A 62-year-old man was referred to our hospital because of dyspnea. Electrocardiogram showed chronic atrial fibrillation and echocardiogram revealed severe tricuspid regurgitation. His history included a motorbike accident at age 17, and a heart murmur was pointed out in the following year. He developed paroxysmal atrial fibrillation when he was 45 years old. Heart failure was not controlled by medication and tricuspid valve repair was indicated. At surgery, the anterior leaflet of tricuspid valve was widely prolapsed due to chordal rupture. We performed chordal reconstruction with 4 expanded polytetrafluoroethylene (CV-5®) sutures, and ring annuloplasty. Furthermore, a small fenestration at the tricuspid annulus was noticed and was closed with a direct suture. The biatrial modified Maze procedure was performed subsequently. The patient is doing well without TR recurrence, and restored sinus rhythm is maintained. We report successful repair of traumatic tricuspid regurgitation.
An 80-year-old man felt a loss of strength and sharp pain in both lower limbs while playing gate-ball, consulted a nearby doctor, and was followed up. Because the sharp pains in both lower limbs became aggravated the next day, he was given a previously prescribed medication. Both femoral pulses were absent and acute arterial obstruction of the lower limbs was suspected. A contrast-enhanced CT scan showed a thrombosed infrarenal abdominal aortic aneurysm with a maximum transverse diameter of 37 mm, and both external iliac arteries were contrast imaged by collateral circulation pathways. We diagnosed acute thrombosis of an abdominal aortic aneurysm, and was urgently transported to our hospital. We classified his lower limbs as Balas grade III and TASC classification grade IIb and Rutherford classification grade IIb. He exhibited no abdominal symptoms and since we confirmed the blood flow of his lower limbs, we decided to perform revascularization. An extra-anatomical bypass (axillo-bifemoral bypass) was conducted because he had dementia, and was old. After the operation, myonephropathic metabolic syndrome (MNMS) did not develop, and the patient was discharged on foot on the 16th postoperative day. Acute thrombosis of an abdominal aortic aneurysm is a rare disease. Because the ischemic area widens, often causing serious MNMS after the revascularization, it has a poor prognosis. Here, we report a case in which one such patient was rescued.
A 64-year-old man was admitted with intermittent high fever of 4 months duration and with three episodes of arterial embolism in the previous 2 months. Several investigations revealed evidence that those episodes involving bilateral popliteal arteries and the left external iliac artery originated from mycotic emboli. Severe mitral insufficiency due to infective endocarditis was also recognized. The ischemic symptoms improved after medical treatment. Despite antibiotic therapy for 4 weeks, inflammatory signs did not subside. Since aneurysm formation of the left external iliac artery at the embolized portion was detected on CT, mitral valve replacement and aneurysmectomy with femoro-femoral grafting were done concomitantly. Inflammatory signs disappeared immediately after the operation. Pathological findings indicated organization of the mitral vegetation and evidence of active infection in the aneurysm wall. Though aneurysmal change of a symptomatic embolized site is not common, the preoperative evaluation of possible associated mycotic aneurysm is important to decide on surgical strategy for infective endocarditis complicated by embolism.
The purpose of this study was to estimate the postoperative growth of untreated segments of the dissected aorta with non-thrombotic communicating false lumen, and also to evaluate the clinical outcome in relation to the aortic enlargement after surgery. Nineteen patients who underwent surgical treatment of aortic dissection were studied with enhanced CT scans and angiograms during the postoperative follow-up period. In Stanford type A patients, mean aortic dilatation rate calculated at the segment showing maximal dilatation was 5.1mm/year during 13-82 months (average, 41 months) after surgery, as a sequela of enlargement of the false lumen. Differences in the aortic dilatation rates between the different segments of the aorta were observed and these were per annum 4.8mm in the ascending aorta, 5.4mm in the transverse aortic arch, 4.3mm in the proximal descending aorta, 2.7mm in the distal descending aorta and 2.4mm in the abdominal aorta. In all patients, major communications were detected at the perianastomotic sites on angiography. In Stanford type B patients, false lumens with small communications were observed to show gradual thrombotic occlusion, but no significant aortic dilatation was detected during the follow-up period (13-70 months, average: 44 months), except three cases of sudden death who had major communications. Nine late events related to dissection, consisting of 4 sudden deaths suspected to be due to aortic rupture, 2 intestinal necroses and 3 cerebral infarctions, occured in 6 patients (32%), among which three patients had undergone arterial fenestration, one of whom had double barrel anastomosis. In the remaining two, major leakages were recognized at distal aortic anastomotic sites on postoperative angiography. The results of this study, we stress the importance of periodic check-ups using enhanced CT scan and if necessary, angiography after surgery of the patients having communicating false lumen. Early detection of progressive aneurysm formation and timely surgical reintervention can yield a good prognosis.
Water Jet flow was projected at normal human aortic walls and human chronic obstructive iliac arteries in the air or in the ordinary saline solution. Ordinary saline solution was used for the jet, which was projected at a pressure of 10kg·f/cm<sup>2</sup> through a nozzle 0.10mm in diameter. When the Water Jet was projected at the normal aortic intima, damage to the wall was more severe with duration of fluid projection, and projection for ten sec ruprured the elastic fiber of the media. But when the fluid jet projected ordinary saline, damage to the aortic wall was slight and projection for 30sec only dissected the surface of the intima. Water Jet projection in air showed slight effect on thrombi of the chronic obstructive iliac arteries, and projection for 60sec only made small irregular holes in the thrombi. When the Water Jet was projected in ordinary saline solution, however, destructive effects on thrombi were stronger and the projection for 40sec could remove almost all the thrombi for a distance of 2cm, while damage to the initima was very slight. This study demonstrated that fluid jet projection using ordinary saline solution could remove thrombi in chronically obstructive artery safely and effectively and suggested the possibility of the Water Jet angioplasty.