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Article in Japanese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-372068


The purpose of the present study was to investigate the effects of long-term exercise training on immune function in elderly individuals. This study was conducted on 27 sedentary subjects including 7 males and 20 females aged 66.1±4.2 yrs. (range of 60 to 77 yrs.) who participated in a 12-month exercise program. The subjects attended the exercise program 4.4 ± 1.7 times per month. Peripheral blood samples were taken prior to, and at 5 and 12 months during the exercise training program. Each lymphocyte subset (natural killer: NE, T, cytotoxic T: Tc, helper T: Th, memory-Th and NKT) count in the samples was measured using flow cytometry. Results indicated that NE and Tc cell counts were not significantly altered. Whereas, T and Th cell counts were significantly elevated after 12 months, and memory-Th and NET cell counts were significantly elevated after 5 and 12 months of exercise training. These results suggest that long-term exercise training may be a stimu lus to increase and or maintain immune function in elderly individuals.

Article in Japanese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-371933


The purpose of this study was to investigate the hypothesis that the reduction in walking ability is due to muscle atrophy in the lower limb muscles with aging using equational structure modeling as well as investigate the influence of muscle on walking ability. The subjects consisted of 127 persons (57 males and 70 females) aged 20-84 year, who were grouped into 6 age brackets of 20-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, 70-74, and 75 or older. Using MRI, muscle cross-sectional area was measured on psoas major and thigh muscle (divided into extensor and flexor) . For walking patterns, each subject walked along a 7-m walking passage at normal speed for VTR-recording of the motion. The resulting pictures were used to analyze stride length, trunk inclination and walking speeds. Walking speeds showed a statistically significant decrease in value from the 50's age group in males and the 60's age group in females when compared with the 20-39 age bracket (p<0.05) . In males, a significant co-relationship was observed only between the muscle cross-sectional area of thigh extensor and walking speed (p<0.01) while in females, a significant co-relationship was found between the muscle cross-sectional area of psoas major (p<0.001) /thigh muscle extensor (p<0.01) and walking speed. These results indicate that the muscle atrophy with aging in psoas major and thigh muscle extensor is a factor responsible for the decrease in walking speed. Meanwhile, a difference in sex was observed between the muscle cross-sectional area of psoas major and walking speed. It was considered that the muscle atrophy rate of the female's psoas major being higher than the male's influenced this. Furthermore, it was suggested possibility that the decline of walking ability is due to decreased muscle mass of the lower limbs with aging.

Article in Japanese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-371827


We used near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) to study noninvasively the effects of aging on changes in muscle oxygenation during steady bicycle exercise. For the study, 6 healthy young males and 13 healthy elderly male volunteers were recruited. To evaluate the physical fitness level and to determine exercise intensity, the ventilatory threshold (VT) was first measured. As a result, elderly subjects were divided into two groups according to O<SUB>2</SUB> uptake at VT (Elderly-H ; 936.0±26.4, Elderly-L ; 695.3±29.9, Young ; 790.0±51.19 ml) . Secondly we measured muscle oxygenation by NIRS at rest and during exercise at relative work intensities of VT ; 20%, 40%, 60%, 80% and 100%. In all cases muscle oxygenation at rest and during exercise was expressed as a relative value from 100% oxygenation (oxygen capacity) established by thigh occlusion (ischemia) . All subjects showed progressive deoxygenation with increasing intensity. There were no differences between the three groups in muscle oxygenation during exercise at relative work intensity of VT. These data suggest that aging and physical fitness level have no effect on muscle oxygenation below relative work intensity of VT.