Purpose: To report the impact of transient, self‑resolving, untreated “macular edema” detected on spectral domain optical coherence tomography in Asian Indian premature infants with retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) on visual acuity (VA) and refraction at 1‑year of corrected age. Materials and Methods: Visual acuity and refraction of 11 infants with bilateral macular edema (Group A) was compared with gestational age‑matched 16 infants with ROP without edema (Group B) and 17 preterms infants without ROP and without edema (Group C) at 3, 6, 9 and 12 months of corrected age using Teller Acuity Cards and cycloplegic retinoscopy. Sub‑group analysis of the previously described pattern A and B macular edema was performed. Results: Visual acuity was lower in infants with macular edema compared with the other two control groups throughout the study period, but statistically significant only at 3 months. Visual improvement in these infants was highest between the 3rd and 6th month and plateaued by the end of the 1st year with acuity comparable to the other two groups. The edema cohort was more hyperopic compared to the other two groups between 3 and 12 months of age. Pattern A edema had worse VA compared to pattern B, although not statistically significant. Conclusion: Macular edema, although transient, caused reduced VA as early as 3 months of corrected age in Asian Indian premature infants weighing <2000 g at birth. The higher hyperopia in these infants is possibly due to visual disturbances caused at a critical time of fovealization. We hypothesize a recovery and feedback mechanism based on the principles of active emmetropization to explain our findings.
Aim: To assess the variations in cone mosaic in myopia and its correlation with axial length (AL). Subjects and Methods: Twenty‑five healthy myopic volunteers underwent assessment of photoreceptors using adaptive optics retinal camera at 2° and 3° from the foveal center in four quadrants superior, inferior, temporal and nasal. Data was analyzed using SPSS version 17 (IBM). Multivariable regression analysis was conducted to study the relation between cone density and AL, quadrant around the fovea and eccentricity from the fovea. Results: The mean cone density was significantly lower as the eccentricity increased from 2° from the fovea to 3° (18,560 ± 5455–16,404 ± 4494/mm2 respectively). There was also a statistically significant difference between four quadrants around the fovea. The correlation of cone density and spacing with AL showed that there was a significant inverse relation of AL with the cone density. Conclusion: In myopic patients with good visual acuity cone density around the fovea depends on the quadrant, distance from the fovea as well as the AL. The strength of the relation of AL with cone density depends on the quadrant and distance.
Aim: To report the Karnataka Internet Assisted Diagnosis of Retinopathy of Prematurity (KIDROP) program for retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) screening in underserved rural areas using an indigenously developed tele-ROP model. Materials and Methods: KIDROP currently provides ROP screening and treatment services in three zones and 81 neonatal units in Karnataka, India. Technicians were trained to use a portable Retcam Shutt le (Clarity, USA) and validated against ROP experts performing indirect ophthalmoscopy. An indigenously developed 20-point score (STAT score) graded their ability (Level I to III) to image and decide follow-up based on a three-way algorithm. Images were also uploaded on a secure tele-ROP platform and accessed and reported by remote experts on their smart phones (iPhone, Apple). Results: 6339 imaging sessions of 1601 infants were analyzed. A level III technician agreed with 94.3% of all expert decisions. The sensitivity, specifi city, positive predictive value and negative predictive value for treatment grade disease were 95.7, 93.2, 81.5 and 98.6 respectively. The kappa for technicians to decide discharge of babies was 0.94 (P < 0.001). Only 0.4% of infants needing treatment were missed.The kappa agreement of experts reporting on the iPhone vs Retcam for treatment requiring and mild ROP were 0.96 and 0.94 (P < 0.001) respectively. Conclusions: This is the fi rst and largest real-world program to employ accredited non-physicians to grade and report ROP. The KIDROP tele-ROP model demonstrates that ROP services can be delivered to the outreach despite lack of specialists and may be useful in other middle-income countries with similar demographics.
Purpose: To create a nomogram for the insertion of intrastromal corneal ring segments (ICRS) (Intacs®) in eyes with keratoconus. Sett ing: Tertiary eye care center in South India. Materials and Methods: This prospective, non-randomized, interventional case series used a self-designed decision-making nomogram for the selection of ICRS in keratoconus patients based on the centration of the cone, mean refractive spherical equivalent (MRSE), and mean keratometry (Km) values. The 3, 6, and 12 months clinical outcomes were compared to historical controls. Primary endpoints were improvement in uncorrected and best-corrected vision and change in the keratometric values. Results: Group A comprised of 52 eyes of 50 patients that followed the nomogram, while Group B comprised of 25 eyes of 23 non-nomogram historical controls matched for baseline parameters.In Group A, the uncorrected distance visual acuity (UDVA) improved from 0.16 ± 0.15 to 0.25 ± 0.16 (P < 0.001), corrected distance visual acuity (CDVA) from 0.58 ± 0.2 to 0.69 ± 0.21 (P = 0.022), MRSE from -5.41 ± 4.94 to -1.71 ± 2.88 (P < 0.001), Km from 51.77 ± 5.45 to 48.63 ± 4.37 (P < 0.001), and astigmatism reduced from 5.86 ± 2.61 to 4.91 ± 2.72 diopters (P < 0.001).In Group B, improvement in the average MRSE was from -6.44 ± 5.32 to -3.26 ± 2.82 (P < 0.013) and in the average Km from 53.64 ± 5.32 to 50.31 ± 5.02 (P < 0.001). Other parameters did not improve signifi cantly.A statistically signifi cant diff erence was present in the percentage of patients achieving a good clinical outcome between the two groups (P < 0.001; Chi-square). Conclusion: The nomogram provides a means to choose the appropriate ICRS, hence improving the outcome in patients with keratoconus.
Keratoconus is a progressive corneal ectasia, which can be managed both by conservative measures like glasses or contact lenses in non-progressive cases or surgical procedures like collagen crosslinking (CXL) with or without adjuvant measures like intrastromal corneal rings segments (ICRS) or topography guided ablation. Various kinds of ICRS are available to the surgeon, but it is most essential to be able to plan the implantation of the ring to optimize outcomes. Aims: The aim of this study is to evaluate the visual outcome and progression in patients of keratoconus implanted with ICRS. Materials and Methods: Two different types of ICRS-Intacs (Addition Technology) and Kerarings (Mediphacos Inc.) were implanted in 2 different cohorts of patients and were followed-up to evaluate the outcome of the procedure. All patients underwent a complete ocular examination including best spectacle corrected visual acuity, slit lamp examination fundus examination, corneal topography and pachymetry. The ICRS implantation is done with CXL to stop the progression of the disease. Improvement in uncorrected visual acuity (UCVA), best spectacle corrected visual acuity and topographic changes were analyzed. Results: A significant improvement in keratometry and vision was seen in both groups. Conclusion: ICRS have been found to reduce corneal irregularity and flatten keratometry with improvement in UCVA and best corrected visual acuity.
Aim: To evaluate the changes in surface roughness and frictional features of 'ion-implanted nickel titanium (NiTi) and titanium molybdenum alloy (TMA) arch wires' from its conventional types in an in-vitro laboratory set up. Materials and Methods: 'Ion-implanted NiTi and low friction TMA arch wires' were assessed for surface roughness with scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and 3 dimensional (3D) optical profilometry. Frictional forces were studied in a universal testing machine. Surface roughness of arch wires were determined as Root Mean Square (RMS) values in nanometers and Frictional Forces (FF) in grams. Statistical Analysis Used: Mean values of RMS and FF were compared by Student's 't' test and one way analysis of variance (ANOVA). Results: SEM images showed a smooth topography for ion-implanted versions. 3D optical profilometry demonstrated reduction of RMS values by 58.43% for ion-implanted NiTi (795.95 to 330.87 nm) and 48.90% for TMA groups (463.28 to 236.35 nm) from controls. Nonetheless, the corresponding decrease in FF was only 29.18% for NiTi and 22.04% for TMA, suggesting partial correction of surface roughness and disproportionate reduction in frictional forces with ion-implantation. Though the reductions were highly significant at P < 0.001, relations between surface roughness and frictional forces remained non conclusive even after ion-implantation. Conclusion: The study proved that ion-implantation can significantly reduce the surface roughness of NiTi and TMA wires but could not make a similar reduction in frictional forces. This can be attributed to the inherent differences in stiffness and surface reactivity of NiTi and TMA wires when used in combination with stainless steel brackets, which needs further investigations.
Paratelphusa hydrodromus (Herbst.) was exposed to 50 ppm nickel chloride solution for a period of 10 days under laboratory conditions. The gills of the treated and non-treated animals were sectioned, stained and examined under a compound microscope and noticed significant changes such as enlargement of gill lamellae, lifting up and rupture of epithelial cells, enlargement of mid rachis, hyperplasia and hypertrophy, appearance of pyknotic nuclei and a general necrosis in the treated gills. Results suggest that a comparatively low concentration of nickel (50 ppm) is enough to elicit pathological changes in Paratelphusa hydrodromus.