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International Eye Science ; (12): 852-854, 2005.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-641779


· AIM: To evaluate the effectiveness of vitrectomy on eyes with proliferative diabetic retinopathy.· METHODS: 139 eyes of the 93 cases with PDR were undergone vitrectomy and were followed up for 3-24(16.72±8.53;mean±SD)mo.The visual acuity and the factors causing recurrence of operation were analyzed.· RESULTS: The visual acuity were improved in 98 eyes (70.50%) after vitrectomy. The mean postoperative visual acuity were significantly better than the mean preoperative visual acuity. The main reasons for the failure of operation were retinal detachment and maculopathy.· CONCLUSION: These results demonstrated that vitrectomy is generally an effective procedure in treating PDR.

Article in Japanese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-366213


A 6-year-old girl who had undergone repair of an endocardial cushion defect 4.5 years previously, developed discrete subaortic stenosis requiring surgical intervention. On two-dimensional echocardiography a membrane was visualized below the aortic valve. A pressure gradient of 97mmHg was recorded across the left ventricular outflow tract by cardiac catheterization. Operative findings showed a fibrous ring tissue just below the aortic valve, which was peeled away by sharp dissection. Postoperative cardiac catheterization revealed a 25mmHg pressure gradient across the left ventricular outflow tract. Two years later, she continues to do well and the pressure gradient remains unchanged on Doppler echocardiography.

Article in Japanese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-366214


We present a case of solitary arteriosclerotic aneurysm of the profunda femoris artery (PFA), which is very rare among peripheral aneurysms and a reviewed the 19 cases reported in the Japanese literature. A 78-year-old man had a chief complaint of a painful pulsatile mass in the left thigh. Enhanced CT showed the ruptured solitary aneurysm of the PFA. The aneurysm was 6.8cm in diameter. It was removed after ligation of the the PFA. In the Japanese literature, the mean age of patients with solitary arteriosclerotic aneurysm of the PFA was 73 (64-84), all patients were males, the rate of rupture of PFA aneurysm was 47%, and the mean diameter was 8.9cm. In our case, we simply ligated the aneurysm because the patient did not have any evidence of peripheral artery occlusive disease and the distal artery of the aneurysm was very small. However, there is a need to reconstruct the PFA whenever possible because the surgical importance of PFA in occlusive arterial disease has been recognized.

Article in Japanese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-365208


A 61-year-old man underwent an emergency operation for a ruptured infrarenal abdominal aortic aneurysm. Operations included bifurcated graft replacement of the abdominal aorta, oversewing of five lumbar arteries between L3 and L5, and ligation of the occluded inferior mesenteric artery. Because of the severe adhesions and arteriosclerotic changes over the bifurcation of the abdominal aorta and both common iliac arteries, prolonged aortic cross-clamp time was needed. In spite of stable his postoperative general condition, he suffered paresthesia and complete sensory loss on the left lower leg and the right sole. Moreover he was found to have paresis on the left leg and the right thigh. Knee and ankle deep-tendon reflexes were absent on the left. Lasègue's sign was positive bilaterally, which was more brisk on the left. There was no incontinence of urine and feces. EMG showed neurogenic polyphasic potentials on the lower extremities. MRI of the thoracolumbar spine and sacrum showed no evidence responsible for this neurological deficit, but IV-DSA revealed complete occlusion of the left common and internal iliac arteries. Following the active rehabilitation, he was able to walk unaided, but remained to have residual paresthesia on the left lower leg at his discharge. It was concluded that ischemic injuries to the cauda equina resulted in this rare complication, which seemed to be secondary to oversewing of critical lumbar arteries, prolonged aortic cross-clamp time, and the acute occlusion of the left common and internal iliac arteries.