Introduction: Rita rita is a freshwater catfish under threat of extinction, mainly from loss of breeding and nursing grounds. A reliable method for age and growth estimation is needed by fishery managers. Objective: To identify the best body structure for age and growth estimation. Methods: We assessed estimates precision based on Average Percent Error (APE), Coefficient Variation (CV), and Percent Agreement (PA) between readers separately analyzed each calcified structure. We used 390 fish samples from three rivers, Ganga, Yamuna and Ramganga, from September 2018 to August 2019. Results: The three indicators favored the use of vertebrae for age estimation; the growth band seems to be annual and formed from May to September. The growth equations were Lt = 90.19(1-e-0.145(t+0.51)) for Ganga; Lt = 91.19 (1-e-0.14(t+0.59)) for Yamuna and Lt = 89.63 (1-e-0.15(t+0.68)) for Ramganga. Conclusion: This species reaches moderate growth in these rivers, where vertebrae are the recommended age estimation structure, followed, in case of need, by sectioned otoliths, whole otoliths and opercular bones. Pectoral spines should be avoided, especially in older fish.
Introducción: Rita rita es un pez de agua dulce bajo amenaza de extinción, principalmente por la pérdida de sitios de reproducción y crianza. Un método fiable para las estimaciones de edad y crecimiento es necesario para los administradores de recursos pesqueros. Objetivo: Identificar la mejor estructura corporal para estimaciones de edad y crecimiento. Métodos: Evaluamos la precisión de las estimaciones mediante el Porcentaje de Error Promedio (APE), Coeficiente de Variación (CV), y Porcentaje de Acuerdo (PA) entre lecturas para cada estructura calcificada. Usamos 390 muestras de peces de tres ríos, Ganga, Yamuna y Ramganga, de setiembre 2018 hasta agosto 2019. Resultados: Los tres indicadores favorecieron el uso de vértebras para la estimación de edad; la banda de crecimiento parece ser anual y se forma entre mayo y setiembre. Las ecuaciones de crecimiento fueron Lt = 90.19(1-e-0.145(t+0.51)) para Ganga; Lt = 91.19 (1-e-0.14(t+0.59)) para Yamuna y Lt = 89.63 (1-e-0.15(t+0.68)) para Ramganga. Conclusión: La especie alcanza un crecimiento moderado en estos ríos, dónde las vértebras son la estructura de estimación etaria recomendada, seguido de, en caso de ser necesario, los otolitos segmentados, otolitos enteros y huesos operculares. Debe evitarse el uso de espinas pectorales, especialmente en peces de mayor edad.
Drimane-type sesquiterpenoids are widely distributed in fungi. From the ethyl acetate extract of the earwig-derived Aspergillus sp. NF2396, seven new drimane-type sesquiterpenoids, named drimanenoids A-G (1-7), were isolated. Their structures were elucidated by diverse spectroscopic analysis including high-resolution ESI-MS, one- and two-dimensional NMR spectroscopy. Drimanenoids A-F (1-6) are new members of drimane-type sesquiterpenoid esterified with unsaturated fatty acid side chain at C-6. Drimanenoids C (3), D (4) and F (6) showed antibacterial activity against five types of bacteria with different inhibition diameters. Drimanenoid D (4) exhibited moderate cytotoxicity against human myelogenous leukemia cell line K562 with an IC50 value of 12.88 ± 0.11 μmol·L-1.
Humans , Polycyclic Sesquiterpenes , Sesquiterpenes/chemistry , Aspergillus/chemistry , Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy , Molecular StructureABSTRACT
Modifications of land use and vegetation cover are proceeding faster than ever before in human history, with a considerable reduction in forest cover in biodiversity hotspots. We investigated the land use and vegetation cover changes, their impact on biodiversity in the Kurram District, Pakistan, for 27 years (1989 to 2015). Temporal satellite imagery was processed using a supervised maximum likelihood classification algorithm in ARCGIS 10.1 to elucidate information regarding land use/land cover changes,with conducted structured interviews to obtain the inhabitants' perspectives on their dependence on ecosystems in Kurram, and how their environment is changing. We found that the land under forest cover and rangeland showed a remarkable decrease over the study period. This decline in rangeland and forest cover was a result of the increased of farmland, barren land. The study area is part of a biodiversity, with important medicinal, rare and unique plant species.
Las modificaciones del uso de la tierra y la cobertura vegetal están avanzando más rápido que nunca en la historia de la humanidad, con una reducción considerable de la cobertura forestal en los puntos críticos de biodiversidad. Investigamos el uso de la tierra y los cambios en la cobertura vegetal, su impacto en la biodiversidad en el distrito de Kurram, Pakistán, durante 27 años (1989 a 2015). Las imágenes satelitales temporales se procesaron utilizando un algoritmo de clasificación de máxima verosimilitud supervisada en ARCGIS 10.1 para dilucidar información sobre los cambios en el uso del suelo/cobertura del suelo, con entrevistas estructuradas realizadas para obtener las perspectivas de los habitantes sobre su dependencia de los ecosistemas en Kurram y cómo está cambiando su entorno. Descubrimos que la tierra cubierta por bosques y pastizales mostró una disminución notable durante el período de estudio. Esta disminución en los pastizales y la cubierta forestal fue el resultado del aumento de las tierras de cultivo, tierras estériles. El área de estudio es parte de una biodiversidad, con importantes especies de plantas medicinales, raras y únicas.
Land Use , Natural Resources Exploitation , Biodiversity , Pakistan , Pasture , Ecosystem , Agriculture , Satellite ImageryABSTRACT
Introduction: Coronary artery disease (CAD) contributessignificantly to the development of Heart failure in bothdeveloped and developing countries. Recognition of CAD inthese patients significantly alters the management strategy.This study was aimed at assessing the prevalence of coronarydisease in the patient with Left Ventricular systolic dysfunctionof unknown causeMaterial and Methods: This prospective study enrolledall the consecutive patients with LV systolic dysfunction ofunknown cause and Status of coronary arteries of eligiblepatients was assessed with coronary angiogram.Results: A total of 145 patients were enrolled in this study.Mean age of the patients was 53.4±7.43 years. There were91(62.8%) males and 54(37.2%) females. Dyspnea on exertion(DOE) was presenting symptom in 71(51.7%), Angina onexertion (AOE) in 15(10.3%), DOE & AOE in 47(32%), andUnstable angina (UA) in 08(5.5%) of cases. Hypertensionwas the risk factor in 88(60.7%), diabetes in 35(24.13%),smoking in 60(41.4%) and dyslipidemia in 32(22.06%)cases. Echocardiography of study patients revealed, mild LVdysfunction (EF=40%-49%) in 57 (39.7%) patients, moderateLV dysfunction (EF=30%-39%) in 71 (49%) patients andsever LV dysfunction (EF<30%) in 17 (11.7%) patients.Conclusion: coronary artery disease contributes significantlyto development of LV systolic dysfunction of unknown causeand its presence significantly alters the management andprognosis in these patients.