview, academic achievement did not lead to differences except for PBL.

Humans , Education , Problem-Based Learning , School Admission Criteria , Schools, Medical , Students, Medical
مقالة ي الكورية | WPRIM | ID: wpr-174147


BACKGROUND: This study was conducted to examine the academic achievements of first year medical students in one medical school based on their characteristics and student selection factors of admission. METHODS: The admission scores of student selection factors (Medical Education Eligibility Test [MEET], grade point average [GPA], English test score and interview) and demographic information were obtained from 61 students who had interviewed (multiple mini interview [MMI]) for admission (38 graduate medical school students in 2014, 23 medical college-transfer students in 2015). T-tests and ANOVA were used to examine the differences in academic achievement according to the student characteristics. Correlations between admission criteria scores and academic achievements were examined. RESULTS: MEET score was higher among graduate medical students than medical college transfer students among student selection factors for admission. There were no significant differences in academic achievement of first grade medical school between age, gender, region of high school, years after graduation and school system. The lowest interview score group showed significantly lower achievement in problem-based learning (PBL) (p=0.034). Undergraduate GPA score was positively correlated with first grade total score (r=0.446, p=0.001) among admission scores of student selection factors. CONCLUSION: Students with higher GPA scores tend to do better academically in their first year of medical school. In case of interview, academic achievement did not lead to differences except for PBL.

Humans , Education , Problem-Based Learning , School Admission Criteria , Schools, Medical , Students, Medical
مقالة ي الانجليزية | WPRIM | ID: wpr-53515


OBJECTIVES: General practitioners (GPs) retention in rural and underserved areas highly effects on accessibility of healthcare facilities across the country. Education seems to be a critical factor that affects GPs retention. Thus, the present study aimed at inquiry into medical education challenges that limit their retention in rural and underserved areas. METHODS: A qualitative approach was applied for the aim of this study. Data were gathered via 28 semi-structured interviews with experts at different levels of Iran’s health system as well as GPs who retained and refused to retain working in rural settings. Interviews mainly were performed face-to-face and in some cases via telephone during 2015 and then coded and analyzed using content analysis approach. RESULTS: Iran’s medical education is faced with several challenges that were categorized in four main themes including student selection, medical students’ perception about their field of study, education setting and approach, curriculum of medical education. According to experts this challenges could results in making GP graduates disinterested for practicing in rural and underserved areas. CONCLUSIONS: Challenges that were found could have negative effects on retention. Modification in student’s perception about rural practice could be done via changing education setting and approach and curriculum. These modifications could improve GPs retention in rural and underserved areas.

Humans , Curriculum , Delivery of Health Care , Education , Education, Medical , General Practitioners , Iran , Rural Health , School Admission Criteria , Telephone
مقالة ي الانجليزية | WPRIM | ID: wpr-158271


PURPOSE: It aimed at determining whether emotional intelligence is a predictor for success in a medical school program and whether the emotional intelligence construct correlated with other markers for admission into medical school. METHODS: Three databases (PubMed, CINAHL, and ERIC) were searched up to and including July 2016, using relevant terms. Studies written in English were selected if they included emotional intelligence as a predictor for success in medical school, markers of success such as examination scores and grade point average and association with success defined through traditional medical school admission criteria and failures, and details about the sample. Data extraction included the study authors and year, population description, emotional intelligence I tool, outcome variables, and results. Associations between emotional intelligence scores and reported data were extracted and recorded. RESULTS: Six manuscripts were included. Overall, study quality was high. Four of the manuscripts examined emotional intelligence as a predictor for success while in medical school. Three of these four studies supported a weak positive relationship between emotional intelligence scores and success during matriculation. Two of manuscripts examined the relationship of emotional intelligence to medical school admissions. There were no significant relevant correlations between emotional intelligence and medical school admission selection. CONCLUSION: Emotional intelligence was correlated with some, but not all, measures of success during medical school matriculation and none of the measures associated with medical school admissions. Variability in success measures across studies likely explains the variable findings.

Emotional Intelligence , School Admission Criteria , Schools, Medical , United States
Psicol. reflex. crit ; 29: 48, 2016. tab, ilus
مقالة ي الانجليزية | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-910046


Background: There has been a growing interest on the assessment of personality when selecting medical students. However, how faking may affect its usefulness has been poorly addressed. Therefore, we aimed to assess the faking effect on self-report personality tests in the selection process of graduates to a medical school. Methods: Sixty-seven graduates admitted as medical students completed the 60-item NEO Five-Factor Inventory (NEO-FFI) and the Marlowe-Crowne Social Desirability short-form scale at the stage of applying (baseline assessment) and after they had already been admitted (follow-up assessment). Reliability was assessed by the intra-class correlation coefficient and means of the personality traits compared by two paired sample t tests. Results: At baseline assessment, the participants showed higher scores on the conscientiousness and lower scores on the neuroticism traits, respectively, 40.3 vs. 38.5 (p= 0.026) and 17.0 vs. 18.5 (p= 0.089). Also, at the follow-up assessment, the participants with low social desirability scored higher on the traits of openness to experience (−1.63 vs. 1.12, p= 0.036), conscientiousness (−3.09 vs. 0.03, p= 0.022), and neuroticism (3.88 vs. −0.69, p= 0.012). Conclusions: Our study does not suggest the use of self-report personality assessment in medical student's selection as it can be faked particularly among applicants with low social desirability. Research is required to evaluate the faking effect on indirect personality assessment, namely through the tools that aim to select non-academic characteristics. (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Deception , Personality , School Admission Criteria , Self Report/statistics & numerical data , Students, Medical , Portugal
Rev. méd. Chile ; 143(10): 1337-1342, oct. 2015.
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS | ID: lil-771718


In Chile the only requirement to study medicine is to obtain an academic achievement score over a certain cutoff value. However, the literature states that this type of selection is insufficient, since the medical profession requires cognitive and non-cognitive skills. These abilities are associated with better adaptation and academic success, as well as less dropping out. Therefore, those skills should be considered in the selection process to assure that the education goals are met. The aim of this study was to review the existing literature regarding the selection and evaluation criteria for students who are applying to medical schools. It was evident that Chilean medical schools need to establish appropriate criteria to ensure a more inclusive and fair admission. They need to design a system of admission with solid evidence of validity and reliability, complementary to the current form of student selection. This system should be considered common to all schools of medicine and, in turn, consider the sensibilities of the particular mission of each school, since academic, cognitive, inter- and intrapersonal aspects may vary among them.

Humans , Cognition , School Admission Criteria , Students, Medical/statistics & numerical data , Chile , Education, Medical, Graduate/statistics & numerical data , Educational Measurement/statistics & numerical data , Students, Medical/psychology
مقالة ي الانجليزية | WPRIM | ID: wpr-124638


PURPOSE: This study aimed to examine the modifiable programmatic characteristics reflected in the Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education (CAPTE) Annual Accreditation Report for all accredited programs that reported pass rates on the National Physical Therapist Examination, and to build a predictive model for first-time and three-year ultimate pass rates. METHODS: This observational study analyzed programmatic information from the 185 CAPTE-accredited physical therapy programs in the United States and Puerto Rico out of a total of 193 programs that provided the first-time and three-year ultimate pass rates in 2011. Fourteen predictive variables representing student selection and composition, clinical education length and design, and general program length and design were analyzed against first-time pass rates and ultimate pass rates on the NPTE. Univariate and multivariate multinomial regression analysis for first-time pass rates and logistic regression analysis for three-year ultimate pass rates were performed. RESULTS: The variables associated with the first-time pass rate in the multivariate analysis were the mean undergraduate grade point average (GPA) and the average age of the cohort. Multivariate analysis showed that mean undergraduate GPA was associated with the three-year ultimate pass rate. CONCLUSIONS: Mean undergraduate GPA was found to be the only modifiable predictor for both first-time and three-year pass rates among CAPTE-accredited physical therapy programs.

Humans , Accreditation , Cohort Studies , Education , Logistic Models , Multivariate Analysis , Observational Study , Physical Therapists , Puerto Rico , School Admission Criteria , United States
مقالة ي الانجليزية | WPRIM | ID: wpr-150544


PURPOSE: The situational judgment test (SJT) shows promise for assessing the non-cognitive skills of medical school applicants, but has only been used in Europe. Since the admissions processes and education levels of applicants to medical school are different in the United States and in Europe, it is necessary to obtain validity evidence of the SJT based on a sample of United States applicants. METHODS: Ninety SJT items were developed and Kane's validity framework was used to create a test blueprint. A total of 489 applicants selected for assessment/interview day at the University of Utah School of Medicine during the 2014-2015 admissions cycle completed one of five SJTs, which assessed professionalism, coping with pressure, communication, patient focus, and teamwork. Item difficulty, each item's discrimination index, internal consistency, and the categorization of items by two experts were used to create the test blueprint. RESULTS: The majority of item scores were within an acceptable range of difficulty, as measured by the difficulty index (0.50-0.85) and had fair to good discrimination. However, internal consistency was low for each domain, and 63% of items appeared to assess multiple domains. The concordance of categorization between the two educational experts ranged from 24% to 76% across the five domains. CONCLUSION: The results of this study will help medical school admissions departments determine how to begin constructing a SJT. Further testing with a more representative sample is needed to determine if the SJT is a useful assessment tool for measuring the non-cognitive skills of medical school applicants.

Humans , Cognition , Discrimination, Psychological , Education , Europe , Judgment , School Admission Criteria , Schools, Medical , United States , Utah
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