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Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1023094


Single-cell or low-input multi-omics techniques have revolutionized the study of pre-implantation embryo development.However,the single-cell or low-input proteomic research in this field is rela-tively underdeveloped because of the higher threshold of the starting material for mammalian embryo samples and the lack of hypersensitive proteome technology.In this study,a comprehensive solution of ultrasensitive proteome technology(CS-UPT)was developed for single-cell or low-input mouse oocyte/embryo samples.The deep coverage and high-throughput routes significantly reduced the starting material and were selected by investigators based on their demands.Using the deep coverage route,we provided the first large-scale snapshot of the very early stage of mouse maternal-to-zygotic transition,including almost 5,500 protein groups from 20 mouse oocytes or zygotes for each sample.Moreover,significant protein regulatory networks centered on transcription factors and kinases between the MII oocyte and 1-cell embryo provided rich insights into minor zygotic genome activation.

Chinese Circulation Journal ; (12): 1302-1304, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1025431


The λ pattern is a rare electrocardiogram feature in clinical practice,which often indicates the occurrence of impending fatal ventricular tachyarrhythmias or sudden cardiac death.In this case,Holter monitoring recorded a progressive evolution of the λ pattern followed by advanced atrioventricular blocks in a patient with chest pain accompanied by syncope.λ sign occurred at the time of chest pain,and advanced atrioventricular blocks were recorded at the time of subsequent syncope.Coronary stenosis was detected in the left circumflex by coronary angiography.The patient recovered after stent implantation in the culprit vessel and related medications to prevent coronary spasm.Our case indicate that the λ pattern could occur prior advanced atrioventricular blocks-induced syncope in patient with ischemic heart disease.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1028786


Objective To investigate the clinical value of body surface location by mammography in open biopsy of non-palpable breast calcification.Methods Clinical data of 63 patients with 65 non-palpable but mammography indication of calcification from September 2018 to August 2023 were collected.Open biopsy was performed by using a self-created method of body surface location by mammography.Surgical complete excision rate and pathological results of suspected calcifications were analyzed.Results All the 65 breast calcification lesions were successfully located and completely resected,among which 64 lesions(98.5%)were removed completely by one time and 1 lesion was removed by the second resection.Intraoperative specimen mammography showed the surgical margin was>2 mm and<1 cm.Pathological diagnosis showed47 benign lesions(16 lesions of hyperplasia,14 lesions of fibroadenoma,6 lesions of sclerosing adenosis,3 lesions of intraductal papilloma,1 lesion of breast mucous cyst,5 lesions of atypical hyperplasia,and 2 lesions of lobular carcinoma in situ)and 18 malignant lesions(15 lesions of ductal carcinoma in situ,2 lesions of ductal carcinoma in situ with microinvasion,and 1 lesion of invasive carcinoma).Conclusions For the biopsy of non-palpable breast calcification,body surface location by mammography can be used for accurately locating.It is simple and easy to learn,with low cost and high safety,which is of great significance for the detection of early breast cancer.

Journal of Leukemia & Lymphoma ; (12): 603-610, 2019.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-789045


Objective To analyze the clinical efficacy and safety of thalidomide combined with conventional chemotherapy in treatment of acute leukemia by using Meta analysis. Methods Thalidomide combined with conventional chemotherapy was treated as the experiment group, chemotherapy alone was treated as the control group. Thalidomide was taken 100mg once a day, oral administration. The literatures were retrieved from PubMed, Cochrane library, Embase, China Notional Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI), Wanfang and VIP database. The data of the randomized controlled trial (RCT) conformed to inclusion criteria were extracted, and the quality was evaluated, and then StataMP 14.0 software was used to make a Meta analysis. Results A total of 14 studies with 752 patients were included. The experiment group had a higher complete remission rate and the overall response rate compared with the control group, and the difference was statistically significant (RR = 1.61, 95% CI 1.36-1.90, P< 0.01; RR= 1.36, 95% CI 1.24-1.50, P< 0.01). The experiment group had a better efficacy in the improvement of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), VEGF receptor (VEGFR), basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) and bone marrow microvessel density (MVD) after the treatment compared with the control group, and the differences between the two groups were statistically significant (all P <0.05), but there was no significant difference in the adverse events between the two groups (all P>0.05). Conclusion Meta analysis showed that oral administration daily thalidomide 100 mg combined with conventional chemotherapy has a better clinical efficacy and antiangiogenic effect compared with chemotherapy alone, without the increase of adverse reactions.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-791829


Objective To analyze the diagnostic value of ultrasound guided 14 gauge coreneedle biopsy (US-CNB) in breast nodules.Methods We retrospectively analyzed the pathological results of US-CNB and surgical excision from 373 breast nodules in Peking University International Hospital from Sep 2016 to Nov 2018 to evaluate the accuracy of 14g US-CNB.Results A total of 349 patients (373 nodules) underwent US-CNB.US-CNB reported 282 benign lesions (75.6%,282/373),20 high-risklesions (5.4%,20/373),and 71 malignant lesions(19.0%,71/373).For 282 CNB reported benign lesions,the surgical pathology confirmed 235 lesions,46 for high-risk lesions and 1 for malignant lesion with a concordancy of 83.3% (235/282)and the underestimation rate was 16.7% (47/282).US-CNB identified 20 high-risk lesions.According to surgical results,15 were high-risk lesions and 5 were malignant lesions with a concordancy of 75% (15/20) and the underestimation rate was 25% (5/20).When it comes to malignant lesions,the excision results showed that 70 were malignant lesions and 1 was high-risk lesion with a concordancy of 98.6% (70/71) and the overestimation rate was 1.4% (1/71).The concordance of the histological type,calculated for 50 invasive carcinomas,was 92% (46/50) with a kappa value of 0.77.The concordance of the histological grade could be calculated for 38 invasive ductal carcinomas with the Elston-Elllis Method.It was 89.5% (34/38) with a kappa value of 0.57.Conclusions The pathology result of 14gUS-CNB is in good consistency with surgical excision for breast benign and malignant lesions.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-796716


Objective@#To analyze the diagnostic value of ultrasound guided 14 gauge coreneedle biopsy (US-CNB) in breast nodules.@*Methods@#We retrospectively analyzed the pathological results of US-CNB and surgical excision from 373 breast nodules in Peking University International Hospital from Sep 2016 to Nov 2018 to evaluate the accuracy of 14g US-CNB.@*Results@#A total of 349 patients(373 nodules)underwent US-CNB. US-CNB reported 282 benign lesions(75.6%, 282/373), 20 high-risklesions(5.4%, 20/373), and 71 malignant lesions(19.0%, 71/373). For 282 CNB reported benign lesions, the surgical pathology confirmed 235 lesions , 46 for high-risk lesions and 1 for malignant lesion with a concordancy of 83.3%(235/282)and the underestimation rate was 16.7%(47/282). US-CNB identified 20 high-risk lesions. According to surgical results, 15 were high-risk lesions and 5 were malignant lesions with a concordancy of 75% (15/20)and the underestimation rate was 25%(5/20). When it comes to malignant lesions, the excision results showed that 70 were malignant lesions and 1was high-risk lesion with a concordancy of 98.6%(70/71)and the overestimation rate was 1.4%(1/71). The concordance of the histological type , calculated for 50 invasive carcinomas, was 92% (46/50) with a kappa value of 0.77.The concordance of the histological grade could be calculated for 38 invasive ductal carcinomas with the Elston-Elllis Method . It was 89.5% (34/38) with a kappa value of 0.57.@*Conclusions@#The pathology result of 14gUS-CNB is in good consistency with surgical excision for breast benign and malignant lesions.

Journal of Leukemia & Lymphoma ; (12): 603-610, 2019.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-797216


Objective@#To analyze the clinical efficacy and safety of thalidomide combined with conventional chemotherapy in treatment of acute leukemia by using Meta analysis.@*Methods@#Thalidomide combined with conventional chemotherapy was treated as the experiment group, chemotherapy alone was treated as the control group. Thalidomide was taken 100mg once a day, oral administration. The literatures were retrieved from PubMed, Cochrane library, Embase, China Notional Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI),Wanfang and VIP database. The data of the randomized controlled trial (RCT) conformed to inclusion criteria were extracted, and the quality was evaluated, and then StataMP 14.0 software was used to make a Meta analysis.@*Results@#A total of 14 studies with 752 patients were included. The experiment group had a higher complete remission rate and the overall response rate compared with the control group, and the difference was statistically significant (RR= 1.61, 95% CI 1.36-1.90, P < 0.01; RR= 1.36, 95%CI 1.24-1.50, P < 0.01). The experiment group had a better efficacy in the improvement of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), VEGF receptor (VEGFR), basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) and bone marrow microvessel density (MVD) after the treatment compared with the control group, and the differences between the two groups were statistically significant (all P < 0.05), but there was no significant difference in the adverse events between the two groups (all P > 0.05).@*Conclusion@#Meta analysis showed that oral administration daily thalidomide 100 mg combined with conventional chemotherapy has a better clinical efficacy and antiangiogenic effect compared with chemotherapy alone, without the increase of adverse reactions.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-744442


Objective To OxplorO thO clinical Officacy of oral fluconazolO combinOd with clotrimazolO vaginal administration in thO trOatmOnt of candida vaginitis by mOta analysis. Methods FluconazolO combinOd with clotrima-zolO was sOlOctOd as OxpOrimOnt group and clotrimazolO alonO was sOlOctOd as control group. ThO randomizOd controllOd trials( RCTs) wOrO rOtriOvOd from PubMOd, CochranO library, EmbasO, China Notional KnowlOdgO infrastructurO (CNKI), WangFang and VIP databasO and rOfOrOncOs listOd in all studiOs. RCTs mOOting inclusivO studiOs wOrO includOd, thO data wOrO OxtractOd, thO quality was OvaluatOd and cross - chOckOd by two rOviOws indOpOndOntly according to CochranO Handbook for SystOmatic ROviOws of IntOrvOntions and thOn MOta -analysis was conductOd using Stata14.0 softwarO. Results A total of 15 studiOs and 1 792 patiOnts wOrO includOd.ThO OxpOrimOnt group had a highOr ovOrall OfficiOncy(OxpOrimOnt group in 96.13% and control group in 83.8% ),thO diffOrOncO was statistically significant (RR=1.13,95% CI 1.08~1.18,P<0.001). ThO rOcurrOncO ratO aftOr trOatmOnt( OxpOrimOnt group in 6.46% and control group in 20.74% ) had statistically significant diffOrOncO bOtwOOn thO two groups ( RR=0.31, 95% CI 0.21~0.46,P<0.001).Conclusion MOta analysis showOd that oral fluconazolO combinOd with clotrima-zolO vaginal administration has a bOttOr clinical Officacy.

Chinese Journal of Biotechnology ; (12): 1168-1173, 2008.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-275408


This study aimed to obtain recombinant fusion protein of thymosin alphal(TM-alpha1) and consensus IFNalpha (IFNalpha-con) which have bath TM-alpha1 and IFNalpha-con activities. The DNA sequence for the fusion protein was cloned into expression vector of pET-22b (+) and expressed in BL21 (DE3)-Codon plus-RP-X. The expressed product (TM-alpha1-IFN-con) was soluble, and amounted to more than 20% in total proteins of E. coli. By precipitation of (NH4)2SO4, hydrophobic interaction chromatography (HIC, Phenyl Sepharose 6 Fast Flow), anion-exchange chromatography (Q Sepharose Fast Flow), cation-exchange chromatography (SP Sepharose Fast Flow) and gel filtration (Sephadex G-75), it was purified to more than 96% purity. The activity of fusion protein for antivirus was tested by cytopathic-effect inhibition assay and activity for promoting lymphocyte proliferation was tested by cell proliferative assay. The activity for antivirus was higher than commercial IFNalpha1b and IFNalpha2a and activity for promoting lymphocyte proliferation was similar to commercial TM-alpha1. The fusion protein had better effect for anti-HBV in vitro, its effect was stronger than combination of IFNalpha and TM-alpha1 and cell toxicity was less than combination of IFNalpha and TM-alpha1. The above results show that it has effect bath antivirus of IFNalpha and promoting lymphocyte proliferation of the soluble fusion protein expressed in E. coli.

Animals , Humans , Mice , Amino Acid Sequence , Antiviral Agents , Pharmacology , Base Sequence , Escherichia coli , Genetics , Metabolism , Interferon Type I , Genetics , Interferon-alpha , Molecular Sequence Data , Recombinant Fusion Proteins , Genetics , Pharmacology , Recombinant Proteins , Thymosin , Genetics
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-529725


0.05),that there was negative expression of PP2Ac protein in the cytoplasm of the human lung squamous carcer and small cell lung cancer while positive expression of PP2Ac protein in intercellular substance,and that there were negtive expression of PP2A in human lung adencarcinoma and overexpression of p-AKT protein in human lung adencarcinoma.Western blot technique analysis showed that there was nomal expression of PP2A protein in normal human lung tissue,and lower expression in YTLMC-90 cell than in nomal human lung tissue.While sharp low expression GLC-82 cell.Adding okadaic acid(OA),an inhibitor of PP2A,the expressiong of p-AKT in GLC-82 cells was sharply higher than in normal lung tissue at 6 h,12 h and 24 h,indicating that inverse correlation between PP2A and p-AKT protein expression.Conclusions PP2A is involved in human lung carcinomar,its expression level is related to histological type of human lung carcer.Activition of AKT(p-AKT)is related tightly to human lung carcer.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-541949


With DQOL (diabetes quality of life) scale, quality of life was evaluated before and after diabetic education in 136 type 2 diabetic patients. The Cronbach′s ? of DQOL scale was from 0.809 to 0.849, suggesting that the DQOL scale did effectively reflect the life quality of type 2 diabetic patients.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-539991


Objective To investigate the effects of control status scale for diabetes (CSSD70), designed by diabetes center of Ruijin Hospital, in type 2 diabetes patients. Methods The correlations between CSSD70 and age, gender, duration of diabetes, educational backgrounds, insulin use, instruments for diabetes control, diabetes family history, symptoms at the onset of diabetes, complications, random plasma glucose and HbA_(1c) were analysed in 136 type 2 diabetes patients. The correlation between CSSD70 and another national questionnaires DQOL was analysed, and in order to determine the validity and stability of CSSD70, 30 patients were asked to complete the scales twice within one week. Results The coherent results in CSSD70 and DQOL were obtained, but CSSD70 was more comprehensive and sensitive. Almost all factors included in this study were related to CSSD70 total score and sub-scale score. The stability of CSSD70 was fine, and a close relationship between total score and sub-scale score was found. Conclusion The CSSD70 appears to be a good scale in evaluating the functional health status in type 2 diabetes, and is suitable for Chinese patients in evaluating diabetes control.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-542600


Objective To study the association of single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) of the protein tyrosine phosphatase-1B (PTP-1B) gene with type 2 diabetes mellitus and obesity in Chinese. Methods SNPs in the PTP-1B gene were detected by direct sequencing to PCR products, and the detected SNPs were genotyped in case-spouse samples with the technique of fluorescence real-time PCR. Results Totally 6 SNPs were found in PTP-1B gene. Three SNPs (I5/37 C→A,I6/82 A→G, I7/301 C→T) were in the intron regions and the other 3 (E8/45 C→T, E9/35 G→A, E10/372 G→A)in the exon regions. Among them, E9/35 G→A was a newly found mutation site. The A allele frequency of I5/37 C→A, T allele frequency of I7/301 C→T and G allele frequency of I6/82 A→G in type 2 diabetes were significantly higher than those in the normal spouse group (P

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-675794


The relationships of therapeutic regime, glycemic control and quality of life with depression were observed in 193 type 2 diabetic patients. The results showed that 46.6% of the diabetic patients manifested depression in various degrees; the depression status was correlated with age or duration of diabetes; the patients under insulin treatment showed more marked depression than the other patients (P