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Article in Japanese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-367221


A retrospective review was performed on 43 patients on hemodialysis undergoing valve surgery between May 1999 and August 2004. Ages ranged from 36 to 80 years (mean, 63.8 years). Twenty aortic, 9 mitral, 8 aortic and mitral and 6 valvuloplasties were performed. Twenty-three aortic mechanical valves, 5 aortic bioprosthetic valves, 13 mitral mechanical valves and 4 mitral bioprosthetic valves were implanted. Twenty-five of the 28 aortic valve replacement were hypoplasia of the aortic valve ring. There were 3 hospital deaths (heart failure, pneumonia and sepsis). There were 10 late deaths (2 heart failure, 2 pneumonia, wound infection, cerebral infarction, 2 cancer, arteriosclerosis obliterans and unknown death). Survival at 1, 3 and 5 years was 81%, 74% and 47%. There were three documented major bleedings or thromboembolisms in the 29 patients with mechanical valves (10%) and none in the 9 patients with bioprosthetic valves (0% no significance). Three reoperations were performed for premature degeneration of bioprosthetic valve (19, 24 and 50 months) due to accelerated calcification. These results demonstrate that the prosthetic valve-related major bleedings and strokes in hemodialysis patients are similar for both mechanical and bioprosthetic valves, and that bioprosthetic valves will undergo premature degeneration. Therefore, preference should be given to mechanical valve prostheses in hemodialysis patients.

Article in Japanese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-366565


A 44-year-old woman with Marfan's syndrome presented complaining of severe back pain. Angiography revealed annulo aortic ectasia, aortic regurgitation, acute aoric dissection (DeBakey IIIb) and distal aortic arch aneurysm. One month after admission, she underwent cardiopulmonary bypass was established through the femoral artery, the superior and inferior vena cava. The heart was arrested by aortic cross clamping and retrograde cold (20°C) cardioplegia. At first, a modified Bentall's procedure was done in addition to a Carrel patch procedure. After this procedure, the heart was perfused continuously (300ml/min) with warm (37°C) blood until the end of the cardiopulmonary bypass. The heart recovered a sinus rhythm spontaneously. Subsequently, aortic arch replacement and the elephant trunk method was done with the aid of deep hypothermia and circulatory arrest. The patients is well 1 year after the operation. This technique is useful for patients who require prolonged aortic cross clamping time.