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Article in Japanese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-361917


Chylothorax is a rare but serious complication of thoracic surgery, with a poor prognosis, unless treated properly. We report the case of a 73-year-old man who developed massive chylothorax after thoracic aortic replacement. The patient was initially treated conservatively and during this period, we applied CART (Cell-free and Concentrated Ascites Reinfusion Therapy) method which performed thoracic drainage fluid to keep the patient's condition well. Administration of octreotide was not effective in this case. Thoracic duct ligation was eventually performed after the thoracic duct laceration was confirmed by lymphangiography. The patient recovered well and was discharged with no sign of recurrence.

Article in Japanese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-366835


We report a case of Marfan's syndrome in a patient who, 20 months after undergoing Cabrol's operation, underwent beating coronary artery bypass grafting without the aid of cardiopulmonary bypass for ostial stenosis of the left main coronary artery after acute myocardial infarction was diagnosed. The patient was a 31-year-old woman who had undergone Cabrol's operation for annulo-aortic ectasia at 29 years of age, and whose course thereafter was uneventful. On May 26, 2000, she complained of chest pain, and was admitted to our hospital with a diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction. On June 17 of the same year, a 90% ostial stenosis of the left main coronary artery was detected by coronary angiography. She subsequently underwent beating coronary artery bypass grafting without the aid of cardiopulmonary bypass, using left internal thoracic artery (LITA) anastomosis to the left anterior descending artery (LAD) via median sternotomy. The LAD was so much displaced laterally and pericardial adhesion was so dense on the apical aspect that good visualization of the LAD could not be obtained by the conventional percardiotomy. Therefore, the pericardium over the contemplated LAD anastomosis was resected circularly, and the LITA was anastomosed to the LAD through the pericardial opening. Postoperative angiography showed a widely patent LITA, although the stenotic lesion of the left main coronary ostium was totally occluded.

Article in Japanese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-366661


We reevaluated our heparin and protamine administration protocol during and after cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB). In 12 patients who underwent cardiac surgery using a heparin-coated circuit under mild hypothermia, heparin concentration was measured with the Hepcon<sup>®</sup>/HMS. Before initiating CPB, 1.5mg/kg of heparin was given to maintain the activated clotting time (ACT) at more than 400sec. Patients were divided into two groups. In group I (<i>n</i>=6), heparin was neutralized with an empirical dose of protamine (1.5mg protamine/mg initial heparin). In group II (<i>n</i>=6), the protamine dose was determined by the residual heparin concentration, measured with the Hepcon<sup>®</sup>. Patients in group II received a lower dosage of protamine than group I (1.7±0.0 vs. 3.6±0.4mg/kg, <i>p</i><0.001). There were no significant differences in the intraoperative bleeding, postoperative bleeding and activated clotting time between the groups. By determining the appropriate protamine dosage, this heparin analysis system may be useful in managing CPB.

Article in Japanese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-366671


We report two emergency mitral valve replacements performed successfully on 16-week and 29-week pregnant women for infective endocarditis in the active phase. The first patient was in severe acute heart failure on admission, and the fetus was already dead. Induced abortion was performed uneventfully 6 days after mitral valve replacement. The second patient presented with several episodes of systemic embolization. An echocardiography revealed giant movable vegetation on the mitral valve. The patient had emergency mitral valve replacement just after the Caesarian section. Both the patient and her baby weighting 1, 374g had an uneventful good courses with no complication. We concluded that in emergency operations in pregnancy, saving the mother's life should have priority over all else, but we should find the way to rescue the fetus life if at all possible. Therefore, depending on the situation, we should not hesitate about doing a simultaneous operation, Caesarian section and heart surgery, for that purpose.

Article in Japanese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-366452


Between January 1981 and December 1996, we performed valve replacement in 281 patients using bileaflet prosthetic valves in mitral and/or tricuspid positions. Thrombosed valve were seen in 10 patients (7 in mitral, 3 in tricuspid positions). In 5 patients, coumadin had been stopped for several reasons (pacemaker implantation, melena, drug allergy), but in the other 5 patients, anticoagulation was within the therapeutic range at the time of presentation. For thrombolytic therapy urokinase or tissue plasminogen activator were used. The treatment was successful in 5 patients (4 mitral, 1 tricuspid), and unsuccessful in 5 patients (3 mitral, 2 tricuspid). Three of the 5 unsuccessful patients were treated surgically (3 with re-mitral valve replacement, 1 with thrombectomy). Prompt surgical treatment can be used as the first line of therapy for thrombosed valves. Thrombolytic therapy may be useful in some cases of bileaflet valve thrombosis without critical hemodynamic collapse. Doppler echocardiographic assessment of increasing peak velocity and pressure half time is useful for detecting thrombosed valves.