A study was performed to evaluate the physiological function of elite senior high school soccer players (Kunimi) . Forty-six players were evaluated for cardiorespiratory function (maximum oxygen uptake : Vo<SUB>2</SUB>max, maximum oxygen debt : Max O<SUB>2</SUB> debt), body composition (underwater weighing) and skinfold thickness, all parameters being measured four times over a two-year period.<BR>The following means were recorded : age, 17.8 yr ; height, 173.0 cm ; weight, 65.8 kg ; percentage body fat (%Fat), 10.0%; lean body mass (LBM kg), 59.2 kg ; LBM/Ht (kg/m), 34.2 ; sum of eight skinfold thicknesses, 63.5 mm ; Vo<SUB>2</SUB>max, 60.0 m<I>l</I>/kg⋅min ; maximum ventilation (V<SUB>E</SUB>max, BTPS), 136.8<I>l</I>/min ; maximum oxygen debt ; 8.2<I>l</I>, 124.8 m<I>l</I>/kg.<BR>Results for percentage body fat, Vo<SUB>2</SUB>max (m<I>l</I>/kg⋅min) and Max O<SUB>2</SUB> debt (m<I>l</I>/kg) were compared with values found in other soccer players at various levels.<BR>In summary, one of the most outstanding attributes of the Kunimi senior high school soccer players was a high level of both aerobic power and anaerobic power.