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Rev. cient. cienc. salud ; 6: 1-7, 30-01-2024.
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS, BDNPAR | ID: biblio-1532698


Introducción. La convivencia o matrimonio puede conllevar a cambios en los patrones alimenticios y actividad física, afectando parámetros antropométricos como el perímetro abdominal. Objetivo. Determinar la relación entre el estado conyugal y el perímetro abdominal en adultos peruanos. Metodología. Estudio observacional, analítico, retrospectivo y transversal a partir de datos de la encuesta nacional de salud familiar. La población fue de 29206 adultos desde los 18 años. Las variables fueron: estado conyugal, sexo y perímetro abdominal. Se usó las pruebas Ji-cuadrado, V de Cramer, Odds Ratio y razón de prevalencias crudo y ajustado mediante regresión logística binaria, y regresión de Poisson, respectivamente, siendo las variables de ajuste: consumo de alcohol, etnia, lengua materna, nivel educativo, índice de masa corporal, presión arterial sistólica y diastólica y edad. Resultados. El promedio de perímetro abdominal fue mayor en adultos con estado conyugal casado/conviviente en ambos sexos, llegando en el rango de riesgo. Las mujeres con estado conyugal casado/conviviente tuvieron altos porcentajes de perímetro abdominal de riesgo (85,30%) mientras que en hombres del grupo casado/conviviente fue más frecuente (57,70%)el perímetro normal. En el análisis multivariado mediante regresión logística binaria, las mujeres con el estado conyugal casado/conviviente tuvieron 2,39 veces mayor de perímetro abdominal de riesgo que las solteras con una prevalencia 1,42 veces mayor. En hombres casados/convivientes, la probabilidad de perímetro abdominal elevado fue 1,40 veces mayor que en solteros, con una prevalencia 1,31 veces mayor. Conclusión. El estado conyugal casado/conviviente está asociado a una mayor probabilidad de perímetro abdominal elevado en esta población. Palabras clave: estado civil; circunferencia de la cintura; sobrepeso; obesidad; persona soltera

Introduction. Cohabitation or marriage can lead to changes in eating patterns and physical activity, affecting anthropometric parameters such as abdominal perimeter. Objective.To determine the relationship between marital status and abdominal circumference in Peruvianadults. Methodology. Observational, analytical, retrospective and cross-sectional study based on data from the national family health survey. The population was 29,206 adults aged 18 and older. The variables were: marital status, sex, abdominal circumference. The Chi-square test, Cramer's V, Odds Ratio and crude and adjusted prevalence ratio were used through binary logistic regression and Poisson regression, respectively, where the adjustment variables were: alcohol consumption, ethnic group, mother tongue, educational level, body mass index, systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure and age. Results.The average abdominal circumference was higher in married/cohabiting adults in both sexes, reaching the risk range. Married/cohabiting women had highpercentages of at-risk abdominal circumference (85.30%) while in men in the married/cohabiting group the normal circumference was more frequent (57.70%). In the multivariate analysis using binary logistic regression, women whose marital status was married/cohabiting had a 2.39 times greater probability of abdominal circumference at risk than single women a prevalence of 1.42 times higher. In married/cohabiting men, the probability of a high abdominal circumference was 1.40 times higher than in single men, with a prevalence 1.31 times higher. Conclusion.Married/cohabiting marital status is associated with a greater probability of high abdominal circumference in thispopulation. Key words: marital status; waist circumference; overweight; obesity; single person

Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Waist Circumference , Obesity , Single Person , Marital Status , Overweight
Rev. Ciênc. Saúde ; 13(3): 31-39, 20230921.
مقالة ي الانجليزية, البرتغالية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1510847


Objetivo: Analisar casos de suicídio no Brasil de 2010 a 2021 e as características sociodemográficas deste fenômeno, incluindo os primeiros dois anos da pandemia de COVID-19, para avaliar a existência de relação dos aumentos de casos de suicídio no Brasil com esta doença. Métodos: Estudo ecológico de linhas temporais, com 140.339 casos analisados a partir das bases de dados do Sistema de Informações sobre Mortalidade (SIM). Taxas e regressões estatísticas foram aplicadas no software STATA®. Resultados: Observou-se maiores taxas de suicídio em homens, solteiros, e residentes nas regiões Sul e Centro-Oeste. A faixa etária de 10 a 19 anos teve crescimento de 1,7 casos x 100 mil habitantes/ano. A análise por região revelou variações significativas nas taxas, sugerindo influência de fatores contextuais. Embora a pandemia tenha gerado impactos na saúde mental, não foi possível estabelecer relação direta entre a COVID-19 e o aumento das taxas de suicídio. Conclusão: Esses resultados reforçam a necessidade de políticas públicas e intervenções preventivas, especialmente para grupos vulneráveis, como os jovens. Abordagem multifatorial é sugerida, considerando fatores socioeconômicos, acesso a serviços de saúde mental e redução do estigma associado com doenças mentais. Em suma, este estudo contribui para a compreensão das tendências temporais e características demográficas dos suicídios no Brasil, ressaltando a importância de investigações longitudinais adicionais para melhor compreensão desse fenômeno complexo. Espera-se que essas evidências fortaleçam as políticas de saúde mental e promovam estratégias mais eficazes de prevenção do suicídio.

Objective: To analyze suicide cases in Brazil from 2010 to 2021 and the sociodemographic characteristics of this phenomenon, including the first two years of the COVID-19 pandemic, to assess whether there was a relationship between the increase in suicide cases in Brazil and this illness. Methods: Ecological timeline study, with 140,339 cases analyzed from the Mortality Information System (SIM) databases. Rates and statistical regressions were performed using STATA® software. Results: Higher suicide rates in men, singles, and residents of the South and Midwest regions were observed. The age group of 10­19 years had an increase of 1.7 cases x 100 thousand inhabitants/year. Analysis by region revealed significant variations in rates, suggesting the influence of contextual factors. Although the pandemic affected mental health, it was not possible to establish a direct relationship between COVID-19 and increased suicide rates. Conclusion: These results reinforce the need for public policies and preventive interventions, especially for vulnerable groups such as young people. A multifactorial approach is suggested that considers socioeconomic factors, access to mental health services, and reduced stigma associated with mental illness. In short, this study contributes to understanding the temporal trends and demographic characteristics of suicides in Brazil, highlighting the importance of further longitudinal investigations to better understand this complex phenomenon. Hopefully, this evidence will strengthen mental health policies and promote more effective suicide prevention strategies.

Humans , Suicide Prevention , Single Person , Sociodemographic Factors , Holistic Health
Psicol. ciênc. prof ; 43: e250825, 2023. tab
مقالة ي البرتغالية | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1448939


As identidades transmasculinas ganharam visibilidade social e acadêmica no Brasil a partir de 2010, contudo, as questões subjetivas dos homens trans ainda são pouco debatidas, em particular temas associados aos relacionamentos afetivos na experiência desses sujeitos. Este estudo qualitativo tem por objetivo identificar as percepções e expectativas dos homens trans acerca dos relacionamentos afetivo-sexuais no cenário pós-transição de gênero. Participaram da pesquisa 15 homens transexuais hormonizados, com idades entre 20 e 41 anos. A coleta de dados foi realizada por meio de entrevista semiestruturada nas modalidades presencial e on-line. Empregou-se análise temática reflexiva, que resultou em dois temas analíticos. Os resultados apontam que os homens trans, ao contrário de suas expectativas iniciais, percebem que tiveram menos oportunidades de relacionamentos afetivo-sexuais depois de sua transição de gênero. Os participantes atribuem essa dificuldade especialmente ao fato de não terem se submetido à cirurgia de redesignação sexual. O desconforto é acentuado por sua materialidade corpórea divergente da cisnormatividade, sistema regulador que associa pessoas pertencentes ao gênero masculino à presença de um pênis. Outra fonte de desconforto é o repúdio social, que alimenta a abjeção, exotização e fetichização dos corpos transmasculinos. Também são descritas as especificidades do relacionamento dos homens trans com mulheres cisgênero, heterossexuais e lésbicas. Os resultados evidenciam que a fixação persistente no genital, como referente e signo determinante do gênero e da sexualidade, modula e regula a busca e o encontro de parceira(o) íntima(o).(AU)

Transmasculine identities have gained social and academic visibility in Brazil since 2010, but subjective issues, especially those associated with affective relationships, are still little discussed. This qualitative study sought to identify trans men's perceptions and expectations regarding post-transition affective-sexual relationships. A total of 15 transsexual men undergoing hormone therapy, aged between 20 and 41 years, participated in the research. Data were collected by means of in-person and online semi-structured interviews and analysed using reflexive thematic analysis, which resulted in two analytical themes. Results show that trans men, differently from their initial expectations, perceive fewer opportunities for affective-sexual relationships after their gender transition. The participants attribute this difficulty, especially, to the fact that they have not undergone sexual reassignment surgery. Discomfort isaccentuated by their bodily materiality diverging from cisnormativity, the regulatory system that associates people belonging to the male gender with the presence of a penis. Another source of discomfort is the social repudiation, which reinforces the abjection, exoticization, and fetishization of transmasculine bodies. The specifics of trans men's relationships with cisgender, heterosexual, and lesbian women are also described. The results show that the persistent fixation on the genital, as a referent and determinant sign of gender and sexuality, modulates and regulates the search for and encounter of intimate partners.(AU)

Las identidades transmasculinas han ganado visibilidad social y académica en Brasil desde 2010, sin embargo, las cuestiones subjetivas de los hombres trans son aún poco discutidas, en particular las cuestiones asociadas a las relaciones afectivas en la experiencia de estos sujetos. Este estudio cualitativo tiene como objetivo identificar las percepciones y expectativas de los hombres trans sobre las relaciones afectivo-sexuales después de la transición de género. Participaron en la investigación 15 hombres transexuales hormonados, de edades comprendidas entre los 20 y los 41 años. La recopilación de datos se realizó mediante una entrevista semiestructurada en las modalidades presencial y en línea. Se realizó un análisis temático reflexivo, que dio como resultado dos temas analíticos. Los resultados muestran que los hombres trans, al contrario de sus expectativas iniciales, perciben que han tenido menos oportunidades de relaciones afectivo-sexuales después de su transición de género. Los participantes atribuyen esta dificultad especialmente al hecho de no haberse sometido a cirugía de reasignación sexual. La incomodidad se acentúa por su materialidad corpórea divergente de la cisnormatividad, un sistema normativo según el cual las personas pertenecientes al género masculino deben tener pene. Otra fuente de malestar es el repudio social, que alimenta la abyección, la exotización y la fetichización de los cuerpos transmasculinos. También se describen las especificidades de las relaciones de los hombres trans con las mujeres heterosexuales, cisgénero y lesbianas. Los resultados muestran que la persistente fijación en los genitales, como referente y signo determinante del género y la sexualidad, modula y regula la búsqueda y el encuentro de parejas íntimas.(AU)

Humans , Male , Adult , Young Adult , Transsexualism , Marriage , Spouses , Transgender Persons , Gender Identity , Personality Development , Prejudice , Psychology , Psychology, Social , Psychosexual Development , Self Care , Self Concept , Sexual Behavior , Gonadal Steroid Hormones , Single Person , Social Identification , Social Problems , Sociology , Voice , Behavior and Behavior Mechanisms , Body Image , Bisexuality , Family , Homosexuality , Mental Health , Surveys and Questionnaires , Civil Rights , Mammaplasty , Marital Status , Interview , Coitus , Homosexuality, Female , Affect , Access to Information , Delivery of Health Care , Ego , Erotica , Gender and Health , User Embracement , Reproductive Physiological Phenomena , Masculinity , Reproductive Health , Sexual Health , Homophobia , Pessimism , Gender Dysphoria , Gender-Based Violence , Political Activism , Gender Diversity , Monosexuality , Cisgender Persons , Gender Binarism , Gender Stereotyping , Gender Performativity , Gender-Specific Needs , Burnout, Psychological , Sadness , Respect , Body Dissatisfaction , Psychological Distress , Intersex Persons , Social Comparison , Social Inclusion , Gender Equity , Gender Role , Health Disparate Minority and Vulnerable Populations , Health Policy , Human Rights , Identification, Psychological , Identity Crisis , Individuation , Introversion, Psychological
Rev. bras. estud. popul ; 40: e0257, 2023. tab, graf
مقالة ي البرتغالية | LILACS, ColecionaSUS | ID: biblio-1529862


Resumo O objetivo principal é analisar a associação entre o casamento e a coabitação e o rendimento do trabalho masculino no Brasil. O artigo discute o fenômeno do "prêmio salarial masculino do casamento" - geralmente, homens casados apresentam rendimentos mais elevados do que os solteiros no mercado de trabalho. Tendo em vista que no Brasil a união informal é uma modalidade conjugal bastante comum, o prêmio para a coabitação também é investigado nessa situação. A associação entre o estado conjugal e o trabalho remunerado dos homens brasileiros é analisada por meio de regressões lineares, quantílicas e decomposições de Oaxaca-Blinder para os diferenciais de rendimentos entre os homens solteiros, casados e coabitantes. O Censo Demográfico de 2010 é a fonte de dados utilizada. Os resultados confirmam a existência de prêmios do casamento e da coabitação para os homens brasileiros. Os prêmios observados tendem a ser menores para a coabitação do que para o casamento. As decomposições dos diferenciais de rendimentos mostram que os prêmios devem-se à estrutura salarial e não a efeitos de composição.

Abstract The article aims to explore the correlation between marriage, cohabitation, and male labor income. It delves into the concept of the "male marriage wage premium" - a phenomenon where married men earn higher wages compared to single men in the labor market. Since consensual unions are prevalent in Brazil, the study also examines the cohabitation premium. The research employs linear regressions, quantile regression, and Blinder-Oaxaca decompositions of earnings differentials between single, married, and cohabiting men to analyze the association between marital status and paid work among Brazilian men. The data utilized were from the 2010 Demographic Census. The results of the study validate the existence of marriage and cohabitation premia for Brazilian men. However, the observed premium tend to be lower for cohabitation than for marriage. The decompositions reveal that these differentials are due to wage structure and not composition effects.

Resumen El objetivo principal es analizar la asociación entre el matrimonio y la cohabitación y las diferencias salariales masculinas en Brasil. El artículo analiza el fenómeno del premio salarial del matrimonio masculino: en general, los hombres casados tienen ingresos más altos que los hombres solteros en el mercado laboral, aunque ya que en Brasil la cohabitación es una modalidad marital muy común, también se investiga el premio de la cohabitación. La asociación entre el estado civil y el trabajo remunerado entre los hombres brasileños se analiza utilizando regresiones lineales, regresión cuantil y descomposiciones Oaxaca-Blinder para los diferenciales salariales entre hombres solteros, casados y en cohabitación. La fuente de datos fue el censo demográfico de 2010. Los resultados confirman la existencia de premios para el matrimonio y la cohabitación, que tienden a ser menores para la cohabitación que para el matrimonio. La descomposición de los diferenciales de ingresos mostró que los premios se deben a la estructura salarial y no a efectos de composición.

Humans , Male , Female , Salaries and Fringe Benefits , Single Person , Awards and Prizes , Work , Marriage , Censuses , Brazil , Workplace , Age Distribution , Conjugal Status , Job Market , Gender Role , Working Conditions
Rev. chil. obstet. ginecol. (En línea) ; 87(1): 62-67, feb. 2022. tab
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1388710


Resumen El concepto de familia ha cambiado con los años y la constitución de los hogares en Chile ya no es la misma que hace un siglo. Las familias diversas en nuestro país han existido durante toda la vida, pero el conocimiento de cómo se han constituido y la existencia de un catastro en Chile son escasos. El objetivo de esta revisión es mostrar cómo se han constituido las familias diversas en Chile, cómo ha sido el acceso de estas a las técnicas de reproducción asistida, cuál ha sido la política del Estado y las aseguradoras de salud (Fonasa e Isapres) en las coberturas, y qué ha pasado con la legislación a lo largo de los años que ha facilitado la constitución de nuevas familias. Por otra parte, se pretende mostrar cuáles son las barreras al acceso por parte de las familias diversas y la necesidad de una ley de reproducción asistida que permita el acceso a todas las personas independientemente de su estado civil, orientación sexual o identidad de género, y que proteja a todos los nacidos chilenos por igual.

Abstract The image of a typical family has changed in recent years, as the makeup of households in Chile is no longer the same as decades ago. While gender and sexual diverse families in our country have always existed, there is a scarcity of reliable data. We review the evolution of the makeup of these diverse families in Chile and their access to assisted reproduction techniques. We also review national policies and health insurance coverage by both governmental and private carriers (Fonasa and Isapres) and how changes in legislation over the years have facilitated the constitution of these families. We outline barriers to access assisted reproduction techniques and the need for further legislative action to guarantee access to all citizens regardless of their marital status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.

Humans , Family , Reproductive Techniques, Assisted , Gender Diversity , Health Services Accessibility , Public Policy , Single Person , Fertilization in Vitro , Chile
مقالة ي الانجليزية | WPRIM | ID: wpr-922117


OBJECTIVE@#To explore the effect of electro-acupuncture (EA) on glucose and lipid metabolism in unmarried patients with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).@*METHODS@#Fifty-four PCOS patients were equally randomized into true acupuncture group and sham acupuncture group (control) for totally 16 weeks of treatment by random method with a computerized randomization program. Patients in true acupuncture group accepted traditional acupuncture methods with EA and two sets of acupoint groups were used alternatively. The first set consisted of Zhongji (CV 3), Qihai (CV 6), Guilai (ST 29), Sanyinjiao (SP 6), Yinlingquan (SP 9), Hegu (LI4) and Baihui (GV 20), and the second set consisted of Tianshu (ST 25), ST 29, CV 3, CV 6, SP 6, Taichong (LR 3), Neiguan (PC) 6 and GV 20. Patients in the sham acupuncture group accepted shallow acupuncture methods through EA without electricity at 4 non-meridian points in each shoulder and upper arm. Outcome measures included body mass index (BMI), waist-hip-ratio (WHR), oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT), insulin release test, glucose and lipid metabolism indicators such as total cholesterol (TC), triglycerides, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C), low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, adiponectin, leptin, visfatin, resistin, and interleukin (IL-6).@*RESULTS@#Twenty-six subjects in the true acupuncture group and 20 subjects in the sham group completed the clinical trial. After 16 weeks of treatment, no significant difference in the outcome measures were observed between the two groups (P>0.05). However, as compared with baseline data, a reduction in weight, BMI, hipline, WHR, fasting glucose, homeostatic model assessment of insulin sensitivity, visfatin and HDL-C, and an increase in resistin and IL-6 were observed in the true acupuncture group (P<0.05). In addition, a reduction in visfatin and an increase in TC were also observed in the sham group (P<0.05).@*CONCLUSIONS@#Acupuncture may have a beneficial effect in the treatment of PCOS by improving glucose and lipid metabolism. Moreover, the sham acupuncture may be not completely ineffective. Sham acupuncture may improve some of the aspects of the glucose and lipid metabolism of PCOS patients through a placebo effect. (Registration Nos. ChiCTR-TRC-12002529 and NCT01812161).

Female , Humans , Acupuncture Therapy , Glucose , Insulin Resistance , Lipid Metabolism , Polycystic Ovary Syndrome/therapy , Single Person
Psicol. ciênc. prof ; 41(spe3): e209634, 2021.
مقالة ي البرتغالية | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1340449


O presente estudo teve como objetivo apresentar uma revisão sistemática da literatura acerca da temática da monoparentalidade em produções nacionais. Para tanto, realizou-se a busca de estudos publicados entre 1980 e junho de 2017 nas bases de dados on-line IndexPsi, Lilacs, Scielo e PePSIC, utilizando como descritores os termos "monoparental", "monoparentalidade", "uniparental", "mãe ou pai solteira(o)" e "guarda unilateral". Dessa busca, considerando critérios de inclusão e exclusão, obteve-se 22 artigos empíricos, os quais foram utilizados na produção deste estudo. Os resultados foram submetidos à análise de conteúdo e à análise de frequência simples, sendo apresentados através de cinco categorias: a) ano de publicação; b) periódicos de veiculação dos artigos; c) método de pesquisa; d) região da universidade de origem da produção científica; e e) principais resultados. Acredita-se que o estudo contribuiu com a produção de conhecimento científico na área da psicologia, uma vez que explanou as diferentes perspectivas através das quais o fenômeno da monoparentalidade está sendo compreendido pelos pesquisadores até o presente momento. Tal compreensão é útil tanto para o meio científico, pois direciona novas investigações, fundamentando-se no conhecimento já disponível acerca deste campo, como também para o meio profissional, servindo como suporte aos profissionais que atuam com famílias.(AU)

This article presents a systematic review of the national literature on single parenting. With this end, articles published between 1980 and June 2017 were searched in the IndexPsi, Lilacs, Scielo, and PePSIC online databases using the terms "single-parent family," "single parenting," "uniparental," "single mother/father," and "unilateral guard" as descriptors. After applying inclusion and exclusion criteria, 22 empirical articles were included in the study and submitted to content analysis and simple frequency analysis based on five factors: (1) publication year; (2) publishing journals; (3) methodology; (4) research university; and (5) main results. The findings explain different perspectives through which researchers understand the phenomenon of single parenting until the present moment, thus being expected to advance knowledge in the field of Psychology. By providing such understanding, this study proves to be useful for the scientific environment by underpinning further research on the theme, besides supporting professionals who work with families.(AU)

El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo presentar una revisión sistemática de la literatura sobre la temática de la monoparentalidad en producciones nacionales. Para eso, se realizó la búsqueda de estudios publicados en el período de 1980 a junio de 2017 en las bases de datos online Index Psi, LILACS, SciELO y PePSIC, haciendo uso de los descriptores "monoparental", "monoparentalidad", "uniparental", "Madre o padre soltero(a) y "guardia unilateral". De esta búsqueda, considerando criterios de inclusión y exclusión de este estudio, se obtuvieron 22 artículos empíricos. Los resultados fueron sometidos al análisis de contenido y al análisis de frecuencia simple, presentados en cinco categorías: (1) Año de publicación, (2) Revistas de publicación de los artículos, (3) Método de búsqueda, (4) Región de la universidad de origen de la producción científica, y (5) Principales resultados. Se espera que el estudio contribuya a la producción del conocimiento científico en el área de la Psicología, una vez que explica las diferentes perspectivas sobre el fenómeno de la monoparentalidad hasta el presente. Esa comprensión es útil tanto para el medio científico, pues dirige nuevas investigaciones fundamentándose en el conocimiento científico disponible acerca de este campo, como para el medio profesional, sirviendo como soporte a los profesionales que actúan con familias.(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Psychology , Single-Parent Family , Systematic Review , Paternity , Single Person , Social Change , Societies , Universities , Divorce , Family , Child Rearing , Parenting , Culture , Environment , Fathers , Mothers
J. Health Biol. Sci. (Online) ; 9(1): 1-4, 2021. tab
مقالة ي البرتغالية | LILACS | ID: biblio-1362947


Objetivo: descrever as características e taxas de mortalidade por suicídio no estado do Ceará e suas macrorregiões. Método: estudo descritivo, compreendendo o período de 2012-2016. Resultados e conclusão: a maioria dos casos ocorreu no sexo masculino, entre não casados, em domicílio, por enforcamento, na macrorregião de Fortaleza. A taxa no Ceará foi de 5,1/100.000. As macrorregiões do Sertão Central, Sobral e Cariri apresentam maiores taxas. Taxas mais elevadas ocorreram no interior do estado, onde, habitualmente, há menor acesso a serviços especializados, sendo a participação da atenção primária de grande importância no enfrentamento desse agravo.

Objective: to describe the characteristics and rates of mortality by suicide in the state of Ceará and its macro-regions. Method: a descriptive study covering the period 2012-2016. Results and conclusion: most cases occurred in males, among unmarried people, at home, by hanging, in the macro-region of Fortaleza. The rate in Ceará was 5.1/100.000 thousand. The macro-regions of Sertão Central, Sobral, and Cariri have higher rates of cases. Higher rates occurred in areas in the interior of the state, where there is usually less access to specialized services, and the participation of primary care is of great importance in dealing with this problem.

Suicide , Primary Health Care , Sex , Single Person , Mortality , Minors , Men
Vínculo ; 17(1): 52-74, jan.-jun. 2020.
مقالة ي البرتغالية | INDEXPSI, LILACS | ID: biblio-1127521


As relações amorosas e a busca por um(a) parceiro(a) permeiam a vida dos sujeitos, ao longo de toda sua vida, interferindo de maneira direta em sua subjetividade. Contudo, mudanças sociais e culturais contemporâneas afetaram essas escolhas, alterando as prioridades dos sujeitos e provocando inúmeros rompimentos amorosos. Por essa razão, a presente pesquisa procurou investigar as concepções de jovens adultos solteiros, estudantes de uma universidade pública no município de Assis, os quais já vivenciaram alguma ruptura amorosa, e buscou apurar o que gerou o rompimento e como lidaram com isso. A coleta de dados foi feita por meio de entrevistas semidirigidas - gravadas e, posteriormente, transcritas. Os dados foram analisados, levando-se em consideração as regularidades e peculiaridades dos discursos, e a discussão e a interpretação dos dados foram realizadas de acordo com a teoria psicanalítica. Dessa forma, foi possível observar a prevalência de relacionamentos amorosos com pouco investimento afetivo, diante de um investimento narcísico exacerbado. Para a maioria dos jovens, permitir-se amar o outro significa assumir um risco maior, partindo do pressuposto de que isso pode gerar frustração e fugir da ideia de satisfação plena.

Loving relationships and the search for a partner permeate people's lives troughout their journey, interfering directly in its subjectivity. However, cultural and social changes that were caused by the postmodern age have affected those choices, shifting people's priorities and causing several loving ruptures. For this reason, the current paper intends to investigate the notion of single young adults who are college students of a public university in Assis, that have already been through any loving rupture. This project also intends looking to understand what has generated the rupture and how these students experienced that. The data collection was done through semi-structured interviews which was recorded and subsequently, transcribed. The data was analyzed considering the regularities and singularities of the speeches, and the data discussion and interpretation was done according to the psychoanalytic theory. Therefore, it was possible to observe the predominance of love relationships with low affective investment, against an extremely big narcissistic investiment. For most of the young, to allow yourself to love other person means to take a bigger risk, assuming that this can generate frustration and lose the ideia of full satisfaction.

Las relaciones amorosas y la búsqueda por un(a) compañero(a) permean la vida de las personas a lo largo de toda la vida, interfiriendo de manera directa en su subjetividad. Sin embargo, los cambios sociales y culturales contemporáneos afectaron estas elecciones, alterando las prioridades de las personas y provocando innumerables rompimientos amorosos. Por esa razón, la presente pesquisa buscó investigar las concepciones de jóvenes adultos solteros, estudiantes de una universidad pública en el municipio de Assis - São Paulo, que ya vivenciaron alguna ruptura amorosa, y buscó averiguar el motivo generó el rompimiento y cómo lidiaron con eso. La recolección de datos fue hecha por medio de entrevistas semidirigidas - grabadas y posteriormente transcriptas. Los datos fueron analizados teniendo en cuenta las regularidades y peculiaridades de los discursos, y la discusión e interpretación de los datos se realizaron de acuerdo con la teoría psicoanalítica. De esta forma, fue posible observar la prevalencia de relaciones amorosas con poca investidura afectiva, ante una investidura narcisista exacerbada. Para la mayoría de los jóvenes, permitirse amar al otro significa asumir un riesgo mayor, partiendo del supuesto de que esto puede generar frustración y huir de la idea de satisfacción plena.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Personal Satisfaction , Rupture , Single Person , Students , Divorce , Frustration , Interpersonal Relations , Love , Object Attachment
مقالة ي الانجليزية | AIM | ID: biblio-1257704


Background: Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are of public health importance as over 1 million STIs are acquired daily worldwide. One-third of the new cases of curable STIs affect younger persons aged less than 25 years. Sexually transmitted infections can lead to severe complications beyond the immediate impact of infections as such. Aim: This study assessed knowledge of, attitude towards and preventive practices of STI among young unmarried persons in Surulere local government area (LGA) of Lagos State, Nigeria. Setting: The study was conducted among young unmarried persons in Surulere LGA, Lagos State, Nigeria, between June and November 2018. Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted among 450 young unmarried persons selected using a multistage sampling technique. An interviewer-administered questionnaire was used to obtain data. Analysis was carried out with Epi-Info software. Chi-square was used to test for associations. Level of significance was at p ≤ 0.05. Results: The mean age was 19.9 + 2.5 years. Majority of the respondents (84.7%) had heard of STIs. About two-third (65.6%) had good knowledge, while majority (98.6%) had good attitude towards the prevention of STIs, but less than half (34.0%) had good preventive practices. Knowledge of STI was statistically significantly associated with age, level of education, attitude and preventive practices of the respondents. Conclusion: Most of the respondents were aware and had good attitude towards prevention of STI, but gaps exist in knowledge and preventive practices. Hence, targeted education to improve the knowledge and preventive practices against STI among young unmarried persons is recommended

Attitude , Knowledge , Lakes , Nigeria , Primary Prevention , Sexually Transmitted Diseases , Single Person , Surveys and Questionnaires , Young Adult
مقالة ي الكورية | WPRIM | ID: wpr-785971


PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship among nursing organizational culture, work performance, and workplace bullying of nurses, and to identify the factors that affect workplace bullying.METHODS: The design of this study was descriptive research, and the data were collected from October 26 to November 5, 2018. The research participants were 210 nurses in six general hospitals in G province. The data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, a t-test, one-way ANOVA, Scheffé post-hoc test, Pearson's correlation coefficient, and a stepwise multiple regression using SPSS 22.0.RESULTS: The workplace bullying type showed negative correlations with innovation-oriented culture, relation-oriented culture, and work performance. The workplace bullying consequence showed negative correlations with the innovation-oriented culture, relation-oriented culture, and work performance, and showed positive correlations with the workplace bullying type. The factors influencing the results of the workplace bullying consequence were workplace bullying type followed by relation-oriented culture, and unmarried status.CONCLUSION: Workplace bullying among nurses was related to the nursing organizational culture and work performance. Therefore, in order to reduce the turnover rate of nurses and to help them adapt well to the nursing organizational culture, a bullying prevention and intervention program is necessary.

Humans , Bullying , Hospitals, General , Nursing , Organizational Culture , Single Person , Work Performance
مقالة ي الانجليزية | WPRIM | ID: wpr-763106


BACKGROUND: As patients with brain metastasis (BM) of non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) have dismal prognosis, some of them decide to discontinue further treatment for BM. The objective of this study was to determine factors for renouncing further active therapy in patients with BM of NSCLC, focusing on their demographic and socioeconomic status. METHODS: Medical records of 105 patients with radiological diagnosis of BM of NSCLC for the recent 11 years at authors' institution were retrospectively reviewed. Clinical features as well as demographic and socioeconomic characteristics such as marriage status, cohabiting family members, religious affiliations, educational background, and economic responsibility were reviewed. RESULTS: Median overall survival (OS) was 13.84 (95% CI: 10.26–17.42) years in 67 patients (group A) who underwent active treatment (radiotherapy and/or chemotherapy) and 4.76 (95% CI: 3.12–6.41) years in 38 patients (group B) who renounced active treatment. Less patients were unmarried (p=0.046), more cohabitating family members (p=0.008), and economically independent (p=0.014) in group A than those in group B. Similarly, the unmarried, and none cohabitating family members had short OS (5.17 and 7.38 years, respectively). In multivariate analysis for predisposing factors of OS in these patients, the following demographic and socioeconomic factors had independent significance: marriage status and cohabitating family members. CONCLUSION: This study suggests that demographic and socioeconomic status as well as clinical factors could influence the decision of further active treatment and prognosis of patients with BM of NSCLC.

Humans , Brain , Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung , Causality , Demography , Diagnosis , Marriage , Medical Records , Multivariate Analysis , Neoplasm Metastasis , Palliative Care , Prognosis , Retrospective Studies , Single Person , Social Class , Socioeconomic Factors
مقالة ي الكورية | WPRIM | ID: wpr-760371


PURPOSE: To determine association of contraceptive knowledge, sexual double standard, and contraceptive self-efficacy among unmarried women in their 30s and 40s. METHODS: With a survey design, data were collected from 119 unmarried women in their 30s and 40s in G city of Korea from September 2017 to March 2018. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, independent t-test, one-way ANOVA, Scheffé test, Pearson's correlation coefficients, and stepwise multiple regression. RESULTS: Contraceptive knowledge, sexual double standard, and contraceptive self-efficacy scores of participants were 8.97±2.22, 18.54±5.57, and 45.84 ± 6.90, respectively. Contraceptive self-efficacy was negatively correlated with sexual double standard. Factors influencing contraceptive self-efficacy were sexual double standard (β =−.26, p=.003), existence of boyfriend (β=.25, p=.004), and contraceptive education need for adults (β=.17, p=.044). They explained 19% of contraceptive self-efficacy of participants. CONCLUSION: To increase contraceptive self-efficacy of unmarried women in their 30s and 40s, lowering sexual double standard and developing customized contraceptive education according to age and knowledge level are needed. Research on factors related to contraceptive self-efficacy of unmarried women in their 30s and 40s from various regions are also needed in the future.

Adult , Female , Humans , Contraception , Education , Korea , Self Efficacy , Single Person
مقالة ي الانجليزية | WPRIM | ID: wpr-760607


BACKGROUND/OBJECTIVES: Aging is an imperative problem for many countries in this century, and presents several challenges for the maintenance of good nutritional status. This study aims to assess the impact of socio-demographic factors, lifestyle and health status on the nutritional status among the elderly in Taiwan. SUBJECTS/METHODS: A cross-sectional study was carried out in Taiwan. Data were obtained from the Mei Jau Health Management Institution, which is a private health evaluation provider with multiple health screening centers in Taiwan and Asia. This study included 7947 adults aged 65 years or above. The data were extracted between 2001 to 2010. Nutritional status was assessed using anthropometric data, biochemical data and dietary intake information. RESULTS: Among the 7947 participants with mean age of 70.1 (SD = 4.5) years, 20.2%, 6.6%, 10.5% and 52.5% experienced underweight, protein malnutrition, anemia and inadequate dietary intake in the past month, respectively. Age was negatively correlated with body weight (r = −0.19, P = 0.02), body mass index (r = −0.41, P < 0.001), albumin level (r = −0.93, P < 0.001) and hemoglobin level (r = −0.30, P = 0.008). Age above 70 years, gender, unmarried status, retirement, lack of education, low family income, smoking, alcohol drinking, sleep duration of 6-8 hours, vegetarian diet, multiple medications, comorbidity and dysphagia were positively associated with malnutrition in older adults. CONCLUSIONS: Underweight and inadequate dietary intake are prevalent among the elderly in Taiwan. Vegetarian diet, multiple medications, comorbidity, dysphagia and lifestyle factors such as smoking, alcohol drinking and sleep duration of 6–8 hours are risk factors for undernutrition in older adults.

Adult , Aged , Humans , Aging , Alcohol Drinking , Anemia , Asia , Body Mass Index , Body Weight , Comorbidity , Cross-Sectional Studies , Deglutition Disorders , Diet , Diet, Vegetarian , Education , Life Style , Malnutrition , Mass Screening , Nutritional Status , Retirement , Risk Factors , Single Person , Smoke , Smoking , Taiwan , Thinness
مقالة ي الانجليزية | WPRIM | ID: wpr-760675


OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to investigate the level of awareness and knowledge regarding elective oocyte cryopreservation (OC) among unmarried women of reproductive age in Korea. METHODS: A survey was conducted among 86 women who visited a fertility preservation clinic for counseling about elective OC between December 2016 and May 2018. Participants were asked to fill out a questionnaire regarding their awareness and knowledge of fertility and OC. RESULTS: The questionnaire was completed by 71 women. Among them, 73% decided to undergo OC after counseling. The main reason for making this decision was that they wished to maintain their fertility in the future (70.6%). Conversely, the high cost for the procedure was the main reason given by those who chose to forego this procedure. Regarding fertility and OC, the participants' knowledge was poor. Most women expected greater financial support from the government or from their place of employment. CONCLUSION: This study demonstrated that the awareness and knowledge about elective OC were relatively poor among the female Korean population. These findings may help clinicians in better counselling of their patients.

Female , Humans , Counseling , Cryopreservation , Employment , Fertility Preservation , Fertility , Financial Support , Korea , Oocytes , Single Person , Surveys and Questionnaires
مقالة ي الكورية | WPRIM | ID: wpr-758555


PURPOSE: The aim of the study was to investigate the social perceptions of the baby box and infant abandonment. METHODS: The study included a survey on social perceptions of infant abandonment, including the baby box and permissiveness of infant abandonment. F-tests and t-tests were performed to clarify the differences in permissiveness of infant abandonment based on general characteristics. RESULTS: First, it was found that awareness of the baby box was high, and positive perceptions were slightly higher than negative perceptions due to the value placed on the abandoned child's life and safety, the unavoidable reasons for not rearing a child, and the child's quality of life after abandonment. However, the reasons for negative attitudes toward the baby box included the increase in infant abandonment and the decrease in parental responsibility toward the child. Second, the permissiveness of infant abandonment was generally low; however, the level of permissiveness differed according to age, education level, status, and marital status. For people who are in their 30s or older, hold a graduate or higher level degree, are employed, and are married, the permissiveness of infant abandonment was lower than that of others. CONCLUSION: These findings suggest that the current support policy for unmarried mothers should be changed to improve the economic and social conditions of child care. Furthermore, we must strive to improve the social perceptions of various family structures, including unmarried parents and their children.

Child , Humans , Infant , Child Abuse , Child Care , Education , Illegitimacy , Marital Status , Parents , Permissiveness , Quality of Life , Single Person , Social Conditions , Social Perception
مقالة ي الانجليزية | WPRIM | ID: wpr-764401


BACKGROUND: The purpose of this study is to provide the data for discussions related to oral health promotion policies for single-person households by analyzing the status of unmet dental needs and related factors in single-person households in Korea, based on the Anderson model. METHODS: The data, obtained from 544 single-person households of those over 20 years old who were targeted for the 6th Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, were analyzed through a complex sample frequency analysis, complex sample cross analysis (Rao-Scott chi-square test), and complex sample binary logistic regression analysis on a complex sampling design. RESULTS: The most frequently given reason for an unmet dental need among single-person households was economic (52.4%). Factors related to the unmet dental needs of single-person households are smoking, which is a predisposing factor; personal income levels, which are an enabling factor; chewing discomfort; and limited daily activities, which are need factors. Smokers, the high-income group, the chewing-discomfort group, and the limited activity group showed high unmet dental care experience. Smokers had a 2.75 times higher rate of unmet dental care than non-smokers, and the high-income group had a 5.29 times higher rate of unmet dental needs than the median group. The rate of unmet dental needs for the chewing discomfort group was 3.27 times higher than the non-chewing discomfort group, and the limited activity group had a 7.87 times higher rate of unmet dental needs than the non-limited activity group. CONCLUSION: It is necessary to map out policies designed to help maintain and promote met dental needs considered to be internally heterogeneous to single-person householders, based on the Anderson model.

Humans , Causality , Dental Care , Family Characteristics , Health Surveys , Korea , Logistic Models , Mastication , Nutrition Surveys , Oral Health , Single Person , Smoke , Smoking
مقالة ي الكورية | WPRIM | ID: wpr-764664


PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to investigate factors affecting job embeddedness of nurses in trauma centers. METHODS: This study was a cross-sectional study using structured questionnaires completed by 140 nurses in three regional trauma centers in Korea. Data were collected from July 15 to September 10, 2017, and analyzed using SPSS/WIN 23.0 program. RESULTS: The mean score of organizational commitment was 3.65±0.75, positive psychological capital was 3.00±0.45, and job embeddedness was 3.00±0.45. The organizational commitment showed a significant positive correlation with positive psychological capital (r=.36, p<.001) and job embeddedness (r=.60, p<.001), and positive psychological capital also showed a significant positive correlation with job embeddedness (r=.74, p<.001). The factors affecting job embeddedness of nurses in trauma centers were positive psychological capital (β=.61, p<.001), organizational commitment (β=.38, p<.001), and marital status (β=-.14, p=.017). CONCLUSION: The results of this study suggest that to enhance job embeddedness, it is necessary to develop education and programs to strengthen organizational commitment and positive psychological capital of nurses in trauma centers. In addition, for unmarried nurses, interest and consideration are needed to enhance job embeddedness and to reduce turnover.

Humans , Cross-Sectional Studies , Education , Korea , Marital Status , Single Person , Trauma Centers
مقالة ي الكورية | WPRIM | ID: wpr-765208


OBJECTIVES: This study examined the factors associated with suicidal behavior in psychiatric inpatients. METHODS: The medical records of 208 psychiatric inpatients were reviewed retrospectively. The factors related to suicide attempts and ideation at the time of admission, and during outpatient follow-up, were investigated. RESULTS: In total, 120 patients (57.7%) with a history of at least one suicide attempt, and 163 patients (78.4%) who reported active suicide ideation (e.g., a suicide plan or intention to commit suicide) at the time of admission were reviewed. Being unmarried or divorced, substance abuse, impulsivity, and a poor social support system were associated with a history of suicide attempts. The suicidal ideation group had significantly higher rates of coexisting depression, severe depressive symptoms, hopelessness, and impulsivity, as well as a lower incidence of moral objection to suicide and high religiosity. In total, 15 out of 193 patients (7.8%) who were followed-up at outpatient clinics attempted suicide after discharge. Patients who attempted suicide or reported suicidal ideation at the outpatient clinic after discharge were significantly more likely to have a history of previous suicide attempts, or have had active suicide ideation at the time of admission. Good social support and high responsibility to family were inversely associated with suicidal ideation as an outpatient. CONCLUSION: A history of suicide attempts and ideation at the time of hospital admission were the risk factors for future outpatient suicidal behavior. Further study is warranted to develop a checklist and assessment measures of the various risk and protective factors associated with suicidal behavior.

Humans , Ambulatory Care Facilities , Checklist , Depression , Divorce , Follow-Up Studies , Impulsive Behavior , Incidence , Inpatients , Intention , Medical Records , Outpatients , Protective Factors , Retrospective Studies , Risk Factors , Single Person , Substance-Related Disorders , Suicidal Ideation , Suicide , Suicide, Attempted
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