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Article in Japanese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1007052


The first examination of the new board of the Japanese cardiovascular surgery took place in 2022. As it is a transitional period for the new system, many doctors are not familiar with the changes and details of the new system, and some have their concerns. Here, we held a round-table discussion with doctors who actually took the new board of the Japanese cardiovascular surgery under the new system, and we summarized their opinion.

Intestinal Research ; : 78-89, 2022.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-914742


Background/Aims@#Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) patients frequently have zinc deficiency. IBD patients with zinc deficiency have higher risks of IBD-related hospitalization, complications, and requiring surgery. This study aimed to examine the effectiveness of zinc acetate hydrate (ZAH; Nobelzin) in IBD patients with zinc deficiency. @*Methods@#IBD patients with zinc deficiency who received ZAH from March 2017 to April 2020 were registered in this two-center, retrospective, observational study. Changes in serum zinc levels and disease activity (Crohn’s Disease Activity Index [CDAI]) before and after ZAH administration were analyzed. @*Results@#Fifty-one patients with Crohn’s disease (CD, n = 40) or ulcerative colitis (UC, n = 11) were registered. Median serum zinc level and median CDAI scores significantly improved (55.5–91.0 μg/dL, P< 0.001; 171.5–129, P< 0.001, respectively) in CD patients 4 weeks after starting ZAH administration. Similarly, median serum zinc levels and CDAI scores significantly improved (57.0–81.0 μg/dL, P< 0.001; 177–148, P= 0.012, respectively) 20 weeks after starting ZAH administration. Similar investigations were conducted in groups where no treatment change, other than ZAH administration, was implemented; significant improvements were observed in both serum zinc level and CDAI scores. Median serum zinc levels in UC patients 4 weeks after starting ZAH administration significantly improved from 63.0 to 94.0 μg/dL (P= 0.002), but no significant changes in disease activity were observed. One patient experienced side effects of abdominal discomfort and nausea. @*Conclusions@#ZAH administration is effective in improving zinc deficiency and may contribute to improving disease activity in IBD.

Article in Japanese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-887180


Objective:Patients with vertebral compression fracture first visit the acute care hospital for a diagnosis, but cannot be admitted and return home with a corset and analgesics. Because of severe lower back pain, they stay in bed for a significant period of time, and their skeletal muscles suffer from disuse atrophy. We aimed to actively admit these patients for recovery phase rehabilitation by setting up a hotline.Methods:The backgrounds of each case including the major laboratory findings were investigated for 1 year. Health professionals were able to use the hotline to request admission for the patients.Results:One hundred twenty-seven patients (38 males and 89 females, aged 84±7.5 years) were admitted. The percentages of phone calls from acute-care hospitals, clinics, and regional care managers were 46%, 31%, and 20%, respectively. With regard to degree of disability 36% of the patients were at C1, 31% were at B2, and 20% were at C2 indicating that they needed almost complete assistance. Fifty one percent of the patients lived alone, and 20% were couples without assistance from others. Because they were elderly patients with many complications, more than six agents had been prescribed on average. However, osteoporosis medication had been prescribed to only 23%. The prognosis was favorable with ratio of returned home being 91%, even though the outcome of rehabilitation is limited by ageing and deteriorated cardiac and renal functions in these patients.Conclusion:Services to support these patients during the recovery phase of rehabilitation is crucial, in order to improve community-based health care.

Article in Japanese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-837424


The system of the Japanese Board of Cardiovascular Surgery is changing. Since the last time, we have deliberated on the medical specialty board for U-40 column articles about the problems faced by young cardiovascular surgeons. This time, we conducted the second survey to U-40 members about the realities of becoming a board-certified cardiovascular surgeon. The results showed the circumstances and details on how to acquire the board certification. Moreover, we discussed about the current problems and future perspectives for the young cardiovascular surgeons.

Article in Japanese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-837431


Objective:Patients with vertebral compression fracture first visit the acute care hospital for a diagnosis, but cannot be admitted and return home with a corset and analgesics. Because of severe lower back pain, they stay in bed for a significant period of time, and their skeletal muscles suffer from disuse atrophy. We aimed to actively admit these patients for recovery phase rehabilitation by setting up a hotline.Methods:The backgrounds of each case including the major laboratory findings were investigated for 1 year. Health professionals were able to use the hotline to request admission for the patients.Results:One hundred twenty-seven patients (38 males and 89 females, aged 84±7.5 years) were admitted. The percentages of phone calls from acute-care hospitals, clinics, and regional care managers were 46%, 31%, and 20%, respectively. With regard to degree of disability 36% of the patients were at C1, 31% were at B2, and 20% were at C2 indicating that they needed almost complete assistance. Fifty one percent of the patients lived alone, and 20% were couples without assistance from others. Because they were elderly patients with many complications, more than six agents had been prescribed on average. However, osteoporosis medication had been prescribed to only 23%. The prognosis was favorable with ratio of returned home being 91%, even though the outcome of rehabilitation is limited by ageing and deteriorated cardiac and renal functions in these patients,Conclusion:Services to support these patients during the recovery phase of rehabilitation is crucial, in order to improve community-based health care.

Article in Japanese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-738301


Cardiovascular surgeons, generally have many strong preferences regarding basic surgical skills. However, those basic skills have not been discussed great detail. The aim of this study is to survey the cardioplegia methods targeting cardiovascular surgeons in Japan aged Under 40, and to share the results of those basic skills.

Article in Japanese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-758162


A 81-year-old man underwent CABG for angina pectoris. The grafts were all patent in postoperative coronary angiography and he was discharged on postoperative day 24. Pericardial and pleural effusion appeared in 1 month after surgery. After pericardial and pleural effusion drainage, we started steroid therapy. However, his symptoms did not improve. We performed pericardiectomy under the diagnosis of constrictive pericarditis. Diastolic dysfunction improved after the surgery, and he was discharged on postoperative day 117.