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Zhonghua fu chan ke za zhi ; Zhonghua fu chan ke za zhi;(12): 756-763, 2012.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-423615


Objective To identify and verify the different genes expression pattern between human endometrial endothelial cells (HEEC) isolated from endometrial cancer and normal endometrium.Methods Endothelial cells were isolated from 5 patients with endometrial cancer (endometrial cancer group 1) and 5 patients with normal endometria tissue (control group 1) admitted from June to November 2007 in Shandong Cancer Hospital.Global expression patterns of endothelial cells were examined using oligonucleotide microarrays.Tissues from 36 patients with endometrial cancer(endometrial cancer group 2) and 10 normal endometrial tissues (control group 2) admitted from January 2007 to April 2008 were selected to verify the expression of different genes,in which up-regulated genes including ESM1,MMP-10,SPP1 and HMGB1 were tested by quantitative real-time PCR and immunohistochemistry.Results Microarray analyses revealed 317 genes that exhibited > 2-fold or < 0.5 differences were identified (including 191 genes up-regulated and 126 down-regulated).Pathway analysis showed that these genes involved cell cycle,cell adhesion molecules,and extracellular matrix-receptor interaction were obviously predominant.Of them,97 up-regulated genes and 44 down-regulated genes were related to angiogenesis.The mRNA expression of ESM1,MMP-10,SPP1 and HMGB1 in endometrial cancer group 2 were 0.898、3.890、1.433 and 1.881,respectively.Positive expression of SPP1,MMP-10,ESM1 and HMGB1 was observed in endometrial cancer group 2.However,the SPP1,ESM1 and HMGB1 was negative expressed in control group 2.Conclusion It shows that there are the different angiogenesis related genes between endometrial cancer and normal endothelium,which will provide insights into the anti-angiogenesis therapy for endometrial cancers.

Zhonghua fu chan ke za zhi ; Zhonghua fu chan ke za zhi;(12): 750-753, 2009.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-392347


Objective To study the clinical value of operation in advanced endometrial carcinoma.Methods A retrospective study was carried out in 78 patients with advanced endometrial carcinoma received operation in our hospital from Jan.1,1997 to Dec.31,2007.The basic operation procedures were included total hysterectomy,adnexectomy,omentectomy,appendectomy and resection of metastatic lesions located in abdomino-pelvic cavity.The criteria of satisfied operation Was considered that the sizes of residual leision was smaller than or equal to 2 cm,which Was used to evaluate the effect of operation.The prognostic factors were also analyzed.Results Among the 78 cases,the rate of ideal cytoreductive surgery was 83%(65/78),included 23 cases of no residual leisions,42 cases of residual leisions size smaller than or equal to 2 cm,while 13 cases of residual leisions size larger than 2 cm.The Survival rate of 1-year,3-year and 5-year were 91%(61/67),55%(28/51)and 28%(10/36),respectively.The results by single factor analysis shown that the survival rate were correlated with prognostic factors included extent of disease,ascites,size of residual lesions,circles of chemotherapy.Conclusion It is important value for advanced endometrial carcinoma to ideal cytoredutive surgery followed by combined chemotherapy,while radiotherapy no further therapeutic effects.