A 50-year-old man was referred to our hospital with a tumor in the left ventricle. He had suffered from rheumatic fever when 14 years old. He had shown signs of chronic heart failure due to atrial fibrillation and rheumatic valves (ASr, MSr) for 10 years. There was a history of unaccountable fever and rash, so infective endocarditis was suspected and echocardiography was performed. It showed a homogeneous mass with a diameter of approximately 10mm, fixed directly to the left ventricular septum 20mm below the aortic valvular ring. At operation, the tumor was excised together with endocardium and a part of the muscular coat. The rheumatic aortic and mitral valves were replaced with a 21mm SJM AHP and a 27mm SJM MTK mitral valve, respectively. Tricuspid annuloplasty (TAP) (De Vega 29mm) was also performed. Histopathological examination of the tumor revealed benign papillary fibroelastoma. It suggested that the tumors were secondary to mechanical wear and tear, and represent a degenerative process due to rheumatic valve disease.
Periannular abscess and mycotic aneurysm due to infective endocarditis are very difficult conditions to treat surgically. Beginning in 1983, we introduced a translocation technique on 9 such cases. In particular, 7 patients who underwent a new sutureless translocation technique all showed an uneventful course and were discharged. There was no hospital death, but four patients died in the late period (2 heart failure, 1 ventricular tachycardia and 1 thrombotic valve). The sutureless translocation method consists of insertion of a composite valve into the ascending aorta (a ring was detached from an intraluminal ringed graft and a prosthetic valve was sutured to it at that point) and coronary artery bypass grafting to the right and left coronary arteries. Our new technique was simple, required only a short aortic clamping time (mean 173.9min) and there was no significant bleeding. This new translocation technique provides a solution for the treatment of periannular abscess and mycotic aneurysm due to infective endocarditis.