The purpose of this study was to investigate the benefits of sports participation in the prevention of pressure sores. A questionnaire was mailed to 668 men and woman with spinal cord injury. The questionnaire was designed to clarify the effects of physical activity and lifestyle on the development of pressure sores. Usable questionnaires were received from 466 persons, representing a response rate of 70%. Thirty-eight percent were quadriplegic and 62% paraplegic, with incomplete injuries accounting for 26% of the combined group. About half of the 466 subjects reported the development of pressure sores in their wheelchair life. Only 34% of the active subjects, participated in sports regularly, reported the development of pressure sores in their wheelchair life. On the other hand, 49% of the inactive subjects who did not participate in wheelchair sports reported the development of pressure sores. When the development of pressure sores before sports participation was compared with that after commencement of sports participation, there was no significant difference in the development of pressure sores between these periods. It was concluded that although quadriplegics and paraplegics without pressure sores had a greater tendency to participate in sports activity, there were no clear positive benefits of sports involvement on the prevention of pressure sores.