Knowledge of variability in wheat genotypes is important for proposing crosses intended for development of heterotic combinations with improved stability. The present study consists of 120 wheat genotypes comprised of landraces, genetic stocks, released varieties, and improved genotypes. For the research experiment was conducted field in two rabi seasons (2019–2020 and 2020–2021) at ICAR-IIWBR, Karnal and a total of 120 genotypes were assessed using a randomized block approach for four quality (Zinc, iron, protein content and nitrogen) and six different physiological traits (Normalized difference vegetation index [NDVI]-1, NDVI-2, Soil Plant Analysis development [SPAD]-1, SPAD-2, Canopy Temperature [CT]-1, and CT-2) beside grain yield (GY). The occurrence of significant genetic variability amongst the several genotypes for nutritional and physiological characters indicates the inevitability for utilization of a considerable degree of genetic variation through the process of selection. The genotypic and phenotypic coefficients of variation (Genotypic coefficient of variation and Phenotypic coefficient of variation) exhibited their peak values for the trait GY, tailed by, grain zinc content, nitrogen (%), and SPAD-2. The high heritability values, in conjunction with substantial genetic advances, are indicative of the significance of GY, zinc, nitrogen, and protein content are key traits that hold potential for crop enhancement purposes. The total set of 120 genotypes clustered into 12 discrete sets on the basis of quality and physiological traits using the clustering technique and principal component analysis program available in the Statistical Package for Agricultural Research. Principal components axis 1 to principal component axis 4 unveiled about 71.31% of the total variability. Based on the findings of this study, it can be inferred that the released varieties showed greater performance in terms of grain output, although some landraces displayed higher values for the quality features. Hence, to acquire a comprehensive range of superior quality (Zn, PC, N, and Fe) cum high-yielding segregants, the selected genotypes from clusters “C” and “L” could function as better lines of parentage to organize breeding plans.
Odontogenic keratocysts (OKCs) represent 10% to 14% of all jaw cysts and are notable for their high recurrence rate compared to other odontogenic cysts. This case study details a recurrent OKC in a young woman, highlighting the critical need for diligent long-term follow-up and effective management strategies. A 25-year-old female presented with a recurrent OKC in the maxilla. The treatment involved surgical enucleation of the cyst, apicectomy of affected teeth, and application of Carnoy's solution to reduce recurrence risk. Follow-up imaging and clinical evaluations were conducted periodically to monitor healing and detect potential recurrences. Postoperative recovery was uneventful, with no immediate complications. Serial radiographs and clinical examinations during the follow-up period showed satisfactory healing and no signs of recurrence. The patient reported no discomfort or functional impairment. This case underscores the importance of comprehensive surgical intervention and long-term follow-up in managing recurrent OKCs. The combined approach of cyst enucleation, apicectomy, and Carnoy's solution application proved effective in preventing recurrence in this patient. Ongoing monitoring remains essential to ensure early detection and management of potential recurrences, ultimately improving patient outcomes.
Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infection is the leading cause of chronic peptic ulcer disease worldwide. Many treatment options are available to treat H. pylori infection. However, the eradication is still a challenge due to the poor bioavailability of the currently available formulations. To improve the efficacy of therapy, novel formulations are necessary. Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) are already a part of the treatment regimen with antibiotics. P-glycoprotein (P-gp) inhibitor was reported to have increased the efficacy of antibiotic treatment in H. pylori infections. To make available the P-gp inhibitor and PPI on the intestinal mucosal surface we have formulated a gastroretentive drug delivery system (GRDDS) as an adjuvant therapy with antibiotics. The objective of this study is to simultaneously estimate pantoprazole (PAN) and piperine (PIP) by reverse-phase (RP) high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method from the chitosan-based sodium alginate mucoadhesive beads utilizing the design of experiments (DOEs) methodology. The HPLC settings were optimized using DOEs software. The final optimized HPLC method used a hyperclone Octadecylsilane C18 column as the stationary phase and methanol: ammonium acetate at pH 4.5 (70:30 v/v) as the mobile phase. The flow rate was 0.9 ml/minute. The validation of the developed RP-HPLC method was done as per the International Conference on Harmonization (ICH) Q2(R1) guideline. The method was linear from 0.5 to 20 µg/ml for both PAN and PIP with an R2 value of 0.999 and 0.999, respectively. The validated RP-HPLC method showed specificity for both drugs despite interference from degradation products and other GRDDS excipients. The entrapment efficiency of the final formulation was determined to be 80%–85% for PAN and 60%–67% for PIP. The novelty and merit of the DOE-based method development are that it reduces the number of trials, thereby reducing reagent wastage, and is environmentally friendly suggested by the Green Analytical Procedure Index (GAPI) tool scoring six green, six yellow, and three red.
Background: KaraCalm™ is a novel polyherbal formulation obtained from the combination of Valeriana officinalis extract, Passiflora incarnata extract, Ocimum sanctum extract, Ziziphus jujuba extract, Rosmarinus officinalis extract, and Nigella sativa extract. The objective of the present investigation was to assess the efficacy and safety of KaraCalm™ to manage stress and improve sleep in healthy subjects in a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical study. Methods: A total of 60 healthy volunteers were randomized into two groups, with 30 subjects in the KaraCalm™ group and 30 in the placebo group. Participants were asked to take KaraCalm™ 500 mg or placebo once daily for 56 days. As primary outcomes, sleep analysis was performed by using Actiwatch, while stress level was evaluated with the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) scores from baseline to the end of the study period. Serum cortisol, and hs-CRP from baseline to the end of the study period were assessed as secondary endpoints. Results: An increase in overall sleep quality was observed in the KaraCalm™ group compared to the placebo as measured by total sleep time, onset latency, wake after sleep onset minutes, and number of awakenings. There was also a reduction in PSS scores in the KaraCalm™ group from baseline to the end of the study, indicating reduced stress levels. A significant reduction in Serum cortisol and hs-C-reactive protein (CRP) levels in the KaraCalm™ group from baseline to the end of the study further supported the effectiveness of KaraCalm™ in reducing stress. There was no significant change in the safety analyses of the patients in the intervention group when assessed from the start of the study to the end. Conclusions: KaraCalm™ can be considered a safe and effective dietary herbal Supplement to reduce stress and improve sleep quality.
The present-day concept of toxins in pathogenesis has acquired an important place in the arena of plant pathology. Because once the toxic metabolite of the pathogen is identified and characterized, it opens up many ways for combating the pathogen. Microbes use toxins as a weapon to cause damage and eventually destroy host cells. Plant pathogenic bacteria and fungi damage their host by producing diffusible toxins. These toxins induce several symptoms such as chlorosis, necrosis, water soaking, and wilting, which lead to the death of the plants. These toxins (secondary metabolites) are dangerous to the plants even in minute concentrations, and many of the toxins reproduce at least a few symptoms of relevant fungal or bacterial diseases. Plant pathogens use toxins as weapons to infect susceptible hosts. There has been significant progress in understanding these microbial toxins’ nature, structure, and their mode of action, which is discussed in this article. In addition to being employed to determine plant disease resistance, screening for disease-resistant mutants, and to manage disease, studying pathogenic toxins and their underlying mechanisms for pathogenicity is crucial to understand the host–pathogen interactions.
Background: We assessed the outcome of adequate incision and proper drainage of toxic fluid in the management of cellulitis patients in addition to the standard conservative approach of limb elevation, immobilisation and use of antibiotics. Methods: We conducted a retrospective cohort study in 150 patients of both sexes of age group 15-75 years admitted with cellulitis undergoing incision and drainage as an emergency procedure. Aetiologies, comorbidities and changes in levels of total leucocyte count, urea and creatinine were checked preoperatively and after surgical drainage. Management of the incision site and ulcer was done on follow up after the initial toxaemia resolved. Results: One hundred fifty patients including 98 males and 52 females of age group 15-75 years were included in this study. The most common site of cellulitis was found to be lower limb in 69 followed by upper limb in 40 cases. The aetiology was mostly traumatic in 68 patients followed by diabetes in 40 cases. Incision and drainage were performed in 108 cases and 42 cases needed debridement. Reduction in the total counts and improvement in the renal functions were seen in the patients. Upon follow up the patients presented with a healed ulcer with granulation tissue at base 68 of which were managed using SSG and 35 needed secondary suturing. There was no mortality seen in the study although 10 patients had to undergo further debridement and 2 patients needed a lower limb amputation. Conclusions: Cellulitis is one of the most commonly encountered pathologies in the outpatient department and is often managed conservatively. Extensive spread and complications can lead the patient to land in sepsis and multiorgan dysfunction. Thus, adequate incision and proper drainage of toxic fluids can prevent such complications and give better outcome for the patient.
Background: We assessed the derangements of renal functions and glomerular filtration rate (GFR) due to dehydration and poor nutrition in stoma patients before the creation of stoma, on discharge and on readmission (closure/complication). Methods: We conducted a retrospective cohort study in 50 patients of both sexes of age group 16-80yr undergoing stoma formation either as an emergency or elective procedure. Changes in levels of urea, creatinine and GFR were checked preoperatively, on discharge and on follow up within 3 months. Diet of the patient, possibility of sepsis and other treatment including nephrotoxic drug treatment history was assessed. Results: Fifty patients including 27 males and 23 females of age group 16-75yr were included in this study. The most common stoma was loop ileostomy in 32 cases followed by double barrel ileostomy in 11 cases. Ileal perforation and ileal stricture are the 2 most common causes of stoma formation and 78% of stoma were made as an emergency procedure. We found that 56% of the cases presented with deranged renal functions and GFR on readmission. Conclusions: Deranged GFR was due to dehydration by high output and poor intake leading to renal injury and deranged renal functions. Proper counselling of the patient regarding nutritious diet, refeeding and adequate hydration is important to prevent renal failure in stoma patient.
Background: Fast track approach is being followed by UNAIDS in order to achieve the aim of ending AIDS epidemic by 2030. It is important to keep a check on new infections and gather information about the HIV trends of the new cases. This study was planned to analyze the socio-demographic details, associated high risk behaviours and common routes of transmission of new cases. Methods: Data of new HIV positive patients coming to the ICTC centre during the study period was collected. The HIV positive patients were counselled by the counsellor after taking informed consent. The socio demographic details of the patients were shared by the counsellor. Results: Total 92 HIV positive patients were enrolled. Out of 92, 64 were males and 28 were females. Out of 92, 12 were illiterate. Most common route of transmission was found to be heterosexual route followed by blood transfusion. Of 92 patients, 36 were direct walk in clients and 56 were referred to ICTC. Most common high risk behaviour amongst HIV positive people is unsafe sexual practice with non-regular/casual partners, and homemakers are mostly secondarily infected from their reactive spouses. Conclusions: The most common high-risk behaviour (HRB) amongst HIV positive people is unsafe sexual practice with non-regular/casual partners, and innocent homemakers are mostly secondarily infected from their reactive spouses. Thus, there is a need to further spread awareness amongst women about the HRB and risk of HIV. Sharing of results between partners needs to be encouraged in order to prevent HIV transmission.
Background: Antimicrobial Resistance is a major concern. The rising trend has created a nuisance affecting the global economy and sustainable development Goals. Data about antimicrobial resistance therefore might help in knowing the trends and acting. Critical care patients are prone to develop nosocomial infections. A brief knowledge about this would help in the judicious use of antibiotics. This multicentric study was undertaken to understand the trends in the prevalence of antimicrobial resistance pattern, Multidrug Resistance (MDR)/ Extensive Drug Resistance (XDR)/Pan-drug Resistance (PDR), among GNB isolates from respiratory, urinary, and bloodstream samples from Indian ICUs. Methods: This is a retrospective study done in 16 Indian adult intensive care units (ICUs). The sensitivity pattern of defined GNB isolates against defined antibiotics was analyzed. Results: A total of 20,874 isolates of A. baumannii, P. aeruginosa, K. pneumoniae, and E. coli from the included samples were obtained A. baumannii, P. aeruginosa species showed a higher prevalence of XDR than MDR whereas K. pneumonia detected MDR. Among all the GNBs in this study, A. baumannii was the most carbapenem-resistant organism (XDR) and K. pneumoniae demonstrated the highest percentage of PDR strains both being higher in the respiratory and bloodstream isolates than that in the urinary isolates. Conclusion: This study shows high Prevalence of MDR/XDR GNB is high in Indian ICUs. Using the right antibiotic or introducing various strategies along with infection control measures can help in reducing antimicrobial resistance.
Background: India is rich in tribal population including north-east India. This research of ours is based on viral hepatitis diagnosis (HBV, HCV, HDV. HAV. HEV) and prevalence in the eight north eastern states of India (namely Assam, Arunachal, Nagaland, Sikkim, Tripura, Meghalaya, Manipur, and Mizoram) that are in locations bordering other countries like Bangladesh, Bhutan and Nepal. The article intercompares the viral hepatitis prevalence pattern in tribal and non-tribal patients in the north eastern states of India as well as the overall prevalence pre-COVID-19 and during the COVID-19. Methodology: This cross-sectional study data on prevalence of viral hepatitis conducted in the 8 north eastern states of India between 2018-2022 has data. two years before the onset of COVID-19 (2018-2019) and 2 years during the COVID-19 (2020-2022). This manuscript presents retrospective comparison on viral hepatitis prevalence between the recruited viral hepatitis patients of tribal and non-tribal origin. This work also compares viral hepatitis prevalence pre-COVID19 and during COVID-19 with no planned work done on COVID-19 diagnostics. Results: In this study, it was observed that younger adult tribal viral hepatitis patients in northeast India had higher prevalence of viral hepatitis than non-tribal patents of the same age group whereas older adult non-tribal patients had higher prevalence of viral hepatitis than tribal patients of the same age group. Certain tribes like Lushai of Mizoram had higher prevalence of HDV, HCV, HEV. Hepatitis B vaccination status was better in non-tribals than tribals in the recruited patients. Further in certain states like Manipur and Tripura exhibited significant difference in the diagnostic marker prevalence in hepatocellular carcinoma patients and liver cirrhosis patients before COVID and during COVID. Conclusion: There were differences in the prevalence and risk factors of viral hepatitis between tribal and non-tribal patients of viral hepatitis in northeast India. Further COVID-19 did have influence on the viral hepatitis prevalence in northeast India.
Introduction: Sex determination using dental features is predominantly based on Odontometrics. Numerous odontometric studies were conducted on the different teeth in the Indian population but still, there is a huge lacuna of odontometric data from population-based studies. Aim: The present scoping review aimed to determine the sexual dimorphism present in the linear and diagonal odontometric measurements of the teeth crowns in the Indian population. Materials and Methods: The focused question was whether linear and diagonal odontometrics of crowns in permanent teeth exhibit sexual dimorphism in the Indian population. A systematic literature search was conducted on studies reported in the past 10 years by using different databases like PubMed, Cochrane, and Google Scholar. Results: A total of N=181 articles were identified and after application of the selection criteria, n=8 articles were included for final data analysis. The percentage of accuracy of sex determination by odontometric analysis of all teeth ranged from 47% to 97.2%. Conclusion: All the teeth exhibited varying amounts of sexual dimorphism in the Indian population. Therefore, odontometric analysis can be used as a gender identification aid in forensic and anthropological investigations
Abstract: Approximately 1 in 16 women worldwide face an unwanted pregnancy each year. According to the latest round of NFHS-5 (2019-22), in India, eight per cent of women reported unwanted birth during the last five years and exhibited a nine percent unmet need for contraception. The paper attempted to examine the association of different predictor variables on the unwanted bearing using the IHDS panel data conducted in 2004-05 and 2011-12. The bivariate and multivariable logistic regression model was employed to examine the determinants of unwanted births among Indian women. The results show that out of the total women who wanted to cease childbearing in 2004-05, 26% experienced unwanted births in between the surveys. The multivariable logistic model showed that Muslim women were more likely to report unwanted childbearing than Hindu women (AOR-2.81, 95% CI (1.73,4.59)). Contraception use also determined the unwanted bearing among the women, and contraceptive users were 80% less likely to report unwanted pregnancy (AOR-0.21 95% CI (0.18, 0.24)) than non-users. Husbands’ involvement can never be neglected in infertility decisions, especially in India. When husbands desire additional children, women are more likely to experience unwanted births (AOR-5.80, 95% CI (4.72,7.11). The multivariate analysis also found that the odds of reporting unwanted pregnancy were low among those with at least one son (AOR- 0.52, 95% CI (0.43, 0.63)). There is a need to educate couples about the importance of small family size and reform the existing girl-child policies. In addition to women, husbands should also be counselled about the benefits of contraception use and the importance of a girl child.
Background: Little is known regarding the effect of the coronavirus pandemic on the characteristics of dermatology admissions, particularly in the Indian context. Objectives: To conduct a retrospective analysis of the discharge records of all patients admitted to a tertiary care centre in Western India from 1 January 2019 to 31 December 2022. Methods: Patient records were reviewed and compiled. Diagnoses were grouped to achieve consistency with international studies. Finally, the effect of COVID on admissions was determined. Data samples were assessed using descriptive statistics. Continuous variables were expressed as median or mean. The student’s t-test and chi-square test were utilised to investigate wherever appropriate. Results: Inpatient care was required for 1,817 patients. Males (1000, 55.04%) were significantly more likely to be admitted than females (817, 44.96%). The leading causes of hospitalisation were bacterial infections (26.42%), vesiculobullous disorders (17.45%), and psoriasiform disorders (11.34%). The greatest number of admissions occurred in 2019, followed by a substantial decline in 2020. Admission rates for vesiculobullous disorders, psoriasiform disorders, and malignancies were significantly higher during the pandemic period. Conclusions: Our study offers an analysis of the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on the patient profiles of patients admitted to a dermatology ward.
Background: Data pertaining to dual malignancies in the geriatric population are not only sparse but also heterogeneous. The present study evaluated the pattern of care for geriatric dual malignancy patients at a tertiary care center. Materials and Methods: We retrospectively collected data from all dual malignancy patients of and above the age of 65 years registered in the radiation oncology department of a single tertiary care center. Results: 456 geriatric cancer patients were registered between January 2019 and July 2021,out of which 48 patients had dual malignancy (10.5%). The distribution of index malignancy was six (12.5%) patients each of carcinoma oropharynx and prostate. Thirty?two (66.7%) patients developed metachronous malignancies. The mean difference in the development of the second malignancy was 3.4 years. Eleven (22.9%) patients developed carcinoma lung as a second malignancy. The primary treatment received by 38 (79.2%) patients was radical. Conclusion: Geriatric patients with synchronous malignancies pose a therapeutic challenge and the decision is achieved by a multidisciplinary approach.
Background: We aim to assess the rate of catheter associated urinary tract infection in patients undergoing catheterization in our surgical ward. Urinary catheters pose a potential risk of introducing infections in the urinary system. We observed the setting of catheterization and incidence of UTIs, prevalence, contributing factors, and potential preventive measures. We aim to enhance the quality of patient care and reduce the burden of post-catheterization complications. Methods: The research methodology involves a retrospective analysis of patient records, encompassing a large sample size from the tertiary care institute. Data collection includes patient demographics, duration of catheterization, underlying health conditions, and microbial profiles. Statistical analyses will be employed to discern patterns, risk factors, and correlations. Results: 322 patients admitted in our surgical ward were catheterized as a part of this study, out of which 170 patients came under the inclusion criteria, including 63 males and 107 females. It was found that 19 patients, 13 female and 6 males, had developed positive urine cultures on day 3 of catheterization, with 6 patients showing symptoms of UTI. 14 out of 19 cultures were positive for E. coli, 3 for Klebsiella sp., 1 for Citrobacter spp. And 1 for E. gallinarum. Conclusions: In this study, we concluded that maximum cases of CAUTI were due to inappropriate catheterization in emergency surgical procedures, where proper aseptic standards were not applied. Preventive strategies should be applied to minimize the incidence and complications of CAUTI.
Choledochal cysts represent a rare congenital anomaly characterized by the cystic dilation of the biliary tract. Although a vast majority of the cases present in early childhood, sometimes these cases can present in adulthood as well. The preferred treatment involves laparoscopic complete excision of the choledochal cyst with subsequent reconstruction of the biliary tract. While laparoscopic hepaticoduodenostomy is a documented procedure in the literature, laparoscopic Roux-en-Y hepaticojejunostomy has gained widespread acceptance. This study details a series of fifteen cases illustrating our experiences with these procedures. Between August 2022 and February 2024, a total of eighteen patients, including fifteen females and three males, were diagnosed with choledochal cysts. Fifteen of the patients underwent laparoscopic cyst excision with Roux-en-Y hepaticojejunostomy. Evaluation parameters included age, sex, clinical symptoms, Todani classification, operative time, complications, and hospital stay. Assessment utilized clinical history, ultrasonography, and magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography. Out of the total eighteen cases, fifteen patients were operated, two patient developed right-sided pleural effusion which was managed with chest physiotherapy and incentive spirometry. Anastomotic leak was observed in the case of two patients which was managed conservatively. Of these patients, three developed fevers, which were managed using intravenous antipyretic drugs. In a further 3 months follow-up, no new complications were observed in any of the cases. Laparoscopic management of choledochal cysts is increasingly favoured, providing patients with the benefits of minimally invasive surgery. However, such procedures must be performed by highly experienced laparoscopic surgeons.
Background: Characterized by atheromatous narrowing and hardening of arteries supplying blood to the legs and feet. Diabetes, along with other risk factors such as hypertension and smoking, exacerbates the prevalence and severity of PAD, leading to decreased blood flow and subsequent tissue injury. The prevalence of PAD in diabetics rises with age, underscoring the importance of early detection and management strategies. Methods: This study aims to evaluate the efficacy of color Doppler and MDCT Angiography in assessing lower limb peripheral arterial diseases. Conducted over twenty-four months, the cross-sectional study involved clinically suspected symptomatic cases aged 30 years and above, presenting at a tertiary care center. Patients underwent thorough clinical examination and demographic assessment before undergoing Color Doppler flowmetric studies and MDCT angiography. Results: Results revealed that color Doppler, with its ability to measure wall thickness and vascular flow, demonstrated promising diagnostic efficacy compared to MDCT angiography. Additionally, follow-up records of patients undergoing medical or surgical interventions provided valuable insights into the practical utility of these imaging modalities in guiding clinical management decisions. Conclusions: Overall, this study underscores the importance of non-invasive imaging techniques in diagnosing and evaluating the progression of peripheral arterial diseases. It suggests that Color Doppler Ultrasound, with its accessibility, low cost, and radiation-free nature, could serve as a suitable alternative to MDCT Angiography for assessing arterial characteristics in patients with PAD.
Background: Schizophrenia (SCZ) is one of the most incapacitating and financially disastrous medical conditions and ranks among the most severe and burdensome diseases in the world due to the onset, progression, and frequency of disability. Few researches have been reported that SCZ is linked to a number of neurophysiological abnormalities, including changes in brainstem auditory evoked potentials (BAEPs). Aims and Objectives: The current study aimed to measure brainstem function using BAEPs in patients with SCZ and compare their findings with healthy controls. Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional case–control study was conducted on 51 schizophrenic drug-naive patients selected from the outpatient department of psychiatry, fulfilling the diagnostic criteria of DSM-IV, aged 18-28 years, male and female, with a matching control group of 50 subjects recruited from patients’ relatives. For assessing the severity of SCZ, the positive and negative syndrome scale was utilized. The BAEPs were recorded using a brainstem-evoked response audiometry (BERA) device (NeuroStim-NS 2). Data were analyzed using Independent t-test and Mann–Whitney test based on normality. P-value was considered significant at P < 0.05, P < 0.01 level. Results: A significant difference was observed in patients and control group BAEPs. The absolute latency of waves I and III in the right ear, waves I and V, IPL I-III in the left ear was shown to be significantly different. The results demonstrate that the patient group’s mean latency was higher than the controls. Conclusion: Based on findings, it was concluded that abnormal BAEPs in schizophrenic patients might be attributed to their primary symptom of discontinuity in perceptual and other cerebral functions and slower transmission in the lower brainstem auditory pathway and decreased activity at the brainstem level.
This study explores the increasing prevalence and negative impacts of excessive smartphone use. It emphasizes the detrimental effects on academic performance, mental health, and physical well-being, highlighting the need for intervention strategies. The review aims to summarize evidence demonstrating the significant influence of smartphone addiction on dietary behavior and lifestyle, as well as the complex interplay between mobile phone usage patterns and mental health outcomes. The document suggests that mindfulness practices, self-reflection, and seeking professional help can be effective strategies to combat smartphone addiction. Through a systematic literature search using databases like Google Scholar, NIH, and PubMed, the review gathers information on smartphone addiction's effects on health, academics, and adolescence. The conclusion calls for longitudinal studies to track the long-term impact of smartphone usage on academic performance and overall well-being. It recommends identifying at-risk groups for intervention and promoting responsible smartphone usage to prevent adverse effects. Overall, the document underscores the importance of understanding the factors contributing to smartphone addiction and implementing measures to foster genuine human interactions, balance technology use, and mitigate the hazards of smartphone addiction among adolescents.
Background: Alcohol consumption was accepted social practice since ancient times. Presently, alcohol consumption is pervasive and has been consistently increasing throughout the world. Alcohol consumption is considered as world’s third largest risk factor for the occurrence of disease and disability. The objective of the study was to assess the burden of alcohol use and the factors associated for the alcohol consumption among adults residing at Dakshina Kannada district. Methods: This community based cross sectional study was conducted among adults aged more than 18 years in Dakshina Kannada district to assess the burden and correlates of alcohol consumption. A total of 355 participants were selected randomly and data was collected by using pretested questionnaire which includes sociodemographic details, alcohol use disorders identification test (AUDIT) questionnaire and associated factors. Data was analyzed by using SPSS software and the statistical significance level was fixed at p<0.05. Results: The prevalence of alcohol use was 30.7%, and it was higher among males (37.1%) compared to females (8.8%). Even the alcohol use was higher among those participants, who were employed, tobacco users and was having any existing disease. As per AUDIT risk level, maximum (49.5%) alcohol users belonged to low risk (zone I) with AUDIT score less than 8. Conclusions: The burden of alcohol consumption among adults in Dakshina Kannada district is nearly one -third of the population, which is quite high. The highest prevalence was found among males and tobacco users.