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Rev. méd. Chile ; 127(1): 23-7, ene. 1999. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-243754


Background: The achievement of a peak bone mass is an important factor in the prevention of osteoporotic fractures. In normal children, the amount of calcium intake could affect bone mineral increment. Aim: To assess the effect of a daily 500 mg calcium supplement on bone mineral density, in a group of healthy Chilean girls. Patients and methods: Fifty healthy girls were studied and 25 were randomly assigned to receive a 500 mg calcium supplement during 10 months. Bone mineral density of the distal and ultradistal region of the forearm was measured in all girls by single X ray absorptiometry (Osteometer DTX-100) at the beginning and end of the study. Bone mineral density was expressed as Z values. Results: Significant increments in bone mineral density at the distal radioulnar region were obtained in the supplemented girls. No significant changes in bone density were observed in control girls. Conclusions: A daily 500 mg calcium supplement for 10 months increased bone mineral density in healthy girls

Humans , Female , Adolescent , Calcium, Dietary/pharmacology , Dietary Supplements , Calcium, Dietary/administration & dosage , Prospective Studies , Absorptiometry, Photon/methods , Bone Density , Bone Development , Ethnicity
Bol. Hosp. Viña del Mar ; 45(1/2): 39-42, 1989.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-96860


La menopausia marca el cese fisiológico de la función normal y cíclica del ovario. El desarrollo de síntomas vasomotores, cambios tróficos en el sistema génitourinario y la osteoporosis, estan asociados al déficit estrogénico. La osteoporosis es una de las consecuencias más importantes de la falla ovárica, ya que es causa de considerable morbilidad y mortalidad. El tratamiento de reemplazo con estrógenos afecta el metabolismo lipídico y se ha asociado con mayor riesgo de desarrollar cáncer de endometrio, cáncer de mama y enfermedad tromboembólica. El agregar un progestágeno a este tratamiento ha demostrado que reduce el riesgo de desarrollar patología endometrial. El efecto más considerable y beneficioso del estrógeno es la prevención de la osteoporosis y las fracturas consecuentes

Middle Aged , Humans , Female , Estrogens/therapeutic use , Menopause/drug effects , Estrogens/adverse effects , Estrogens/pharmacology , Osteoporosis/prevention & control