A 48-year-old man with jaundice was referred to our hospital. Endoscopic retrograde cholangiography showed primary sclerosing cholangitis. Endoscopic biliary drainage was not successful because of highly viscous bile, so we performed percutaneous trans-gallbladder drainage (PTGBD), which was able to reduce the total serum bilirubin level from 8 to 10mg/ml. Subsequently, an indwelling drainage catheter was placed in the gallbladder for 13 months. However, liver atrophy worsened with the gradual progression of hepatic failure. Twelve months later, he complained of dyspnea. Computed abdominal tomography showed that the drainage catheter had perforated the diaphragm and become exposed to the chest cavity. In spite of intensive care, the patient died of liver failure while waiting for a liver transplant. Careful attention should be paid to the possibility of this serious complication in such patients.
The chewing-related neuronal mechanism underlying stress relief, was evaluated by use of fMRI. For this purpose we examined the effect of chewing a moderately hard gum without any taste (X type, Lotte Co. LTd., Tokyo) on brain activation caused by a noisy sound stress, on plasma levels of catecholamines and ACTH. The stress significantly increased the blood oxygenation level-dependent (BOLD) signals in the amygdala and the medial prefrontal cortex, and elevated plasma levels of noradrenaline, dopamine and ACTH. However, this chewing suppressed not only the stress-induced increase in BOLD signals in these two regions, but also the stress-induced elevation in plasma levels of these catecholamines and ACTH. The results suggested that chewing might be a useful therapy for reducing stress.