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Invest. educ. enferm ; 42(2): 163-178, 20240722. ilus, tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, BDENF, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1570366


Objectives. This work sought to identify the academic communities that have shown interest and participation in the Journal Research and Education in Nursing and analyze the scientific impact generated by said journal. Methods. A bibliometric analysis was carried out, as well as social network analysis and techniques of natural language processing to conduct the research. The data was gathered and analyzed during a specific study period, covering from 2010 - 2020, for articles published in the journal, and 2010 - 2022, for articles that cited the journal within Scopus. These methods permitted performing an exhaustive evaluation of the journal's influence and reach in diverse academic and geographic contexts. Results. During the analysis, it was noted that the journal Research and Education in Nursing has had significant influence in academic and scientific communities, both nationally and internationally. Collaboration networks were detected among diverse institutions and countries, which indicates active interaction in the field of nursing research. In addition, trends and emerging patterns were identified in this field, providing a more complete view of the discipline's evolution. Conclusion. Based on the results obtained, it is concluded that the journal Research and Education in Nursing has played un fundamental role in disseminating knowledge and promoting research in nursing. The combination of Bibliometric metrics, social network analysis, and natural language processing permitted utmost comprehension of its impact in the scientific and academic community globally.

Objetivos. Identificar las comunidades académicas que han mostrado interés y participación en la revista Investigación y Educación en Enfermería y analizar el impacto científico generado por esta publicación. Métodos. Se realizó un análisis bibliométrico, así como análisis de redes sociales y técnicas de procesamiento de lenguaje natural para llevar a cabo la investigación. Los datos se recopilaron y analizaron durante un período de estudio específico, abarcando los años 2010-2020, para los artículos publicados en la revista, y 2010-2022, para los artículos que citaron la revista dentro de Scopus. Estos métodos permitieron realizar una evaluación exhaustiva de la influencia y alcance de la revista en diversos contextos académicos y geográficos. Resultados. Durante el análisis, se observó que la revista Investigación y Educación en Enfermería ha ejercido una influencia significativa en las comunidades académicas y científicas, tanto a nivel nacional como internacional. Se detectaron redes de colaboración entre diversas instituciones y países, lo que indica una interacción activa en el ámbito de la investigación en enfermería. Además, se identificaron tendencias y patrones emergentes en este campo, proporcionando una visión más completa de la evolución de la disciplina. Conclusión. Basándose en los resultados obtenidos, se concluye que la revista Investigación y Educación en Enfermería ha desempeñado un papel fundamental en la difusión del conocimiento y la promoción de la investigación en enfermería. La combinación de métricas bibliométricas, análisis de redes sociales y procesamiento de lenguaje natural permitió una comprensión más completa de su impacto en la comunidad científica y académica a nivel global.

Objetivos. Identificar as comunidades acadêmicas que demonstraram interesse e participação na revista Nursing Research and Education e analisar o impacto científico gerado por esta publicação colombiana. Métodos. Foi realizada análise bibliométrica, análise de redes sociais e técnicas de processamento de linguagem natural para a realização da pesquisa. Os dados foram coletados e analisados durante um período específico de estudo, abrangendo os anos 2010-2020, para artigos publicados na revista, e 2010-2022, para artigos que citaram a revista dentro do Scopus. Esses métodos permitiram uma avaliação abrangente da influência e do alcance da revista em diversos contextos acadêmicos e geográficos. Resultados. Durante a análise, observou-se que a revista Nursing Research and Education tem exercido influência significativa nas comunidades acadêmica e científica, tanto nacional quanto internacionalmente. Foram detectadas redes de colaboração entre diversas instituições e países, o que indica interação ativa no campo da pesquisa em enfermagem. Além disso, foram identificadas tendências e padrões emergentes neste campo, proporcionando uma visão mais completa da evolução da disciplina. Conclusão. Com base nos resultados obtidos, conclui-se que a revista Nursing Research and Education tem desempenhado um papel fundamental na divulgação do conhecimento e na promoção da investigação em enfermagem. A combinação de métricas bibliométricas, análise de redes sociais e processamento de linguagem natural permitiu uma compreensão mais completa do seu impacto na comunidade científica e académica global.

Humans , Male , Female , Research , Education , Social Network Analysis , Natural Language Processing
RECIIS (Online) ; 18(2)abr.-jun. 2024.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, ColecionaSUS | ID: biblio-1562532


Os cuidados paliativos compreendem a melhora da qualidade de vida e o alívio dos sintomas de pacientes que enfrentam doenças que ameaçam a continuidade da vida e de seus familiares. Para tal, é necessário habilidade comunicativa, a fim de uma boa condução ao transmitir uma má notícia. Buscou-se compreender como se configura a produção científica nacional e internacional que aborda a comunicação de más notícias em cuidados paliativos. A pesquisa de revisão, de análise bibliométrica, analisou 25 artigos dos últimos cinco anos (entre 2016 e 2020) disponíveis na Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde (BVS/Bireme). Os resultados revelaram publicações de 134 autores em 16 periódicos de diferentes países. Parte dos estudos foi realizadacom profissionais de saúde em hospitais e apresentam abordagem quantitativa. A comunicação de más notícias ainda se mostra um desafio para profissionais, pacientes e familiares.

The palliative care comprises improving the quality of life and relieving the symptoms of patients facing illnesses that threaten the continuity of life and their families. For this, communicative ability is necessary, in order to conduct well when transmitting bad news. We sought to understand how the national and international scientific production on communication of bad news in palliative care is configured. The literature review research, based on bibliometrics, analysed 25 articles from the last five years (between 2016 and 2020) available in the Virtual Health Library (BVS/Bireme). The results revealed publications by 134 authors in 16 journals from different countries. Some of the studies were carried out with health professionals in hospitals and have a quantitative approach. Communicating bad news is still a challenge for professionals, patients and their families.

Los cuidados paliativos comprenden mejorar la calidad de vida y aliviar los síntomas de los pacientes que enfrentan enfermedades que amenazan la continuidad de vida y sus familias. Para ello es necesaria la habilidad comunicativa, a fin de poder transmitir adecuadamente las malas noticias. Buscamos comprender cómo se configura la producción científica nacional e internacional que aborda la comunicación de malas noticias en cuidados paliativos. La investigación de revisión de literatura, basada en el análisis bibliométrico, analizó 25 artículos de los últimos cinco años (entre 2016 y 2020) disponibles en la Biblioteca Virtual en Salud (BVS/Bireme). Los resultados revelaron publicaciones de 134 autores en 16 revistas de diferentes países. Parte de los estudios se realizaron con profesionales de la salud en hospitales y tienen un enfoque cuantitativo. La comunicación de malas noticias sigue siendo un desafío para profesionales, pacientes y sus familiares.

Palliative Care , Bibliometrics , Comprehensive Health Care , Health Communication , Quality of Life , Health Personnel , Communication , Libraries, Digital , Scientific Publication Indicators , Social Skills
Rev. cir. (Impr.) ; 76(2)abr. 2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1565460


La bibliometría es la aplicación de métodos estadísticos para analizar libros, artículos y otras publicaciones, especialmente científicos. Muy relacionada con la cienciometría e informetría, al punto de superponerse y confundirse. La bibliometría se refiere al estudio de la dinámica de las disciplinas reflejado en la producción de su literatura. Incluye desde el registro de cambios en la producción de una disciplina académica a lo largo del tiempo y entre países, hasta el problema de la colección bibliotecaria. En este artículo se explicarán algunos conceptos históricos, definiciones y objetivos de la bibliometría; así como las Leyes de la bibliometría; los tipos de análisis e indicadores bibliométricos más utilizados; para terminar con algunos ejemplos de diferentes tipos de estudios bibliométricos publicados, para que el lector pueda formarse una idea general de lo que puede hacer en este campo, aplicando estas metodologías a disciplinas quirúrgicas y otras también. El objetivo de este manuscrito fue generar un documento de estudio respecto de la bibliometría como alternativa para desarrollar investigación en cirugía y disciplinas afines.

Bibliometrics is the application of statistical methods to analyze books, articles and other publications, especially scientific ones. Closely related to scientometrics and informetrics, to the point of overlapping and confusing. Bibliometrics refers to the study of the dynamics of the disciplines reflected in the production of their literature. It includes everything from the record of changes in the production of an academic discipline over time and between countries or regions, to the problem of the library collection. In this article some historical concepts, definitions and objectives of bibliometrics will be explained; as well as the Laws of bibliometrics; the types of analysis and bibliometric indicators most used; to finish with some examples of different types of published bibliometric studies, so that the reader can form a general idea of what he can do in this field, applying these methodologies to surgical disciplines and others as well. The aim of this manuscript was to generate a study document regarding bibliometrics as an alternative to develop research in surgery and related disciplines.

Salud ment ; 47(1): 45-54, Jan.-Feb. 2024. graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1560494


Abstract Background Perinatal depression (PND) is a clinical disease developed in any stage during the pregnancy and postpartum period with serious health and economic implications. Objective The aim of this work was to analyze via bibliometrics indicators Mexico's production on PND to provide a view of the academic landscape and a comprehensive reference for subsequent research in the country. Method The Scopus and Web of Science (WoS) databases were used to perform a search for peer reviewed papers related to PND in México. The search was made following the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA). The extracted data were processed with VOS Viewer to examine link strength and clusters associations of diverse bibliometrics variables. Results A total of 132 records were retrieved and we included 70 studies in the bibliometric analysis after application of the exclusion criteria. The authors with more papers were Navarrete L., and Asunción Lara M. The institutions with more papers were the National Institute of Perinatology, Ramón de la Fuente National Institute of Psychiatry, and National Institute of Public Health of Mexico. A diminution of the research considered in PND is observed in the last two years. Four keyword clusters were identified related to PND: symptoms, prevalence, pregnancy. Discussion and conclusion The scarce literature concerning PND in Mexico compared with other countries could be due the limited collaboration between the health institutes. An urgent need to increase research on PND in Mexico is evident to be applicable in the management of resources in the healthcare system.

Resumen Antecedentes La depresión perinatal (PND) es una enfermedad clínica que se desarrolla en cualquier etapa del embarazo y posparto con graves implicaciones sanitarias y económicas. Objetivo El objetivo de este trabajo fue analizar a través de indicadores bibliométricos la producción de México sobre PND, para brindar una visión del panorama académico y un referente integral para investigaciones posteriores en el país. Método Se utilizaron las bases de datos Scopus y Web of Science (WoS) para realizar una búsqueda de artículos revisados por pares relacionados con la PND en México. La búsqueda se realizó siguiendo los elementos de informes preferidos para revisiones sistemáticas y metaanálisis (PRISMA). Los datos extraídos se procesaron con VOS Viewer para examinar la fuerza de los enlaces y las asociaciones de grupos de diversas variables bibliométricas. Resultados Se recuperaron un total de 132 registros y se incluyeron 70 estudios en el análisis bibliométrico después de la aplicación de los criterios de exclusión. Los autores con más artículos fueron Navarrete L. y Asunción Lara M. Las instituciones con más artículos fueron el Instituto Nacional de Perinatología, el Instituto Nacional de Psiquiatría Ramón de la Fuente y el Instituto Nacional de Salud Pública de México. Se observa una disminución de las investigaciones consideradas en el PND en los últimos dos años. Se identificaron cuatro grupos de palabras clave relacionadas con la PND: síntomas, prevalencia y embarazo. Discusión y conclusión La escasa literatura sobre PND en México en comparación con otros países podría deberse a la limitada colaboración entre los institutos de salud. Se evidencia una necesidad urgente de realizar más investigaciones sobre PND en México que sean aplicables y útiles en la gestión de recursos en el sistema de salud.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1019599


Objective By analyzing relevant literature of long COVID,we aimed to understand the current research status,hotspots and trends in this field.Methods Based on Web of Science core collection data,bibliometric analysis was used as the main research method.The results were visualized with VOSviewer.A comprehensive analysis was performed from various perspectives including trends in publication,journal distribution,highly cited papers,international research collaboration networks,and clusters of keywords,etc.Results The field of long COVID has garnered significant global academic attention.A total of 7 877 related articles were retrievable,with a total citation count of 103 389 and an average citation count of 13.13 per article.Among them,the United States published the most articles(1 780 articles,22.59%),while China ranked fifth in publication volume(686 articles,8.71%).The international scientific cooperation network reflected the close collaborative relationships between countries in long COVID research,predominantly involving the United States,the United Kingdom,Italy,India,and China.Keywords clustering indicated that the current main research focuses in the long COVID field include:clinical manifestations,epidemiological characteristics,risk factors,and mechanisms of occurrence,treatment and rehabilitation measures of long COVID,and its impact on public and social life.Conclusion This article reveals the current state,research hotspots and trends in the long COVID field,providing valuable references for related research institutions,scholars as well as health administrative office.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1021545


BACKGROUND:With the continuous improvement and progress of the magnetically controlled growing rod technology in the field of the treatment of spinal deformities,numerous studies have been put into this field,but the main research status,hot spots,and development trends are not clear enough. OBJECTIVE:Based on bibliometrics,this paper discusses the quality and quantity of articles in the field of using magnetically controlled growing rods to treat spinal deformities from different countries,aiming to clarify the global development trend of magnetically controlled growing rods and evaluate the research productivity,research trends,and research hotspots in the world. METHODS:The articles published from 1998 to 2023 were retrieved mainly based on the Web of Science database.CiteSpace 5.8 and VOSviewer 1.6.19 software were used to analyze the data and generate a visual knowledge map.The following parameters were evaluated for all studies:the total number of published papers,centrality,h index,the contribution of countries,authors,and journals,and the trend and hot spots were explored through the analysis of co-citation,highly cited literature,and literature keyword explosion. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION:(1)Finally,138 articles were included.From 2009 to 2020,the number of published articles in this field gradually increased.The United States has the largest number of articles(53,37.32%),and the United States has the highest h index and centrality of articles.(2)The results of keyword analysis showed that:the top ten keywords,such as early-onset scoliosis,surgery,complications,and so on,objectively and truly reflected the current situation and hot spots of magnetically controlled growing rod in the field of spinal deformity treatment.In recent years,the research focus in this field is the treatment failure caused by risk factors such as the pull-out of the magnetically controlled growing rod,implantation failure,and rod fracture,the accurate use of the corresponding medical classification,the monitoring and treatment of complications such as quality of life and cerebral palsy.(3)The co-citation results showed that:combined with the innovative and effective research of the magnetically controlled growing rod technology,the classification application of spinal deformity and the monitoring and treatment of related complications may be the research trend in this field.(4)Many highly cited articles further emphasized the therapeutic effect of magnetically controlled growing rod technology,providing an effective new idea and technical support for the field of spinal deformity correction.(5)The results of literature keyword explosion analysis demonstrate that the risk factors,medical classification,quality of life,and cerebral palsy of the application of magnetically controlled growing rods may become the research frontier in this field.(6)It can be seen that the application of magnetically controlled growing rod technology in the classification of spinal deformities and the in-depth study of related complications are the development trend in this field,but to further understand the effectiveness and safety of magnetically controlled growing rod technology in the treatment of spinal deformities,we still need long-term follow-up evidence.The overall research level of this field has steadily improved in recent years,but there are also problems such as the small number of high-quality articles and the unbalanced development of research in various regions.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1021640


BACKGROUND:Nowadays,posterior cruciate ligament injury caused by a sports injury or vehicle injury is more common than people think.Posterior cruciate ligament reconstruction is one of the main treatment methods,but there are still a lot of controversies about the surgical method and ligament selection of posterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. OBJECTIVE:To comprehensively analyze the global application trend of posterior cruciate ligament reconstruction and identify promising research hotspots of posterior cruciate ligament reconstruction based on bibliometrics and visual analysis. METHODS:Publications(articles and reviews)related to posterior cruciate ligament reconstruction from 2000 to 2022 were retrieved from the Web of Science(WOS).The country,institution,publication year,author,journal,average citations per item,H index,title,keywords of publication,and the top 25 cited articles were extracted and analyzed in detail.The VOSviewer/citespace/Pajek software was used to analyze the co-occurrence result of keywords to predict the hotspots of posterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION:A total of 664 articles were included.(1)In the past 22 years,the number of posterior cruciate ligament reconstruction articles has shown an increasing trend in general.The top 3 countries(the USA,China,and South Korea)accounted for 65.51%of all articles published.The USA has the largest number of publications.The University of Pittsburgh is the largest contributor.Knee Surgery Sports Traumatol Arthrosc and American Journal of Sports Medicine are the most influential journals.Laprade,Robert the professor who has published the most articles in the field of posterior cruciate ligament reconstruction,and Fanelli,GC is the professor who has the highest total chain strength in the field of posterior cruciate ligament reconstruction.(2)The research direction can be divided into the following five clusters:"posterior cruciate ligament anatomical and biomechanical studies","posterior cruciate ligament reconstruction prognosis,outcome,and complications","posterior cruciate ligament reconstruction surgical method and tendon selection","surgical technique",and"posterior cruciate ligament tear combined with multiple ligament injury".(3)It is concluded that in terms of the trend of previous years,an increasing number of articles related to posterior cruciate ligament reconstruction will be published in the future.The USA is a world leader in the field of posterior cruciate ligament reconstruction.China and South Korea presented great potential in this area.Anatomical and biomechanical research of posterior cruciate ligament and posterior cruciate ligament reconstruction methods and the selection of tendons may be the future hotspots in the field of posterior cruciate ligament reconstruction.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1021753


BACKGROUND:Vascular regeneration,as one of the crucial repair processes after its onset,necessitates visual analysis between the two. OBJECTIVE:To analyze the literature on ischemic stroke and vascular regeneration in the past decade using bibliometrics and sort out the current status,hotspots,and future research trends in this field. METHODS:We used a bibliometric approach to search the Web of Science database for literature on ischemic stroke and vascular regeneration published between January 2011 and May 2023.The obtained data were systematically analyzed using the VOSviewer visualization software to identify the number of articles,countries,keywords,institutions,authors,citations,and trends. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION:We searched and selected 1 484 articles and found that the relationship between ischemic stroke and vascular regeneration has emerged as a research hotspot in the cerebrovascular field,with the number of published articles continuing to rise.Most of these articles were authored by institutions from China and the United States.Shanghai Jiao Tong University was the most cited institution.The most influential author was Hermann DM,whose article had been cited 1 003 times.The current hot research topics in the field include extracellular vesicles,microRNAs and mesenchymal stem cells,which are being studied for their correlations with relevant diseases.To conclude,the bibliometric analysis provides a visual analysis of ischemic stroke and vascular regeneration,which is found to be an emerging focus as well as a valuable reference for future trends and highlights in ischemic stroke and vascular regeneration.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1022016


BACKGROUND:Scoliosis mainly refers to sequence abnormalities in the coronal,sagittal,and axial positions of the spine,with a Cobb angle of≥10°.The patients may experience symptoms such as unequal shoulder height and back asymmetry.Severe cases may affect the patient's cardiopulmonary function,thereby affecting their daily life.Conservative treatment can control the progression of scoliosis and avoid later surgery.Scoliosis orthosis is currently a commonly used and effective treatment measure in conservative treatment. OBJECTIVE:To summarize and analyze the current research status,hotspots,and trends of scoliosis orthoses both domestically and internationally,providing reference for related research. METHODS:Using bibliometrics and visual analysis as tools,and using a comparison between China and foreign countries as a method,this paper analyzes the literature on scoliosis orthosis journals in the past decade.Based on bibliometrics,the current status of research on scoliosis orthoses is determined.Citespace software is used to analyze key words and identify the current hotspots and future trends in scoliosis orthosis research. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION:(1)At present,the number of literature on scoliosis orthoses is still on a fluctuating upward trend.China and the United States are the main countries for research,with a literature share of over 40%.However,the average citation rate of foreign language literature by Chinese scholars is relatively low.(2)The basic fields of domestic research are mainly surgery and pediatrics,while orthotics and clinical neurology are mainly studied abroad.Among them,there is also a certain number of documents in domestic Chinese medicine,indicating that China is also engaged in the combination of Chinese and Western treatment of scoliosis.The National Natural Science Foundation of China has the highest proportion in the aspect of Chinese and foreign literature,reflecting the importance of the fund attaches to the research of scoliosis orthosis.(3)The authors with the highest number of publications are Qiu Yong and Negrini Stefano,and the most published institutions are the Spinal Surgery Department of Gulou Hospital affiliated to Nanjing University Medical College and UDICE-French Research University.Domestic and foreign authors and institutions have certain communications about this,but not closely,which requires relevant institutions and scholars to further explore and study.(4)From the research hotspots and future trends,the main treatment type is adolescent idiopathic scoliosis,while the production method of the short-column side bending orthosis is three-dimensinoal printing,and the main treatment index is convex progression.The ultimate purpose of treatment is to improve the quality of life of the patients.

Modern Hospital ; (6): 199-202,207, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1022237


Objective To analyze the current cultural state of the hospital culture with multiple campuses,identify fac-tors influencing its development,and propose targeted strategies for integration and harmonization of culture across the hospital's branches.Methods The Cite Space was employed for the annual literature statistics and knowledge mapping of hospital culture of multiple campuses.A survey with a questionnaire was then conducted among 110 employees of a public dental hospital in Zhe-jiang Province.The factors influencing the development of culture were investigated.Results The volume of research literature on multi-campus hospital culture was observed to have been upsurge since 2020,with a rapid increase in the publications from 2020 to 2022.The knowledge map of keywords indicated a diversification in the research focuses on multi-campus public hospi-tals,with"cultural construction"emerging prominently between 2019 and 2020,with a burst strength of 1.47.Cultural construc-tion became a focal keyword in multi-campus hospital research.Pearson correlation analysis revealed multi-campus hospital cul-ture was significantly positively correlated with healthcare services,Party and group organization construction,image promotion,and human resource distribution across campuses(P<0.01).Conclusion Research on the construction of culture in multi-campus hospital is gaining momentum.As hospitals continue to expand in scale,there is a need to strengthen the Party-led gov-ernance,diversify cultural construction efforts,strategically plan disciplines,manage medical quality through homogenized ap-proaches,accommodate differences within the cultural system,and establish a unified brand image.

Herald of Medicine ; (12): 614-619, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1023757


Objective To analyze the current situation and characteristics of risk factors in antithrombotic therapy(in-cluding antiplatelet and anticoagulant treatments)at home and abroad,and to provide a theoretical basis for the prevention and treatment of thrombosis or bleeding associated with antithrombotic therapy.Methods The literature on risk factors of an-tithrombotic therapy published in Chinese databases(China Journal Full-text Data,Wanfang Database,VIP Database)and Eng-lish databases(PubMed,Web of Science,MEDLINE)from January 2011 to November 2021 was searched and bibliometric analy-sis was performed.The visualization analysis was performed using VOS viewer software.Results A total of 595 publications were included in the analysis.The top three countries for English publications were the USA,China,and Japan.The type of stud-ies were predominantly cohort studies,with sample sizes mostly being below 1 000.Risk factors for antithrombotic therapy are cat-egorized into those affecting antiplatelet drugs,warfarin,and new oral anticoagulants.Age,gender,renal function,and combination of antithrombotic drugs are common risk factors,and different risk factors of antithrombotic drugs also have their characteristics.Conclusion While there is substantial research on risk factors in antithrombotic therapy globally,the sample size needs to be improved.Pharmacists should provide individualized medication services based on different drugs and different groups to ensure medication safety for patients.

Chinese Medical Ethics ; (6): 359-365, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1031347


By analyzing information such as the number of publications,authors,institutions and keywords in the literature on the integration of traditional Chinese medicine(TCM)culture into ideological and political education in the past 10 years,it was found that the overall number of publications showed an increasing trend. As the main research fronts,TCM colleges and universities had not yet formed teams in cooperation with other universities. The research hotspots were relatively concentrated,but the research horizons were not broad enough. It is suggested that in the future,policy should be taken as the guide to build a cross-regional interdisciplinary cooperation system,horizontally and vertically extend research subjects,innovate and construct diversified teaching models,continue to deeply explore and organically integrate ideological and political education elements,continuously improve the evaluation system of educational functions,and further enhance the timeliness of integrating traditional Chinese medicine culture into ideological and political education. So as to make greater contributions to cultivating talents in the new era and promoting the inheritance and innovation of TCM culture.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1031382


Objective To perform a bibliometric analysis of researches on the Plasmodium falciparum repetitive interspersed families of polypeptides (RIFIN) protein from 1993 to 2022 and identify the hot topics in the RIFIN protein research, so as to provide insights into future researches on RIFIN protein. Methods RIFIN protein-associated publications were retrieved in the Web of Science Core Collection from 1993 to 2022 and all bibliometric analyses were performed using the software CiteSpace The annual number of RIFIN protein-associated publications was analyzed from 1993 to 2022, and country, author and institution collaboration networks were created. Keywords were extracted from RIFIN protein-associated publications for plotting keyword co-occurrence, clustering, burst and timeline maps to identify the hot topics in the RIFIN protein research. Results A total of 745 English RIFIN protein-associated publications were included in the final bibliometric analysis, and there were 18 to 36 publications each year from 1993 to 2022. The top three countries with the highest activity in the RIFIN protein research included the United States, the United Kingdom and France, universities and research institutes were highly active in the RIFIN protein research; however, no authors were identified with a high activity in the RIFIN protein research. There were three keyword clusters in the RIFIN protein-associated publications, including repetitive DNA sequence, molecular epidemiology and antigenic variation. Keyword co-occurrence, burst and timeline analyses showed that previous RIFIN protein-associated publications mainly focused on gene properties and functions, involving keywords of repetitive DNA sequence and evolution, and recent hot topics for the RIFIN protein research shifted to genetic diversity and immune response, involving keywords of genetic diversity, antigenic variation and binding. Conclusions The annual number of RIFIN protein-associated publications was relatively stable from 1993 to 2022. This bibliometric analysis may provide insights into future researches on the RIFIN protein.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1031383


Objective To identify the current research hotspots of global health training, and construct a global health talent training evaluation index system. Methods Publications pertaining to global health talent training evaluation were retrieved in China National Knowledge Infrastructure, Wanfang Database, and Web of Science Core Collection from 2003 to 2022, and keywords were extracted from eligible publications for co-occurrence and cluster analyses using the CiteSpace software. Based on keywords clustering results, a global health talent training evaluation index system was constructed using a context, input, process, and product (CIPP) evaluation model as a theoretical framework. Results A total of 692 Chinese publications and 1 264 English publications were included. Keyword co-occurrence and cluster analyses yielded 10 Chinese and 10 English keyword clusters, and the 10 Chinese keyword clusters included analytic hierarchy process, health diplomacy, personnel structure, crossdiscipline, educational assessment, global health discipline development, training needs, curriculum program, quality evaluation and logistics support, while the English keyword clusters included evidence-based practice, capacity building, global health, quality of life, machine learning, leadership, sub-Saharan Africa, health equity, global health security and global health diplomacy. Based on keyword clustering, a global health talent training evaluation index system was constructed with CIPP as the theoretical framework, which contained 4 primary indicators, 15 secondary indicators and 59 tertiary indicators, and the primary indicators included 4 dimensions of context evaluation, input evaluation, process evaluation and product evaluation. Conclusions A global health talent training evaluation index system has been constructed, which provides an effective evaluation tool and quantitative evidence for future global health talent training.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1031506


ObjectiveTo explore the correlation between blood stasis constitution (BSC) and diseases based on constitution literature involving “constitution-diseases correlation”. MethodsA comprehensive search was conducted on six Chinese and English electronic databases including CNKI, Wanfang, VIP, SinoMed, PubMed and Embase to find all clinical researches on the correlation between constitution and diseases using the Classification and Identification of Chinese Medicine Constitution standard from April 1st, 2009 to December 31st, 2022, and the participants of the research were BSC related. By analyzing the characteristics of the literature, such as authors, publication institutes, participants, and results, the disease with the highest proportion of BSC distribution or BSC as their risk factors or protective factors were summarized to explore the correlation between BSC and diseases. ResultsTotally 135 clinical studies on diseases highly related to BSC were included, with a total sample size of 71 172 cases.There were 27 keywords in the articles appeared more than 3 times, including the elderly, lumbar disc herniation, coronary heart disease, cardiovascular disease, and endometriosis. In the author's clustering, included studis were mainly from Shenzhen Hospital of Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Second Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine, and Wenzhou Central Hospital. In terms of blood stasis related diseases, 81 studies showed that BSC was the most common type of constitution in the study population, involving 48 disease or morbid states. The diseases and median proportions of BSC with reported literature ≥3 included coronary heart disease (28.8%), endometriosis (31.3%), neurocognitive impairment (26.4%), lumbar disc herniation (26.0%), ischemic stroke (25.0%), adenomyosis (34.7%), and endometrial polyps (25.0%). Fifty-eight studies found that BSC was a risk factor for disease occurrence,and these diseases reported more than 3 times included hypertension (median OR = 2.956), type 2 diabetes (median OR = 3.436),osteoporosis (median OR = 5.171), sudden deafness (median OR = 3.827) and endometriosis (median OR = 5.412). One study indicated BSC as the protective factor of lateral growth tumor of large intestine (median OR = 0.161). ConclusionBSC is closely related to circulatory system diseases, urogenital system diseases, and musculoskeletal system diseases.

Chinese Medical Ethics ; (6): 603-611, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1036474


ObjectiveBy analyzing the research related to medical humanistic care, the aim is to understand its research status and development trends, and provide theoretical and data support for research in this field. MethodsThe relevant literature in the China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI) database were systematically searched. Excel 2019 was used to analyze the situation of annual publication volume, journal distribution, and other content of the literature. CiteSpace software was used to visually analyze the knowledge graph related to authors and keywords. ResultsA total of 825 articles were included in the study and the overall number of articles showed an upward trend since 2000. The research hotspots included humanistic care, medical humanities, nursing education, etc. It was found by analyzing that there were three problems in the research of humanistic care in medicine:the research focus is mainly on the need for medical staff to provide patients with more humanistic care, and there is relatively little research on the humanistic care of medical staff themselves;The types of journals are scattered, and the funding support is insufficient;No medical education collaborative research model has been formed. ConclusionMedical humanistic care is the essence of the professional spirit of physicians and an important indicator in testing the effectiveness of medical humanistic education. In the future, the research on medical humanistic care should strengthen multi-dimensional humanistic care to effectively protect the rights and interests of medical staff, pay more attention to the combination of theoretical research and clinical practice, exploit the instrumental value of narrative medicine, increase support efforts from fund, and improve top-level design.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-999176


Screening and evaluating the diseases responding specifically to traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) will help to highlight the advantages of TCM treatment, and the evaluation method should be standardized with consideration to the unique characteristics of the diseases. The incidence of Sjögren's Syndrome (SS) is increasing year by year, while the pathogenesis of this disease remains unclear. Modern therapies for this disease include biological agents and immunosuppressants, which generally have unsatisfactory efficacy. The TCM treatment of SS focuses on the harmony of the physical and mental health. The Rheumatology Branch of the China Association of Chinese Medicine organizes experts in TCM, Western medicine, and evidence-based medicine to form working groups. Delphi method and bibliometric method were used for analysis, and SS was selected as a disease responding specifically to TCM. Furthermore, the evaluation system was established for this disease, and the consensus regarding this disease was reached after seminar discussion. This paper summarized the whole process of the evaluation of the advantages of TCM treatment of SS. First, because TCM atomization is widely used in clinical practice and enriches TCM administration methods, this therapy is included after other non-drug therapies were taken as characteristic therapies. Second, the evaluation indicators of therapeutic effect should be determined with consideration to international acceptance and the current research status. Third, the expression method should be accurate, standardized, and objective, highlight the natural advantages of TCM, and avoid arbitrary extension. This paper provides a reference for clinicians to explore other diseases responding specifically to TCM.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1025116


Objective Using literature metrology,scientific literature in the field of depression models in animals was analyzed to better understand the development trends and hot topics in this field.Methods We obtained publications on depression and animal models from 2013 to 2022 from the Web of Science core set database.CiteSpace 6.1 R1(64-bit)Basic was used to analyze annual publications,countries,institutions,authors,and keywords related to this field.Results A total of 1000 articles were included in this study.From 2013 to 2022,the number of articles published increased gradually and then stabilized.In terms of the number of articles,the United States had the most published articles(256).Wegener Gregers was the most influential author in the field with 23 published articles.Conclusions The field focuses on signaling pathways and therapeutic approaches to determine the pathogenesis of depression and better treatments.This study provides a visual analysis of trends in depression research to help researchers keep up with the latest developments.

Chinese Hospital Management ; (12): 36-39, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1026606


Objective To analyze the current status of high-quality development research in public hospitals,sum-marize the connotation and paths,and provide a reference for promoting the high-quality development of public hos-pitals.Methods Using"public hospitals"and"high-quality development"as the title,keywords or themes,1802 articles were retrieved from CNKI and Wanfang databases from January 1,2018,to December 31,2022,for bibliometric analysis.Results The number of articles has increased year by year,published in 235 domestic journals.The authors'institutions are mainly located in the eastern part of China.Among the specific contents,there are the most articles on the"operation management system".In 2021,with the introduction of relevant policies,re-search on the connotation and paths of high-quality development in public hospitals has increased.Conclusion The re-search on high-quality development in public hospitals is growing rapidly,with rich connotations and gradually clear paths,but still faces many difficulties.

China Modern Doctor ; (36): 65-69, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1038140


Objective To analyze the frontiers and hot spots of oral leukoplakia(OL)research.Methods The core collection of Web of Science databases was searched by computer for the period January 1,1995 to December 31,2021.A bibliometric analysis was performed using CiteSpace software.Results There has been a consistent increase in the number of published studies associated with OL,and related research has received increasing support and attention from the entire community.When analyzed in the country dimension,the United States is the country with the highest number of publications;Among research institutions,China is the country with the highest number of institutions in the top 20,and Shanghai Jiaotong University is the institution with the highest number of papers.Investigators expect to achieve breakthroughs through multidisciplinary studies because the causative factors of OL are not clear.The keyword analysis of literature,carcinoma,associated lesions and follow-up studies are the current scientific hotspots;And the analysis of keyword-based emergent intensity,potential malignant diseases,classification and developmental abnormalities are the research frontiers.Conclusion Documented visual analysis visualizes the hot spots and frontiers of OL research and provides reference for future studies.