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An. bras. dermatol ; 96(2): 224-227, Mar.-Apr. 2021. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1248740


Abstract Leprosy is one of the neglected diseases in the world and Brazil is the second country with more cases. A retrospective study was conducted based on the medical records of 196 leprosy patients diagnosed during the course of 13 years at a university hospital. The aim was to describe the adverse effects of polychemotherapy, as well the most prevalent and most vulnerable populations. In the study, dapsone was the most implicated drug, especially in women, and the risk increased with age. The authors conclude that with this patient profile, greater vigilance should be taken regarding possible adverse effects, especially anemia.

Humans , Female , Leprostatic Agents/adverse effects , Leprosy/drug therapy , Rifampin/therapeutic use , Brazil , Retrospective Studies , Follow-Up Studies , Clofazimine/therapeutic use , Dapsone/adverse effects , Drug Therapy, Combination
Arq. neuropsiquiatr ; 75(4): 238-243, Apr. 2017. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-838891


ABSTRACT Objective In this study, we propose a modification to the simple decompression technique that contains the ulnar nerve in the cubital fossa, thus preventing subluxation during forearm flexion movements. Methods Five consecutive patients with leprosy-associated cubital tunnel syndrome underwent surgery with the modified technique between July 2011 and October 2012. Results The most common symptoms were neuropathic pain and sensory changes (both 60%). On the McGowan scale, three patients maintained their preoperative score and two patients improved by two points, while on the Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center scale, two patients maintained the same scores, two improved by two points, and one improved by one point. Four patients were able to discontinue corticosteroid use. The mean follow-up time was 25.6 months (range 2-48 months). There were no recurrences or subluxations in the long-term. Conclusion This alternative technique resulted in excellent functional results, as well as successful withdrawal from corticosteroids. Furthermore, it resulted in no ulnar nerve subluxations.

RESUMO Objetivo Neste manuscrito apresentamos uma modificação da técnica de descompressão simples do nervo ulnar no túnel cubital que impede a subluxação do nervo em movimentos de flexão do antebraço. Métodos Foram incluídos cinco pacientes consecutivos acometidos por síndrome do túnel cubital (Hanseníase) submetidos à cirurgia entre 2011 e 2012. Resultados Os sintomas mais comuns foram dor neuropática e alterações sensitivas (60%). No pós-operatório, três pacientes mantiveram o mesmo escore e dois melhoraram dois pontos na escala de McGowan, enquanto na escala Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center, dois pacientes mantiveram o mesmo escore, dois melhoraram dois pontos e um melhorou um ponto. Os corticosteróides foram descontinuados em quatro pacientes. O tempo médio de seguimento foi 25,6 meses (variação 2-48 meses). Não foram observadas recorrência ou subluxação no longo prazo. Conclusões A técnica alternativa apresentou excelentes resultados funcionais e foi bem sucedida na retirada dos corticosteróides. Ademais, subluxações do nervo ulnar não foram observadas.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Ulnar Nerve/injuries , Decompression, Surgical/methods , Cubital Tunnel Syndrome/surgery , Leprosy, Tuberculoid/complications , Follow-Up Studies , Treatment Outcome , Decompression, Surgical/adverse effects , Cubital Tunnel Syndrome/etiology
An. bras. dermatol ; 91(3): 345-349, tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-787306


Abstract Leprosy is a chronic disease characterized by manifestations in the peripheral nerves and skin. The course of the disease may be interrupted by acute phenomena called reactions. This article reports a peculiar case of type 2 leprosy reaction with Sweet's syndrome-like features as the first clinical manifestation of leprosy, resulting in a delay in the diagnosis due to unusual clinical presentation. The patient had clinical and histopathological features reminiscent of Sweet's syndrome associated with clusters of vacuolated histiocytes containing acid-fast bacilli isolated or forming globi. Herein, it is discussed how to recognize type 2 leprosy reaction with Sweet's syndrome features, the differential diagnosis with type 1 leprosy reaction and the treatment options. When this kind of reaction is the first clinical presentation of leprosy, the correct diagnosis might be not suspected clinically, and established only with histopathologic evaluation.

Humans , Female , Adult , Sweet Syndrome/diagnosis , Leprosy, Multibacillary/diagnosis , Thalidomide/therapeutic use , Prednisone/therapeutic use , Sweet Syndrome/etiology , Sweet Syndrome/pathology , Sweet Syndrome/drug therapy , Erythema/diagnosis , Leprosy, Multibacillary/complications , Leprosy, Multibacillary/pathology , Leprosy, Multibacillary/drug therapy , Histiocytes/pathology , Leprostatic Agents/therapeutic use , Neutrophils/pathology
An. bras. dermatol ; 91(1): 80-83, Jan.-Feb. 2016. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-776415


Abstract Cytomegalovirus is an opportunistic virus that commonly affects immunosuppressed patients. Cutaneous involvement by this virus is rare and occurs in significantly immunocompromised hosts, with a poor prognosis. Skin ulcers may represent the first sign of systemic infection by cytomegalovirus in these patients. Herein, a case of a systemic infection by Cytomegalovirus presenting as genital and oral ulcers in a kidney-transplant recipient is reported.

Aged , Humans , Male , Cytomegalovirus Infections/pathology , Immunocompetence , Kidney Transplantation/adverse effects , Skin Diseases, Viral/pathology , Cytomegalovirus Infections/immunology , Polymerase Chain Reaction , Skin Diseases, Viral/immunology , Skin Ulcer/pathology , Skin Ulcer/virology
An. bras. dermatol ; 88(6): 1011-1013, Nov-Dec/2013. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-698998


Berardinelli-Seip syndrome is a rare autosomal recessive disease characterized by inadequate metabolism and inefficient storing of lipids in fat cells, generating accumulation of fat in organs such as the liver, spleen, pancreas, heart, arterial endothelium and skin. Classically, patients manifest generalized lipoatrophy at birth or until 2 years of age, and in adolescence usually develop marked insulin resistance with rapid progression to diabetes and dyslipidemia. We report the case of a 17-year-old Berardinelli-Seip syndrome patient with eruptive xanthoma associated with severe hypertriglyceridemia. It is worth noting Eruptive xanthoma as a dermatological manifestation that is not generally highlighted in the reports of cases of this genetic metabolic disorder.

Síndrome de Berardinelli-Seip é doença genética autossômica recessiva rara, caracterizada por ineficiência em metabolizar e estocar material lipídico adequadamente nos adipócitos, gerando acúmulo de gordura em órgãos não habituais, como fígado, baço, pâncreas, coração, endotélio arterial e pele. Classicamente, os portadores nascem ou manifestam lipoatrofia generalizada até os 2 anos e, geralmente na adolescência, desenvolvem marcada resistência insulínica com rápida progressão para diabetes e dislipidemia. Relatamos um caso de portadora da síndrome de Berardinelli-Seip, de 17 anos, com xantoma eruptivo associado à hipertrigliceridemia grave. Ressalta-se o xantoma eruptivo como manifestação dermatológica não enfatizada nos casos relatados sobre esse distúrbio metabólico genético.

Adult , Female , Humans , Hamartoma Syndrome, Multiple/pathology , Skin Neoplasms/pathology , Biopsy
Rev. Bras. Med. Fam. Comunidade (Online) ; 8(27): 143-149, abr./jun. 2013. tab, ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-880912


Objetivo: Descrever ação para o controle da hanseníase por meio da educação em saúde e da busca ativa de casos na faixa etária escolar, em uma instituição pública de ensino do município de Ananindeua, Pará. Métodos: Trata-se de estudo descritivo, conduzido em uma instituição pública de ensino, incluindo estudantes do ensino fundamental. Em outubro e novembro de 2010 foram realizadas palestras na escola sobre hanseníase e outras dermatoses e, em seguida, foi feita uma triagem com os alunos que apresentaram alguma mancha na pele. No total de 532 alunos envolvidos, foram identificados 55 alunos como casos suspeitos para hanseníase. Esses alunos foram conduzidos para consulta dermatológica, sendo realizados o exame clínico e a aplicação de questionários sociodemográficos. Resultados: A face (49%) e os membros superiores (45%) foram as principais regiões do corpo com lesões. Na maioria dos casos investigados tratava-se de pitiríase alba (42%) e pitiríase versicolor (31%). Entretanto, diagnosticou-se um caso de hanseníase (2%), na forma clínica tuberculóide. Conclusão: Considerando a abrangência do estudo, o número de casos de hanseníase encontrado é significativo e reafirma a alta taxa de detecção de hanseníase em menores de 15 anos no município. Ações de vigilância epidemiológica devem ser intensificadas, no sentido de detectar a doença mais precocemente, contribuindo para a redução de estigmas e da restrição à participação social.

Objectives: To describe action for leprosy control through health education and case active search among school age children in a public school in the municipality of Ananindeua, Pará state. Methods: This is a descriptive study conducted in a public school including elementary school students. In October and November 2010, lectures on leprosy and other skin lesions were given in this school and then screening was performed with students that presented skin spots. From the total of 532 students involved, 55 were identified as suspected to leprosy. These students were taken to dermatological appointment including clinical examination and application of socio-demographic questionnaire. Results: The face (49%) and upper limbs (45%) were the main body areas presenting lesions. In most of the cases investigated, pityriasis alba (42%) and pityriasis versicolor (31%) were diagnosed. However, one case of leprosy (2%) was also found, in tuberculoid clinical form. Conclusion: Considering the scope of the study, the number of leprosy cases found is significant and confirms the high detection rate of leprosy in children under age 15 in the city. Epidemiological surveillance actions should be intensified in order to detect the disease in its early stage, contributing to enhancement in social participation by reducing the disease-related stigma.

Objetivo: Describir la acción para el control de la lepra mediante la Educación para la Salud y la búsqueda activa de casos en niños en edad escolar en una escuela pública en la ciudad de Ananindeua, Pará. Métodos: Se trata de un estudio descriptivo, realizado en una escuela pública, con los estudiantes de primaria. En octubre y noviembre de 2010 se realizaron conferencias sobre lepra y otras enfermedades de la piel y luego se examinó a los estudiantes que tenían alguna mancha en la piel. Del total de 532 alumnos, 55 estudiantes fueron identificados como sospechosos de tener lepra. Esos estudiantes fueron derivados a consulta dermatológica, examen clínico y aplicación de cuestionarios socio-demográficos. Resultados: La cara (49%) y las extremidades superiores (45%) fueron las principales áreas del cuerpo con lesiones. En la mayoría de los casos se constató la pitiriasis alba (42%) y pitiriasis versicolor (31%). Sin embargo, se diagnosticó un caso de lepra (2%), en la forma clínica tuberculoide. Conclusión: Teniendo en cuenta el alcance del estudio, el número de casos de lepra encontrado es significativo y reafirma la alta tasa de detección de lepra en los niños menores de 15 años en la ciudad. Las acciones de vigilancia epidemiológica deben ser intensificadas, con el fin de detectar precozmente la enfermad, contribuyendo para la reducción del estigma y de la restricción de la participación social.

Health Education , Cross-Sectional Studies , Adolescent , Leprosy , Mycobacterium leprae
Rev. paul. pediatr ; 30(2): 292-295, jun. 2012. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-641719


Descrever dois casos de hanseníase em menores de 15 anos, sendo um de paciente com 18 meses de idade e outro de 13 anos, diagnosticados por modos de detecção diferentes, ressaltando a importância de examinar os contatos. DESCRIÇÃO DO CASO: Um dos casos foi diagnosticado precocemente por meio do exame de contatos intradomiciliares, enquanto o outro foi diagnosticado por demanda espontânea após quatro anos de aparecimento das lesões e, apesar de ser contato de um ex-paciente, não foi examinado na época. COMENTÁRIOS: Em países endêmicos, a alta detecção da hanseníase em menores de 15 anos revela a persistência na transmissão do bacilo e as dificuldades dos programas de saúde para o controle da doença. O maior tempo para diagnóstico ocasiona sequelas e deformidades e, dessa forma, a busca dos contatos constitui importante método para o diagnóstico precoce da doença na infância, quando os sinais clínicos nem sempre são fáceis de serem identificados e há grande diversidade de formas clínicas em que a doença pode se apresentar.

To describe two cases of leprosy in children under 15 years old, being one patient aged with 18 months and other 13 years, diagnosed by different modes of detection, emphasizing the importance of examining the contacts. CASE DESCRIPTION: One of the cases was diagnosed early by examining household contacts, while the other was diagnosed by spontaneous demand, after four years of the onset of lesions, although he had been a former patient contact who was not examined at the time. COMMENTS: In endemic countries, the high detection of leprosy in children under 15 years old reveals the persistence of the bacillus transmission and the difficulties encountered by public health programs to control the disease. Delay in leprosy diagnosis leads to sequels and deformities and, thus, the search for contacts is important as an effective method for early diagnosis of the disease in childhood, where clinical signs are not always easy to be identified due to the great variety of clinical forms in which the disease may occur.

Describir dos casos de enfermedad de Hansen en menores de 15 años, siendo uno de paciente con 18 meses de edad y otro de 13 años, diagnosticados por modos de detección distintos, subrayando la importancia de examinar a los contactos. DESCRIPCIÓN DEL CASO: Uno de los casos tuvo diagnóstico temprano mediante examen de contactos intradomiciliares, mientras que el otro fue diagnosticado por demanda espontánea después de cuatro años de surgimiento de las lesiones y, a pesar de ser contacto de un ex-paciente, no fue examinado en la época. COMENTARIOS: En países endémicos, la alta detección de enfermedad de Hansen en menores de 15 años revela la persistencia en la transmisión del bacilo y las dificultades de los programas de salud para el control de la enfermedad. El mayor tiempo para diagnóstico ocasiona secuelas y deformidades y, de ese modo, la búsqueda por los contactos constituye importante método para el diagnóstico temprano de la enfermedad en la infancia, cuando las señales clínicas no siempre son fáciles de identificarse y hay gran diversidad de formas clínicas en que la enfermedad puede presentarse.

Humans , Male , Infant , Adolescent , Leprosy/diagnosis , Leprosy/epidemiology
An. bras. dermatol ; 86(5): 1011-1015, set.-out. 2011. ilus, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-607474


A hanseníase é uma doença infectocontagiosa, com período de incubação médio de dois a cinco anos, causada pelo Mycobacterium leprae, o qual possui tropismo para a pele, as mucosas e os nervos periféricos. Quando manifestada em crianças abaixo de quinze anos, reflete a intensidade e longo período de exposição à grande carga bacilar. Representa, então, um importante evento de alerta que aponta para uma dificuldade no controle da doença. Os autores relatam três casos de hanseníase, em menores de quinze anos, provenientes do Município de Itaguaí, Rio de Janeiro. Discutem-se as implicações epidemiológicas da detecção de novos casos nessa faixa etária e o papel fundamental do exame de contatos e da busca do caso fonte no controle da Hanseníase.

Leprosy is an infectious disease with an average incubation period of two to five years. It is caused by Mycobacterium leprae, mainly affecting skin, mucous membranes and peripheral nerves. When it occurs in children under fifteen, it reflects an intense and long contact period, with a high bacillary load. Therefore, it is considered an important alert sign that points to the challenge of controlling the disease. The authors report three cases of leprosy in children under fifteen that occurred in the Itaguaí district, Rio de Janeiro. The epidemiologic implications of new cases detected at this age and the fundamental role of examining the patients' close contacts and the possible identification of source cases as an effort for leprosy control are discussed.

Child , Female , Humans , Leprosy, Tuberculoid/pathology , Brazil/epidemiology , Family , Leprosy, Tuberculoid/epidemiology
An. bras. dermatol ; 86(5): 1043-1045, set.-out. 2011. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-607485


Herpes simples crônico é doença capaz de gerar apresentações exuberantes, principalmente em pacientes com sida. O provável mecanismo da formação dessas lesões hiperplásicas consiste na invasão viral dos linfócitos T CD4 situados na epiderme. Diante das dificuldades terapêuticas e da grande taxa de insucesso do tratamento nesses pacientes, novas terapias têm sido citadas na literatura atualmente. O conhecimento da imunopatologia ratificou o mecanismo pelo qual o imiquimode poderia ser eficaz como terapia adjuvante aos antivirais. Relatamos aqui dois casos de pacientes tratados com aciclovir associado ao imiquimode tópico que obtiveram resposta clínica excepcional.

Chronic herpes simplex can present as exuberant clinical lesions, especially in HIV patients. The most probable mechanism of formation of these lesions is the invasion of the epidermal CD4 T cells by the herpes simplex virus. Due to the therapeutic difficulties and the high rates of treatment failure amongst these patients, new drugs are currently being discussed on the literature. Studies based on the immunophatology of these lesions have suggested that imiquimod might work as an adjuvant therapy to the antiviral drugs. Here we present two cases of excellent response to treatment with topical imiquimod as an adjuvant drug to acyclovir.

Adult , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Acyclovir/therapeutic use , Adjuvants, Immunologic/therapeutic use , Aminoquinolines/therapeutic use , Antiviral Agents/therapeutic use , HIV Infections/complications , Herpes Genitalis/drug therapy , Drug Therapy, Combination/methods , Herpes Genitalis/etiology
An. bras. dermatol ; 86(1): 120-123, jan.-fev. 2011. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-578316


O Dermatomiofibroma está incluído no grupo de lesões neoplásicas mesenquimais benignas de linhagem fibroblástica e miofibroblástica da pele. É uma doença rara, havendo aproximadamente 100 casos descritos na literatura mundial até o momento. Este artigo relata o caso de uma mulher jovem com apresentação clínica típica e diagnóstico histopatológico de dermatomiofibroma. Foram realizadas colorações especiais que mostraram preservação das fibras colágenas e a imunohistoquímica revelou positividade para vimentina e negatividade para actina e S100. Por se tratar de doença rara, os achados histopatológicos são de grande importância, mas a supeição clínica é possível em casos típicos como este.

Dermato myofibroma is included in the group of benign cutaneous mesenchymal neoplastic lesions of fibroblastic and myofibroblastic lineage. It's a rare disease and there are approximately only one hundred cases described worldwide in the medical literature up to now. The present study reports the case of a young woman with typical clinical cutaneous lesion and histopathological diagnosis of dermato myofibroma. Special stains were carried out which showed preserved collagen fibers and immunohistochemistry was positive for vimentin and negative for actin and S100. As it is a rare disease, the histopathological findings are of great importance but clinical suspicion is possible in typical cases such as this one.

Adolescent , Female , Humans , Myofibroma/pathology , Rare Diseases/pathology , Skin Neoplasms/pathology , Myofibroblasts/pathology , Staining and Labeling
Hansen. int ; 35(1): 53-56, 2010.


Após re-introdução no mercado, a Talidomida tornou-se a droga mais eficaz no tratamento do eritema nodoso hânsenico, além de opção terapêutica para diversas doenças, como mieloma múltiplo. Contudo, o crescente uso desta, associado a corticóides sistêmicos e quimioterápicos, resultou em aumento de efeitos adversos pouco reconhecidos, como trombose venosa profunda.

After being reintroduced in the market, thalidomide has become the most effective drug in the treatment of erythema nodosum leprosum and a therapeutic option for several diseases, such as multiple myeloma. However, its increasing use, combined with systemic steroids and chemotherapy has also increased little recognized adverse effects, such as deep vein thrombosis.

Humans , Male , Aged , Erythema Nodosum , Leprosy, Lepromatous , Leprosy/complications , Leprosy/drug therapy , Venous Thrombosis/etiology , Femoral Vein , Adrenal Cortex Hormones/adverse effects , Thalidomide/adverse effects , Venous Thrombosis/diagnosis
An. bras. dermatol ; 84(6): 695-697, nov.-dez. 2009. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-538464


A hidradenite supurativa é doença inflamatória de difícil tratamento. Recentemente, a terapia anti-TNF alfa, com anticorpos monoclonais ("terapia biológica"), tem sido apontada como uma alternativa. No entanto, ensaios clínicos avaliando a eficácia destas drogas na hidradenite supurativa, ainda não foram publicados. Apresentamos um caso no qual o uso do infliximabe não resultou em melhora clínica expressiva.

Hidradenitis suppurativa is an inflammatory disease with difficult treatment. Currently, the anti-TNF alfa therapy, with monoclonal antibodies ("biological therapy"), has been shown as a new alternative. However, clinical trials assessing the efficacy of these drugs to treat hidradenitis suppurativa have not yet been published. A case in which the use of infliximab did not result in significant clinical improvement is described.

Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Anti-Inflammatory Agents/therapeutic use , Antibodies, Monoclonal/therapeutic use , Hidradenitis Suppurativa/drug therapy
In. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro.Instituto de Estudos em Saúde Coletiva. Investigações em sistema de saúde e controle da hanseníase. Rio de Janeiro, s.n, abr.-jun., 2008. p.363-376.
Non-conventional in English | LILACS, SES-SP, HANSEN, HANSENIASE, SESSP-ILSLACERVO, SES-SP | ID: biblio-1247260


Single skin lesion, paucibacillary (SSL-PB) leprosy is considered and early disease manifesation. This study the clinical outcome of a cohort of 259 newly diagnosed SSL-PB treated with one dose of rifampicin, ofloxacin, minocycline (ROM) and followed-up for three-years. Patients were recruited from the North, Central West and Southeast regions in Brazil (1997-2001). The result expected with ROM therapy was disappearance or the reduction of lesion size. Manifestation that required additional intervention were considered as poor clinical outcome: type-1 reaction (T1R) with or without neuritis alone, increase in lesion size and shift from paucibacillary to multibacillary. The incidence of poor clinical outcome was calculated by person-month and with the Kaplan-Meier methods. 61.8% of the participants were females, mean age 32.2, and 67,2% had borderline tuberculoid (BT) or tuberculoid forms. T1R was the predominant event; shift from paucibacillary to multibacillaru was rare. 92.0% of the volunteers shown no events during the first year, the same occurring to 80.6% of them after 3 years of clinical monitoring. The probability of remaining event-free was highest among those 40 years old or younger. Poor outcome predominated among BT patients. Extended monitoring of SSL-PB leprosy cases under minimal therapy provided valuable case management information for reference centers.

Single Dose/methods , Leprosy/epidemiology , Leprosy/physiopathology , Leprosy/immunology , Public Health/methods
Cad. saúde colet., (Rio J.) ; 16(2)abr.-jun. 2008. graf, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-533105


Single skin lesion, paucibacillary (SSL-PB) leprosy is considered an early diseasemanifestation. This study evaluated the clinical outcome of a cohort of 259 newlydiagnosed SSL-PB treated with one dose of rifampicin, ofloxacin, minocycline (ROM)and followed-up for three-years. Patients were recruited from the North, Central Westand Southeast regions in Brazil (1997-2001). The result expected with ROM therapywas disappearance or the reduction of lesion size. Manifestations that required additional intervention were considered as poor clinical outcome: type-1 reaction (T1R) with orwithout neuritis, neuritis alone, increase in lesion size and shift from paucibacillary tomultibacillary. The incidence of poor clinical outcome was calculated by personmonthand with the Kaplan-Meier methods. 61.8% of the participants were females,mean age 32.2, and 67.2% had borderline tuberculoid (BT) or tuberculoid forms. T1Rwas the predominant event; shift from paucibacillary to multibacillary was rare. 92.0%of the volunteers shown no events during the first year, the same occurring to 80.6%of them after 3 years of clinical monitoring. The probability of remaining event-freewas highest among those 40 years old or younger. Poor outcome predominated amongBT patients. Extended monitoring of SSL-PB leprosy cases under minimal therapyprovided valuable case management information for reference centers.

Lesão única paucibacilar (SSL-PB) é considerada manifestação clínica inicial dahanseníase. Este estudo avaliou resultado clínico de coorte de 259 pacientes SSL-PBrecém-diagnosticados, tratados com esquema de dose única Rifampicina, Ofloxacina,Minociclina (ROM) e acompanhados por 3 anos (1997-2001) nas regiões Norte,Centro-Oeste e Sudeste. O resultado esperado do tratamento ROM compreendedesaparecimento ou diminuição da lesão. O desfecho foi definido como qualquerevento clínico com indicação de terapia adicional: reação tipo 1 (T1R) com ou semneurite, neurite, aumento de tamanho de lesão e mudança de paucibacilar paramultibacilar. Estas manifestações foram consideradas eventos clínicos desfavoráveis,calculados por densidade de incidência (pessoa-tempo) e por Kaplan-Meier. 61,8%dos participantes eram mulheres (32,2 média idade), 67,2% borderline-tuberculoide(BT) e tuberculoide. T1R foi o desfecho predominante; mudança de paucibacilar paramultibacilar foi rara. 92,0% não apresentaram eventos desfavoráveis no primeiro anoe 80,6% ao final de três anos de monitoramento clínico. Participantes com idade d?40 anos tiveram maior probabilidade de permanecerem sem evento e evolução clínicadesfavorável predominou entre pacientes BT. Monitoramento prolongado de hanseníaselesão-única PB tratados com esquema mínimo forneceu dados importantes sobremanejo clínico para os centros de referência.

Cad. saúde colet., (Rio J.) ; 16(2): 363-376, abr.-jun. 2008. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-529797


Single skin lesion, paucibacillary (SSL PB) leprosy is considered an early disease manifestation. This study evaluated the clinical outcome of a cohort of 259 newly diagnosed SSL PB treated with one dose of rifampicin, ofloxacin, minocycline (ROM) and followed up three years. Patients were recruited from the North, Central West and Southeast regions in Brazil (1997-2001). The result expected with ROM therapy was disappearance or the reduction of lesion size. Manifestations that required additional intervention were considered as poor clinical outcome: type 1 reaction (T1R) with or without neuritis, neuritis alone, increase in lesion size and shift from paucibacillary to multibacillary. The incidence of poor clinical outcome was calculated by person month and with the Kaplan Meier methods. 61,8 percent of the participants were females, mean age 32.2 and 67,2 percent had borderline tuberculoid (BT) or tuberculoid forms. TIR was the predominant event; shift from paucibacillary to multibacillary was rare. 92 percent of the volunteers shown no events during the first year, the same occurring to 80,6 percent of them after 3 years of clinical monitoring. The probability of remaining event free was highest among those 40 years old or younger. Poor outcome predominated among BT patients. Extended monitoring of SSL PB leprosy cases under minimal therapy provided valuable case management information for reference centers.

Leprosy/therapy , Brazil , Cohort Studies