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Article in Japanese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-886207


Ascites is a rare sign of aortic valve disease. Here, we report two cases of refractory ascites that had resulted from aortic stenosis and insufficiency and consequently improved after aortic valve replacement. The first case was a 44-year-old female who had undergone aortic valve repair for aortic stenosis 15 years earlier. She complained of dyspnea and severe abdominal distension due to unimproved massive ascites despite medical therapy. She was diagnosed with aortic stenosis and insufficiency and functional tricuspid insufficiency as well as complete atrioventricular block. She underwent mechanical aortic valve replacement, tricuspid annuloplasty and DDD pacemaker implantation. The second case was a 61-year-old man with a history of alcoholic liver disease who had been hospitalized for massive ascites, progressing rapidly in spite of aggressive medical therapy. Echocardiography revealed severe aortic stenosis and insufficiency; thus, he underwent bioprosthetic aortic valve replacement. Both patients were completely free from ascites about 6 months after surgery.

Article in Japanese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-688466


SOLO SMART is a stentless bioprosthesis that comprises a larger effective orifice area and reduced pressure gradient, exhibiting a better hemodynamic profile than a stented bioprostheses. Currently, SOLO SMART finds application in patients with aortic valve diseases. However, patients with bicuspid aortic valve disease may present Valsalva sinus asymmetry. Recently, some studies have considered SOLO bioprosthesis as contraindicated in patients with a bicuspid aortic valve. Here, we report the case of a 79-year-old female with bicuspid aortic stenosis and Valsalva sinus asymmetry. We preoperatively assessed the aortic root of the patient using a novel 3D workstation that creates virtual reality (VR) images from cardiac CT data. After creating three symmetric commissures at the wall of the Valsalva sinus, we evaluated the distance from the coronary orifices. We determined the appropriate suture line of bioprosthesis avoid coronary orifice occlusion. Aortic valve replacement with SOLO SMART was successful, and the postoperative clinical course was uneventful. Hence, preoperative evaluation of the aortic root using VR images could be a precise and useful method for the assessment of the operative indication for SOLO SMART.