We report a case of a 16-year-old boy with Marfan's syndrome who underwent Bentall's procedure on a diagnosis of acute aortic dissection (DeBakey type II). He was readmitted with pyrexia 5 months after the initial operation. Methicillin-resistant <i>Staphylococcus epidermidis</i> (MRSE) was detected by blood culture and transesophageal echocardiography revealed a vegetation adherent to the entry of a remaining false lumen just distal to the distal anastomosis. Although antimicrobial therapy was employed, an arterial embolism developed in the right popliteal artery. CT scan revealed dilatation of the false lumen, and consequently, emergency surgery was performed. The intima of the distal aortic end was partially out of the suture line and the vegetation adhered at that point. Re-replacement of the ascending aorta, omental transposition, and embolectomy of the right femoral artery were performed and resulted in a satisfactory course.
We have treated 12 popliteal aneurysms in ten patients from 1965 to 1989. There were seven men and three women, aged 34 to 78 years (mean, 61.5 years). Two patients had bilateral aneurysms. The chief complaint was pain at rest, claudication, coldness, etc. in eight patients, a mass or induration at the popliteus in two patients, peroneal nerve or vein compression in one patient each. Angiography showed thrombotic obstruction in six legs and distal occlusion in one leg. Ten of aneurysms of eight patients were treated surgically. In two patients, the operation was done on emergency basis. Amputation was not necessary in any case. The operative method was usually excision of the aneurysm. Reconstruction was made with artificial vessels in the first patient who underwent bilateral aneurysm surgery. Auto-saphenous vein were used in other seven patients. All vein grafts were patent at follow-up (mean follow-up period, 4 years and 3 months). Arteriosclerotic changes were histologically observed in all aneurysms. Complications such as thrombotic obstruction and distal occulsion are frequent and leg amputation is necessary in some cases. Arterial reconstruction with an auto-saphenous vein is necessary for popliteal aneurysm.
We did a retrospective review of 83 femoropopliteal bypasses with grafting of saphenous vein performed for two groups of limbs: those with arteriosclerosis obliterans (<i>n</i>=71) and thromboangiitis obliterans (<i>n</i>=12) over the past 15 years. The purpose of the study is to assess factors that influence long-term graft patency. We also examined methods used for reoperation. After a mean follow-up of 35 months (ranges, 1-164), the cumulative patency rate was 79% at 5 years and again 79% at 8 years, which was better than the patency of PTFE grafts or other prosthetics reported by other authors. The two groups were compared for the severity of ischemia, condition of the outflow tract, and whether anastomosis was above or below the knee. These factors were different between the two groups, but the difference in patency was statistically not significant. Two reoperations for claudication were needed. One was carried out with use of the bilateral saphenous veins from below the portions used earlier. The other was done for obstruction of a PTFE graft; anastomosis was done at the mid portion with the use of Vitagraft.