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Indian J Ophthalmol ; 2023 Aug; 71(8): 3103-3108
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-225188


To demonstrate viral proteins/inflammatory cytokines in a patient with unilateral keratouveitis. Retrospective case report. A 70-year-old Asian-Indian male presented with acute onset of blurring of vision in the left eye (OS) of 2 days duration. He had was coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)-positive 3 months earlier. He had undergone cataract surgery/retinal laser photocoagulation in both the eyes. The corrected distance visual acuity (CDVA) (Snellen) in the right eye (RE) (OD) and left eye (LE) (OS) was 20/20 and 20/80, respectively. OS showed decreased corneal sensation, Descemet’s folds, mild stromal edema, and fine and pigmented keratic precipitates with anterior chamber 1+ flare and 1+ cells. Fundus evaluation showed scattered laser marks in the OD and temporal sectoral laser marks in OS. He was diagnosed with viral keratouveitis in OS. Tear samples were collected on Schirmer’s strips and tear wash for mass spectrometry and cytokines, which had 368 and 451 viral proteins in the RE and LE, respectively, using nano liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry, which were more than controls. Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) and varicella zoster virus proteins were detected. Cytokine analysis using flow cytometer analysis showed higher inflammation in OS as compared to OD. The patient was treated with oral acyclovir and topical steroids and resulted in resolution of his keratouveitis. SARS-CoV-2 proteins were present in the tear sample 3 months after COVID-19. The presence of viral proteins does not indicate causality

Indian J Ophthalmol ; 2023 Jul; 71(7): 2784-2788
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-225129


Purpose: To study the clinical presentation and treatment outcome of epidemic retinitis (ER) during pregnancy. Methods: This is a retrospective, observational chart review of pregnant patients diagnosed with ER from January 2014 to February 2023. Demographic details, month of pregnancy at the onset of ocular symptoms, history of present illness, clinical manifestations, and treatment outcomes were studied. Results: In 9 years, ER was seen in 86 females, of whom 12 (13.9%) were pregnant. Twenty?one eyes of those 12 patients were studied. Most of the patients presented in the sixth month of pregnancy (range: 5–9 months, mean: 6.3 months). Physicians diagnosed viral exanthematous fever in six, typhoid in three, and suspected rickettsia in one patient. Medical termination of pregnancy (MTP) was performed in two patients before presentation. Weil–Felix test was positive in five, Brucella in one, WIDAL in three, and coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID?19) IgG and dengue IgG in one patient each. Oral antibiotics were given in five patients (two post?medical termination of pregnancy [MTP]) for the retinitis. All except four received oral steroids. Mean presenting corrected distant visual acuity (n = 21) was 20/125 (range: 20/20–20/20,000), which improved to (n = 18) 20/30 (range: 20/20–20/240). Macular edema (n = 11) resolved in 33.18 days (range: 20–50 days), and retinitis (n = 13) resolved in 58 days (range: 30–110 days). Ocular and systemic examination of newborn was possible in two and the babies were normal. Conclusion: ER is seen commonly at the beginning of the third trimester. Lack of antibiotics may delay the resolution of retinitis. Ocular health needs to be assessed in larger series to conclude absence of retinal involvement in newborns.

Indian J Ophthalmol ; 2023 May; 71(5): 2269-2272
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-225068


A 36-year-old Asian Indian male presented with redness and pain in his right eye of 1 week duration. He was diagnosed to have right acute anterior uveitis and had a history of being admitted at a local hospital for dengue hepatitis a month earlier. He had been on adalimumab 40 mg three weekly once and oral methotrexate 20 mg/week for human leucocyte antigen (HLA) B27 spondyloarthropathy and recurrent anterior uveitis. Our patient had re-activation of his anterior chamber inflammation on three distinct occasions: first, 3 weeks following recovery from coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), the second after the second dose of COVID-19 vaccination, and the third after recovery from dengue fever-associated hepatitis. We propose molecular mimicry and bystander activation as the postulated mechanisms for the re-activation of his anterior uveitis. In conclusion, patients with auto-immune diseases can have recurrent ocular inflammation following COVID-19 or its vaccination or dengue fever as seen in our patient. The anterior uveitis is usually mild and responds to topical steroids. Additional immuno-suppression may not be needed. Mild ocular inflammation following vaccination should not deter individuals from getting COVID-19 vaccination.

Indian J Ophthalmol ; 2023 May; 71(5): 2001-2007
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-225016


The aim of this study is to report the clinical features, imaging findings including confocal imaging, corneal nerve fiber analysis, and management outcomes in a series of three cases of varicella zoster virus (VZV) reactivation following one dose of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) vaccination. This was a retrospective and observational study. All the patients who developed uveitis post-vaccination were pooled together. Patients who had VZV reactivation were included. Two cases had polymerase chain reaction positive for VZV from aqueous humor. At the time of presentation, IgG and IgM spike protein antibodies for severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) were tested. Out of this pool, three patients with classical features to describe pole-to-pole manifestations were chosen. A 36-year-old lady with post-vaccination sclerokeratouveitis associated with reactivation of herpes zoster ophthalmicus, a 56-year-old lady with post-vaccination acute anterior uveitis associated with herpes zoster ophthalmicus, and a 43-year-old gentleman with post-vaccination acute retinal necrosis were included. We present a possible link between anti-SARS-CoV-2 virus vaccination and varicella zoster reactivation in these patients and also describe the clinical features, imaging findings including confocal imaging, corneal nerve fiber analysis, and management with detailed discussion.

Indian J Ophthalmol ; 2023 May; 71(5): 1996-2000
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-225015


Purpose: To evaluate choroidal lesions with spectral domain optical coherence tomography (SD?OCT) scan in varicella zoster virus (VZV) uveitis. Methods: VZV?uveitis cases which underwent OCT scan for choroidal lesions were studied. SD?OCT scan passing through these lesions was studied in detail. Subfoveal choroidal thickness (SFCT) during active and resolved stages was studied. Angiogaphic features were studied where available. Results: Thirteen out of 15 cases had same?sided herpes zoster ophthalmicus skin rashes. All except three patients had old or active kerato?uveitis. All eyes demonstrated clear vitreous and a single or multiple hypopigmented orangish?yellow choroidal lesions. The number of lesions remained unchanged during the follow?up on clinical examination. SD?OCT over lesions (n = 11) showed choroidal thinning (n = 5), hyporeflective choroidal elevation during active inflammation (n = 3), transmission effects (n = 4), and ellipsoid zone disruption (n = 7). The mean change in SFCT (n = 9) after resolution of the inflammation was 26.3 ?m (range: 3–90 ?m). Fundus fluorescein angiography showed iso?fluorescence over lesions in all (n = 5), but indocyanine green angiography (n = 3) showed hypofluorescence at lesions. Mean follow?up was 1.38 years (range: 3 months–7 years). De?novo appearance of choroidal lesion during the first relapse of VZV?uveitis was captured in one case. Conclusion: VZV?uveitis can cause focal or multifocal hypopigmented choroidal lesions with thickening or scarring of choroidal tissue, depending on the disease activity.

Indian J Ophthalmol ; 2023 Feb; 71(2): 673
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-224869


Background: Anterior staphyloma is defined as a localized defect in the anterior eye wall with protrusion of the uveal tissue due to alterations in scleral thickness and structure. The causes could be congenital, trauma, or following infection. Surgical options include staphylectomy with graft (corneal/ corneoscleral), biosynthetic graft, enucleation or evisceration in a painful blind eye). Purpose: To demonstrate staphylectomy with careful preservation of ocular structures followed by optical keratoplasty in a single setting. Synopsis: A 39?year?old Asian Indian lady presented with complaints of blurring of vision and whitish opacity in both eyes since childhood, associated with progressive enlargement and protrusion of the black part of the left eye with severe pain at the time of presentation. Her clinical examination revealed leucomatous corneal opacity in both the eyes and anterior staphyloma and keratinization in the left eye. Visual acuity was counting fingers close to face in the right eye and hand movements close to face in the left eye with projection of rays being accurate in both eyes. Ultrasound B scan showed posterior staphyloma in the right eye with sub?Tenon’s fluid and increased retinochoroidal thickness. The left eye posterior segment with B scan was normal. The available surgical options were evisceration with secondary orbital implant and ocular prosthesis or staphylectomy with corneal transplantation. To provide the best option for the patient in her eye with better visual potential, staphylectomy with corneal transplantation was done. Highlights: Painful blind eye is usually dealt with evisceration. This video demonstrates the technique of staphylectomy with corneal graft and restoration of structural integrity. Evisceration is a destructive procedure that involves removal of the intraocular contents. The patient will have to deal with the hassles of prosthesis maintenance and stigma of the artificial eye

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-234709


The current study explores the occurrence of ophthalmic manifestations following coronavirus disease-19 (COVID-19) vaccination. The study discusses the case of a 72-year-old Indian male, who received oral methotrexate for ocular inflammation (recurrent post-operative uveitis with pseudoexfoliative glaucoma) and two doses of COVISHIELD™ vaccine and a booster in 2022. While he discontinued methotrexate for 2 weeks after the first dose, he continued the medication during the second and booster doses. Subsequently, he experienced mild ocular inflammation two weeks after the first dose, one day after the second dose, and one week after the booster dose. Topical steroids effectively controlled the inflammation, and an increased oral methotrexate dosage was used after the second dose. The study highlights the potential for autoimmune inflammatory syndrome following vaccination, although a definite causal link cannot be established. Nonetheless, the presence of side effects should not discourage individuals from receiving vaccinations.

Indian J Ophthalmol ; 2023 Jan; 71(1): 321
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-224815


Background: Corneal melt with iris prolapse is a rare complication of autoimmune diseases, especially rheumatoid arthritis. Purpose: To highlight a challenging case of a peripheral ulcerative keratitis (PUK) with corneal melt and iris prolapse in a patient’s only eye. Synopsis: A 56?year?old Asian Indian male presented with blurring of vision in the right eye and was diagnosed with cataract. He was a known type 2 diabetes mellitus and a rheumatoid arthritis patient and was not on treatment. He had been previously diagnosed with PUK in the left eye and was lost to follow?up due to coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID?19) after therapeutic penetrating keratoplasty and lost his vision in that eye. Cataract surgery in the right eye was done under cover of immunosuppression. Subsequently, he developed PUK and was treated with a glue and bandage contact lens. Again, he was lost to follow?up and then presented a few months later with corneal melt with iris prolapse in the right eye. We describe in the video the surgical and medical challenges and successful salvage of both the eyeball and the vision. Highlights: Highlights include the following: 1. A rare case of corneal melt with iris prolapse. 2. Demonstration of surgical technique of patch graft. 3. Anterior segment optical coherence tomography before and after the procedure.

Indian J Ophthalmol ; 2023 Jan; 71(1): 162-165
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-224784


Purpose: The objective was to study the positivity of the Weil–Felix test (WFT) in epidemic retinitis (ER) during the course of the disease. Methods: This is a retrospective, observational case series of patients diagnosed with ER and presented to a tertiary eye care hospital in south India. Patients with positive WFT at the presentation, and who underwent a follow?up WFT during or after the resolution of ER were studied from September 2019 to March 2022. Patient’s demographics, timings of clinical presentation and resolution, and investigation details with a special focus on WFT positivity and its duration were noted. Results: Sixteen patients were studied. Patients presented after 5 weeks of the fever (range: 2?12 weeks, median: 4). After 1?2 months, WFT was still positive in eight patients (50%). Only in one patient titers increased after 1 month, while in others, the titers decreased (n = 11) or remained the same (n = 4). Repeated tests in those patients (n = 6) after 3?4 months turned negative. Resolution of ER was seen at 1.35 months (range: 1?3 months) after the presentation. The mean duration for WFT to turn negative was 2 months from the presentation (range: 1?4 months) or 3.2 months of the fever (range: 1.5?6 months). Conclusion: In contrast to the reported physician’s observation of increasing titers of WFT after rickettsial fever, ophthalmologists may observe decreasing WFT titers in ER. The clinical resolution of ER may precede the normalization of WFT. Follow?up WFT titers should be studied in larger series in confirmed cases of rickettsial?ER to validate the affordable and readily available WFT in India

Indian J Ophthalmol ; 2022 Dec; 70(12): 4470
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-224767


Background: Snow ball associated ocular injuries are rare. We present the 1st case of a snow ball injury reported in India with symptoms occurring after 10 days. Purpose: To highlight the fact that symptoms can occur many days after the injury. The injuries can cause structural damage to ocular structures and can be permanent. Synopsis: A 25?year?old Asian Indian female presented with increased redness and blurring of vision of a day's duration. She had been playing in the snow and had an apparent injury to the right eye 10 days earlier. She had no symptoms at that point of time. Her uncorrected visual acuity by Snellen’s chart was 20/20 in both the eyes. Intraocular pressure was normal in both the eyes. On evaluation of the right eye she had traumatic anterior uveitis and mydriasis and the left eye was normal. There was no evidence of posterior segment involvement. She was treated with topical steroids and her anterior chamber inflammation improved but she had persistent mydriasis with no effect on her near vision. She was subsequently lost to follow after a month. Highlights: Rare case of ocular injury caused by a hurtling snow ball. Demonstration of anterior chamber inflammation with a video Infrared video imaging of the pupil in bright and dark showing anisocoria worse in bright light. Protective goggles are a must while indulging in these activities.

Indian J Ophthalmol ; 2022 Dec; 70(12): 4445-4448
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-224763


A 35-year-old Asian Indian female previously diagnosed with bilateral anterior uveitis and on oral methotrexate developed bilateral anterior uveitis following first/second dose of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) vaccination. She had skipped her weekly dose of oral methotrexate following first dose of vaccination. Following the second dose, she reduced her oral methotrexate from 25 to 15 mg on her own, but did not stop like the previous occasion. She had extensive workup for her uveitis in the past with only positive severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) antibodies. She developed unilateral anterior uveitis after she had COVID-19 in July 2022, which resolved with topical steroids and continuation of immunosuppression. This report illustrates that COVID-19 or its vaccination may presumably play a role in triggering the immune system and can cause recurrent ocular inflammation even in the absence of an extraocular inflammation.

Indian J Ophthalmol ; 2022 Dec; 70(12): 4357-4361
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-224748


Purpose: To evaluate efficacy of topical interferon alfa?2b (IFN) in the treatment of uveitic macular edema (UME). Methods: This is a prospective, interventional case study of patients with UME. Injection IFN was reconstituted into eye drops and a four times/day (QID) application was prescribed. Central macular thickness (CMT) on optical coherence tomography (OCT) scan was evaluated. Improvement in CMT by ?50 ?m from the baseline was studied in eyes with presenting CMT ?400 ?m. Results: Twenty eyes of 20 patients with UME were studied: anterior uveitis (n = 3), anterior + intermediate uveitis (n = 5), posterior uveitis (n = 3), retinal vasculitis (n = 3), and panuveitis (n = 6). Mean CMT at the presentation was 423.3 ?m (range: 270–604 ?m), which improved at 1 month (n = 16), 2 months (n = 10), and ?3 months (n = 11) follow?up, to 415.3 ?m (range: 247–579 ?m) (P = 0.411), 364.4 ?m (range: 258–566 ?m) (P = 0.099), 344 ?m (range: 258– 484 ?m) (P = 0.001), respectively. Twelve eyes of 12 patients had presenting CMT ?400 ?m. In these cases, decrease in CMT by ?50 ?m was seen in 4/10, 4/5, and 5/6 eyes at 1 and 2 months and ?3 months follow?up. Mean follow?up was 4 months (range: 1–17 months). Complete resolution of UME was seen only in three eyes. No ocular or systemic side effects were observed. Conclusion: Topical IFN therapy in QID doses is safe but may have limited role in UME. Long?term therapy may improve its efficacy. Larger studies with dose modification, combination with other drugs, and with homogeneous uveitis population are recommended.

Indian J Ophthalmol ; 2022 Aug; 70(8): 2986-2989
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-224528


Purpose: To evaluate the efficacy of intensive topical interferon alfa-2b (IFN) therapy in uveitic macular edema (UME). Methods: This is a prospective, interventional case study of eyes with UME. Commercially available injection IFN for subcutaneous use was reconstituted to form eye drops and a dose of 6 times/day for 2 weeks, 5 times/day for next 2 weeks, followed by 4, 3, 2, 1 taper per month was prescribed. Optical coherence tomography (OCT) and clinical examination was done at 0, 2, 4, 8 weeks, and further as required. Results: Nine eyes of 9 patients with UME were studied. Mean central macular thickness (CMT) at presentation was 522.2 ?m (range: 408–803 ?m). At 2-week, 1-month, and 2-month follow-up, mean CMT decreased to 451.6 ?m (range: 322–524 ?m), 375.8 ?m (range: 287–480 ?m), and 360.3 ?m (range: 260–485 ?m), respectively. Four eyes which showed inadequate response to previous topical IFN therapy (4 times/day) showed significant improvement with intensive therapy at 1 month follow-up. In 4 eyes, UME resolved completely with mean CMT 285.5 ?m (range: 260–312 ?m) at 7.5 weeks (range: 4–12 weeks). Study exit was seen in 2 cases due to inadequate response and relapse of uveitis. Mean follow up was 3.38 months (range: 1–5 months). Conclusion: Intensive topical IFN therapy can be an alternative therapeutic option in the treatment of UME. Study of intraocular penetration, combination with other drugs, and the efficacy of IFN separately for different uveitic entities may explore new avenues in treatment of UME.

Indian J Ophthalmol ; 2022 May; 70(5): 1767-1772
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-224318


Purpose: The coronavirus disease (COVID?19) pandemic continues to play havoc in our lives. During the first “ lockdown” in 2020, we were keen on assessing the anxiety levels of patients who sought ophthalmic care despite the lockdown. Public health actions, such as social distancing, were necessary to reduce the spread of COVID?19. As a result, most people felt isolated and lonely, thereby causing increased levels of stress and anxiety in them. We aimed to assess the anxiety levels using the Hamilton Anxiety Scale and personality assessment using the 57?point Eysenck’s Personality Inventory (EPI) questionnaire among patients visiting a tertiary eye care hospital during the lockdown period. Methods: Consecutive patients attending an ophthalmic tertiary care hospital during the COVID?19 pandemic and lockdown were approached to be a part of this prospective cross?sectional survey. Results: In total, 1,088 responses were analyzed during the 2?month study period with the mean age being 45.7 + 16.9 years. The majority had completed graduation (78%) with 15 years or more of formal education. The purpose of the visit was an emergency consultation in 42% (n = 455), a review appointment in 42% (n = 457), and the remaining (16%, n = 176) came for a routine consultation. The majority of the patients (>90%) did not report experiencing any of the 14 sets of symptoms. A mild level of anxiety was noted in 1,086 (>99%) respondents, whereas only 2 (<1%) respondents showed mild–moderate levels of anxiety. Financial concerns such as affordability of medications (6% vs. 3%, P = 0.05) and fear of losing their job (16% vs. 11%, P = 0.02) were significantly more in those experiencing any anxiety compared to those with no anxiety. Conclusion: Our study revealed that patients visiting a tertiary ophthalmic center during lockdown were graduates, sought eye consultation primarily for emergency or a review, and had no major anxiety symptoms. In those with anxiety, the affordability of medicines and loss of jobs were the main concerns.

Indian J Ophthalmol ; 2022 Mar; 70(3): 1007-1012
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-224210


Purpose: To study the use of teleophthalmology as a tool to manage patients with uveitis and to describe the experience of teleconsultation for uveitis at a tertiary eye care hospital in India during the two waves of the COVID?19 pandemic. Methods: A prospective observational case series of uveitis patients seeking teleconsultations during the first (March 25–May 2020) and second lockdown (April 27 to June 21, 2021) in a tertiary eye care center were analyzed. Results: There were 79 teleconsultations in the first and 89 teleconsultations in the second lockdown. A majority of the patients presented in the age group of 41– 60 years in both the lockdowns. There were both new or primary consultations and follow?up patients (6% vs. 94%) in the first lockdown, and similarly in the second lockdown (8% new vs. 92% follow?up). The majority of patients resided in Bengaluru city (78% in the first and 76% in the second lockdown). After evaluation through video consultation, only 15% required a hospital referral in the first lockdown, whereas in the second lockdown, 21.3% were referred to the hospital. During the second lockdown, 20% presented with COVID?19 infection?related ailments. Conclusion: Based on our preliminary experience using a customized smartphone?based application for teleconsultation, we found it to be an alternative option to provide continuation of ophthalmic care to uveitis patients. Given the current COVID?19 situation, it can help avoid physical visits of uveitis patients to the hospital

Indian J Ophthalmol ; 2022 Mar; 70(3): 902-907
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-224191


Purpose: To evaluate the causes of jet stream injury (JSI)?related iatrogenic retinal breaks (IRBs) during vitreoretinal surgery (VRS). Methods: The precise surgical environment, which includes the indication and type of surgical procedure, retina status, details of instrumentation and fluidic parameters, and characteristics of the jet responsible for the IRB, was noted from case records. The nature of IRB and its healing and impact on anatomical and visual outcomes were analyzed. Results: Five eyes of five patients with complete documentation of both the JSI and the IRB were included. Two cases were operated for macular hole, and one each for vitreous hemorrhage, retinal detachment, and endophthalmitis. One case had infusion?fluid?related JSI, while four developed it because of injection of surgical adjuncts (drugs, PFCL, and dye). JSI developed in two cases when the vitreous cavity was filled with fluid, while it was air?filled in three cases. In four cases, the fluid migrated into subretinal space, necessitating further maneuvers following which the breaks healed, but were directly responsible for vision loss in two cases. Conclusion: JSI related IRBs are rare but may be directly responsible for vision loss if they impact the macula. The balance between jet stream velocity, its distance from the retinal surface, the intervening media (vitreous cavity), and retinal health play an important role. It can occur because of both infusion as well as injection jets. Precautions must be taken in cases vulnerable to complications with suggested modifications in the surgical technique.

Indian J Ophthalmol ; 2022 Feb; 70(2): 673
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-224170


Background: Anterior staphyloma is defined as a localized defect in the anterior eye wall with protrusion of the uveal tissue due to alterations in scleral thickness and structure. The causes could be congenital, trauma, or following infection. Surgical options include staphylectomy with graft (corneal/ corneoscleral), biosynthetic graft, enucleation or evisceration in a painful blind eye). Purpose: To demonstrate staphylectomy with careful preservation of ocular structures followed by optical keratoplasty in a single setting. Synopsis: A 39?year?old Asian Indian lady presented with complaints of blurring of vision and whitish opacity in both eyes since childhood, associated with progressive enlargement and protrusion of the black part of the left eye with severe pain at the time of presentation. Her clinical examination revealed leucomatous corneal opacity in both the eyes and anterior staphyloma and keratinization in the left eye. Visual acuity was counting fingers close to face in the right eye and hand movements close to face in the left eye with projection of rays being accurate in both eyes. Ultrasound B scan showed posterior staphyloma in the right eye with sub?Tenon’s fluid and increased retinochoroidal thickness. The left eye posterior segment with B scan was normal. The available surgical options were evisceration with secondary orbital implant and ocular prosthesis or staphylectomy with corneal transplantation. To provide the best option for the patient in her eye with better visual potential, staphylectomy with corneal transplantation was done. Highlights: Painful blind eye is usually dealt with evisceration. This video demonstrates the technique of staphylectomy with corneal graft and restoration of structural integrity. Evisceration is a destructive procedure that involves removal of the intraocular contents. The patient will have to deal with the hassles of prosthesis maintenance and stigma of the artificial eye.

Indian J Ophthalmol ; 2012 Jul-Aug; 60(4): 330-332
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-144867


An observational case report of electrophysiological abnormalities in a patient with anisomyopic amblyopia as a result of unilateral extensive myelinated retinal nerve fibers (MNFs) is illustrated. The electrophysiological readings revealed an abnormal pattern electroretinogram (PERG) but normal full-field electroretinogram readings in the affected eye. The visual-evoked potential was also undetectable in that eye. Our findings suggest that extensive MNFs can be associated with electrophysiological abnormalities, in particular the PERG, which can aid in diagnosing the cause of impaired vision when associated with amblyopia.