We used near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) to study noninvasively the effects of aging on changes in muscle oxygenation during steady bicycle exercise. For the study, 6 healthy young males and 13 healthy elderly male volunteers were recruited. To evaluate the physical fitness level and to determine exercise intensity, the ventilatory threshold (VT) was first measured. As a result, elderly subjects were divided into two groups according to O<SUB>2</SUB> uptake at VT (Elderly-H ; 936.0±26.4, Elderly-L ; 695.3±29.9, Young ; 790.0±51.19 ml) . Secondly we measured muscle oxygenation by NIRS at rest and during exercise at relative work intensities of VT ; 20%, 40%, 60%, 80% and 100%. In all cases muscle oxygenation at rest and during exercise was expressed as a relative value from 100% oxygenation (oxygen capacity) established by thigh occlusion (ischemia) . All subjects showed progressive deoxygenation with increasing intensity. There were no differences between the three groups in muscle oxygenation during exercise at relative work intensity of VT. These data suggest that aging and physical fitness level have no effect on muscle oxygenation below relative work intensity of VT.