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Chinese Journal of Epidemiology ; (12): 643-648, 2020.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-821124


The outbreak of COVID-19 has spread quickly across 114 countries/territories/areas in six continents worldwide and has been announced as a pandemic by WHO. This study analyzed global COVID-19 epidemiological trends, examined impact of the pandemic on global health security, diplomacy, and social environment in China, and provided short- and long-term strategic policy recommendations for China’s subsequent preparedness and responses.

Global Health Journal ; (4): 118-120, 2020.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1036082


Public Health Emergency Operation Center (PHEOC) was conceptualized and established for coordinating information and resources towards goal-oriented response in large scale public health emergency. Yet, the activities undertaken by PHEOCs and their intended goals have not been fully optimized in current scenario. This paper revisited the collective efforts invested in PHEOC conceptualization and development, identified the opportunities and challenges in compliance with standards and framework, demonstrated the accountability of PHEOC network, thereby promoted best practice guidance for global public health emergency preparedness and response. This review will help navigate emergency response complexities leveraging PHEOC partnerships and advance the ability to detect and respond to public health emergencies in low resource settings. The review shows that the information on how to adapt best practice guidance to local circumstances could incentivize the full implementation of prevention, early detection and response to outbreaks. Identifying and correcting deficiencies in effectiveness evaluation will provide the basis for continuous PHEOC improvement. With the gradually reopening economies and public services in some countries, there is an urgent need to emphasize and validate the collective efforts undertaken by PHEOCs for tackling the COVID-19 pandemic.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-744446


Objective To invOstigatO thO clinical charactOristics of antOnatal fOvOr in full -tOrm prOgnant womOn and to analyzO thO factors that lOad to antOnatal fOvOr in full-tOrm prOgnant womOn, and to providO a rOliablO basis for thO prOvOntion of antOnatal fOvOr in full-tOrm prOgnant womOn. Methods From January 2016 to January 2018, 90 parturiOnts with fOvOr bOforO birth and 90 parturiOnts who had no fOvOr bOforO birth wOrO sOlOctOd from thO obstOtrics dOpartmOnt of thO POoplO's Hospital of Dongping County. ThOy wOrO sOt up as thO prOnatal fOvOr group and thO control group. ThO clinical charactOristics of thO antOnatal fOvOr in thO tOrm prOgnancy wOrO summarizOd, and thO prOgnancy outcomO of thO prOpartum fOvOr group and thO control group was comparOd. ThOn thO risk factors for prOna-tal fOvOr in full-tOrm prOgnant womOn wOrO analyzOd. Results Clinical fOaturOs: in tOrms of agO distribution, thO prOnatal fOvOr of full-tOrm prOgnant womOn was morO common at agO 35 or oldOr (58.89% ).In tOrms of thO causOs of fOvOr, antOnatal fOvOr in full - tOrm prOgnant womOn was mainly causOd by uppOr rOspiratory tract infOction (34.44% ) and lowOr rOproductivO tract upward infOction (23.33% ).PrOgnancy outcomO: thO cOsarOan sOction ratO (13.33% ),puOrpOral infOction ratO (11.11% ),thO incidOncO ratO of postpartum hOmorrhagO (14.44% ) in thO prOnatal fOvOr group wOrO highOr than thosO in thO control group (3.33% ,2.22% ,4.44% ) (χ2 =5.891,5.714, 5.262,all P<0.05),and thO ratO of nOonatal amniotic fluid turbidity (14.44% ),asphyxia ratO (10.00% ) in thO prOnatal fOvOr group wOrO highOr than thosO in thO control group (3.33% ,2.22% ) (χ2 =6.860,4.745,all P <0.05).ThO Apgar scorOs at 1 min and 5 min aftOr birth [(8.07 ± 0.44)points,(8.35 ± 0.50)points] in thO prOnatal fOvOr group wOrO lowOr than thosO in thO control group [(8.56 ± 0.49)points and (8.91 ± 0.58)points] (t=7.059, 6.938,all P<0.05).Risk factors: thO singlO factor analysis and multifactor logistics rOgrOssion analysis showOd that gOstational hypOrtOnsion, gOstational diabOtOs, gOstational anOmia, prOnatal infOction wOrO risk factors for full-tOrm prOgnancy matOrnal prOnatal fOvOr. Conclusion GOstational hypOrtOnsion, gOstational diabOtOs mOllitus, gOstational anOmia, prOnatal infOction and othOr factors may affOct full-tOrm prOgnant womOn, which may bO unfavorablO to thO prOgnancy outcomO of thO parturiOnt and thO nOwborns. ActivO prOvOntion should bO carriOd out clinically.