long-term warfarin therapy. Methods: 39 patients receiving long-term warfarin were eligible in this study. Parallel INR measurements were performed. Capillary INR (INR_C) measurements were determined with CoaguCheckÒ XS and venous INR (INR_V) were determined with standard laboratory methods. Results: We found an excellent correlation coefficient (r2 = 0.968, 95%CI = 0.82 – 0.99) between INR_V and INR_C among 39 patients receiving long-term warfarin. The mean difference between the two methods was 0.16 (p<0.0001). Although these differences were statistically significant, they were not clinically significant. In 97.4% of the INR parallel measurements the differences between the two methods were within 0.5 INR units. The Bland-Altman difference plot showed greater variation with increasing mean INR values. The coefficient of variation of CoaguCheckÒ XS was 1.07%. Conclusion: The CoaguCheckÒ XS was comparable in accuracy to a standard laboratory method. Its precision was good. It might be a suitable alternative to monitor INR values among patients receiving oral anticoagulants by increasing patient compliance with INR monitoring, and facilitating more frequent INR monitoring especially in highly educated patients.
OBJECTIVES: To study the pathology and determine the etiology and prevalence of aortic valve disease from surgically removed aortic valve specimens. MATERIAL AND METHOD: All the native surgically excised aortic valves (AV) received from June 1997 to March 1999 (22 months) were studied macroscopically including cuspal measurements and microscopically. By preoperative echocardiographic and macroscopic studies, they were classified into functional disorders of predominant aortic stenosis (AS), aortic stenosis with regurgitation (AS-AR) and predominant aortic regurgitation (AR). The patients' medical records were reviewed and the clinical information was extracted. The etiology was determined according to the macroscopic, microscopic and clinical findings. RESULTS: Among 110 AV (76 isolated AV and 34 with concomitant mitral valves from patients aged 15-96 years, mean age 47.54 years; male:female = 1.39:1) there were 25 AS (22.73%), 34 AS-AR (30.91%) and 51 AR (46.36%) cases. Eighty-four (76.36%) were tricuspid, 16 (14.54%) were bicuspid and 10 were undetermined. Cuspal measurements of each disease were provided and compared. All AS specimens were related to moderate to severe calcification and causes included postinflammatory disease (14 cases, 56%; age range 38-67 years, mean age 53.29 years, male:female = 0.56:1), degenerative calcific change (11 cases, 44%, age range 56-76 years, male:female = 1.2:1; mean age 69 years of 5 tricuspid AV and 60.83 years of 6 bicuspid AV). In AS-AR, 29 cases (85.29%; mean age 47.10 years; male:female = 1.23:1) were attributable to postinflammatory disease and 5 cases (mean age 70.20 years; male:female = 1.5:1) to degenerative calcific change. In pure AR, there were 21 cases (age range 15-65 years, mean age 29.76 years) of postinflammatory disease, 14 cases of infective endocarditis (IE) and postIE (age range 20-63 years, mean age 42.21 years; all 10 IE cases contained gram positive cocci), 1 case (age 55 years) of bicuspid calcific change, 8 cases of AV with dilated valve ring, 5 cases of miscellaneous causes and 2 cases of indeterminate etiology. Aschoff bodies were found in 3 AR cases. Four of 18 postinflammatory AS-AR and 4 of 14 postinflammatory disease AR cases had past history of rheumatic fever. One postinflammatory AS also had infective endocarditis from gram positive cocci without clinical sign. Severe degenerative calcific change had a higher incidence of underlying diabetes (3 of 15 cases, 20%), hypertension (8 of 14 cases, 57.14%) and dyslipoproteinemia (9 of 13 cases, 69.23%) in comparison with 3.37% (3/89) for diabetes, 9.09% (8/88) for hypertension and 30.99% (22/71) for dyslipoproteinemia in other AV diseases in combination. CONCLUSION: The three common causes of severe AV functional disorders were postinflammatory disease (58.18%), degenerative calcific change (15.45%) and IE-postIE (12.72%). Underlying diseases of severe degenerative calcific change included hypertension, dyslipoproteinemia and diabetes. Macroscopic and microscopic examinations together with clinical information, echocardiographic findings and operative details are important in evaluating the etiology of valvular diseases especially in severely calcified specimens.
Adolescent , Adult , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Aortic Valve/pathology , Calcinosis/complications , Echocardiography, Doppler , Endocarditis/complications , Female , Heart Valve Diseases/etiology , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , PrevalenceABSTRACT
Objective : The purpose of this study was to evaluate the early results of coronary artery bypass without cardiopulmonary bypass (off-pump coronary artery bypass - OPCAB) at Siriraj Hospital. Patients and methods : From September, 2001 to April 2002, eight selected coronary artery disease patients were operated on using the off-pump coronary artery bypass technique. Operative data were collected and postoperative coronary angiography was studied in all patients before discharge. Results : There were no death and no need to resort to the conventional procedure. Postoperative coronary angiography revealed good patency of all 17 grafts. Postoperative cardiac enzymes were elevated in one patient. Conclusion : The early of OPCAB in this study showed good outcomes. Early postoperative angiography demonstrated excellent anastormoses. This procedure needed fewer blood transfusions than the conventional technique. However, long-term follow up of these procedures should be evaluated.
Pectus excavatum or funnel chest is one of the most common congenital chest wall deformities. Surgical correction should be considered for all patients with moderate to severe deformities because of the significant cosmetic and psychological improvement, subjective increase in exercise tolerance, documented changes in the cardiac and respiratory status, and prevention of the development of scoliosis after surgical intervention in these patients. The sternal turn over procedure with preserved internal mammary vessels and rectus abdominis muscle pedicles for the corrective repair of severe pectus excavatum, involves resection of the deformed thoracic wall, sternum and ribs, preserving an attachment of the rectus abdominis muscle,and a vascular pedicle of the internal mammary vessel. A short segment resection above the ipsilateralcostal cartilage is mandatory to allow reposition of the vascular pedicle onto the presternal surface after turn over of the sternum. Multiple corrective osteotomy and costoplasty must be completed before refixing the sternum and ribs. The modified sternal turn over procedure restores the sternal blood supply and should be applied to the severe form of pectus excavatum which needs extensive and multiple bony resection. The procedure has been applied to a boy and a girl aged 5 years. At a three year follow up, the results obtained are excellent.
Objectives: To study the pathology, determine the etiology and prevalence of mitral valve disease from surgically removed mitral valve specimens. Materials and Methods: All the native surgically excised mitral valves (MV) received during June 1997 to March 1999 (22 months) were studied macroscopically and microscopically. By preoperative echocardiographic and macroscopic studies, they were classified into functional disorders of predominant mitral stenosis (MS), mitral stenosis with regurgitation (MS-MR) and predominant mitral regurgitation (MR). The patients' medical records were reviewed and the clinical information was extracted. The etiology was determined according to the macroscopic, microscopic and clinical findings. Results: Among 154 MV (120 isolated MV and 34 with concomitant aortic valves from patients aged 7-79 years, mean age 43.98 years) there were 68 MS (44.16%), 30 MS-MR (19.48%) and 56 MR (36.36%) cases. All MS cases (age range 10 - 65 years, mean age 45.37 years, male : female = 1:1.51), all MS-MR cases (age range 20 - 66 years, mean age 40.03 years; male : female = 1:1.31) and 20 of 56 MR cases (35.71% of MR cases, 12.98% of total cases, age range 8 - 63 years, mean age 31.21 years, male : female = 1.22 : 1) were attributable to post-inflammatory disease. Prominent calcification occurred in 76.47% of MS, 70% of MS - MR and 25% of post-inflammatory disease MR cases. Moderate to marked neovascularization was found in 34.32% of MS, 56.66% of MS-MR and 65% of MR cases. Aschoff bodies were found in 1 MS and 4 MR cases. Eight of 39 MS (20.51%), 4 of 16 MS-MR (25%) and 6 of 13 (46.15%) post-inflammatory disease MR cases had past history of rheumatic fever. Other causes of pure MR included floppy valves (18 cases, 32.14% of MR cases, age range 40 - 79 years, mean age 61.72 years, male : female = 3.5 : 1;15 cases with chordal rupture), infective endocarditis (IE) [7 cases including one with post-inflammatory disease MS and one post-IE (age range 20 - 50 years, mean age 34.12 years, male : female = 6 : 1) with gram positive cocci in all IE], papillary muscle necrosis (1 case), ruptured necrotic papillary muscle (1 case), miscellaneous and indeterminate cause (4 cases). In comparison with post-inflammatory MR, posterior leaflet in floppy MR had longer basal-free edge length (mean basal-free edge length of floppy valve = 16.65 mm. p <.0001)and more frequent chordal rupture. Among MS and MS-MR post-inflammatory valves, 90.81% were completely excised whereas partial specimens were received in 40% of post-inflammatory MR, 61% of floppy valves and 50% of miscellaneous cases. Conclusion: Post-inflammatory disease (presumably rheumatic fever associated) of MV is still a main valvular heart disease in Thai patients undergoing valvular operation as it accounted for 75.97% of all MV specimens. In pure MR, the three most common causes were post-inflammatory disease, floppy valve and infective endocarditis. Macroscopic and microscopic examinations together with clinical information, echocardiographic findings and operative details are important in the evaluation of the etiology of valvular disease especially in partial specimens.
A 41 year old man with a left subclavian artery aneurysm was presented to the hospital with clinical symptom of recurrent hemoptysis. CT scan and angiography confirmed the diagnosis. Surgical treatment consisted of femoro-femoral cardiopulmonary bypass and left thoracotomy, aneurysm resection and descending aortico-subclavian vein bypass grafting. The incidental two small saccular aneurysms of the lower descending thoracic aorta were excised and directly repaired. The pathologic study revealed typical atherosclerotic changes. The patient had postoperative persistent chyle leakage and required rethoracotomy and supradiaphragmatic ligation of the thoracic duct. The patient was able to resume his usaul activity after two months of surgery.
Pulmonary stenosis with intact interventricular septum (PS, IVS) is one of the five most common congenital heart diseases to have required surgery at Siriraj Hospital during the past 17 years. It represents 4.5% of all congenital heart diseases operated upon. We reviewed 166 patients who received open-heart surgical treatment for PS, IVS at Siriraj Hospital from 1979 to 1995. Female predominated in neonates. Overall operative mortality was 2.4% with a failure rate of 0.6%. Infundibular plus valvar stenosis was the most common morphology founded at surgery (46%). There was no difference in operative mortality relevance to the level of obstruction. Operative mortality was higher (22%) in infant age group than in the neonate and childhood groups. Since 1992, there has been no operative mortality in any of the age groups. It can be concluded that, the result of surgical treatment for PS, IVS in Siriraj Hospital is excellent with a very low failure rate.