Effects of single moxibustion on platelet aggregation and ATP-release in mice have been studied. Male ddY mice (6 weeks old) were used as experimental animals. 15mg and 5mg of moxa were divided into 6 cones and mice were treated by each 3 cones at right and left LV-14. The electronic aggregometer was used for measuring platelet aggregation and ATP-release using whole blood. Platelet aggregation and ATP-release activities were determined by collagen (final concentration; 2μg/ml) and ADP (final concentration; 20μM) as inducers.<br>No significant changes on platelet and red blood cell numbers were found after the moxibustion with 15mg of moxa. However, white blood cell numbers were decreased at 1hr and increased at 24hr after the moxibustion.<br>After the moxibustion with 15mg of moxa, platelet aggregation activity induced by collagen showed no change, but the mild shortness of lag time was observed from 1 to 5hr. While, the mild suppressive effect on platelet aggregation induced by collagen was observed at 1 and 5hr after the moxibustion with 5mg of moxa.<br>After the moxibustion with 15mg of moxa, mild increase in platelet aggregation activity at 24hr and in ATP-release activity from 1 to 5hr was found. After the moxibustion with 5mg of moxa, an apparent increase in ATP-release activity was observed at 1 and 3hr.<br>These results suggested that the mild changes in platelet functions were closely related with the response of the coagulation and the fibrinolytic activity in mice.
Previous studies have been reported on the properties of moxa and the effect it has on the self defense mechanism of the body. To study the characteristics of acupoints, the study this time is from the point of whether there are any differences in biological responses if the same stimuli (5mg/body and 15mg/body of moxa) are applied to different acupoints. The acupoints chosen were KIMON, which is the therapeutic acupoint of liver, and DAIO, which is the spleen meridian acupoint located on the same vertical line and which has no effect on the liver. Male ddy mice (6 weeks old) were used as experimental animals. A comparison of the clinical biochemical values of serum 1, 3, 6 and 24 hours after application was conducted. The amount of invasion on body function from each moxibustion stimulus through the strength and progress of biological response was studied. Increases in serum Amylase, LDH, CK, GOT, and GPT in the DAIO group were obtained as compared to that of the KIMON group. There was also a decrease in serum CHE in the DAIO group as compared to that of the KIMON group. It was suggested that there were difference in biological responses between different application points, even with the application of the same stimuli.
In our previous studies, blood coagulation and fibrinolytic activity after single moxibustion were found to change within the range of physiological variability in mice. In this paper, the effect of multiple moxibustion on the activity of blood coagulation was examined by using male ddY mice (6 weeks old). 15mg of moxa was divided into 6 cones and mice were treated by each 3 cones at right and left LV-14. The multiple moxibustion schedule was a total of 5, 10 and 15 treatments. There was no effect of multiple moxibustion on body weight and Ht. 5 treatments of moxibustion showed a significant decrease in PT (p<0.05) and 10 treatments showed an increase in the ma value of TEG and in HPT activity. No significant change in PTT nor ATIII activity was found following multiple treatments of moxibustion.<br>These results showed that the enhancement of blood coagulation did not continue during multiple moxibustion even though single moxibustion stimulated the activity of blood coagulation at 1 and 3hrs. In addition, the increase in HPT activity induced by 10 treatments of moxibustion may have shown an effect of mildly stimulating liver function.
To investigate the mechanism of moxibustion therapy, the temperature at the surface of the skin and the subcutaneous tissue during moxibustion was measured using CA-thermocouple.<br>Male ddy mice (5 weeks old) were used as experimental animals. Animals are treated by single moxibustion of 1, 2 and 5mg of moxa cones and multiple one of each weight on the right and left LV-14. We obtained the following results.<br>In the single moxibustion, the increase in the maximum temperature was observed according to the weight increase in moxa cones (0.5-2mg). The elongation of the retention time that the temperature was kept above 40°C and of the recovery time which was required for the temperature to return at the given one (pre-moxibustion temperature +5°C) was also significant with the moxa cone of 0.5-2mg.<br>In the multiple moxibustion, the increase in the maximum temperature was significant with the moxa cone of 1-2mg and these increase in cone numbers was apparent up to 4 cones on the surface of skin and up to 6 cones on the subcutaneous tissue. After that, the maximum temperature approached to the given value. The retention time was elongated according to the increase in the weights of moxa and in the cone numbers. The recovery time was also elongated according to the increase in the weights of moxa, but these time by the increase in cone numbers showed mild elongation.
In our previous studies, it was suggested that single moxibustion stimulation activated blood coagulation and fibrinolytic activities within normal range in mice at 1 and 3hrs.<br>In order to further investigate the mechanism of moxibustion, we have examined the antithrombin III (AT III) and fibrinolytic activities after single moxibustion.<br>Male ddy mice (6 weeks old) were used as experimental animals. Each mouse was treated with 15mg of moxa divided into 6 cones, 3 each on the right and left LV-14.<br>We obtained the following results. The plasminogen (PLG) activities and the values of plasma total protein decreased at 1hr after single moxibustion.<br>The activities of plasma AT III, α2 plasmin inhibitor (α2 PI) and factor XIII, and plasma fibrinogen level remained unchanged at 1 and 3hrs.<br>The blood coagulation and fibrinolytic activities changed, but they were almost within the range of physiological variability.<br>These results suggest that blood coagulation and fibrinolysis were activated as part of its defence mechanism while keeping homeostatic balance.
The efficacy of acupuncture-moxibustion for hypertension is often experienced by many clinicians. Nevertheless the mechanism whereby the therapy improves the symptoms has been scarcely elucidated. Our present study was designed to examine some effects of acupuncture upon the organism, especially upon the renal function which is implicated in hypertension.<br>Experiment I<br>Acupuncture therapy was undertaken four times on a patient with essential hypertension who was given no hypotensive drugs. In each therapy, needles (No. 2, Seirin) were perpendicularly inserted to the depth of 1.5cm at V<sub>20</sub> Fengchi, VU<sub>21</sub> Weishu, and G<sub>36</sub> Zusanli and left there for 15 minutes. The blood samples and urine were collected three times: before the insertion, 15min. and 60min. after withdrawing the needles. At the same time, blood pressure, pulse, and the amount of urine were measured. The amount of Na, K, Cl, kallikrein, catecholamines, etc. was measured in urine. The renin activity and the concentration of aldosterone, catecholamines, and BUN were determined in the blood. Result: a marked increase was seen in the excretion of urine, Na, and Cl. An upward tendency of kallikrein excretion which is correlated with urine volume, and a downward tendency of renin in the blood were found. Blood pressure and pulse showed a slight tendency to decline. However, neither catecholamines in the blood, nor K in urine changed significantly.<br>Experiment II<br>Subjects were two healthy adult men. Urine was collected once an hour for twenty-five times by means of a balloon inserted in the bladder. Immediately after the twenty-first collection, acupuncture stimulation was given to VU<sub>21</sub> Weishu in the same manner as Exp. I. With the same measurements and determinations undertaken, a marked increase of urine, Na, and Cl excretion was observed 15min. after withdrawing the needle.<br>Experiment III<br>Subjects were three healthy adult men. Urine was collected for two days. The amount of urine and the electrolyte content were calculated on a per hour basis. Without having breakfast after rising, the subjects were given a transfusion of glucose-electrolyte solution, equivalent to the calculated urinary output, every hour for four hours. The VU<sub>21</sub> Weishu was stimulated in the same manner two hours after the onset of the first transfusion. Result: a marked increase was seen in the excretion of urine, Na, and Cl.<br>Conclusion<br>It can be seen from the above that acupuncture stimulation to the VU<sub>21</sub> Weishu facilitates the selective excretion of Na and Cl in the urinary tubule.
The establishment of experimental peripheral neuropathy and effect of moxibustion on it have been studied using male S. D. rats. To determine the condition of experimental peripheral neuropathy, rats were fed on the solution of acrylamide in the concentration of 100, 200, 300, 400 and 500p.p.m. The body weight decreased dependently on its concentration and the behavior in rats was also detriorated. Especially, ataxia, hindlimb weakness and muscle wasting in rats were remarkably observed.<br>The effect of moxibustion has been studied on the rats which fed on the 400p.p.m. acrylamide solution. The method of moxibustion is followes; 25mg of moxa was divided into 10 cones and they were treated by each 5 cones on right and left B-18, B-25 and G-34, respectively. The treatment of moxibustion was 6 times in 3 ones a week for 13 days.<br>As a results, after 12-13 days, moxibustion treated rats showed to improve the deterioration of behavior and muscle wasting induced by acrylamide. Especially, B-25 treated rats showed the improvement of weight in anterior tibial, gastrocnemius and soleus muscle. On the other hand, steadiness on slope was decreased by acrylamide feeding and decrease of the steadiness was not improved by the treatment of moxibustion.<br>It is suggested that the sutable stimulation of moxibustion improved the deterioration of behavior and muscle waste on the acrylamide induced peripheral neuropathy in rats.
Morphological changes of sciatic and tivial nerves have been observed microscopically and cholinesterase activities of anterior tibial, gastrocnemius and soleus muscles have been examined by the biochemical determination and histochemical method. 25mg of moxa/body (3 times a week, x6) were treated on the acupuncture point, B-18, B-25 and G-34 in acrylamide neuropathy rats.<br>After 400p.p.m. acrylamide treatment, the degeneration of peripheral nerves with myelin ovoids and foldes, and shrunken myelinated axons were observed. These lesions were advanced in the tibial nerve than in the sciatic nerve. In B-25 and B-18 moxibustion rats, good results were obtained to decrease myelin degeneration in peripheral nerves, but the lesions were advanced in G-34 rats than in acrylamide ones.<br>In the acrylamide rats, no change of muscle cholinesterase activity was found except the increase in the enzyme activity in the homogenate of anterior tibial muscle. In the gastrocnemius muscle of moxibustion treated rats, the microsomal fraction which contained much more sarcoplasmic reticulum showed high cholinesterse activity. And the activity per muscle protein showed various changes.<br>It showed that the stimulation of moxibustion had a mild effect to recover the experimental peripheral neuropathy induced by 400p.p.m. acrylamide because of morphological changes of sciatic and tibial nerves and weight of skeletal muscles.
Effects of moxibustion on liver injury induced by CCl<sub>4</sub> and ethionine in mice were investigated in the reticuloendothelial system. The phagocytic activity was determined by the carbon clearance method and the activity of lysosomal enzyme (acid phosphatase and β-glucuronidase) in peritoneal exudate cells was measured.<br>Male ddY and ICR mice (5 weeks old) were used as experimental animals.<br>Liver injury was produced by the administration of carbon tetrachloride (CCl<sub>4</sub>) in a dose of 0.04ml/body in olive oil, p. o., or single administration of ethionine in a dose 1g/kg, i. p.<br>15mg of moxa was divided into 6 cones and they were treated by each 3 cones on right and left LV-14.<br>We obtained the following results. After 15 times administration of CCl<sub>4</sub> (3 times a week), the rise of serum transaminase (GOT, GPT), the decrease of K index and α index which meant phagocytic activity and the increase in liver/body (L/B) and spleen/body (S/B) weight ratio were recognized. For CCl<sub>4</sub> induced liver injury, α index and S/B weight ratio were improved by 10 times moxibustion (2 times a week). After 15 times moxibustion (3 times a week), the tendency to increase in K index and to decrease of α index was seen and, at the same time, an increase in L/B weight ratio was seen.<br>On the other hand, an increase in K index was induced after single administration of ethionine and simultaneous single moxibustion showed the tendency to decrease of K index.<br>It was suggested that moxibustion play an important role to regulate the mechanism of reticuloendothelial system on CCl<sub>4</sub> or ethionine induced liver injury.
In our previous report on mice, we suggested that single moxibustion stimulation to CHIMEN (LV-14) activated blood coagulation and fibrinolytic activity within normal range.<br>The purpose of this study is to elucidate the acute effects of moxibustion on blood coagulation activity in healthy adult men 1 and 3 hours after moxibustion. A single moxibustion stimulation to the right and left CHIMEN was made using a dose of 45mg of moxa divided into 30 cones.<br>The results were as follows:<br>1) decreased clot formation time (K) of thrombelastography 1 hour after moxibustion.<br>2) increased activity of hepaplastintest 3 hours after moxibustion.<br>3) decreased maximum value of platelet aggregation 1 and 3 hours after moxibustion.<br>4) decreased rate of segmented leucocyte and increased rate of lymphocyte 1 hour after moxibustion.<br>These results suggest that single moxibustion stimulation to CHIMEN have some influence on coagulation activity (the hepatic function on hepaplastintest), platelet aggregation and percentage of white blood cells.
In order to clarify the morphological changes in the producing stage of moxa and the differences in the quality of various commodity moxa, we observed samples of each producing stage and several kinds of commodity moxa by the naked eye, scanning and transmission electron microscope.<br>We confirmed that moxa consisted of T-form hair taken from a mixture of leaf stems and leaves obtained from shredded and ground Altemisia leaves. However, no significant changes were observed in the T-form hair itself since the stem of the T-form and short T-form hair were removed.<br>Concerning differences in the quality of commodity moxa, differences in the extraneous matter on the hair surface, uniformity of thickness of hair, flatness, crookedness, size of each wad of hair and smoothness of hair surface were observed in addition to the traditional color, impurity, texture, smell and etc.
The study reported here was undertaken to elucidate the action mechanism of moxibustion from the point of view of the blood coagulation and fibrinolytic activities.<br>Single stimulations at the right and left Chimen (KIMON) of male ddY strain 6 weeks old mice were made by using 15mg of moxa divided into 6 cones. Blood coagulation and fibrinolytic activities were determined at 1, 3, 24, 48, 72 and 168 (7 days) hours after moxibustion.<br>The increase of maximal amplitude (ma) of thrombelastography (TEG) and the reduction of coagulation time were observed during 1 to 168 hours. The increase of ma and the reduction of reaction time (r) of TEG at 1 and 3 hours, and reduction of plasma recalcification time at 24 hours, partial thromboplastin time at 3 hours and prothrombin time at 72 hours were significant compared with the values of intact normal mice. But these values of TEG and coagulation time were all in the normal range.<br>On the other hand, the increase of eugloblin lysis time (ELT) were observed at 1 hour, but at 3 to 168 hours, ELT values were reduced. And these activated tendency of plasminogen activator persisted for a period of 7 days.<br>These results suggest that the single moxibustion stimulation to Chimen induce some effect on the activities of some plasma proteins which concern the blood coagulation-fibrinolytic system.
In our previous studies, it was suggested that the single moxibustion stimulation induced the enhancement of the phagocytic activity in mice. In order to examine the cause of the effect of moxibustion, we have examined the activities of two lysosomal enzymes (acid phosphatase: acid-P and β-glucuronidase: β-Gl) in the peritoneal exudate cells (PEC) and peritoneal macrophage (Mp), and the morphological change of these cells by the Giemsa stain after single moxibustion.<br>Male ddY and ICR mouse (5-6 weeks old) were used as experimental animals. 15mg of moxa was divided into 6 cones and they were treated by each 3 cones at right and left LV-14.<br>As a result, an increase of acid-P activity in PEC of ddY mouse was found at 3 and 24hr after single moxibustion.<br>On the other hand, acid-P activity of PEC was decreased at 3hr, in spite of increase in numbers of PEC in ICR mouse.<br>These values did not change at 120hr after single moxibustion in ICR mice. But β-Gl activity in the peritoneal Mp was increased 120hr after single moxibustion.<br>Morphologically, there were a little enlarged and more mild spreading cells in peritoneal Mps from ICR mice 120hr after moxibustion than ones in untreated mice.<br>That is, lysosomal enzyme activities in PEC and peritoneal Mp increased when phagocytic indexes were higher by moxibustion stimulation in mice.<br>These results suggest that one of the cause of the enhancement of phagocytic activity in reticuloendothelial system after single moxibustion was the increase of lysosomal enzyme activities in the phagocytic cells.
Effect of multiple moxibustion on the phagocytic activity of the reticuloendothelial system in the normal mice has been studied by using the carbon clearance methods. Simultaneously, effect of multiple one on the lysosomal enzyme activities (acid phosphatase: acid-P and β-glucuronidase: β-GL) of the periotoneal exudate cells (PEC) and the peritoneal macrophage (Mp) has been examined. And the morphology of PEC and peritoneal Mp has been also observed by the Giemsa stain and NBT reaction with lightmicroscopy.<br>Male ddY and ICR mice (5 weeks old) were used as experimental animals. 15mg of moxa was divided into 6 cones and they were treated by each 3 cones at right and left LV-14. The experimental schedules of multiple moxibustion were 5 times of treatment of every other day, 15 times one of every other day and 15 times one of twice a week.<br>In 5 times moxibustion of every other day, the mild increase of phagocytic activity in ddY mice, the decrease in number of the peritoneal Mps and the mild increase of lysosomal enzyme activity of PEC and peritoneal Mps in ICR mice were showed. In 15 times moxibustion of every other day, the increase of lysosomal enzyme activity of PEC was recognized without the one of the phagocytic activity in ICR mice. In 15 times moxibustion of twice a week, K index (phagocytic index), β-GL activity of PEC and acid-P activity of peritoneal Mp were significantly increased in ddY mice. And the mild increase of β-GL activity in PEC, the decrease in number of peritoneal Mp and the mild increase of lysosomal enzyme activity in peritoneal Mp were recognized.<br>There were no difference of cell kinds, cell morphology in PEC and the peritoneal Mp between the untreated and multiple moxibustion treated mice.<br>These results indicate that the multiple moxibustion does not always induce the enhancement of the phagocytic activity because of the general adaptation syndromes. However, the effect of the multiple one on the lysosomal enzyme activity suggests that these treatment induces the intrisic enhancement of the activity in host defense system.
An observation of the therapeutic effects of the parallel use of acupuncture/moxibustion and medicine (mainly herbs) on 8 patients with chronic liver disorders at our clinic was done for a period of one year. The basic therapeutic points were: Right Chimen (LV), Right Puyung (ST), Chungwan (CV), Tsu sanli (LU), Sanyinchiao (SP), Taichong (LV), Chihyang (GV), Keshu (BL) and Pishu (BL); and other points were determined according to the subjective symptoms of each patient. Treatments were done 2 times a week as a basic rule. Significant improvements were observed in serum GOT, GPT and γ-GTP, and an increase was observed in serum protein. Also, a significant improvement was observed in the subjective symptoms of patients.<br>Judging from these results, it is suggested that the parallel use of acupuncture/moxibustion and medicine proves to be effective in the treatment of chronic liver disorders.
As a part of the study of Moxibusion, we have examind the leaves of Altemisia vulgaris L. var. indica <i>Maxim</i> (Altemisia) to clarify the structure of one by macroscopic, scanning electron microscopic and transmission electron microscopic observation.<br>We obtained results as follows;<br>First, when the structure of Altemisia grown in the sunlight was compared with one grown in the shade, the leaves of the former containd much hairs than one of the latter on both young and matured ones.<br>Second, the hairs of young leaves were dense, thick and short and the cross section of one showed round shape. On the other hand, in the hairs of matured leaves, their cross section were flat.<br>Third, as a result of comparison with Altemisia and Gnaphalium multiceps <i>Wall</i> (Gnaphalium), the former had some kinds of glandular hairs and head-form hair except T-form hair, although, the latter had only one kind of head-form hair except woolly hair.
In order to clarify the functional mechanism of the therapeutic effects of moxibustion, we have examined the influences exerted on the organism's defense system, especially the phagocytosis of the reticuloendothelial syntem in normal mice using the carbon clearance method.<br>Male ddY and ICR mice were used as experimental animals. The experiment was begun when the animals were 5 weeks old. The moxibustion methods involved 3 cones of 15mg or 5mg moxa at right and left LV-14.<br>We obtained results as follow; the global phagocytic index, K index and the corrected phagocytic index, α index, were increased 3hr after 5mg of moxa/animal treatment and K index increased 3hr and 24hr after 15mg of moxa/animal one in ddY mice.<br>On the other hand, in ICR mice, 15mg of moxa/animal treatment showed increase in α index after 3hr and increase in both K and α indexs after 120hr.<br>From the above, it is suggested that the moxibustion stimulation induced the enhancement of the phagocytic activity in normal mice.