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Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1042088


Purpose@#Polyacrylamide hydrogel (PAHG), which had been used widely for breast augmentation, has been banned for more than 15 years. Patients who had been injected PAHG for breast augmentation need evacuation surgery to remove as much as possible. To provide a series of diagnosis and treatment process MRI and intraoperative color Doppler ultrasound are combined for maximal removal of PAHG. @*Methods@#The patients who received evacuation surgery in Peking University Third Hospital from 2010 to 2022 after PAHG injection for breast augmentation were included in this research. MR scanning was performed preoperatively and postoperatively in some of these patients and color Doppler ultrasound was applied to help evacuate PAHG intraoperatively. The mean clearance rate of PAHG was calculated according to the MRI outcomes. @*Results@#Two hundred and 4 patients had received evacuation surgery after PAHG injection for breast augmentation with an average age of 42.8 years and an average body mass index of 21.2 kg/m 2 . The average PAHG retention time was 13.5 years. Among them, 52 patients underwent pre- and postoperative MRI scanning. The mean three-dimensional (3D) volume of PAHG was 684.8 mL (range, 350.0–1,123.9 mL), and the average residual 3D volume of PAHG was 53.7 mL (range, 12.4–98.3 mL). The mean clearance rate was 92.1%. @*Conclusion@#MRI and intraoperative color Doppler ultrasound can provide effective and precise location information of PAHG for evacuation surgery, which is a reliable method to ensure the maximal removal of PAHG.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-934500


Objective:To explore the value of tailor-tack technology in vertical mastopexy and to evaluate the clinical effect of vertical mastopexy in correcting breast ptosis.Methods:From April 2010 to August 2020, 47 women aged 18 to 51 years took part in the study, and the tailor-tack technology was used to ensure the amount of redundant skin removal. The patients' degree of ptosis was moderate or severe, and the average age was 38.2 years.Results:All the cases had their drainage tube removed 2-3 days after surgery and the wound stitches removed 12-14 days after surgery. All patients had tight and full breasts after surgery. Patients were satisfied with their new breast shapes. After surgery, no patients showed early complications such as necrosis of nipple-areola complex or skin, poor wound healing or abnormal nipple sensation. Follow-up lasted for 6 months to 5 years, and there were no long-term complications such as recurrence of breast ptosis, poor nipple shape, scar flatten and enlargement.Conclusions:Tailor-Tack technology is useful in vertical mastopexy. It can be helpful to evaluate the amount of skin removal, effectively avoiding the situation of insufficient or excessive skin removal. Therefore, this is a desirable clinical skill in mastopexy.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-792189


Objective To evaluate the clinical effect of circumvertical mastopexy with internal shaping using inferior dermal-glandular flap for correction of breast ptosis.Methods From April 2010 to November 2017,33 cases of breast ptosis were treated in our department.The patients required nipple elevation of 3-6 cm and had unpleasing result after circumareolar mastopexy were treated with the technique of circumvertical lift with breast suspension and internal shaping with inferior dermal-glandular flap which pedicle was on the inframammary crease and tack technique for removing excessive skin precisely.Results 33 cases had their drainage tubes removed at the 2~3 days and suture removed at the 12~14 days postoperatively.All had primary healing of incision and no complications such as necrosis of NAC and dehiscence of incision occurred.Elastic bra was asked to wear for three to six months and then stable shape was achieved.Follow-up lasted for 6-60 months.All cases were satisfied with their new breast shape.Conclusions Circumvertical mastopexy with internal shaping using inferior dermal-glandular flap is a simple and effective method with relatively short scar and good shape for correction of the medium grade breast ptosis.

Chinese Journal of Neurology ; (12): 642-648, 2018.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-711000


Ion channels are crucial in the generation and modulation of excitability in the nervous system.Recent studies have demonstrated that 977 genes are associated with epilepsy,among which more than 60 genes encode ion channels predominantly,mainly including voltage-gated channel genes:sodium channel (SCALA,SCN1B,SCN2A),potassium channel (KCNA2,KCNC1,KCNT1,KCNQ2,KCNQ3),chloride channel (CLCN2),calcium channel (CACNA1H,CACNA1A),and ligand-gated ion channel genes,which include GABA receptor genes (GABRA1,GABRB3,GABRD and GABRG2),neuronal nicotinic receptor genes (CHRNA4,CHRNB2) and other genes (HCN1,LGI1 and PRRT2).This review mainly focuses on the advances in ion channel genes and genetics of epilepsy,in order to assist the diagnoses and treatment in clinic.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-598692


Objective To optimize the extraction process of Yangwei Jinshi Granules. Methods An orthogonal test was adopted in the study. With the paste-forming rate, the content of extract and the content of hesperidin of Yangwei Jinshi Granules as indices, data processing was carried out with grading method of synthesizing multiple indexes for optimizing the extraction condition. Results The best extraction technology was as follows:boiled 2 times, first with 10 times amount of water for 1.5 h, and then boiled with 8 times amount of water for 1 h. Conclusion The optimized process is reasonable, stable and economic for Yangwei Jinshi Granules.

Proceedings-Shaikh Zayed Postgraduate Medical Institute. 2009; 23 (2): 81-85
in English | IMEMR | ID: emr-195982


Objective: to investigate the liver-injury of the SD rats in autologus 01-thotopic liver transplatation using Meglumine Diatrizoate and Omnipaque

Methods: the portal veins of 60 healthy SD rats were perfused to set up orthotopic liver autotransplatation models. Then the external drainages of rats' bile duct were built up by bile duct cannula. The ALT and AST in blood serum were detected 24h and 48h after the operation respectively using the recommended dose of Meglumine Dia- trizoate, Omnipaque and normal saline. The blank trial group and simlpe operation group were the control group

Results: the ALT in the SD rats with orthotopic liver autotransplatation are higher than that in the blank trial group there is no significant difference between the blank trial group with the normal saline and simple operation group. Although there is significant difference between the blank trial group with the Meglumine Diatrizoate and the Omnipaque group. The bile duct angiography were performed after 24h and 48h. The AST in the SD rats with orthotopic liver autotransplatation are higher than that in the blank trial group;there is no significant difference between the blank trial group and simple operation group. But there is significant difference between the blank trial group with the Meglumine Diatrizoate and the Omnipaque group; there is significant difference after 24h between the blank trial group and the normal saline group; however there is no significant difference after 48h- between the blank trial group and the normal saline group

Conclusion: meglumine Diatrizoate and Omnipaque can damage the liver of SD rats in autologous orthotopic liver transplantation during bile duct angiography. The damage from Meglumine Diatrizoate is much more than Omnipaque