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Kampo Medicine ; : 336-339, 2012.
Article in Japanese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-362919


Patulous Eustachian tube (patulous ET) is not a rare disease, for which the prevalence rate is considered to be higher than 5%. Autophonia and ear fullness are common symptoms of patulous ET. Various treatments in cluding drug therapies and surgical procedures are attempted, although they do not give satisfactory results.<br>In oriental medicine, patulous ET is considered a Qui deficiency and/or blood deficiency. And Kamikihito is known as a popular Kampo prescription for patulous ET. Here we report the effect of hochuekkito on Patulous ET. Hochuekkito was administered to 10 patients, and complete improvement was had in 4 cases, partial im provement in 1 case and 5 cases had no change. Elevated ET tonus, gains in fatty tissue surrounding the ET, and influence on psychogenic factors were speculated as mechanisms by which hochuekkito brought about its effect.<br>Through this report, we expect that hochuekkito can be an alternative treatment for patulous ET.