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Article in Japanese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-370970


Objective : We examined the effects of acupuncture stimulation on hyper lipidemia induced by a cholesterol-free, high-fructose diet (HFD) in rats.<BR>Methods : Acupoints on the rats' bodies were selected at the positions relative to the human acupoints, such as BL 18, LR 14, CV 12, ST 36 and T13-L1, which starts of the origin of splanchnic nerve and runs at intervals of 1 cm on both sides of the nerve between the spinous process of the thirteenth thoracic vertebra and the first lumber vertebra (T13-L1). Nonacupoints were selected on bi lateral buttocks for rats fed with a normal diet and HFD control. Acupuncture stimulations were administered by the subcutaneous insertion of acus. The stimulation was started with HFD feeding and continued for two weeks.<BR>Results : Feeding with HFD for 2 weeks incresed the levels of total cholesterol (TC), especially in very low density lipoprotein (VLDL) and low density lipoprotein (LDL), free cholesterol (FC), triglyceride (TG) and phospholipiid (PL) in serum. Acupuncture stimulations of BL18, LR14, CV12 and S36 inhibited the increase of TC, while the increase of VLDL·LDL-C was inhibited by the acupuncture stimulation of all acupoints. The stimulation of BL18, LR14 and ST36 inhibited the increase of FC. The stumulation of T13-L1 inhibited the increases of TG, TG in high density lipoprotein and PL. The increase of TG in liver by HFD feeding was inhibited by the stimulations on LR14, T13-L1 and CV 12. The reductions of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase and malic enzyme activities in the liver of rats fed by HFD feeding were enhanced by the stimulation of T13-L1 and S36. The activity of β-oxdation in the liver was slightly increased by the stimulations on LR14 and ST36.<BR>Conclusions : These results suggest that the acupuncture stimulation on BL18, LR14, CV12 and ST36 inhibited the increase of intrinsic cholesterol and enhanced the metabolism of VLDL·LDL-C. In addition, it appears that the mechanism of TG decrease by the stimulation on LR14, T13-L1 and ST36 was related to the inhibition of fatty acid synthesis and the enhancement of fatty acid metabolism in the liver.

Article in Japanese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-370782


The frequencies of the urinary complaints oa the outpatients (male 188, female 339, average age 59.2+14.9) of the five acupuncture clinics were surveyed. The elder patients showed the higher frequencies of the urinary complaints. The frequencies of the complaints were as follows: nocturia (25.8%), urinary urgency (17.7%), stress incontinence (16.3%), sense of residual urine (15.2%), protracted micturition (12.0%), and retarded micturition (11.3%), respectively. The nocturia was accompanied with the majority of the other urinary complaints. These results suggest that the survey of the patient's complaint of nocturia is useful.

Article in Japanese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-370443


The efficacy of acupuncture-moxibustion for hypertension is often experienced by many clinicians. Nevertheless the mechanism whereby the therapy improves the symptoms has been scarcely elucidated. Our present study was designed to examine some effects of acupuncture upon the organism, especially upon the renal function which is implicated in hypertension.<br>Experiment I<br>Acupuncture therapy was undertaken four times on a patient with essential hypertension who was given no hypotensive drugs. In each therapy, needles (No. 2, Seirin) were perpendicularly inserted to the depth of 1.5cm at V<sub>20</sub> Fengchi, VU<sub>21</sub> Weishu, and G<sub>36</sub> Zusanli and left there for 15 minutes. The blood samples and urine were collected three times: before the insertion, 15min. and 60min. after withdrawing the needles. At the same time, blood pressure, pulse, and the amount of urine were measured. The amount of Na, K, Cl, kallikrein, catecholamines, etc. was measured in urine. The renin activity and the concentration of aldosterone, catecholamines, and BUN were determined in the blood. Result: a marked increase was seen in the excretion of urine, Na, and Cl. An upward tendency of kallikrein excretion which is correlated with urine volume, and a downward tendency of renin in the blood were found. Blood pressure and pulse showed a slight tendency to decline. However, neither catecholamines in the blood, nor K in urine changed significantly.<br>Experiment II<br>Subjects were two healthy adult men. Urine was collected once an hour for twenty-five times by means of a balloon inserted in the bladder. Immediately after the twenty-first collection, acupuncture stimulation was given to VU<sub>21</sub> Weishu in the same manner as Exp. I. With the same measurements and determinations undertaken, a marked increase of urine, Na, and Cl excretion was observed 15min. after withdrawing the needle.<br>Experiment III<br>Subjects were three healthy adult men. Urine was collected for two days. The amount of urine and the electrolyte content were calculated on a per hour basis. Without having breakfast after rising, the subjects were given a transfusion of glucose-electrolyte solution, equivalent to the calculated urinary output, every hour for four hours. The VU<sub>21</sub> Weishu was stimulated in the same manner two hours after the onset of the first transfusion. Result: a marked increase was seen in the excretion of urine, Na, and Cl.<br>Conclusion<br>It can be seen from the above that acupuncture stimulation to the VU<sub>21</sub> Weishu facilitates the selective excretion of Na and Cl in the urinary tubule.