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Article in Japanese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-374588


A 62-year-old man underwent replacement of the ascending aorta for a Stanford type A acute aortic dissection. The proximal stump was reinforced with using internal and external PTFE felt strips, fibrin glue and cellulose fibers. However, hemolytic anemia and hematuria occurred postoperatively. ECG-gated reconstruction CT demonstrated that the hemolytic anemia was induced by collision of red blood cells on the inverted felt strip of the proximal anastomosis. The patient underwent a reparative procedure 1 week subsequent to the initial operation. During reoperation, half of the inner felt strip used for proximal stump fixation was found to be turned up and protruding into the inner lumen. An incision was made in the synthetic graft and the inverting felt material was removed as much as possible, and then a bovine pericardial patch was used as a means of covering the internal felt strip. Here, we report a rare case of hemolytic anemia at the site of an inverted inner PTFE felt strip used for reinforcement of proximal anastomosis. We found that an ECG-gated reconstruction CT is particularly useful in diagnosing this complication around a beating heart.

Article in Japanese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-366579


A 12-year-old girl had relative graft stenosis following the reconstruction of type A interrupted aortic arch. At 25 days after birth she underwent ascending aorta-descending aorta bypass with a 7mm knitted Dacron graft, ligation of the patent ductus arteriosus and pulmonary artery banding. She had patch closure of a ventricular septal defect (VSD) as well at 20 months of age. At age 12 catheterization was carried out, because she had headache and dizziness on exertion. The pressure of the ascending aorta was 163/79mmHg and the pressure gradient between the ascending and the descending aorta was 65mmHg. Aortography revealed severe stenosis of the graft, which might have occurred according to her growth. An extra-anatomic bypass was placed between the right axillary and the right common iliac artery through the intrapleural and preperitoneal route with a 10mm Dacron graft. Six months later, the blood pressure was 108/63mmHg in the upper extremities, the pressure gradient between the upper and lower extremities was reduced to 18mmHg, and headache and dizziness had disappeared.