A 44-year-old man had been pointed out to have a heart murmur during his elementary school days. He came to us complaining of chest pain and palpitation. He was diagnosed to have severe aortic regurgitation caused by prolapse of the right coronary cusp, and the left ventricular function was depressed. At surgery, the aortic valve was repaired with the RCC resuspension technique, but regurgitation was not controlled because the RCC annulus was retracted by natural supracristal closure of the ventricular septal defect. We proceeded to the Ross procedure. A pulmonary autograft was harvested and sewed in the aortic annulus. The right ventricular outflow tract was reconstructed using a stentless bioprosthetic valve with glutaraldehyde-treated bovine pericardium. He was discharged after a straightforward postoperative course.