A study was performed to evaluate the physical capacity of elite female volleyball players from Kyushu Bunka Gakuen Senior High School (Kyu. B. G.) . Twenty-four players were examined for body composition (underwater weighing), cardiorespiratory function (VO<SUB>2</SUB>max and O<SUB>2</SUB>debtmax by treadmill exercise test) and skinfold thickness, from 1988 to 1989.<BR>These measurements were compared with those of 16 second-class players from Nagasaki Prefecture, and also with the results of other investigations.<BR>The results were as follows :<BR>1. The mean parameters for the Kyu. B. G, players were : age, 17.5 yr ; height, 168.3 cm ; weight, 59.8 kg ; percentage body fat (%Fat ), 17.9% ; lean body mass ( LBM), 49.0 kg ; LBM/ Ht, 29.1 kg/m ; sum of eight skinfold thicknesses, 109.1 mm ; VO<SUB>2</SUB>max, 2.71 l/min, 45.7 ml/kg· min ; O<SUB>2</SUB>debtmax, 5.69l, 94.8 ml/kg.<BR>2. The average %Fat of the Kyu. B. G, players was significantly lower than that of the second-class players from Nagasaki Prefecture.<BR>3. The average VO<SUB>2</SUB>max (ml/kg·min) and O<SUB>2</SUB>debtmax (l, ml/kg) of the Kyu. B. G, players were significantly higher than those of the second-class players.<BR>4. The average %Fat and VO<SUB>2</SUB>max (ml/kg·min) of the Kyu. B. G, players were similar to those of Japan League and All Japan volleyball players.<BR>5. When the progress of physiological function due to training for 11 months was examined in five Kyu. B. G, players, the average VO<SUB>2</SUB>max (ml/kg·min) showed a significant increase of approximately 8%.<BR>These results indicated that the Kyu. B. G, players had a superior body composition, aerobic work capacity and anaerobic work capacity, equal to those of top volleyball players in Japan.
A study was conducted to evaluate the physique, body composition, <SUP>40</SUP>K (body potassium content; K) and skinfold thickness of severely handicapped children and adults. Seventy-two subjects were classified by physical activity level into four categories, and these categories were combined into an <I>ACTNE GROUP</I> and an <I>INACTIVE GROUP</I>.<BR>The handicapped children and adults were evaluated for body height, body weight, percentage body fat (skinfold method and <SUP>40</SUP>K method), lean body mass (LBM), K (g), K/Wt (g/kg), and skinfold thickness, all parameters being measured in 1985. The parameters were compared with values found between males and females, cerebral palsy (CP) and mentally retarded (MR), and the active group (AG) and the inactive group (NG) .<BR>The following mean values were recorded: <I>ACTNE GROUP (AG) </I>, age 16, 9 yr; height 132.5 cm; weight 27.9 kg; percentage body fat %Fat (Nagamine) 17.8%; %Fat (Forbes) 31.2%; LBM 22.7 kg; K (g) 49.3 g ; K/Wt (g/kg) 1.79 g. <I>INACTIVE GROUP (NG) </I>, age 17.0 yr; height 132.7 cm; weight 22.9 kg ; percentage body fat %Fat (Nagamine) 15.6%; %Fat (Forbes) 35.2%; LBM 19.1 kg; K (g) 36.5 g; K/Wt (g/kg) 1.68 g.<BR>The values of body composition (%Fat, LBM) estimated using the formulae of Forbes, Garrow and Behnke, by the <SUP>40</SUP>K method were compared with those estimated by the skinfold method (Nagamine) .<BR>Results for physique, percentage body fat, LBM (kg), K (g) and K/Wt were compared between males and females, CP and MR, and AG and NG. One of the most outstanding characteristics of handicapped AG was that body weight, LBM (kg) and K (g) were greater than in handicapped NG.