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Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1515150


Objetivo: Determinar los factores asociados al inicio de las actividades sexuales en adolescentes de los centros educativos de Cushcanday-Agallpampa y San Isidro-Otuzco. Material y métodos: Entre septiembre de 2021 y marzo de 2022, se realizó un estudio observacional, analítico transversal en 265 escolares del nivel secundario de los centros educativos de Cushcanday-Agallpampa y San Isidro-Otuzco que cumplieron los criterios de inclusión aplicando como instrumento la encuesta sobre sexualidad. Resultados: 129 hombres y 126 mujeres. Con una edad media de 15.41 años. Con un 11% que ha iniciado su vida sexual. El factor de riesgo asociado de mayor peso para el inicio de la vida sexual es la nomofobia con un OR de 22.55 (IC = 5.24 - 96.97), seguido del analfabetismo, con un OR de 6.41 (IC = 1.22 - 6.74). La visita de páginas web sin contenido erótico es un factor protector para la coitarquia. Conclusiones: 1 de cada 10 adolescentes de la zona rural Cushcanday-Agallpampa y San Isidro-Otuzco-La Libertad ha iniciado su vida sexual. La nomofobia moderada en la adolescencia incrementa 22 veces el riesgo de tener relaciones sexuales. Los hijos de padres analfabeto tienen 6.41 veces mayor probabilidad de iniciar las relaciones sexuales en la adolescencia.

Objective: To determine the factors associated with the beginning of sexual activities in adolescents from the educational centers of Cushcanday-Agallpampa and San Isidro-Otuzco. Material and methods: Between September 2021 and March 2022, an observational, cross-sectional analytical study was carried out in 265 secondary school students from the educational centers of CushcandayAgallpampa and San Isidro-Otuzco who met the inclusion criteria applying as an instrument the sexuality survey. Results: 129 men and 126 women with an average age of 15.41 years. With 11% who have started their sexual life. The risk factor associated with the greatest weight for the beginning of sexual life is nomophobia with an OR of 22.55 (CI = 5.24 - 96.97), followed by illiteracy, with an OR of 6.41 (CI = 1.22 - 6.74). Visiting web pages without erotic content is a protective factor for coitarche. Conclusions: 1 out of every 10 adolescents in the rural area Cushcanday-Agallpampa and San Isidro-Otuzco-La Libertad has started their sexual life. Moderate level nomophobia in adolescence increases the risk of having sexual intercourse by 22 times. Children of illiterate parents are 6.41 times more likely to start sexual relations in adolescence.

ABCS health sci ; 47: e022211, 06 abr. 2022. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1372687


INTRODUCTION: Transmission of COVID-19 occurs from person to person through respiratory droplets and aerosol, through contact and direct transmission, through kissing, handshaking, etc. In this perspective, several countries have implemented actions and strategies to reduce the risks of transmission. Because of this, there are several widespread reflexes and concerns resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic. One change in behavior that can be affected due to the social distance that occurred during the COVID-19 pandemic is sexual activity. OBJECTIVE: To analyze the factors associated with the sexual intercourse of Brazilian men during the COVID-19 pandemic. METHODS: 518 men over 18 years of age responded to the online survey that included sociodemographic, clinical, behavioral, and anthropometric characteristics and the International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF). The sample was divided into two groups according to the practice of sexual intercourse during the COVID-19 pandemic. RESULTS: Through multivariate regression analysis, being satisfied or equally dissatisfied/satisfied with sex life and being in a stable relationship were the factors associated with the sexual intercourse of Brazilian men during the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition, not drinking alcohol was a protective factor for sexual intercourse in this sample. CONCLUSION: In our study, being satisfied or equally dissatisfied/satisfied with the overall sex life and having a stable relationship were associated with intercourse during a COVID-19 pandemic. On the other hand, not drinking alcohol was considered a protective factor.

INTRODUÇÃO: A transmissão da COVID-19 ocorre de pessoa para pessoa por meio de gotículas respiratórias e aerossol, por contato e por transmissão direta, por meio de beijo, aperto de mão, etc. Nessa perspectiva, vários países têm implementado ações e estratégias para reduzir os riscos de transmissão. Por causa disso, existem vários reflexos e preocupações generalizadas resultantes da pandemia de COVID-19. Uma mudança de comportamento que pode ser afetada devido o distanciamento social que ocorreu durante a pandemia de COVID-19 é a atividade sexual. OBJETIVO: Analisar os fatores associados às relações sexuais de homens brasileiros durante a pandemia do COVID-19. MÉTODO: 518 homens maiores de 18 anos responderam à pesquisa online que incluiu características sociodemográficas, clínicas, comportamentais e antropométricas e o Índice Internacional de Função Erétil (IIFE). A amostra foi dividida em dois grupos de acordo com a prática de relações sexuais durante a pandemia de COVID-19. RESULTADOS: Por meio da análise de regressão multivariada, estar satisfeito ou igualmente insatisfeito/satisfeito com a vida sexual e estar em união estável foram os fatores associados à relação sexual de homens brasileiros durante a pandemia de COVID-19. Além disso, não consumir bebidas alcoólicas foi fator de proteção para a relação sexual nesta amostra. CONCLUSÃO: Em nosso estudo, estar satisfeito ou igualmente insatisfeito/satisfeito com a vida sexual geral e ter uma relação estável foram fatores associados à relação sexual durante a pandemia de COVID-19. Por outro lado, não beber álcool foi considerado fator de proteção.

Humans , Male , Sexual Behavior , Men's Health , Sexual Health , COVID-19 , Social Isolation , Cross-Sectional Studies , Marital Status , Coitus , Alcoholic Beverages
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-964881


@#Carotid arterial dissections may result from spontaneous or traumatic causes. Postcoital arterial dissections have been reported in both the vertebral and coronary arteries. We report a rare case of spontaneous dissection on the extracranial internal carotid artery in a Filipino female after sexual intercourse, leading to a fulminant middle cerebral artery (MCA) territory infarct. Although postcoital carotid artery dissection is a very rare cause of neck vessel dissections, its rapid progressive course can lead to massive cerebral infarction and prompt management must be initiated.

Cerebral Infarction , Carotid Artery, Internal, Dissection
Rev. chil. obstet. ginecol. (En línea) ; 86(5): 435-443, oct. 2021. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1388679


INTRODUCCIÓN: El deterioro de la función sexual asociado a la dispareunia después del parto es una importante preocupación para muchas mujeres. OBJETIVO: Establecer la prevalencia y caracterizar los factores asociados a la dispareunia en mujeres con antecedente de parto vaginal o cesárea. MÉTODO: Estudio de corte transversal realizado en 975 mujeres mayores de 18 años, residentes en Armenia (Colombia), con 6 meses o más en posparto (vaginal o cesárea), sexualmente activas, entre 2013 y 2017. Se utilizó como instrumento el Índice de Función Sexual Femenino Abreviado (IFSFA-6). Se midieron variables sociodemográficas y obstétricas relacionadas con la dispareunia. Se hizo estadística descriptiva. Los factores asociados se evaluaron comparando los dos grupos mediante odds ratio (OR) e intervalo de confianza del 95% (IC95%). RESULTADOS: La edad promedio fue de 27,12 ± 4,48 años. La prevalencia de dispareunia fue del 35,69%. Los factores de riesgo más involucrados fueron la episiotomía (OR: 1,58; IC95%: 1,29-2,15; p = 0,003), el parto instrumentado (OR: 1,91; IC95%: 1,31-3,17; p = 0,027), haber tenido tres o más partos vaginales (OR: 1,85; IC95%: 1,42-2,46; p < 0,001)] y haber tenido dos o más cesáreas (OR: 1,64; IC95%: 1,27-2,18; p < 0,001). Las mujeres con dispareunia tienen menos encuentros sexuales semanales (2; rango: 0-3) que las mujeres sin dispareunia (5; rango: 2-7) (p = 0,003). CONCLUSIONES: La prevalencia de dispareunia en el posparto, en las mujeres de Armenia, sobrepasa un tercio de la población. Se hace necesario promover programas preventivos, dirigidos a los profesionales de la salud que asisten a la mujer durante el parto, acerca del análisis de la verdadera necesidad de la episiotomía o la cesárea.

INTRODUCTION: The deterioration of sexual function, associated with dyspareunia after childbirth, is an important concern for many women. OBJECTIVE: To establish the prevalence and characterize the factors associated with dyspareunia in women, with a history of vaginal delivery or cesarean section. METHOD: Cross-sectional study, carried out in 975 sexually active women older than 18 years, residents in Armenia (Colombia), with 6 or more months postpartum (vaginal deliveries and cesarean sections); between 2013 and 2017. The Abbreviated Female Sexual Function Index (IFSFA-6) was used as an instrument. Sociodemographic and obstetric variables related to dyspareunia were measured. Descriptive statistics were made. Associated factors were evaluated comparing the two groups using odds ratio (OR) and 95% confidence interval (95%CI). RESULTS: The average age was 27.12 ± 4.48 years. The prevalence of dyspareunia was 35.69%. The risk factors most involved were: episiotomy (OR: 1.58; 95% CI: 1.29-2.15; p = 0.003), instrumented delivery (OR: 1.91; 95% CI: 1.31-3.17; p = 0.027), three or more vaginal deliveries (OR: 1.85; 95% CI: 1.42-2.46; p < 0.001) and two or more caesarean sections (OR: 1.64; 95% CI: 1.27-2.18; p < 0.001). Women with dyspareunia have fewer weekly sexual encounters (2; range: 0-3) than women without dyspareunia (5; range: 2-7) (p = 0.003). CONCLUSIONS: The prevalence of dyspareunia in postpartum, in Armenian women, exceeds 1/3 of the population. It is necessary to promote preventive programs, aimed at health professionals who assist women during childbirth, regarding the analysis of the true need for episiotomy or cesarean section.

Humans , Female , Adult , Dyspareunia/epidemiology , Socioeconomic Factors , Vagina , Cesarean Section , Prevalence , Cross-Sectional Studies , Risk Factors , Coitus , Colombia , Delivery, Obstetric , Postpartum Period
Journal of Forensic Medicine ; (6): 832-835, 2021.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-984082


OBJECTIVES@#To analyze the characteristics of sudden death associated with sexual activity to provide recommendations for forensic identification.@*METHODS@#A retrospective analysis was conducted on autopsy cases accepted by Forensic Identification Center of Huazhong University of Science and Technology from 1998 to 2018, and a total of 15 cases of sudden death associated with sexual activity were screened out. The general information, case data and pathological changes of 15 cases were collected to find the relationship between sexual activity and sudden death.@*RESULTS@#The ratio of male to female was 1.5∶1. The average age of males was 50.1 years and that of females was 35.0 years. Coronary artery diseases and brain diseases accounted for most of the cases (12/15). Sexual partners were associated with locations of deaths and body dumping behaviors.@*CONCLUSIONS@#Sudden death associated with sexual activity, although rare, may occur in people over 30 years old with pre-existing heart or brain diseases, which should be paid attention to in forensic practice.

Adult , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Cause of Death , Death, Sudden/pathology , Forensic Medicine , Retrospective Studies , Sexual Behavior
Rev. cienc. med. Pinar Rio ; 24(4): e4425, jul.-ago. 2020. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1126229


RESUMEN Introducción: el cáncer de cuello uterino es uno de los principales problemas de la Salud Pública por sus altas tasas de incidencia y mortalidad en la mujer. Es una enfermedad controlable a partir de la efectividad de los programas de prevención y pesquisa; sumado al diagnóstico y tratamiento precoz de los casos. Objetivo: diseñar una estrategia educativa sobre el proceso de atención de enfermería en la prevención y control del cáncer cérvicouterino, en el municipio San Juan y Martínez durante el período enero 2015- diciembre 2017. Métodos: se realizó un estudio aplicado, descriptivo, retrospectivo y transversal. El universo quedó conformado por el total de 223 mujeres incluidas en el programa de cáncer cervicouterino en el período estudiado. La muestra quedó integrada por 223 pacientes que cumplieron con los criterios de inclusión establecidos en la investigación. Resultados: se obtuvo un predominio del grupo de edades entre 25 y 34 años y nivel escolar 9no grado; comienzo de las relaciones sexuales antes de los 15 años. Predominio importante de factores de riego y patologías de cuello no cancerígenas; así como la presencia del virus del papiloma humano. Conclusiones: en el proceso de atención de enfermería existen dificultades para llevar un proceso con eficacia y eficiencia; por lo que se propone una estrategia de intervención educativa para elevar la prevención y control del cáncer cérvicouterino en mujeres de San Juan y Martínez.

ABSTRACT Introduction: uterine cervical cancer is one of the main problems of Public Health due to its high incidence and mortality rate in women. It is a controllable disease from the effectiveness of the prevention and screening programs along with the early diagnosis and treatment of the cases. Objective: to design an educational strategy concerning nursing care in the prevention and control of uterine cervical cancer in San Juan y Martinez municipality during January-December 2017. Methods: an applied, descriptive, retrospective and cross-sectional study was conducted. The target group comprised 223 women who were included in the cervical-uterine program into the period study. The sample included the 223 patients who met the inclusion criteria established in the research. Results: ages from 25 and 34 years old and ninth (9th) level of education prevailed with their first sexual intercourses before 15 years old. Important risk factors and non-malignant cervix pathologies predominated; as well as the presence of Human Papillomavirus (HPV). Conclusions: there are difficulties in the nursing care process to develop it with efficiency and proficiency; that is why a strategy of educational intervention to increase the prevention and control of uterine cervical cancer for women in San y Martinez municipality was designed.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-207574


Background: In the environment, there’s not enough studies on the effects of sexual activity during pregnancy on labor outcome, especially for nulliparous women. The aim was to assess the effects of sexual activity during the third term of pregnancy on the outcome of labor in nulliparous women.Methods: A prospective cohort study on labor was carried out for 11 months at the labor ward of the Yaoundé gynaeco-obstetric and pediatric Hospital. In this study compared women were exposed to at least one unprotected sexual intercourse with vaginal ejaculation per week during the third trimester of pregnancy (exposed group), to those who had less than one unprotected sexual intercourse per week (non-exposed group).Results: Of the 1123 primiparous women who gave birth within the study period, 426 consented to enroll in the study. Amongst these women, 186 women in the exposed group compared to 240 women in the non-exposed group. Intercourse during pregnancy predisposed on arrival into the labor ward to a Bishop’s score ≥7 (RR = 1.94; CI = 1.63-2.3) and within the course of labor to a spontaneous per vaginal delivery (RR = 1.18; CI = 1.06-1.31) and an active phase duration <6 hours (RR = 1.52; CI = 1.36-1.7). Furthermore, sexual intercourse during pregnancy protected against labor induction (RR = 0.21; CI = 0.12-0.36), dystocia (RR = 0.36; CI =  0.27-0.49), cesarean section (RR = 0.29; CI = 0.15-0.55), episiotomy (RR = 0.56; CI = 0.36-0.87) and an Apgar  score <7 at the first minute of birth (RR = 0.31; CI = 0.14-0.7).Conclusions: Sexual activity during pregnancy improves the prognosis of labor in primiparous women. In the absence of contraindications, consented unprotected heterosexual vaginal intercourse should be promoted in nulliparous women.

Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-764604


PURPOSE: This study was conducted to investigate the relationship between short message service and social media use, and sexual intercourse of high school students in Cambodia. METHODS: Four hundred and eighty-three high school students from three schools in rural provinces were interviewed with structured questionnaires. RESULTS: Sexual intercourse was found significantly more frequent among male students than among female students (p=.001), among alcohol drinkers than among non-drinkers (p<.001), among those who were not taking pictures with mobile phones than among those who were (p=.045), and among those who were exchanging SMS between boyfriend and girlfriend than among those who were not (p=.006). The students who were sending SMS by mobile phones were 5.83 times as likely to have sexual intercourse as their counterparts (p=.020), who were taking pictures with mobile phone were 0.04 times as likely as those who were not (p=.045) and the odds ratio was 15.19 times as high in alcohol drinkers as in non-drinkers (p=.001). CONCLUSIONS: Efforts should be made to encourage positive and effective use of social media among adolescents to maintain their sexual health.

Adolescent , Female , Humans , Male , Cambodia , Cell Phone , Coitus , Odds Ratio , Reproductive Health , Social Media , Text Messaging
Int. braz. j. urol ; 44(3): 550-554, May-June 2018. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-954056


ABSTRACT Objectives: Evaluate the demographic data, etiology, operative findings and results of surgical treatment of penile fracture (PF) in men who have sex with men(MSM) with emphasis on sexual complications. Materials and Methods: We studied 216 patients underwent surgical correction of PF at our hospital. Patients self-identified as MSM were followed for at least 6 months. Demographic data, presentation, operative findings, International Index of Erection Function - 5 (IIEF-5) and the Premature Ejaculation Diagnostic Tool. Results: Of 216 PF cases, 4 (1.8%) were MSM. All cases resulted from sexual activity and all patients reported using the "doggy style" position during anal intercourse. Unilateral or bilateral injury of corpus cavernosum was found in 2 patients each. One (25%) patient had complete urethral injury associated with bilateral corpus cavernosum lesion. During the follow-up period, all patients developed some type of sexual complication. One patient reported penile pain during intercourse. Another patient experienced low sexual desire and premature ejaculation. This patient was also dissatisfied with the aesthetic result of the surgical scar and complained about decreased penis size after surgery. The third case developed delayed ejaculation. The fourth patient experienced mild to moderate erectile dysfunction. This same patient presented with penile curvature. Finally, palpable fibrotic nodules in the operative area were observed in all cases. Conclusions: Sexual activity in the "doggy style" position was the commonest cause of PF in MSM. Sexual dysfunction is always present in gay man after surgery for PF. However, additional studies with larger samples should be coinducted.

Humans , Male , Adult , Penis/injuries , Sexual Dysfunction, Physiological/etiology , Homosexuality, Male , Penis/physiopathology , Posture , Rupture/surgery , Rupture/complications , Rupture/physiopathology , Sexual Behavior , Sexual Dysfunction, Physiological , Penile Erection/physiology , Retrospective Studies , Risk Factors , Treatment Outcome , Middle Aged
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-713342


OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the pregnancy rate and time to pregnancy after timed coitus with or without superovulation in infertile young women younger than 35 years old with low serum anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) levels (< 25th percentile). METHODS: A total of 202 patients younger than 35 years old were recruited retrospectively between 2010 and 2012. Ninety-eight women had normal serum AMH levels (25–75th percentile), 75 women had low serum AMH levels (5th≤&< 25th percentile) and 29 women had very low serum AMH levels (< 5th percentile), according to reference values for their age group. RESULTS: The clinical pregnancy rate was positively associated with AMH levels, but this trend did not reach statistical significance (43.9% vs. 41.3% vs. 27.6% in the normal, low, and very low AMH groups, respectively). The time to pregnancy was longer in the very low AMH group than in the normal AMH group (13.1±10.9 months vs. 6.9±6.1 months, p=0.030). The cumulative live birth rate over 18 months was lower in the very low AMH group than in the normal AMH group, with marginal significance (20.0% vs. 55.9%, p=0.051). The duration of infertility was negatively correlated with achieving pregnancy (odds ratio, 0.953; 95% confidence interval, 0.914–0.994; p=0.026). CONCLUSION: Conservative management, such as timed coitus with or without superovulation, should be considered in young patients who have low ovarian reserve without any infertility factors. However, for women with a long duration of infertility or very low serum AMH levels, active infertility treatment should be considered.

Female , Humans , Pregnancy , Anti-Mullerian Hormone , Coitus , Infertility , Live Birth , Maternal Age , Ovarian Reserve , Pregnancy Rate , Reference Values , Retrospective Studies , Superovulation , Time-to-Pregnancy
Acta Paul. Enferm. (Online) ; 31(5): 558-563, 2018. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-973410


Resumo Objetivo: Analisar a produção científica nacional e internacional quanto à relação escores dos instrumentos ICIQ-UI-SF (Internacional Consultation on Incontinence Questionnaire - Urinary Incontinence/Short Form (ICIQ-UI/SF) e FSFI (Female Sexual Function Index) na população feminina. Métodos: Revisão integrativa da literatura, realizada durante os meses de Dezembro de 2017 a Maio de 2018, nas bases de dados Scielo, Lilacs, Scopus e Pubmed. As buscas foram conduzidas através da associação dos nomes dos questionários como descritores, sem delimitações quanto ao ano de publicação, idioma e disponibilidade em texto completo. Priorizados achados com nível de evidência de no mínimo 3A para estudos observacionais. Totalizaram 5 artigos científicos. Resultados: As evidências encontradas sobre a relação direta dos instrumentos apresentaram como objetivo predominante a sua aplicação para validar a efetividade de técnicas cirúrgicas para a correção da incontinência urinária. Mesmo diante da melhora da incontinência, os achados divergiram quanto a melhora da função sexual, apresentando modificações apenas em alguns domínios do FSFI ou nenhuma mudança. Apenas um estudo buscou investigar a relação direta dos instrumentos, indicando fraca ligação. Já a busca isolada dos instrumentos, associada com descritores específicos apontara que a incontinência urinária é fator determinante para a deterioração tanto da qualidade de vida quanto e da função sexual. Conclusão: O baixo quantitativo de produções e resultados encontrados demonstraram que é necessário um maior aprofundamento sobre a temática, para um embasamento e qualificação da assistência para portadoras de incontinência urinária.

Resumen Objetivo: Analizar la producción científica nacional e internacional en cuanto a la relación entre los indicadores de los ICIQ-UI-SF (ICIQ-UI / SF) y FSFI (Female Sexual Function Index) en la población femenina. Métodos: Durante los meses de diciembre de 2017 a mayo de 2018, se realizó una revisión integrativa de la literatura en las bases de datos Scielo, Lilacs, Scopus y Pubmed. Las búsquedas se hicieron a través de la asociación de los nombres de los cuestionarios como descriptores, sin delimitaciones en cuanto al año de publicación, idioma y disponibilidad en texto completo. Se priorizaron hallazgos con nivel de evidencia de por lo menos 3A para estudios observacionales. Hubo un total de 5 artículos científicos. Resultados: Las evidencias encontradas sobre la relación directa de los instrumentos presentaron como objetivo predominante su aplicación para validar la efectividad de técnicas quirúrgicas para la corrección de la incontinencia urinaria. Incluso ante la mejora de la incontinencia, los hallazgos divergían en cuanto a la mejora de la función sexual, presentando modificaciones sólo en algunos dominios del FSFI o ningún cambio. Solo un estudio buscó investigar la relación directa de los instrumentos e indicó débil conexión. La búsqueda aislada de los instrumentos, asociada con descriptores específicos, apunta que la incontinencia urinaria es un factor determinante para el deterioro tanto de la calidad de vida como de la función sexual. Conclusión: La poca cantidad de producciones y resultados encontrados demostró que es necesario una mayor profundización sobre la temática para una base y calificación de la asistencia para portadoras de incontinencia urinaria.

Abstract Objective: To analyze the national and international scientific production regarding the relationship between the ICIQ-UI-SF (International Consultation on Incontinence Questionnaire - Urinary Incontinence/Short Form (ICIQ-UI/SF) and FSFI (Female Sexual Function Index) in the female population. Methods: Integrative literature review, carried out from December 2017 to May 2018, in the Scielo, Lilacs, Scopus and Pubmed databases. Searches were conducted through the association of the names of the questionnaires as descriptors, without delimitations regarding the year of publication, language, and availability of full text. Findings with a level of evidence of at least 3A for observational studies were prioritized. There was a total of five scientific papers. Results: The evidence found about the direct relationship of the instruments had as predominant objective their application to validate the effectiveness of surgical techniques to correct urinary incontinence. Even with the improvement of incontinence, the findings were different regarding the improvement of sexual function, showing changes only in some FSFI domains, or no change. Only one study sought to investigate the direct relationship of the instruments, indicating a poor connection. On the other hand, the isolated search of the instruments, associated with specific descriptors, indicated that urinary incontinence is a determining factor for the deterioration of both quality of life and sexual function. Conclusion: The low number of productions and results found have shown that a deeper understanding of the subject is necessary for a justification and qualification of care for patients with urinary incontinence.

Humans , Female , Sexual Behavior , Urinary Incontinence , Women's Health , Sexuality , Surveys and Questionnaires
MedUNAB ; 19(2): 95-102, 2016. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-876582


Objetivo: Describir los comportamientos sexuales en personas VIH positivas en tres ciudades de Colombia antes y después de conocer el diagnóstico e identificar cambios en estos comportamientos. Metodología: Estudio descriptivo, de corte trasversal, en el que participaron 85 individuos de tres ciudades colombianas, entrevistados durante el año 2011. Se cumplió con los parámetros éticos para investigaciones con personas. Para el análisis estadístico se utilizó el software SPSS 18.0. Resultados: Se encontraron diferencias significativas al comparar el comportamiento sexual antes y después de conocer el diagnóstico VIH positivo. el 23% de los entrevistados manifestó no haber iniciado actividades sexuales después del diagnóstico, el 62.5% empezó a usar el condón en todas sus relaciones sexuales. Las relaciones sexuales con personas VIH positivo aumentaron a un 35.4%. Las infecciones de transmisión sexual disminuyeron a un 12.3%. El consumo de alcohol previo al inicio de relaciones sexuales disminuyó a un 31.8%. Conclusiones: Se encontraron cambios en los comportamientos de riesgo de las personas después de recibir el diagnóstico; sin embargo, dichas modificaciones no son suficientes por tratarse de la trasmisión de una infección mortal y de elevados costos socioeconómicos.

Objective: To describe sexual behaviors of HIV positive patients in three cities of Colombia, before and after learning diagnosis and to identify changes. Methodology: Quantitative, descriptive, cross-sectional study, with participation of 85 individuals from three cities of Colombia who were interviewed during 2011. Ethical standards for research involving individuals were met during the study. The SPSS software version 18.0 was used for statistical analysis. Results: Significant differences were found when comparing their sexual behavior before and after knowing HIV positive diagnosis, 23.0% of respondents said that they had not resumed sexual activity, 62.5% of the patients began to use the condom in all sexual relations. Sex with HIV-positive people increased a 35.4%. Sexually transmitted infections were reduced to a 12.3%. The consumption of alcohol prior to the onset of sexual intercourse decreased to 31.8%. Conclusions: Changes were found regarding risky behaviors of people after knowing the diagnosis; however, such modifications are not enough regarding the transmission of a deadly infection and with high social and economic costs.

Objetivo: Descrever o comportamento sexual em pessoas HIV-positivas em três cidades na Colômbia antes e depois de conhecer o diagnóstico e identificar mudanças no esses comportamentos. Metodologia: Estudo descritivo de transversal, em que 85 indivíduos participaram em três cidades colombianas, entrevistado em 2011. Eles se conheceram os padrões éticos para a investigação com as pessoas. Para análise estatística foi utilizado SPSS 18.0 software. Resultados: Diferenças significativas na comparação entre o comportamento sexual foram encontrados antes e depois de aprender sobre o diagnóstico de HIV positivo. 23% dos entrevistados disseram que a atividade sexual não ter iniciado após o diagnóstico, 62,5% começaram a usar preservativos em todas as relações sexuais. Sexo com pessoas HIV positivas aumentou para 35,4%. infecções sexualmente transmissíveis diminuiu para 12,3%. O consumo de álcool antes do início do sexo diminuiu para 31,8%. Conclusões: foram encontradas alterações nos comportamentos de risco de pessoas depois de receber o diagnóstico; No entanto, estas alterações não são suficientes, porque é a transmissão de uma infecção fatal e custos socioeconómicos elevados.

Humans , Sexual Behavior , Sex Counseling , Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome , HIV , Sexual Partners , HIV Infections , HIV Seroprevalence , Coitus , Safe Sex , Unsafe Sex
Invest. educ. enferm ; 33(2): 355-364, May-Aug. 2015. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS, BDENF | ID: lil-760936


Objectives. This work sought to understand sexual debut as a transitional process in the lives of a group of young adults and to interpret the meaning of this transition for them. Methodology. This was a qualitative research with 18 life stories of students from different socio-economic backgrounds and with diverse sexual orientations. Results. According to the middle-range theory of transitions, sexual debut can be considered a developmental transition. The initiative can be their own, motivated by desire, or coerced by pressure from a partner or peers in which case underlay power relations either by age or hierarchy. Its features are shaped by the individual´s abilities, knowledge, and uncertainties, as much as by the circumstances surrounding the event and the socio-cultural precepts towards the topic. It is valued as a healthy transitional process when it is agreed upon by both members of the couple, planned and flows into symmetrical relations. Conclusion. The theory of transitions and analysis of the context are useful in understanding the phenomenon because the subjective experience is framed within normative, appreciative, and socio-cultural constructions. Nursing, as discipline, requires elements like those provided by this research to interpret the dynamics, meanings, as well as subjective and social processes in the sexual evolution of people in different contexts and historical moments.

Objetivo. Comprender el debut sexual como un proceso transicional en la vida de un grupo de jóvenes e interpretar el significado que ellos otorgan a su iniciación sexual. Metodología. Investigación cualitativa con enfoque biográfico. Se analizaron 18 relatos de vida construidos con entrevistas en profundidad a jóvenes universitarios de diferente posición social y distinta orientación sexual. Resultados. De acuerdo con la teoría de mediano rango de las transiciones, el debut sexual se configura como una transición de desarrollo que se presenta en forma simultánea, en la mayoría de los casos, con la adolescencia. La iniciativa para el debut sexual puede ser propia, motivada por el deseo o coaccionada por la presión de los pares o de la pareja en cuyo caso subyacen relaciones de poder ya sea por edad o jerarquía. Las dudas, habilidades y conocimientos a la par que las circunstancias alrededor del evento y los preceptos socio-culturales, condicionan su desarrollo. Es un proceso transicional saludable cuando es concertado por ambos miembros de la pareja; además, cuando es planeado y fluye en el marco de relaciones simétricas. Conclusión. La teoría de las transiciones y el análisis del contexto son útiles para la comprensión del fenómeno desde la vivencia subjetiva enmarcado en construcciones normativas, valorativas y socioculturales. La Enfermería, como disciplina, requiere elementos como los que aporta esta investigación, para interpretar las dinámicas, significados, procesos subjetivos y sociales en el devenir sexual de las personas en diversos contextos y momentos históricos.

Objetivo. Compreender o debute sexual como um processo transicional na vida de um grupo de jovens e interpretar o significado que eles outorgam a sua iniciação sexual. Metodologia. Investigação qualitativa com enfoque biográfico. Analisaram-se 18 relatos de vida construídos com entrevistas em profundidade a jovens universitários de diferente posição social e diferente orientação sexual. Resultados. De acordo com a teoria de média casta das transições, o debute sexual se configura como uma transição de desenvolvimento que se apresenta em forma simultânea, na maioria dos casos, com a adolescência. A iniciativa para o debute sexual pode ser própria, motivada pelo desejo ou compelida pela pressão dos pares ou do casal em cujo caso integram relações de poder já seja por idade ou hierarquia. As dúvidas, habilidades e conhecimentos simultaneamente que as circunstâncias ao redor do evento e os preceitos socioculturais, condicionam seu desenvolvimento. É um processo transicional saudável quando é concertado por ambos membros do casal; ademais, quando é planejado e flui no marco de relações simétricas. Conclusão. A teoria das transições e a análise do contexto são úteis para o entendimento do fenômeno desde a vivência subjetiva emoldurado em construções normativas, valorativas e socioculturais. A Enfermagem, como disciplina, requer elementos como os que contribui esta investigação, para interpretar as dinâmicas, significados, processos subjetivos e sociais no devir sexual das pessoas em diversos contextos e momentos históricos.

Humans , Young Adult , Coitus , Gender Identity , Public Health , Waterway Transitions
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-69482


PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to investigate factors that influence sexual intercourse among middle school students in South Korea. METHODS: Using statistics from the 8th (2012) Korea Youth Risk Behavior Web-based Survey, hierarchical logistic regression analysis was conducted. The study sample comprised 37,297 middle school students aged primarily 12 to 15. RESULTS: The significant predictors of sexual intercourse were grade, ever smoking, ever drinking, habitual or purposeful drug use, economic status, weekly allowance, cohabitation with family, and type of school. CONCLUSION: The results suggest that intensified sex education is needed not only in the 1st grade of middle school, but also in the upper grades of elementary school. Sexual health interventions for high-risk groups may be needed, given the factors predicting sexual intercourse.

Adolescent , Child , Female , Humans , Male , Adolescent Behavior/psychology , Alcohol Drinking , Family , Internet , Logistic Models , Republic of Korea , Sexual Behavior/psychology , Smoking , Social Class , Surveys and Questionnaires
Med. lab ; 21(3/4): 149-160, 2015. ilus, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-907767


Introducción: la determinación del tiempo de persistencia de los espermatozoides en el frotis vaginal poscoital tiene especial importancia en la investigación de los delitos sexuales. Objetivo: evaluar la persistencia de espermatozoides en muestras de frotis vaginales poscoitales a diferentes tiempos durante cinco días en mujeres voluntarias. Materiales y métodos: se realizó un estudio experimental, descriptivo en muestras de frotis vaginal poscoital tomadas cada ocho horas durante 128 horas. Las muestras se sometieron a un proceso de extracción, sedimentación y coloración supravital. Se realizó el análisis estadístico utilizando el software Minitab 16. A las variables cuantitativas se les calculó las medidas de tendencia central y de dispersión y a las cualitativas las proporciones. Además, se evaluó si existían diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre las muestras recolectadas en el mismo intervalo de tiempo aplicando un test de ANOVA unidireccional para un nivel de significancia del 0,05. Resultados: de 18 muestras de mujeres voluntarias en el 60% se observaron, en las primeras 72 horas, más de 10 espermatozoides por campo, 10% de estas muestras llegaron a las 128 horas con más de cinco espermatozoides y 2% con uno por campo. Se observó una disminución marcada del número de espermatozoides en dos muestras con abundante reacción leucocitaria y alta densidad de levaduras, hifas, seudohifas y bacterias...

Introduction: determination of persistence of spermatozoa in postcoital vaginal smears is especially important in sexual assault investigation. Objective: To evaluate the persistence of spermatozoa in postcoital vaginal smears samples at different times during 128 hours in female volunteers. Materials and methods: Experimental, descriptive study was made in postcoital vaginal smears samples collected every eight hours during five days. The samples were subjected to an extraction process, sedimentation and supra-vital staining. Statistical analysis was performed using Minitab 16 software. Measures of central tendency and dispersion were calculated for quantitative variables; and proportions for qualitative variables. In addition, we assessed whether there were statistically significant differences between the samples collected at the same time interval through an ANOVA (unidirectional) test, to a significance level of 0.05. Results: From 18 samples of female volunteers in 60% were obtained within the first 72 hours over 10 spermatozoon per field; 10% of those samples reached 128 hours with over five sperm; and 2% with 1 spermatozoon per field. In two samples with abundant leukocyte reaction and with high density of yeasts, hyphae, pseudohyphae and bacteria, a marked decrease in sperm count was observed...

Humans , Coitus , Sex Offenses , Sperm Count , Vaginal Smears
Rev. cienc. med. Pinar Rio ; 18(5): 811-822, sep.-oct. 2014.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-740083


Introducción: resulta impostergable considerar la sexualidad en el contexto de la salud integral de la mujer, por la recuperación que tiene en el estilo de vida, y el proceso de gestación puede afectar el comportamiento sexual de la pareja. Objetivo: determinar la influencia que tiene la gestación en la sexualidad de la mujer. Material y método: investigación longitudinal, prospectiva y analítica en el policlínico "Hermanos Cruz" de la provincia de Pinar del Río, entre abril de 2010 y febrero de 2011. El universo quedó conformado por todas las mujeres embarazadas captadas precozmente de los grupos básicos de trabajo (GBT) 1, 2 y 3 (n = 218); para la selección de la muestra se escogieron al azar 21 consultorios, y de ellos se seleccionaron las primeras siete gestantes captadas antes de las 13 semanas de embarazo (n = 147); se empleó un cuestionario el que fue aplicado en los tres trimestres del embarazo, para la validación de los resultados se empleó la prueba de ji cuadrado con nivel de significación de p < 0,05. Resultados: se obtuvo una mediana de 2, 3 y 2 coitos semanales según los trimestres del embarazo, en cuanto al deseo sexual, la excitación sexual, el orgasmo y la satisfacción sexual tuvieron una relación altamente significativa con el primero y tercer trimestre de la gestación. Conclusiones: el embarazo es un proceso que lleva aparejado un trastorno en la sexualidad de la mujer.

Introduction: it is timely to consider sexuality in the context of the woman's comprehensive health, for the recovery in the lifestyle, and the pregnancy process can affect the couple's sexual behavior. Objective: to determine the influence of pregnancy in the woman's sexuality. Material and method: longitudinal, prospective and analytic research carried out in Pinar del Río Hermanos Cruz Outpatient Polyclinic, from April 2010 to February 2011. The target group was made up of all the pregnant women early caught from the basic work groups 1, 2 and 3 (n=128), for choosing the sample 21 medical family offices were randomly chosen, and from them the first seven pregnant women were caught before the 13 weeks of pregnancy (n=147). A questionnaire was applied in the first three trimesters during the pregnancy. For validating the result we used the chi-square test, with signification level of p < 0.05. Results: a media of 2, 3 or 4 coituses weekly was obtained according the pregnancy's trimesters. Regarding sexual desire, sexual arousal, orgasm, and sexual satisfaction, they had a highly significant relation in the pregnancy's first and third trimesters. Conclusions: pregnancy is a process entailing disorders in the woman's sexuality.

Rev. cienc. med. Pinar Rio ; 18(3): 363-374, mayo-jun. 2014.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-740037


Introducción: para comprender la conducta sexual humana durante el embarazo es necesario valorar áreas sumamente extensas como las de tipos anatómicas, fisiológicas y socioculturales. Objetivo: identificar la percepción que tienen las mujeres gestantes sobre su función sexual. Material y método: investigación longitudinal, prospectiva y analítica en el Policlínico Universitario "Hermanos Cruz" de la provincia de Pinar del Río, entre abril de 2009 y febrero de 2010. El universo quedó conformado por todas las mujeres embarazadas captadas precozmente de los grupos básicos de trabajo 1, 2 y 3 (n = 218); para la selección de la muestra se escogieron al azar 21 consultorios, y de ellos, se seleccionaron las primeras siete gestantes captadas antes de las 13 semanas de embarazo (n = 147); se empleó un cuestionario el que fue aplicado en los tres trimestres del embarazo, para la validación de los resultados se empleó la prueba de ji cuadrado con nivel de significación de p<0,05. Resultados: la edad promedio de las mujeres fue de 28,6 años, el 46,26% eran trabajadoras, con predominio del preuniversitario como escolaridad, la primigesta y un promedio de 2,8 años de tiempo de matrimonio. La mediana de la frecuencia del coito fue de 1 en el primero y tercer trimestre, existiendo una disminución de dicha frecuencia en ambos trimestre, también en estos períodos disminuyó la percepción del deseo y la excitación sexual, así como la apreciación cualitativa del orgasmo. Conclusiones: las mujeres perciben su función sexual muy perturbada durante el proceso de gestación.

Introduction: to understand the human sexual behavior during pregnancy it is required to assess broadly comprehensive areas such as anatomical, physiological and sociocultural. Objective: to identify the pregnant women´s knowledge about their sexual behavior. Material and method: analytical, prospective, longitudinal research in Hermanos Cruz Outpatient Polyclinic in Pinar del Río Province, between April 2010 and February 2011. The universe was made up of all pregnant women early caught from the basic work groups 1, 2 and 3 (n=218). To choose the sample 21 doctor´s offices were randomly chosen, and from these the first 7 pregnant women caught within the first 13 weeks of pregnancy (n=147). A questionnaire made up by the authors was used in three trimesters. To evaluate the statistical significance the Gamma and Friedman chi-square test was used at 95% of accuracy. Results: the mean age of women was 28.6 years, 46.26% were workers, predominantly with pre-university schooling, primigravida and an average time of 2.8 years of marriage. Median coital frequency was 1 in the first and third quarters, and there is a decrease in the frequency in both quarters, even in these periods perception of desire and arousal decreased, and so did the qualitative assessment of orgasm, by which variations are shown in the various terms (p <0.05). Conclusions: during gestation changes in coital frequency occurred, and so did sexual desire and arousal and orgasm phases of the sexual response.

Invest. educ. enferm ; 30(1): 77-85, mar. 15, 2012. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BDENF | ID: lil-638910


Objetivo. Identificar las actitudes de los adolescentes escolarizados frente a la salud sexual y reproductiva (SSR). Metodología. Estudio descriptivo transversal realizado con la participación de 1 178 adolescentes, entre los 12 y 18 años a quienes se les aplicó una encuesta con preguntas relacionadas con fecundidad. La investigación fue realizada en la ciudad de Medellín (Colombia) en 2009. Resultados. Más del 60% de los jóvenes tienen una actitud favorable hacia la educación sexual, tanto en el hogar como en la escuela; consideran que ejercer la sexualidad y utilizar los métodos anticonceptivos hacen parte de los derechos humanos, y que las relaciones sexuales ayudan al desarrollo de la personalidad. El 30% de los encuestados estuvo de acuerdo con el aborto debe ser respetado como una decisión de la mujer y cerca del 20% piensa que tener un hijo es la mejor forma de conservar la pareja y de demostrarle su amor. Los adolescentes reconocen en los padres una importante fuente de información en los temas relacionados con la fecundidad; así mismo la comunicación dentro de la familia sobre aspectos relacionados con la salud sexual y reproductiva, se ha documentado como una importante estrategia para la protección de los jóvenes. Conclusión. Las actitudes de los adolescentes frente a la SSR deben tenerse en cuenta para la definición de estrategias educativas en salud que propenda por el mejoramiento de las mismas.

Objective. To identify attitudes towards fertility among teenagers. Methodology. Cross sectional descriptive study where 1178 teenagers between 12 and 18 years old participated. A survey with questions linked to fertility was applied. The research was carried out in the city of Medellin (Colombia) in 2009. Results. More than 60% of the teenagers have a favorable attitude towards sexual education, both at home as well as school. They consider sexual practices and the use of contraceptive methods make part of the human rights, and sex helps the development of the personality. 30% of the surveyed teenagers agreed abortion should be respected as a decision made by woman, and about 20% think having a child is the best way to keep their couple and show them their love. Teenagers recognized parents as an important source of information in topics related with fertility, as well as family communication about sexual and reproductive health, which has been documented as an important strategy to protect the teenagers. Conclusion. Teenagers attitudes towards sexual and reproductive health should be taken into account to define educational strategies in health to improve them.

Objetivo. Identificar as atitudes frente a fecundidade dos adolescentes escolarizados. Metodologia. Estudo descritivo transversal realizado com a participação de 1178 adolescentes 12 e 18 anos a quem se lhes aplicou uma enquete com perguntas relacionadas com fecundidade. A investigação foi realizada na cidade de Medellín (Colômbia) em 2009. Resultados. Mais do 60% dos jovens têm uma atitude favorável para a educação sexual, tanto no lar como na escola; consideram que exercer a sexualidade e utilizar os métodos anticonceptivos fazem parte dos direitos humanos, e que as relações sexuais ajudam ao desenvolvimento da personalidade. O 30% dos interrogados esteve de acordo que o aborto deve ser respeitado como uma decisão da mulher e cerca do 20% pensa que ter um filho é a melhor forma de conservar o casal e de demonstrar-lhe seu amor. Os adolescentes reconhecem nos pais uma importante fonte de informação nos temas relacionados com a fecundidade, assim mesmo a comunicação ao interior da família sobre aspectos relacionados com a saúde sexual e reprodutiva, a qual se documentou como uma importante estratégia para a proteção dos jovens. Conclusão. As atitudes dos adolescentes frente à saúde sexual e reprodutiva devem ter-se em conta para a definição de estratégias educativas em saúde que propenda pelo melhoramento das mesmas.

Humans , Attitude , Contraception , Coitus , Fertility , Sexuality
Einstein (Säo Paulo) ; 9(4)out.-dec. 2011.
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-612043


Premature ejaculation is the most frequent male sexual dysfunction, estimated to affect 20 to 30% of men at some time in their life. A Pubmed search from the year 2000 to the present was performed to retrieve publications related to management or treatment of premature ejaculation. Behavioral techniques have been the mainstay of premature ejaculation management for many years, although evidence of their short-term efficacy is limited. Topical therapies for premature ejaculation act by desensitizing the penis and do not alter the sensation of ejaculation. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), commonly used in the treatment of depression, are often used to treat premature ejaculation, based on the observation that delayed ejaculation is a frequent side effect of this drug class. Dapoxetine is a short-acting SSRI formulated to treat premature ejaculation, and results seem very promising.

A ejaculação precoce é a disfunção sexual masculina mais frequente, com uma estimativa de acometimento de 20 a 30% dos homens em algum momento da vida. Foi realizada uma busca no Pubmed, do ano 2000 até os dias atuais, com a finalidade de revisar publicações relacionadas ao manejo e ao tratamento da ejaculação precoce. Terapias comportamentais foram a base do manejo da ejaculação precoce por muitos anos, embora as evidências de sua eficácia a curto prazo sejam limitadas. Terapias de uso tópico agem por meio de dessensibilização do pênis, mas não alteram a sensação da ejaculação. Os inibidores seletivos da recaptação da serotonina são utilizados para depressão e, em geral, também para tratar ejaculação precoce, com base na observação de que o retardo na ejaculação é um efeito colateral frequente dessa classe de drogas. A dapoxetina é um inibidor seletivo da recaptação da serotonina de curta ação, que foi formulado para tratar a ejaculação precoce, e seus resultados parecem muito promissores.

Humans , Male , Coitus , Ejaculation , Erectile Dysfunction , Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors , Sex Education , Sexual Behavior
Cad. saúde pública ; 27(6): 1099-1110, jun. 2011. ilus, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-591264


O objetivo deste artigo é discutir as representações sociais acerca de "saúde nas relações sexuais" de mulheres atendidas pelo SUS. Cento e cinquenta pesquisadas foram submetidas ao Teste de Evocação Livre de Palavras (TELP), adotando-se como estímulo "saúde nas relações sexuais". As mulheres foram questionadas também a respeito da origem das informações acessíveis sobre o tema. Os resultados foram obtidos utilizando-se a análise de conteúdo e o programa EVOC. Foram identificadas três dimensões representacionais: prevenção, relação com o parceiro e qualidade de vida. O núcleo central da representação social mostrou-se constituído pelos elementos prevenção e camisinha. As prováveis fontes doadoras de elementos para a representação foram a TV, a unidade de saúde e as interlocuções com a família e o parceiro. As representações são compostas por conceitos relativos à prevenção, à boa relação com o parceiro e ao bem-estar geral. Esses resultados são indicadores da necessidade de ampliação dos aspectos abordados pelo SUS em relação à saúde sexual feminina.

The aim of this article is to discuss the social representations of "health in sexual relations" as reported by women treated under the Unified National Health System (SUS) in Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. A total of 150 women were tested using the free word recall test, with "health in sexual relations" as the stimulus. Women were also asked about their sources of information on the subject. The results were obtained with content analysis and the EVOC software. We identified three representational dimensions: prevention, relationship with the partner, and quality of life. The central nucleus of social representation consisted of the elements "prevention" and "condoms". Likely sources for representation were television, health services, and dialogue with family members and partners. Representations were composed of concepts related to prevention, a good partner relationship, and overall well-being. The results illustrate the need to expand women's sexual health aspects that are considered relevant by the health system.

Adult , Female , Humans , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Coitus , Reproductive Health Services , Sexually Transmitted Diseases , Brazil , Interpersonal Relations , National Health Programs , Quality of Life , Self-Assessment , Sex Education/methods , Women's Health