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Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1003819


ObjectiveTo analyze the online public Q&A texts on HPV vaccine, focus on the important issues related to HPV vaccination and cervical cancer prevention in China, and propose strategies and suggestions. MethodsThe latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA) topic model was employed to extract key topics of 15 565 Q&A texts related to HPV vaccines from the social Q&A platform "Zhihu". The Baidu AI sentiment analysis tool was used to analyze the emotional tendencies of the texts corresponding to each topic, and the topics were classified based on the strategic coordinate method. ResultsOnline users focused on eight topics about HPV vaccine information. Among them, vaccination knowledge, HPV vaccination hesitation, and HPV vaccine development and marketing belonged to the low positivity-high negativity emotional topics, HPV infection and high-risk factors belonged to the low positivity-low negativity emotional topics, and HPV vaccine appointment channels, comparison between domestic and imported vaccines, HPV vaccines and cervical cancer prevention, and HPV vaccine types and selection were grouped under high positivity-low negativity emotional topics. ConclusionPublic concerns regarding HPV vaccines can be classified into three major dimensions: health knowledge, health beliefs, and health behaviors. Overall, the public's views and attitudes towards vaccine-related issues are not optimistic. Strengthening science publicity and education, enhancing vaccine supervision, and encouraging enterprises’ innovative research and development capability are effective strategies to improve public awareness of cervical cancer prevention and accelerate the full HPV vaccination coverage.

China Pharmacy ; (12): 774-779, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-969570


OBJECTIVE To mine the focus and emotional attitude of the public on rare diseases, and to provide decision- making reference for relevant departments to formulate and implement relevant policies, systems and strategies for medical security of rare diseases. METHODS Latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA) topic model and sentiment analysis method were used to analyze the comment text of short videos related to the “nosinasine” medical insurance admission event on the Bilibili video website, mine the theme and sentiment tendency of the text, and put forward relevant strategy suggestions. RESULTS A total of 8 videos with tens of thousands of playback and 7 109 text data were obtained. According to the LDA analysis, online public paid attention to 9 topics related to rare diseases (the price of rare disease drugs, the inclusion of rare disease drugs in medical insurance, the status quo of research and development of rare disease drugs, the scope of medical insurance and the medical security system, the plight of rare disease patients, the prevention and screening of rare diseases, the value of rare disease drugs in medical insurance, the Chinese and western medical methods of rare diseases, and the supply and demand status of rare disease drugs), which could be summarized into 4 categories according to the objects of concern (rare disease drugs, rare disease medical insurance, rare disease medical and health services and rare disease patient groups). On the whole, the emotional tendency of the Internet public towards each topic showed a low positive and high negative tendency. CONCLUSIONS The public paid more attention to the price, research and development, supply and demand of rare disease drugs, and was deeply worried about the current medical status of rare diseases in China. To strengthen and improve the medical security for patients with rare diseases, such as actively carrying out public health services for rare diseases, strengthening cooperation in the diagnosis and treatment of rare diseases, and researching rare disease drugs, etc. Chinese medical and health departments can make concerted efforts in medical and health services, drug supply security, medical security and other social security.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-607813


Objective To reveal the subjects and hotspots in domestic studies on information behaviors by analyzing the domestic papers on information behaviors. Methods The key words in domestic papers on information behaviors were analyzed by factor analysis and co-word clustering analysis with the structure of subjects in domestic studies on information behaviors elaborated. Results The domestic studies on information behaviors were focused on the fol-lowing 12 aspects, such as information literacy, network information behaviors, information behavior model, infor-mation dissemination, and information service in libraries. Conclusion The hotspots in domestic studies on informa-tion behaviors are characterized by the various objects, scattered subjects, and balanced degrees.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-610134


The social tagging system on Internet is a new model for the organization and communication of information resources in the modern network environment.After the social tagging system and information communication model were outlined,the information communication model in social tagging system and its advantages and disadvantages were analyzed with Watercress Network as an example,and suggestions were put forward for its optimization.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-610864


The knowledge atlas for researches of invisible knowledge management was plotted after the key words and their relationship in papers on invisible knowledge published in the past 5 years were quantitatively and qualitatively analyzed by social network analysis, co-words cluster analysis, and impact factor analysis with the journal articles covered in CNKI, Wanfang, VIP Chinese Scientific and Technological Journals Databases as the data source.The hotspots and structure in researches of invisible knowledge management were then studied in order to provide reference for the innovative development and future research of invisible knowledge management.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-506761


The functions and service of WeChat platform in domestic academic libraries were summarized in order to find out the satisfied aspects ( such as its response speed, interface design and operation) and unsatisfied aspects (interaction efficiency, push quality and popularization) of users with the functions and service of WeChat plat-form. Measures should be taken for improving the unsatisfied aspects in order to meet the users' requirements, and suggestions were put forward for optimizing the functions of WeChat platform and perfecting its service, such as atta-ching importance to the WeChat public platform construction and improving its service in order to transform the aca-demic libraries into intelligent libraries.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-465597


Librarians play a key role in the library information ecosystem.Librarians and library users interact and influence each other in process and use of information.Tagging defined by network users is used in description of words and phrases in different information resources.When it is used in library, user-oriented service will become the target of information service, and the role of information service persons, information organization methods and information low efficiency will change.However, rational planning of ecosystem, rational control of tagging, and improvement of librarian information literacy can reduce the negative effect of tagging.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-457660


Tag, similar to a keyword and belonging to a non-controlled term, is a marking language, and can be freely marked by its users, thus playing a role in organization of information resources.Social tagging, a tag created by network users and added to the resources they concerned, has become one of the important methods for the network information resources organizing system to organize and mange resources.Suggestions were thus put forward in this paper for improving the information retrieval function of future social tagging system by comparing its 3 functions and assessing its efficiency.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-458300


Social tagging, as an important method for organizing network resources, has been widely applied in different kinds of website with the development of Web2.0 technologies.Proposed in this paper are the suggestions for promoting the better development of healthsocial networks, such as establishing social login model, developing tag library, constructing tag automatic classification system, implementing personal recommendation system, analy -zing tag semantemes , and limiting users login rights according to the application of social tagging in health social networks and related problems needing to be solved .