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Article in Japanese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-825926


A 65-year-old man who had been taking warfarin for a mitral mechanical valve, was transported to our hospital for acute heart failure 3 months after switching to edoxaban. The fluoroscopy revealed restriction of the mechanical valve opening, and the catheterization showed an increased pressure gradient of the mechanical valve. The patient was diagnosed with valve thrombosis, and emergency redo mitral valve replacement was performed. The patient recovered well without complication. In cases with mechanical heart valves, sufficient explanation and education about warfarin administration is mandatory for patients' home doctors as well as patients and their families.

Article in Japanese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-758255


Patient: A 74-year-old man. Previous history: Total arch replacement for thoracic aortic aneurysm at 72 years old. History of current condition: The patient presented at a local otolaryngology clinic complaining of hoarseness of the voice. Left vocal cord paralysis was present, and as he had previously undergone thoracic vascular graft replacement, he was referred to our department. Further investigation with computed tomography (CT) revealed air in the mediastinum, and he was admitted for treatment of mediastinitis. Post-admission course: Upper gastrointestinal endoscopy revealed esophageal ulceration. After antibiotic treatment, thoracic subtotal esophagectomy via right thoracotomy, esophagostomy, and gastrostomy were performed on admission day 39. Vascular graft infection was also suspected, and antibiotic treatment was therefore continued. As some improvement in inflammatory response was evident, antibiotic treatment was discontinued and the patient's condition was monitored, but fever developed on day 107, and CT again revealed air in the mediastinum. Bronchoscopy revealed a broncho-mediastinal fistula in the left main bronchus. On day 110, repeated total arch replacement using a vascular graft, omentoplasty, and left main bronchus repair were performed via left thoracotomy. Esophageal reconstruction was left for later surgery, but follow-up CT on day 160 again revealed air in the mediastinum. Bronchoscopy was performed the same day and revealed a broncho-mediastinal fistula in the left main bronchus, located on distally from the previous fistula. This fistula was surgically closed on day 173. The subsequent course was favorable, and antethoracic esophageal reconstruction by jejunal elevation was performed on day 233. The patient was able to start eating on day 244, and was discharged in an improved condition on day 250.

Article in Japanese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-738319


Valsalva sinus aneurysm (VSA) is a rare disease, especially that of Konno classification Type IV. When VSA ruptures, the patient has uncontrollable congestive heart failure because of massive left-right shunt. We encountered two cases with ruptured VSA of the right atrium. Case 1 : A 71-years-old man with a ruptured noncoronary VAS complained of dyspnea on effort. He underwent surgical treatment consisting of aneurysm resection and patch closure with Hemashield after medical treatment for congestive heart failure. He progressed well after operation and was discharged on the 14th postoperative day in stable condition. Case 2 : A 41-year-old man had heard systolic murmur. We diagnosed VSA rupture with echocardiography. He was symptomless but his left ventricle diastolic diameter was dilatated and Qp/Qs was 2.0 by blood gas sampling. He underwent elective surgical treatment consisting of aneurysm resection and patch closure with Hemashield. He was discharged on the 14th postoperative day in stable condition.